Tomato Amber Heart: characteristics and description of the variety with photos

Description of the tomato variety Amber Heart and its characteristics

Yellow tomatoes are loved by gardeners for their low acidity. Tomato Amber Heart F1 gives baskets of sweet, bright fruits. This unpretentious plant produces berries in open ground and in an unheated greenhouse. The unusual appearance decorates the plantings.

Advantages of a hybrid

The breeders of the Siberian Garden holding tried their best. They created a hybrid with remarkable qualities.

Characteristics of Amber Heart:

  • determinate hybrid (does not extend above 1 m 10 cm);
  • confidently bears fruit in unheated greenhouses, under film, lutrasil, in open ground;
  • does not require formation;
  • very early ripening period (from pecking to picking the fruits) What do the berries taste like?

Yellow tomatoes are loved by adults and children. It’s nice to come to the site, pick a ripe tomato from the garden, and enjoy the taste.

Distinctive features of the hybrid:

  • the berry is heart-shaped;
  • ribbing is weak;
  • no stain on the stalk;
  • a fully ripe tomato is yellow-orange in color;
  • each weight is 140-170 g;
  • dense, rough peel;
  • the berries hold tightly to the bush;
  • amount of beta-carotene 3.5 mg/100 g;
  • juicy dense pulp;
  • taste sweet;
  • the seeds are small (do not irritate when eaten).

Breeders of the Sibsad company offer a universal purpose tomato. Gardeners have no problem: where to put baskets of ripe fruits. They are eaten fresh and cut into salads. Small fruits can be preserved whole. The defective ones are used for the preparation of juices, sauces, ketchups, and pastes.

Growing Tips

Amber heart is an unpretentious tomato. But to obtain the desired amount of fruits, you should follow the recommendations of agronomists:

  • sow for seedlings after March 20;
  • place the dishes in a warm place (25 ⁰ C);
  • loops have appeared - transfer to the light;
  • increase daylight hours to 16-18 hours (an agricultural lamp will help);
  • picking is required when 2 true leaves grow;
  • spray with growth stimulants;
  • water moderately;
  • harden and ventilate plants;
  • Do not water the seedlings for 3 days before transportation (the likelihood of bushes breaking is reduced);
  • use only mature natural organic matter;
  • place on beds filled with mineral complexes;
  • mulch the soil (retains moisture, breathability; after rain the fruits are clean).

To obtain the first early tomatoes after planting, the bushes need to be hilled to a height of 5 - 10 cm. Spraying with an anti-stress drug will improve survival rate.

Evaluation of the Amber Heart by gardeners

Reviews from summer residents are favorable. Everyone likes the taste, color, shape of the fruit. The unpretentiousness of the hybrid is pleasing: it actively sets fruit in any weather, in greenhouses and outdoors. Thick skin ensures transportability over long distances. Tomatoes are eaten fresh, and any excess is canned.

One drawback has been identified: with prolonged rainfall, the fruits crack. Gardeners have found a way out: they cover the plantings with non-woven material. Air flows in, the plants do not overheat, and water drains out. The amber heart has strengthened in summer cottages.

Advantages of a hybrid

The breeders of the Siberian Garden holding tried their best. They created a hybrid with remarkable qualities.

Characteristics of Amber Heart:

  • determinate hybrid (does not extend above 1 m 10 cm);
  • confidently bears fruit in unheated greenhouses, under film, lutrasil, in open ground;
  • does not require formation;
  • very early ripening period (from pipping to fruit harvest < 90 days);
  • does not become overgrown with leaves;
  • plates of the usual type, bright green;
  • up to 7 berries in a bunch;
  • I am pleased with the yield: it allows you to harvest 22 kg/m².

Often the characteristics and descriptions of a variety differ from reality. The Amber Heart hybrid is a different matter. The unpretentious tomato is resistant to TMV and does not suffer from Alternaria blight. Early ripening “takes away” it from late blight. Ideal for working summer residents.

Description of the tomato Amber Heart, growing tips and reviews

The Amber Heart tomato is a hybrid variety with a non-standard color for the nightshade family and low acidity. The plant is unpretentious in care, so the Amber Heart f1 tomato is easy to grow in open ground or in a greenhouse without heating. This variety has captivated many gardeners with its bright and sweet fruits.

Characteristics of the variety

The characteristics and description of the variety are of interest to all gardeners. A hybrid variety with remarkable qualities appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders of the famous Siberian Garden holding.

The characteristics of the tomato are as follows:

  • a low-growing hybrid that does not require the formation of bushes;
  • bears fruit consistently in greenhouses and open ground;
  • leaves are ordinary, bright green;
  • high yield (up to 22 kg per 1 sq. m);
  • resistant to diseases;
  • quantity of tomatoes in 1 brush - up to 7 pcs.

