Description of the hybrid tomato Tornado and agricultural cultivation technology

Secrets of successfully growing a hybrid

  1. Planting seedlings in the ground at the age of 30-35 days.
  2. Sowing seeds for seedlings should be done in late February - early March.
  3. Placement scheme for planting: 5 -6 plants per 1 sq. m. The distance between tomatoes in a row is 50 cm, and the row spacing is 40 cm.
  4. Planting seeds or seedlings in the ground at a stable soil temperature above 18C degrees.
  5. Water the seedlings only with warm water.
  6. In greenhouse conditions, avoid getting moisture on tomato leaves when watering.
  7. Complete feeding 3 – 4 times per season with complex mineral fertilizers. At the time of staining, they respond positively to treatment with growth stimulants.
  8. Regular loosening and weeding of beds. An excellent agricultural practice when growing tomatoes is to mulch the beds with organic matter or agrofibre.

Despite the hybrid’s resistance to many diseases and pests, it is necessary to carry out several preventive treatments

Pay special attention to protecting this hybrid from late blight.

At the end of the season, you should not collect seeds for sowing next year. Chibli is a first generation hybrid and for successful cultivation, planting material must be purchased in original packaging from the manufacturer. The crop responds positively to the addition of organic matter (rotted manure) to the soil.

tomato Sherkhan - description and characteristics of the variety

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

Tornado is suitable for both greenhouse and open ground cultivation.

There are no particular differences in caring for these plants in both cases.

If you grow in greenhouse conditions, ventilation is necessary. Open windows and doors.

If we consider open ground, mulching is necessary here. To do this, use hay, burlap, straw and film.

After transplanting into open ground, plants must be covered with film at night or in cold weather, and removed in warm weather.

Features of cultivation

Among the features of the Typhoon variety are the high sugar content in the fruits and their very high taste. Also, many gardeners note good disease resistance and smooth ripening of fruits.

The trunk of the bush needs trellis support, and the clusters with fruits need to be tied up, as the plant grows tall. Seeds are sown in March-early April, seedlings are planted at the age of 45-50 days. Undemanding to soil.

Read this article on how to mix soil for tomatoes yourself. And also about what soil tomatoes prefer in greenhouses and how to properly prepare the soil in a greenhouse for spring planting.

She loves complex feeding 4-5 times per season. The best fertilizers to use are bird droppings and manure. Responds well to growth stimulants. Watering with warm water 2-3 times a week in the evening.

Read more about fertilizers for tomatoes:

  • Yeast, iodine, ash, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, boric acid.
  • Organic, mineral, phosphorus, complex, ready-made.
  • Foliar, for seedlings, for picking.
  • TOP best.

Distinctive features of the variety

A tomato variety of Russian selection, patented in 1998. The bushes are medium-leaved, standard. The height of the main stem is 150–190 cm. Recommended planting pattern: 3 units per 1 sq. m. The yield is 6–8 kg per bush.

Ripe tomatoes are red in color, neat and round in appearance. Average weight of Tornado fruit: 60–80 g, in the southern regions up to 120 g. Universal purpose. Used:

  • for preparations and preservation;
  • fresh salads and juice;
  • whole salting.

The taste of the Tornado tomato, according to gardeners, is sweetish, with a real “tomato” aroma. There is no “rigid frame” characteristic of some varieties. There is a slight tendency to cracking; the fruits are not suitable for long-term storage. The crop tolerates transportation well.

The culture is genetically resistant to diseases:

  1. TMV, cladosporiosis.
  2. Fusarium, verticillium.

Dry matter content in tomato pulp: 5%.

Handsome tomato description of the variety - Summer Resident's Guide

The Krasavchik tomato belongs to a medium-ripening variety. Devil is valued among vegetable growers and gardeners primarily for its high level of productivity and low maintenance requirements.

It belongs to the indeterminate type, which means that the bushes can reach very high heights. In favorable warm conditions, the branch can reach 4 meters in height. In Russian climatic conditions, the maximum height of branches is up to 2 meters. In this regard, the plant needs to be systematically trimmed at the top.

“Handsome” tomatoes have a simple inflorescence. Each branch produces from 8 to 12 fruits. They reach full maturity 105–115 days after the first shoots appear.

Indeterminate plants have their own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages:

  1. The potential for obtaining a bountiful harvest from a minimum land plot size.
  2. High survivability to diseases and pests.
  3. Long-term fruiting - in the southern climate it is not a sin to collect fruits even at the beginning of autumn - all September.
  4. The practicality of the process of collecting fruits - due to the high growth of the bushes, the harvest is collected while standing.


Supports for each plant are required. The discharge optimally reveals its advantages in southern climates

Well, in a timely manner, carefully cut off all unnecessary branches, shoots (stepchildren), maintaining the development of one trunk

Description of the fruits of the Krasavchik variety

Tomatoes of this variety can be easily recognized by their appearance and taste. The fruits are formed in the shape of a cylinder: elongated, oblong. They have a large red color. The tomatoes are medium in size and can protrude significantly. The fruits can weigh from 50 to 90 grams. There are two to three chambers inside the fetus.

