Cherry tomatoes: the best varieties and hybrids for greenhouses and open ground

Small tomatoes are becoming increasingly popular. Cherry tomatoes (from the English cherry - “cherry”) are grown not only for fresh consumption (although they are especially good that way), but also for whole-fruit canning. Another popular way to use mini tomatoes is to decorate dishes.

It is believed that such varieties of tomatoes with small fruits began to be actively cultivated only in the early 1800s, and cherry tomatoes came to our northern latitudes from distant South America.

The agricultural technology for growing cherry tomatoes and regular tomatoes is almost the same. They can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. And due to the popularity of cherry tomatoes among many summer residents, today many varieties of these tomatoes have been developed with a wide variety of characteristics - from color, shape and size of fruits to ripening time, specialization of use and demands on soils and care. That is, everyone can choose a similar mini-tomato exactly to their taste.

Here are the best varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes, according to reviews from gardeners.

Cherry Blossam F1

The hybrid was developed in Japan. Listed in the Russian state register since 2008. The vegetable crop is suitable for growing in garden beds and in protected ground.

Characteristics of Cherry Blossam:

  • the bush reaches a height of 110 cm;
  • medium-sized foliage is dark green;
  • ripening period is 3-3.5 months from the moment of germination;
  • bright red fruits weigh 20-25 g;
  • tomatoes are collected in brushes;
  • Tomato has a sweet taste.

The hybrid variety is resistant to infectious diseases of nightshades and sudden temperature changes. The vegetable has a long shelf life and is suitable for transportation over long distances.

Cherry tomato hybrid Blossem produces up to 4.5 kg of yield per 1 sq. m.

The plant is cultivated in all regions of the country. In cold climates, the crop is cultivated in greenhouse conditions. In the south, in the Volga region, and central Russia, tomatoes are grown in open and closed ground. To obtain a good harvest, the bushes are formed into three stems.

Cherry varieties for open ground

Cherry tomatoes, of course, can also be grown in open ground. Experts recommend paying attention to the following varieties: Paints, Little Red Riding Hood, Strawberry, Shchelkovsky, Green Grapes, Honey Drop, Margol, Lukoshko on the Window, Vnuchenka, Cranberry in Sugar.


Variety resistant to various diseases. The fruits are not very large, yellow in color. The taste and smell are classic. It takes 100 days to mature after planting.

Little Red Riding Hood

The variety is not afraid of diseases typical for tomatoes, but is not immune to late blight. Suitable for the middle zone of the country. The fruits are bright red and have a distinct taste. They ripen on the 105th day after planting.


The variety is very highly valued by summer residents due to its ease of care and resistance to disease. You can use cherry tomatoes to decorate areas, but tomatoes are also suitable for salads.


A very early variety, characterized by resistance to many diseases. Ideal for preservation. The fruits have a distinct red hue.

Green grapes

An exotic version of cherry that will appeal to people who want to decorate their area or treat themselves to an unusual snack. The fruits are green in color but sweet in taste. Their flesh is dense. It takes 180 days to mature after planting.

Honey drop

Gardeners like it due to the interesting shape of the fruit, resembling a drop. The bush can reach a height of 2 meters. It takes 110 days to mature after planting.


A very beautiful variety, the bunch of which resembles those of grapes. The fruits are preserved whole. It takes about 110 days for the crop to ripen.

Basket on the window

A low-growing option that is ideal for open ground. Some gardeners grow tomatoes in the window. The ripening of tomatoes is uniform; up to 10 of them are formed in one bunch. The weight of one vegetable is 30 grams.


The vegetables are very tasty, weighing a maximum of 20 grams, although some specimens reach 50 grams. There is no need to tie up the bush.

Cranberries in sugar

Decorative variant of early ripening tomato. Tomatoes have a distinct red tint and are light in weight, up to 20 grams. The plant is able to adapt to poor environmental conditions.

Children's joy F1

The vegetable ripens 90-104 days from the beginning of the growing season. The hybrid has good immunity to viral and fungal infections. The fruits are not prone to cracking.

“Children's Joy” tomatoes are used to make salads, winter preparations, and juice.

Description of the hybrid variety:

  1. the height of the central stem is from 2 to 2.5 m;
  2. the amount of foliage is average;
  3. bright red and very sweet fruits weigh from 20 to 30 g;

Cherry tomatoes have a long shelf life and are suitable for transportation over long distances.

