23 best varieties of yellow tomatoes with photos and descriptions for greenhouses and open ground

In a good way, one can envy those gardeners who love and know how to grow the most diverse, or rather multi-colored, varieties of tomatoes. One of these are tomatoes with yellow and orange fruits. Any self-respecting gardener, like a novice summer resident, having studied a number of features of such varieties and rolling up his sleeves, will be able to grow such appetizing, really tasty and healthy beauties.

Next, you will be presented with the most popular and best varieties of yellow tomatoes, their descriptions, characteristics and, of course, appearance (photo).

Pros and features of growing yellow tomatoes

Growing all varieties of tomatoes is practically no different from each other. However, each species has its own growth characteristics.

Advantages of yellow varieties:

  • Yellow tomatoes have much more sugar content than red ones. Therefore, they have better taste: less acid, juicy, tender and sweet.
  • Due to the lower percentage of acidity and calories in the fruits, they are used in various diets.
  • Tomatoes are intended for children and people prone to allergies, as they do not contain red pigment. It is this that causes a negative reaction from the body in many consumers.
  • Yellow tomatoes contain a large amount of beta-carotene, lycopene and niacin, which are perfectly absorbed by the human body.
  • Plants with bright fruits that look like the sun are an excellent decoration for a summer cottage.
  • There are varieties that are created for cultivation in greenhouses, while others can be grown outdoors.

More information about growing tomatoes is described in the article: Technology of growing tomatoes. Secrets of planting and care

You might be interested in: How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse: bush formation diagram, care features, photos and videos

Useful information: How to properly tie tomatoes in open ground: the best methods, step-by-step photo and video instructions

Sweet varieties of yellow tomatoes

Honey saved

The plant is of an indeterminate type; the fruits ripen quickly in greenhouse conditions and a little later in an open area. 110-115 days after the moment when the seeds sprouted, you can enjoy the first fruits. In the garden, bushes of this variety grow up to 1.2 m in length, in greenhouses - up to 1.7 m.

This variety of yellow tomatoes is most resistant to such a common disease among nightshade crops as fusarium. The yellow-honey heart-shaped fruits can be quite large in size - almost 1000 g.

Honey Spas tomatoes have a sweet taste, but with a barely noticeable sourness. One bush produces a fruit harvest with a total weight of 4-5 kg. These yellow tomatoes are best suited for making fresh salads, juices, and snacks. The variety is not intended for conservation. Vegetables can be stored for a short time under certain conditions.

More details about the variety: Honey saved…..

Caramel yellow

Refers to early ripening varieties capable of producing large yields. The plant is indeterminate and grows up to 2 m in height. Up to 50 tomatoes are formed on massive clusters. From an area of ​​1 square meter you can collect about 4 kg of ripe fruits.

Yellow caramel bears fruit throughout the season. The pulp of tomatoes is fleshy, of medium consistency, and the taste is sweet. The fruits are small in size, weighing 30-40 g, which is very convenient for canning. They are also used for making salads, juices and for various preparations for the winter. Thanks to the strong skin of the fruit, they can be perfectly stored for a long time.

More details about the variety: Yellow caramel.....


This unusual exotic variety of tomatoes is endowed with a unique taste. In addition, it has a unique color: yellow with orange stripes along it. The pulp inside the fruit has pink spots.

The indeterminate bushes of this crop grow up to 180 cm and require additional support. The fruits are round in shape, slightly flattened with a ribbed surface and weigh up to 300 g. They taste sweet and juicy.

Yellow target

Tomatoes of this variety have a very pleasant taste: sweet with the aroma of peaches. The fruits are spherical in shape and yellow in color. A characteristic feature of the variety is a pink spot located on the surface of the vegetable.

Yellow giant

Gardeners also call it the Yellow Giant. The tomato received this name due to its large size. The weight of the yellow vegetable can reach up to 300 g. The variety is valued for its excellent taste. In addition, the plant bears fruit all summer until the coldest weather. The plant is an indeterminate variety and can grow above 1.8 m in height. It requires mandatory gartering and pruning of the stepsons.

