Completely met all the expectations of gardeners; cabbage Start F1: reviews and description of the variety

Fully meeting all the expectations of gardeners - cabbage Start F1: reviews and description of the variety

Cabbage Start F1 is an ultra-early hybrid that opens the fresh harvest season. It cannot be used for fermentation, but it is irreplaceable in fresh salads and vegetable dishes. The leaves are tender, crispy and juicy, with a high sugar content, and the taste is exactly what you would expect from young cabbage leaves.

Landing locationRipening timeViewPurposeOriginMaturation periodWeight
Open groundUltra early ripeningWhite cabbageFresh, CookingHybrid80-900,6-1,5

Cultivation care

Caring for cabbage Start F1 after planting it in open ground is divided into several stages.

The first stage is the initial period of time after planting seedlings in the exhaust zone. At this stage, the plant is sprinkled with wood ash to protect it from attacks by slugs and cruciferous flea beetles, which can be fatal for an immature crop.

At this time, cabbage is watered once every 10 days. After each watering, you need to loosen the soil, but at the same time going deep to a depth of no more than 4-5 cm, so as not to damage the roots.

Approximately 2 weeks after planting in the exhaust zone, it is necessary to stimulate the growth of the hybrid by fertilizing it with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. To do this, prepare the following solution: 10 g of ammonium nitrate is diluted in 10 liters of water. 1 bucket of water is enough for 6-7 plants.

The second period begins from the moment the seedlings have gained strength on the exhaust gas until the “head” is formed. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used in the same volumes as before. Also, do not forget about watering the crop and loosening the soil. If weeds appear, they must be removed quickly.

At the second stage of the Start F1 life, you need to begin effective pest control. It is advisable to combat them without the use of insecticides. For example, if the cabbage has been infested by parasites such as cutworms or white moths, then they can be destroyed with your own hands, naturally, if the area is not too large.

Decoctions of their tomato leaves, wormwood, garlic, etc. are effective against parasites.

The third period occurs when the rows close and the entire bed is covered with leaves. 2 weeks before harvesting, it is advisable to stop watering the cabbage in order to protect the heads of cabbage from cracking and increase their shelf life.

Rating of the best varieties of white cabbage

The best ultra-early ripening varieties and hybrids of cabbage1Express F1 (on the register since 2003)9.8 / 1020
2F1 Sprinter (registered since 2007)9.7 / 1025
The best early varieties and hybrids of cabbage1Start of F1 (on the register since 2000)9.8 / 1025
2Transfer F1 (on the register since 1993)9.8 / 1015
3Explosion F1 (on the registry since 2009)9.7 / 1022
The best varieties of cabbage of medium ripening - for pickling1Slava 1305 (on the register since 1940)9.8 / 1015
2SB 3 F1 (on the register since 1990)9.8 / 1030
The best late varieties and hybrids of cabbage - for winter storage1Valentina F1 (on the registry since 2004)9.9 / 1010
2Aggressor F1 (registered since 2003)9.8 / 1032
3Atria F1 (registered since 1994)9.8 / 1030

The age of seedlings for different types of cabbage is different: white cabbage is planted in the ground at the age of 30-60 days (depending on the variety), broccoli - at 35-40, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower - 45-50, Savoy - 40-50, kohlrabi - 30- 35. Based on this, the timing of sowing seeds for different types of cabbage will be as follows: white and red cabbage - March 15-25 (early varieties), April 10-15 (middle, late), broccoli - March 15-April, cauliflower - the same dates, Brussels sprouts – April, kohlrabi – March-May, Savoy – March-April.

Something to keep in mind when growing cabbage.

When growing seedlings of all types of cabbage, you should remember that this plant loves moisture, light, is very demanding on the soil and is resistant to low temperatures. The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm with a distance of 1.5-2 cm. The crops are kept in a sunny place at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. As soon as the seedlings appear (after 5-6 days), the temperature is lowered to 9-10 degrees. 14-day-old seedlings are plucked.

Seedlings are planted in the ground starting from the end of April. And this process lasts right up to the beginning of June (depending on the type and variety). Early plantings should be covered with insulating material. All types of cabbage

they love fertile soil and good lighting, and also respond well to the application of organic fertilizers (compost, rotted manure, wood ash).
fertilizers for cabbage in the spring. If you have allocated a narrow bed for cabbage, then it is advisable to plant the plants in a checkerboard pattern or plant just one row of cabbage, combining this plant with other types of plants. You may also be interested in: - Potato seeds

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

As noted earlier, cabbage is not so popular in Russia, however, those who have become acquainted with it note a number of advantages of this vegetable, in particular:

  1. Very fast harvest ripening.
  2. The heads of cabbage have a fairly dense structure (unlike many other early varieties), which makes it possible to easily transport the crop over long distances without losing its marketable qualities.
  3. Heads of cabbage are resistant to cracking.
  4. The variety has a fairly strong immunity that protects against most cabbage diseases.
  5. The harvest is formed uniformly, which is very beneficial for commercial cultivation of vegetables.

At the same time, it is worth noting a number of disadvantages of this early-ripening cabbage:

  1. It is quite demanding on the type of soil.
  2. At home, the yield is an order of magnitude lower than when grown on an industrial scale, where all the rules of agricultural technology are observed. On an industrial scale, they usually harvest about 3.9-4.1 kg per 1 m2, while at home the yield is 2 times lower, approximately 1.9-2.5 kg per 1 m2.