Cherry (red, yellow, black)

These productive varieties were bred in 1990 by Russian breeding scientists. “Cherry” is intended for cultivation in garden beds and under cover.

The crop grows well in climatic conditions:

  1. central Russia;
  2. Krasnodar region;
  3. Rostov region;
  4. Stavropol Territory;
  5. Chechnya.

Yellow and red cherries ripen in 90-100 days. The height of the average trunk of the bush reaches 1.5-2 m. Miniature bright red fruits are collected in clusters of 25 - 40 pieces. The weight of one vegetable is 15-25 grams.

Black, red, yellow cherries are sweet varieties that, in addition to good taste, have an attractive appearance. They are grown for fresh consumption. Black cherries have the same characteristics, the only difference is the exotic color of the fruit.

Cherry tomato White grapes

Cherry tomato of the White grape variety is still quite rare in our dachas. However, among those who managed to grow it, it is very popular.

The tomato is ultra-early and belongs to the indeterminate varieties. The height of the bushes can reach 1.6-1.8 m, so before planting, take care of the support.

The fruits are small (the average weight of one tomato is 15-20 g), round-oval in shape. Their unusual whitish color is of interest. This shade is given to the fruit by flavones - substances that have antioxidant properties, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and regulate the activity of the nervous system. The fruits contain a high content of sugars and organic acids.

Tomatoes have an excellent taste, sweet, without sourness. Ideal for fresh use and in salads, suitable for canning.

Cranberries in sugar

This cherry variety is suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse, on a balcony, or in a garden bed. The bush has a decorative appearance. The average height of an adult plant is 50 cm. The variety was created in 2012 by a group of Russian agricultural breeders.

The first tomatoes ripen 1.5 months after the seedlings peck. The fruits are tasty and juicy, dark red in color, weighing 15 g.

The varietal crop has an extended ripening period: Sugared cranberries bear fruit from June to September inclusive. This is a high-yielding variety. From a distance, the plant, covered with clusters of small red fruits, resembles a cranberry bush.

Nastya has a sweet tooth F1

Indeterminate, standard hybrid. The height of the bush is about 2 m. Designed for cultivation in the middle zone and southern regions of the country. In the northern regions, vegetable growers successfully cultivate the crop in greenhouse conditions.

The hybrid variety has strong immunity to common infectious diseases:

  1. gray rot;
  2. late blight;
  3. brown spot.

The culture tolerates heat and rainy periods well. This type of cherry is not picky about soil composition. With good feeding, a productive hybrid produces up to 10 kg per 1 sq. m. m. Tomatoes weighing up to 35 grams. They have a dense, bright red skin and very sweet flesh.

Caring for plants comes down to removing weeds, watering, and tying up stems. The vegetable has a long shelf life and is suitable for transportation over long distances.

Features of care

A novice gardener will not be able to grow cherry tomatoes on his plot if he does not adhere to all the rules and recommendations for caring for plants.

Care Features:

  • Plants cannot tolerate drought, so they need constant, abundant watering. It is better to add water every day in the morning or late evening.
  • Cherry tomatoes are spreading, so maintain the required distance between seedlings. It is better that it is at least 1 m, then the plants will be able to receive sufficient light and heat.
  • If you don't add enough water, the tomatoes will develop brown cracks. If, on the contrary, there is a lot of moisture, then the fruits crack and become too watery.
  • Do not give up supports, they will help keep the crop safe and sound, and the branches will not fall on the soil.
  • Mulch the ground. If the fruits fall, they will not get dirty, and the earth will not overheat and dry out.
  • Harvest when it is fully ripe, otherwise you will end up with tasteless tomatoes.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Almost all varieties are hybrids, and scientists specially created them with strong immunity. However, some diseases can be found on plants, such as:

  • Mosaic tomato. The main symptoms: the plant breaks and all the beds die before our eyes.
  • Late blight. To combat the disease, the crop is sprayed with chemicals.
  • Cracking of fruits. Plants receive too much water and should be reduced.

Gardeners use a variety of means as preventive measures; Fitosporin, Actofit and Mikosan bring quick results.

As for pests, the most dangerous insect for cherry tomatoes is the mole cricket. It gnaws through the trunks of tomatoes and destroys the roots of the plant. You can try to get rid of it manually while digging up the garden, but you can use special means. You should not miss the opportunity to carry out preventive measures, otherwise you will have to save the garden bed from diseases and pests for a long time.