Mid-season, after the appearance of the first sprouts, after 110-122 days you can harvest flat-round fruits. The Yellow Giant tomato variety is most suitable for cultivation in the regions of the central zone of the country. Tomatoes are very sweet and have a special aroma. They do not crack during storage and transportation.


The yellow tomato variety lives up to its name. It is very similar in shape and color to a citrus fruit. In addition, the fruits have a wonderful taste. Eaten fresh. Tomatoes are recommended for children's and dietary nutrition.

More details about the variety: Orange…..

Yellow tomatoes for greenhouses


A variety of yellow tomatoes created for growing in a greenhouse or greenhouse. It is classified as mid-season; 115-120 days after the seeds sprout, you can enjoy the first fruits. The plant is medium-sized, grows up to 100 cm in height. The tomatoes are round in shape, slightly flattened, and the color is orange with a golden tint. The fruits are large. The average weight of tomatoes is about 300 g.

More details about the variety: Persimmon…..

Golden domes

This variety is known for its high yields. When grown in greenhouse conditions, the plant reaches a height of almost 1.5 meters. Mid-season, after 112-116 days you can harvest ripe tomatoes, the weight of which varies from 250 to 400 g. From an area of ​​1 square meter you can harvest up to 10-13 kg of tomatoes.

The fruits have a flat-round shape, with small ribs visible on the surface. The variety is resistant to diseases characteristic of nightshade crops. The downside is that these tomatoes cannot be stored for a long time. Also, the variety does not tolerate transportation over long distances.

More details about the variety: Golden Domes…..

Banana yellow

The yellow salad tomato variety was bred by an amateur breeder. The indeterminate plant has a special quality: it grows up to 3 m in height. At the same time, the stem is strong, but it needs support and a garter. The shape of the fruit resembles a plum with a sharp nose, the color is pleasant yellow.

Tomatoes, 7 cm long, are somewhat reminiscent of a banana and they weigh almost 120 g. Thanks to this size of the fruit and strong skin, they are perfect for canning as a whole, as well as for various preparations for the winter.

More details about the variety: Yellow banana…..

Amber Cup

This early ripening variety is recommended to be grown in greenhouses. Its bush is not very large (1m in height). The first ripe tomatoes can be harvested 100 days after the sprouts appear. The weight of the fruit varies from 90 g to 120 g. They have a beautiful shape: oval, and elongated at the end. Almost 6 kg of vegetables are harvested on a plot of 1 square meter. This variety of yellow tomatoes has almost no disadvantages. Among the advantages of the Amber Cup are the following:

  • ability to maintain quality and appearance for 2 months after harvest;
  • can be transported over long distances without loss;
  • the fruits do not crack;
  • ovaries on bushes form under any weather conditions;
  • not susceptible to diseases characteristic of nightshade plants.

Yellow ball

This variety was bred by domestic breeders for cultivation in any region of the country. The plant belongs to the indeterminate type and can reach 2 m in height, so they require strong support and a mandatory garter.

Up to 6-8 tomatoes are formed on the bunches, which do not ripen at the same time. The weight of one such fruit is 150-160 g. Up to 3 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one bush over the summer.

The fruits have a smooth and round shape, the color is bright yellow.

The plant takes root well both in a greenhouse and in open ground and easily tolerates sudden changes in weather conditions. From one bush of this variety you can get 3 kg of fruit.

Yellow Ball tomatoes have good taste, are tender, and when cut, there is a sugar content, and they also have a beautiful appearance. The fruits of this variety can be stored for a long time and also do not deteriorate during long-distance transportation.

Surprise yellow

The bushes of this type of yellow tomato are quite tall, so without a garter to support they can simply break. The size of the fruits is considerable, each of which can weigh up to 250 g. The tomatoes are a beautiful yellow-orange color. The tomatoes are sweet, with a characteristic tomato taste. Perfect for storing juices for the winter.

