Description of the Danna tomato variety, its characteristics and cultivation

The Danna tomato will become the dream of many gardeners involved in vegetable growing in Northern and central Russia. The variety also shows high yields in regions where summers are quite cool. On the root, plants have time to grow early and ripen juicy, appetizing fruits, even with sudden temperature changes. In addition, when growing, tomatoes do not require much care, which is also an undoubted advantage.

Tomato Danna - description and characteristics of the variety

For ordinary gardeners and people who plant vegetables in the northern and middle regions of Russia, it is very difficult to choose exactly the variety of tomatoes that would withstand extreme weather conditions and long-distance transportation.
But there is a way out. This is a tomato variety - Danna. With sudden changes on the thermometer, when the temperature either drops or rises, this variety still ripens and produces tasty fruit. It is also characterized by high yield, which is also important. Another plus is that he is not capricious during the care process.

It is enough to devote not as much time to it as to other varieties.

The Danna tomato is a vegetable crop, a kind of hybrid, that ripens quickly. It was created in 1983. Suitable for cultivation both in Northern Russia and in other regions. Its yield is very stable and high. The fruits ripen on time and in very good quantities. Once the seeds are planted, you must wait 110 to 117 days to begin harvesting. These tomatoes are also very beneficial for the body. They eliminate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, regulate the functioning of the heart and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. The variety also contains many useful vitamins.

This plant can be described by several characteristics:

the average height of the bush is 55 cm, and it is important to note that it does not need support; its bush is not a standard type; this species has an average level of leaves and branches; the leaf is medium, it has a dark green color; has a complex inflorescence, 4-5 fruits can grow on them.

Suitable for northern regions

Description of the variety:

Tomato Danko
general characteristicsMid-season
Maturation period100-110 days after germination
Keeping quality (safety in storage)Low
PurposeSalad, canning (for processing into juices and sauces)
Fruit weight200-400 grams
Number of fruits per cluster4-5
Disease resistanceHigh
  1. Tomato of Siberian selection of early ripening and limited growth. The variety belongs to large-fruited, pink tomatoes with excellent taste and salad purposes.
  2. Danko bush with medium foliage, compact, up to 50 cm high. Suitable for growing in open ground and greenhouse conditions. It needs shaping and staking, as large fruits can break the bush.
  3. The Danko tomato variety is not productive, but when formed into 3-4 stems you can get pretty good results. The tomato is valuable solely for its taste and original heart-shaped fruits.
  4. The fruits are large, with an elongated tip of a bright pink color. Large tomatoes form on the lower clusters; as they grow, the fruits become smaller. The average fruit weight is 200-400 g. The pulp is sugary, dense, juicy, and sweet in taste. The skin is thin and is prone to cracking if agricultural practices are improper.
  5. Tomatoes ripen 100-110 days after germination, which has a positive effect on resistance to many diseases. The variety tolerates temperature changes well, both downward and upward. It may not be possible to get a huge harvest of tomatoes, but a stable production of tasty tomatoes will be ensured.

The photo shows heart-shaped fruits weighing 200-400 g. Photo:

The author of the video recommends planting several Danko tomato bushes on the site. Tomatoes are ideal for preparing salads and delicious sauces:

Tips for growing the variety

Those who grew Dunn's culture claim that to get a high yield, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. To obtain full-fledged seedlings, it is necessary to sow the seeds quite densely.
  2. When 2 true leaves are formed on the seedlings, strong, well-developed plants are selected and picked.
  3. Seedlings are planted in open ground only after frost has passed.
  4. The area for tomatoes should be well lit and protected from northern winds.
  5. Planting pattern 40x60 cm.
  6. During growth, plants are fed with root and foliar complex fertilizers.

Reviews from gardeners indicate that tomatoes do not require pinching or support. For the development of the plant, timely watering, weeding and loosening of the tree trunk are carried out.