The fruits are sweet, dense in consistency. Outwardly they resemble a bunch of grapes, in such a way that one branch can hold up to 12 fruits! The butts tolerate transportation well. But they can be stored for a long time from two. Ant. from three weeks.

Growing and care

  1. This breed feels good both in open ground and almost in film. The culture does not require any special manipulations during the care process. Seedlings are usually planted depending on climatic conditions, 1.5 - 2 months before planting at a permanent place of cultivation.
  2. It is highly recommended to harden the seedlings. This is necessary to reduce the level and stress on the plant. This procedure is carried out 7-14 days after planting in open ground.
  3. As noted above, the “Krasavchik” brand belongs to the indeterminate type, and therefore requires pruning.
  4. Each type of shrub requires support.
  5. The plant likes to be watered with warm water. It is preferable to water after sunset. Also, it is imperative not to loosen or weed the soil. The soil must be well-permeable so that the plant's root system can receive sufficient oxygen.
  6. To increase the amount of harvest, it is necessary to apply fertilizers at least two or three times per season.
  7. When planting tomatoes nearby, it is necessary to maintain a distance between the bushes: 50-60 cm. This is quite enough so that the bushes can develop freely without interfering with each other.

The variety is very resistant to diseases typical of tomatoes. Among them: mosaic, fusarium, cladosporiosis (“brown spot”) and others.

Harvest and its uses

This variety has a very high yield level. With proper care and fulfillment of all growing requirements, you can actually grow from 1 bush to 7 kg of ripe, tasty fruits. This is partly explained by the good resistance of the variety to weather changes and unfavorable climatic conditions.

The fruits are consumed fresh as a simple cut and added to salads. In this case, you need to remember that tomatoes can be stored for up to 21 days.

In this regard, they are used for various preparations: pickles, canning, tomato sauce, pasta, etc. At the same time, tomatoes keep their shape well, and they give the preparations an attractive appearance.

Ass Handsome is the right choice for growing, both in a greenhouse, for unknown reasons, and in an open summer cottage. Many vegetable growers have already appreciated this variety accordingly. Tomatoes are unpretentious in care and produce a bountiful harvest. The fruits are consumed fresh and as part of snacks and preparations.


Among the main advantages of this type of tomato it is worth noting:

  • good disease resistance;
  • versatility of use;
  • a plant with a good harvest;
  • high varietal properties of fruits;
  • beautiful appearance of fruits for sale.

Disadvantages usually include the short shelf life of the product and the fact that at the stage of active growth it can be capricious in terms of watering.

Fruit characteristics:

  • After the fruits have reached varietal maturity, they are red in color.
  • Round and uniform in shape.
  • The tomatoes themselves are not very large, 60-80 gr. In the southern regions it can reach 120 g, but this is rare.
  • The pulp is soft, fleshy.
  • The taste is excellent, sweetish, pleasant.
  • Number of chambers 4-6, dry matter content 5%.
  • The harvested crop is not stored for very long; it tolerates transportation well over long distances.

Due to their size, hybrid tomatoes of the “Tornado” variety are very suitable for making home preserves and barrel pickles. They will also be good fresh. Juices and pastes are obtained of very high quality, thanks to the balanced composition of sugars and minerals.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of this variety with others in the table:

Variety nameFruit weight
Tornado60-120 grams
Peter the First30-250 grams
Crystal30-140 grams
Pink flamingo150-450 grams
Baron150-200 grams
Tsar Peter130 grams
Tanya150-170 grams
Alpatieva 905A60 grams
Lalyafa130-160 grams
Demidov80-120 grams
Dimensionlessup to 1000 grams

Read on our website: how to get a high yield of tomatoes in open ground? How to grow delicious tomatoes in a greenhouse in winter? What are the subtleties of agricultural technology for early varieties?

Features of planting and care

Tomatoes are grown using purchased seeds. They do not need preliminary disinfection; they are treated with an antifungal agent and a growth stimulator before packaging. The Torquay F1 hybrid is cultivated in seedlings. For planting over large areas, seeds are sown in a greenhouse in March. Maintain temperature +22-25 0C. After the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings dive and are planted in the fields when 5 leaves are formed.

For home growing:

  1. Sow seeds in containers filled with fertile mixture.
  2. After laying the material, the surface is moistened.
  3. The container is covered with glass or film.
  4. After the tomato germinates, the containers are opened.

Plants are transplanted into the garden bed in the spring, when the temperature has stabilized at +150C.
The greenhouse can be placed in early May. If the structure is heated, then in April. The planting area is dug up, compost, peat and a complex of mineral fertilizers are added. Place the seedlings at intervals of 45-50 cm. After planting, water generously.

Growing hybrid Torquay F1:

When the tomato enters the budding phase, it is hilled and mulched. If there is no rainfall for a long time (in an open area), water twice a week.

The soil moisture is maintained in the greenhouse to prevent the root ball from drying out. Remove weeds and loosen when a crust forms on the soil. Stepping for a standard type is not relevant. Particular attention is paid to feeding. It is carried out in the spring before flowering with nitrogen agents

At the time of fruit set, phosphate is added, when the tomatoes begin to ripen, they are fertilized with potassium. 15 days before harvesting tomatoes, stop all fertilizing and only organic matter can be used.

