Breeder variety Myazina - tomato Chocolate candy: description and characteristics

Requirements for the quality of tomatoes

In the climatic conditions of the middle zone with sudden changes in weather and temperature fluctuations, everyone who grows vegetables on their own has to make this choice. After all, only the hardiest, most reliable and fastest-ripening hybrids can produce a guaranteed harvest. They are also the most environmentally friendly, because you can protect your crop from late blight without chemicals only if you grow early-ripening varieties and hybrids of tomatoes.

At the same time, tomatoes should be beautiful in appearance and pleasant in taste. All these qualities are combined by hybrids bred by breeders who took into account many different factors - climate characteristics, soil characteristics, disease resistance of tomatoes, and, first of all, productivity. The bushes of these tomatoes do not mind any “cataclysms” - they are strong, healthy, all strewn with fruits. And their names are unusual and memorable. Take note!

Features of planting and growing chocolate variety tomato

If a vegetable grower purchases seeds from Myazina, then preparations for sowing seed material can be omitted. The seed is tested for germination and treated with antiviral drugs and microelements.

If the seeds have already been collected from your own tomatoes, then they should be wrapped in linen and dipped in a 0.1% manganese solution for pickling for 15 minutes. Then they are dried and sown. You can also warm it up in a warm and damp cloth for 3-4 days. In this case, the root shoots of a viable seed will be immediately visible. These are the seeds that are sent to the ground.

Planting seeds for seedlings

For sowing, it is better to choose professionally produced universal soil for seedlings. This mixture:

  • balanced in minerals and acidity;
  • treated against weeds;
  • pickled and freed from pathogens and pests.

Sowing seeds can be done individually or in groups. For the first, 100 ml cups are filled with soil mixture and one seed is sown there. Then they simply add soil as the shoot grows and grow without diving.

Attention! If the seeds are cold, below 20 ᵒC, then germination may be delayed indefinitely.

For the second method, sowing is carried out in a bowl, placing the seeds at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other. When 2 true sheets appear, dive into individual cups.

In both cases, the seedlings will be ready for planting in the garden at the age of 55-60 days from the moment the seed germinates. It needs to be hardened before planting. To do this, it is enough to gradually take the tubs out into the open air, increasing the residence time.

Landing in the ground

When the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted in the garden or greenhouse. When choosing a planting site, you should make sure that the previous crop is not a relative of the Solanaceae. This will help avoid diseases.

When planting, the distance between bushes should be 45-50 cm, and between rows 50-60. Tall bushes will require constant care, and a short distance will not allow this to be done efficiently.

Nutritious soils are the basis for good yields. If the soil at the planting site is fresh, then it can be improved locally by adding the following to the planting hole:

  • compost;
  • humus;
  • a mixture of soil with mineral fertilizers.

Such an operation will be necessary if feeding is not planned.

Ruddy man F1

This is the tomato you've been looking for! Sweet, tasty and most importantly - its yield has been tested in the harshest conditions and is therefore guaranteed! This ultra-modern hybrid of a new class is intended for cultivation in open ground and under film covers in all regions of Russia.

It is early ripening - no more than 90-95 days pass from germination to the beginning of ripening, determinate (height - 75-85 cm). The fruits are a delightful crimson color, round in shape, large (150-250 g). They are incredibly tasty thanks to their fleshy and juicy sweet-sugar pulp.

They can be used for all types of processing. In addition, the hybrid Ruddy Man F1 is resistant to major tomato diseases.

Golden man F1

A trouble-free early-ripening determinate hybrid with a height of 135-145 cm. From germination to the beginning of ripening - 92-95 days. The fruits are round, dense, weighing 200-220 g, amber golden-orange in color. Productivity – up to 18-19 kg/sq.m. Indeed, the fruits are worth their weight in gold! Their sweet and tender pulp contains large quantities of vitamins C, E, group B, as well as powerful antioxidants - valuable lycopene and myocin.

Since there are very few organic acids in the pulp, even in processed form these tomatoes will not be sour, will not cause heartburn and will not cause allergies, like their red “brothers”. Thanks to their thick skin, which almost never cracks, tomatoes are easy to transport.

The hybrid Golden Man F1 is resistant to Alternaria and Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), and due to its early ripening, the fruit crop ripens earlier than late blight develops and begins to spread throughout the plantation.

