Which pear varieties are considered the best for growing in the Moscow region?

Climate of the Moscow region

This region has a temperate continental climate. Its peculiarity is that precipitation here is distributed unevenly. Often the bulk of them falls in autumn or spring, and in summer there is drought. At the beginning of winter there are often severe frosts, which are accompanied by sharp northerly winds. In late spring, gardeners and gardeners are wary of return frosts, and for good reason - during this period the thermometer drops below 0°C for several days.

In such conditions it is not easy to care for the southern pear. The tree begins to bloom early, and due to repeated frosts, pollination may be at risk, and this will destroy the ovaries. It is difficult to grow crops in such conditions: bud formation occurs in the summer, and during the winter they can freeze.

Features of the climate zone

Growing pears in the Moscow region has one peculiarity - uneven rainfall throughout the year, with most rain falling in spring and autumn, followed by drought in summer.

At the beginning of winter in the Moscow region there can be severe frosts, but with virtually no snow and accompanied by strong winds. And in the spring, recurrent spring frosts may occur in the Moscow region.

Therefore, in such difficult climatic conditions, it is best to grow pears with early fruit ripening or purchase zoned varieties from nurseries for the Moscow region.

It is better to plant modern varieties of these fruit trees in this region, which are resistant to pathogenic microorganisms and attacks by harmful insects, in particular to scab, rust and a number of other dangerous diseases characteristic of pear varieties.

Winter varieties

In this region, winter varieties simply do not have time to ripen. Therefore, the harvest is harvested while still green at the end of autumn and stored in a cellar or pantry until fully ripened. This variety of pears is distinguished by its taste and long shelf life.


This variety is a hybrid variety. It was obtained as a result of crossing the Daughter of the Dawn and the Talgar beauty. The tree grows up to 3 m in height and is distinguished by a pyramid-shaped crown that is resistant to heavy overgrowth. The leaves are green, with a slightly pointed tip. This variety is known:

  • resistance to diseases;
  • stable rich harvest;
  • fruit juiciness;
  • the sweetness of fruit without a hint of tartness.

Each fruit is cone-shaped and weighs no more than 210 g. The harvest can last until the new year.


The most common and beloved variety in the Moscow region. The tree reaches a height of about 2 m, the foliage is drooping, forms a crown in the shape of a pyramid. The branches are thick, brown in color. The leaves are medium-sized, emerald green, cylindrical-conical in shape.

Varieties that ripen in summer


This pear variety has been grown in the Moscow region for several decades, but remains popular among gardeners due to its many advantages:

  • early fruiting (trees of this variety begin to bear fruit three years after planting in a permanent place);

Trees of this variety begin to bear fruit three years after planting.

  • the pear is self-fertile, so it does not need pollinators nearby;
  • resistance to a number of fungal diseases, in particular scab.

The Lada pear variety has high resistance to frost, and the fruit buds do not freeze during spring return frosts. Lada pear (there is a separate description of the variety) is distinguished by good yield - up to 40-50 kg of ripe fruit can be collected from an adult tree.

Summer varieties

These varieties have a short growing season. The fruits are early and can be harvested when fully ripe already in mid-summer. But they won’t last long—20 days maximum.


The tree grows more than 4 m in height, has a dense conical crown, which requires constant care - lightening pruning. The shoots are straight, gray. The leaves are light green, oval-shaped, slightly pointed. The fruit weight reaches 110-130 g. According to gardeners, this is the ideal and most delicious variety for the Moscow region.

To increase the yield by 30-40%, you need to plant pollinating varieties such as Lada or Chizhevsky next to Cathedralnaya.

Cathedral pear is chosen due to:

  • ability to withstand temperatures down to -27°C;
  • drought resistance;
  • tender and smooth peel;
  • stable fruiting (fruits can be collected annually, each tree produces approximately 35 kg);
  • interesting sweet taste with a slight sourness;
  • resistance to parasites and diseases.

This variety begins to bear fruit 3–4 years after planting in the garden plot. The harvest can be harvested in early August, but it will not last long - no more than 12 days.


This variety of pear is one of the most commonly grown in the Moscow region. It produces slightly ruddy green-yellow fruits weighing up to 120 g. The crown of the crop is spreading, there are thorns on the branches and trunk. The foliage is wide. It reaches a height of 4 m.

Krasulya is chosen because she:

  • produces a larger harvest every year, which is harvested in mid-August;
  • sweet with a slight sourness;
  • has a delicate peel;
  • resistant to fungal development and mite invasion;
  • resistance to sub-zero temperatures.