“Danna has been planting tomatoes for several years in a row. I liked this variety for its low bushes, on which the fruits were compactly collected. The yield was also encouraging. From each bush I collected about 3 kg of tomatoes. The tomatoes are tasty, beautiful in appearance, and very good for preparing canned whole fruits and salads.” N. G. Apt

“I planted different varieties of tomatoes in my dacha. One of the best tomatoes I can highlight is Danna. The plant is absolutely undemanding in care and resistant to sudden cold snaps. In addition, tomato annually shows good yield indicators” Dmitry Ascheulov

Main genus: Tomato
Ripening period
Soil type
Growing method
Purpose of fruits
Disease resistance
Soil ph requirements
Life form
Shape of fruits/stems/roots and tubers/heads
Size of fruits/stems/roots and tubers/heads
Cultivation region by origin
Vitamin content
Color of fruits/roots and tubers
Leaf/stem/head color
Fruit/root and tuber pulp color
Peel thickness
Frost resistance
Drought resistance
Decorative value
Taste of fruits
Shelter for the winter
Pest resistance
Keeping quality
Branching pattern
Density and character of the pulp

Expand all properties

Description of the plant:

Tomato 'Danna' is a variety bred by the Institute of General Genetics. N.I. Vavilova. Approved for use in the Middle Volga, Ural and West Siberian regions since 1983.

Recommended for growing in open ground.

Dimensions and growth form:

The 'Danna' variety is represented by determinate plants with a main stem height of 55 cm. The type of bush is ordinary. The foliage and branching are moderate. The leaf is medium-sized, ordinary, relatively dissected, with a smooth surface.

The inflorescence is complex, with 4–5 or more flowers. The first inflorescence is laid above the 8th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 2 leaves.


Size, shape and color:

The fruit is flat-round in shape, weighing 65–84 g. The surface is smooth. The color of the ripe fruit is red. The number of nests is 4–7, the location is correct.

The taste of the fruit is good to excellent.

Ripening time and yield:

Tomato 'Danna' is an early ripening variety. The period from full germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is 107–120 days. Productivity is high and amounts to 2.6–6.9 kg/m2.

Disease resistance:

The variety is relatively resistant to late blight, macrosporiosis and septoria of the vegetative mass.


The only disadvantage of this indeterminate (sometimes growing up to 2 m) tomato is the need for support and shaping of the bush. The rest is a set of advantages! It is resistant to unfavorable conditions and can grow even in Siberia and the Far East. It bears fruit well not only in the greenhouse, but also in open ground. It is not afraid of the main nightshade diseases.

“In the greenhouse, I am always pleased with the Chio-chio-san variety from Gavrish. Maria Dolzhikova.

In terms of ripening time, the tomato belongs to the mid-early category - 100-120 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to the start of fruiting. It won’t let you down with the harvest either - although the tomatoes are small (about 30-40 g on average), they ripen up to 50 pcs. on the brushes! So the yield from a bush with proper care is 4 kg and can reach a record 6 kg. And the taste of this tomato is excellent! And in the blanks it looks very presentable.

“Chio-chio-san - sweet, very productive, tall, with up to 50 smooth, thin-skinned sweet tomatoes in a bunch! Universal for both food and preservation.” Tatyana Vznuzdaeva. Tula region

Description of the variety

The Danna tomato is an early ripening vegetable crop of Russian selection. The variety was obtained in 1983 for cultivation in the Northern regions of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Thanks to successful selection, tomato yields are always stable. Tomato harvesting occurs on days 110–117, after planting the seeds. The first brush of the inflorescence is formed above the 8th leaf of the plant, each subsequent one with an interval of 2 leaves.

  • Dunn's tomato bush is not a standard type;
  • plant height is 50–55 cm;
  • medium leaf variety;
  • the leaf is medium-sized, dark green;
  • the inflorescence is complex, bearing more than 5 fruits.

The tomato is intended for growing in open ground. In order for the yield to come earlier, vegetables can also be grown in greenhouses and greenhouse structures.

Puzata hut

In terms of the number of votes received, it was not far from Monomakh's Cap. The appearance of these tomatoes fully explains the name. Large (300 g), pear-shaped, ribbed, just like squat gnome houses, these tomatoes ripen early - 105-110 days after planting the seedlings. True, they turn red gradually if there is a lot of heat and sun. They are grown in open ground and under film, where they ripen faster. The fruits are fleshy, taste very sweet and juicy.

