Characteristics and description of the Cherry strawberry tomato variety, its cultivation

Growing rules

Tomato agricultural technology The strawberry tree is not much different from any tall variety, but it has its own characteristics. The bushes need feeding, but you cannot overfeed them.

Planting seedlings

They begin growing seedlings in mid-February. Seeds are selected in advance and carefully prepared. Untreated seeds can introduce a fungal infection into the soil.

To increase the immunity of seeds and germination, they are soaked in hydrogen peroxide and then sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

Important! For planting, only full-fledged seeds are used. To select empty ones, they are dipped into a strong saline solution and stirred well. The floating seeds are removed

The floating seeds are removed.

The soil for growing Strawberry tree seedlings is chosen to be loose and light. You can make it yourself or purchase it in advance from the store. Purchased soil does not require additional treatment, but homemade substrate is disinfected in any available way.

It is better to grow tomato seedlings in individual containers, but they take up a lot of space, so first sow them in a container. The bottom of the container is well drained with expanded clay or polystyrene foam, a layer of fertile soil is poured on top and planting grooves are formed. Depth - no more than 2 cm. Seeds are laid out at a distance of 2-3 cm and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.

Before germination, the container with plantings is covered with glass or film for a greenhouse effect. Sprouts will appear on day 5-7, provided that the room temperature is not +20-22°C and the lighting is bright. When the seeds hatch, the glass is removed and the temperature is lowered to +18°C so that the tomato seedlings do not stretch.

Strawberry tree tomato seedlings grow quickly and need proper care

Water the plants carefully so as not to over-moisten the soil. To do this, use warm water. Watering schedule 1-2 times a week

If the room is too hot, then ventilate it and spray the seedlings with a spray bottle.

Watering regime 1-2 times a week. If the room is too hot, ventilate it and spray the seedlings with a spray bottle.

Young Strawberry Tree tomatoes are planted in separate containers when a pair of true leaves appear. The same soil is used for replanting. After 2 weeks, the tomatoes are fed with complex mineral fertilizer, which is diluted at half the usual rate.


Strawberry tree tomato seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in open ground at the age of 2 months, but they can be planted in a greenhouse 3 weeks earlier. In different regions, the timing of transplantation differs; in the middle zone, transplantation is planned for mid-May, when the night temperature is positive and the threat of frost has passed.

The planting density of plants in the greenhouse and open ground is no more than 3 pcs. per m2. Holes for tall tomatoes are made at a distance of 25-30 cm, row spacing is left up to 50 cm.


Further care for Strawberry Tree tomatoes comes down to regular watering, especially in dry regions. Tomatoes do not tolerate drought well and may drop fruit. Water the bushes several times a week, more often if necessary. In the greenhouse, the soil is moistened every other day.

Important! If you over-moisten the soil, the fruits will be watery and tasteless. To get a good harvest, Strawberry tree tomatoes are grown in 1 or 2 stems. In the first option, all stepsons are removed throughout the entire growing season

In the second case, 1 shoot is left under the first flower cluster. The stems are directed to a support and tied

In the first option, all stepsons are removed throughout the entire growing season. In the second case, 1 shoot is left under the first flower cluster. The stems are directed to a support and tied

To get a good harvest, Strawberry tree tomatoes are grown in 1 or 2 stems. In the first option, all stepsons are removed throughout the entire growing season. In the second case, 1 shoot is left under the first flower cluster. The stems are directed to a support and tied up.

According to reviews from those who grew Strawberry Tree tomatoes, it was noticed that fertilizing has a good effect on yield. For this variety, complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter are used. Feed several times:

  • 14 days after transplantation;
  • before flowering;
  • during the period of ovary formation.

When the tomatoes begin to fill up, it is better to eliminate mineral fertilizers and switch to organic matter. In this case, nitrates will not accumulate in the fruits.

Diseases and pests

Tomato "Cherry strawberry" f1 is often subject to brown spot; this disease can affect the plant both in greenhouse shelters and in open ground, especially in the southern regions.

In order to get rid of such a disease, you need to use the drug “Zaslon”. An important point will be to reduce air and soil humidity, this is achieved by ventilation and reducing watering.

Powdery mildew on tomatoes is another disease that this hybrid can be susceptible to. They fight it with the help of the drug “Profi Gold”.

Of the pests, this type of tomato is susceptible to the Colorado potato beetle, which causes great harm to the plant. Pests are collected manually, after which the plants are treated with the drug “Prestige”.