Kuzmich F1

Super new of the year! A true tomato authority! This “gardener” “knows” how to grow a rich harvest in any season. Almost not demanding of care, Kuzmich is generous and responsive to care. Moreover, the fruits set in any weather, both in film greenhouses and in open ground. Prepare to collect these tomatoes for a very long time - there will be a lot of them!

The hybrid is early ripening (88-90 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), 90-95 cm high. Fruits weighing 140-200 g, intense red color, round, fleshy, very tasty, pulp without voids and white veins inside, the skin does not crack.

Kuzmich F1 tomatoes are a masterpiece of taste and yield. In addition to its many advantages, the hybrid is resistant to Alternaria and TMV. Needless to say, with such a ripening period, Kuzmich is not afraid of late blight either!

Advantages and disadvantages of the Chocolate variety

The variety has several undeniable advantages:

  • interesting, unusual color;
  • aligned, neat fruits;
  • very pleasant taste and aroma;
  • resistance to blossom end and root rot.

The biggest disadvantage is low yield. With a planting scheme of 4 bushes per square meter of area, you can get a yield of 5 kg. This is a bit too little.

Sometimes you can find information that the Chocolate tomato is designated f1, as a first-generation hybrid. This is not true. Tomato Chocolate - variety. From the collected seeds it is quite possible to grow good seedlings, and the fruits will completely replicate the parent ones.

Eligible bachelor F1

Not only the name of this hybrid arouses curiosity, but also tomato plantings invariably attract the eye with an abundance of ovaries on heavy clusters! Starting from the 3rd internode, brushes are formed at each node! The fruits weigh 100-130 g, without a green spot at the stalk, rich crimson color, without voids, cylindrical, fleshy, do not crack, very tasty, all as if chosen - handsome.

The winner of the “Best Tomato for Canning and Pickling” competition, this “bachelor” is so good that he probably won’t find a worthy “pair” for a long time.

Early ripening (90-93 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), determinate (height 90-110 cm), with a scattered harvest. Suitable for growing in open ground and film greenhouses, it grows in any weather.

The hybrid Enviable Bachelor F1 is resistant to Alternaria and TMV, and due to the dense skin of the fruit, it is also insensitive to late blight.

Features of cultivation

Chocolate tomato is grown from seedlings indoors. This period takes about two months. Depending on the expected date of planting at a permanent location, sowing begins in February-March.

For cultivation, take shallow containers: individual cassettes or general forms

Containers that are used repeatedly are disinfected. When growing, the soil used is highly fertile and light. To loosen, add river sand, coconut fiber, and perlite. The components of the soil are mixed well and kneaded until crumbly. A few days before planting, the soil is watered with a fungicide solution for disinfection.

Seeds are calibrated, choosing the largest and purest. Lay out on compacted and moistened soil with a short distance. Peat or coconut fiber mulch no more than 1 cm high is poured on top.

Important! A light top layer of substrate and shallow sowing allow the seeds to sprout quickly and amicably.

Containers with seedlings are placed in a place with a temperature of +25°C... +28°C, after more than half of the seedlings appear, they are moved to southern window sills or under special lamps. The temperature is reduced for one week to +18°C for better rooting. Then the seedlings are grown at +22°C.

During the period when two developed leaves appear, the seedlings are planted. If necessary, apply a small amount of mineral fertilizer. For better ventilation and uniform lighting, plants are placed freely so that they do not touch the leaves.

Tomatoes are transferred to the ridges when 7-8 developed leaves appear. A week before this, hardening is carried out. The planting area is well loosened. Mark the holes according to the pattern - 40 by 80 cm. Install stakes or trellises.

The transplant is carried out on a cloudy day or in the evening. The holes are dug to the size of the earthen clod in which the tomatoes were grown during the seedling period. The holes are watered abundantly and mineral or organic fertilizers are applied.

Important! When planting, plants are placed vertically at the same level with the soil.

The voids are filled with soil from the ridge and the plantings are lightly pressed with hands around the root zone. The tomatoes are tied up immediately. After the holes have been recharged with moisture, the next watering is carried out only after 1.5 weeks, which promotes better rooting.

The Chocolate tomato is kept in one stem, the other stepsons are removed in a timely manner, leaving small stumps so that the growth of the shoots does not resume. Forming allows you to get earlier fruits and increases yield.

