The main diseases of cabbage in open and closed ground

Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, along with cucumbers and tomatoes. To get a good harvest, it is important to detect and eliminate problems in your area, such as cabbage diseases or pests, in a timely manner.

Cabbage diseases do not have a specific regional status; gardeners, summer residents and farmers encounter them throughout Ukraine. Diseases spoil the marketable appearance and reduce the yield on the site. They can affect the plant at all stages of plant development.

In this article you will find a brief description of each common cabbage disease, photo and description. In conclusion, recommendations will be given: how to treat cabbage against diseases, how to avoid their development.

Clubroot cabbage


This cabbage disease is expressed in infection of the root system of young and adult cabbage plants, most often white, red, cauliflower, savoy, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi.

The causative agent of clubroot is a fungus. The source of infection can be soil and weeds of the cruciferous family. Dangerous for both open ground and greenhouses.

The disease is dangerous because it renders white cabbage seedlings unsuitable for planting and negatively affects the development of adult plants. Actively progresses on waterlogged soils with high acidity.

Signs of cabbage being damaged by clubroot: swelling of the roots, the formation of growths on them, yellowed and limp leaves, poorly developed heads of cabbage.
Photo of damage to cabbage by clubroot.
Methods of dealing with clubroot:

Agricultural technology:

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.


Treating cabbage leaves with Fitosporin will reduce the chance of plants becoming infected with this disease (3 g per 1 liter of water).

Preventive spraying of the soil with Fundazol (10-15 g per 10 liters of water) before planting seedlings.

Treating seeds with Prestige will help not only protect plants from pests, but also prevent fungal diseases.

Thiovit jet (90-100 g per 2-3 liters of water per 10 square meters)

Agronomist's comment: There are no drugs that treat clubroot. There are products that reduce the acidity of the soil, thereby preventing clubroot disease in cabbage. Lime will help level out acidity (2-3 tones per 1 hectare, 20-30 kg per hundred square meters), but it is very important to know the soil pH for this. The disease is especially evident when cabbage is continuously grown in one place.

Recommended varieties and hybrids resistant to clubroot:

Ditmarscher, Kilastor F1, Bronco F1, Yamori F1.

Why does cabbage get sick?

Cauliflower belongs to the group of dietary products, which makes the vegetable more in demand. This is an annual plant, the main product of which is the head formed from shoots and inflorescences. The rudiments of inflorescences, collected in bunches, are suitable for cooking over a long period of ripening. The timing of crop ripening depends on the type of variety:

  • early (from 90 days);
  • medium (from 90 to 110 days);
  • late (from 110 days).

Cauliflower does not tolerate low temperatures well, which explains its tendency to become infected with fungal diseases, which are associated with freezing of the soil.

The main causes of cabbage diseases are:

  • exposure to parasitic insects;
  • fungal diseases that arise due to changes in soil acidity, excessive moisture, freezing;
  • bacterial viruses that arise as a result of the superposition of several factors.

Due to planting on an infected area

The soil in summer cottages and garden plots is prone to depletion. Every 2-3 years the land needs rest, crop rotation and additional activities. Causes of soil contamination:

  • irrigation with hard water, cementing layers;
  • disruption of the structure due to frequent digging;
  • imbalance of nutrients due to lack of fertilizing;
  • presence of pathogens in the soil.

The culture responds to minor changes in soil composition. For growth and development, the crop requires a stable acidity level; it does not tolerate waterlogging and is sensitive to pathogens that live in the soil layers.

If the seedlings were planted in an infected area, the root system will react with infection in 2-3 days.

How to check that the soil is not contaminated - this question worries many gardeners.

There are several ways to determine:

  1. Appearance. The soil is dry, the natural color is changed, the soil looks lifeless.
  2. Smell. Rotting of the inner layers can be determined by the smell.
  3. Plant reaction. Crops wither after planting, leaves turn yellow and curl.

Improper plant care

Care rules can cause disease in any crop. Cauliflower reacts especially sharply to disturbances.

Deficiency of micro- and macroelements

The cause of the malaise may be an excess of fertilizing, as well as the introduction of inappropriate elements. Different stages of the growing season differ from each other in the need for complexes of different composition.

You can determine the lack or excess of elements on cauliflower by appearance and color of the leaves.

  1. The head turns pink when ripe if the vegetable experiences an excess of sunlight. In this case, the head of cabbage needs shading and increased watering.
  2. The lower leaves of cabbage begin to turn red around the edges when it does not have enough nitrogen.
  3. The appearance of red spots on the apical leaves, on the contrary, indicates a lack of potassium and phosphorus.
  4. Cauliflower leaves and stems take on a lilac or purple hue if the plant lacks phosphorus or is stressed after temperature changes.

Root rot


These diseases of cabbage seedlings affect cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and broccoli, severely damaging the seedlings.

The fungus that causes root rot lives in the soil and actively develops under favorable conditions.

Signs of root rot: brown color of seedling stems, formation of dark constrictions on it.

Damage to cabbage with black leg.
Methods of dealing with black leg:

Agricultural technology:

Use healthy seed. Removing the remains of old and infected plants from the site. The correct sequence of planting vegetable crops in one place. Soil liming. Selecting the right irrigation system. Organizing a suitable light regime and temperature.