Early varieties

Early varieties of pears are the best choice for the Moscow region. The fruits of early ripening varieties have time to fully ripen during the short summer near Moscow. The maximum return from fruit trees allows you to get early self-fertile varieties of pears.

When planting self-fertile varieties, to guarantee a decent harvest, a couple of pears of a different variety are planted nearby - for cross-pollination and increasing the number of ovaries.

In the Moscow region, frosts down to minus 45 °C were recorded several times. Over 100 years of observations, a record of negative temperatures was set - minus 54 °C (Naro-Fominsk). Such frosts are destructive for many varieties of pears.


Fast-growing table pear. Bred by Timiryazevsky MSA. In 2001, the variety was zoned in the Central region. The trees are medium-sized, with a regular conical crown. The fruits ripen in early August. The first harvest is for 3-4 years.

The fruits weigh 110-130 g. One tree produces 85 c/ha, the maximum recorded is 136.5 c/ha. The fruits are regular pear-shaped, greenish-yellow. Upon reaching consumer ripeness, they turn yellow. The pulp is white, sourish-sweet. Tasting score – 4.

The fruits do not spoil after being picked for 10-12 days. Transportability is satisfactory. The variety is good for drying, cooking, etc. High frost resistance. Does not become infected with scab. Stable harvests. Cons: small fruits, short shelf life. Autumn fertilizing should contain nitrogen.

In order for the tree to take root well, gardeners advise cutting off 80% of the flowers in the first year of flowering.


Self-fertile and early-fruiting standard variety. Launched by MSA named after. Timiryazev in the 90s of the last century. Widely distributed in the Moscow region. Bears fruit for 3 years.

Fruit weight – 100 g. Shape – obovate. Color – light yellow, with tan. The pulp is white with a yellowish tint, fine-grained, juicy, sweet, with a little sourness. Taster rating: 4.1-4.4. The average yield is 50 kg per tree or 120-180 c/ha.

Scab resistance. Responsive to black soils, grows well on loams and gray forest soils. In poor soils, it requires fertilizing. During drought, watering is necessary. Disadvantage: short shelf life. It is better to eat the fruits immediately, not to store them.


Summer very early variety. Bred by the South Ural Research Institute. Tree height is 4 m. Recommended pollinators are the Severyanka and Raduzhnaya varieties. Ripening - first half of August.

The round-flattened yellow-green fruits weigh 90-120 g. The fruits have a bright blush. Medium aroma. Delicate buttery skin. Loose creamy pulp. Tasting score – 4.7. Intended for fresh consumption - they do not last long. Collection from 1 tree – up to 40 kg per tree.

Not afraid of pear mites and scab. High winter hardiness. The fruits do not spoil after picking for 10-12 days. Propagated by grafting. Formative and sanitary pruning is required. The downside is the thorns on the crown and small fruits.


This is a record holder for the speed of ripening. Bred in Michurinsky IGSPR. The plant is vigorous, with a pyramidal crown. Ripens in the third decade of July.

The fruits are greenish-yellow, the skin has hints of orange. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour. The yield per plant is up to 90-100 c/ha. Pears weigh 70-100 g. Pear-shaped. Tasting score – 4.

High winter hardiness, scab resistance. Disadvantages: small fruit and poor preservation.

Autumn varieties

In the Moscow region, autumn pears do not have time to ripen, so they are removed from the trees ahead of time (at the end of the first month of autumn), after which the fruits must be placed in a dark and cool place. A cellar is ideal for this purpose. If you organize the right storage conditions, they can last until the beginning of January.

Elegant Efimova

An early autumn variety with beautiful and tasty fruits, weighing up to 150 g, with a thin smooth skin, juicy dense pulp and a sweet and sour taste, is popular among gardeners. The culture is not afraid of frost, undemanding to soil, care and humidity levels. He rarely gets sick and suffers from parasite attacks.

Elegant Efimova grows up to 4–5 m. The crown of the tree is pyramidal and has an average density of dark green oval leaves. The branches are dark brown and straight. You can harvest up to 40 kg of pears from one plant.

The fruits must be picked unripe so that they do not lose their taste.

The fruiting period begins 4–7 years after “moving” to the garden and is stable. Harvesting occurs in the first ten days of September.


This species with wide, large green leaves takes root in almost any type of soil and does not require special care. It reaches a height of more than 4 m. The crown of the crop does not overgrow, so lightening pruning should be done every two years. The red-sided pear is chosen due to:

  • frost resistance;
  • the ability to collect about 80 kg of fruit from one plant;
  • resistance to fungal infections;
  • the weight of one pear is about 180 g;
  • good keeping quality - the fruits of this variety will last until the new year;
  • taste - the pulp is sweet and slightly tart, the full taste will be revealed 3-4 days after harvesting;
  • The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption, baking, and canning.

