Apricot Northern Triumph: description of a self-pollinating variety, rules and characteristics of cultivation

History of the variety

This apricot variety was bred by breeder A. N. Venyaminov,

who throughout his life was engaged in breeding new varieties of stone fruit crops, as well as developing technology for cultivating a garden at the Voronezh Agricultural Institute (VSHI).

Photo of apricot Northern Triumph

When developing a new apricot, A. N. Venyaminov crossed the following varieties:

  • Northern early;
  • Red-cheeked.

Plum Study of Plum Stanley (Stanley)
Breeding of apricot Northern triumph took place in the southern regions of the Central Black Earth region of Russia.

And it is in these areas that this stone fruit tree is most common.

Northern triumph is highly resistant to frost and the hot season, but some care measures for this variety should be carried out constantly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Apricot Triumph Northern has many advantages:

  • precociousness;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent commercial quality;
  • strong attachment of fruits to branches;
  • cold resistance;
  • self-fertility;
  • resistance to many diseases.

On a note! Apricot can withstand temperatures down to -30...-35°C and quickly “comes to life” in the spring after a long frosty winter.

The variety has disadvantages:

  1. Early and abundant flowering, which is dangerous for returning spring frosts, which are considered the norm in the northern regions.
  2. Irregularity of fruiting, while cyclicity is not traced.
  3. The height of the tree and the density of the crown make it difficult to care for and collect fruit.
  4. Flower buds can be damaged by frost.

Apricot Northern Triumph: description and characteristics of the variety

The apricot variety Northern Triumph requires space,

since the height of this tree can reach 3.8-4 m, and the crown of an adult tree reaches approximately the same size in diameter. The number of side shoots is average, the skeletal branches and the trunk itself are thick. The tree actively grows upwards and to the sides, so the distance between this apricot and neighboring trees should be at least 4-4.5 m.

Photo of apricot tree Northern Triumph

Apricot Northern Triumph is an early ripening variety

– its first fruiting occurs 5 years after planting in a permanent place.

Good to know!

This stone fruit tree does not require pollinators, as it is self-fertile and therefore bears fruit well in single plantings.

The branches are well leafy, the foliage is large, with clearly visible veins, there are small jagged edges, and the tips of the leaves are sharp. The color of the leaf blades is bright emerald.

Photo of apricot blossom Northern Triumph

Apricot Northern Triumph blooms in May,

The flowers are large with white petals. The stamens are much smaller than the pistil. If spring is early, then flowers are formed without a pistil.

Ripe berries are round, slightly oblong. The weight of the fruit can be 35-40 g; with good constant care, apricots can weigh up to 55-60 g. The skin is quite dense, with slight pubescence; during the period of technical maturity of the fruit, its color is pink with a yellowish tint, and is not prone to cracking. The pulp of ripe fruits is tasty and sweet, easily separated from the large stone. The seeds can also be eaten, and their taste and aroma are reminiscent of nutmeg, so they are valued by chefs.

Chizhovskaya pear August dew pear Ripe
Northern Triumph apricot fruits tolerate transportation well at any distance without losing their taste and presentation.

But ripe apricots cannot be stored for a long time, so it is better to process them immediately after picking.
If you need to store them longer, it is better to collect the fruits a little unripe.

Photo of apricot pulp Northern Triumph

The harvested crop is distinguished by its versatility - the sweet, tasty fruits can be consumed fresh, as well as for further preservation.


Northern triumph has high immunity, so it is practically not affected by fungal and other diseases characteristic of other varieties of this stone fruit. Therefore, there is no need to carry out regular preventive treatments of the tree.

Gardeners note that even in case of damage by certain pathogenic organisms, with timely treatments, the crop is quickly cured.

Brief overview of apricot Northern Triumph - video

The bark of the trunk and skeletal branches of the Northern Triumph apricot is practically not exposed to the negative effects of temperature changes. But the buds are less resistant to cold weather, so they often freeze slightly.

Experts note that this stone fruit tree can easily tolerate frosts down to -35-40 degrees Celsius.

But with sharp temperature fluctuations, annual shoots can freeze slightly, and in this case, fruiting occurs on two- and three-year-old branches.
If return frosts are frequent in the spring, the Northern Triumph apricot variety may not flower and bear fruit.
The root system of the Northern Triumph apricot is located quite close to the soil surface, so the tree does not tolerate even a short period of drought.