An effective preventive measure against cabbage diseases are the fungicides “Trichodermin” (biological) and similar ones containing the fungus “Trichoderma” (say, “Mikohelp”) and “Previkur Energy” - chemical.

Agronomist's comment: It mainly occurs when seedlings are overcooled and flooded. An effective protective measure would be to shed the soil in advance, or better yet, with the first watering with Propamocard solution (Magnicur Energy or Energodar (4-5 g per 1 liter of water).

Varieties and hybrids of cabbage resistant to root rot:

Akira F1, Ankoma F1, Valentina F1.

Treating cauliflower against pests with folk remedies

In addition to chemicals and laboratory developments, years of cultivating cauliflower have given gardeners a lot of “folk” methods of pest control. For example, treating damaged plants with solutions of mustard, vinegar or salt helps against slugs, and aphids – with soap tinctures of tobacco, tomato, garlic and onion.

You can repel and get rid of cruciferous flea beetles by sprinkling and pollinating cabbage with wood ash, lime (fluff and a mixture with tobacco dust), phosphate rock, garlic solution (add 1 cup of garlic and tomato (potato) leaves to 10 liters of water, leave for 12 hours , grind 40 grams of soap and filter). Cardboard with glue applied also helps - when waving, frightened and jumping fleas stick to the sticky surface.

The cabbage fly is repelled with a vinegar solution (1 tablespoon of acid per 10 liters of water), and butterflies and moths are repelled from laying eggs with infusions of wood ash (1 cup of ash per 10 liters, leave overnight, stir and spray in the morning), salt (1 cup per 10 liters) or tomato tops (3.5 kilograms of tomato tops are cut, poured with 10 liters of boiling water, left for 24 hours, ground and filtered, 8 water and 40 grams of laundry soap are added to 2 liters of concentrate).

Downy mildew or downy mildew of cabbage


The second name is false or false powdery mildew. Affects white cabbage, cauliflower, Savoy, Peking cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi.

A dangerous disease of cabbage seedlings also poses the greatest threat to the seed plants. It spreads quickly, like other diseases in open ground, as a result of which the plant dies, affected by rot.

Downy mildew can also form on cabbage already placed in storage, causing rotting of the stalk and making the cabbage heads unsuitable for further use.

Favorable conditions for the development of cabbage disease: high humidity, too thick seedlings.

Signs of peronospora/downy mildew: yellow or brownish spots on the top of the leaf, gray coating on the underside of the leaves.

Photos of signs of pernosporosis on white cabbage and cauliflower
Control methods:

Agricultural technology:

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.


To prevent the disease, you can treat the seedlings with Bordeaux mixture.

If signs of damage to the leaves of seedlings by peronospora are detected, the fungicide Ridomil Gold can be used.

Agronomist's comment: Alternately changing fungicides during sowing will prevent fungal pathogens from developing immunity to the drugs.

Downy mildew-resistant varieties and hybrids:

Pushma F1, Reima F1.

Medicinal use

Thanks to its fine cellular structure, cauliflower is absorbed by the body better than other types of cabbage. It contains less coarse fiber than cabbage, so it is easily digested and less irritating to the gastric mucosa. It is especially useful for gastrointestinal diseases and in baby food. If the secretory function of the stomach is reduced, it is recommended to eat dishes made from boiled cauliflower. For gastric or duodenal ulcers, cauliflower is allowed and white cabbage is prohibited. For liver and gallbladder diseases, only those vegetables that increase the secretion of bile and promote regular bowel movements are recommended. These include cauliflower. However, the presence of purine bases limits its use in gout.

Fusarium wilt of cabbage (fusarium, jaundice)


A fungal disease of cabbage that leads to the death of most crop plants on the site. Its main target is seedlings and adult plants of cabbage, savoy, cauliflower and broccoli.

The optimal conditions for the development of Fusarium wilt are hot and dry weather.

Signs of cabbage disease:

On seedlings. Yellowing of leaves. When cut, there are noticeable brown rings on the petiole.

On mature plants. The leaves fall off and turn yellow. Brown, dark rings on sections of leaves and stems.

Photo of cabbage affected by Fusarium wilt Control

Agricultural technology:

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.


Treatment with Fitosporin (paste) will be an effective prevention of cabbage seedling diseases. Before transplanting seedlings, you can place their roots in the solution for 2 hours.

Agronomist's comment: A very effective way for vegetable growing to combat Fusarium wilt is to use the drug Fundazol.

Resistant varieties and hybrids:

Kolobok, Valentina F1, Bronco F1, Megaton F1.

Radiation of fusarium

How to distinguish lesions on cabbage

You need to be able to determine why cauliflower does not grow to the desired size. Cabbage leaves curl and turn yellow.

See also

What types of cabbage are there with names and descriptionsRead

If cauliflower turns pink, it may be from too much sunlight, or from a fungal infection on it. This is worth noticing in time to begin the fight against the disease.

If an aphid, leaf beetle, bug or slug sits on a vegetable, the leaf immediately withers, becomes dry and not juicy. All due to the fact that insects eat all the juice from the plant, and it can no longer grow normally. If the leaves curl, then this is definitely a sign of pests.

After all, with fungal and bacterial diseases, spots mainly appear, the color and smell of the foliage changes.