The fruiting period of this autumn variety begins only in the seventh year after its appearance in the garden.


The Muscovite will fit in well at the dacha, because... does not require special lighting conditions or special types of soil. This is a medium-sized crop with a cone-shaped crown. The shoots are powerful and spreading, the leaves are small, green, oval. The fruit has a yellow peel with a green tint and no blush. The weight of the fetus is 130 g.

Late summer varieties

Late-summer or mid-season varieties include pear varieties whose fruits ripen at the end of August. Such pears are distinguished by greater shelf life than their early ripening counterparts.


A fast-growing variety, bred in the 90s. last century. Distributed in the Moscow and Kaluga regions. Medium-sized plant with a wide pyramidal crown. Pear harvest - 2-3 days of August.

Round, light yellow fruits weigh 120-140 g. They have smooth, shiny skin. During the period of ripeness, a beautiful red “tan” appears on the pears. Very sweet, almost no sourness. The aroma is reminiscent of southern pear varieties. Tasting score – 4.1-4.2. Productivity 80-85 kg per tree. Reaches 100 kg in some years.

The fruits tend to overripe and fall off. They are removed before they are ripe. They are stored in the refrigerator - they will stay here for no more than 20 days. The Rogneda variety is winter-hardy, resistant to fruit rot and scab.


Mid-season standard variety with a pyramidal or cone-shaped crown. The variety was created at the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K.A. Timiryazev. Pollinators are planted nearby - pears of the Rogneda or Lada varieties. Fruiting - 3-4 years after grafting.

Fruit weight is 110-140 g. Greenish fruits with a yellow tint have a typical shape and smooth, without shine, skin. Taster rating: 4.1-4.2. Approximately 50 kg of fruits are collected from one tree.

The fruits do not fall off. But even if they fall on the grass, they do not deteriorate and do not lose their presentation for a whole week. At 0 degrees they are stored for 2-4 months. Well transported. Frost resistance is high. Prefers slightly acidic soils. The downside is that as the tree ages, the fruits become smaller. Regular pruning in early spring is recommended to rejuvenate the tree.

Vidnaya (lumpy)

Self-fertile variety with high frost resistance. Bred in 1958 at the Moscow VSTISP. The trees are vigorous, up to 5-6 m in height. Fruits in the 5th year. Ripening – second part of August.

Weight of pears – 160-200 g. The fruits are elongated, ribbed, tuberculate, color – yellow-green, ripe fruits – orange “tan”. Fruits with thick skin and yellowish pulp, the taste is dessert, sweet and sour, with notes of nutmeg. 40-60 kg of fruits are collected from one tree.

The variety is resistant to fungal diseases. The fruits are stored for a week, no more. It is recommended to pick pears when they are not ripe. When overripe, the fruits rot right on the branches. The variety is environmentally stable and produces abundant harvests. Disadvantage: low shelf life.

Elegant Efimova

Early autumn variety. Bred in 1936 at the Moscow VSTISP. Fruiting occurs at 7-8 years of age. The trees are tall, with a pyramidal crown.

Fruit weight - 95-110 g, maximum weight - 180 g. The fruits are pear-shaped, with a smooth skin, greenish-yellow, with a dark red blush when ripe. Sweet-sour pulp, cream-colored, with astringency. Tasting score – 4 points. Collection from a tree – 40 kg.

The fruits are stored for up to two weeks. The fruits are picked slightly unripe, otherwise they lose their taste. The variety is resistant to scab and frost, and bears fruit consistently. An excellent donor of yield and winter hardiness - often used in breeding work. The disadvantage is the protracted entry into the fruiting season and the difficulty of determining the ripeness of the fruit.


A dessert variety that ripens early in the fall. Bred at the Timiryazev Academy. One of the most popular varieties in the Moscow region. The trees are medium-sized with a conical crown. It bears fruit after 3-4 years of planting.

The fruits are universal. Weight 120-130 g. There are fruits weighing 200 g or more. The skin is greenish-yellow. The wide pear-shaped fruits do not have a blush, and the skin is covered with “rusty” spots. Tasting score – 4.3. Productivity – 50 kg per tree.

Stores in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. At zero temperature – 3 months. The variety easily tolerates temperature vagaries. Insulation required.

August dew

A relatively young summer variety bred by Michurinsky VNIIG. The trees are medium-sized - up to 3 m, with a drooping crown. Fruiting begins in the 4th year. With low self-fertility. An additional pollinating plant is usually the Yakovlev Memory pear.