Slugs are fought by loosening the soil, sprinkling with pepper and ground mustard, approximately 1 teaspoon per square meter. meter. The nightshade miner can also infect this variety; the drug “Zubr” should be used against it.

As you can see, this hybrid is not very difficult to care for; even those who are just taking their first steps towards growing tomatoes can cope with it. Good luck and great harvests!

Mid-earlySuper earlyMid-season
IvanovichMoscow starsPink Elephant
TimofeyDebutRaspberry Onslaught
Black truffleLeopoldOrange
RosalizaPresident 2Bull forehead
Sugar giantPickling miracleStrawberry dessert
Orange giantPink ImpressionSnow fairy tale
StopudovAlphaYellow ball

Description of the Cherry Strawberry variety

The world's first cherry tomatoes were brought out by breeders from Israel about 80 years ago. Since then, cherry tomatoes have become one of the most popular vegetables in the world. Today, a huge number of different varieties have been bred.

In order not to make a bad choice, you need to study the description of the variety in detail.

The Cherry Strawberry tomato was bred by breeders from Russia. In 2011, the hybrid received state registration as a variety intended for planting in open and closed ground.

F1 tomato belongs to the first generation hybrids. The originator is the agricultural company Sedek.

The plant is determinate, the growth of the bush is limited and does not exceed 1 - 1.3 meters in height. Bushes need to be tied up and shaped.

Tomatoes can be grown in the garden in beds, greenhouses and greenhouse shelters. It is rarely exposed to diseases that most often affect nightshade crops.

It is better to grow a hybrid in a vegetable garden in the southern regions of Russia. Since Cherry Strawberry is an early ripening plant, in northern latitudes the bushes may die during sharp frosts.

Description of the Kira cherry tomato and growing the hybrid using seedlings

Cherry tomato Kira can be grown in greenhouse blocks, on open ground. Since this plant feels good in small containers, and also has an attractive appearance, it is cultivated on balconies and loggias of multi-story buildings. Cherry tomatoes Kira f1 and their varieties can also be used for decorative purposes, for example, to decorate a personal plot.

Technical data of the plant and its fruits

The characteristics and description of the variety are as follows:

  1. The first tomato fruits can be obtained 95-110 days after sowing seedlings in the ground.
  2. The bush of the plant has a height of 150 to 170 cm. The stem develops an average number of leaves, colored in dark tones of green.
  3. The tomato inflorescence is simple.
  4. From 18 to 20 fruits may appear on the brush, the shape of which is similar to a ball, slightly flattened on top.
  5. The weight of the berry ranges from 25 to 30 g. The fruit has an average density. It is painted orange. The berries do not crack under mechanical or thermal influence.
  6. The plant is unpretentious to growing conditions. It is resistant to diseases such as late blight. You can avoid the development of some other tomato diseases if you weed the beds in time to remove weeds, hill up tomato bushes, dose watering, and mulch the soil.

Reviews from farmers cultivating the described variety show that the tomato yield is 6.0-12 kg per 1 sq. m beds. You can get up to 1.5 kg of berries from a bush. Gardeners note some disadvantages of the variety, for example, Kira requires the formation of a bush. To grow the plant, you need to buy seeds every year.

If the tomato is planted in a greenhouse or open ground, then after harvesting in the fall, you can move the Kira tomato into the room, placing the plants in suitable containers.

Tomatoes of this type are used to make salads and juices. You can preserve tomatoes for the winter in the form of whole fruits or prepare them for assorted dishes.

Trade organizations willingly purchase fruits from gardeners, since the berries can withstand long-term transportation. The fruits can be stored in a cold place for 70-80 days.

Breeding the described variety in a personal yard

To grow tomatoes, buy seeds in specialized stores. They do not need to be treated with potassium permanganate, as this has already been done by the manufacturer. The seedling method is used to propagate tomatoes. Seeds are sown in suitable containers, after introducing mineral and organic fertilizers into the soil. The depth of sowing the seed into the soil is 20 mm. It is necessary to water the seedlings in a timely manner, and after they reach a height of 10 cm and the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the plants dive.

The sprouts are transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground when they reach the age of 50-60 days, having previously hardened the seedlings for 10 days.

Before planting seedlings, the beds are loosened and manure or chicken droppings are added to them. The formation of plants is carried out in 2 stems. Due to the large height of the bush, a garter is required to strong supports or trellises, otherwise the branches of the plants may break under the weight of the fruit.