Pepper yellow

The fruits of this mid-season hybrid are very similar to peppers, hence the name. Exotic tomatoes grow up to 2 meters in height in greenhouse conditions. They have an elongated shape, a rich yellow color, and excellent taste. The fruits are small in size (65-80g). The yield on an area of ​​1 square meter can be 3-5 kg.

Yellow truffle

This variety belongs to the Japanese truffle variety of tomatoes. Its application is universal. Tomatoes are used for preparing various fresh salads, as well as for canning. Bushes, the height of which reaches about 1.5 meters, are formed into two stems, the remaining stepsons are removed. Tomatoes ripen 110-120 days after sprouts emerge from the ground.

The vegetable got its name because of its similarity to truffle. The tomatoes taste sweet, the flesh is fleshy, and has a dense consistency. There are 7 seed chambers inside. Tomatoes are collected in clusters of 6-7 pieces. Tomatoes weigh from 100 g to 150 g.

More details about the variety: Yellow truffle…..

Banana legs

American breeders have developed a unique variety of yellow tomatoes. They differ not only in their original appearance, but also in their taste. The mid-season tomato variety belongs to the determinant type of plants. It is intended for growing in indoor and outdoor areas.

In greenhouse conditions, the plant reaches 1.5 meters in height, in the open air it grows up to 60-80 cm. The bushes can be formed into 3 stems, if desired, up to 5 shoots are left. The elongated fruits are collected in clusters of up to 10 pieces each. In open areas their weight can be 60-80 g; greenhouse vegetables have a slightly larger mass. The harvest from one bush can be almost 5 kg.

The pulp of the fruit is juicy, sweet, the taste is reminiscent of citrus fruit. With such a taste, the fruits are pleasant to eat fresh. They are also used for preparing various salads, snacks, juices, and canning. The variety is practically not susceptible to diseases.

More details about the variety: Banana legs….

By fruit color

According to the color of the fruit, tomatoes are:

  • Reds . The pigment lycopene gives tomatoes their classic red color. Lycopene is believed to be very beneficial for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Yellow and orange . Yellow tomatoes are the champions among tomatoes in terms of alpha and beta carotene content. Yellow tomatoes are believed to reduce the risk of developing stomach diseases.
  • Pink . Pink tomatoes are considered the most fleshy, juicy and sweet.
  • Violet . The fruits contain a lot of anthocyanin. This substance has a beneficial effect on the heart and improves blood circulation.
  • Green tomatoes are great for those who are allergic to anthocyanin and lycopene. Green tomatoes taste the same as red, yellow or pink ones; the only difference is the absence of coloring pigments.
  • Black . The fruits contain a lot of anthocyanin.
  • White . In appearance, white tomatoes look like unripe red ones. These tomatoes contain a lot of anthoxanthin, which is useful for problems with blood pressure and low immunity.

The best red tomatoes

  • Prekosis F1. Bright red, oval-shaped tomatoes ripen in about 100-105 days. Determinate plant, yield 6-7 kg/m2.
  • Lady fingers. Red, elongated tomatoes grow up to 140 g. Determinate variety, yield exceeds 10 kg/m2.

Pink varieties

  • Tomato Pink flamingo. The elongated pink fruits have a sweetish taste, thin skin and juicy pulp. The plant is indeterminate, mid-season, the yield is up to 12 kg/m2.
  • Torbay F1. Pink tomatoes weighing up to 150 g. Productivity with proper care can reach up to 20 kg/m2 . Determinate, mid-early.

Varieties with yellow fruits

  • King of Siberia. Fleshy yellow-orange tomatoes weighing up to 400g. From 1 bush you can harvest up to 5 kg of crop. The plant is indeterminate, mid-early.
  • Amber F1. Yellow tomatoes weighing up to 70 g are similar in appearance to peppers, the peel is dense, the core is juicy. Suitable for storage . From 1 bush you can harvest 2.5-3 kg of tomatoes. Standard hybrid, mid-early.