This apricot variety is most suitable for cultivation in the Central regions of Russia.

Harvest and storage

This type of apricot can be eaten fresh, and the fruits can also be dried (dried fruits), jam and compotes for the winter. For such purposes, ripened fruits should be collected. If apricots are needed for transportation, then harvesting must begin when the fruits are at the stage of technical ripeness.

Advice! To ensure that harvested apricots can be stored longer, they should be picked on a sunny day when there is no dew on the fruits.

The shelf life of picked apricots is only 1-2 weeks (given that they were placed in the refrigerator). If ripe fruits are left in a warm place after picking, the flesh will become hard.

The fruit makes delicious jam

Apricot yield Northern Triumph

This apricot blooms earlier than other varieties, and the harvest from the Northern Triumph is harvested already in the last ten days of July or in the first ten days of August.

Apricot harvest photo

The first harvest from the Northern Triumph can be harvested already 4-5 years after the seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

The yield of the tree at this time is low - no more than 4.5-5.5 kg per tree. But as the plant matures, its yield increases; up to 62-65 kg of harvest is usually harvested from an adult 10-year-old Northern Triumph tree.

Note to the gardener!

But the fruiting of the Northern Triumph is unstable - periods of abundant yield alternate with periods of rest, when the apricot regains its strength during the season.

The lifespan of the Northern Triumph apricot is at least 25-30 years,

But with proper pruning, you can significantly extend the fruiting time of the tree.

How does the landing take place?

When planting Triumph northern apricot, it is important to provide the seedling with a comfortable and nutritious environment. In order for the tree to take root successfully, it must be planted correctly. Along with the usual method of planting seedlings - in holes, there is another option - planting on hills.

According to Zhelezov, Baikalov and Chuguev

If the root collar of the seedling ends up in the ground, the plant will rot and die. No less dangerous are situations when the bottom of the trunk ends up in water - for example, during snow melting. In a humid environment, wood rots, food does not reach the roots, and the tree dies. Amateur gardeners, covering apricots with roofing material for the winter, sprinkling them with earth or humus, contribute to the death of the tree.

Famous gardeners Zhelezov, Baikalov and Chuguev proposed an alternative method of planting apricots that prevents them from rotting:

  • Instead of a planting hole, a hill is made - an embankment of soil mixture. It is prepared from turf soil, compost, humus, coarse sand - all in equal parts. Manure and peat are not used.
  • They are ramming the hill. Its height is 0.5 m, diameter is 2 m.
  • A depression is made at the top of the hill. Its depth is 1/3 of the length of the roots of the seedling. A couple of buckets of water are poured into the hole.
  • Prepare another 2-3 buckets of soil mixture.
  • Place the seedling in the hole, holding it so that the roots are straightened, and cover it with earth - up to the root collar. Holes and furrows for watering are not needed.
  • The slopes are leveled so that there is a gentle slope from the trunk - no more than 45 degrees relative to the surface.
  • To secure the walls of the hill, grass is sown - for example, bentgrass will do.
  • The distance between neighboring trees on hills is 4-5 m.

It is important to correctly orient the seedling to the cardinal points. Nurseries put marks on the “south” side of the trunk - it should face south. If you mix it up, the tree will not take root well and may die.

Pros and cons of the variety

The Northern Triumph apricot has many advantages, the main ones of which are:

  1. early ripening of the variety - fruiting can occur already in the 4th season from the moment of planting;
  2. good berry taste;
  3. high resistance to frost;
  4. the fruits are tightly attached to the stalks, so they are not prone to shedding even after full ripening;
  5. The kernels are edible;
  6. this variety is self-pollinating;
  7. high resistance to most diseases;
  8. at the moment of flowering and fruit ripening, this tree looks very beautiful.

The main disadvantages of this variety are:

  1. the likelihood of flower buds freezing;
  2. irregular fruiting.

Growing from seed

Gardeners can grow Northern Triumph from seeds by receiving free planting material. Growing order:

  1. Choose a beautiful, large, fully ripened fruit. The bone is removed from it.
  2. Soak the bone in water for 3-4 days. Then transfer it to a container filled with moistened sand or moss.
  3. The container is covered with plastic film with holes made in it.
  4. When the seed, having cracked, sprouts, it is transplanted into the soil to a depth of 7 cm.