Watering the bushes is carried out after sunset. To do this, use warm water. Bushes are fed 2 times. The first time is with nitrogen and potassium mixtures when the plants are flowering, and then during the ripening of the fruits, superphosphate and potassium nitrate are added to the soil.

It is recommended to weed and loosen the beds 1-2 times a week. Although this type of tomato is resistant to various diseases, it is recommended to carry out prevention by spraying the leaves on the bushes with medicinal preparations, for example, Phytophthora. Garden pest control is carried out using chemical poisons or traditional methods of exterminating insects and their larvae. To get rid of slugs, ash flour is used, which is added to the soil under the tomato bushes.

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How to grow tomatoes

After 2 months, the seedlings are ready for transplanting. If the soil temperature is less than +15, then planting in the ground should be delayed, otherwise the seedlings will not begin to grow for a long time, which will delay fruiting.


The Strawberry tomato loves fertile soil, so humus, wood ash and complex fertilizers are added to the soil.

Planting pattern: 40 cm – distance between seedlings, 60 cm – row spacing. For 1 sq. m place no more than 2-3 plants.

After transplanting, the holes are watered with warm, settled water and mulched with sawdust. Mulching helps retain moisture in the beds longer and prevents the penetration of many pests.

Further care for tomato Strawberry F1

Regular watering is established as young plants adapt to new conditions. Water infrequently, 1-2 times a week, increasing the number of waterings on dry days

It is important to avoid dampness in the beds. Tomatoes do not like excess moisture, and high humidity has a negative effect on developing fruits, giving them a watery taste.

After each watering, the beds are loosened, removing weeds with roots.

Plants need feeding regularly. The fertilizer is a full complex of minerals, which is added to irrigation every 2 weeks. During the budding period, phosphorus and magnesium are added to the main fertilizing for healthy growth and development of plants, and during fruiting, potassium fertilizers are used for faster fruiting.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

When transplanting, vertical wooden or metal supports are installed next to each bush. Despite the powerful bush, the plant requires obligatory staking not only of the stem, but also of the fruit-bearing branches, since they cannot withstand the weight of ripe vegetables.

The ideal fixation option is a garter on a trellis. To do this, install supports at different ends of the bed and stretch wire between them.

Tall bushes require regular pinching, otherwise a lot of nutrients will be spent on the growth of unnecessary shoots. In addition, if the plants are not planted, there is a possibility that the plantings will become dense, which will lead to the development of fungal spores and the spread of insect pests.

For the greatest return, the crop is formed into 1 stem. This is a necessary condition for those who want to get maximum yield.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is immune to diseases of the nightshade family. But for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to regularly loosen and mulch the beds, control the level of humidity and systematically ventilate closed structures.

The influx of fresh air destroys not only the pathogenic environment, but also the habitual living conditions of many parasites, in particular the greenhouse spider mite.

Young bushes are susceptible to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle, which is why regular and thorough inspection of plants is so important. The beetle is collected by hand and burned in glass jars. If there is a lot of it, use the drug “Prestige”. But remember that the use of insecticides is possible only before the ovaries appear.

Features of care

It is important to remember that the hybrid of this variety loves daily moderate watering. If watering is infrequent, brown cracks will appear on the fruits. If you water frequently, the tomatoes will be too watery.

Mineral supplements are also important. It is best to use complex fertilizers for this purpose. Fertilizers should contain substances such as phosphorus, potassium, selenium, cobalt, zinc and iron. You can use Agricola or Kemira fertilizers.

You need to feed the bushes no more than once a week, after the seedlings are planted in the ground. During the formation of ovaries, ammonium nitrate and wood ash can be added to mineral fertilizers.

When applying fertilizers, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the plants. If they begin to increase leaf mass, and the fruits become less and less, it means that the plants are overfed.

The variety of tomato varieties and hybrids developed through selective breeding never ceases to amaze. Many gardeners have long abandoned conventional high-yielding varieties and switched to exotic crops that can captivate not only with their name, but also with their external decorative appearance.

Every summer resident wants to grow something unusual on his plot. The Strawberry F1 tomato belongs precisely to such hybrids: it captivates not only with the appearance of the fruit, exactly reminiscent of a sweet garden berry, but also with its excellent taste. Extraordinary sweetness with barely noticeable sourness and subtle fruity notes have made the hybrid almost a legend in the tomato world.

