Characteristics and description of original tomato seeds from breeder Myazina

Purpose of vegetables

The author recommends using all varieties of tomatoes for:

  1. Making fresh salads.
  2. Using tomatoes of different colors for stuffed dishes.
  3. Freezing for the winter.
  4. Making juices.
  5. Preparation of ketchups, sauces, lecho.
  6. Canning tomatoes in the form of pickling or pickling.
  7. Preparation of tomato paste and various dressings for borscht.
  8. For drying tomatoes.

Features of growing tomato seedlings in a plastic bottle on toilet paperRead

Many more different cooking options depend on your imagination and preferences; the housewife who planted any of the varieties of tomato will definitely figure out how to successfully use them.

The varietal variety of Myazina tomatoes allows you to choose the desired variety or hybrid for every taste and even color. The color range of this author’s tomatoes is varied; her collection includes red, yellow, orange, pink and even brown tomatoes.

Harvesting and application

At the beginning of August, the first ripe fruits are harvested. They are collected individually, since this variety does not differ in its ripening speed.

The ripeness of tomatoes can be judged by the yellow-green color of the berries. They will be soft to the touch.

Irish liqueur is a salad variety. Its fruits are also used to prepare juices and sauces of unusual shades. Red and yellow tomatoes covered in green tomato sauce look very original.

Tomato Liqueur: description and characteristics of the variety

Hybrid Liquor (red, orange) was bred for cultivation in areas with any climatic conditions. Suitable for regions with short and cold summers. In the south it can be grown in open ground conditions. In other areas, with a less favorable climate, in greenhouses.

Photo of tomato Liqueur F1

The hybrid belongs to early ripening tomatoes. The height of an adult bush reaches 170 cm. In this regard, the plant is formed during the growth process by pinching and pinching.


The Liquor tomato fruits are small in size and all, as if chosen, are the same size. The weight of one fruit is 50 grams. The diameter is 5 cm. The walls are quite thick, from 8 to 10 mm. Despite the thick peel, it is easy to chew. It tastes sweet.

Interesting! The series to which the Liqueur hybrid belongs is called “Tomato-Fruit” - for its wonderful taste characteristics and the sweetness of the fruit.

Due to their uniform, compact size, tomatoes are ideal for whole-fruit canning. Preparations with a combination of red and orange fruits look especially beautiful.

Tomatoes are delicious in their raw, fresh form. Can be eaten separately or added as an ingredient to salads.

Features of the variety

According to reviews, the Irish liqueur tomato has some features:

  1. The culture is tall and reaches a height of 1.5 m.
  2. The first fruits ripen on the 120th day from emergence.
  3. There is little foliage.
  4. The leaf blades are medium in size, light green in color.
  5. The first brush is placed above the ninth sheet.
  6. The crop is characterized by fruit overload.

Tomato is picky about humidity levels. At a high concentration of water vapor, the ovaries fall off, and at a low concentration, the pollen is sterilized.

Why are Lyubov Myazina seeds popular?

There are so many varieties of tomatoes in seed stores that choosing the right one is not easy. But you can focus on the names of famous vegetable growers. So, Myazina’s original seeds are a guarantee of a good harvest.

And all because on the farm of Lyubov Anatolyevna, new varieties are developed using the method of selection, and not genetic engineering. Plants are pollinated by hand.

At L.A. With Myazina you can order tomato seeds that meet any requirements, because the organization offers tomatoes:

  • for greenhouses and open ground;
  • with tall and miniature bushes;
  • with huge and tiny fruits.

A wide variety of tomatoes in shape (from round to elongated) and color (from yellow and red in all shades to black).

Fruit characteristics

The Irish Liqueur tomato variety differs from others not only in its unusual color. It is also characterized by the following:

  • compressed round shape;
  • unripe tomatoes are dark green, and as they ripen they acquire a lighter color with yellow blurs;
  • the weight of one tomato is 250-450 grams;
  • extended ripening;
  • the pulp contains many poly- and monosugars.