The number of tomatoes in a bunch is normalized so that all the fruits have time to ripen

The soil is mulched with straw. Fertilizing is applied 1-2 times a month, depending on the development of tomato bushes and the initial fertility of the soil.

Emerald domes F1

This hybrid was named not only because of its endurance and fertility. It is thanks to such varieties and hybrids that the popularly beloved tomato received the proud name from the French - pomme d'amour ("pomme d'amour") - the apple of love, or the cupid apple. The fact is that only the ripe green fruits of this tomato contain the alkaloid solanine in an amount that causes a love mood. But in ripe red and yellow tomatoes there is almost no this substance.

An early-ripening, super-yielding hybrid (from germination to the beginning of technical ripeness - 90-95 days), determinate (height - 70-80 cm), suitable for growing in open ground and under film covers. The fruits are large (120-150 g), at the stage of biological ripeness, light green, round in shape with a spout. The pulp is fleshy, juicy and sweet, incredibly tasty. Tomatoes can be used for all types of processing. Hybrid Emerald Domes F1 is resistant to major tomato diseases.

Due to the absence of yellow and red pigments - lycopene and carotenoids - this hybrid practically does not cause allergies, and children and people with a tendency to food allergies can safely eat it.

The following two hybrids are not classified as tomatoes by mistake; their fruits are simply so sweet that they are more reminiscent of fruits than vegetables.

Tomato Chocolate: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Chocolate is a universal hybrid variety. It has a more pronounced flavor compared to regular red tomatoes. The dark red-brown color is given by the substance anthocyanin, which also gives tomatoes antibacterial properties.

This is not a chemical, but a natural component: anthocyanin is found in both beets and blueberries. Therefore, Chocolate tomatoes boost immunity and have a beneficial effect on the heart. In the end, they are just very tasty and sweet.

A worthy result of domestic selection.

Description of tomato Chocolate

Semi-determinant, non-standard variety, mid-early - 16 weeks pass from sowing to the first tomato harvest.

This tomato grows up to 1.5 m in height and is independently completed with a flower brush. The root system is powerful and branches horizontally. The stem is strong, thick with dark green leaves, and needs staking as it grows.

Chocolate tomatoes usually form 2-3 stems; the variety is characterized by intermediate inflorescences. The first inflorescence is formed after the 8th leaf; the stalk has an articulation. You can harvest up to 5 tomatoes from one bunch of this variety.

Description of fruits

Tomatoes are red-brown, spherical, slightly flattened and large - they grow weighing from 200 to 350 g in suitable conditions (warm, fairly humid).

Dark-colored tomatoes are characterized by a high sugar content and a good balance of acid and sweetness. Inside, the pulp is sweet, aromatic, red in color with 4 chambers and average dry matter content.

The walls of the tomato and the chamber are also brown, but with a greenish tint (green is characteristic of the Chocolate variety and does not indicate unripeness).

Important! Shelf life is maximum 20 days. Chocolate tomatoes do not ripen; they must be picked when they are ripe, not green. Transportability is good.

Characteristics of tomato

In the description of the Chocolate tomato, it is worth mentioning that this is a fairly young variety. It was bred by Russian breeders in the 21st century. However, the first dark varieties (which is why they are called Chocolate for their brown-red color) appeared back in the 50s of the 20th century. Then the goal was to develop delicious sweet tomatoes that are pleasant to eat – both in their pure form and in hot salads. The variety is included in the State Register.

Productivity and fruiting

Chocolate tomatoes grow in any climate zone: in central Russia it is advisable to grow them in a greenhouse, and in the south - in open ground. For the season from 1st quarter. meter you can collect 10-15 kg of tomatoes, from 1 bush - 2-3 kg.

This is a mid-early variety that bears fruit for a long time - from June until the first autumn frosts. If we take into account that this variety does not ripen and is harvested only in small batches, then there will be fresh tomatoes in the house all summer and early autumn. The first harvest is harvested 110-115 days after sowing the seeds. If you sow in February, then there will be tomatoes already at the beginning of June.

Warning! The yield of the Chocolate variety is affected by air temperature: if the tomatoes suffer frosts or the summer is cold, then the yield will be smaller. The bushes themselves slow down their growth due to the cold.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Chocolate tomatoes make excellent salads, juices and sauces. Suitable for canning, making jam and fresh food (for sandwiches, for example). Tomatoes of this variety are not intended for long-term storage, so if for sale, then only in small batches.

