Description of the Yantar apple tree variety and its varieties, advantages and disadvantages

Apple tree Yantar: description and characteristics of the variety

This variety of apples is widespread in Siberia and the Urals. However, popularity is declining, as this is due to the development of new cold-resistant varieties with excellent keeping quality and taste.

The fruit tree is medium-sized with a spreading crown, but there is a columnar subspecies. The skeletal branches have a sinuous shape and are predominantly located at a right angle (90°) relative to the trunk. Most of the branches are directed upwards. Young seedlings grow well after planting, producing many shoots from the first year.

Apple tree Yantar (variety appearance)

The leaf blades are green and oval in shape. During flowering, buds of light cream color are formed. The fruits are small in size. Growing on acidified soils, the weight of apples does not exceed 50 g, on fertile soils - on average 80 g. The shape of apples is round, flattened on the sides. The color is bright light green; as it matures, a red blush appears, but not always.

Choosing the sweetest varieties of apple trees

The sweetest apple trees have fruits that are high in various vitamins and microelements; they are useful for children's and dietary nutrition.

They are recommended for people suffering from diabetes, high stomach acidity or peptic ulcers.

The taste of apples is determined by the sugar and acid content. Apples of the same variety in different climatic zones may have different sugar content.

In warm, sunny regions, apples accumulate more sugars. Thus, southern apples contain up to 10 - 11 percent sugar, while in the middle zone - 8 - 9 percent.

But some Central Russian apple trees have increased sugar content up to 12.5 percent.

Attention! The sweetness of apples is reflected not only by the sugar content, but also by the amount of acid. And it’s not even the sugar and acid content that determine the sweetness of an apple, but their ratio, which is called the sugar-acid ratio.

For dessert apples, the coefficient ranges from 20 to 34, for sweet apples it is above 35.

Among the sweet-fruited trees there are both ancient and promising varieties of modern selection. Apples of old varieties from the people are often small and a little bland, and apple trees are distinguished by their tallness and frequency of fruiting.

But these apple trees are distinguished by amazing longevity and winter hardiness. Let's choose the best of them.


A traditional variety in gardens of various regions. Very resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions, diseases, and is characterized by unusually high resistance to low temperatures . Among the disadvantages are the long wait for the first harvest (7-8 years), small fruits (40-50g).

In the old days, these apples were sold in boxes, not kilograms. It is believed that this is where the name came from.

Very early ripening , apples ripen already in July. The pods are colored yellow-green with red veins and covered with thick skin. It sticks well to wood and doesn't last long - up to a month.


You can read more about the Korobovka apple tree here.


Apples live up to their name. They emit a delicate honey aroma, contain up to 13 percent sugar and have juicy pulp, very tasty. The fruits are not very large, rounded - conical in shape, yellow with red, weighing 40 - 45g.

Apples ripen in August and cannot be stored for long periods of time. The trees reach medium height and tolerate frost and drought well. When mature, it may produce crops non-annually.


You can find out more about the Medoc apple tree here.


Its varieties are yellow or white long. The fruits are quite sweet, but the trees themselves do not have good, stable yields.

The fruits are small, cup-shaped, yellow or pale yellow in color, and look impressive in a sparse, elongated crown. They ripen by the end of July - beginning of August , are not stored for a long time, and make good dried fruits.

Trees adapt well to difficult weather conditions, but are often affected by scab.


Read more information about the Arkad apple tree in this article.


In some regions it is known as Vyaznikovka, one of the most winter-hardy and durable.

Huge trees with a spreading crown reach a century of age and have average productivity and resistance to disease.

Late summer ripening variety

The fruits are small, have the shape of ribbed yellow cups with a speckled pattern and red strokes.

There is no acid in the taste, but there is a slight bitterness and a spicy aftertaste, which makes the apples very unique.

Interesting! Sweet apples of Soviet selection are distinguished by larger fruits with improved commercial qualities. Although they sometimes lose to varieties of folk selection in terms of winter hardiness and durability, they are more resistant to scab and have average growth and high yield.



To develop the variety, Korobovka and Papirovka were crossed. The tree is still quite tall, which makes harvesting difficult. But the fruits have a very beautiful appearance; they have a scarlet color and even size. The weight of apples does not reach more than 100 g, but in general, the yield is very good. When bitten, tender and juicy.

You can wait 4-5 years for the first harvest, but then the harvest is annual and stable:

  • The ripening of apples does not occur very smoothly, so the harvest period stretches throughout August;
  • Picked apples can be stored for no more than a month.


You can read more about the Candy apple tree variety here.


The variety got its name due to its pronounced spicy, honey aroma. Received as a result of crossing the Cinnamon Striped and the Welsey. Apples:

  • Round, slightly flattened;
  • Yellow in color, densely covered with red stripes;
  • The weight of the fruit reaches 100g;
  • The pulp is juicy and tender.

Removable ripeness occurs at the end of August; apples can be stored for two to three months , but during storage the aroma and unique taste are significantly lost. It begins to bear fruit 4 years after planting and achieves maximum yield by 8 years of age. In adulthood, some periodicity of fruiting is noted.


You can find out more about the Medunitsa apple tree variety here.

The sweetness of scarlet

The trees are beautiful, not very tall, winter well, and produce crops quickly and efficiently. In unfavorable weather they may become affected by scab. They ripen in the first month of autumn, but are stored for no more than two months.

Bright scarlet apples weighing 70-80 g with thin skin, delicate pulp, without sourness. The variety is very good for baby food.

Scarlet sweetness.


Obtained by crossing Cinnamon Striped and Slavyanka. The variety ripens early in summer. The trees are quite tall with a beautiful crown and small fruits (up to 60g) of a whitish color, with a cover pink color in the form of stripes.

The taste of the fruit is very sweet, slightly spicy , the flesh is white, tender, quite juicy. The sugar-acid ratio is 46.

The variety is resistant to scab and provides good yield.


You will learn more about the Cypress variety from this article.


A variety for winter storage, under favorable conditions it is stored until February. Medium-sized trees with a compact, rounded crown.

