What year after planting do grapes bear fruit and when do they begin to produce their first harvest?
Factors influencing fruiting Place The choice of planting location affects how comfortable you will feel
Tomato variety Black Prince - description and characteristics, photos, reviews
History of selection The applicant for admission to the register of selection achievements of the Russian Federation is CJSC “Scientific and Production
Why pepper seedlings grow poorly: how to care for them and how to process them
Having grown pepper seedlings according to all the rules and transplanted them into a greenhouse or warm
High-yielding "Nika" is successfully grown both on small plots and on large farms
Nika pear: characteristics and description, photos, reviews, winter hardiness. Features of growing Nika pear.
The winter pear variety “Nika”, developed relatively recently, has already become widespread due to its frost resistance, high
Tomato “Raspberry ringing f1”: pleases gardeners with a stable harvest
Author rating Author of the article Yakov Pavlovich Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing Articles written 153 Today
Preparing seeds and soil
How to properly grow tomatoes from seed to harvest
Preparation of seeds and soil The soil for seedlings must be nutritious, loose, and disinfected. Can buy
How to prepare dried onions in different ways and where to use them
Dried onions at home - beneficial properties of the spice
Dried onions: features and benefits Although many may think that drying onions refers to
Pepper Winnie the Pooh: reviews, photos, yield, characteristics and description of the variety, advantages and disadvantages
Pepper Winnie the Pooh reviews photo yield characteristics and description of the variety which are presented in this article,
Planting corn in open ground: how to get a good harvest with minimal care (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Garden plants Published: April 04, 2017Last edits: January 06
Characteristics of tomatoes variety Legend Tarasenko
A young variety that is gaining popularity among summer residents is the “Legend Tarasenko” tomato, ideal for growing in open ground.
Vegetable growing » Tomatoes 0 1816 Article rating Kira Stoletova Every vegetable crop in the garden
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