Planting in the soil is carried out in summer or spring. The optimal time is May. The soil is periodically moistened and then mulched with humus or peat. Over the summer, a seedling can grow 1 m, and after a year it can be transplanted to a permanent place or used for grafting onto a rootstock.

Apricot Northern Triumph: planting and growing

It is better to purchase Northern Triumph seedlings in special nurseries,

because many gardeners have difficulty growing them themselves.

Photos of apricot seedlings Northern Triumph

The time for planting the Northern Triumph apricot in open ground in the Moscow region or central Russia is the second or third ten days of April. The main thing is to have time to plant the seedlings before the sap flow begins, which begins early in the Northern Triumph.

In the autumn, only seedlings that were purchased with a closed root system or in the southern regions of Russia can be planted in open ground.

Photo of planting apricot seedling Northern Triumph

It is best to select a site for planting a tree that will be well lit and protected from cold winds. It is important that during the period of active snow melting the trunks of these trees do not stand in water, so it is better to plant this apricot on a small hill.

The depth of groundwater should be no higher than 2 meters from the ground level.

When choosing a place to plant the Northern Triumph apricot, you need to remember that this tree cannot tolerate the presence of other fruit trees and shrubs nearby; the distance to these plants should be at least 4-6 m.

How to plant and care for apricots - video

The planting pit should have a diameter of 0.6 m and a depth of 0.7 m. A nutrient mixture consisting of equal parts of garden soil, peat, river sand and clay is poured into the bottom of the pit. The distance between adjacent holes must be at least 4 m. A hill is formed from the nutrient substrate in the hole, on which the seedling is installed, and its roots are spread along the slopes. A peg is driven in next to the seedling, to which the tree is tied so that it does not tilt to the sides during the rooting process.

The hole is covered in layers, alternating substrate and water. The root collar should be 1.5-2 cm above the soil surface. The soil is compacted and water is added again - at least 15 liters for each plant.

Diseases and pests

Northern triumph is quite resistant to diseases , however, if the rules of agricultural technology are not followed, it can contract a fungal infection or be attacked by pests.

It is much easier to prevent such problems, and prevention will help with this:

  • sanitary pruning;
  • thorough cleaning around the tree;
  • autumn digging of the soil;
  • pre-winter whitewashing;
  • spring treatment with insecticides and fungicides.

Possible diseases

Moniliosis is considered one of the common diseases of apricot . Caused by fungi, it is carried onto the plant by bees, who carry its spores on their legs.

It is expressed in the appearance of black dots on the berries, arranged in a chaotic manner. As the infection develops, the spots transform into white-beige bumps.

At the beginning of the disease, the tree can be sprayed with 3% Bordeaux mixture, and the flowers and fruits can be sprayed with Zircon.

Another fungal infection— clasterosporiasis —occurs against a background of high humidity. It is popularly called perforated spotting.

Light spots with a red border appear on the leaves of the tree. The tissues inside the spots die and holes form in their place. The defeat leads to leaf loss.

Early spraying of the tree with a 1% solution of copper sulfate helps prevent infection. The emerging buds and buds are treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.


Among the pests, the most common are aphids, weevils and the larva of the May beetle (Khrushchev).

Poor cleaning of the tree trunk circle is to blame for the appearance of weevils. Insects overwinter in fallen leaves and under bark. After waiting for the weather to warm up, they crawl out of their shelters and end up on a tree trunk.

To combat them, preventive measures and treating wood with Fitoverm or Iskorka are important.

Khrushchev poses a danger to the roots of the tree. Spilling the soil under the tree with “Actallic” or “Valar” helps in destroying the voracious larva.

Aphids reveal themselves in the curled leaves that appear on the tree in early summer. Pests reach apricots with the help of ants. You can get rid of it by spraying with a soap solution.

Further care for apricot Northern Triumph

Caring for this variety of apricot is not too complicated; the main thing is to properly care for the tree in the first season after planting.

Apricot Northern Triumph needs to be watered abundantly in spring and mid-July.

At least 3 buckets of water are added for young trees, and at least 5 buckets for mature apricots.
From the beginning of August, you should not water the Northern Triumph.