Cherry hybrids

In modern laboratory conditions, breeders are able to instill various properties in tomatoes in a short period of time. The only drawback of crops is the inability to grow plants with “parental” characteristics from collected seeds.


The tomato was included in the state register in 2012. The originator of the selection is. The plants are low-growing, the height does not exceed 60 cm. The growing season is short, 75-80 days should pass from germination to fruit ripening. There is no need to form bushes or tie them up. On a vegetable crop, up to 5 clusters with 10-20 tomatoes are formed. Vegetables are round in shape, not the same size. Weight 10-50 g. The pulp is juicy and sweet. The skin is thin but durable, which protects the tomatoes from cracking. With proper agricultural technology, up to 1.5 kg of fruit can be collected from a bush. Plant care is minimal. Used for canning and preparing salads.


The hybrid was bred in Ukraine, but according to all characteristics, it can be cultivated in Russia. Tomato fruiting occurs 87-95 days after the seeds hatch. A short growing season allows the plant to avoid disease and get an early harvest. The bushes grow spreading and their growth is unlimited. The fruits are cube-shaped, the size is even. The surface of the tomato is smooth, without ribbing. The color of vegetables at biological ripeness is red. Weight does not exceed 35 g. Plants are resistant to diseases and unpretentious to growing conditions.


The tomato is distinguished by the yellow color of its fruit. The bushes of the vegetable crop are standard type, height 40-50 cm. The growing season lasts 85-90 days from the moment the seeds hatch. Tomatoes are collected in large clusters. One plant produces 20 or more tomatoes. The fruits are round, the surface is glossy and shiny. Tomato weight is 15-20 g. The taste is pleasant, without sourness. A small number of seeds. They are unpretentious to growing conditions. The yield from 1 m² is 3 kg.


Standard crops can be grown on the balcony or in a pot.

Cherry tomatoes: the best and sweetest varieties

Cherry tomatoes look like cherries. A large number of hybrids and varieties of tomatoes are combined under this name. In Europe, miniature vegetables are very popular. They are less common in Russian garden beds. The best varieties of cherry tomatoes are characterized by high yield and excellent taste. Hybrids intended for greenhouses and open ground are also in demand.

Cherry Blossam F1

The hybrid was developed in Japan. Listed in the Russian state register since 2008. Vegetable crop

Suitable for growing in garden beds and protected ground. Characteristics of Cherry Blossam:

  • the bush reaches a height of 110 cm;
  • medium-sized foliage is dark green;
  • ripening period is 3-3.5 months from the moment of germination;
  • bright red fruits weigh 20-25 g;
  • tomatoes are collected in brushes;
  • Tomato has a sweet taste.

The hybrid variety is resistant to infectious diseases of nightshades and sudden temperature changes. The vegetable has a long shelf life and is suitable for transportation over long distances.

Cherry tomato hybrid Blossem produces up to 4.5 kg of yield per 1 sq. m.

The plant is cultivated in all regions of the country. In cold climates, the crop is cultivated in greenhouse conditions. In the south, in the Volga region, and central Russia, tomatoes are grown in open and closed ground. To obtain a good harvest, the bushes are formed into three stems.

Children's joy F1

The vegetable ripens 90-104 days from the beginning of the growing season. The hybrid has good immunity to viral and fungal infections. The fruits are not prone to cracking. “Children's Joy” tomatoes are used to make salads, winter preparations, and juice.

Description of the hybrid variety:

  1. the height of the central stem is from 2 to 2.5 m;
  2. the amount of foliage is average;
  3. bright red and very sweet fruits weigh from 20 to 30 g;

Cherry tomatoes have a long shelf life and are suitable for transportation over long distances.

Sugar bunch F1

The variety has the sweetest fruits of all cherry types. Tomato is resistant to most common infectious diseases. The bush has several fruiting branches. Cherry tomatoes are collected in clusters of 5-7 pieces.

The pulp of tomatoes is fleshy and sweet in taste. The variety is suitable for salads, marinades, and canning.

Cherry (red, yellow, black)

These productive varieties were bred in 1990 by Russian breeding scientists. “Cherry” is intended for cultivation in garden beds and under cover. The crop grows well in climatic conditions:

  1. central Russia;
  2. Krasnodar region;
  3. Rostov region;
  4. Stavropol Territory;
  5. Chechnya.

Yellow and red cherries ripen in 90-100 days. The height of the average trunk of the bush reaches 1.5-2 m. Miniature bright red fruits are collected in clusters of 25 - 40 pieces. The weight of one vegetable is 15-25 grams.