The bushes are indeterminate, but even in a greenhouse their height rarely exceeds 170 cm. However, it will not be possible to do without shaping. The stems are thin and need staking, as they can lie down under the weight of the fruit. And the yield of these tomatoes, ripening in clusters of 3-5 pieces, is quite decent - 10-11 kg per bush. They are little susceptible to common cultural diseases, but preventive protective measures have never hurt anyone.

“This year I also want a Puzata hut. Last year a friend had them - just a miracle!” Marina Samoilova.

Description of the hybrid tomato variety Danna, DIY cultivation

Danna's tomato is a hybrid that belongs to early-ripening plants with high yield. This type of tomatoes can be cultivated in open soil and in greenhouse film buildings. These tomatoes have a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, help regulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and eliminate problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Tomatoes of the described type contain vitamins of different groups necessary for the human body.

Therefore, Dunn's tomatoes are used to eat vitamin salads. They can be used fresh, stewed, baked, pickled and canned.

Tomato Vasily description and characteristics of the variety, opinion of summer residents with photos

Advantages and disadvantages

  • early ripening;
  • stable yield, independent of weather conditions;
  • good taste;
  • relatively good resistance to diseases;
  • long-term fruiting.

No significant deficiencies were identified. You can find other high-yielding and disease-resistant varieties here.

Having analyzed all the reviews available to us left by those farmers who planted the Dacha tomato on their plot, we came to the conclusion that it has many advantages. Below you will find information about each of them, as well as photos of tomatoes.

Possibility of growing in any conditions. Tomatoes of the Dachnik variety can be grown both indoors and outdoors. However, given the fact that the bushes are very small, and the yield, as noted by those who planted this variety, is not particularly high, using a greenhouse in this process is not entirely practical.

The photo shows a compact tomato bush Summer Resident

Resistance to cold weather and disease. Feedback from farmers confirms the manufacturer’s statement that the Dachnik tomato tolerates low temperatures well. It is generally considered a fairly unpretentious variety. Its resistance to fusarium and blossom end rot has been confirmed. The plant has weak immunity to other diseases.

Early fruit ripening. Many summer residents appreciate this tomato because it ripens early. The first ripe tomatoes can be picked from the bush 95-115 days after the seeds sprout. That is, depending on the time of planting the seedlings, you will be able to cut the first salad of red tomatoes already at the beginning or end of July.

Tomato Summer resident does not need pinching. Forming tomato bushes often takes a lot of time from farmers. This is especially expensive during mass planting. Therefore, the great joy for many was the news that the Dachnik tomato does not have to be planted. Although, if you have a little free time, you can break off several stepsons, leaving only 3 or 4. Experts say that this way the fruits will be larger and ripen faster.

Fruit quality. Studying the reviews of farmers, we noticed that they could not get enough of the quality of ripe tomatoes of the Dachnik variety. Although they cannot be called particularly tasty, as is often the case with early tomatoes, they store and transport well, and are also very convenient to use. From the review of one housewife it follows that tomatoes can easily lie in the refrigerator for about three weeks.

Long fruit production. Farmers noticed that the Dachnik tomato does not produce all its fruits at once. Thanks to this extended ripening of tomatoes over time, the farmer has the opportunity to use them gradually, without unnecessary fuss.

Good yield. In their reviews, farmers note that the Dachnik tomato bushes are strewn with fruits. But due to the fact that the plant is low, it is not possible to collect a very large harvest per unit area. You can take approximately 3-4 kg from one bush. The variety cannot be called high-yielding, but the volume of fruit produced is not lower than average (photo of fruit provided).

Hybrid Vasily

  • the weight of each fruit varies from 130 to 160 g;
  • intended for cultivation in open soil or greenhouse conditions;
  • refers to early ripening varieties;
  • bush type – indeterminate;
  • fruit shape – pepper-shaped;
  • color – dark red;
  • excellent taste, the fruits have excellent lightness and moderate density.

Vasily tomatoes are an amazing hybrid. Refers to low-growing, early-ripening, but abundantly productive varieties. As a rule, by mid-June the growth of each bush reaches 0.6 m, abundantly showered with smooth, medium-sized fruits.

The fruiting period is long, the harvest is extremely stable, which gives the agronomist a feeling of stability and reliability.

There are many high-yielding tomatoes, and this gives good opportunities to choose the best variety according to your needs.