Photos and reviews of the “Irish liqueur” tomato show that this variety is not quite ordinary. The variety is interesting not only for its color, but also for the ability to independently collect seeds from it, i.e., once you have purchased seed, you can collect your own seeds for subsequent sowings. Usually the ripest first fruit is used to obtain seeds.

Fruit tomatoes: new hybrids of the author's selection

I want to introduce you to my new work, tell you about the hybrids, which I conventionally called tomatoes-fruits

(for their special taste). Their fruits reach 200–400 g. The plants are tall and sparsely leafy. Among them you can choose carpal, fleshy, juicy and large-fruited hybrids.

Tomato cluster hybrids

Hybrid Liqueur

can be classified as cocktail tomatoes.

  • He is the earliest. 77 days have passed since the sprouting loops appeared, and now we are already seeing the first brown fruits on complex long clusters.
  • Fully ripe fruits weighing 25–30 g will be a rich orange color.
  • Tomatoes are sweet, with thick skin; fruits have 2 chambers; The pulp and center are dense, and the liquid with the seeds is juicy.

It turned out to be a rich combination! The plant will delight you until late autumn.

The fruits can be “accumulated” and collected with brushes - they do not crack. In this case, watering is necessary only after harvesting the fruits.

tomato variety Liqueur


- slightly ribbed large fruits, when ripe they will be orange and red in color, respectively.

  • The internal structure of the fruit will make it easy to separate the pulp from the thick wall and, if desired, use them not only for salads, but also for stuffing.
  • Grows up to 10 even fruits in a complex cluster.
  • Bright tomatoes laid out on a dish will add a festive mood even on a weekday.

Colosseum variety

Juicy tomato hybrids

For lovers of juicy tomatoes, I offer the following varieties:

  1. Balance
    – large, juicy fruits of bright orange color on complex clusters;
  2. Beauty Queen
    - red fruits of excellent taste, reaching a weight of 250 g, on complex clusters;
  3. Beauty
    - when ripe, it has red fruits (about 300 g) with melting pulp;
  4. Safari
    - fruits of the most delicate taste, the same size as Prelesti, but orange in color.
For lovers of tomato juice with pulp, I note that when processing the ripe fruits of these hybrids, the juice yield will be the highest.

Tomato hybrids Balance and Safari

Tomato with a “nostalgic” name Retro

will take you back to a time when trees were big and mom’s salads and juices were delicious. A simple cluster produces red fruits with an average weight of 350 g.

Hybrid Retro

"Fleshy" tomato hybrids

For those gourmets who like to prick dense “cubes” onto a fork, I would recommend the “fleshy” fruits of the following hybrids with red fruits:

  • Balm
    – flat-round, about 300 g;
  • Benefit
    – excellent taste, round, dense, about 300 g;
  • Disco
    - smooth fruits, weighing about 350 g, bright red, very tasty
  • Miss World
    - 10 fruits weighing about 200 g grow in a brush;
  • Lake of Hope
    - delicious fruits weighing 250 g. 8–10 fruits grow on a simple cluster.
  • The Doctor Summer
    hybrid has dense orange pulp, with an amazing combination of sugars and acids.

tomato hybrid Disco

Hybrid Chelyabinsk meteorite

– my gift to the tireless Vladimir Vasilyevich Stepanov, head of the Chelyabinsk NGO “Gardens of Russia”, for his anniversary. Ripe fruits are fiery orange in color, large, dense, with an “unearthly” taste.

hybrids Doctor Leto and Chelyabinsk meteorite

Hybrid Ivan da Marya

I named it so for the bright contrast: it has a purple spot on the unripe fruit, and the lower part is light green!

  • When ripe, the spot is barely visible by the brownish coating on the skin.
  • Under the skin, the pulp is moiré with a sheath, with the smell and taste of aromatic herbs!
  • The fruit weighs 200 g, the pulp is dense, the purpose is universal.