Cabbage blight


It's dry rot. The spectrum of damage to this disease is quite wide: seeds, seedlings and adult plants of all types of cabbage. But this disease most severely affects cabbage. Even on heads of cabbage placed in storage, it continues to develop, leading to their rotting.

It develops more intensively in high humidity and warm climates. Whole heads of cabbage disease affected by cabbage disease completely rot, while partially infected heads slow down in development and lose their marketable appearance.

Signs of the disease: darkening at the bottom of the stem on seedlings. In mature plants you can notice it by brown spots with a dark dot in the middle. Dry rot on the roots and yellowing are also characteristic. It may be similar in appearance to root rot (blackleg), but differs in color.

Photo of photobosis on cabbage
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.

To avoid the formation of dry rot in heads of cabbage during storage, you need to sort the harvested crop and organize the optimal temperature regime. Heads of cabbage with mechanical damage to cabbage are very vulnerable to this disease, so you should avoid them.


Improving the resistance of heads of cabbage to cabbage disease is facilitated by treatment with a mixture of trichodermin and phytocide R (10 ml of each preparation), preferably in conjunction with an adhesive or liquid soap. The seedlings are treated immediately after transplanting into open ground, and then every three to three and a half weeks.

Resistant varieties and hybrids:

Langedijker, Turkis, Kraft F1.

Processing times

You can drive pests away from your garden beds or prevent their attacks with the right approach to the problem. In this case, the use of all methods is justified: biological, folk and chemical. Each method has different effectiveness.

Folk recipes and biological protection products are used when the problem first appears. In case of massive damage to seedlings or adult bushes, it is better to use chemicals. If you follow the basic rules, it is destructive to the pest and absolutely safe for the gardener.

Recommended timing of treatments with insecticidal and biological preparations:

  1. Early spring. Powerful insecticides are used, which are sprayed 2 weeks after planting young seedlings in open ground. The average daily temperature should be no higher than 14 degrees. Once the indicator exceeds this mark, the risk of rapid spread of cabbage and cruciferous flea beetles increases.
  2. Early - mid June. Treatment is carried out against the main pests of cabbage. Insecticides or broad-spectrum biological preparations are used.
  3. Consolidation of the result. Provided 10-14 days after the second treatment. The same remedy is used.

Meeting deadlines is not enough. In order for the treatment to give full results - to destroy all pests and protect the cabbage from them later, you must follow these recommendations:

  • choose cloudy and almost windless weather;
  • study the forecast of weather forecasters and exclude rain during the day;
  • add regular soap or shampoo to the solution prepared for treatment (so that the drops linger on the surface of the sheet longer);
  • treat all plants (not just infected ones);
  • Prepare the products used according to the instructions.

It is not recommended to exceed the doses specified by the manufacturer, because such actions may cause damage to the plant itself. It will not be possible to increase efficiency, but the gardener may well destroy the crop.


To treat cabbage against pests, “radical” chemistry is rarely used. This is due to the fact that it is more difficult to wash off the remaining drug from the soil and from the leaves of the head than in the case of other crops.

Most often, such treatments are carried out before the head of cabbage is formed - in the first month after planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse.

Then proceed with caution, choosing biological and traditional methods

In spring, young shoots are treated with the following means:

  • "Alatar";
  • "Decis";
  • "Aktara";
  • "Spark";
  • "Fury";
  • "Bankol."

Traditional methods

Safe ingredients are used to prepare homemade insecticides. The solutions contain the following substances:

  • tobacco;
  • hot pepper;
  • ammonia and vinegar;
  • laundry and tar soap;
  • roots and leaves of plants;
  • mustard powder;
  • table salt.

These repellents repel insects with their distinctive scent. They are completely safe for humans and plants, are not absorbed into the structure of the leaves, and do not change the taste of the vegetable. After use, the upper leaves may be slightly bitter, so they are advised to be removed. Repeated use is allowed.

Popular folk recipes that ensure the destruction of pests on cabbage:

  1. A solution of liquid soap and ammonia. Helps destroy aphids. Dissolve 100 ml of soap and 4 tbsp in 10 liters of water. ammonia. Mix the liquid and spray the beds.
  2. You can destroy the eggs of cabbage flies with a solution prepared from 250 g of salt and 10 liters of water. They water the plants separately in the holes, and then sprinkle the soil with wood ash.
  3. Spraying with vinegar solution. Helps in the fight against larvae and butterflies, protects against white moths and moths. Dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. vinegar essence. Mix and spray quickly, otherwise the active substance will evaporate.
  4. Treatment with a solution of dandelion and laundry soap. Together with the roots, 3-5 adult plants are pulled out, crushed and poured with boiling water. Leave until cooled, then add grated laundry soap (1 bar). Leave it for a day, and then spray the plants.
  5. Using a mixture of ash, soda and red pepper. Recipe in this video:

Alternaria blight


He's a black spot. A fungal disease that can spread through seeds, soil, or wind. It affects both seedlings and adult plants. It spoils the appearance of heads of cabbage and makes them unsuitable for sale and consumption.

Signs of Alternaria blight: cracking at the end of the pod, dark spots on the leaves with a yellow outline.

Photo of Alternaria damage to cauliflower and white cabbage
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.


For prevention, folk remedies such as Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride are used.