Features of cherry tomatoes grown in greenhouses

Most of these tomatoes can be grown not only in greenhouses, but also in beds in the garden. Only in the latter case do the bushes grow smaller, and their yield is less than when grown in greenhouse conditions.

Interesting article: Selection of the best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse

Another nuance of growing such tomato bushes in greenhouse conditions is regular pinching, since in such a microclimate lateral stems are actively formed. If this procedure is not carried out, then the bushes become very thick.

Growing cherry tomatoes: a greenhouse farmer's success story

It must be remembered that cherry tomato bushes require more space in the beds than regular tomato varieties.

But new vegetable growers should be reminded that if they want to get large yields from tomatoes, it is better not to expect them from varieties like cherry. Such tomatoes are rather an original addition to other tomatoes - with small fruit sizes, suitable mainly for decorating dishes or small-fruit pickling.

On a note!

None of these varieties has high yields, but cherry tomatoes almost always have excellent taste characteristics. They were loved by everyone around for their beauty and taste!

When choosing varieties, you should know in advance why cherry tomatoes are needed in the garden. Varieties with the smallest fruits are perfect for pickling or pickling; they are used to fill voids when preserving larger tomatoes.

To prepare vegetable salads, it is better to grow hybrid cherry or cocktail varieties - these tomatoes have larger fruits, more than 45 g.

These small cherry-type tomatoes are recommended to be grown directly for food.

Description and characteristics

The budenovka tomato is intended for cultivation both in greenhouses and in the garden. Without shelter it will grow well only in the southernmost regions of the country. In the middle zone it is better to grow this variety in greenhouses.

This is a tall tomato variety with an average fruit ripening period. In open ground it reaches a meter, and in greenhouses -1.5 m. Some descriptions say that it can grow up to two meters, but this happens very rarely.

The first tomatoes ripen within 3.5 months from the moment the seeds are sown. On average, the bush produces from 5 to 7 kg of fruit. It is resistant to late blight and fruit cracking. Moreover, this variety has a very high yield. Here the already popular descriptions do not lie.

Only viable seeds germinate well, as they have characteristics that allow them to grow quickly. Therefore, before planting them, you need to cull them. It can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Manual. Visual inspection of seeds. Those that show signs of illness or differ in color or size from healthy ones are separated.
  2. Using table salt. Place the seeds in a 1.5% salt solution and see which ones sink to the bottom and which float to the surface. Throw away the second ones - they are completely unsuitable for sowing. But the first ones are healthy. After selection, the seeds must be washed and dried.

The plant itself is not standard. The height ranges from 1 m to 1.5 m. Its rhizome is powerful, growing up to half a meter in width. The first inflorescence is formed above the 10th leaf, then every 4 or more leaves. It produces about 7 fruits. A medium-early tomato, as ripening begins around the 105th day after germination.

The shape of the fruit is heart-shaped with an elongated spout; the tomatoes are slightly ribbed. Some farmers saw that the uniform looked like a Red Army hat. This gave the variety its name. Tomatoes are larger than 17 cm in size, with an average weight of 350 g, but some are huge - more than 850 g. Their skin is thin, dense and smooth. The flesh is red, soft and fleshy. Lots of seeds that are evenly distributed. These tomatoes are stored for a long time and can easily withstand transportation. They need to be stored in a dark, dry place. The variety itself came to us from Siberia. It is universal, which means that it can be used for salads and soups, as well as for canning and stewing. They are often preserved in crushed form, because they themselves are very large. From one plant you can reap a large harvest - close to 8 kg, which is about 25 kg per 1 m2.

Growing seedlings

Flyashen tomato seeds for seedlings begin to be sown in the first ten days of March. To begin, the seed material must be placed in a glass of salted water. Seeds that float to the surface are discarded. The seeds that have sunk to the bottom are left for further processing. To disinfect, they can be soaked for 10 minutes in a 2% hydrogen peroxide solution. Then soak in a solution of a growth stimulator.

Humus mixed with turf soil in equal proportions can be used as planting soil. You can also purchase a ready-made soil mixture at a garden store. The soil needs to be calcined in an oven or spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. For planting, use containers such as:

  • peat pots;
  • plastic containers;
  • wooden boxes.