How to make juice from Chocolate Tomatoes:

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Chocolate variety has good immunity: it almost never suffers from crown and root rot. But it is not the most resistant to other fungal diseases - in densely planted conditions, a tomato can get late blight.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

According to reviews, the Chocolate tomato variety has the following advantages:

  • unpretentious variety;
  • medium height - easy to care for;
  • not afraid of infections, almost never suffers from root and crown rot;
  • tasty and beautiful-looking fruits.


  • short shelf life: tomatoes last about 2 weeks;
  • impossibility of ripening - must be collected ripe.

Growing rules

The Chocolate tomato is quite easy to grow even in a summer cottage. It will not cause daily hassle, just follow a few rules:

  1. Garter.
  2. Circumcision of stepchildren (leave 2-3 branches).
  3. Water as it dries (once a week is enough).
  4. Treatment with fungicides against fungus (before flowering).

Read more about cultivation below.

Planting seedlings

The Chocolate variety is sown 2 months before planting in a greenhouse or open ground - that is, around the end of February or early March. Landing occurs as follows:

  1. The seeds of this tomato variety do not need to be hardened or soaked, as they are initially disinfected.
  2. You can buy the soil or prepare it yourself by mixing peat, turf and humus in a ratio of 1:1:1, adding ash, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon each onto a bucket of soil.
  3. The mixture is disinfected by pouring it with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcining it in the oven at a temperature of 200°C.
  4. Tomatoes should be sown at a distance of 2-3 cm in large containers up to 10 cm deep with drainage holes at the bottom.
  5. The seeds are laid out and sprinkled with soil on top, covered with film and put in a warm place for a week. When they sprout, the film is removed and the boxes are transferred to a bright window.

Advice! You can cover the container with transparent film for 2 weeks, opening it slightly from time to time. This will form a greenhouse inside - so the tomato sprouts will sprout faster and get stronger.

Chocolate tomato seedlings should be in the following conditions:

  • air temperature – from 18 to 25°C;
  • constant moisture – prevent drying out by spraying the sprouts;
  • once every 2 weeks – fertilizing with fertilizers;
  • drafts and watering with cold water are unacceptable;
  • if mold suddenly appears, you need to carefully remove it, and treat the soil and tomatoes with an antifungal compound;
  • fertilizing once every 10 days with nitrogenous fertilizers.

After the appearance of the 2nd leaf, the tomatoes are planted: first, the soil in the container is properly spilled, and then the seedlings are carefully planted together with a lump of earth in separate cups with a volume of up to 200 ml.

Warning! When diving, you cannot bend the main roots of the seedlings - this is why you need to dig them out with a clod of earth, carefully.

6 weeks after sowing, the pickled tomatoes will have grown and you can begin to harden them. To do this, on warm days, seedlings are taken outside to a place sheltered from the wind, in the sun.

First for 1 hour, day after day, increasing this time to 12 hours. It is better to bring it home at night - there is a risk of frost.

Tomato transplant

Transplanting tomatoes into open ground is done at the age of 60 days, approximately 2 weeks after the first flower clusters are set. Usually this moment occurs in the second half of May. But you need to take into account frosts - in regions with a harsh climate, it is better to transplant later, in June, when the danger of sub-zero temperatures has passed.

The Chocolate tomato variety is transplanted into light neutral soil with a pH of approximately 6-7. humus - from 2%. When planting in a greenhouse, it is important to ensure air flow (open windows). Soil preparation includes 3 procedures:

  • loosening to a depth of a shovel;
  • warming up to 15°C - for this you need to cover the area with black film for a couple of days;
  • fertilization with manure or humus at the rate of 3 kg per 1 sq. meter.

You need to plant Chocolate variety tomatoes infrequently - 3 bushes per 1 square meter. meter according to the scheme 70*50 cm. They cannot grow thickly.