Important! On a personal plot, it is recommended to tie up the tomato so that the fruits of the first cluster do not lie on the ground

Features of agricultural technology

To successfully grow a Tornado tomato, it is necessary to exclude temperature changes. Sudden changes during the growing season will negatively affect the characteristics of the crop. Keep the soil slightly moist - this will help avoid cracks in the tomato skin. The beds under the tomatoes are mulched with rotted compost. Also used:

  • peat;
  • straw, hay, chopped grass without seeds;
  • tree bark and sawdust.

A polyethylene film is placed on the mulch layer; non-woven materials such as Agrotex or spunbond are suitable instead of film. Decaying organic matter will turn into humus and make the soil more fertile. Mulch will act as a barrier to evaporation from the surface and stop the growth of weeds. Tomatoes grown in this way are more productive and cause less trouble in the garden.

The stepsons of standard tomatoes develop poorly, therefore, the plant does not waste nutrients on excess greens. It is still necessary to remove “empty” shoots in order to form one stem - a standard. If the bushes bend under the weight of the crop, install a vertical support.

The ripening of a mid-early tomato hybrid occurs 100–110 days from the moment of planting the seedlings.

Features of cultivation

Explosion tomatoes can be grown in all regions of Russia, and they are also common in Ukraine and Moldova. The main feature of the variety is that they can be grown both in seedlings and without seedlings. They are distinguished by good seed germination and rapid fruit ripening.

Before sowing seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to keep them in melt water for six hours, and then in aloe juice. These solutions are excellent growth stimulants. After this, the seeds need to be dried, and then they can be sown in well-warmed soil. This usually occurs in March or April.

The soil for these tomatoes should be slightly acidic, light and well-moistened. about the types of soil for tomatoes, about what kind of soil should be when planting tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Some gardeners first plant seeds in small containers with nutritious soil, and after germination, plant them in the ground along with these containers. This allows you to keep the plant root system intact. The distance between bushes should be 50 centimeters, and between rows - 40 centimeters. Some people use special mini-greenhouses for seedlings.

After the seedlings emerge, they will need frequent but moderate watering. One plant should receive 100 milliliters of water once every seven days. After leaves form on the plants, the amount of water will need to be increased to 200 milliliters.

While the plants are in the vegetative stage, it is necessary to fertilize them at least four times. For feeding, you can use both chemicals and a solution of wood ash with bird droppings or manure.

IMPORTANT! Although these tomatoes require pinching, this is compensated by good fruit set. Therefore, if you pick ripe fruits on time, this will stimulate the appearance of new tomatoes.

Like any other varieties, the Explosion will not be damaged by the correct watering regime, removing weeds or mulching, and tying up if necessary.

Growing tomatoes

The cultivation of the Hurricane F1 variety is mainly carried out through seedlings.

How to prepare seeds?

Hybrid seeds must be disinfected before planting. For this purpose, a weak manganese solution is used. After pre-treatment, the seeds are treated with a growth stimulator:


The most productive tomatoes:

The timing of sowing seedlings depends on the temperature conditions of the region and the place of planting. The timing varies from March to early April. All the details of the procedure:

  1. Seeds are planted in separate containers (cups, jars);
  2. The treated seeds are placed in shallow holes and sprinkled with soil and sand;
  3. Crops need to be provided with heat, but avoid direct exposure to sunlight;
  4. After the first sprouts appear, place the container on the windowsill and lower the temperature by 2-3 degrees for hardening;
  5. Water every 3-5 days, do not overwater;
  6. After 1-2 pairs of leaves appear, you can apply complex fertilizers.

Rules for planting seedlings

Picking of seedlings begins when 4 true leaves appear. Before it, you can treat the seedlings with growth stimulants. Repeat the procedure 14 days before planting the seedlings in a permanent place. The following actions:

Seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of 55-70 days;

  • When planting, you must maintain a distance between bushes of 0.4 m and a distance of 0.6 m between rows;
  • Planting holes can be treated with complex mineral fertilizers. These are Sulfoammophos, Nitrophoska, Ammofoska, Potassium nitrate and others.

Bush care

Hurricane F1 is an indeterminate hybrid (tomato bushes reach a height of 2 meters). Plant growth ends simultaneously with the end of fruiting. This feature requires some care:

  1. The formation of a bush is carried out in 2 shoots - this quantity is enough to ensure a high yield;
  2. Tall stems must be tied to stakes to prevent them from breaking off under the weight of the fruit;
  3. Regular removal of stepsons;
  4. Feeding bushes. Tomatoes are fed during the period of active flowering and when the fruits ripen. Fertilizing is carried out by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers;
  5. Trimming the lower leaves.