Fruit weight – 120-140 g. When pears turn yellow, they become tan. The surface is smooth, the pulp has a fine grain. It tastes sweet and sour and has a subtle, pleasant aroma. The fruits are short pear-shaped, not ribbed. The first harvest - in 4-5 years, is 10-15 kg, later - up to 40 kg.

The fruits are stored for no more than three weeks. In the refrigerator – 3 months. Tasting score – 4.6. High yield and winter hardiness. The downside is that with large harvests, the fruits grow to unequal sizes.


A productive late summer variety. The tree is vigorous with a pyramidal crown. The variety is self-fertile, but it still requires pollinators with earlier flowering. The variety bears fruit after 4-5 years in the planting field. Active fruiting – up to 15 years. They ripen at the end of summer.

The fruits weigh 150-200 g. The color of the fruits is yellow with a pink tint. The oily pulp has a uniform consistency. The peel is dense, rough, with subcutaneous points. Productivity – 40 kg per tree. Tasting score – 4 points.

The variety is demanding on lighting. Grows well at higher elevations. In the sun the fruits turn pink. The variety is planted only in spring; autumn planting is unacceptable. The fruits are stored for no more than a month. They withstand transportation satisfactorily.


Late summer, partially self-fertile variety. The seeds inside the fruit are underdeveloped. The variety has a second name - Sugar Pear. An ancient variety, widely distributed in the Central region. The popularity of the variety has recently declined due to vulnerability to scab. Plants are medium or vigorous. Fruiting occurs in the eighth year of planting.

Weight – 70-80 g. The fruits are short, pear-shaped, with tubercles. Color – yellowish-green, with a “tan”. The pulp is yellow-white, juicy and sweet. Productivity – 50 kg per tree.

Pears do not last long - up to 7 days. It is better to pick pears when they are not ripe, as the variety is prone to shedding. High winter hardiness. Well transported.

Low growing varieties

Pear is a crop that needs sunlight and free space. If you plant trees close to each other, this will have a bad effect on the yield. In order to accommodate more species in the area, the plants must be low-growing. This does not affect the taste in any way.

Olivier de Serres

This tree has straight shoots growing upwards; the crown is compact. The fruits ripen in autumn: they are round and weigh approximately 150 g. The skin color is gray-green with cinnamon-colored spots.

The creamy flesh is very sweet and juicy - the pear has an almond aftertaste. The fruit hangs for a long time without falling off. They can be transported and stored for a long time. Suitable for fresh consumption and making compotes.


Dwarf variety - the tree does not grow more than 3 m. Harvesting is carried out in early October. The weight of the fruit varies between 200–250 g.

Dwarf plants bear fruit 2–3 years after planting—you can harvest 4–8 kg of crop from one tree.

Parisian has sweet flesh with a slight sour aftertaste. She does not suffer from fungus and rot. The fruits are universal: suitable for consumption in any form.

In memory of Yakovlev

This variety ripens in early autumn. It is distinguished by a small crown and thick branches. The fruits have a classic shape and weigh about 110 g. The peel is smooth, dense with a yellow color and a slight blush.

The taste of Memory Yakovlev is sweet, there is no sourness or astringency. Harvest storage is up to 90 days.

Varieties resistant to diseases


Trees of this variety are quite tall - at least 6 m, with a dense crown. The first harvest from the Dukhmyanaya pear is harvested 4 years after the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. The peel is yellow in color with a greenish tint and a characteristic blush. The pulp is juicy and oily, its color is white.

The taste of ripe pears is sweet and sour, very pleasant. The fruits tolerate transportation well over any distance, do not spoil for a long time and can be stored in a cool room for up to 4-4.5 months.

The taste of ripe pears is sour-sweet, very pleasant

In memory of Yakovlev

This pear variety is an early autumn variety - the harvest can begin in early September. The crown of this fruit tree is compact, the skeletal branches are thick. In memory of Yakovlev, the pear has high immunity, so it practically does not get sick. The shape of the fruit is traditional pear-shaped. The weight of ripe fruits is more than 100 g. The skin is smooth and compacted, yellow in color with an orange outer blush and juicy, oily pulp. The taste of ripe fruits lacks sourness and astringency. The harvested crop can be stored in the cellar for up to 90 days. The purpose of the pear is universal.