Fundazol also increases plant resistance when sprayed during the growing season.

Fungicide Quadris is used to prevent Alternaria in cabbage or after its early signs appear.

Agronomist's comment: for prevention the drugs Champion, Quadris, for treatment Switch, Skor.

Resistant varieties and hybrids:

Supermarket F1, Galaxy F1, Arles F1, Nozomi F1.

Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Thanks to its rich composition, including rare substances and microelements, cauliflower has a beneficial and healing effect on many organs and systems of our body.

Cauliflower for the heart and blood vessels

Cauliflower is used to treat and prevent many cardiovascular diseases. It not only helps cleanse the blood of existing cholesterol deposits, but also prevents their formation. Therefore, experts have assessed the benefits of cauliflower for atherosclerosis as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Cauliflower also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the balance of blood clotting, and improves blood circulation. And, as a result, regular consumption of cauliflower is a good prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

The inflorescence heads are also useful for the heart, as they support normal heart rhythm.

Often people susceptible to cardiovascular diseases suffer from edema. Thanks to the potassium contained in cauliflower, the problem of removing excess fluid from the body and normalizing the water-salt balance is solved.

Cauliflower for digestion

The benefits of cauliflower for the gastrointestinal tract are great. Its fiber is very gentle, does not irritate the stomach, unlike white cabbage, and is also well digested and absorbed by the body. Therefore, doctors recommend consuming cauliflower for gastritis and other problems of the digestive system.

Late blight of cabbage


The fungus that causes cabbage to slowly die off enters the plant from the soil. More dangerous for tomatoes or cucumbers, but sometimes affects some types of cabbage. Favorable conditions for the development of late blight are rainy weather before and during harvesting.

Signs of the disease: browning of leaves, plant tissues turn gray and die.

Photo of late blight on cabbage
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.


Preventive treatment with Quadris.

Agronomist's comment: To counteract, you can use Ridomil or Acrobat. You should definitely pay attention to the concentration (100 ml per 10 liters of water) . An excellent choice would be the fungicide Charivnyk, which is a mixture of Ridomil and Acrobat.

Treatment of cauliflower and white cabbage from pests and diseases

To obtain healthy and strong vegetables, various processing methods are used as needed.

Agricultural practices

Experts recommend following the basic rules and techniques of growing, starting with the selection of seeds. This is done in accordance with the climatic characteristics of a particular region. The same criterion is used to determine whether to plant seeds in the ground or grow seedlings. Plants should not be crowded in the garden bed. Further care includes:

  1. weeding;
  2. watering;
  3. hilling;
  4. feeding;
  5. treatment against pests and diseases.

Gray mold (Botrytis)


A fungus that attacks cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables. Cabbage disease spreads from the lower part of the plants, initiating rotting of the roots and heads themselves, from which the plants most often die.

Favorable conditions for the formation of gray rot are rainy weather, frost and mechanical damage to plants.

Gray rot is especially dangerous for heads of cabbage placed in a cellar/pantry/warehouse, reducing shelf life to 2-3 years, or even destroying them altogether.

Signs of gray rot:

On the harvested crop: gray coating, mucus on the leaves. In the field, gray rot rarely develops and is usually recognized by brown spots on the leaves.

Photos of signs of damage to white cabbage and cauliflower by gray mold
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.

Proper watering system (warm and infused water). Optimal fertilizing regime (complex fertilizer). Harvesting fruits at the optimal time (dry weather).


Preventive treatment with Fitosporin M. Dilute 10 ml of fungicide into a 10-liter container. This is enough for about a hundred.

Treat the seedlings for the first time 10 days after planting, and the second time after 14-21 days.

Spraying plants with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Agronomist's comment: When cabbage is damaged by gray and white rot, Switch, Skor, Blue Bordeaux will help. They are used as a preventive measure against these diseases; already affected heads of cabbage should be thrown away to avoid the spread of the fungus to the remaining crop.

Resistant varieties and hybrids:

Amtrak F1, Galaxy F1, Akira F1.

6.Cauliflower mosaic


A viral disease that is most harmful in the south of our country. It affects various cruciferous plants - cultivated and wild, but most often causes cauliflower mosaic. Signs of a mosaic appear on it four to five weeks after the seedlings are planted in the ground. The vessels of young leaves, starting from the base, lighten and gradually become yellowish-white. On older leaves there are no signs of the disease for some time, but then their veins also gradually lighten (first the main ones, then the peripheral ones). Dark green stripes remain on large veins, while small vessels on a green leaf look like yellowish streaks. Vein growth stops and the leaf becomes wrinkled. Sometimes only one half of the leaf is affected. Sick plants are stunted in growth, their leaves are deformed, and inflorescences do not form.

The incubation period lasts 15-20 days. The intensity of mosaic development is closely related to air temperature. The most severe damage is observed at temperatures from 16 to 18°. At 24°C and above, the signs of the disease are masked, but with the onset of cool weather they reappear.

The mosaic pathogen rarely spreads from seeds. The infection is carried by aphids and sometimes by turnip whites. The reservoir of the pathogen is perennial cruciferous plants.

Control measures

Using healthy seedlings. Weed control. Spraying young plants with insecticides against insect vectors - aphids and whites.