Yellow fruits with a purple barrel reach a weight of more than 100g. The pulp is dense, fine-grained, slightly creamy in color with a fairly strong odor and pleasant taste. When you bite into it, you feel a slight sourness , the sugar content is 11%.


You can read more about the Orlik apple tree variety here.

Belarusian sweet

Medium-sized trees with a sparse crown, which begin to bear fruit early, provide good yields of fairly large apples weighing up to 200g. The variety is late winter, ripens at the end of September and is stored until February.

The fruits are very beautiful - golden, red-sided. Apples have an oily pulp and a delicate, non-sour taste.

Belarusian sweet.

You can find out more about the Belarusian Sweet apple tree variety here.

Renet Simirenko

Apple trees are tall and spreading. The apples are light green in color with slightly noticeable specks. The aroma is pronounced, the taste is sweet, and contains up to 12% sugar.

autumn ripening variety reaches removable ripeness by the end of September, apples are stored until June.

Renet Simirenko.

Read more information about the Renet Simirenko apple tree in this article.


Apple trees are short and easy to care for. Fruit:

  • Weight 150g and above;
  • The shape is round, slightly flattened;
  • Color yellow-green with red;
  • The pulp of the fruit is juicy, with a candy aroma, snow-white, and fine-grained consistency.

Despite the summer ripening period, apples are not prone to rapid shedding, are well transported and are stored for at least 4 months.

Advice! Due to its high commercial qualities, the variety is effective for industrial production.


You will learn more about the Melba variety from this article.


Trees of medium height with a dense crown. They begin to produce crops in the 5th year from the moment of planting. It lives up to its name, as its fresh-sweet taste and pleasant candy aroma .

The fruits are light, round, medium-sized and ripen by early September. Inside, the fruits are light, juicy, and slightly loose. The taste is rated 4.5 points.

The variety winters well and provides consistently good yields.


You can read more about the Children's apple tree variety here.


The height of the tree is average, the crown is elongated, slightly thickened. The first harvest ripens within 3-4 years.

Apples weighing up to 180 g, yellow-green color, tightly covered with red blush. The fruits ripen by the end of September, are well transported and stored until January.

Apples are distinguished by their juiciness and high taste , therefore they are used for the production of juices.


You can find out more about the Lobo apple variety here.

Champion (Grushevoye)

The yield is high , it begins to bear fruit early, and ripens in late autumn. Resistance to diseases and low temperatures is average.

The apples are slightly ribbed, medium in size, slightly oval in shape, greenish-yellow with a red blush. Pleasant, creamy flesh is covered with a thin but very durable skin.

Important! Apples have a good presentation and a pleasant sweet taste, which are not lost as a result of long-term storage.


Read more information about the Champion apple tree in this article.

Description of the apple tree Amber Necklace

Apples begin to ripen in September. But, like many other varieties, these apples do not yet acquire their final taste at this time, which they acquire only after two months of storage. This apple tree has features that distinguish it from many other varieties - it has simply phenomenal resistance to low temperatures and excellent yield. It is successfully grown even in Western Siberia, collecting up to 20 kg of excellent fruits from each tree. And this despite the fact that the apple tree is not very tall; it is considered a semi-dwarf, and grows at most up to 2.5 m.

Like all columnar apple trees, the branches of this tree grow upward. The side branches are short, the trunk is thick. The leaves are bright green in color and have a characteristic gloss. The structure of the bark is smooth. The apple tree blooms with beautiful white saucer-shaped flowers. Bright yellow apples with an amber tint also look very beautiful. Apparently, this apple tree got its name thanks to the color of the apples.

This variety is self-sterile. This means that for its full pollination the presence of pollinator varieties is necessary nearby. Apples on this tree will begin to appear next year, but at this time it is better to remove the ovaries, because during this time the apple tree has not yet been able to properly grow stronger. But starting from the age of 3, the fruits can already be allowed to develop. At this time, the apple tree will already have enough strength to bear fruit. Harvesting from such an apple tree is not difficult, since the apples are evenly distributed on the tree.

Apple tree Yantar: detailed description, photos of the tree and fruits, care tips

To create an apple orchard or simply plant an apple tree in your garden, you need to choose an apple tree variety. Solving this issue is the first step to getting a good harvest.

To select the right variety, you need to familiarize yourself with the climatic conditions of the region in which the apple tree will grow. Because the weather conditions in different areas are different. In this article we will look in more detail at the columnar apple tree variety Scarlet Sails.

At the moment, there are already many varieties with resistance to diseases such as scab. But some varieties have average resistance. And in this case, it is necessary to take preventive measures to maintain good immunity of the tree.

In addition to these indicators, you should pay attention to:

  • Apple tree productivity;
  • Frequency of fruiting;
  • Taste of fruits;
  • Duration of storage of apples.

In addition, there are many varieties with universal fruits that can be used not only for fresh consumption, but also for making jam, marmalade, compotes, etc.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to pay attention to the level of winter hardiness of the apple tree, since regions with harsh winters, where the temperature during this period reaches – 35 – 40 degrees, are considered critical for the apple tree.

And not all apple trees can cope with this problem. Therefore, choosing an apple tree with good winter hardiness will guarantee the life span of the apple tree. In addition to frost resistance, resistance against diseases and pests is also important.

Therefore, in order to avoid making a mistake and choose the right variety, you need to read the description of a particular variety in advance.

Winter hardiness of apple tree varieties in Siberia

The resistance of the apple tree variety to frost affects the growing conditions, care, quality and quantity of fruits. Alas, there are no varieties that combine all the positive qualities in one:

  1. The most winter-hardy ones do not require special shaping and produce fruits year after year.
  2. Large and sweet representatives cannot be distinguished by enviable resistance to external influences, at least throughout the entire territory of Siberia.
  3. Only warm regions can be a good place to grow large-fruited varieties.