Please note that the entire stem has an anthocyanin (purple) color to the top. The lower the night temperatures, the larger the spot on the fruit will be!. hybrid tomatoes Ivan da Marya

hybrid tomatoes Ivan da Marya

Large tomato hybrids

  1. For lovers of large “cream” fruits, I suggest the Swan Princess
    . The fruits are red, fleshy, excellent taste, universal purpose.
  2. I myself really like the orange hybrid Indian Summer
    . It is as large as the previous ones, but the taste will impress any gourmet.
  3. In the same row, Lada-ladushka
    . The fruits are red, weighing about 350 g, with a rich palette of taste qualities.
  4. We finish our inspection with the Chanson
    . It has a very beautiful appearance, strewn with complex clusters, glossy, red fruits weighing 300 g, excellent taste.

The “design” yield from 40 plants should be at least 200 kg.

tomato variety Beauty Queen

Lyubov Myazina, tomato breeder, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


The plant is indeterminate, but not too tall, with a maximum height of about 1.5 meters. The bush is strong, but not spreading. Shoot formation and foliage are moderate. The leaves are of the usual type, slightly wrinkled, medium-sized, light green. The first fruit cluster is placed above the 8th - 9th leaf. Each brush has 3 - 5 ovaries.

The fruits are flat-round, slightly flattened at the top and base, slightly ribbed, with cheeks. The skin is dense, but not hard. An unripe tomato is rich green; a ripened one becomes a dull green color. The fact that the tomato is fully ripe will be indicated by the appearance of a yellowish tint and the presence of blurred stripes. The fruit becomes softer to the touch. The pulp has a delicate consistency, but is quite dense, juicy, and meaty. The taste is excellent, sweet, harmonious. The usual acid is absent, so green tomatoes can be consumed by people with gout and sore joints. There are 6 seed chambers, they are small, located closer to the walls of the fruit, and there are few seeds. Weight of tomatoes 200 - 400 grams.

Planting and growing tomatoes

Like any other variety, this variety of tomato requires special conditions in preparation for sowing seeds. At these stages, the gardener must show maximum responsibility, since the further development of the crop and the result in the form of a harvest depend on them.

Preparing and sowing seeds

Seeds of this variety must be sown at least six weeks before the day of planting in the ground. Seeds of hybrid plants, as a rule, do not need to be subjected to additional processing, disinfection and germination, unlike seeds of ordinary tomatoes.

This is explained by the fact that their preparation has already been carried out in special conditions, and they are already ready for sowing. Despite this, farmers with extensive experience recommend disinfecting seeds themselves. This procedure can be neglected only if they are granulated.

To do this, before planting, they are soaked in a strong raspberry solution of potassium permanganate. The liquid should be prepared at the rate of 1 glass of water per 1 g of dry manganese. The seeds wrapped in cotton are placed in potassium permanganate for 10 minutes and then washed with clean water.

After this procedure, they are planted in a box with soil for seedling germination. The soil in which the seeds will develop must also be disinfected. There are several methods for disinfecting the soil: someone waters the soil with a solution of the same potassium permanganate, someone heats the soil mixture in the oven, someone pours hot water over it.

The soil should be moist and compacted during sowing. Seeds must be sown in holes up to 2 cm deep, at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. They are covered with soil mixture on top. Now future seedlings only need time, warmth and light.

Growing and picking seedlings

Shoots should be expected after about 7 days, in rare cases you will have to wait up to 10 days

Water the seedlings with extreme caution; the water temperature should not be lower than 22°C

The potential harvest volume is affected by the collection of seedlings. Its essence is to get rid of diseased sprouts or sprouts whose roots are not sufficiently developed.

During the transplantation process, extreme care must be taken, trying not to harm the root system and stem of the plant. Seedlings need to be planted with a lump of earth in a separate pot

Having completed this process, the newly planted seedlings need to be watered with precipitated water

After completing this process, the newly planted seedlings need to be watered with precipitated water.

Transplantation into open ground

Before planting seedlings in the ground, they must be properly prepared. To do this, in the room where the containers with seedlings are located, they begin to lower the temperature: in the daytime to +16°C, at night – about +8°C. Next, the plants are taken out into the open air, extending the time spent in these conditions to a full day.

As a rule, planting in the soil should be done 2 months after germination of the first shoots. It is necessary to carefully select the area in which tomatoes will grow, since this factor directly affects the amount of harvest.