White rot (sclerotinia)


Cabbage disease, affecting mainly adult plants in open ground. Dangerous for all types of cabbage.

In greenhouses and other types of shelters, it sometimes affects seedlings. It actively begins to manifest itself before harvesting, subsequently provoking rotting of the heads of cabbage in storage. Conditions for intensive development: frost and high humidity.

Signs of the disease: mucus on the outer leaves, white mycelium, similar to cotton wool, forms on the head and leaf apparatus, dark-colored structures (sclerotia) appear on the upper side of the head.

Photo of damage to white cabbage and broccoli by white rot
Methods of control

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.

Already affected heads of cabbage will have to be thrown away..

Agronomist's comment: When cabbage is damaged by gray and white rot, Switch, Skor, Blue Bordeaux will help. They are used as a preventive measure against these diseases; already affected heads of cabbage should be thrown away to avoid the spread of the fungus to the remaining crop.

Resistant varieties and hybrids:

Craft F1, Akira F1.

How to fight insects

If larvae, eggs or insects themselves are noticed, then measures must be taken to save the cabbage from pests. The fight against them should be aimed at expelling uninvited guests and improving the health of foliage and fruits.

The very first treatment should be before the pests appear. If you spray a healthy plant for preventative purposes with special solutions purchased at a garden store, then there is a chance of preventing them from appearing in the beds.

If fly eggs are found, the cabbage is treated with thiophos. This medicine is diluted in water according to the written instructions. The moth is destroyed with chlorophos, calcium arsenate, or anabasine sulfate solution. The same means are used to destroy aphids.

Slugs and caterpillars are collected by hand and then burned. Then the foliage is treated with Bazudin, Actellik or Diazinon.

Fleas, bedbugs and leaf beetles cannot withstand strong chemical solutions of Actellik and Bankol.

There are known methods of getting rid of pests using folk remedies. They are passed on from generation to generation. For example, tobacco leaves are boiled for several hours, filtered, diluted with soap and sprinkled on the greens. You can also sprinkle with mothballs and sand, or pouring slaked lime or ash is also good.

See also

When and how to plant Chinese cabbage in open groundRead

Powdery mildew


A cabbage disease that acts very quickly and is transmitted very easily. Its main targets are seeds and seedlings, and sometimes infects heads of cabbage in storage. It poses a danger to seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses, and sometimes infects plants in open ground.

Like many other diseases of white cabbage, powdery mildew progresses with high humidity levels and too thick crops. It is also dangerous for Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and broccoli.

Leads to the fall of seedlings, deterioration of seed development, rotting and death of plants in storage.

Signs of the disease: yellow spots on the top of the leaf, gray plaque on the underside.

Signs of powdery mildew on cabbage
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.

Organization of proper watering. Irrigation is carried out at the root so as not to over-wet the leaves, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of the disease.


To prevent and treat powdery mildew, you can use Fitosporin, which is applied by spraying.

Resistant varieties and hybrids:

Slava, Amager, Dzhetodor F1.


A fungal disease called blackleg is a scourge for seedlings of vegetable and flower crops. The source of infection is the soil. Contributing factors for the development of the disease are:

  • poor ventilation;
  • planting density;
  • bad light;
  • changes in humidity and temperature.

The disease manifests itself as darkening at the root part of the stem. This is a colony of the fungus, clogging the vessels of the plant and causing the seedlings to wither. If one specimen is affected, then there is a very high probability that neighboring shoots are also infected.

To prevent blackleg damage, it is necessary to treat the soil intended for growing cabbage seedlings. Various methods are used:

  • in the oven on a baking sheet, the soil is calcined at a temperature above 100ºC for 30 minutes;
  • use hot steam or a microwave oven;
  • frozen in the freezer;
  • spill the soil with potassium permanganate or boiling water.

Cabbage seeds also need to be processed or purchased already prepared, which will be indicated on the package.

If the disease does appear on the plant, then it should definitely be removed by the roots. Then the container in which the seedlings are located should be filled with wood ash or crushed charcoal. It would be a good idea to spill the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After such watering, allow the soil to dry for a week.

Specialized drugs (for example, Fitosporin) are used for both prevention and treatment of blackleg.

White rust


It poses a great danger to open ground. Conditions for intensive development of the disease: high humidity, lingering fogs, heavy dew. Because of this fungus, plants lose their marketable appearance and develop poorly. Affects all main types of cabbage.

Signs of cabbage disease: white cavities with pus on the leaves and stem, deformation of the leaves, disruption of their structure, curled tips.

Photos of signs of damage to white cabbage and broccoli by white rust
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.

Agronomist's comment: Topaz fungicide (0.125–0.15 per hundred square meters) will help well.


If symptoms of the disease appear, you can spray with Ridomil.

Mosaic of turnip cabbage


The disease often occurs in open ground. Both seedlings and mature plants are susceptible to it. It infects all types of cabbage (most often white-headed cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower). It negatively affects the marketable appearance of the crop, causes growth retardation, and renders healthy heads of cabbage unusable for further use.

Actively progresses in warm and dry climates, a large number of weeds and pests.

Signs of the disease:

Light green spots on the bottom of cabbage leaves, then in these places the tissue begins to die, black spots are observed on the surface of the leaves. Deformation of the leaves, mosaic, slow development and swelling are also observed.