All varieties that can be grown in Siberia conditionally differ in the degree of resistance to cold:

  • highly winter-hardy. The main differences between representatives of this variety are absolute resistance to severe cold, small fruits with a dessert taste, but stable fruiting every year;
  • winter-hardy. One of the most popular varieties, which, although they freeze in severe frost, are easily and quickly restored after any damage. The fruits are small or medium in size, but with good taste;
  • medium winter hardy. They are quite tasty and sweet, and can even be large in size. However, this subspecies has some subtleties in growing - the skeletal branches are always under the snow;
  • low winter hardy. These varieties produce very tasty large fruits. But they are grown only creeping, so varieties are selected that are easy to form.


Konstantin. “We sincerely love our Zhebrovskoe. Although the apples are not so big, here in Irkutsk they are a miracle for beginners in fruit growing. Beautiful early fruits. And I really like the taste. It makes good preparations, and wine from the cellar is especially good in the hot summer.”

Oksana. “If you plant a semi-crop in Altai, then this variety has no equal in terms of early harvest, winter hardiness and taste. Apples from the tree are eaten within a week, so shelf life does not matter to us. The requirement for care is minimal, we don’t cover it for the winter and, most importantly, we don’t get scabs even in rainy years.”

Tatiana. “In the conditions of Western Siberia, I consider growing the Zhebrovskaya apple tree to be an ideal option for gardeners.

Of course, there are many more varieties of semi-crops, but we especially love this one for its early harvest, for its taste and the possibility of wide use in preparations.

The yield is quite good and, most importantly, stable every year. My grandchildren especially love compote made from fresh apples.”

Ripening time in Siberia

Siberian apples, like any other, differ in terms of ripening:

  • the harvest of summer varieties begins at the end of July and are used for food or for making jam, jam or compote;
  • autumn varieties have time to ripen well and gain sweetness. They are harvested at the beginning of autumn, no later than mid-September, and can be stored for a short time, depending on the variety, for about one to three months;
  • Winter apple varieties are harvested at the end of September, but are only edible after some time. Shelf life can vary from three to seven months.

Ripening apple on a branch.


The semi-culture is early-bearing. Fruiting usually occurs 4 years after planting the seedling for permanent residence.

In rare cases, the first harvest occurs in the 5th year.


The main fruit formation occurs on the ringlets. Although some fruits ripen both on growths and on fruit twigs.

Zhebrovskoye bears fruit mainly on ringlets.


Abundant flowering begins in mid-May.

The duration depends on weather conditions and can be up to two weeks.

Fruit ripening

Under favorable conditions and correct agricultural technology, harvestable maturity occurs even at the end of July. Although the bulk of the harvest ripens by mid-August.

Description, photo

Among the autumn species, the Yantar variety has been particularly popular in the Middle Urals for many years.

Obtained by P. A. Dibrov at the Sverdlovsk OSS by free pollination of Welsey and an unknown seedling.


  • in the Urals;
  • in Western Siberia;
  • in the Volga-Vyatka region.

Although it has been criticized due to the small size of the apples, it is widespread among gardeners in the Urals and Siberia. True, in recent years, thanks to the emergence of new, high-quality winter-hardy hybrids, its cultivation has been noticeably reduced.

According to its characteristics , the tree is medium-sized, with a strong, sparse and spreading crown. The skeletal branches are sinuous, gray in color and extend from the main trunk mainly at an angle close to 90°. The upper branches are mostly directed upwards. Young seedlings have good branching.

The shoots are of the same color, but have a tint of brown. Elbow-shaped, long and thin. The leaf is green, but without shine. Oval in shape with a rounded base and a sharp tip. The petioles are saber-shaped and of different sizes. The flowers are medium in size, cup-shaped and white in color. The buds are light cream.

The apples are small-fruited. On structureless acidified soils (podzolic) they do not exceed 50 g. In well-fertilized chernozem soils they can reach 70 - 80 g . The shape of the fruit is blunt-ribbed, narrowed towards the base. The skin is smooth, yellow in color with a hint of natural amber. With a small funnel, compressed on both sides, and a thin stalk. The fruit's saucer is flat and has five tubercles.

Apple tree Yantar.


The plant is a semi-dwarf plant. At a young age, it shows good growth force; under favorable conditions, the top can stretch up to half a meter during the season. The tree is columnar, slender, medium-sized, no more than 3.0 meters high. The root system is located in the upper layers of the soil, so the crop is not afraid of groundwater flowing close to the surface. A special feature of the Amber Necklace is the almost completely absent branching, which is why the crown of the miracle plant does not exceed 40 cm in diameter. The trunk is quite strong, one might say plump. The lateral branches of the apple tree are very short, thickened, attached to the trunk at an acute angle, the ends of the shoots are directed upward. Internodes are short. The bark is smooth, grayish-brown. The buds grow clinging to the shoot. The foliage is good. The leaf blade is green, medium in size, elongated, oblong-ovate in shape, short-pointed at the apex, rounded at the base, medium in curvature. The leaf margins are serrated and crenate, often broadly wavy. The surface of the plate is slightly shiny, slightly wrinkled, and pubescent. The petiole is long, not thick, not colored. The variety blooms with large white cup-shaped flowers. Generative buds are mainly formed on the branches of biennial and annual growth.

The fruits are attractive, one-dimensional, round in shape, slightly flattened at the apex and base. Medium sized funnel. The saucer is not very wide, not deep, smooth. The calyx is quite large, half-open. The apples are medium in size, weighing 130 grams (according to the State Register). The size of the fruit depends on the quality of care. If the apple tree does not receive enough nutrition and moisture, and is often sick, then you can’t expect large, high-quality apples; they will be small. With sufficient care, the smooth trunk of the Amber Necklace will simply be covered with beautiful fruits weighing up to 180 grams. Experienced gardeners have noticed that if flowers are rationed, they can grow specimens weighing about 300 grams. The skin is dense and smooth. The main color is greenish-yellow, the outer color in the form of a blurred pink blush occupies almost half of the fruit. Subcutaneous dots are medium in size, light, barely noticeable, not densely located. The pulp is greenish, medium density, very juicy. The taste is sweet and sour. Gardeners differ in their assessment of taste. Some call the fruits sweet, dessert, others say that the variety is more suitable for lovers of apples with a more pronounced sourness in taste. The State Register rated the taste at 4.3 points.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantage of Red Amber is its fruiting in the second year after planting, early ripening of apples. And also a beautiful presentation of apples. The fruits are completely painted bright red when ripe, do not lose their presentation during transportation, and are stored in cool rooms for up to 2 months.