Diseases and pests

Since the tomato is early ripening, the fruits, which are formed in an average of 90 days, generally avoid encounters with the fungus. In addition, their tall growth, which requires the removal of lower leaves, promotes active ventilation and reduces the impact of excess moisture. But, despite the fact that the foliage is not affected by late blight, the fruits can be seriously damaged. You can eliminate the attack of fungus and pests by following preventive measures:

  1. Get rid of weeds in a timely manner;
  2. Avoid stagnation of moisture on the leaves;
  3. Treat the bushes with a solution of boric acid and fertilizers with a high potassium content;
  4. Regularly ventilate greenhouses;
  5. Avoid over-humidifying the air.

Description of the Glacier tomato variety and characteristics

Today, the tomato is one of the most common plants in the beds of vegetable growers in the northern and southern regions of Russia. The Glacier tomato successfully bears fruit even in the coldest corners of the country. In 1999, Siberian breeders developed this cold-resistant variety. In 2000, it was officially included in the state register.

general information

The tomato bears fruit consistently in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. Characteristics and description of the variety:

  • semi-determinate;
  • high yield, up to 8 kilograms of berries are obtained from one bush during the summer season;
  • early ripening, maximum period before fruit appearance is 95 days;
  • standard;
  • plant height does not exceed 130 cm;
  • average foliage of the bush;
  • resistant to low temperatures;
  • friendly ripening of fruits;
  • resistant to most diseases of the nightshade family;
  • unpretentious;
  • long-term storage and transportation possible;
  • demands on fertilizing and soil composition.

The popularity of the variety is due to its resistance to low temperatures. The name of the tomato is justified; tomatoes feel equally good in the open ground of the northern and southern regions. Appearance and technical data of the fruits of the Glacier variety:

  • mature color: bright red;
  • round, slightly flattened shape;
  • medium size, with a maximum tomato weight of no more than 350 grams;
  • 3-4 cameras;
  • the amount of dry matter does not exceed 5%;
  • smooth;
  • sweet taste;
  • fragrant.

Tomatoes are among the versatile ones. Ripe berries are used for canning, pickling, making ketchups, purees, pastes, and juice. In its raw form, the tomato is suitable as an ingredient for vegetable salads and table decoration.

Recommendations for cultivation

For the variety, the seedling method of planting is preferable. Preparatory work begins a month before the expected sowing date, usually mid-March. To obtain healthy seedlings, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • prepare containers with soil;
  • sowing tomato seeds to a depth of 1.5-2 cm;
  • after sowing, cover the seedlings with films;
  • will ensure a constant room temperature of at least 21 degrees;
  • carry out regular watering;
  • feeding seedlings at least twice;
  • after emergence, provide the plants with a constant source of artificial or natural light.

7-10 days before planting, hardening of tomato seedlings begins. Take the bush out into the fresh air. The hardening time starts at 30 minutes and is increased to 2 hours. When two true leaves appear, picking is necessary.

IMPORTANT! To get the best harvest, it is recommended to form a bush with 2-3 stems. The tomato is not fussy to care for; a novice gardener can handle the cultivation. To get the best result, you should follow a set of measures:

To get the best result, you should follow a set of measures:

The tomato is not fussy to care for; a novice gardener can handle the cultivation. To get the best result, you should follow a set of measures:

  • watering with warm water in the evening or morning hours, as needed;
  • regular loosening and weeding;
  • feeding with complex mineral fertilizer;
  • tying stems and establishing support.

Gardeners' opinion

Good day! Neighbors at their summer cottage recommended the Glacier tomato variety. I have never seen this type before. Survived the cool summer in St. Petersburg very well. Productivity exceeded expectations. From 1 sq. meters of planting, 28 kilograms of berries were collected. Resistance to low temperatures, unpretentiousness and good taste have brought the tomato to first place. Next summer I plan to create 4 beds. Ripe berries are suitable for canning and pickling for the winter. I recommend!

Anastasia Valeryanovna, 54 years old

I advise all residents of northern Russia to buy Glacier tomato seeds. It can withstand low temperatures, bears fruit consistently and does not require special care.

It is important to tie up the bushes and install support, otherwise you won’t get a good harvest. The variety is not demanding in terms of care and withstands most diseases. Ripe tomatoes are very sweet and juicy

They tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time; you can pamper yourself with fresh berries until mid-October. I didn’t find any cons for myself

Ripe tomatoes are very sweet and juicy. They tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time; you can pamper yourself with fresh berries until mid-October. I didn’t find any cons for myself.

Natalya Ivanovna, 45 years old.

Description of the hybrid tomato Tornado and agricultural cultivation technology

The Tornado tomato belongs to the work of Russian agrobiologists. The hybrid is included in the Register of Breeding Achievements and is recommended for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses. The variety is distinguished by its taste, rich aroma, abundant harvest and long fruiting period.

Advantages of a hybrid

The Tornado hybrid is an attraction in any garden thanks to its large clusters of fruit. The positive characteristics of the variety make it popular among vegetable growers.

Private farming, which meets personal needs for tomatoes and other products, is stimulated by the state. The adopted normative act on gardeners and vegetable gardeners regulates legal relations arising on this basis.

The Tornado F1 variety is intended for cultivation in film greenhouses and open ground. The plant is of an indeterminate type; during the growing season, a compact plastic bush with a height of 150-200 cm is formed.