Dark chocolate F1

The tomato is recognized as suitable for cultivation throughout the country. The culture grows like a vine. The bush must be tied to supports and shaped. A good harvest is obtained on fertile soils with regular watering. With proper care, one plant produces up to 5 kg of tomatoes.

Seeds are sown in the ground from late March to early May. The timing of sowing depends on the climate of the growing region.

Tomatoes have a red-brown color. The skin around the stalk has a greenish tint. Tomatoes are formed in clusters of 10-12 pieces and have a sweet and fruity taste.

The size of the tomatoes is small - weighing from 20 to 30 grams. The vegetable is suitable for preparing first and second courses, eating raw, and canning.

Tips for beginners

Cultivation of cherry tomatoes is in many ways similar to agricultural methods that are applied to other types of tomatoes. But there are also some features that must be taken into account in order to get a rich harvest:

  • Cherry tomatoes do not tolerate drought, the leaves wither and the berries may crack. Therefore, they need to be watered every day, but in moderation. Since excess moisture creates a favorable environment for the development of fungal diseases and rot.
  • Seedlings should be planted strictly according to the scheme, without increasing the planting density. Cherries love space and are dependent on light.
  • The bushes need to be tied up, especially tall ones like Red Cherry, otherwise the tomato bunches will bend towards the ground and the stems may break.
  • Tomatoes should be removed from the branch only in a fully ripe state, then they will have a rich taste and retain all their beneficial properties.

F1 Cherry strawberry

Hybrid variety with outstanding qualities:

  1. the fruits ripen 3-3.5 months after the appearance of the first shoots;
  2. miniature tomatoes weighing 20-30 g are collected in long brushes of 25-30 pieces;
  3. bright red fruits are shaped like strawberries;
  4. 1-2 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one bush.

The height of the central stem reaches 1.2-1.4 m.

Cherry strawberry hybrid is resistant to common nightshade infections. The fruits are not prone to cracking. The vegetable is consumed fresh. Cherries are also suitable for canning.

general characteristics

Cherries are most common in Mediterranean countries. Traditional recipes always indicate the prefix “cherry” next to the tomato, and culinary experts insist on fundamental differences in taste.


  • general characteristics
  • Historical reference
  • Beneficial features
  • Chemical composition
  • Use in cooking
  • Contraindications
  • How to select and store cherry tomatoes

Small cherry-shaped vegetables (“cherry” in English - cherry) attract consumers with such characteristics.


Compared to traditional tomatoes, they seem like toys.


Cherry tomatoes are displayed in clusters rather than individually. Food bloggers and aesthetes will not be able to remain indifferent to the laconic but elegant appearance of the tomato.


Cherry tomato is more concentrated and rich.
The flavor palette 100% compensates for the size and restores the price-quality ratio. Varieties of tomato

Skin colorgreenred/pinkyellow orange

Tip: if you love cherry tomatoes, try growing them right on your windowsill. The miniature vegetable germinates easily and requires minimal care. Read the basic rules and tips for growing so that the fruits do not crack and are fully ripe.


Low, spreading tomato bushes look decorative. The height of the central stem is from 30 to 50 cm. The number of leaves is average.

The variety is cultivated in greenhouse conditions and in the garden bed. Bright red miniature vegetables ripen in 75-80 days.

The crop is not picky in care and tolerates soils with different compositions well. The fruits are suitable for transportation over long distances.

Tomatoes weighing 20-30 grams, spherical in shape, covered with thick skin. The taste of the tomato is sweet, with a pronounced tomato aroma. The pulp is sugary and juicy.

The Ladybug tomato produces high yields even on depleted soils: from 1 sq. m. harvest up to 8-9 kg of tomatoes. The vegetable is suitable for fresh consumption, canning, and cooking tomatoes.


For seedlings, purchase a nutritious soil mixture (especially for tomatoes and peppers) or make up the soil yourself. Land requirements:

  • loose and light;
  • with neutral pH;
  • fertile (with turf, compost, humus, vermiculite).

The sowing time is from the second to third ten days of March.

Seeds are sown after pre-treatment. For disinfection, they are soaked in Fitosporin, for activation - in Epin, Agate.

Conditions for seedlings:

  • temperature regime - before germination 26-27 degrees, then - 20-21 degrees;
  • high-quality lighting with phytolights (15–16 hours total minimum day length);
  • irrigation with warm water (24–25 degrees);
  • feeding with complex mixtures.