Apple trees tolerate dry summers well, withstand average frosts, and are not infected by scab and powdery mildew spores.

A disadvantage can be considered zoning for warm climates and intolerance to severe frosts.

The main advantage of Amber is its ability to adapt to various climatic conditions, from hot to sharply continental climates, in a short time. The variety is widely used to create new elite varieties of apples with unique properties.

Long shelf life of the crop – up to 5 months. Preservation of presentation during storage and transportation. Use as a raw material for the production of juices, jams, confiture, purees for baby food, dried fruits and other types of products with high taste.

Disadvantages are the possibility of trees becoming infected (in rainy summers) with scab and powdery mildew spores, a long period of non-fruiting when planting seedlings (they bear fruit for 6-7 years), late ripening of apples.

Features of ripening and fruiting

Fruiting and harvesting are no more special than other varieties. All procedures are familiar.

Beginning of fruiting

After planting a young seedling or after grafting, it takes about 7 years to get the first fruits. But some gardeners say that the variety bears fruit even after 5 years, although only a little.


There are a lot of small apples on the tree. A large number of them spoils the immunity of the apple tree and the quality of the fruit. Therefore, you need to control the number of ovaries and trim off the excess ones. This needs to be done especially in the first years.

After the apple tree reaches fertile age, you still need to first leave no more than a couple of flowers on each branch. The shoots of a young tree will need to be supported so that they do not break off under the weight.

Flowering time

The apple tree usually blooms in May. Depending on the climate conditions in a certain region, it can last from several days to three weeks. It takes longer if the ambient temperature is quite cool.

Apple tree blossom.

Fruit ripening

A bountiful harvest of autumn apples is harvested at the end of summer or at the very beginning of September. In cold climates even up to the middle.

Harvest storage

The fruits sit tightly on the branches, so you need to carefully remove them. If you do this correctly without damaging the skin, you can store the Amber Apple in a cool apartment or basement even until January. It is only important to collect them a little earlier than consumer maturity and place them in a suitable place with high humidity.

Features of planting and care

Planting and caring for Yantar is no different from the classic ones , which must be followed in order to prolong the yield for many years.



Planting of seedlings is carried out both in spring and autumn:

  • Autumn planting usually takes place until mid-October ;
  • In the spring, it is advisable to plant before the buds open .

Watch a video about the features of autumn planting: And a video about spring planting:


It can be grown by cuttings and seedlings. The most common and simplest, of course, is the second method. The first requires certain knowledge and skills.

Although the apple tree is not afraid of cold winds , in order to avoid possible frost damage and damage, it is better to plant it in a place protected from them. This place should be flat, or even better, raised.

Choose a place protected from the wind to plant the apple tree.

The best soil for this crop is considered to be loam, which can retain moisture rich in nutrients for a long time and provide the root system with sufficient oxygen. Meadow and sod-podzolic soils are well suited for this.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which is fertilized:

  • Organic matter (humus or compost);
  • Mineral complex (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium).

This is done at the rate of up to 10 kg of humus, 20 kg of rotted compost and about 40 - 50 g of fertilizer per 1 m2.

The planting hole should not be less than 60 cm deep and not less than 70 cm in diameter. The top, fertile layer is left to cover the root system. And the pre-prepared soil mixture is placed at the bottom of the hole and sprinkled with a small layer of earth.

Planting pit diagram.

Correct planting is very important , since it is the main stimulator of the further development of the tree.

Then the plant is watered, not forgetting that frequent and abundant watering negatively affects the development of the seedling.

Agricultural technology and cultivation

Only if you follow the following recommendations will Yantar consistently produce a decent harvest:

  • Particular attention is paid to preventive measures against all kinds of diseases;
  • The tree trunk circle is loosened in a timely manner. It should always be clear of weeds, fallen apples and leaves. It is advisable to mulch it with well-rotted manure, a layer of about 5 - 7 cm;
  • The trunk and skeletal branches must always be whitened.

Pruning and crown formation

The formation of an apple tree begins in the second year after planting. The branches that appeared on the trunk and vertically grown branches are removed and last year's shoots, which are more than half a meter long, are shortened by about a third. Such measures will limit the development of the young tree in height, and will also stimulate the appearance and growth of lateral branches.

In subsequent years, it is necessary to cut off part of last year's shoots and adult branches to activate branching and the formation of flower buds on young shoots. It is necessary to cut off branches growing inward, vertically and downwards of the crown. Free the tree from damaged, diseased and dry branches. The cutting areas must be treated with garden varnish or special compounds for this purpose.

Formation of the crown of an apple tree.

With adequate annual formation, the tree has several tiers and a pyramidal appearance. This will allow the apple tree to produce crops regularly, prolong its life and increase frost resistance.

Watch a detailed video about pruning and shaping the crown of an apple tree:


Requires cross-pollination , so it is planted close to pollinators. The best pollinators are:

  • Renet Simirenko;
  • Fuji;
  • Gala and the like.

Renet Simirenko.