Black, red, yellow cherries are sweet varieties that, in addition to good taste, have an attractive appearance. They are grown for consumption raw. Black cherries have the same characteristics, the only difference is the exotic color of the fruit.

Cranberries in sugar

This cherry variety is suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse, on a balcony, or in a garden bed. The bush has a decorative appearance. The average height of an adult plant is 50 cm. The variety was created in 2012 by a group of Russian agricultural breeders.

Resistance to diseases and pests

“Strawberry cherry F1” is quite resistant to diseases characteristic of tomatoes. Therefore, timely prevention will protect plants from the risk of disease and preserve the harvest without loss.


This cherry can suffer from several diseases of the nightshade family:

  • late blight: can affect bushes due to excessive moisture, especially if tomatoes are grown in greenhouses. You should carefully monitor the condition of the soil and air, and regularly ventilate the room in greenhouses. Diseased parts of the plant must be removed. It is good to spray the bushes with fungicides such as Bordeaux mixture, Fitosporin, etc.;
  • blossom end rot: for prevention, it is useful to add 1 tbsp to each hole before planting seedlings. calcium nitrate and wood ash;
  • brown spot: for prevention, it is advisable to periodically spray the bushes with Fitosporin;
  • powdery mildew: a fungal disease that most often affects plants in greenhouses, especially glass ones.

For prevention, it is necessary to disinfect greenhouses and soil before planting seedlings. Before sowing, seeds must be soaked in solutions of Epin or Immunocytophyte (according to the instructions supplied with the preparations). It is good to periodically spray the bushes with a Humate solution (0.01%) or other fungicides.

To prevent plant diseases, you should observe the temperature regime, monitor the level of humidity and light, regularly ventilate greenhouses, do not plant plantings in a dense manner, and follow planting standards.


Tomatoes and pests do not bypass:

  • Colorado potato beetle: appears more often on tomatoes if other nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, etc.) grow nearby;
  • Tomatoes can also be attacked by mites, slugs and aphids.

Plants belonging to the same family should be planted at a great distance from each other, because they have common diseases and pests. Therefore, the possibility of mutual infection by diseases or damage by pests increases.

Regular spraying with insecticides helps control pests. However, for prevention, you should regularly weed the rows and follow the rules of agricultural technology.

It is good to plant health plants next to tomato bushes: marigolds (tagetes), calendula, mustard, snakehead, parsley and other spicy crops.

Tomato bushes must be periodically inspected in order to prevent the proliferation of pests. If they appear, you need to spray the bushes with insecticides or herbal solutions (nettle, dandelion, etc.) and other folk remedies.

The best cherry tomatoes according to reviews from summer residents

Russian vegetable growers like cherry tomatoes; many of them include the best varieties:

  • Magic cascade;
  • Red and yellow cherries;
  • Terek F1;
  • Ambrosia red
  • Tomato Chio-chio-san;
  • Cranberries in sugar.

The largest number of positive reviews have been left about these varieties and hybrids. Vegetable growers consider the taste of these cherry tomatoes to be the best.

We recommend reading:

Tomato Mars F1: hybrid features, photos, reviews

Review of Cherry Vera F1 tomato: photos, features, reviews

12 best large-fruited tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses

Mammoth tomatoes: photos and features of the variety

Casanova tomatoes: photo, variety features

Tomatoes Pudovik (Sevryuga): description of the variety, photos, reviews

Great article3Bad article1

Reviews from gardeners

  1. Yulia Aleksandrovna, 39 years old:
    I love small tomatoes, and I always grow them at the dacha. The strawberry Cherry variety has wonderful taste. These fruits can decorate any holiday table. Caring for the variety is simple.
  2. Evgeniy Petrovich, 50 years old:
    I really liked this variety of tomatoes. The taste of the fruit is sweet, the yield is good. We eat all tomatoes fresh. I recommend everyone to try this variety.

tomato Cetus pink - description and characteristics of the variety

Watering and fertilizing

Watering should be moderate. The soil should not be over-watered or allowed to dry out.

The best fertilizers are mineral fertilizers, compost, and humus. You should not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers or increase the dose of any fertilizing - in this case, the plant begins to “fatten”: build up green leaf mass instead of forming fruit clusters.