Yakovlev Memory Pear has high immunity


This pear variety was bred by Belarusian breeders; during breeding, Lagodnaya, Sapezhanka and Druzhba pears were crossed. The variety has a summer fruit ripening period and is harvested from mid-August. Trees can reach a height of 5 m. The crown is medium dense, wide, pyramidal in shape. Ripe pears are regular pear-shaped, with a greenish-yellow skin, a pinkish outer blush, and compacted cream-colored flesh. With insufficient lighting, pears become sour.

Tasting score of the fruit – 4.6 points out of 5 possible. Ripe pears are medium in size, weighing about 150-160 g.

When there is insufficient light, pears become sour.

Winter-hardy pear varieties

Despite the fact that frosts rarely occur in the Moscow region, garden owners still prefer to plant winter-hardy varieties of pears. They rarely suffer from disease and can withstand temperatures as low as -20°C.


A variety that produces a harvest in late summer and early autumn. The fruits are small - the weight of one does not exceed 80 g. The peel is yellow, rough, with a slight red blush. The fruit pulp is yellow, sweet with a light fruity aroma.

Seedlessness can be stored for no more than 1.5 weeks, so it is better to immediately consume the crop or put it into processing. This pear is characterized by frost resistance, self-fertility and constant harvest.


This type of pear has become widespread both in the Moscow region and in the northern regions of the country. He is not afraid of temperatures down to -30°C. Unpretentious in care. The fruits weigh 130-180 g, sometimes the weight can reach 250 g.

The peel is thick, golden-green with a red blush. The shelf life of the fruit is up to 120 days. The pulp melts in your mouth. Marble variety pears are sweet, with a rich fruity aroma.

Autumn sweet

The trees of this variety are spreading with a dense crown. Fruit ripening occurs in late September - early October. The autumn sweet pear is sugary, with white flesh and a pronounced aroma.

The fruits are round with an average weight of 140 g. The peel is light yellow, sometimes there are brown spots.

To increase the harvest, you need to plant several trees of a different variety next to the Autumn Sweet. This will allow cross-pollination to occur.

Fruits of winter varieties of pears for the Moscow region can last 90 days.

Modern varieties


In terms of ripening time, the Thumbelina pear is classified as medium-late - in the Moscow region the fruits usually ripen in the second half of September. The variety is characterized by high resistance to frost; its branches and roots do not freeze at temperatures of -38 ºС. The variety begins to bear fruit 6 years after planting the seedlings. Trees begin to bloom late, when the threat of return spring frosts has passed.

The fruits are round in shape, small in size, average fruit weight is about 80 g. The skin is bright yellow, smooth, with clearly visible subcutaneous points. The fruits tolerate transportation well over any distance and can be stored in a cool room for up to 4 months.

Fruits are round, small in size


The pear of this variety was bred at the end of the last century, and in 2001 it was included in the Russian State Register of Agricultural Achievements. The fruits are pear-shaped, slightly oblique, with smooth, shiny skin. Its main color is yellow with a greenish tint and a slight outer blush. Gray dots are clearly visible on the surface.

The pulp is compacted, juicy, with small grains and a pleasant aroma. Its color is cream. The taste of the fruit is sweet with a slight sourness.

Fruit assessment by tasters – 4.4 points. Up to 40 kg of ripe produce is collected from mature trees.

The pulp is compacted, juicy, with small grains and a pleasant aroma.

Columnar varieties for the Moscow region

Owners of garden plots in the Moscow region often opt for columnar varieties. This is not surprising, because... They:

  • short;
  • with a compact pyramid-shaped crown;
  • differ in early pregnancy.

Despite the fact that, compared to ordinary varieties, the yield of dwarf varieties is somewhat lower, their popularity does not suffer from this. The best columnar varieties are often chosen:

  • Decor;
  • Carmen;
  • Honey;
  • Dalikor.

It is also worth considering that they stop bearing fruit earlier and age earlier compared to classic ones.

"Dressy Efimova"

Over the course of many years of work, breeders managed to create autumn-winter varieties of pears for the Moscow region. Proof of this is the high-yielding variety “Efimova”, which justifies such a beautiful name. It has elongated yellow-green fruits with a bright blush, creamy juicy pulp and a characteristic odor.

In 1989, in Erfurt, the variety was awarded a gold award for quality and pleasant taste. The main advantages include excellent resistance to fungal diseases and frost, as well as unpretentiousness. This is one of the few autumn varieties suitable for cultivation in mid-latitudes.

Most summer residents are happy to grow it in their garden plots. People give positive assessments to the quality of the harvest. The main thing is to prevent over-ripening, otherwise the pulp will be mealy and dry. After harvesting, the fruits lie for about two weeks in a cool place with a constant temperature not exceeding +15°C.