The Tornado F1 tomato has a medium-early ripening period; fruiting occurs 90-100 days after germination. In the technical ripeness phase, the fruits acquire an intense red color without the characteristic green spot near the stalk.

Tomatoes are round in shape, weighing 110-150 g. If you follow the rules of growing the crop, the yield of tomatoes per bush reaches 6-8 kg. Considering the planting rate, at which 3-4 bushes are placed per 1 m², 18-20 kg of fruit can be harvested per unit area.

The description of tomatoes is associated with excellent taste characteristics, rich aroma, and varietal properties. The fruits are the same size, they have a beautiful appearance, and a sweet taste.

Tomatoes have a balanced ratio of sugars and minerals in their fleshy, soft flesh. With a horizontal cut, 4-6 chambers with seeds are observed. The fruits contain 5% dry matter.

Technical characteristics do not allow storing crops for a long period and transporting them over distances. A hybrid with excellent disease resistance, resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, fusarium and verticillium.

Features of cultivation

When to start growing Blagovest tomato seedlings? When choosing the date for planting seeds, take into account the weather conditions of your region; the optimal age of seedlings for planting will be 1.5 months. From here, calculate the time to plant the seeds.

During the period of 2-4 true leaves, picking is carried out simultaneously with fertilizing with mineral fertilizer.

Planting of seedlings must be carried out in previously prepared soil. It is advisable to apply fertilizing from the previous season.

Keep in mind that although the bush is determinate, it is very spreading and tall. Gardeners do not recommend planting more than three bushes per square meter of beds.

During the development of the bush, especially during the period of flowering and formation of tomatoes, fertilizing with complex fertilizer is necessary. The hybrid responds well to fertilizing and watering with warm water, although it does not like excessive moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse after watering to avoid excessive humidity.

When the Blagovest tomato bush stops growing, you can notice the formation of a cluster of fruits at the top of the stem. To increase the time of active fruit formation, you can move the growth point to the lateral stepson. Reviews from gardeners say that one transfer of the growing point is enough and another transfer is not required.

Further care is the same as for any other variety of tomatoes: watering in the evening, loosening the soil in the ridges, removing weeds. These measures will be enough for the plant, and it will reward you with a generous harvest of dense, tasty tomatoes. In the table below you can see the weight of tomatoes of different varieties with early ripening:

Variety nameAverage tomato weight (grams)
Blagovest F1110-150
Fat Jack240-320
F1 President250-300
Senseiup to 400

Tomato Bogata Khata - main features and 10 growing tips

The tomato Bogata Khata F1 came to me thanks to my mother - she grew a lot of seedlings and simply did not have enough space in the garden. I decided to try it, especially since the variety is low-growing and 6 plants fit per square meter - a small piece of the bed was enough. The tomatoes grew quite well, but I especially liked them in canned form - dense, neat, with a pleasant texture.

Tie up if necessary

Characteristics and description of the variety:

Tomato Bogata Khata

  1. Brought out by Ukrainian breeders in 1997. It was entered into the State Register of Plants of the Russian Federation two years later as a variety for film shelters and open ground. It grows normally in beds in warm summer conditions; in cooler regions it is better to place plants under film covers, especially since the bushes are small and it is enough to build a greenhouse that opens during the day.
  2. This is a determinate standard hybrid, so the packaging always has the designation F1. The height of the plants is usually from 30 to 50 cm, they are medium spreading, with 6 bushes per square meter. A garter is not necessary, but to prevent the flower clusters from falling to the ground under the weight of the tomatoes, it is better to tie them to pegs. Due to its small size, this option is often grown on balconies.
  3. Ripening dates are early. From the date of emergence to the harvesting of the first crop, it takes from 90 to 105 days. It all depends on external conditions and compliance with the watering and fertilizing regime. In greenhouses, the plant begins to produce crops earlier.
  4. The average weight of tomatoes is from 50 to 70 g. On the lower clusters, the fruits grow larger and weigh on average from 80 to 90 g. When ripe, tomatoes are red in color, the skin is of medium thickness and density. The shape is round or slightly flattened, most often smooth, sometimes there is slight ribbing.

Since the lower clusters can sink to the ground under the weight of the fruit, the soil can be mulched with straw or sawdust

  1. The yield per plant is approximately 1.5 kg. With a planting density of 6 plants per square, the figure is 9 kg per square meter. These are very good indicators for low-growing plants.
  2. The fruits tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time. Even a ripe tomato can lie for more than a month in a cool, dark place without any problems.
  3. The taste is good. The variety is intended primarily for whole-fruit canning, as it is small in size and has a dense structure. But it is used fresh and for making juices, purees, etc.
  4. Resistance to most diseases is high. Plants are affected only in very unfavorable conditions and with gross violations of agricultural technology. Sometimes pests can be found on the bushes, but it is not difficult to fight them.

Although the bushes are not tall, in order to remove the load from the stem and prevent lodging of the bushes, they are tied to pegs. The author of the video talks about all the features of the variety and the conditions for its cultivation in accordance with the recommendations of the seed manufacturer.