Thanks to its high beta-carotene content, this variety complements many diets. Amber Heart is an early ripening tomato that begins to bear fruit at 95-100 days. The fruits are heart-shaped, juicy, fleshy, bright orange. The weight of each fruit is no more than 150 g.

The weight of large tomatoes can reach 200 g. The hybrid variety is valued for its high yield and excellent taste. Ripe tomatoes of this variety are excellent for preparing salads and canning. You can make delicious tomato juice, homemade sauce and ketchup from defective fruits.

Amber heart is an unpretentious tomato, but to get a good harvest you need to follow some growing tips. In order to get good seedlings, you need to sow the seeds no earlier than March 20.

Growing Tips

Peat, paper and plastic pots are well suited for planting seeds. The container with the planted seeds must be covered with film and placed in a warm room, the temperature in which is at least +25 ºС.


  • Elena from Omsk. I already have several yellow-fruited varieties in my greenhouse, but the described tomato is of special importance. The hybrid produces very high yields. The taste of the fruit is rich, the aroma is bright. The tomato ripens earlier than all my “wards”. Already at the beginning of July, the whole family, including the allergic grandson, enjoys amber tomatoes.
  • Tamara from Belgorod. I grow tomatoes at the dacha without shelter. I try to select early ripening varieties. Last season I noticed the hybrid presented in the article. I bought seedlings from a neighbor and grew them according to all the rules. I left 2 stems, watered them, fed them. As a result, I received several buckets from 8 bushes. They were consumed fresh, pickled in jars, and salted in a barrel. We tried to process tomatoes into juice: we got a tasty, but unattractive-looking drink.

Amber Heart F1 is a variety that will not let you down under any circumstances. The hybrid can be grown in any region of the country, without having extensive experience in gardening.

Bull's Heart Amber - variety of Tomato plant

Variety characteristics:

Properties of the variety Bull Heart Amber:

Recommended region on the map:

Information on the admission of Tomato Bull's Heart Amber from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 70809, registered 2016-11-22. The Tomato variety Bull's Heart Amber is included in the register of those approved in 2022. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Tomato variety Bull Heart Amber is:

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Tomato Amber Heart F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes have always been of interest to gardeners for their ease of care and versatility in use. Yellow-fruited varieties are attractive due to the lack of acidity in the pulp. Amber Heart tomatoes will decorate any garden plot or greenhouse with bright golden fruits.

Description of the variety

  1. Amber heart F1 belongs to the hybrid group.
  2. Plant bushes reach a height of up to 1.1 meters.
  3. The leaves are medium sized, bright green. The inflorescences are tied in clusters, each producing up to 7 fruits.
  4. There is no need to form bushes.
  5. The variety is distinguished by its early ripening period; less than 90 days pass from the appearance of sprouts to the start of harvesting.

The variety is characterized by high productivity. From one square meter you can harvest up to 22 kg of ripe tomatoes. The strong skin makes the vegetables suitable for transportation to other areas without losing their marketable appearance.

Yellow fruits are suitable for salads and fresh consumption. Various preparations are made from them. Smaller tomatoes are pickled whole.

Features of agricultural technology during cultivation

Although the variety is considered unpretentious, if you follow the growing rules, you can get the highest possible yield.

  1. The seeds are sown at the end of March. Seeds can be treated with a growth enhancer for faster germination. The boxes are filled with soil with the addition of peat and sand, then seeds are placed in the furrows made. The top of the container is covered with glass or film. The optimal air temperature is +23-+25 degrees.
  2. Crops need to be provided with long daylight hours - from 16 to 18 hours. A lamp will help to accomplish this.
  3. At the stage of appearance of 2-3 leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate containers.
  4. Seedlings should be watered moderately.
  5. Immediately before planting in a permanent place, the plants must be hardened off. This happens by taking the seedlings out into the fresh air every day, gradually increasing the residence time. Plants should be stopped watering 3 days before planting. This will minimize the likelihood of seedlings breaking.
  6. Complex mineral fertilizers are first applied to the holes; this can be done in the fall. Rules for caring for plants will help you avoid various diseases, as well as get larger fruits.

Rules for caring for crops

Bushes need hilling and weeding. Plants should be watered with warm, settled water. Mulching the soil will help retain moisture longer; regular loosening will normalize air exchange in the root system. In addition, larvae of harmful insects or pathogens of viral infections may be located on the roots; if you loosen the soil, you can get rid of these scourges. The Amber Heart variety is characterized by good resistance to pests and fungi, however, for prevention, the bushes are treated with insecticides.

Gardeners have mixed opinions about the characteristics of varieties. During cultivation, it was noted that excess moisture contributes to fruit cracking. To avoid this trouble, experienced gardeners cover the bushes with non-woven material. Then, when rainy weather sets in, water does not reach the tomatoes. There are no other shortcomings in the variety.