The container is filled with soil. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and the container is covered with polyethylene film. As soon as the seedlings germinate (usually this takes about a week), the containers are moved to a room with good lighting and a lower temperature.

When cultivating seedlings in one container, they need to be planted into separate pots as two true leaves form. To reduce the risk of damaging the root system, the seedlings are handled along with the soil ball.

15-20 days before transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place, hardening begins. For this purpose, containers with tomatoes are taken outside first for a couple of hours, increasing every day, bringing them up to a day at the time of transplantation. In this case, it is necessary to protect the plants from drafts.

Seedlings are ready for transplanting at the age of 6-9 weeks. Two weeks before transplanting, the soil is fertilized and dug up. The seedlings are removed from the containers along with a lump of earth and moved into a hole, which is filled with soil and thoroughly moistened. 4-6 Flyashen tomato bushes are planted per 1 m2.

Danna - variety of tomato plant

Information on the admission of Tomato Danna from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 12259, registered 1977-12-31. The Tomato variety Danna was included in the register of approved varieties in 1983. Approved for use in the regions: Middle Volga, Ural, West Siberian.

The originator of the Tomato Danna variety is:


Other varieties of tomato plant

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A little history

The tomato is the fruit of a perennial nightshade plant called tomato.

This word and the plant itself came to Russia from France, and to France from Italy, presumably in the 16th century. In Italy, the plants were called pomo d'oro - “golden apple” and they were yellow-sunny in color, because this is how the Mays and Aztecs grew them, believing that “tomatli” were sent to them by the solar goddess of medicine, health and healing - Ishtilton (Ichtilton) .

The Spaniards, who introduced Europe to this golden berry after 1520, introduced it as “pomidel de Peru” - “apple from Peru.” The loving French gave the “apple” its own name, which the Russians also used for a long time - “une pomme d’amour” - “love apple”.

Both the French and the Spaniards used tomatoes as a remedy for coughs and as a powerful remedy for increasing potency, but frequent consumption of la mela d'oro (“golden apple” - Italian), according to scientists of that time, threatened death.

Such a gift for anyone's heart!

In 1780, new fruits from Italy were served at the table of Catherine the Second, most of which were “golden apples”. The empress liked the new fruit so much that by the greatest decree it was ordered to plant this vegetable for the imperial table and the process of Russification of the Italian “love” berry took on unprecedented proportions.

Oh, the queen didn’t know that tomatoes had long been settled on the outskirts of the Russian Empire as a medicinal vegetable, and Crimeans, Astrakhan, Georgians and other southerners had long mastered the methods of growing French-Italian berries!

By the middle of the 19th century, the area under cultivation of tomatoes developed in Russia was several times larger than the modest beds of all those countries through which the tomato passed to become “in the board” for Russians.

So who is Senor Tomato? By definition, it is a fruit. In the everyday consciousness - a vegetable. According to biological classification - berry. And this fruit and vegetable has long become the king of our greenhouses and gardens!

What varieties of tomatoes does the 21st century offer us?

Description of the Kokhava F1 tomato: advantages and cultivation techniques

The Kokhava F1 tomato, bred by Russian breeders, belongs to the first generation hybrids. The variety is characterized by high yield, early fruit ripening, and immunity to diseases of nightshade crops.

Advantages of a hybrid

The characteristics and description of the Kokhava variety indicate very early fruit ripening. Return from the bush occurs 85-90 days after emergence. The plant is intended for cultivation in closed ground conditions and is suitable for extended crop rotation.

The bush has medium-sized dark green leaves and a strong root system. The plant is vegetative, the first inflorescence is formed at the level of the 7th leaf.

Thanks to the improved parameters of the hybrid, tomatoes are resistant to late blight. In this case, damage to the crop by biological pests cannot be ruled out. Therefore, if traces of pests are found on the trunk and leaves, the bushes should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The downside of the culture is that it is impossible to obtain seeds from the hybrid for cultivation next season. With proper care of the crop, the Kokhava tomato bears fruit until late autumn.

Cultivation technique

The tomato is a hybrid, so the seeds must be purchased from a specialty store. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture and treat the seed with a solution of potassium permanganate.

This event is aimed at preventing crop disease and improving plant immunity. The seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm. The container with planting material is watered with water from a spray bottle and covered with film until the seedlings hatch.