Self-fertile pear varieties

Growing pears requires a pollinator. But self-pollinating varieties are becoming increasingly popular. The following self-fertile varieties are often planted in the Moscow region:

  • Lada;
  • Krasulya;
  • August dew;
  • Red-sided;
  • Muscovite;
  • Dressed up Efimova.

But you need to take into account: if there are pollinators, the yield will be about a third higher.

Types of pears

By ripening time:

— early pears (summer ripening) . The harvest is harvested closer to the beginning of August, and in the northern regions - by the beginning of September.

- autumn pears. They are ready for harvesting closer to the beginning of October, ripen quickly and can be stored for about two months.

- winter pears. They are usually collected in mid-autumn, after which they are ripened. Winter pears can be easily stored for three to four months, and some varieties even for five months.

According to winter hardiness:

Residents of the most northern regions should give preference to winter-hardy varieties - Lada, Cathedral, Chizhovskaya

Residents of the Moscow region are advised to plant Chizhovskaya, Lada, Moskvichka, Otradnenskaya, Russian Malgorzhatka, Pamyat Zhegalov, Thumbelina, Veles, Vidnaya, Augustow Dew, etc.

Residents of more southern regions can get a good harvest from Pamyatnaya , Oryol summer, Oryol beauty, Marble, Pamyat Parshin, Tyutchevka pears.


- sweet

- sweet and sour

- with astringency and bitterness.

And some pears also have the ability to set fruit without fertilization (parthenocapy).

The best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region: photo description

The climatic conditions of the Moscow region are characterized by relatively low winter temperatures, as well as rainy and cool summer weather. Such a microclimate in the region often causes freezing and the development of fungal and viral diseases that threaten many plants, including apple trees. Problems with growing these fruit trees can only be avoided if you choose resistant varieties with excellent genetic immunity. We will try to talk about them in detail later in the article.

How to choose an apple tree variety

The apple tree variety should be selected taking into account its agrotechnical characteristics, yield and taste characteristics of the fruit. An important indicator is the ripening period of apples. It is possible to objectively evaluate all the qualities of a particular variety only by comparing several types of crops. In our article we will describe the best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region, classifying all the variety of options according to the ripening time of the fruit.

Important! The varieties proposed below were included in the list of the best, according to specialized nurseries and reviews of experienced gardeners.

Summer varieties

Early, summer apples differ from later types of the crop in their delicate pulp and special sweetness and aroma. They are usually eaten fresh and are not stored for long. The taste of such fruits is bright and rich. Summer apples grown on your own plot are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, which is why they are so desirable and healthy.

"Grushovka Moskovskaya"

A special feature of this variety is its extremely high level of resistance to freezing, which makes it possible to grow apples not only in the Moscow region, but even in the northernmost regions of the country. It is worth noting that the Grushovka Moskovskaya variety does not have high resistance to diseases, which means that when growing it, you should take preventive measures to protect fruit trees.

Moscow Grushovka apples are small in size, weighing up to 100 g. Their color is green-yellow with a slight crimson blush. Ripe fruits are sweet and exude a pleasant apple aroma. The skin of the fruit is covered with a thin layer of wax, which makes the fruit a little slippery. The apple pulp is juicy, but when overripe it becomes a little drier. When bitten, the Grushovka fruits produce a characteristic crunch. You can see apples of this variety and evaluate their external qualities by looking at the photo:


The proposed apple variety is well known to many experienced gardeners. Its distinctive feature is the sweet taste and aroma of honey. The first fruits of “Lungwort” ripen 4-5 years after planting the seedling. During the first 10 years, exceptionally high yields are observed, but, unfortunately, in the subsequent period this figure decreases.

Important! According to experts, the Medunitsa apple variety has the highest taste qualities.

Lungwort apples ripen at the end of summer. Their mass is small and their color is greenish-yellow. Scarlet stripes can be seen on the surface of the fruit. It is impossible to store “Medunitsa” summer apples fresh for a long time, as they quickly lose their taste and external qualities. For this reason, it is recommended that after harvesting, care should be taken to process it as quickly as possible.

"Dessert Isaev"

The proposed apple variety is highly resistant to freezing and a number of diseases, including scab. Young apple tree seedlings begin to bear fruit already in the 4th year of cultivation. Medium-sized trees are very productive, but with a large volume of fruiting, the quality of the fruit may decrease. To prevent the apples from becoming smaller, it is recommended to annually trim the thin branches of the lush crown.

“Dessert Isaev” apples, with an average weight of 120-130 g, have a round shape and are yellow in color with a blurred red blush. The fruit pulp is fine-grained, juicy with a pleasant floral aroma and pleasant sweetness.