Features of growing Altai amber


Basic conditions

  • In the northern regions, where this variety is most often planted, it is very important that the location is sunny and open. The crowns of apple trees should be illuminated most of the day. In the shade they grow poorly and may refuse to bear fruit or even die.
  • It is advisable that the landing site is not too humid. Planting trees is not recommended near rivers, streams, lakes, shallow wells, or where groundwater comes too close to the surface.
  • Ventilation of the crowns protects against excessive development of fungi, therefore air stagnation in them should not be allowed. However, planting trees in drafts is also not an option, they often begin to get sick and die, you will have to try to maintain a balance.
  • Prepare holes for planting in advance, a season in advance, or at least 3-5 weeks in advance. They dig them with a diameter of up to 1 meter, and a depth of 60-70 centimeters is enough. Richly fertilized soil is poured into the bottom, then covered with the selected drainage (vermiculite, nut shells, stones, crushed bricks), and then filled with 3-4 buckets of water.
  • You need to leave approximately 2.5-3 meters of distance between the trees so that they do not conflict with rhizomes or branches in the future. It is permissible to make such a distance between the rows.
  • It’s a good idea to immediately dig trellises into the holes, or at least planks and stakes for garter. This will not only give support to young trees and increase wind resistance, but also protect them from frost and cold if they are placed on the north side.
  • When planting, you should ensure that the root collar of the tree does not go deep below the surface of the soil. It should protrude by 7-9 centimeters, otherwise the roots grown higher will neutralize all the properties of the rootstock, and it will become useless.
  • Inside the hole, the drainage is raked into a pile, a seedling is placed on it, and its roots are straightened. Sprinkle it in layers, tamping the soil with your hands, but being carried away too much. The surface is watered and then mulched to provide additional moisture retention.

Disembarkation dates

In harsh northern regions, it is always better to give preference to the spring option of planting apple trees and other fruit crops. In the fall, it can be difficult to determine when the first frost will hit, and trees may suffer damage. It is better to choose a warm and dry day in April, when the soil is already completely warmed up and you cannot expect the return of frost. In warm areas, you can plant Altai Amber in September-October, but it is not a fact that it will be comfortable without severe winter frosts.

Tree care

Protection from frost and pests

The variety's resistance to cold is amazing, but this does not mean that you can forget about proper preparation for wintering or shelter. The trunks are small, so even in adulthood they can be wrapped in a tent method. The root area is covered with straw, hay, spruce branches, and soil to a depth of 15-20 centimeters. However, this is not always advisable; in temperate regions, it is enough to wrap the trunks with burlap or roofing felt, old tights, or roofing felt.

Diseases rarely bother the owners of this apple tree, but preventive treatments should not be forgotten. Regularly spray with insecticides and fungicides so as not to risk your garden and harvest. It is good to whiten the trunks in spring and autumn to eliminate insects from cracks in the bark. To prevent rodents, it is advisable to lubricate the trunks with unpleasant-smelling substances, such as grease, melted lard, fuel oil, lard.

Loosening the soil, watering: proper agricultural technology

You need to dig up a circle near the trunk twice a year, at least for the first few years it is advisable to do this regularly. Over the years, you can abandon this, but then this area needs to be sown with lawn or herbs. It is advisable to hoe the soil the next day after watering so that it does not form an excessively dense lump.

Trees are watered infrequently, only 3-6 times per season. The addition of moisture can be timed to coincide with flowering, the creation of ovaries, and the ripening of fruits. It is very important not to overdo it and not let the tree suffer from dehydration, to maintain the right balance so that the earthen ball does not dry out completely, but there is also no excess moisture. It is good to dilute suitable fertilizers with water, but not earlier than 4-5 years after planting.

Pruning: simple crown formation

In nurseries, they most often make a sparse or sparse-tiered form. It suits the tree perfectly. However, the tree is so malleable that anything can be made from it, from a cordon to a spindle. The main thing is not to cut off more than one third of the green mass at a time, otherwise the apple tree may get sick and even die.

Be sure to also do sanitary clearing of the crown every fall. At this time, all broken branches, old, dry, and diseased, are cut off. They will not bring any benefit, but they draw juice from the tree. The cut areas cannot be left unattended; they must be covered with garden pitch or other suitable materials.

Diseases and pests

  • Rust.
  • Powdery mildew.
  • Black cancer.
  • Scab.
  • Rust.
  • Shield.
  • Green aphid.

Pollinator varieties

  • Ranetka is purple.
  • Sibirka.
  • Alyonushka.
  • Minusinsk.
  • Youth.
  • Zhebrovskoe.
  • Shevchenko's favorite.
  • Cabin boy.
  • Aboriginal.
  • Ural liquid.
  • Milena.


  • Budding.
  • Kidney vaccinations.
  • Cloning.
  • Layerings.
  • Cuttings.

Tree dimensions

Mature Yantar apple trees are medium in size, their height reaches 4 meters with good care, suitable soil, and a mild climate. The tree spreads its main branches almost at right angles, hence the spreading crown, which occupies a large space. The branches do not grow densely.

Red Amber in adulthood does not exceed average size. The branches form a spherical crown with medium density.

What type does it belong to?

Amber is one of the most common autumn apple varieties, which is popular in the Middle Urals.

He remains one of the presenters for many years.

However, in years with higher temperatures it behaves more like an early autumn variety..

It should be noted that in such cases the fruits lose their ability to be stored for long periods of time.

The Yantar apple variety has been zoned in the Ural, Volga-Vyatka, and West Siberian regions .

It requires cross pollination. In this regard, it is recommended to plant trees close to pollinators. The latter varieties are most often used such as Empire, Renet Simirenko, Fuji, Gala, Super Chief . There are also other, no less good pollinators.

Apples of this variety are distinguished by their ability to be stored in excellent condition for a long time . After harvesting, the fruits are carefully sorted, separating them from rotten and damaged ones. Then they are put in boxes and placed in a dark, cool place. The most suitable are cellars or basements.

Description of the variety

Red Yantar belongs to the early summer varieties of apple trees.

Description of the fruit: large apples weigh up to 200 grams or more, the fruits are even. Ripe apples have a red color and transparent amber juicy pulp. The main use of apples is fresh consumption. Apples produce aromatic apple juice without pulp with a bright sweet taste.

Amber is an autumn variety, with cross-pollination, it must be planted in an area with pollinators: Renet Simirenko, Super Chief, Fuji, Empire. This variety is happily grown by gardeners in risky farming conditions: in the Urals, in Bashkiria, where there are frosty winters, early autumn and late spring frosts.