Spray seedlings daily

You should only buy from stores with a good reputation; there is a lot of low-quality planting material in the markets. Choose products from well-known companies.

You won't be able to collect seeds yourself. This is a hybrid, so you will have to purchase them every year

Mulch the soil under the bushes

Carefully remove the plant from the container so as not to destroy the lump of earth. Make a hole in the garden bed the size of the root part.

Level the plant, cover it with soil and compact the surface

Why are there no ovaries?

  1. Unfavorable conditions in spring. If during flowering the temperature was below +15 degrees, then the pollen might simply not ripen.
  2. Shading of plants. Since the bushes are small, they are often covered by other crops, and without sun the ovaries form poorly.

Diseases and pests

Signs: caterpillars damaging foliage, ovaries, stems or even tomatoes.

Prevention and control: treatment with infusions of garlic, calendula or other fragrant herbs, collecting the caterpillar by hand. Use of insecticides

Harvest tomatoes

Good afternoon to all my guests! I invite you to see what wonderful tomatoes I have growing this year)))))

My greenhouse measures 4*5.5 meters. Covered with reinforced film. The greenhouse has been in the same place for 35 years. I plant only tomatoes in it year after year. I never took the soil out of it. I add a little new soil from my own garden in the spring. I add manure every year. This spring I spread urea before digging the ground. I loosened the soil with a Mole shovel (I like this ripper), then sowed green manure - mustard. Until the time came to plant tomato seedlings, I made a small bed for seedlings of beets, cabbage, pumpkins, and flowers. I still covered it with film and waited for warm days.

Varieties of the variety and their description

Feodosius Tarasenko developed his own agricultural technology for growing tomatoes, which promotes long-term fruiting and increased productivity. Varieties bred in Ukraine are taking root and delighting gardeners in Karelia, gardeners in Siberia, and farmers in the southern regions of Russia with a tomato harvest.

Hybrid Tarasenko 1

The first representative of the series, created by an amateur vegetable grower, is distinguished by its early ripening. Tomato bushes with strong roots grow up to 2 m in height. Ribbed cream has a rich classic color, one tomato weighs about 75 g, and larger specimens are also found. The variety was bred for planting in a greenhouse, where it produces high yields, but cannot withstand temperature fluctuations and is demanding on lighting.

Hybrid Tarasenko 2

Many summer residents, having planted this tomato for testing, every year buy its seeds at the kiosks for sowing, despite the fact that the bushes need to be tied up like a vine and stepsoned. One bunch of plants produces up to 4 dozen tomatoes, which is more than 2 kg. The fruits are valued:

  • for excellent taste;
  • delicate aroma;
  • original form;
  • excellent keeping quality.

Round tomatoes have smooth skin, a cute nose, and canned whole, since they weigh no more than 70 grams. After heat treatment, tomatoes do not burst and can hang on the branches for a long time without spoiling at all.

Hybrid Tarasenko 3

When properly formed, the tomato, whose height approaches one and a half meters, surprises with huge clusters with a large number of fruits weighing about 200 g, ripening in the middle period. Tomatoes have an interesting cube shape, a dense consistency, and there are no voids in the pulp. The fruits are fermented in barrels, sealed in jars, and used to make juice. Even after heat treatment they are cut into even slices. The variety is immune to fungal infections and is not affected by viruses.

Hybrid Tarasenko 5

In creating this mid-season tomato, Feodosius Makarovich used the Raketa variety, known at that time. On powerful bushes about 2.5 m high, tomatoes of a beautiful oblong shape are tied in clusters. The fruits, which weigh about 100 g, are harvested 108 days after planting in the ground.

Characteristics of the hybrid tomato variety Rosemary and agricultural cultivation techniques


Hybrid Tarasenko 6

The mid-early variety is valued for its resistance to fungal and bacterial infections and drought; in the southern regions it is grown without seedlings. Strong tomato bushes are slightly taller than a meter, but this is not an obstacle to excellent productivity. Bright red tomatoes weigh more than 300 g, have a round shape, are stored for a long time, and are not damaged during transportation.

Hybrid Tarasenko 6

A tomato of a determinate variety does not stretch upward, but grows as a bush, which still has to be tied up, since about 1 kg of fruit ripens on one bunch. Gardeners value them for their real tomato taste. The tomato does not suffer from diseases, tolerates unfavorable conditions, a large number of ovaries appear even in dry and hot weather. It is interesting that on one plant fruits ripen of approximately the same weight, about 100 g, but of different colors and shapes. Both pink and red tomatoes, elongated and round, are picked from the bush.

Tarasenko Yubileiny

Feodosius Makarovich began creating vegetable crops when he was already over 40. For his 75th birthday, the amateur developed a unique tomato, the powerful root of which grows not in depth, but in width. The weakly leafy branches of the bush stretch up to 3 meters. The main stem produces 5 racemes with a large number of flowers. Such a bunch of fruit weighs up to 5 kg. Large heart-shaped tomatoes are valued for their juicy, sweet pulp and resistance to cracking. They ripen unevenly, ripen well indoors, and are stored for a long time.