Subsequent care for tomatoes

What is included in caring for the Chocolate variety tomato:

  1. Garter - pegs are driven in at a distance of 10 cm from the bush.
  2. Removal of excess ovaries and stepsons. If the bush becomes too dense and shady, the risk of infection will increase, the tomatoes will not get enough sun, and the fruits are highly likely to rot. For a Chocolate tomato, 2-3 branches are enough.
  3. Regular watering in the morning or evening, when the sun is gone. Better than drip. If this is not possible, then water at the root. Do not spray from above!
  4. Feeding with fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus, starting from the 10th day from the moment of planting and then once every 2 weeks. While the seedlings are very young, additional magnesium is needed; during flowering, boron is needed.
  5. Drainage and aeration – it is advisable to loosen the soil around the bush.

Warning! Tomato planting is carried out in dry weather, during the day, so that the wounds can heal without provoking the development of diseases.

Pest and disease control

To prevent infections, it is also worth adding ash to the soil and spraying the bushes every week with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or ash water. Even though the Chocolate variety is a hybrid, it still needs preventative treatment.

Warning! For dark varieties of tomatoes, ventilation is very necessary; there should always be air around the bushes, as well as the removal of the lower leaves. This is necessary to prevent fungal diseases.


Tomato Chocolate is a sweet hybrid variety of red-brown color. It has firm flesh and a brighter flavor compared to red tomatoes due to its high anthocyanin content.

Chocolate tomato is grown as seedlings: sown in February-March, pricked after the appearance of the 2nd leaf and transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse at the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed. This variety needs constant ventilation, timely watering, staking and the formation of a bush with 2-3 branches.

It is not afraid of crown and root rot, but is sometimes damaged by fungal diseases, so prevention is still needed. But the harvest will please you - about 10 kg of tomatoes per 1 sq. m. meter. You can pickle them, make juice or eat them raw – they are sweet and tasty.


Lyudmila Vasilievna Nakchikova, 58 years old, Tula. The chocolate variety turned out to be a very productive tomato. It looks unusual. Inside, when ripe, it is brown, dark, greenish. The taste does not even resemble a tomato, but a very ripe kiwi. Sweet, soft. At first I planted several bushes - I was a lot afraid, I didn’t know what kind of variety they were. But now I plant it all the time; it has become in demand in the family. I salt it whole and freeze it, it’s too delicious. When pickling, you just need to put less sugar than in red ones. In terms of sweetness, probably only Bull's Heart can compare with it. I recommend it to everyone. Selena Sergeevna Ryzhkova, 44 years old, Moscow. Such nice short bushes, the largest Chocolate one grew up to 1.5 m. And the harvest is good. If you take the largest tomato that I have grown, it will probably weigh half a kilo. On average they weigh 300 g. I like their sweetness. We eat them like this, in salads and sliced, with sour cream. And it’s also good to make tomato juice with them, just mix regular red tomatoes and chocolate ones. Then the acid leaves, and the juice turns out sweet without adding an incredible amount of sugar. It is profitable to grow them.


Description of the variety

This variety can be classified as a sex determinant variety. That is, the bush turns out to be of medium height. Height from 120 to 150 cm. Not very many leaves. But at the same time they are quite large. And they cover the fruits.

The most important feature of the “Chocolate” variety, in addition to the unusual color of the fruit, is that the plant has very high immunity. There is no mention of bushes of this variety being affected by common “tomato” diseases. Such as root or crown rot.

How to grow chocolate tomato

These tomatoes can be grown both in a greenhouse and outdoors. The fruits ripen on average 3.5 months after emergence. That is, the variety can be called medium early. Of course, in a greenhouse there is a much greater chance of getting a large harvest. Especially in more northern areas in short summer conditions.

The first inflorescence usually appears above the eighth leaf. Each cluster bears an average of five fruits. At least 10 kg of tomatoes are harvested per square meter. And with good care, up to 15 kg. So the variety can be called high-yielding.

How to use chocolate tomato

As we have already said, in most cases these unusual tomatoes are grown out of curiosity. And they are mostly consumed fresh. However, “Chocolate” tomatoes are suitable for canning and freezing. And also for making lecho and tomato juice. But be prepared for the fact that the color of the juice will be as unusual as the tomatoes themselves.

You also need to know that “Chocolate” tomatoes do not last long. So they should be eaten or processed soon after being picked from the plant.

Tomato "Chocolate" and its advantages

Based on the statistics of reviews from gardeners growing Chocolate tomatoes, as well as on the characteristics and description of the variety, we can highlight the main advantages of this plant.