Description of fruits: apples are small in size, up to 50 grams, but under good weather conditions in summer and proper care, young trees produce large apples, weighing up to 80 grams. Apples have thin skin; when they ripen and fill with juice, they become transparent and glow in the sun.

When describing apples of this variety, one cannot fail to note their resemblance to large transparent drops of petrified resin - hence the name of the variety. It is not for nothing that many amber jewelry pieces reproduce this wonderful little apple. There are earrings, pendants, apple-shaped boxes, and just the apple itself, as a talisman of family well-being and love.

The fruits of the Yantar variety practically do not fall to the ground in late autumn. When harvesting, you have to pick apples from the branches. During long-term storage, apples lose their juiciness and become soft and crumbly. From juicy, unripe apples they make very tasty jam with transparent slices, viscous honey syrup, squeeze out the juice, and make compotes with whole apples. Baby food puree, jam, and marmalade are prepared from overripe crumbly fruits.

History of creation

The Yantar apple tree is the brainchild of the Sverdlovsk Experimental Horticulture Station. The breeders were faced with the task of creating a new frost-resistant variety for regions with an unstable climate. A team of scientists led by senior researcher. Dibrova P.A. This autumn variety was obtained using the open pollination method. The fairly popular Wesley variety was used as the parent material.

According to its varietal characteristics, the cultivar is zoned in the Volga-Vyatka, West Siberian and Ural districts. For several decades, the variety has remained popular and in demand among gardeners not only in Siberia, but throughout Russia. Using it as a rootstock made it possible to obtain many new elite varieties of apple trees. True, as a result of this, the cultivation of the Yantar variety itself is noticeably reduced, since it is somewhat inferior to modern hybrids.

History of selection

The Yantar apple variety is considered an early autumn variety . It was first bred at the Sverdlovsk Experimental Horticulture Station.

Its author is called P. A. Dibrov u. Trees with more improved characteristics were obtained by sowing a mixture of different open-pollinated seeds that were previously brought from Michurinsk.

Zoning is most common in the Volga-Vyatka, West Siberian, and Ural regions. Considering the rather small size of the fruits, it should be noted that this variety does not lose its enormous former popularity in the areas of its distribution. However, with the receipt of a large number of new, higher-quality winter, as well as autumn varieties of apples, a trend began to be observed for a noticeable decrease in its quantity in the territory of new orchards.

In breeding, Yantar is used to obtain winter varieties distinguished by higher quality fruits : Ekrannoe with Sverdlovchanin, Izumrudets with Isetsky late, Papiroyantarnoe and Pepin Sverdlovsk, as well as others.

Pros and cons of this variety

The crown of this tree is compact, this is a clear advantage characteristic of all columnar apple trees. When planting such trees, you can maintain a distance of only half a meter between them, and a minimum distance of 1 meter between rows. This is a very useful feature. This is especially true for areas that do not have sufficient space for planting fruit trees. In a place where only one ordinary apple tree could be planted, several columnar apple trees can be planted. Such trees do not create shade, so they can be planted in any vacant area in the garden.

To harvest from such an apple tree you do not need a ladder. It is very convenient to care for it, since there is practically no crown on it. It requires virtually no pruning, and fall cleanup will be minimal since it has little foliage. Amber Necklace is a high-yielding apple tree. Of course, if the harvest obtained from it is compared with the harvest of a regular apple tree, it will be somewhat smaller, but it is much ahead of all other columnar varieties in this regard.

This apple tree looks very beautiful, which makes it an ornamental crop. Designers often use it in landscape compositions. And when it blooms, it looks simply amazing. In addition, the fruits of the Amber Necklace have wonderful taste. You can enjoy the excellent taste of these apples until the summer. As they sit, they only become tastier over time.

And now about the disadvantages, which, unfortunately, were also not without. The main disadvantage of this variety is the short period of fruiting, which may stop after 20 years. 10 years after the start of fruiting, the yield begins to decline. In addition, seedlings are quite expensive.


According to the recommendations of experts, columnar apple trees are planted in the spring, after the soil has warmed to +14 ⁰C, or in the fall, two weeks before frost.

When choosing seedlings, preference is given to annual ones, with a developed root system, without damage or rot. Plants with dried out roots should not be purchased; the best option is a seedling in a container.

For planting, choose an open sunny area, protected from northern winds and drafts. You should not plant a garden in a place with groundwater located above two meters.

Dig holes 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.6 m, placing them at a distance of half a meter from each other. A gap of 1 meter is left between the rows. Compost is poured onto the bottom, superphosphate and potassium (2 tablespoons each) and 50 g of dolomite flour are added if the soil is acidified.

After keeping the seedling in warm water for 10 hours, begin planting. To do this, place it in the center of the planting hole, sprinkle it with soil and compact it a little. Next, the tree is tied to a support, watered with warm water, and the soil is mulched.

Important! The seedling is planted correctly if the root collar is located 4-5 cm above the soil.

Productivity and taste of fruits

In terms of yield and taste of ripening fruits, these varieties have common advantages - high yield, wonderful taste. Apples have a delicate aroma and sweet and sour taste, which are appreciated by tasters, gardeners, and consumers.

The Yantar variety produces regular, abundant harvests over long periods (up to 20 years). Good weather conditions and proper care allow you to harvest up to 170 kilograms from 1 tree.

Ripe fruits have juicy, dense, cream-colored pulp; graininess appears during harvest storage. The tasting assessment of the taste of apples is 4.85-4.95 points.

Red Amber produces consistently large yields. Fruit nurseries in Kuban and the North Caucasus grow crops of up to 28 tons per hectare.

The taste qualities of apples are high, rated on a five-point scale at 4.7 points. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. Apples have thin red skin, light amber flesh with fine grain.

additional characteristics

When ripe, apples stay on the branches quite well. Even removing a fruit from a branch is difficult and requires effort. They can be eaten straight from the tree as they do not require ripening.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Good environmental adaptation;
  • Decent harvest;
  • High assessment of apple quality;
  • High-quality processed products;
  • Excellent transportability.