Plants of the Irina F1 variety, like most other varieties of tomatoes, love good things and also develop quickly if they receive light and warmth, although the foliage may suffer from direct sunlight. The best place to grow tomatoes is in a well-ventilated but not cold area, facing south and protected from strong gusts of wind.

It is also necessary to be aware of what plants grew on the territory before planting Irina F1 tomatoes. Tomatoes of this variety will grow well in soil in which cucumbers or zucchini grew.

You should abandon areas where vegetables belonging to the nightshade family grew - they greatly deplete the soil, so it takes at least three years to restore it.

The soil in the selected area must be cleared of weeds, loosened, treated with a solution of copper sulfate to destroy all kinds of pests and fertilized with mineral fertilizers. After all procedures have been carried out, the ground should be dug up.

The length of tomato seedlings at the time of planting in open ground should be at least 20 cm. Before planting, seedlings are treated with insecticides to protect them from the Colorado potato beetle.

Using a checkerboard pattern, the seedlings are placed in the ground, where pre-prepared depressions are dug (no more than 4 shrubs per 1 sq. m). To prevent the shrub from wasting extra energy on growing foliage, treatment must be carried out every week, that is, the removal of emerging shoots. This will significantly increase the fertility of the crop.

General description of the variety

Irish liqueur is a varietal tomato. It appeared relatively recently on the markets of our country, but has already managed to win the love of gardeners. This tomato has not yet been included in the state register.

Advice . Since Irish Liquor is a variety and not a hybrid, the seeds from its fruits can be used for further planting.

The Distinctive Characteristics of Irish Liquor

The main distinguishing feature of Irish liqueur is the unusual color of its fruits. When ripe, the berries of this tomato variety acquire a green-yellow hue. Therefore, it is difficult for gardeners who grow it for the first time to determine the stage of ripeness of tomatoes.

Tomatoes of this variety are classified as large-fruited. On average, the weight of the fruit varies between 200-300 g. Larger specimens are also found.

The green color is due to the high content of chlorophyll in their composition. This substance has a positive effect on the state of the body, normalizing all processes in it. In addition, these tomatoes are less likely to cause allergies than their red-fruited counterparts.

The taste of green tomatoes is also unusual. The fruits of Irish liqueur are soft and juicy. They are sweet, with barely noticeable sourness and a pronounced fruity flavor.

Interesting . The Irish Liqueur tomato is often compared to another green-bearing tomato, the Malachite Box. Gardeners agree that the second option has a sweeter taste without sourness, but its fruits have a less neat shape.

Tomato bushes are tall. They need timely shaping and garter. Tomatoes of this variety rarely get sick. They are almost never affected by late blight.


The characteristics of Irish liqueur are not very different from other green-fruited varieties. Let's look at them in more detail in the table.

Bush typeTall indeterminate tomato. Its bush reaches a height of 1.5 m. The stem is thick and powerful, weakly leafy. There are few stepsons. The leaf blade is ordinary, medium in size, with slight pubescence. The color of the leaves is light green. The inflorescences are simple. The first is formed in the axil of the ninth leaf. The next ones appear every 2-3 leaves. The fruits are produced in clusters. From three to five berries are collected on one brush.
Growing methodA heat-loving variety that does not tolerate temperature fluctuations. In the northern and central regions it is grown in greenhouses and film shelters. In the south, cultivation in open ground is possible.
ProductivityAverage. One bush produces up to 4 kg of tomatoes. According to gardeners, from 1 sq. m it is possible to collect up to 14 kg of tomatoes.
FruitLarge ones. On average, the weight of one fruit varies between 200-300 g. The maximum weight of tomatoes of this variety is 600 g. The outside of the fruits is light green, with a yellowish tint. Covered with dark green stripes. The inside of the berries is light green, with a light spot in the center and dark green areas around the seed chambers. The shape of the berries is rounded and flattened. There is pronounced ribbing at the base. The fruits are juicy and soft, there is a lot of pulp. The taste is sweet with barely noticeable sourness and an unusual aftertaste. There are 6-7 chambers in each berry. Each of them contains a small number of small seeds.
TransportabilityLow. Ripe fruits are soft. Easily damaged when pressed. They are stored for no more than two weeks.
Ripening timeMedium late. The fruits ripen 115-120 days after sowing the seeds. Fruiting continues until the first frost.
Disease resistanceThere is immunity to tomato diseases.