In the phase of formation of the first true leaf, the plant is planted in order to strengthen the root system. The culture is transferred to a permanent place at the age of 55 days. To obtain an early harvest, the crop is planted in a heated greenhouse.

Caring for the plant involves regular irrigation, loosening the soil and periodic application of complex fertilizers according to the manufacturer’s scheme.

Recommendations and opinions of vegetable growers

Kokhava F1 tomatoes, reviews of which among vegetable growers indicate the popularity of the variety, are resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, leaf curl, and cladosporiosis. The practice of cultivating the plant has proven that the yield per 1 m² in an extended rotation of crops can reach 32-34 kg.

Mikhail Dobrolyubov, 58 years old, Borisovo:

“Last year, on the recommendation of relatives, I grew the Kokhava variety at the dacha. I note the high productivity of the plant. From 1 bush we managed to collect 29 kg of tomatoes. A cluster of rich red fruits, like the one in the photo of the packet of seeds. The tomatoes are dense, the flesh is juicy and aromatic, they are perfectly stored for a long time, and are easily transported over distances.”

Irina Filimonova, 52 years old, Pavlovskaya Sloboda:

“I have been interested in growing tomatoes for many years, so I often plant new varieties on the plot

The Kokhava hybrid attracted attention with the shape and rich scarlet color of the fruit. I grew the seedlings myself from seeds purchased at a specialized point of sale.

I separately placed 2 pieces in prepared small pots with soil. seeds, covering with a 1.5 cm ball of soil.

Watered with a sprinkler. Cover the tops of the pots with film and place them in a warm place until the seeds hatch. When 1 leaf appeared, I picked it. The fully formed seedlings were transferred in mid-May. Caring for the plant, applying fertilizer, and mulching the soil made it possible to remove 30 kg of tasty, aromatic fruits from the bush. They keep well in a dark place for a long time and retain their flavor.”

Features of cultivation

The hybrid variety of early ripeness has its own characteristics. It must be fed regularly using mineral fertilizers. If you do not fertilize often enough, the fruits will ripen with a delay. In addition, the Mona Lisa variety is sensitive to too much nitrogen in the soil - the plant grows (an active growth of green mass occurs), but tomatoes do not form.

To reap a rich harvest, you need to follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Seeds are sown for seedlings in the second ten days of March.
  2. After the seeds germinate, you need to ensure that the air temperature is about 18 degrees.
  3. It is recommended to use an agricultural lamp for illumination.
  4. Tomato seedlings must be fertilized with mineral fertilizers.
  5. When two true leaves appear, the bushes are transplanted into separate containers.
  6. It is imperative to harden and ventilate the seedlings.
  7. Tomato bushes should be moved to a permanent location after the spring frosts have subsided.
  8. The bushes are formed into two stems.
  9. The plant must be tied up.
  10. Seedlings are placed according to a 40x50 cm pattern (no more than eight bushes should be located per square meter).
  11. The soil is mulched with rotted sawdust.
  12. Be sure to tie up the brushes and stems.
  13. From time to time the bushes need to be pruned.
  14. Apply mineral fertilizers following the manufacturer's instructions.
  15. Water moderately in the morning, avoiding water getting on the stem and leaves.
  16. Remove weeds regularly.
  17. Collect fruits in a timely manner.

Before cool nights set in (in the central regions this occurs in mid-August), it is necessary to remove the tomatoes from the bushes and leave them to ripen indoors.

Tips for growing the variety

Those who grew Dunn's culture claim that to get a high yield, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. To obtain full-fledged seedlings, it is necessary to sow the seeds quite densely.
  2. When 2 true leaves are formed on the seedlings, strong, well-developed plants are selected and picked.
  3. Seedlings are planted in open ground only after frost has passed.
  4. The area for tomatoes should be well lit and protected from northern winds.
  5. Planting pattern 40x60 cm.
  6. During growth, plants are fed with root and foliar complex fertilizers.

Reviews from gardeners indicate that tomatoes do not require pinching or support. For the development of the plant, timely watering, weeding and loosening of the tree trunk are carried out.

