Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse in April 2022, when to replant according to the lunar calendar

If the weather and the lunar calendar permit, then in April in some regions it is already possible to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.
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In this article we will look at how to understand that it is time for planting and how to navigate the lunar calendar.

How to determine the optimal time for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomatoes are heat-loving plants, and they can be planted if the temperature reaches +12...+15 °C and above, and at night does not fall below +5...+8 °C.

The soil should also warm up well. And its temperature can reach +8…+12 °C.

If the greenhouse is heated, and you can raise or lower the temperature at your discretion, then you don’t have to rely on these indicators.

ATTENTION! The crop experiences a short cooling to +3...+5 °C. But if the cool temperature persists for several days, the tomato may get sick and even die.

How to prepare soil and beds

Before replanting formed sprouts, you need to properly prepare the soil for this. If the greenhouse is located on a foundation, then in any case it will not be possible to move it to another location. Therefore, you need to periodically change the soil, namely: remove the old one, fill in the new one. In this case, the soil should be chosen as a rule after planting legumes, cucumbers, and potatoes.

If you often plant tomatoes in one place, every year, then the soil becomes fully infected with fungal spores and bacteria that harm this vegetable crop. In order to avoid this, you need to treat the soil with a fresh solution of vitriol.

In just three weeks, many experienced gardeners sow green manure seeds on the surface of the ground. After this, you need to dig up the soil well. This will enrich it with the nutrients contained in this component.

Important! If snow fell into the greenhouse during the winter season, this means that the pests in the soil died. They do not tolerate low temperatures.

The beds need to be prepared in advance, 10 days in advance. They need to be placed along the wall, on both sides. If the width of the greenhouse is large, then you can make a third bed in the middle of the greenhouse. The optimal distance between the beds should be about 65 cm, the width of the bed should be up to 85 cm. If you plant seedlings often, then they will interfere with each other and crowd out neighboring sprouts. At the same time, fertility will decrease.

Tomato roots are very sensitive to cold. Therefore, to keep them warm, it is best to raise the beds 40 cm above ground level. But this factor depends on the amount of soil that is available. But even if there are restrictions in this regard, the ground must still be higher than the passages.

Next you need to prepare the holes. The depth should correspond to the developed root system of the stem. The distance between them should be in accordance with the selected tomato variety and type of bush. All wells need to be treated with a light pink potassium permanganate solution. Not only the hole is watered, but also the soil near it. This will help destroy harmful bacteria that destroy the root and thin the stem.

Two days before transplanting tomatoes, you need to thoroughly moisten the soil and loosen it. It is also better to prepare trellises in advance on which you can tie up the grown shoots.

If you decide to arrange warm beds, then planting time is significantly reduced.

When to plant tomatoes in April 2022 in a greenhouse according to the lunar calendar, favorable days

According to the lunar calendar, it is necessary to plant tomatoes on the waxing moon. During this period, there is an accelerated development of roots and green mass.

Accordingly, when planted in a greenhouse, tomato seedlings quickly adapt to the new soil and immediately begin to grow.

And, according to the lunar calendar, the most favorable days for planting will be the following numbers: 1-5, 8-9, 13-17, 19, 24-26, 28.

Transplanting tomatoes into the ground - tips

The seedlings are taken out of the container along with a lump of earth and placed vertically in the hole. Pinch the lower roots of the seedlings that are too developed so that development goes not deep into the roots, but into the lateral roots. Next, fill the hole with soil and compact it lightly.

After this, you need to let the tomatoes adapt. For the first few days it is better not to touch them or water them. Pegs for garter are placed on days 5-10; the first watering can be organized a week after transplanting the tomatoes.

Important! It is better to use new pegs for gartering tomatoes, or soak those left over from last season in copper sulfate and dry before use.

In order for tomatoes to grow strong and continue to develop, it is important to continue caring for them - watering and spraying them on time. For information on how to do this, read the article: “Spraying tomatoes without harm to the fruit.”

What to pay attention to when planting tomatoes in April?

Before planting tomato seedlings, evaluate the condition of the seedlings themselves, and also take into account the age of the seedlings.

Plants that are 50-70 days old can be planted in a greenhouse. By this moment, their height should reach 20-30 cm. The thickness of the stem is at least 0.7 cm, the number of true leaves is from 6 pcs. At least 20-25 days must pass from the moment of picking.

If the seedlings do not meet these indicators or look weak and sickly, then it is better to postpone planting.

How to properly transplant tomatoes into a greenhouse, tricks

Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse in April is not difficult, but in order for the seedlings to adapt faster, you will have to harden them in advance.

You also need to prepare the greenhouse itself, make beds, and, if necessary, warm the soil. It is also necessary to carry out the transplant according to a certain algorithm.

Greenhouse preparation

The greenhouse should be prepared for planting tomatoes in April in advance, in the fall.