In the fall, before the onset of cold weather, moisture-charging irrigation is carried out,

which provides the roots with sufficient water.
After watering, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied to the apricot tree trunk for autumn digging.
The trunk and branches are painted with a special solution that protects the bark from frost and rodents. After this, the trunk must be covered with a special agrofibre, which allows moisture and oxygen to pass through.

Apple tree Ligol Apple tree Lungwort

Feeding apricot trees

During the season, apricots require nutrients to bloom and bear fruit abundantly. In spring and early summer, fertilizers containing nitrogen (30 g per square area) should be applied to the tree trunks of the Northern Triumph apricot. During the period of active fruit ripening, mineral fertilizers containing potassium salts are applied.

How and what to fertilize fruit trees correctly - video

Superphosphate is applied along with nitrogen fertilizers before the budding period, as well as during the formation of ovaries.

Once every three seasons, during autumn digging, manure up to 4 kg per square meter is applied to the tree trunk circles.

Apricot Northern triumph: pruning the fruit tree

After planting a young tree in a permanent place, all shoots should be cut to approximately 1/3 of the length.

This procedure allows you to activate the growth of side shoots and correctly form the crown of the tree.

Photo of the apricot crown formation diagram Northern Triumph

In mature Northern Triumph apricot trees, shoots are pruned annually - in spring and autumn.

In this case, you need to remove all dried, broken, weak branches, as well as remove excess shoots growing inside the crown.

Spring pruning of apricot - video

Disease Control

Northern triumph is resistant to many diseases of fruit trees, but some of the diseases still threaten it.

Table: problems characteristic of the variety and methods of dealing with them

DiseaseHow it manifests itselfWhat to do?
MoniliosisThe fruits are covered with brown spots of rot and gray dots - concentrations of fungal spores.Prevention: weeding, removal of fallen leaves, whitewashing of trunks. Control measures: spraying with a solution of 100 g of copper sulfate, 100 g of lime per 10 liters of water. Spraying with Horus (according to instructions) 3-4 times - before flowering and then at intervals of a week.
CytosporosisRapid death of parts of tree branches and shoots. Brown spots on leaves. Cracks in the bark. Removing damaged parts of the plant. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride before the leaves appear in the spring.
VerticilliumThe leaves at the bottom of the tree turn yellow.Burning affected branches. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture in spring, as well as in autumn during leaf fall.
ClusterosporiasisSpots appear on the leaves, which then turn into holes. Cracks on the shoots. Spraying in early spring with Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate (3 liters per tree).
Insect pests (aphids, codling moths, hawthorn butterfly caterpillars)Visible insects that feed on the sap of leaves and shoots, causing them to dry out.Mechanical removal of pests from trees. Spraying with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Spraying with Entobacterin (according to instructions).

Planting nasturtium around the perimeter of the tree trunk will prevent aphids from attacking the apricot.

Photo gallery: diseases of Northern Triumph

Moniliosis quickly passes from diseased fruits to healthy ones

Clusterosporia blight causes holes to appear on the leaves.

Verticillium leaves turn yellow

One of the signs of cytosporosis is affected tree bark

Apricot Northern Triumph: reviews from those who grow

Below are some of the reviews from gardeners growing the Northern Triumph apricot variety in their garden plots.

Tatyana, 45 years old, Ryazan: On my garden plot, the Northern Triumph apricot variety has been growing for about 8 years. Sometimes it happened that in the spring, during the period of return frosts, flower buds froze a little, but still there were harvests, although not as abundant as usually.

Elena, 50 years old, Tambov: Northern Triumph apricot fruits are tasty, sweet and aromatic. When making jam, I also add seed kernels to it - they give it the taste and aroma of musk. The Northern Triumph apricot fruit tree does not require special care - it is enough to water it on time, periodically fertilize it, and carry out regular autumn and spring pruning.

Svetlana, 39 years old, Volgograd: The Northern Triumph apricot has been growing on my plot for many years. I would like to note that this fruit tree practically does not get sick, is not damaged by insect pests, and responds well to fertilizing. Starting from about the 7th season, this apricot began to actively bear fruit - on average, 6-7 buckets of ripe fruit were collected. However, I would like to note that after abundant fruiting in the next season, the apricot rests.