Not only the listed varieties are well suited for the conditions of the Moscow region, but also some long-known types of apple trees. For example, in cool climates, early “Antonovka”, “Korobovka”, “Belyi Naliv”, “Melba” and some other varieties grow and bear fruit remarkably well. The Cypress apple tree variety may be of interest to many gardeners, since it allows you to get a harvest at the earliest possible date.

Autumn apple varieties

For Moscow Region farmers, it is recommended to grow about 17 good varieties of apple trees with a medium (autumn) ripening period. We will try to describe some of them in detail:

"Scarlet Anise"

A wonderful, high-yielding variety bears fruit in the amount of 200-300 kg of apples from one mature tree. The crop bears fruit annually and has high winter hardiness. When growing, a fruit tree is especially demanding of regular and abundant watering. The variety's resistance to diseases is high; only powdery mildew can pose a threat to it.

Important! "Scarlet Anise" cannot be grown in the south, since the level of heat resistance of the apple tree is very low.

Scarlet Anise apples are medium in size and sometimes have slight ribbing on their rounded surface. The color of the fruit is light green with a yellowish tint. A dense red blush and a light waxy coating are observed over the entire surface of the fruit.

The apple pulp is fine-grained, sweet and sour, tender. Ripe fruits can be stored for a month in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar.

"Cinnamon Striped"

This apple variety has been known to gardeners since 1868. Already at that time, its high resistance to freezing and various diseases was noted. The tall tree bears fruit in large numbers of apples, weighing up to 100 g. They ripen in early autumn or late summer. The shape of the fruit is flat-round or slightly ribbed, the surface is smooth.

The fruit pulp is pinkish, medium juicy. The taste clearly shows sweetness and sourness, as well as some bitterness, similar to cinnamon, in the aroma.

Important! The disadvantage of this variety is the fragility of the fruiting branches, which often break under the weight of apples.

"Autumn Joy"

The “Autumn Joy” variety is zoned for the central region and can be successfully grown in the conditions of the Moscow region. The first fruiting of the apple tree is observed 4-5 years after planting. The winter hardiness and resistance of the apple tree to diseases is average. Apples ripen in late August–early September.

The trees are vigorous with a dense crown. They require regular formation. On their long and thin branches, they form a large number of sweet apples, weighing 110-130 g each. The color of the fruit is golden-green with a bright red blush and numerous gray subcutaneous spots.

The apple pulp is tender and juicy. It contains more than 10% sugar and very little acid. A pleasant light aroma complements the taste harmony of the fruit. Additional information about the apple tree and the taste of the fruit can be emphasized from the video:

When choosing a variety of autumn apples for the Moscow region, you should not refuse such apple trees as “Brusnichnoye”, “Zhigulevskoye”, “Izanninitsa”, “Uslada”, “Shtrifel”. Some of these varieties have long been known to gardeners, and some are new. Among the new varieties, “Kerr” is also worth highlighting. This apple tree is considered the best large-fruited Chinese apple tree with an excellent, harmonious taste of the fruit.

Late-ripening, winter varieties

Late-ripening apples are remarkably stored, maintaining their quality until the arrival of spring and even until the next fruiting season. The taste and external characteristics of such varieties are different and can satisfy the needs of every taster.


One of the best late-ripening varieties. Its harvest can be stored on tree branches until December, and then stored in special conditions for another 6-7 months. The yield of the crop is high, it can exceed 300 kg per tree.

The Alesya tree itself is low-growing and spreading. It begins to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting. The culture is distinguished by its high frost resistance and immunity to scab.

The weight of “Alesya” fruits rarely exceeds 200 g, the shape is flat-round. The color of the fruit is bright red, slightly blurred. The apple pulp is juicy, sweet with a slight sourness. Its taste was rated by experts at 4.4 points out of 5 possible.

"Moscow later"

The Moscow Later apple variety was obtained in 1961 and, after careful, lengthy testing, was zoned for the Moscow region and the entire Central region of the country. It is resistant to freezing and scab. A self-pollinating apple tree begins to bear fruit at 6-7 years.

Fruit ripeness begins in early October. The harvest collected during this period can be stored until the onset of the new fruiting season. At the same time, fruits reach full ripeness only by mid-November.

The fruits of the “Moscow later” variety are quite large, weighing from 200 to 250 g. Their shape is round and the surface is smooth. The skin of apples is colored light yellow, but a gentle blush is evenly distributed over its entire surface. The taste of the fruit is high. Their flesh is tender, fine-grained, white, dense. The sugar content is 11%, but there is more than enough acid in the pulp: 8.8%.