Tomato "Cherry Strawberry F1" is quite easy to grow and care for

Important: regularly inspect the plants for diseases or pests, water them on time and in moderation, ventilate (if tomatoes grow indoors), weed, feed a little and - don’t forget to harvest! Good weather and great harvest!

Good weather and great harvest!

Advantages and disadvantages

On websites and in the press there are different reviews about the Strawberry cherry tomato. And mostly good. Strawberry tomato, like any other plant, has its advantages and disadvantages.


Anyone who has already grown this variety knows perfectly well why it is good:

  • fairly stable yield, although not very high;
  • wonderful decorative effect: it will not only delight you with excellent tomatoes, but will serve as a decoration for the garden bed;
  • maturation is very amicable;
  • early ripeness: you can enjoy sweet tomatoes very soon;
  • high taste qualities of fruits;
  • undemanding and unpretentious in cultivation;
  • strong immunity to diseases of the nightshade family.

You can still list why Strawberry cherries are good, but it’s better to grow them and just enjoy the bright delicacies.


It should be noted that the tender fruits of “Cherry Strawberry F1” are just asking to be eaten right away, because:

  • They don’t last long – shelf life is below average, so “Cherry Strawberry” needs to be either eaten right away or canned right away;
  • transportability is also low, but this is compensated by excellent taste and early harvest;
  • productivity is not very high;
  • in processing they are suitable only for whole canning, but in winter you can immediately throw such a tomato into your mouth and not be afraid to splash yourself and your neighbors at the table with a cracked tomato-berry;
  • not suitable for preparing tomato juices and pastes due to the high concentration of dry substances;
  • in the middle zone and further to the north, Strawberry can be grown exclusively in closed ground; in open ground it grows successfully and bears fruit only in the south.

As for the disadvantages, you can note that there are many other varieties of tomatoes for long-term storage, as well as for long-term transportation.

Features of cultivation

What is the best way to grow Cherry Blossom F1 tomato? It is recommended to do this through seedlings, especially in the northern and non-chernozem climate zone. From the moment the seeds germinate until they are planted in the ground, at least 35 days must pass. In the southern regions, early sowing of seeds in the ground (under temporary shelter) is possible.

The recommended planting pattern is 30 cm between plants, from 50 cm between rows. The variety, despite belonging to the determinant group, needs staking and pinching.

It is recommended to remove all shoots below the first ovary (they can be rooted and planted to get another harvest in the fall). Plant care consists of regular watering (at least 2 times a week) and weekly fertilizing with complex fertilizers or organic matter with the addition of potassium and phosphorus salts. By applying these planting and care tips, you will reap a good harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Reviews of the Cherry Strawberry F1 tomato from those farmers who planted the hybrid, as mentioned earlier, are mostly positive. Despite the fact that the hybrid has many advantages, it has a number of disadvantages.

  • Gives a good harvest throughout the season;
  • Very tasty fruits;
  • The hybrid is not demanding in care;
  • Good decorative qualities;
  • Immunity to diseases of nightshade crops;
  • Harmonious ripening of tomatoes.
  • The variety is not high-yielding;
  • The fruits do not differ in shelf life;
  • Not suitable for preparing tomato juices and pastes;
  • Bushes need to be tied up;
  • It is necessary to form bushes;
  • Seedlings can only be grown in open ground in the southern regions of Russia. In northern latitudes, it is recommended to use greenhouses and greenhouse shelters.

Tomato Kangaroo Heart description and characteristics of the variety, its yield with photos

Just think, but 20 years ago gardeners were not tormented by the question of what variety of tomatoes to plant - they simply did not exist. Now the seed market is flooded with various varieties for certain climatic conditions, including for greenhouses. How not to drown in the stream of names and make the right choice? All experts agree that it is indeterminate or tall varieties of tomatoes that are ideal for greenhouses.

They form into one stem and its growth is not limited as long as there is space and favorable temperature conditions. Of course, they need more careful care, but at the same time the yield increases significantly.

In particular, with proper care and watering, you can harvest up to 50 kg of tomatoes from a bush.

The main advantages of indeterminate varieties:

  • The bush gives more harvest due to more color brushes
  • They are less susceptible to fungal infections due to greater air intake
  • Long fruiting phase, which allows you to enjoy tomatoes for a long time
  • Bushes are much easier to form, since you only need to leave the stem without stepsons

The disadvantages include:

  • Tomatoes are very picky about heat and care, so they may not grow in all areas.
  • Unlimited growth, not only in height, but also in width, not suitable for small greenhouses and areas
  • Due to precocity, a disadvantage may arise such as different sizes of fruits on one bush

In contrast to tall varieties, determinate varieties perform very well in different climatic conditions and require less care. But at the same time, they have limited growth and, therefore, limited yield. This species is also suitable for growing in greenhouses, especially if there is not much space.