With proper care, the Northern Triumph apricot actively blooms and bears fruit; the main thing is to water and feed this stone fruit crop on time.

And the harvested aromatic harvest of fruits can be consumed fresh, made into compotes for the winter, or made into jam or jams.

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Reviews from gardeners about the variety

The variety turned out to be very successful for the middle zone. Even in my northern part of the Moscow region, the variety shows excellent winter hardiness of both skeletal branches and fruit buds, which survived -37 this winter. It bloomed in the 3rd year after grafting onto a damson seedling. The taste is good, the average fruit size is 40 grams. It is practically not damaged by diseases, but it, like other apricots, is powerless against moniliosis. Our sugar levels are good. Of course, in terms of taste it cannot be compared with good southern varieties, but for the middle zone it is very good.



On the neighboring plot, apricot of the Triumph northern variety has been growing for about 5 years. A tall, strong tree, this summer we collected about 3 kg of fruits from it, quite large and tasty. In addition to all its other advantages, it is also self-fertile. IMHO, this variety is most suitable for our conditions (Moscow region).



10 years ago I planted an apricot variety “Northern Triumph”. Excellent variety. Already in the 4th year I received a good harvest. In addition, the fruits have excellent qualities - sweet, juicy and large. And their aroma is truly amazing. They bear fruit almost every year, sometimes there are breaks, but still on average I harvest up to 60 kilograms of harvest!



Northern Triumph is not named so for nothing - the variety, thanks to its frost resistance and unpretentiousness, is suitable for growing in the Moscow region, the central zone of the country, and Siberia. Gardeners fell in love with it for its early fruiting and high yield. In addition, in spring the garden becomes especially beautiful due to the early flowering of Northern Triumph.

  • Author: Diana Nikiforova
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Preparing for winter

The trunk and base of the skeletal branches are covered with a solution of slaked lime prepared from 2 kg of fluff and 10 liters of water. You can add 300 g of copper sulfate to the whitewash, which has disinfecting properties. Then the treated areas are wrapped in 2-3 layers of breathable material, such as burlap or lutrasil. It is better to use a white cover, because... The black tint attracts light, heats up and peeling of the bark may occur in the spring.

On a note! Whitewashing destroys pathogenic bacteria, pests and their larvae, and wrapping protects against cold winter air.

Weeds are removed around the tree, the soil is dug up to a depth of 10 cm, the trunk circle is covered with a layer of humus or peat 10-15 cm thick. At the base of the trunk it is brought to 20-30 cm, forming a hill. This coating protects the roots from frost. It is not recommended to use fallen leaves and straw as mulch. The fallen snow is raked up to the trunk, forming a snowdrift. Throughout the winter, it is regularly renewed and the crust on the surface is broken.

Features of watering

An earthen roller is placed around the young tree in a circle with a diameter of no more than 0.8 m to retain water. It is served carefully, trying not to wash away the soil and roots immediately after planting. If the seedling is correctly formed, that is, the above-ground part is smaller than the root system, then there is no need to hold the tree with a peg.

If the above-ground part is exceeded, it is better to shorten the branches by pruning. Fruit seedlings, in particular, medium and late apricot varieties, are good at restoring lost branches if they have a developed root system, so you need to take care of it. If the relevance of using a peg is still justified, then it should be installed in the hole before the seedling is placed there.


All fruit trees, including self-fertile apricot varieties, need pruning. It is carried out in early spring, in March. But if for some reason the spring time is missed, then pruning can be done just before the cold weather in the fall. When pruning, weak, diseased, broken and growing shoots that thicken the tree are removed. Side branches on skeletal branches are shortened, forming a beautiful crown.

To avoid infection, all sections must be treated with garden varnish or oil paint made from natural ingredients: ocher, red lead. Pruning is a necessary process that keeps the crop in an active state, supporting immunity and allowing it to withstand negative weather conditions and pests.

Optimal growing conditions

Apricot is a native of the south, it needs maximum illumination and protection from northern winds. The best place for planting will be hills, hills or knolls on the south side of buildings or on southern slopes. The variety prefers loose, loamy soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. The desired level of groundwater is 1.5–2 m. At a higher level, artificial mounds are created for planting trees, and a drainage layer of small stones is poured into the holes.

Video: Instructions for planting apricots

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