First of all, you will have to remove all the remnants of the previous harvest, remove the weeds around it and wash the surfaces with laundry soap.

The twine that was used to tie up the tomatoes needs to be replaced. But in order to save money, you can boil it.

To destroy pathogenic flora in the soil, you can remove the top layer and move it outside. Then the soil will freeze well over the winter, and most of the microbes will die.

Or you can generally replace the top layer of soil and add black soil. In such a nutrient medium, tomatoes will produce maximum yield.

In spring, when the air temperature reaches +10 °C, it is necessary to wash all surfaces with a solution of slaked lime. To prepare it, dilute 400 g of lime in 10 liters of water and leave for 4 hours. Add a little copper sulfate to the resulting solution.

After treatment, you will need to wash all glass surfaces with any kitchen detergent. You need to finish processing the greenhouse 7 days before you start planting tomatoes.

Preparing the beds

For culture, you need to arrange beds with a width of 60-80 cm and a height of 30-40 cm. They should be placed along the walls.

If row spacing is made, then their width should start from 60 cm. The soil must be dug to a depth of 20-25 cm, loosened and applied to each square. m humus or compost (3-4 kg), wood ash (100 g) bone meal (200 g).

REFERENCE. Within a week you will need to treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides.

How to warm up the soil

In April it can be quite cool, and the soil does not have time to warm up to the optimal temperature. But you can speed up this process if you follow these instructions:

  1. Close all vents and windows in the greenhouse. Check surfaces for cracks and fix such problems.
  2. If the greenhouse is glass or film, it is worth covering it with an additional layer of film.
  3. Thoroughly dig up and loosen the soil. Cover with black film, which will “attract” the sun’s rays and speed up warming.

You can also install a household heater in the greenhouse, which will significantly speed up heating.

Preparing seedlings

Before planting tomatoes, the following preparations should be carried out:

  1. Tomatoes need to be hardened. You need to start this process 2 weeks before planting. The seedlings need to be taken out onto a glazed balcony for 20-30 minutes, increasing the duration of the sessions daily.
  2. 7 days before planting, seedlings need to be treated with a solution of boric acid (1 g per 1 l). Then, after the event, the tomatoes will not drop their buds, which will increase the yield.
  3. 1-2 days before the procedure, it is necessary to remove the cotyledon leaves. Also cut off yellowed leaves.

REFERENCE! If the seedlings have become very elongated, then the lower shoots will also need to be removed. But such tomatoes should be planted deeper.

How to plant tomatoes

During the planting process, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. In 30 min. Before the procedure, water the plants generously with warm water.
  2. In the beds, dig holes 20-25 cm deep. Keep a distance of 50-60 cm between them. Place pegs for garter near each depression.
  3. Add 1 tbsp to the wells. l. superphosphate. Instead, you can use 200 g of rotted compost.
  4. Carefully remove the seedlings from the containers and place them in the holes at a slight angle.
  5. Cover the roots with soil, water them with settled water at a temperature of +18…+22 °C. When the moisture is absorbed and the soil settles, add a new portion. Lightly compact the surface of the bed.
  6. Leaves and stems should be sprayed with copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water). You will need to repeat this procedure after 10 days.

ATTENTION! In April it is better to plant in the evening or in cloudy weather.

What to add to the wells

Before fruiting, tomato bushes must produce new shoots on which the crop will grow. Therefore, it is necessary to add fertilizer to the holes when planting tomato seedlings.

Feeding options to increase yield:

  1. A handful of rotted manure, wood ash and crushed eggshells.
  2. A handful of humus, 2 tbsp. l. ash, 1 tbsp. l. Nitroammofoska or other complex fertilizer. The main thing is that the fertilizing composition includes 3 important elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.
  3. Handful of compost, 1 tbsp. l. with a pile of ash, dried banana peel. When watered, banana peels very quickly become limp and begin to enrich the soil with nutrients.
  4. A very good organic fertilizer Agrovit-cor, which contains all the elements necessary for plant development. To enrich the soil with useful elements, just add 1 tbsp to the hole. l. such feeding.

You may be interested to know what folk remedies can be added to the hole when planting tomatoes .

Mix the fertilizer with the soil from the hole, pour it onto the bottom and water it generously. When the water is absorbed, you can begin planting.

You will be interested to know: When and how to properly plant tomato seedlings in open ground, how to plant overgrown seedlings

Caring for tomatoes after transplanting in a greenhouse

When you plant tomatoes in a greenhouse in April according to the lunar calendar, do not forget that the tomatoes will then need proper care.