Reviews from gardeners

Reviews about the Tornado tomato are positive. Gardeners who cultivated it are satisfied with the harvest and grow it again.

Lyudmila, Tver: “Last year I harvested a large harvest of Tornado tomatoes. The fruits are all the same size, large and sweet in taste. Stores well for several months. We use them fresh for salads and canned.”

Tatyana, Voronezh: “Although it requires attention, it produces a lot of fruit - large bushes are completely covered with tomatoes. Take the time to care for your tomatoes, and they will reward your efforts with a rich harvest.”

How to grow

Sprouts begin to be planted in open ground only after the soil has warmed up. This indicator depends on the region. Seeds are sown two months before the planned transplantation into open ground. February-March are considered optimal months to plant seeds.

Seed preparation

Prepare the seeds and start sowing. Caring for seeds speeds up and increases germination and helps get rid of various infections.

Preparation of planting seeds:

  1. To begin, look through all the seeds and select material that can germinate. Remove blackened and damaged seeds and leave them in their correct, even shape. You can do this in a simpler way: add a little salt to the water and soak the planting material in it for 30 minutes. Bad seeds will float to the surface, while good ones will settle to the bottom.
  2. Hybrid tomatoes are processed by the manufacturer. But if you don’t trust seed suppliers, use your choice of product: hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. Soak the seeds in the chosen product for 2 hours, and then rinse thoroughly with water.
  3. Also, for early germination, soak for 12 hours in a growth stimulator. These drugs are sold in stores. Home remedies include aloe juice.

Container and soil

Sow the seeds in one large container - a tray or box. You can buy them in a specialized store or make them yourself. When growing several bushes, seeds can be sown immediately in separate containers. Peat pots and tablets work well. When the plants have grown, they are picked and transplanted into separate containers, which must be at least 300 g.

For the crop in question, it is better to choose light soil. The stores have a large selection of soil for planting tomatoes. Another option is to make the mixture yourself. Take peat, turf and humus in equal proportions.

Not only the seeds are disinfected, but also the soil and container. The earth can be calcined in the oven and poured with a solution of potassium permanganate. Containers are sterilized with alcohol or high temperature, or the container is wiped with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate.


When the soil is prepared, proceed to sowing. Make small grooves 2 cm deep, 3 cm apart. Place the seeds 2 cm apart. Sprinkle soil on top.

Abundant watering is not required, just moisten the soil with a spray bottle. Next, cover the container with film or a transparent lid. Place in a warm, well-lit place. If condensation appears on top of the coating, it must be removed so that there is no excess moisture by wiping it with a cloth.

Seeds can be planted in other ways. Below is one of the most interesting and unusual.

Growing seedlings without soil

You will need a plastic food tray. You can adapt a plastic bottle by first cutting it into two parts. Take soft paper - napkins or toilet paper - and line the bottom of the container. Cover the top with several layers of paper and film, in which make several holes so that the seeds can breathe. Moisten as it dries with a spray bottle.

Growing and care

If you want to get healthy plants and please yourself with a rich harvest, you need proper care of the seedlings. Then the plants will calmly transfer the transplant to a permanent place. How to do this correctly?

As soon as two or three true leaves appear, immediately drop the sprouts into separate containers. When removing plants from the ground, the main thing is not to damage the central root. Carefully move the plants to the new location.

Moisturizing the soil is required only as it dries. Water with settled water at room temperature. The main thing is not to touch the plant itself, but to moisten only the soil.

During the period of growing seedlings, it is necessary to fertilize the soil at least three times. Fertilizers must contain a balanced complex of useful substances. Ten days after transplantation, the soil is fertilized for the first time, and the last time three days before transplanting into the ground.

An important point in transplanting a plant into the ground is hardening. It is produced only after the average temperature has settled above +8 °C. The seedlings are taken out into the fresh air, gradually increasing the time spent outside.

How to grow tomatoes

By the time of transplantation, the seedlings should have 5–7 true leaves and formed young roots.


The soil is prepared two weeks before transplanting. They dig it up and add a complex of minerals. Do not forget that the hybrid is susceptible to late blight, so tomato beds are spilled with copper sulfate.

Planting pattern: 40 cm - distance between seedlings, 60 cm - row spacing. For 1 sq. m place 4-5 plants in a checkerboard pattern. With this method of planting, each bush receives a sufficient amount of light and ventilation.

This is especially important for those species that are susceptible to fungal diseases

Further care

As they take root in the beds, the seedlings begin to be regularly watered and fertilized. Water moderately, not exceeding the humidity, but not leaving the soil dry. To ensure that the soil retains moisture longer, the beds are mulched with straw or sawdust. After watering, the soil is loosened for better oxygen access.

Another important factor when caring for a hybrid is removing weeds. Weeds pull a lot of nutrients from the ground that are necessary for the development of seedlings. In addition, many pests that are dangerous to tomatoes live and reproduce in them.

Fertilizing helps seedlings receive additional nutrition for full development. They are applied at least three times per season: during flowering, during the formation of ovaries and at the time of fruiting.