The plant has high immunity and successfully resists most diseases. Even in unfavorable weather and heavy rains, this variety is resistant to various types of rot.

But this does not mean that gardeners can relax. And neglect disease prevention. If you plant plants too close, late blight may well appear in greenhouses in the heat and high humidity.

Fruit size and yield can also be attributed to the advantages of the plant. In cold and rainy summers, you can feel the difference by comparing the yield from bushes of different varieties of tomatoes. In most cases, the harvest from “Chocolate” bushes will be greater.

Despite their exotic appearance, tomatoes of this variety are just as tasty as regular red tomatoes.

Variety care

A very important advantage is that tomatoes of this variety do not require your constant presence at the dacha. Because they are very easy to care for. With the exception of vacations, most summer residents have the opportunity to care for their garden only on weekends. So this is very important.

Most gardeners are inclined to believe that the only drawback is the unusual color of the fruit. Otherwise they are very good. But if you look at the situation from a different angle, the unusual color can become another advantage of this variety.

Preparing to grow seedlings

Regardless of how you grow tomatoes (in a greenhouse or in open ground), it always starts with growing seedlings. The sowing time must be calculated based on the climatic characteristics of your area.

At the time of transplanting to a permanent location, the seedlings must be at least 50-55 days old. By this time, the plant usually has six true leaves. And perhaps some bushes will already bloom. As a rule, seeds are sown in the second half of February or March.

Seedlings of the “Chocolate” variety

Planting material purchased in the store has already undergone the necessary pre-sowing preparation. But you can still carry out additional sorting by dipping the seeds in water. If some of them float to the surface, discard them. Most likely they are empty and you can’t expect shoots from them. But all the rest can be planted.

Then, before planting, you can soak the seeds for several hours in a vermicompost solution. Or another growth stimulant. Because this will speed up the emergence of seedlings. It will also further enhance plant immunity.

Soil for seedlings

Soil for seedlings can be purchased at any flower shop. It contains the necessary supply of nutrients, which will be enough for the seedlings for the first time. But it’s worth thinking about additional soil disinfection. Heat it in the oven. Or sprinkle with potassium permanganate to get rid of harmful microorganisms.

Pour the prepared soil into containers and water. And deepen the seeds 1-1.5 cm into it. Then cover the container with glass or cling film. And put it in a warm place. Light is not important to us yet. The ideal temperature would be +24…+26 degrees.

Growing "Chocolate" tomato

After the seedlings begin to germinate, the shelter must be removed. Move the seedlings closer to the light. And also reduce the air temperature by 5-7 degrees. This must be done so that the seedlings can grow stronger. But it didn’t immediately begin to actively grow, stretching towards the light. Such plants turn out thin and weak.

Seedlings should be watered moderately and carefully. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. And definitely warm water. And, as usual, after the appearance of the second true leaf, the seedlings must be picked into separate containers.

Preparing seedlings and soil for planting

As the moment of transplantation approaches, it is necessary to begin hardening the seedlings. To do this, take the plants outside for a short time at first. Increase your time outdoors every day. If tomatoes are to grow in open ground, then you need to let them spend a couple of nights outside as seedlings. Cover them with film or geotextile.

In parallel with hardening, begin to prepare the soil. Tomatoes prefer soil with a neutral acidity level. The soil must be dug well, adding humus. And sand if necessary. If the soil is very heavy.

In case of high acidity level, you can use chalk and dolomite flour. As well as slaked lime or ash. Also, when digging, add fertilizer containing the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium necessary for tomatoes.

Then the prepared beds can be covered with dark film or geotextile. Because this will prevent weeds from germinating. It will also contribute to additional warming of the soil, the temperature of which should be +14...+16 degrees.

Planting a “Chocolate” tomato in the soil

When the threat of frost has passed, you can transplant the seedlings, preferably on a warm but cloudy day. It is necessary to plant three bushes per square meter, otherwise when the tomatoes grow they will not have enough nutrients.

It is enough to water the plants in the greenhouse once a week, watering should be done at the root, you can add a little ash to the water. And of course, the best time for watering is very early in the morning or evening hours. Outside, watering should be done taking into account weather conditions, but in case of dry weather, twice a week will be enough.