Regional varieties [edit]

In Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moravian, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian cuisine, chopped cabbage is often pickedled together with shredded carrots. Other ingredients may include caraway seeds, whole or quartered apples for additional flavor or cranberry for flavor and better keeping (the benzoic acid in cranberries is a common preservative). Bell peppers and beets are added in some recipes for color. The resulting sauerkraut salad is typically served cold, as zakuski

or a side dish. A homemade type of very mild sauerkraut is available, where white cabbage is pickled with salt in a refrigerator for only three to seven days. This process results in very little lactic acid production. Sometimes in Russia double fermentation is used, with the initial step producing an exceptionally sour product, which is then “corrected” by adding 30-50% more fresh cabbage and fermenting the mix again. The flavor additives like apples, beets, cranberries, and sometimes even watermelons are usually introduced at this step.

Cabbage Start

The Student Council of the Academy includes: the chairman, deputy chairman, executive secretary of the SSA, heads of centers, the presidium of the SSA, members of the Student Council, the Active of the SSA and the Official Media of the Student Council “Presidential Academy Today”.

Structure of the Academy Student Council

The Chairman of the Student Council since 2022 is a second-year student at IGSU - Daria Popova

Structure of the Academy Student Council

The Presidium of the Academy's Student Council includes the Chairman of the Student Council of the Academy, the Deputy Chairman of the Student Council of the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the executive secretary of the Student Council of the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the chairmen of the student councils of the faculties, the chairman of the board of those living in student dormitories of the RANEPA, the chairman of the SSK "Senator", the chairman of the scientific student society of the RANEPA, the chairman of the Association of Volunteer Movements of the RANEPA and Chairman of the Youth Commission of the primary trade union organization of RANEPA

Structure of the Academy Student Council

The XI convocation of the SSA includes 36 people, whose work is divided into 4 centers:

  • marketing and analysis center
  • external communications center
  • internal communications center
  • digital communications center

Areas of activity of the SSA

Areas of activity of the SSA

Areas of activity of the SSA

The Student Council media is represented in many social networks: VK, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube. Thanks to this, students have access to up-to-date information about everything that happens within the walls of the Academy. In 2022, “Presidential Academy Today” became the second student media in Russia, and by the end of the 2022 academic year, SSA media coverage increased from 35,000 to 110,000.

Areas of activity of the SSA

The Student Council actively works with first-year students: we try to simplify as much as possible the adaptation of new students to life at our Academy. To do this, in the first half of the academic year we hold a number of events, such as First Step, Start (at the international award “Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards 2018” the project was among the top three projects in the “Creative of the Year” category), Freshmen Day “Kapustnik”, departure for active first-year students “Cauliflower”, and we also give the children a Guidebook that will help them adapt to the Academy.

SSA projects

Competence Center

The Competence Center is a qualitatively new educational space based on the Academy’s Student Council.

We form a community of trainers among students and help student organizations develop, working on the transfer of new knowledge, skills and abilities that cannot be learned in classes.

This is how we create the future of RANEPA self-government.

SSA projects

School of IT Communications

The School of IT Communications is a project aimed at increasing the overall digital literacy of active RANEPA students.

The goal of the project is to develop skills in the digital sphere, without which no project will achieve success in the modern era of digitalization of all business processes.

In the first month, 400 students registered, 200 of whom were selected and trained.

SSA projects


A unique platform developed by the Student Council of the Presidential Academy specifically for high school students who are ready to acquire new knowledge. The main goal of the project is to give future applicants new useful skills that will help them achieve success in the future both in their studies and professional sphere, as well as in everyday life.

A resident of Miass recalls family traditions of celebrating Christmas

Olga Grishina’s “memory storeroom” contains memories of German Christmases dating back to the 30s.

Christmas... How much do we know about it? Hardly. Here's the New Year - yes, it's a completely different matter! But Olga Ivanovna Grishina lives in Mashgorod - a woman with an incredibly tenacious memory, which stores the smallest details of her difficult but very interesting life.

Garden and violin

“I remember Christmas from the age of three or four,” Olga Ivanovna began the story. – My father, who at that time was creating a branch of the Central Bank in the village of Telman, Saratov region, was given an apartment in a former landowner’s estate with a magnificent garden. And this snow-covered garden, the Christmas tree in the house and the divine sounds of the violin, which my uncle skillfully played, merged for me into some kind of wonderful fairy tale.

Pests and diseases

It has already been noted above how best to combat pests without resorting to the help of pesticides. Depending on the growing season, the Start F1 hybrid may encounter such parasites as:

  1. Cabbage leaf beetle, cruciferous flea beetle, stem beetle - these pests attack the crop in the first period of the growing season.
  2. Cabbage whiteweed - most often attacks the crop during its intermediate growing season.
  3. Cabbage cutworm and aphids - these pests usually attack the vegetable after the head begins to set.

We also recommend reading: Description of the Taininskaya cabbage variety

When growing cabbage in a greenhouse or greenhouse, the likelihood of infestation by these parasites is minimal, but preventive measures should not be neglected.

As for diseases, most often Start F1 encounters such diseases as:

  1. Blackleg - this disease can lead to the stem of the crop beginning to rot.
  2. Clubroot - when infected with this fungus, growths and swellings appear on the plant.
  3. Pernosporosis - leads to the appearance of plaque and spots on the leaves.
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