Black tomatoes

  • Little Negro. Depending on the light, the fruit can grow either dark red or black. Tomatoes are round in shape, weighing up to 150 g. Indeterminate, mid-season variety.
  • Black Russian. Sweet, large, black tomatoes weighing up to 250 g. Indeterminate, mid-season, resistant to cold weather.

For open ground

It is very important for summer residents to grow their own tomatoes at their dacha. However, greenhouses are not installed in all areas. In this case, you need to select seeds of those varieties of tomatoes that can be grown outdoors. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for growing these crops. Breeders have also created some varieties of yellow tomatoes for open ground.

Golden stream

This variety is unique in that its fruits can be harvested within 82-86 days after the shoots appear. It feels great in open ground conditions. The plant grows in height up to 50-70 cm and does not require the removal of stepsons. You need to tie up the bush only if necessary. After the tomatoes are fully ripened, it is covered with fruits that ripen almost simultaneously.

Tomatoes have an oblong shape, each weighing about 65-80 g. Each bunch consists of 6-8 tomatoes. About 8-10 kg of delicious fruits are collected on an area of ​​1 square meter. They are used fresh, as well as for preparing various dishes for the winter. Well preserved during transportation.

More details about the variety: Golden Stream…..

Golden Koenigsberg

A mid-early variety of yellow tomatoes, which is grown in open and closed soils. The yield of greenhouse tomatoes is slightly higher than that grown in open ground. 105-110 days later from the moment when the seeds sprout, you can enjoy the first fruits. The plant is of indeterminate type and grows up to 2 m in height.

Formed clusters produce 6 fruits each. The fruits are large in size and have an elongated shape. The taste properties have one feature: apple flavor. From one bush of the Golden Konigsberg variety, up to 2-3 buckets of selected fruits are collected. They are used both fresh and for canning.

More details about the variety: Golden Koenigsberg.....

Golden heart

Ultra early ripening variety. The fruit can be harvested after 80-85 days. Determinate bushes have a strong stem, 30-40 cm high. 5-7 tomatoes are formed on the clusters. The plant needs to be pinched.

This variety is intended for cultivation in open and closed ground. In very cold weather, the bushes are covered with film. Orange tomatoes look like a heart shape. The ribs are slightly visible on their surface. There are 4 or more seed chambers inside.

The weight of the fruit can be from 100 to 130 g. From 1 square meter they harvest up to 7 kg. The fruits are tasty and contain a high amount of beta-carotene. The variety is resistant to many diseases characteristic of nightshade crops. The fruits are consumed fresh and also used for winter preparations.

More details about the variety: Golden Heart.....

Buyan yellow

Among gardeners, this variety is also called Fighter. It belongs to mid-season tomatoes. 110-115 days after the moment when the seeds sprouted, you can enjoy the first fruits. The bushes are determinate, the stem is strong up to 50 cm in height. The plant is intended for growing outdoors.

The vegetables have a beautiful cylindrical shape without any flaws. They are small in size and weigh about 60-120 g. Some specimens reach 150 g. From 1 square meter you can collect 2 - 5 kg of fruit. The taste of tomatoes is quite pleasant, but with a slight sourness. Yellow Buyan is mainly suitable for fresh consumption or for pickling. The variety tolerates weather changes well. The fruits can be stored and ripened indoors for some time.

Increasing tomato yield

Even if you have chosen good low-growing tomatoes for open ground, their yield may be far from what was declared. It depends on many factors that must be taken into account when cultivating tomatoes in the garden.

Buy only high-quality seeds, from which seedlings should be grown correctly and planted at the right time.

Overgrown tomatoes are quite difficult to plant. In addition, they may not take root well.