Terek F1

According to reviews from gardeners and summer residents, the Terek F1 hybrid is the most delicious of the cherry tomatoes, which has no equal in sweetness. The culture produces large yields. The fruits are collected in long clusters of 15 pieces. Each tomato weighs about 20 grams. The bushes are tall and require staking to supports.

The hybrid variety is suitable for cultivation throughout the country. In the middle zone and southern regions it can be planted in open beds. In the north, Terek F1 is successfully cultivated in closed heated greenhouses.

Tomatoes can be frozen, canned, and used for preparing first and second courses.

The hybrid "Terek F1" is sown for seedlings in the Rostov region and Krasnodar region at the end of winter.

Growing cherry tomatoes at home

At the end of the gardening season, mini-tomato lovers start sowing again and get a good harvest of cherry tomatoes right on the window of their house or apartment. Usually, determinant varieties are selected for home planting.

In order to get a cherry harvest at home, I soak the seeds for 6 hours in Epin’s solution, and then leave them on a wet sponge for another day or two. This provides constant moisture for the germinating seeds, without them getting wet or moldy.

To prevent the cherry tomato seeds from drying out in the sponge, make a small cut into which the seeds are inserted

I place the pots with seeds, covered with glass or film (which is less preferable, since fungus can become active in the ground), in a dark place for 2–4 days. On the 5th–6th day, I return the crops to the windowsill, preferably a south-eastern one, since future seedlings require diffused sunlight. From the moment the first shoots appear, I care for young plants in the same way as for ordinary tomatoes - watering, loosening, fertilizing. When the third and fourth leaves grow, I carry out a dive. As soon as the cherry tomatoes gain color, I feed them with Bud or Ovary (according to the instructions). To help tomatoes set fruit, I recommend walking over the flowers with a brush or a soft bird feather, thereby transferring pollen from one plant to another.

In winter, tomatoes require mandatory lighting (daylight should be at least 12–14 hours).

To prevent seedlings and adult plants from stretching out in winter, supplementary illumination with special phytolamps is used.

As a result of the efforts made, you will be able to enjoy delicious mini-tomatoes all winter.

Video: growing cherry tomatoes on a windowsill

Black cherry

The variety has a sweet, dessert, rich taste with a fruity aroma. A tomato with an original fruit color was bred by American scientists in 2003. Tomatoes are grown in the middle zone, in the south, by sowing in the ground. In Siberia and other regions with cold climates, plants are cultivated in greenhouses.

The stems of the crop twine like a grapevine.

The ripening time is 112-120 days. From one bush you get up to 5 kg. vegetables

The variety has a peculiarity: the side branches of the bush are thicker than the main stem. The crop is grown for its unusual appearance and special taste.

Date yellow F1

Hybrid created in Russia. Tomato Date yellow has a pronounced fruity flavor. The culture grows well in warm regions of the country.

Medium-sized bushes grow in open ground from 90 to 120 cm. In shelters the plant reaches 150 cm in height. The harvest ripens in June-July.

Yellow tomatoes weighing 20 g. have an elongated shape and juicy sweet flesh.

Like all hybrids, this cherry tomato is resistant to infectious diseases of nightshades. The plant tolerates hot southern climates and rainy weather well.

Recommendations for cultivation

Proven advice from summer residents will never hurt; they will help you get a big and tasty harvest:

  • So that you can eat fresh cherry fruits until the coldest weather, plant the rooted shoots a second time in June.
  • If there is not enough light and the plants begin to stretch upward, then there is a simple way to influence their growth. Take a small soft brush and brush it over the tops and leaves of the shoots from time to time. This action will slightly damage the hairs on the surface of the plant, and the tomato will begin to form much more magnificently than before, and grow upward more slowly.
  • Some summer residents plant this crop in iron buckets. Such seedlings are not transplanted into open ground. It is better to grow tomatoes in such containers, since it is believed that iron repels late blight fungus, and the bushes are not susceptible to disease.

Kish-Mish F1

Tomato hybrids Kish-mish F1 are available in red and orange colors. The culture ripens only in warm regions. In the middle zone, in the north, these cherry tomatoes are grown indoors.

The height of the plant is about 2 m. The vegetable ripens in 3-3.5 months. Tall bushes need shaping and staking. The fruits weigh about 15 g, are very sweet and contain a large amount of vitamins.