For “chocolate” tomatoes, like other varieties, three feedings per season will be enough. Monitor the condition of the plants and, depending on this, adjust the content of certain elements in the fertilizing composition; eliminate nitrogen from mid-summer. To improve the formation of ovaries, foliar fertilizing with boron can be done.

Do not forget about weeding and loosening the soil; these are extremely important elements of crop care. It is very important to install supports at the time of transplanting the seedlings, to which you will then tie the plants. By installing such supports at a later time, you risk damaging the roots of the tomatoes.

As the tomato grows, do not forget to tie it up. You will also need to remove the stepsons, but under no circumstances should you pick them all at once - after such stress, the tomato may begin to get sick or die (this applies to all varieties).

Do this gradually, in the morning, one per day.

And of course, despite the resistance of the “Chocolate” variety to most diseases, do not forget about preventive measures - do not allow the air humidity to be too high and do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse every day. Sprinkle the soil with ash or bone meal. If pests appear, do not immediately grab insecticides; first try using folk recipes based on soda, soap, wormwood or garlic.

Reviews from gardeners

Alexander, Yaroslavl.

“Chocolate” tomatoes were planted as an experiment; I was interested in the unusual color. But the year for experiments turned out to be unsuccessful - the lotto was rainy, the taste of all varieties was rather watery. But the “Chocolate” variety had better yields than the others. So, for the purity of the experiment, I will definitely try to plant it again, this time in a greenhouse.

Ekaterina, Novosibirsk.

I’m not completely delighted, but in general I liked the “Chocolate” variety, there were no problems with the tomato bushes (I planted them in a greenhouse, they didn’t get sick, they grew strong). The yield is good, the tomatoes are interesting in color, and their taste is no different from ordinary red tomatoes... I will plant 2-4 bushes for salads.

Tomato Chocolate: variety yield and growing rules

Reading time: 8 minutes

Over time, the gardener gets tired of the usual colors and tastes in his plot, so he decides to use more exotic options. You can satisfy your curiosity with the help of the Chocolate Tomato - a tomato variety that is popular due to the color of its skin. To grow a decent harvest, it is important to know the features of planting, care and harvesting for this vegetable crop.

Melon F1 (Melon honey F1)

Super-yielding, super-large-fruited, unique and very tasty tomato with melon flavor! Its taste and consistency, incredible for a tomato, are compared by some to Uzbek melons, others (obviously due to the original color) to the tropical fruit papaya. Still others detect apricot notes in the taste. Everyone who has ever tried this tomato will forever fall in love with its unique taste.

Early ripening (from germination to the beginning of ripening - 95-98 days), indeterminate, the yield of Melon F1 is amazing - up to 25 kg/sq.m! But her bushes need garter. The hybrid is suitable for all types of greenhouses and open ground cultivation.

The fruits are heart-shaped, very beautiful, orange-raspberry in color, sweet, fleshy and incredibly tasty, taste like melon and, just like melon, melt in your mouth. The average fruit weight is 350-500 g, and individual specimens can reach 700 g.

Chocolate gingerbread F1

Fantastic new product - recommend to your neighbors and treat your friends! This hybrid is so productive that there will be enough fruit for everyone. It is early ripening (the period from full germination to the beginning of ripening is 100-105 days), indeterminate.

Fruits with a harmonious dessert taste will not be damaged during transportation. They are round in shape and large (150-250 g). The taste of the juicy, aromatic and sweet pulp has chocolate and coffee notes. These “gingerbreads” simply melt in your mouth.

The average yield of the hybrid Chocolate gingerbread F1 is 17-22 kg/sq.m. A bucket of such beautiful, tasty, one-to-one fruits, which you will treat your neighbors with with a wide soul, will cause them an explosion of delight with a slight “taste” of annoyance and slight envy.

Golden Budenovka F1

An exclusive super-new product with an unforgettable taste! Tomatoes like this one are rarely brought into the kitchen - both children and adults enjoy eating them straight from the bush. They are not at all sour and have no calories, so you can eat them without fear of developing stomach problems or gaining excess weight.

Like all the hybrids already listed, Golden Budenovka F1 is early ripening (from germination to the beginning of ripening - 95-98 days), indeterminate, the yield is almost “off scale” - up to 25 kg/sq.m. This tomato is grown in all types of greenhouses and open ground with obligatory garter.