More on Tele4n.Net:

Young's apple tree: photo and description of the variety, reviews

The main disadvantage is considered to be poor resistance to diseases such as scab.

Dimensions of an adult tree

Does not reach tall sizes and is considered medium height. Even with ideal soils and care, it does not exceed 4 m.


One of the advantages is the regular and high yield of Amber. In successful years, an average of up to 175 kg of apples .

Tasting assessment

The fruit pulp is fine-grained, cream-colored, quite juicy, with good density. Fragrant, with very high taste and pleasant natural sourness. The tasting score is 4.85 – 4.95 points.

The fruits of the Yantar apple tree have a high tasting rating.

Winter hardiness

Frost resistance is very good. Not afraid of cold winds and frost. Easily tolerates early spring frosts. Quickly adapts to climatic conditions.

Disease resistance

According to gardeners, it has excellent resistance to various diseases . But during prolonged rains or in conditions of high humidity, it is often affected by scab . Preventative treatment for scab disease is required.

The Yantar apple tree is susceptible to scab.

You can learn how and what to fight scab from the video below:

Region of natural growth

This variety is popular due to its resistance to fairly low temperatures.
Due to this, it can be planted in both warm and harsh conditions.

The Ural region is an excellent place for orchards with Yantar apple trees. Its main advantage is its rapid adaptation to a wide variety of natural conditions .

Varietal characteristics

Siberian apple trees can be divided into three groups. These are ranetki, semi-cultivated and large-fruited. The large-fruited crop in Siberia predominantly has a creeping form.


The most frost-resistant varieties and multi-yielding apple trees. The apples are small, sour and tart. Used mainly for processing and canning:

  • Ranetka Ermolaeva;
  • Change;
  • For a long time;
  • Barnaulochka;
  • Dobrynya and others.

Semi-cultured women

Semi-cultivated apple tree varieties have good taste. They are used fresh and for various preparations. They have different periods of ripening, storage and, for the most part, are precocious:

  • Gornoaltaiskoe;
  • Bayan;
  • Ermakovskoe mountain;
  • Altai souvenir;
  • Alyonushka;
  • Zavetnoe, etc.

Large-fruited creeping

They have another name - stlantsy. The quality is excellent, but winter hardiness is not increased. Therefore, this group needs pre-winter shelter. We list the popular varieties (creeping apple trees):

  • Melba;
  • North Sinap;
  • Welsey;
  • White filling;
  • Lungwort;
  • Borovinka;
  • some varieties of Antonovka, etc.

Apple tree Amber


Autumn variety Screen - pollination of Yantar with pollen of the varieties Zvezdochka, Samotsvet, Orange.

Mid-winter Sverdlovsk - the same pollen, but in a different order.


Sverdlovsk resident.


Apple tree Red Yantar is an early summer ripening variety. Medium-sized tree, resistant to powdery mildew and immune to scab. Medium-sized apples – 200 g, red in color and harmonious, with a tasting score of 4.75 taste points. The harvest is harvested in the early twenties of August. The shelf life is very short, about 10 - 15 days in the refrigerator.

Apple tree Red Amber.

Columnar apple tree Amber necklace

Amber necklace – late ripening . Up to 3 m in height and medium-sized apple trees with a yellow-green color and a pinkish blush. Pleasant, dessert taste and long shelf life. It has a high yield for its species.

Apple tree Amber necklace.


The main advantage among other apple varieties is frost resistance, and a feature is excellent adaptation to any soil. The papyroamber apple tree has the following description.

Apple tree Papiroyantarnoe
Characteristics and description of the variety

Pollination groupSelf-fertile apple variety – self-pollinating, no additional pollinators required
Description of the treeA tree with a spherical dense crown of a slate structure, medium height (2.5-3 m), the skeletal branches grow from the trunk almost perpendicularly, thanks to the apical buds, the growth of the branches per year is 10-12 cm. The bark of the trunk is gray-brown, and the branches - grey-brown. The leaves are dark green, glossy, with pointed, curved tips
SustainabilityHigh resistance to diseases. In rainy summers it may become scabby. This fungus appears on leaves and fruits as gray and/or black spots with light rims. If the tree gets sick in early spring, the ovaries on the apple tree fall off
to diseases
BloomMid May
FruitingFruiting begins in the 6th year. The variety has an average early maturity, since the Papirovka amber apple tree is a late-summer variety. Fruit ripening is simultaneous, begins in August, harvesting is carried out in the third ten days of August
Yield levelRapid increase in yield from 7 years. There is no decline in harvest from year to year
Description of fruitsRipe apples are one-sized, round in shape, with slight ribbing, and reach 100-130 grams in weight. The skin is dry, thin, smooth with a glossy sheen. The color is pale yellowish at harvest and turns a bright amber hue during storage. The apple has a shallow funnel and a wide, shallow saucer. The taste is sweet and sour, crispy and juicy, with a bright aroma. Tasting scale score – 4.4

On a note. Compared to the parent varieties, the best is Papiroyantarnoe: the main differences from the Papirovka apple tree are higher frost resistance and a longer shelf life of the fruit; from the Yantar apple tree - larger fruits and resistance to diseases and pests.

The variety belongs to a variety of frost-resistant species with a long ripening period. The tree is formed low, and the apples grow of medium size. The weight of the bulk of the fruit is 100 g, some representatives can reach 200 g. Apples of the Papiroyantarnoye variety are consumed not only fresh, they are also suitable for preservation purposes. The chemical composition is characterized by the following indicators:

  • sugar - 10.8%;
  • acid - 0.8%;
  • vitamin C - 19.8 mg per 100 g;
  • vitamin P - 258 mg per 100 g.

The variety outperforms its parents in terms of taste and long-term storage.

Clear advantages include the quality of adaptation to soil and climate. The strengths of garden culture include:

  • decent yield indicators;
  • good external and taste characteristics of the fruit;
  • excellent winter hardiness;
  • ability to resist fungal diseases.