Note ! Irish liqueur is a new variety that is not included in the state register. Therefore, conclusions about its resistance to late blight and other tomato diseases were made on the basis of numerous reviews from gardeners who have already grown it.

Tomato care

To protect against diseases, tomatoes are treated with Abiga-pik 2 weeks after planting. Be sure to pinch the tops, leaving 2 leaves above the brush - this will give all the tomatoes the opportunity to fill and ripen.

You need to regularly:

  • weed;
  • loosen the ground;
  • feed the plants;
  • ventilate the greenhouse.

Tomatoes should not be fertilized too much. Following the instructions on the packaging, they are fed, alternating mineral compounds with organic fertilizers. During flowering, you can spray with an aqueous solution of boric acid.


  • frequent and abundant deteriorates the taste of tomatoes;
  • cold water harms roots;
  • on a hot day, do not pour water on the plants (you can burn the leaves).

When the tomatoes begin to turn red, stop watering for a while. After removing the ripe tomatoes, it is resumed until the next portion is ready.

In case of illness, the plant is immediately removed from the garden and burned.

Stepchildren are removed every week, when they are still small. Before this, the tomatoes are not watered or fed.

Ultra early varieties

The collection of tomatoes by breeder Myazina includes early varieties that produce their first fruits within 90 days after seed germination. Mid-season varieties are ready for consumption 115 days after germination.

The fruits are suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for preparation. They do not crack during ripening and after heat treatment. The distinctive characteristics of tomatoes from Myazina are:

  • excellent taste;
  • immunity to diseases and the negative effects of pests;
  • high yield rates;
  • good adaptability to environmental conditions.

This variety is predominant in Myazina’s collection. She has 36 varieties of ultra-early tomatoes, including:

  • Athlete;
  • Golden mother-in-law;
  • Chanson;
  • Snowman;
  • Cherryfinger;
  • Cerrinano;
  • Katrina;
  • Children's;
  • Gladiator.

The harvest of these tomatoes can be enjoyed within 85-90 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Most of the plants presented require mandatory removal of stepsons. The fruits are collected in clusters and have excellent product characteristics and taste. The productivity of all varieties is high. The harvested crop is used not only for fresh consumption, but also for processing. The colors and sizes of tomatoes are varied.

Agricultural technology

Seeds for seedlings are sown in the second half of March. Young plants are transplanted into an unheated greenhouse after 60 - 65 days. The recommended planting density of tomatoes is 3 pieces per 1 square meter. The bushes are tied up and pinching is carried out as needed. Brushes also need tying during the ripening period. Our hero shows excellent results when formed into 2 - 3 stems. Agricultural technology is simple, but there are nuances. The crop does not tolerate waterlogging; the soil should be moderately moist, especially during the ripening period. Fertilizing is carried out with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, but you should not get carried away with nitrogen. To make the fruits ripen faster, you need to remove the leaves under the lower clusters.

Irish liqueur is often compared to a similar variety - Malachite Box. And although our hero is slightly inferior to her in terms of large-fruitedness, in taste, according to many, he is still superior. The described variety belongs to those crops that require attention. In addition to gartering and shaping, the plant will need preventive treatments against diseases and pests. But your care will fully pay off with a harvest of unusual tomatoes, the appearance and taste of which you will be able to pleasantly surprise your family and friends. If you want to keep the culture in your collection of unusual tomatoes, you can always collect the seeds yourself.

Distinctive qualities

Myazina’s tomato collection includes varieties that produce an early harvest - 90 days after sowing the seeds. Others ripen a little later - after 115 days. Such short periods are suitable for climate zones with short summers.

Tomatoes are good for both canning and eating fresh. The fruits may be dense or juicy, but almost all of them do not crack when ripened and processed.