Reviews from gardeners

  • Vitaly Sergeevich, 51 years old:
    I saw beautiful golden-colored fruits at my neighbors’ dacha, found out the name of the variety, and planted them on the property. The Amber Heart variety is quite unpretentious and does not require pinching. This significantly saves time working in the garden. The fruits are very tasty, sweet, with fleshy and juicy pulp. Tomatoes are great for fresh consumption. The remains of the harvest were preserved. I pickled small fruits. The skin is durable and does not crack during heat treatment. I advise everyone to grow this variety.
  • Albina V., 42 years old:
    I like yellow tomatoes for their sweet taste and fleshy flesh. Any summer salad of fresh vegetables with yellow tomatoes will be much tastier. I also use the Amber Heart variety for pickling and making juice. To make the color more saturated, I add red tomatoes. Caring for bushes is simple and does not require special skills. It is enough to weed, feed and water on time. The variety has a high yield from one bush; I collected about 4-5 kg ​​of ripe tomatoes. Next year I will definitely buy the seeds of this magnificent hybrid.
  • Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato harvest

Features of agricultural technology

When growing, you should pay attention to some nuances. The quantity and quality of the harvest depends on their implementation.

Start growing seedlings 2 months before moving the tomatoes to a permanent location. Seeds are sown in containers with nutrient soil. The signal for picking is the appearance of 2 true leaves on the plants. Tomatoes are planted in a permanent place after the frosts have irrevocably subsided.

Attention! 3 days before transplanting, the tomato should not be watered. Otherwise, the stems may break during transportation.

Powerful shoots with heavy fruits are tied to a trellis. Tomatoes are regularly watered and fed. An important method of agricultural technology is hilling. The soil bead allows additional roots to grow.

Heart of Ashgabat: old variety of tomatoes with large orange fruits

Now a huge number of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes have been bred, but gardeners do not refuse many well-deserved ones, grown for half a century. One of the old varieties that has not lost its fans is the Heart of Ashgabat tomato, which bears bright yellow fruits.

History of tomato cultivation Heart of Ashgabat

The Heart of Ashgabat tomato is considered a variety of folk selection, bred in the Turkmen SSR in the 1960s. and quickly became popular among gardeners of that era. It is known that the variety received state registration in 1972, but currently there is no entry about it in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation.

Most often, the Heart of Ashgabat variety is grown in the southern regions, which is not surprising, but in protected soil it can grow well and bear fruit throughout our country. It has become especially easy to grow it with the advent of modern polycarbonate greenhouses. In regions such as the Astrakhan and Rostov regions, Stavropol region, Crimea, and the Heart of Ashgabat, they are successfully grown in open ground.

Description of the variety Heart of Ashgabat

The Heart of Ashgabat tomato is considered a semi-determinate standard variety; its bush grows up to one and a half meters high. The foliage is average. The formation of a bush is mandatory; usually it is grown in 2 or 3 stems, tying them to supports. 4 plants are kept per square meter. The variety is slightly affected by late blight and other tomato diseases, but during periods of prolonged rain the fruits are prone to cracking.

Not all fruits are the same in size, even the shape can vary

The variety is considered mid-early: the first fruits ripen 100–110 days after sowing the seeds for seedlings or, in the south, directly into the garden bed. Productivity is above average: up to 7 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one bush.

As the name suggests, the fruits are heart-shaped. They are quite large: on average they grow up to 300–400 g, but the first tomatoes on the bush can reach up to half a kilogram and contain 6 or 7 chambers. The color is bright yellow, closer to orange when fully ripe. Tomatoes store well and are suitable for transportation over medium distances.

The number of seeds is small, the pulp is fleshy, aromatic, very good taste, sweetish, practically without sourness. Some gardeners call the Heart of Ashgabat one of the best yellow-fruited varieties. The purpose is salad, but in addition to fresh consumption, the fruits are also suitable for processing. Whole-fruit canning in jars is difficult due to the size of tomatoes, so yellow tomato juice is mainly prepared from them. The fruits are suitable for producing a dried product. The variety is recommended for dietary nutrition.

The most suitable characteristic of fruits is “one meat”

Advantages and disadvantages compared to other similar varieties

The fact that many gardeners have been interested in this variety for half a century, and this interest has only been growing in recent years, testifies to the great potential that breeders have built into it. Seeds in bags are sold in 7-10 pieces and do not cost a penny at all. The variety has the following advantages:

  • good yield;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • long-term preservation and good transportability;
  • resistance to major diseases;
  • beautiful appearance.
  • As relative disadvantages, they note the need to form a bush and the increased heat-loving nature of the variety, which does not allow it to be grown in the middle zone and in the north without shelter.