The medium-sized apple tree “Rossiyanka” has a lush crown and a round shape. Apples of this variety ripen at the end of September. The culture is resistant to scab and low temperatures.

“Rossiyanka” apples are large. Their color is greenish-yellow, the flesh is sugary and juicy. The fruits have excellent keeping quality and can be stored until April.

Important! The ancestor of the “Rossiyanka” variety is “Antonovka”, which determines the sour taste of the resulting apples.

Among all the existing late-ripening varieties, such species as “Antonovka ordinary”, “Belorusskoe raspberry”, “Komsomolets”, “Mirnoe”, “Studentskoe” are also suitable for the Moscow region. These varieties of apple trees have been tested by time and have already earned many positive comments and reviews from farmers. Among the new varieties, apple trees “Butuz”, “Suvorovets”, “Dolgo”, “Krasa Sverdlovskaya” are distinguished by their high resistance to adverse weather conditions. These varieties are just being tested, but have already proven themselves to be the best.

"Dekanka winter"

Otherwise called “winter duchess”. This is a massive tree with a branched, wide crown of leaves. Fruiting occurs very early and occurs regularly. The fruits are large, lumpy, and of considerable volume. Despite their impressive size, they hold tightly to the tree in small bunches and do not fall off for a long time.

The smell is very weak. The skin is smooth, a beautiful light amber color. The pulp is whitish, fleshy and sweet. The main advantages of summer residents include long-term preservation, good transportation, and frost resistance.

Criteria for varietal selection

Amateur gardeners, when purchasing seedlings for the garden, focus on the result: beautiful photographs of the tree and fruits, a description of their taste, and sometimes, shelf life. But this choice misses an important starting point - before it bears fruit, the seedling must grow and become stronger. Before the first harvest, the tree needs to survive from 3 to 7 winters: the southern beauty pear will not take root in a garden near Moscow, and if it does take root, it is unlikely to produce good fruit.

Let’s set the correct priorities for selection, taking into account the conditions of gardening in central Russia:

  1. Winter hardiness – let’s give this criterion first place. A crop adapted to temperature changes has a greater chance of pleasing its owners with a harvest.

  2. Ripening time and yield are two important points. Pears in the snow may look poetic, but they are sad for the hardworking summer resident.
  3. But the yield data, unfortunately, has a conditional reference parameter. Much depends on the planting location, care and, most importantly, on the weather conditions of the season.
  4. Disease resistance is an important factor; the more resistant a fruit tree is to diseases and pests, the fewer problems with care.
  5. The quality of fruits and their keeping quality - we consider this criterion only in fourth place in importance. Dessert pears are more tasty, but they are stored worse. For processing and preservation, varieties with sourness or astringency are suitable.

The yield of a pear is three times higher than that of an apple tree.

It is more rational not to limit yourself to buying one seedling. Two or three trees with different ripening periods and characteristics provide both a variety of harvest and additional insurance against climate-related troubles.

Winter apples for the Moscow region

Winter varieties of apple trees are those intended for consumption in winter and spring. In the Moscow region, fruits are harvested from late September to October.

According to storage periods, late apples are:

  • early winter (stay for 2-3 months);
  • winter (last until early March);
  • late winter (stay until April - June).

The varieties with maximum shelf life (late winter) are especially valued. They have a long consumption period - from the beginning of winter to the end of spring.


Late winter. Developed in Belarus and entered into the Russian State Register in 2002. Apples are removed from the tree as late as possible. Storage is possible until May; consumer ripeness occurs in December. The fruits are large (more than 140 g), bright purple-burgundy. The taste is sometimes described as "sourish" or "rustic", but overall good (4.3 points). The trees are low, consistently productive, and resistant to powdery mildew and scab.

Moscow winter

A hybrid of Antonovka and Welsey was obtained in the Moscow region and zoned since 2002. Late winter, resistant to frost and scab. The crown is thick, spreading, and quite high. Ruddy apples weigh more than 200 g. The pulp is medium-dense, juicy, sweet and sour, with a spicy aroma (4.3 points). The fruits are harvested in early October and last until April.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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IMPORTANT! Moscow winter apples contain a lot of vitamin C.


This late-winter Belarusian apple tree has been on the State Register since 2009. The trees are frost-resistant and of moderate height. Immediately after picking, the fruits are practically inedible; the taste improves during storage. The harvest does not spoil until April - May. According to gardeners, Verbnoye remains juicy longer than other varieties. The skin is green with a blurred brownish-pink blush. The size of the apples is 210-245 g. The taste is sweet and sour, with a light aroma (4 points).

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