There are varieties:

  • salad - meaty, with a bright smell, rich in vitamins;
  • dessert - cherry and cocktail;
  • canning;
  • pickling;
  • sauce.

Myazina tomatoes:

  • very tasty;
  • resistant to pests;
  • high-yielding.

They get sick little and adapt well to the environment.

The collection also includes fruit tomatoes: tall, beautiful bushes with sweet, juicy fruits.

Tomatoes Myazina Lyubov Anatolyevna

Many gardeners have long been familiar with the varieties and hybrids bred by the famous domestic breeder Lyubov Myazina. Vegetable products obtained from these seeds have already received their well-deserved recognition. Crispy cucumbers of different ripening periods, peppers and tomatoes for every taste, color and size are loved by Russian gardeners.

Lyubov Anatolyevna Myazina acquired her unique experience and knowledge over many years of work at the Moldavian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture and Vegetable Growing (now it is the Transnistrian Research Institute of Agriculture in Tiraspol). She was lucky enough to work and study under the guidance of a famous Soviet breeder, Doctor of Agriculture. Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Ivanovna Guseva. Over many years of diligent breeding work, Lyubov Myazina has obtained unique varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops, which are of great interest not only from a scientific, but also from a practical point of view. Myazina's signature varieties of cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes are distinguished by their unique qualities and unsurpassed taste.

This big work began with the collection of a huge amateur collection, which served as the basis for developing our own, author’s lines.

Subsequently, selection was aimed at obtaining parental forms with high economically valuable traits, from which the best ones were selected, incorporating the necessary parental qualities.

The exclusivity and value of Myazina’s varieties and hybrids lies in the fact that they were obtained using classical selection methods, natural hand pollination and through many years of individual selection, without using genetic engineering techniques.

As a result of many years of work, unique ultra-early large-fruited hybrids were obtained for cultivation in open ground and under temporary shelters.

Currently, Lyubov Myazina has copyright certificates and patents. Its 25 varieties of tomatoes are included in the state register of the Russian Federation (of which 11 are low-growing for open ground with different shapes of fruits and different ripening periods, 3 varieties of cherry, 11 large-fruited varieties); 39 tomato hybrids (of which 15 are low-growing for open ground and film greenhouses, which were created for industrial production of an early harvest); 7 cucumber hybrids.

Getting an excellent harvest of fragrant and tasty tomatoes in a short summer is not an easy task. Varieties designed primarily for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses will help you with this. Your love of work, diligence and a minimum of necessary knowledge will allow you to grow them in your difficult climatic conditions and choose the right ones for your family.

For children's garden beds or novice gardeners, unpretentious early varieties that do not require special attention and with medium-sized fruits, such as 'Detsky', 'Cherrinano', 'Kindergarten', 'Snow White', are suitable.

The bushes are more massive and the fruits are larger in hybrids, long-term bestsellers - 'Zenith', 'Katrina', 'Morozko', 'Superpriz'

The hybrids 'Important Person' and 'Juggler' confidently hold the palm in the category of early ripeness/large-fruitedness.

Tomatoes with multi-colored skin and chlorophyll veins in the pulp are not only original in appearance, they have a high content of b-carotene, lycopene, and sugars, which are responsible for the biochemical components of the taste of the fruit. You will be pleased with the sunshine-filled: 'Grandson of the Bogatyr', 'Golden Mother-in-Law', 'Heartbreaker Orange', 'Pepper Yellow', 'Doctor Summer', 'Balance', 'Safari'.

Sweet pepper (Bulgarian) is a heat-loving vegetable crop, grown in central Russia only through seedlings and preferably in “warm” beds (the thickness of the pepper is always very dependent on the ambient temperature). It is best to start sowing seeds in the last ten days of February. True, sunlight is still not enough for the full development of seedlings, so artificial lighting must also be used. From the original pepper seeds selected by Lyubov Myazina for open ground and temporary shelters, we can offer you red-fruited, early-ripening varieties that are good not only fresh, but also canned: 'Red Tie', 'Scarlet Zarya'.

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