    The number of tomato varieties is currently huge, many of them bearing yellow tomatoes, as well as those with heart-shaped fruits. But there were not many varieties that combine these two characteristics at the same time. Thus, tomatoes Bull's heart orange and Bull's heart amber have similar characteristics, and Bull's heart golden is characterized by excellent fruit taste and high yield, but is late-ripening. The Golden Heart tomato is early ripening, but its fruits weigh only 100 g, so they are used in whole-fruit canning.

    The orange Honey Heart tomato also has rather small fruits, but the taste is characterized as excellent. The Orange Heart variety is also popular, bearing small fruits of excellent taste that retain their qualities during long-term storage. Thus, recently many varieties have been created that are similar to the Heart of Ashgabat and are its worthy competitors.

    Photo gallery: yellow heart-shaped tomatoes

    Agricultural technology of tomatoes Yantarny 530

    It is recommended to grow tomatoes in seedlings. Seeds are sown 60 days before transferring to the ground. As a result of using this method of cultivation, ripe tomatoes are obtained in June.

    Growing seedlings

    Before sowing, the seeds are kept for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. This reduces the risk of contracting diseases. Then they are washed with water and placed in a solution with a growth stimulator. This treatment accelerates seed germination.

    Seeds are sown on well-moistened soil. Mulch on top. Cover the container with glass and leave it warm. Seeds germinate within a week. After the first two true leaves grow, the seedlings are picked.

    If tomatoes are transplanted into a common box, the distance between them is kept up to 10 cm. It is better if each plant is planted in a separate glass.

    Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened off. The first time they open a window or a window. Then they leave it on the balcony for a long time.

    Landing rules

    Seedlings are planted in a permanent location when the threat of frost has passed. Each region has its own time for transferring plants to open ground. Choose a sunny place for planting. The soil is dug up. Follow the rules of crop rotation. The best predecessors of tomatoes are:

    • cabbage;
    • onion;
    • garlic.

    It is not recommended to plant tomatoes in place of nightshades: potatoes, peppers, tomatoes. Planting is carried out according to a 40 by 60 cm pattern. Gardeners advise adding 10 g of superphosphate to each hole.

    Watering and fertilizing

    After planting the tomatoes, fertilize them. Complex mixtures are used for this crop. If they are not available, they are fed with nitrophoska. Take 1 tbsp per bucket of water. l. The prepared volume is distributed among 20 bushes, approximately 0.5 liters for each plant. Feeding tomatoes is repeated during the period of formation of the first bunches. During fruiting, monitor the presence of moisture. A large number of fruits set requires a lot of water.

    Pinching and tying

    Tomato variety Yantarny does not require pinching or gartering. Gardeners remove side shoots up to the first cluster.

    Advice! Many inflorescences are formed; under the mass of fruits during their ripening period, the bushes can bend over and lie on the ground. If this outcome is undesirable, the tomatoes are tied up.


    Tomatoes of the Yantarny variety form into one stem. After the harvest is harvested, experienced gardeners do not immediately remove tomato bushes. After a short time, stepsons form at the bottom of the stem of the plant. If time permits, an additional harvest of tomatoes is obtained.

    Growing without seedlings

    Tomato variety Yantarny is grown by direct sowing in the ground. To do this, first carry out the preparatory work:

    • determine the landing site;
    • install arcs, select a film or any covering material for them;
    • They use cut plastic bottles to preserve heat.

    Holes are prepared for sowing seeds 30 cm apart. Spill them with hot water with a small amount of potassium permanganate. Place 4-5 seeds in a circle in each hole and mulch. Cover with plastic bottles. The prepared material is placed on the arches and pressed on the sides.

    After germination, excess seedlings are removed and two plants are left in the hole. If the ambient temperature is high, they open it, and if the weather is cloudy and cool, they keep it closed.

    After the tomatoes have grown stronger, leave one bush and cut off the other. It is not recommended to pull it out, as it can damage the root system of the remaining plant.

    Bushes are rarely watered with this planting method, since the root system goes deep. Plants are able to obtain moisture themselves.

    Tomatoes grown in this way quickly catch up with the planted seedlings. Productivity does not decrease.

    The bushes are fed with ammonium nitrate. Take 1.5 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. 500 ml of solution is poured under the bush. The next feeding is carried out after the formation of the first ovary. Fertilizers are placed in the soil at a distance of 20 cm from the bushes. Planting depth is 7 cm. Use 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride. You can use mullein in a ratio of 1:10.

    The lower leaves and stepsons are removed.

    Protection from diseases and pests

    The Yantarny tomato variety is resistant to diseases. High humidity can cause fungal infections. The disease is identified by brown or gray spots on leaves and fruits. For prophylaxis, Bordeaux mixture, Topaz, and Oxychom are used. Tomatoes are sprayed in the morning and evening. To prevent late blight, they are treated with Fitosporin.

    Actellik and Fundazol are used to control pests.

    Advice! A preventive technique that reduces damage to tomato bushes is the absence of thickening of plantings.

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