Photo of the manifestation of the turnip mosaic on white and Chinese cabbage
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.

Constant prevention and control of aphids, the main carrier of the disease.


Agronomist's comment: It is impossible to cure turnip mosaic. Therefore, prevention is very important. For example, treatment with Farmayod.

Cauliflower pests: signs of parasitism and control methods

For cauliflower, the spread of parasitic insects poses a particular danger. Most varieties do not have pronounced immunity and are not able to cope with pest invasion on their own.

Stem stalker

The beetle is distributed throughout the European part. He especially loves cabbage crops. It can overwinter at -9 degrees, laying larvae that develop when it gets warmer. The beetle infects leaves; its larvae pose a particular danger to stems and petioles.

Control measures: autumn digging of the soil, spraying with chemicals before flowering.

Cabbage aphid

The insect can be detected by the curling of leaves and loss of elasticity of inflorescences. Aphids feed on cabbage juice and become carriers of fungal and bacterial diseases. Measures to control aphids include treatment with chemicals. Gardeners advise spraying plants with a solution of laundry soap. The smell and structure of the solution repel insects.

Cruciferous flea beetles

Beetles that eat leaves appear on cabbage when hot weather sets in. They can quickly destroy part of the crop if measures are not taken to eliminate them. Plants are sprayed with insecticides, processed manually, and hilled.

Butterflies: cabbage white, moth, cutworm

Butterflies love cabbage; they lay eggs on the undersides of the leaves. Caterpillars eat away cabbage leaves, then leave the heads of cabbage to turn into butterflies in a calm, quiet place.

The larvae of cutworm and cabbage whiteweed are clearly visible on cabbage. Therefore, gardeners recommend collecting them by hand, simultaneously treating the leaves with tobacco or laundry soap. Moth larvae are difficult to see, so chemical treatment is used to get rid of them.

Cabbage fly

An annoying dipteran pest that appears on cabbage in early spring. Chemical spraying is used to repel flies.

Slugs and snails

Pests appear on cabbage in humid weather and heavy rainfall. The secretion secreted by the parasites clogs the pores of the cabbage and prevents growth. The cabbage gradually withers and withers. Slugs and snails are collected by hand. To prevent their reproduction, accompanying treatment with folk remedies is carried out.

Vascular bacteriosis of cabbage


A bacterial disease that mainly affects cabbage seedlings after transplantation to the site. It provokes a strong slowdown in growth and prevents the formation of a head of cabbage. Progresses quickly in hot weather and humid environments. Common among major cabbage varieties

Signs of the disease: yellowing of cabbage leaves along the edges, then it progresses to the middle, the veins darken, darkening is found on the cut of the stem and stalk.

Photo of vascular bacteriosis on white and Chinese cabbage
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.

Agronomist's comment: Kazumin is an excellent antibiotic for plants. There is also a more affordable method - treatment with metronidazole, available at any pharmacy (in liquid form, 0.5-1 l per 1 ha)

Resistant varieties and hybrids:

Bruno F1, Zoltan F1, Transam F1, Saxesor F1.

Mucous bacteriosis of cabbage


A bacterial disease that mainly affects adult plants; the seed plants are rarely affected. It may further progress in heads of cabbage in storage. Leads to the fact that the middle of the head of cabbage becomes soft and emits a pungent odor. Dangerous for almost all types of cabbage.

Begins active development during heavy precipitation and high moisture levels.

Symptoms: rot, mucus, and unpleasant odor form in infected areas.

Photo of mucous bacteriosis on cabbage
Control methods

Agricultural technology

General agrotechnical control measures for growing cabbage.

Control of disease-carrying pests (cabbage fly, bedbugs).

Agronomist's comment: I recommend treatment with metronidazole, you can buy it at any pharmacy (liquid, 0.5-1 l per 1 ha).

Resistant varieties and hybrids:

Cossack F1, Dijon F1, Typhoon F1.

As a conclusion, we can say that to counteract cabbage diseases, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology: crop rotation, weeding, removing old plant debris from the site, using healthy seed, optimal thickening and watering.

Treatment of a specific disease is possible, but it is much easier and more effective to use both agrotechnical measures and fungicides in the form of prevention, preventing infection.

What to do if cabbage often gets sick

By how a given crop yields from year to year, you can determine whether cabbage often gets sick. What to do if you can’t get a decent harvest, the lower leaves constantly wither, the head of cabbage turns yellow, caterpillars and flies attack.

Experienced summer residents constantly fight for their harvest, avoiding mistakes in growing. Cauliflower should not be planted in a place where there have been infected plants in the next five years. Deep processing of the soil, burning, and rest of the soil are necessary.

If cabbage leaves turn yellow quite often, then this is a sign that either there are not enough vitamins, or it is suffering from some kind of fungal disease. Take measures to clarify the problem and fix it by visiting a specialized store.

Diseases of cabbage by growth phases (seeds, seedlings, planted plants, heads in storage)

Some cruciferous diseases appear only at a certain stage of growth, while others can affect it at any stage of growth. This block will demonstrate a list of popular diseases by growth phase of cabbage, both mature plants and cabbage seedlings, photo descriptions and treatment are indicated in the list above.