The main advantages of determinate tomatoes include:

  1. Early fruits. They ripen earlier than identerminate ones, since the flower clusters are formed through fewer leaves.
  2. High level of early harvests in various climatic zones.
  3. More uniform harvest yield - several tassels are tied at once and almost at the same time.

Cons of determinate tomatoes:

  1. The overall yield is lower than that of tall ones, again due to the small growth of the bush.
  2. Diseases. These varieties are more prone to diseases. Loaded brushes reduce their resistance to viruses. That is why these varieties need to be treated more with chemicals.
  3. Increased fertilizer and mineral nutrition, again, due to the load on the brushes.

De Barao

One of the most famous varieties of indeterminate tomatoes. Its bushes reach up to 3 meters. At the same time, it can be cultivated both in a greenhouse and in open ground. From each square meter you can harvest a high yield - up to 10 kg per bush.

Like all tall trees, it has increased resistance to diseases. De Barao is divided into several subspecies (pink, royal, gold, black, red, yellow) depending on the color of the fruit, but with the same characteristics - large yield and high stature.

Also one of the leaders in tall tomatoes. It is ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions, and it looks quite interesting. A 3-meter tree with vines on which the treasured tomatoes grow. From such a tree you can get 1-1.5 tons of harvest. At the same time, the fruits have an excellent taste and can be stored for several weeks and even months if properly maintained.

Semko-Sinbad F1

Classic to represent an early, fruiting variety. A very early variety, the first fruits can be harvested after 90 days. On its branch, 8 fruits are formed, weighing 100 g. The variety can be grown not only by seedlings, but also by planting seeds directly into the ground, while it has high resistance to infections.


This is a mid-season variety, the fruits of which can be removed from the branches on the 100-110th day after planting. The average weight of such a fruit is 200 g. Due to its resistance to temperature changes, it grows well both in the southern regions and in the regions of the middle zone. With quality care, gardeners harvest up to 3 kg of fruit from one bush.

Hybrid Ivanhoe F1

Originally from Holland, tomatoes are loved by Russian amateur gardeners. Like all determinate varieties, Ivanhoe is unpretentious to the weather and easy to grow. The taste is much brighter than other greenhouse varieties of tomatoes, and early fruits can be obtained already at the beginning of summer.

Characteristics and description

To choose the desired tomato varieties, any gardener carefully studies the characteristics and descriptions of many varieties, in order to then purchase the seeds he likes, germinate them, plant them on the plot, and then harvest the expected harvest.

The “Strawberry Cherry F1” tomato is endowed with outstanding qualities:

  • determinant;
  • early: tomatoes ripen 95-105 days from emergence;
  • medium-sized: grows up to 1 m - 1.2 m, therefore, needs to be tied up;
  • It is better to form a bush with 1-2 stems;
  • tomatoes ripen on long clusters;
  • 25 to 30 tomatoes grow on one bunch;
  • the yield is not very high: you can collect 1-2 kg of fruits from a bush, but the taste of tomatoes compensates for their not very large quantity;
  • characterized by abundant and friendly fruiting;
  • is highly decorative.

The original fruits of this hybrid are impressive:

  • These tomatoes are surprising - they are heart-shaped, reminiscent of strawberries;
  • color bright red;
  • the average fruit weight is 25-30 g, individual specimens can gain weight up to 40-45 g;
  • two-chamber;
  • high dry matter content - almost 7%;
  • the pulp is very sweet (high sugar content), juicy;
  • the skin is quite dense, practically does not crack;
  • the taste is excellent.

Purpose: salad, for fresh consumption, because They are not stored for a long time; they are processed mainly for whole-fruit canning. But juices or pastes from Strawberry are unlikely to be obtained - the reason for this is the high content of dry substances. Tomatoes are an excellent treat for children and adults.

This wonderful hybrid was bred by Russian breeders, and in 2011 it was included in the State Register as a species that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Tomato “Cherry Strawberry F1” - first generation hybrid; The originator is the agricultural company SeDek.

It is impossible to obtain seeds from the fruits of hybrid varieties, from which the same variety can then be grown.