Without good soil it is also difficult to get a good harvest. Therefore, before planting, you need to add ash, humus and superphosphate to the ground.

Not every plant requires pinching, but if the variety needs it, then it must be done without fail.

Tomatoes are a crop that loves feeding. It requires alternating organic and mineral complexes, as well as nitrogen-containing preparations with potassium-phosphorus ones. Some gardeners are trying to reduce the amount of mineral fertilizers and switch to innovative organic products, which allows them to avoid polluting the soil and get a clean harvest. Taking care of the plant in the form of proper and timely watering, as well as observing the light regime will have a positive effect on the yield. In addition, it is important to collect ripe fruits in time so that new ovaries can develop. Experienced gardeners also advise spraying the ovaries with a solution of boric acid.

Yellow cherry varieties

Cherry tomatoes have always been popular among consumers and those who want to grow them on their property. This variety can be grown in open areas and in greenhouses.

F1 paints

A hybrid of early-ripening tomatoes, fruit ripening occurs 95 days after germination. Belongs to the indeterminate type. The first raceme with ovaries is formed above the 9th leaf. Depending on the complexity of the structure, 20 or more fruits are formed on one hand.

Tomatoes are round in shape and bright yellow when ripe. There are 2 seed chambers inside. The weight of one tomato reaches 20-25 g. From one bush you can harvest a harvest of 3 kg. The pulp is medium dense, the taste is good. This variety is not susceptible to diseases such as tobacco mosaic, verticillium, and fusarium.

More details about the variety: Cherry Paints.....

Cherry yellow

Gardeners love this variety because it produces high yields. belong to indeterminate varieties. The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground. Early ripening tomatoes. After the seeds germinate, only 92-96 days should pass before the harvest can be harvested. 1-3 kg of ripe tomatoes are collected from one bush.

Small yellow fruits, weighing only 15-20 g, have the shape of cream. They taste sweet with a pleasant tomato aroma. From 50 to 60 tomatoes grow on one brush. Cherries don't last long. They are immediately consumed fresh or canned.

Honey drop

Tomatoes grow well in greenhouse conditions. But in the southern regions, this variety is recommended to be grown in open areas. The plant can grow up to 2 meters in height, so it needs support and garter. Stepsonning is also necessary. Tomatoes are mid-early varieties and ripen in 105-115 days. The weight of each fruit can be 10-15 g. Up to 40 yellow fruits in the form of a drop are collected from one plant.

More details about the variety: Honey Drop…..

Yellow date

The peculiarity of this hybrid is its color and taste, reminiscent of a date. The weight of one tomato is only 20 g. Cherries are high-yielding varieties. Its yield is almost 50 fruits per bush. The plant grows to a height of 90-150 cm. Tomatoes ripen 100-115 days after the sprouts appear.

Tomatoes have a sweet, pleasant taste, oval in shape and pointed at the end. Among the advantages of the Yellow Date variety, one can note its resistance to viruses and various pests, as well as good tolerance of the first frosts. If the summer is cold all the time, harvests will be low. The fruits of this variety are well preserved and do not crack.

More details about the variety: Yellow date.....

You can learn more varieties of gherkins by watching the video

Look, you can see! Varieties of yellow tomatoes


Summer residents say different things about yellow tomatoes.

Alena, Orel: “In addition to taste, I also value appearance in vegetables. I love the yellow varieties, because they are very beautiful and appetizing. I especially love yellow tomatoes for the greenhouse, I use them in salads and eat them fresh.”

Mikhail, Moscow region: “For the fourth year in a row I have been growing exclusively yellow varieties. They are tastier than others and are easy to care for. I especially like the large, heavy Lemon Giant tomatoes. With minimal effort I get maximum yield.”

Evgenia, Novosibirsk: “I try to grow something new every year. But I have no luck with yellow tomatoes. No matter how hard I try, they are not as productive as red ones. And their taste is too sweet for tomatoes.”

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