Fertilize with a complex of minerals or organic matter. During flowering, fertilizing with a predominant content of phosphorus is used and boric acid is added, and during fruiting - potassium substances. From organic matter, add mullein infusion or bird droppings in a ratio of 1:15.

Features of care and possible difficulties

Despite their short stature, the plants must be tied to a support. When transplanting, wooden stakes or metal rods are installed next to the seedlings, to which the stem and fruitful branches are fixed as they grow. The crop is characterized by an increased rate of fruiting, so neither the stem nor the branches can withstand the weight of ripe fruits.

Form a bush with 2 stems

With this technique, you can achieve maximum efficiency, which is especially important when breeding on an industrial scale. Plants are pruned regularly due to the large number of side shoots

If they are not removed, this will lead to thickening of the plantings.

Diseases and pests

Vulnerability to late blight necessitates regular preventive measures. It should be remembered that planting a hybrid next to crops of the nightshade family (eggplant, peppers, potatoes) increases the risk of fungal diseases.

Regular prevention includes:

  • moderate watering with control of the humidity level in the beds;
  • regular loosening;
  • hilling and mulching beds;
  • treating the soil with copper sulfate before planting;
  • spraying plants with manganese solution.

If a tomato is planted next to crops from the nightshade family, all plants are sprayed. When affected by a fungus, it is treated with fungicidal agents - “Fitosporin” or “HOM”.

Among the pests that are dangerous for the hybrid are aphids, the Colorado potato beetle and the mole cricket. The mole cricket moves underground and is difficult to notice. Therefore, measures are taken in advance by burying crushed cloves of garlic or fish heads in the beds. They repel pests with their unpleasant smell.

The Colorado potato beetle is collected by hand, carefully inspecting each seedling from all sides. When there is a large concentration of the pest, the drug “Prestige” or “Commander” is used.

To prevent aphids from attacking the plants, each stem is treated with a soap solution, which is prepared from one piece of laundry soap dissolved in a bucket of warm water.

How to grow tomatoes

Seedlings are planted in a permanent location after the soil has warmed up. Usually this is the second half of May.


Plants are watered and fed abundantly three days before planting, since after transplanting the soil is not moistened for two weeks.

The beds for transplanting seedlings are prepared in the fall. They clear away plant residues and dig up the soil. The soil is fertilized with ash and humus.

In the spring, the soil needs to be dug up again and disinfected by watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

Then holes are dug, the distance between them is kept at 50-60 cm. The distance between the rows is left at 60-70 cm. It is better to place the seats in a checkerboard pattern, this will save space. Immediately before planting, the seedlings are carefully removed from the pots along with a lump of earth and placed in the holes, forming roots towards the center. The holes with plants are filled with water at room temperature. When the water is absorbed, cover it with soil.

Plant care

Tornado f1 tomatoes need to be watered regularly, loosened and the soil periodically fertilized. Top dressing of the soil should be foliar.

Important ! The peculiarity of the hybrid is low resistance to temperature changes and increased care requirements.

Tomato shoots develop poorly, so the plant does not waste nutrients on excess greens. It is still necessary to remove “empty” shoots in order to form one stem - a standard.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

When growing Tornado tomatoes, a novice gardener may encounter a number of difficulties. The list contains the main ones:

  1. The bush grows relatively tall, so garters and pinching are required.
  2. If the soil is poor, few ovaries may form. The amount of fertilizing needs to be increased.
  3. When a large amount of greenery forms on the plant, the fruits begin to become smaller and ripen slowly. This indicates an excess of nitrogen in the soil. Adjust the amount of fertilizer.
  4. The fruits grow small. By reducing the number of flowers, you will increase the weight of the tomatoes.
  5. Cracking and wateriness of the fruit. This suggests that the gardener removed too much foliage and all the water went into the tomatoes.

Diseases and pests

"Typhoon" resists fungal diseases very well. But to avoid diseases you have to try very hard. Growing conditions should be observed very carefully, observing the regime of watering, lighting and air circulation if the plant is in a greenhouse. Brown rot of fruits is a common disease of this species. It is treated by removing affected fruits and reducing the application of nitrogen fertilizers. The result is secured with the drug “Hom”.

Read more about late blight, measures to protect against it, varieties that do not suffer from late blight.

As for pests, the main problem is the Colorado potato beetle, thrips, aphids, and spider mites. Insecticides will save you from insects.

In the middle zone, slugs can cause great damage to these bushes. They are fought by removing excess tops and isolating the soil, creating an unbearable environment for their habitat. Also a good measure of protection would be coarse sand, ground nut shells or eggs; they need to be scattered around the plants to create the necessary barrier.

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

The main positive features of Tornado F1 tomatoes:

  • Very high yield;
  • Universal use of fruits;
  • Excellent varietal qualities of tomatoes;
  • Beautiful presentation;
  • Resistance to infections, fungi and insect pests.

The negative characteristics of the review variety include:

  • Short shelf life of ripe fruits;
  • At the stage of active growth, the bushes are capricious in terms of watering.

Tomato varieties for the greenhouse:

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