The fruits are heart-shaped, very beautiful, sweet, dark yellow in color, fleshy and so tasty and tender that they simply melt in your mouth. The average fruit weight is 250-350 g, and some can reach half a kilogram. Grow and enjoy!

The main task of Premium Seeds is to breed unusual, outstanding hybrids. You will not find such an “exclusive” anywhere else! But this is the most difficult thing to do in tomato breeding - there are so many different varieties and hybrids on the market that it’s dizzying. But we are sure that you will definitely like at least one “man” from our eight. We also advise you to take a closer look at other, no less outstanding varieties and hybrids: Accordion, Bayan, Chocolate Fingers F1 and Ruby Fingers F1, Emerald Domes F1 and Honey Domes F1, Honey Heart and Soul of Siberia F1. Choose any one – you won’t go wrong!

Reviews of the Chocolate variety tomato

Whatever the description of the variety and characteristics, you always need the opinion of those vegetable growers who have already grown and have an idea about growth, habit, fruiting and taste.

Alexandra Vasilievna


Growing place - greenhouse

I bought the seeds from Prestige Seeds LLC. They came up very well. The seedlings were no different from other tomatoes. I transplanted them into a greenhouse and they set off. The package said 120-130. Yes, what kind are there? Mine was over 2 meters long and I had to trim the top. Well, how could it be otherwise, since it is written indeterminate. I expected brown fruits and waited for them to ripen. Then I realized that the tomatoes were ripe, but remained dirty brown-red. I decided to try it. Mostly weight from 120 to 200 g. They look nice. When cutting, I immediately felt the aroma, well, it smelled very good. I liked the taste. Sweet and sour with an incomprehensible aftertaste and very tasty. I found a drawback - they crack right on the stems. It is definitely impossible to store such fruits. At the end of the season they were taken over by late blight. I treated it 3 times, and by the fall I decided to leave everything as it was, so I paid the price.

Next season I will also plant them, but much less. They are very good for salads and to eat, but for processing the yield is not enough.



Growing place - greenhouse

I always grow tomatoes from ready-made, purchased seedlings. But when I saw a bag of Aelita’s Chocolate tomato variety on the counter, I really wanted to grow seedlings myself. The seeds were not expensive, large, there was a lot in the package and good germination.

The package said 140, but I barely got 120, but the shoots are very powerful. The brushes are weak. There were one tomato, and there were 3. Where there is one, it is large. In general, the yield is not high. Each bush gave me 5-7 tomatoes, I think this is very little. I liked the fact that maturation is gradual and extended. It is convenient for consumption.

I didn’t like the fact that the stalk leaves a lot of dense greenery that has to be cut off. The fruits have ripened and some have grown up to 280 g. The tomatoes are soft and not long-lasting. Absolutely not suitable for transportation. Of course it doesn’t taste like chocolate, but there is something that you want to try again and again. I really like the taste of this tomato.

As a disadvantage, the fruits crack even when unripe. In this case, watering has absolutely nothing to do with it. I will squeeze more of them, but 5-6 bushes to treat myself with something delicious.

Andrey Stepanovich

Moscow region

Growing place - greenhouse

It’s a shame that I wasted space in the greenhouse on such a low-yielding variety. The taste is not bad, but there are very few tomatoes. The shoots were amicable, the growth was decent, but the harvest was meager. It has nothing to do with chocolate. Disappointed, I won’t plant any more, but I will look for other varieties with dark fruits.



Place of cultivation - vegetable garden

Our region is famous for its tomatoes, and I am constantly looking for them. This time I decided to try the Chocolate one. Satisfied. The harvest is not great, but the amazing, stunning taste of the tomatoes amazed me. Of course, they are not brown in our understanding and perception of this color, but rather dirty brown, but this does not spoil the appetite at all.

Some fruits are cracked. However, this was already in the almost mature period and did not stop them from waiting another 5-6 days. For a salad, I think this is not a problem, carefully trim and enjoy. I didn’t notice any particular difficulties with the seedlings. It needs to be tied up and pinched. I drove it in three shoots, next year I’ll give it a bigger load, I think they’ll cope. In terms of ripening juices, in my area they are average. Fruiting is extended, which made me happy. I think this is a gourmet variety. If you need a lot, pass by. If you love a delicious tomato, then Chocolate is the one for you.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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