Diseases of cabbage seedlings

  • Blackleg
  • Fusarium
  • Downy mildew
  • Fusarium wilt
  • Dry rot (Fomoz)

Cabbage seeds

  • Alternaria blight
  • Dry rot (Fomoz)
  • Downy mildew

Mature plants

  • Kila
  • Rhizoctoniosis
  • White rot
  • Late blight
  • Mosaic of turnip cabbage
  • Dry rot of cabbage (Fomoz)
  • Mucous bacteriosis of cabbage
  • Fusarium wilt

Cabbage heads in storage

  • Powdery mildew
  • Dry rot (Fomoz)
  • Gray rot
  • White rot
  • Powdery mildew

Main diseases of cabbage by type

Diseases of white and red cabbage

  • Clubroot cabbage
  • Blackleg
  • Powdery mildew (Peronosporosis)
  • Fusarium wilt
  • Dry rot (Fomoz)
  • Dry spot (Alternaria)
  • Late blight
  • Gray rot
  • White rot
  • Powdery mildew
  • White rust
  • Turnip mosaic
  • Vascular bacteriosis
  • Mucous bacteriosis

Diseases of Chinese cabbage

  • Dry spot (Alternaria)
  • Downy mildew
  • Blackleg
  • Vascular bacteriosis
  • Mucous bacteriosis

Cauliflower diseases

  • Mucous bacteriosis
  • Blackleg
  • Mosaic
  • Dry spot (Alternaria)
  • Kila
  • Downy mildew (peronospora)

Broccoli diseases

  • Turnip mosaic
  • Dry spot (Alternaria)
  • Downy mildew (downy mildew)
  • Powdery mildew.
  • Mucous bacteriosis (wet bacterial rot)
  • Vascular bacteriosis
  • Blackleg

Brussels sprout diseases

  • Dry spot (Alternaria)
  • Kila
  • Fusarium wilt

Diseases of savoy cabbage

  • Dry spot (Alternaria)
  • Kila
  • Downy mildew
  • Dry rot (Fomoz)
  • Vascular bacteriosis
  • Fusarium wilt

Diseases of kohlrabi cabbage

  • Kila
  • Powdery mildew
  • Vascular bacteriosis
  • White and dry rot
  • Blackleg
  • Powdery mildew
  • Mucous bacteriosis

Fungicides are used to combat cabbage diseases


To date, at least 6 mosaic viruses are known to infect cruciferous crops. But two are recognized as the most significant:

  • cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV);
  • Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV).

Both varieties are transmitted by mechanical contact and by cabbage aphids.

Most often, cabbage disease symptoms appear on the lower leaves in the form of a patterned pattern along the veins of the leaf blades. The patterns consist of dark and light green areas, which subsequently become necrotic. The leaves themselves become wrinkled and deformed, and the veins become discolored.

When the temperature rises to 22°C, the development of the disease slows down, but the virus can be transmitted to neighboring plants. It is not possible to cure cabbage infected with the mosaic virus. Therefore, preventive measures come to the fore:

  1. Weed control (especially the cruciferous family).
  2. Using insecticides to kill aphids.
  3. Growing genetically resistant varieties.
  4. Disinfection of garden tools.

Table Cabbage diseases treatment

Drug nameDisease against which treatment is carried outConsumption rate of the drug (l/ha, kg/ha)Packing
FitosporinClubroot Fusarium wilt Powdery mildew3 g per 1 liter of water200 g
Bordeaux liquidBlackleg Downy mildew1% solution500 g
Magnicur EnergyBlackleg20-25 ml per 10 liters of water10 ml, 60 ml, 500 ml, 1 l, 5 l
TrichoderminBlack leg Fomoz100 ml per 10 liters of water20 g
Ridomil GoldDowny mildew2,525 g, 50 g, 5 kg
FundazolAlternaria Fusarium wilt4-5 g per 5 liters of water per 100 sq.m.10 g, 50 g
QuadrisLate blight White rot Gray rot0.6 g6 ml, 100 ml, 300 ml, 1 l
Luna Experience 400White rot Gray rot Phomaz Alternaria0,5-0,751 l
Kazumin 2LBlackleg Late blight200-4001 l, 5 l
NativoAlternaria blight0,3-0,42 kg
Tiovit JetPowdery mildew3,0-8,040 g
EnergodarDowny mildew2.5-3.0 l30 ml, 500 ml
Magnicur Guard (Teldor) 50%Gray rot0,8-1,08 g, 5 kg
SomersaultFusarium wilt Fomoz Powdery mildew Gray and white rot15-20 ml per 5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters30 ml
SwitchAlternaria White rot Gray rot0,75-1,010 g, 100 g, 1 kg
ScoreAlternaria White rot Gray rot0,5-0,62 ml, 100 ml, 1 l
Blue BordeauxWhite rot Gray rot2,5-6,2550 g, 20 kg

Cauliflower diseases: symptoms and treatment

In open ground, cabbage plants are subject to harmful attacks by various microorganisms: fungi, bacteria, viruses. The gardener's task is to quickly recognize the signs of a specific disease and begin to fight it.

INTERESTING! Biological fungicides (Sporobacterin, Fitosporin, Baktofit, etc.) help stop the development of fungal and bacterial cabbage infections. Spraying with biological products can be carried out every 5-7 days, until the cabbage harvest. Such products are not poisonous to humans or the environment.