The cultures should not be disturbed for a week after the procedure. At this time, they will recover from stress and grow roots to take root in new conditions. When the adaptation period has passed, it is important to provide the tomatoes with the following care:

  • Watering . For tomatoes it is worth installing drip irrigation. If this is not possible, then you will need to irrigate the crops as the top layer of soil dries out (once every 5-7 days). For irrigation, use settled water with a temperature of +18…+22 C. The procedure should be carried out only in the morning. During the process, it is necessary to pour water strictly at the root, being careful not to get on the leaves and stems.
  • Loosening . After watering, do not forget to loosen the surface of the bed. Otherwise, a dense crust will form on it, blocking the access of air to the roots.
  • Mulching . To keep moisture at the roots longer, it is recommended to sprinkle the surface of the bed with straw or mown grass. But you can mulch tomatoes only 2-3 weeks after planting them in the greenhouse.
  • Feeding . If fertilizers were placed in the soil before planting, then they will be enough for the normal development of tomatoes. And the crops only need to be additionally fed with potassium fertilizers during fruiting. Fertilizers can only be applied to moist soil.
  • Garter . Tomatoes must be tied to supports so that their vines do not fall to the ground under the weight of the crop. Otherwise, they may get fungal diseases. For the garter you will need to use wide pieces of cotton fabric or twine.
  • Pinching and pinching . Depending on the variety, the plant should be grown in 1, 2 or 3 stems.
  • Pollination . During the flowering period, it is advisable to occasionally shake the bushes to improve pollination. This event should be held in the morning from 9:00 to 12:00.

You will also need to ventilate the greenhouse daily and maintain its temperature within +23...+28 °C during the day, and at least +15...+20 °C at night.

Determining factor: soil temperature

The most popular mistake beginners make is to plant seedlings in fairly cold greenhouse beds when the air itself seems warm. This is really a catch, because, it would seem, according to the laws of physics, first the earth is heated by the sun’s rays, and then the surrounding air is heated by it. And this is true, and the soil may indeed feel ready to the touch for growing plants on it, but we often forget that the roots are at depth. And it's cold there.

Take a regular outdoor thermometer and stick it into the greenhouse beds. Preferably to a depth of 10-15 cm, where the roots will fall first (and in an adult plant they will reach all of 60-80 cm, no doubt). So what's the temperature now? Around +10°C? Plant plants and they will stop their development for a long time.

It's all about stress from unexpected unfavorable conditions. Nature is smart, and a plant that has fallen from ideal conditions into frozen ground “thinks” that winter has come. Therefore, it quickly curtails its main functions and falls into real hibernation. How long will it take you to “wake him up” then!

And due to the extended adaptation period, fruiting will occur much later. And why then a greenhouse, when the same result could be achieved in the open air? Moreover, the harvest itself from such bushes, unfortunately, will not please you.

Therefore, soil temperature is a really important factor. Let's list exactly what it should be for a wide variety of seedlings:

  • Cucumbers: +18°C during the day and +16°C at night.
  • Tomatoes: +15°C during the day and +14°C at night.
  • Eggplants: +18°C during the day and +16°C at night.
  • Pepper: +15°C during the day and +14°C at night.
  • Onion: +10°C during the day and +8°C at night.

More accurately:

Common mistakes

Common mistakes that gardeners make when planting tomatoes in a greenhouse:

  • Choosing the wrong variety. Some varieties are not suitable for growing in a greenhouse.
  • Planting overgrown seedlings without preparation. If the plants are very elongated, then before the event you need to cut off their buds and grow roots.
  • Excessive watering. Tomatoes in a greenhouse should be watered sparingly, otherwise they will be affected by fungal diseases.
  • Using cold water for irrigation. Cold moisture can cause plant roots to rot, leading to significant yield loss.

Greenhouse preparation

Approximately 5 days before transplanting the seedlings into open ground, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities in a polycarbonate greenhouse. It is necessary to clean and disinfect it, lay out the beds and prepare the soil.

The greenhouse is disinfected with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Existing wooden parts inside the polycarbonate structure are additionally washed with copper sulfate. These solutions completely destroy fungi, bacteria, lichens and moss. After a week, the internal surfaces are treated with bleach. Bleached lime must be prepared in advance: 400 grams of solution are infused in 12 liters of water for 4 hours. The liquid is filtered, and the sediment is used to work on the surface of the greenhouse.

If tomatoes suffered any disease during the previous harvest period, the greenhouse structures are additionally treated with foundationazole or oxychome.

The greenhouse must be completely solid. Polycarbonate tension material ideally has a solid structure with a transparent surface, which guarantees the strength of the structure. She is not afraid of winds, temperature changes and constant changes in atmospheric pressure. Polycarbonate has excellent transmission capacity; sunlight evenly falls on the entire interior of the greenhouse. The service life of durable, reliable material is 20 years.

Before planting seedlings, you should make sure of the following:

  • All the windows in the greenhouse are closed and there are no cracks. This condition is necessary to pre-warm the soil.
  • The doors are tightly closed. If cracks are found, you need to install a heater inside the greenhouse.

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