“Danna has been planting tomatoes for several years in a row. I liked this variety for its low bushes, on which the fruits were compactly collected. The yield was also encouraging. From each bush I collected about 3 kg of tomatoes. The tomatoes are tasty, beautiful in appearance, and very good for preparing canned whole fruits and salads.” N. G. Apt

“I planted different varieties of tomatoes in my dacha. One of the best tomatoes I can highlight is Danna. The plant is absolutely undemanding in care and resistant to sudden cold snaps. In addition, tomato annually shows good yield indicators” Dmitry Ascheulov

Description of the tomato variety Vasily, its characteristics and cultivation

Healthy and tasty tomato fruits have long occupied pride of place on the beds and tables of Russians. Vasily f1 tomatoes appeared as a result of domestic selection. The originator was . Breeders have created a tomato that produces a harvest in the shortest possible time.

General information about the plant

Tomatoes of the Vasily variety are distinguished by early harvest. Early ripening made it possible to grow the plant not only in the south of Russia, but also in the central zone of the country. Characteristics of tomato and external description of the plant:

  • Hybrid variety.
  • Standard.
  • Early ripening, the berries are ready for picking 80–85 days from planting.
  • Low-growing, the height of the bushes does not exceed 0.6 meters.
  • Determinant.
  • Good yield.
  • Average foliage of bushes.
  • Strongly corrugated green foliage.
  • Compact.
  • Erect stem.
  • Medium branched.
  • Powerful root system.
  • Resistant to weather changes.
  • Inflorescences of intermediate type.
  • Immunity to most nightshade diseases.
  • Long fruiting period.
  • Simultaneous harvesting.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Well preserved.
  • It is possible to transport tomatoes without losing their presentation.

The popular Vasily tomato variety is grown by Ukrainian and Moldavian gardeners. Reviews confirm the high percentage of tomato yield. The plant should be cultivated based on the climatic characteristics of the region. Most vegetable growers recommend the greenhouse growing method. Planting tomatoes in open ground is permissible provided that the climatic conditions are suitable for heat-loving plants. Technical data and external features of the fruit:

  • Round shape.
  • Red color when mature.
  • Green color during ripening.
  • Small size.
  • Average weight is 100 grams.
  • Smooth.
  • Not prone to cracking.
  • Sweet taste, no sourness.
  • Juicy, not watery.
  • Lasting aroma.

Tomato fruits are suitable for whole-fruit canning and pickling. The universal nature of the berry allows it to be used not only as preparations, but also consumed fresh. The fruits are used as an ingredient for salads and for self-consumption. Its small size makes the variety suitable for decorations and festive table decorations.

Cultivation Tips

The originator recommends the variety for seedling planting. Healthy seedlings are obtained by following simple rules:

  • Plant seeds to a depth of 1–2 centimeters.
  • Pre-moistening of universal soil for planting nightshade crops.
  • Temperature conditions from 21 degrees.
  • Timely watering with water at room temperature.
  • A lighting source that organizes a 16-hour sunny day.

IMPORTANT! Hardening off seedlings before planting in open ground ensures better tomato yields. The hybrid variety of Russian selection is not demanding in care

To obtain a decent harvest, it is necessary to follow simple rules of agricultural technology: watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds, feeding with complex mineral fertilizer

The hybrid variety of Russian selection is not demanding in care. To obtain a decent harvest, it is necessary to follow simple rules of agricultural technology: watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds, feeding with complex mineral fertilizer.

Tomato Nina: description from the manufacturer Partner

The variety is mid-season, semi-determinate, and belongs to the beef tomato type. From germination to the first harvest it takes about 100 days. The first inflorescence is formed above the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones after 3. The racemes are semi-complex and complex. The fruits are flat-round in shape, with an extravagant appearance, pronounced high-relief ribbing; the resulting lobes are similar to each other and completely envelop the tomato from the stalk to the top.

Tomatoes have a deep red bright color. The flesh has an even richer color and appears crimson-red. The seed chambers are small, the central part of the pulp is large, so the tomato is fleshy, fully ripe on the bush, juicy, fragrant, very beautiful. The taste is excellent: sweet with a slight pleasant sourness and a real smell of tomatoes.

It is advisable to form the plant into 2 stems.

The variety is resistant to blossom end rot and tolerant to TMV and Alternaria blight. Planting density is about 4 plants/m2. Productivity over 20 kg/m2.

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