Tomatoes are collected in clusters of 30-50 pieces. The shape of the fruit can be:

  1. oval;
  2. spherical;
  3. plum-shaped.

The orange-yellow Kish Mish has similar characteristics. The difference is in the color of the fruit.

The variety produces up to 14 kg per 1 square meter of usable area.

Useful properties of cherry tomatoes

What are the beneficial properties of cherry tomatoes? It is important to note that the amount of useful microelements in small fruits is much higher than in large tomatoes. Cherries contain a higher level of vitamin C. In addition, the benefit of small tomatoes is that they contain B vitamins, as well as A, K and E.

Macroelements are also present:

  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium;
  • Chlorine.


  • Copper;
  • Manganese;
  • Iodine;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc.

Vegetables contain less sugar than large tomatoes. The average sugar level is 8.5-12.8 grams per 100 grams of vegetables.

The amount of protein in cherry tomatoes is 0.8 grams, and fat is 0.1 grams.

There are few carbohydrates in vegetables - 2.8 grams per 100 grams of pulp.

Despite the fact that cherry tomatoes have a high sugar content, the vegetables are considered dietary products. Thus, the average calorie content of cherry tomatoes is 15 kcal per 100 grams.


An early variety with average yield. The tomato is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses. The wonder does not tolerate daily temperature fluctuations.

The first tomatoes are harvested 80 days after planting. The bushes grow up to 2 m. The tall variety requires gartering to trellises.

Miniature cherry tomatoes of unusual color weigh from 20 to 30 grams. 8-10 kg of vegetables are collected from each bush. The fruits are sweet and juicy. They are used for preparing vegetable dishes, salads, and preserving them for the winter.

The best varietal cherry tomatoes and hybrids

Reviews from vegetable growers often help you choose the best cherry tomatoes for open ground. The cherry hybrids “Ildi F1”, “Honey Drop F1” and “Yellow Date F1” received the most recognition. They say about the Sweet Cherry tomato that it is the sweetest and very productive. Cherry "Barberry" has received wide recognition in the Siberian region.

Red caviar

The tall variety has a long stem up to 2 m in height. Be sure to have a stepson and fasten it to a support. Fruits best when formed with 1 stem. The spherical small red fruits weigh a maximum of 20 g. The clusters are large, each containing up to 40 tomatoes. The yield of 1 bush reaches 2 kg.


In terms of ripening time, the indeterminate cherry variety belongs to the mid-early tomatoes. The plant grows about 2 m in height. Be sure to pin and secure to the support. The highest yield is observed when the bush is formed with 2 or 3 stems. Up to 12 small tomatoes are tied in clusters. The elongated, finger-shaped fruits weigh no more than 25 g. The red, fleshy pulp is sweet and tasty.

Attention! The culture loves sunlight and abundant feeding.

Chocolate bunny

The indeterminate cherry tomato variety is considered the best due to its high yield. A powerful plant with a spreading crown grows up to 1.2 m in height. Stepchildren grow rapidly, so you need to have time to remove them. Beautiful plum tomatoes turn chocolate brown when ripe. Small fruits store well, are suitable for canning, and can be dried.

The “Chocolate Bunny” variety is presented in the video:

Ira F1

Indeterminate early cherry tomatoes begin to bear fruit after 90 days. The intensively growing bush can stretch up to 3 m in height. Many unnecessary branches grow from the main stem, which must be removed in a timely manner. High yields are achieved by forming the crop with 2 or 3 stems. The hybrid in open ground is capable of bearing fruit before the onset of the first frost. Small fruits in the form of a cube with a sharp tip weigh up to 35 g. The red dense pulp is very tasty. When planting 4 plants per 1 m2, 15 kg of harvest is obtained.

Attention! When growing a hybrid in the shade, the fruits are slightly oversaturated with acid.

Having considered the rating of the best cherry tomatoes, it is time to read reviews from vegetable growers. Often, such tips help you choose the right variety for growing.

Balcony sugar

Early ripening variety with good yield. The productivity of one bush is up to 2 kg. Tomato is not picky about soil or special care. Suitable for growing on balconies, loggias and windowsills. The tomatoes are bright red. The weight of a mature vegetable is from 30 to 40 grams.

In the plant passport, seed producers indicate the height of the bush is about 40 cm. On good soils, the crop grows up to 60 cm.

The taste is pronounced, tomato, sweet. Tomatoes are suitable for canning. The harvest is stored for a long time. Green vegetables ripen well in a dark place.

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