The disadvantages include the short shelf life of the fruit. On average, apples do not lose their properties for up to 2 months; if the required storage conditions are met, the period can be extended to 3 months. Due to their thin skin, they do not withstand transportation well, and the almost simultaneous ripening of the fruits makes it difficult to process the crop.

The trees grow of medium height; over time, the triangular young crown acquires an almost rounded shape. The branches are formed at a wide angle relative to the main trunk, which can be 90 degrees. The size of an adult fruit tree can reach 7 m.

Annual growth

The growth of branches is ensured by apical buds. The average is 10 cm per year.


Fruit ripening properties are average. The first yield of apples can be expected in the 5-7th year after the grafting procedure.


Apple yields are considered stable, and decreasing returns are not typical for the variety. The average fruiting and harvest rates in the Ural region over a five-year period are 62 c/ha.

The fruits are characterized by good appearance and a sweet and sour hue; they are classified as a dessert type. On a scale of 5 points, tasting scores for the taste criterion are equivalent to 4.4 points. The chemical composition of apples is characterized by a high content of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Winter hardiness

The fruit variety surpassed its parents not only in terms of fruiting, but also in terms of frost resistance. Experts say that trees have a good ability to withstand low temperatures. Trees are able to tolerate ambient temperatures as low as -30 C while providing shelter.

The apple tree has good resistance to diseases and various types of pests. Even in years with high rainfall, scab damage to leaves and apples is low. Thanks to its good adaptive qualities, the apple tree quickly adapts to different weather conditions, so it is not prone to infection with rot and powdery mildew.

The flowering period occurs in mid-May. Harvest time falls on the last days of August. In the absence of an anomalous summer, this period falls on the 20th.


Alina: “Such a small and fragile apple tree, everyone was worried that it would freeze. And when the apples formed tightly on it, I began to worry that it would not break. But nothing happened to her, she’s a resilient little girl with amazing fruit.”

Vladimir: “I have very little space on the site, but I have a lot of desires. Therefore, the Amber Necklace column found a place in the very corner. An excellent variety, it doesn’t get sick or freeze, and it produces a lot of apples, enough even until spring.”

Sergei Fedorovich: “When my wife brought this miniature tree, I joked for a long time that it was a waste of money and time. But it surprised me - it grew to my delight and was so beautiful, like a necklace, really.”

Rules of agricultural technology

The Yantarnoye apple tree is grown using seedlings. Planting can be done in autumn (in the southern regions) and spring (preferably in the northern regions).

To ensure a large and high-quality harvest, you need to follow some agrotechnical rules. Main components of care:

  • Regularly carry out preventive measures against various diseases and pest attacks.
  • Loosening the tree trunk circle. The soil near the trunk must be cleared of weeds, leaves and fallen fruits. It is recommended to mulch with a thick layer of rotted manure.
  • Skeletal branches and trunks should always be whitewashed.

With proper formation, which is carried out annually, the fruit tree will have a pyramidal appearance and several tiers.


Apple tree Papyroamber Summer

The main task facing gardeners is to increase the early fruiting and productivity of apple trees, which largely depend on the shapes, designs and sizes of crowns, methods of their formation and pruning methods, as well as compliance with calendar maintenance dates during cultivation.

The best time to plant a seedling is spring. In the fall, the need for preparatory work falls: dig a hole to a depth of 70 cm with a diameter of ½ meter. Then prepare the soil: add compost, peat, humus, rotted manure and then carefully dig up everything with soil inside the hole.

With the onset of spring and the soil warming up to 15°C, 3-4 days before planting, dig up the soil in the hole and cover it with film. This speeds up the process of soil heating and promotes better survival. Plant the seedling with the roots spread out in different directions. Cover with fertile soil up to the root collar. Compact the soil around the seedling and water it abundantly (2 buckets of water). Apply complex fertilizers along with watering.

When planting in autumn:

  • time: after leaf fall,
  • dig a hole a month before the expected planting date so that the soil has time to settle,
  • Do not fertilize the plantings, as the buds may wake up, and on the eve of winter this is a disaster - the seedling will freeze.

Something to remember! The distance between seedlings and other trees in the garden should be at least 3 meters, since the Papiroyantarnoe apple tree requires space for freedom of growth and good lighting.

Apple tree care includes:

  • Watering - weekly for the first two years. Starting from the third year, watering is carried out as needed, depending on weather conditions;
  • Construction of supports during fruiting to support the branches in order to avoid them breaking - the apples ripen at the same time, and it is difficult for the branches to hold them;
  • To protect against pests and diseases, whiten the trunk with lime and copper sulfate. During flowering, for prevention, spray the green mass with solutions of hot pepper and/or wormwood. Fumigate the garden with smoke from lit tobacco during fruit setting;
  • Warming for winter - mulch the tree trunk with compost and wrap the crown with covering material. For covering, you can use agro-canvas, roofing felt, roofing felt, straw mats, sunflower and corn trunks;
  • Fertilizing: starting to fertilize in the third year will help improve the early fruiting and abundance of the harvest in the future. Use nitrogenous fertilizers, applying them to the tree trunk along with watering.

Summer pruning of fruit trees

Pruning and shaping the crown is necessary to enhance frost resistance. From the first year, the formation of the crown is carried out in the form of a stale, that is, by bending down the branches and securing them. Start pruning from 3 years after planting by removing weak, crooked and damaged branches. Cut off side shoots.

Important! Timely and correctly carried out agrotechnical work is the key to a bountiful harvest of apples of the Papiroyantarnoe variety.

Disease resistance

Amber is considered a resistant variety to diseases and pests. In humid climates or rainy summers, apple trees can be affected by scab and powdery mildew. If this happens, it is necessary to collect diseased leaves from the branches, burn them, and treat the tree with special preparations for fungal diseases. If the apple tree grows in a humid climate, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures regularly - in spring and autumn.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in high, well-ventilated areas, monitor the density of the crown of mature trees, thin it out in a timely manner, and properly apply mineral fertilizers.

Red Amber is not susceptible to powdery mildew spores and has an immunity gene to scab.

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