Hybrids are obtained as a result of crossing different varieties, therefore anything can grow from the seeds of such fruits - as they say: “not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal.”

It is also necessary to take into account that the hybrid “Strawberry Cherry F1” is best grown in open ground in warm regions of the country. In the northern regions it may freeze slightly and not produce a large harvest.

Description of the American tomato Cherokee Green golden and growing in seedlings

The Cherokee Green golden tomato was bred by US breeders in 1997. This is a rather rare variety for Russia, colored brown, green and gold. The Cherokee Gold tomato does not crack from mechanical stress, despite the fact that the tomato has a fairly thin skin.

It can be grown in open ground only in the southern regions of Russia, and in the open spaces of the middle zone and in the northern regions of the country, greenhouses and hotbeds have to be used. The tomato variety described is not intended for transportation or long-term storage, so it is consumed fresh, salads and tomato juice of unusual colors are made from it.

Technical data of the variety

The characteristics and description of the plant are as follows:

  1. Cherokee Green Gold belongs to the group of tomatoes with medium ripening periods. The vegetative period of development lasts up to 130 days - from seedlings to the first harvest.
  2. The height of the plant bushes ranges from 160 to 180 cm. A bush is formed from several stems, on which many leaves are formed, colored green and evenly spaced along the tomato trunk.
  3. Cherokee Green has practically no branches in width. All the plant's energy goes into growing the bush. From 4 to 5 clusters develop on the stem, which produce 5-6 fruits.
  4. Tomatoes of the described variety have the shape of a ball flattened at the top and bottom. The weight of the fruit ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 kg. The ripe berry is colored brown and yellow on the outside, and green (emerald) on the inside, with a small number of seeds. The surface of the fruit is shiny, with clearly defined ribs. The pulp is aromatic and contains a lot of juice.
  5. The harvest can be harvested throughout the summer. The first berries ripen approximately 117-127 days after the seedlings appear, and then the plant bears fruit throughout the summer.

Reviews from farmers growing this variety show that tomato yield ranges from 3 to 7 kg of berries per bush. Gardeners note that when sown in open areas, the first fruits can reach a maximum weight of 400-500 g, and the weight of subsequent berries is reduced to 0.15-0.3 kg.

When growing the described tomato hybrid in a greenhouse, gardeners receive berries of the same weight, the average weight of which ranges from 250 to 300 g. Farmers consider the disadvantage of the variety to be the need to harvest stepsons and install supports under the branches of plants.

Growing seedlings in your own backyard

To obtain a high yield, the correct biotechnology for planting and growing Cherokee Green must be used.

Seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. They are then soaked in water to swell. Floated specimens are thrown away. Planting material is planted in boxes or separate cups filled with soil for tomatoes. The container with seeds is installed in a warm, well-ventilated area.

When the first shoots appear after 7 days, they are watered with warm water and fed with manure or peat.

Before planting seedlings in the soil, loosen the ground, apply complex mineral fertilizer (no more than 1 tbsp) to each bush. The format for planting bushes is 0.5 X 0.5 m, each bush is formed from 2-3 stems. The lower leaves need to be torn off, as they immediately begin to dry out.

Self-care for tomatoes

When flowering, plants are fed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. During fruit formation, the bushes are fed with magnesium sulfate, pouring the solution under the root.

Cherokee is watered only during severe drought. To do this, use water at room temperature. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not wash out the root system of the plants, otherwise up to 30% of the harvest will be lost.

Loosening is carried out 1-2 times a week. You can mulch the soil so that all useful microelements and moisture are retained in the soil. The gardener must weed the beds once every 2 weeks.

Although Cherokee Green is immune to all diseases, it is recommended to carry out preventive spraying of the bushes with medicinal preparations. If the farmer has treated the seeds with pesticides, then there will be no need to use any additional products. This measure will also save the plants from damage by the Colorado potato beetle.

When aphids, mites, and caterpillars of various insects appear on tomato leaves, they are destroyed with toxic chemicals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomato Strawberry f1 has many positive characteristics:

  • early ripening;
  • good adaptation to temperature changes;
  • drought resistance;
  • immunity to many diseases;
  • simple agricultural technology;
  • high fruiting rate;
  • excellent taste;
  • unusual appearance;
  • presentation for a long time;
  • possibility of breeding for sale;
  • preparations for the winter;
  • long-term storage;
  • long transportations.

The negative aspects include regular stepsoning and mandatory garter.

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