Vascular bacteriosis (black rot)

Pathogenic bacteria love warm weather with long rains. Microorganisms overwinter on plant debris, and in the summer they move with drops of water, insects, and slugs. Bacteria penetrate cabbage leaves and spread throughout the vessels. The disease can appear at any stage of cauliflower development (usually closer to autumn).


  • first, the edges of the leaf blade become pale;
  • yellowing gradually covers half of the cabbage leaf up to the veins;
  • the leaves curl, turn yellow, and the veins turn black;
  • sometimes cabbage foliage becomes covered with yellowish spots or a black “mesh”, and then becomes like parchment, withers, and dies;
  • cauliflower heads turn black (without wet rot);
  • Even if the inflorescences develop, they grow small and tasteless;
  • On a cut of the petioles, leaves and stems of cabbage, you can see browned vessels.

What to do:

  1. Stop sprinkling watering.
  2. Urgently remove from the beds those plants on which the disease has manifested itself to a greater extent.
  3. Water the cauliflower bushes at the root with the biological product Trichoderma veride or Trichocin.
  4. Spray the plantings with the biofungicide Sporobacterin.

Mucous bacteriosis (wet bacterial rot)

The infection is caused by bacteria. They persist on plant debris, are carried by insect pests, and are transmitted through seeds and seedlings. Microbes actively reproduce in conditions favorable to them: air humidity is about 50%, temperature is from +20 to +26 degrees.


  • cabbage leaves turn brown and become slimy;
  • the petioles rot and the foliage falls off;
  • stems and inflorescences rot with a fetid odor;
  • The cauliflower heads become wet, soften, and fall apart.

What to do:

  1. Remove leaves and entire bushes with strong signs of damage.
  2. Spray the plantings with biofungicides.
  3. If good heads have already formed, then you need to urgently collect them, clean them of rot and immediately put them into processing.

Gray mold (botrythiosis)

The disease develops in conditions of high humidity. It vigorously attacks those parts of the plant that are not exposed to sunlight (lower leaves, closed cauliflower heads).


  • plant tissues become covered with brown spots with a fluffy grayish coating;
  • individual leaves darken and die;
  • The cauliflower heads rot, first partially and then entirely.

What to do:

  1. Remove diseased leaves.
  2. Weed out the weeds, ensuring the plantings are ventilated.
  3. Treat plants with biological fungicides.
  4. Clean the rotten areas of the heads (if the lesions are small), powder the wounds with crushed charcoal or chalk.
  5. Water the cauliflower strictly at the root.

White rot (sclerotinia, watery soft rot)

The fungus is activated in shaded, thickened plantings, in damp and cool (from +12 to +15 degrees) weather. The disease often appears at the beginning of the season or closer to autumn, and at first it is focal in nature. If action is not taken, the rot will spread widely.


  • cauliflower leaves and heads become slimy;
  • a coating resembling cotton wool with rounded black spots (up to 1 cm in diameter) appears on the affected organs.

What to do:

  1. Weed the weeds and thin out thickened plantings.
  2. Reduce watering; if it is necessary, then provide water by inlet, and not by sprinkling.
  3. Remove plants with strong signs of damage.
  4. Spray the bushes with biological fungicides.
  5. Clean out the rot, sprinkle the cuts with chalk or crushed coal.

Fomoz (dry rot)

This fungal infection spreads quickly at high air humidity (more than 80%) and air temperature from +21 to +25 degrees.


  • depressed areas of grayish or yellowish color appear in the lower part of the cabbage stem;
  • round brownish spots with black dots and a gray border appear on the leaves;
  • diseased foliage dries and flies off;
  • the affected stem tissues darken and become dry and rotten;
  • sometimes plants break.

What to do:

  1. Remove broken cauliflower bushes.
  2. Water the beds with a solution of potassium permanganate (4 g per 10 liters of water).
  3. Treat leaves and stems with fungicides: HOM, Oksikhom, Ridomil Gold. The waiting period before collecting the heads is 3 weeks.
  4. If harvesting is expected soon, then water the plantings and spray them with a biofungicide (Trichoderma veride, Trichocin, Sporobacterin).

Downy mildew (peronospora)

The proliferation of fungi is favored by thick fogs, night temperatures from +8 to +16 degrees and daytime temperatures up to +25 degrees.

See also Why and what to do if cabbage has purple leaves


  • the lower leaves of cauliflower are covered with blurry yellowish spots of irregular shape;
  • a whitish coating is noticeable on the underside of the affected leaf blades;
  • diseased foliage curls, dries out, and falls off;
  • plants weaken; the development of inflorescences slows down;
  • productivity decreases noticeably;
  • grayish drying areas appear on the knotted heads.

What to do:

  1. Pick off diseased leaves.
  2. Thin out thickened plantings.
  3. Spray cauliflower plants with the chemical fungicide HOM every 5-7 days. Stop processing 3 weeks before harvesting.
  4. If bushes with grown heads become sick, spray them with a biofungicide.


The disease can be caused by various parasitic fungi living in the soil.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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IMPORTANT! Only young cabbage plants (up to the stage of the 3rd true leaf) are infected. But the disease can proceed slowly and destroy seedlings that have already been planted in a permanent place.


  • the bases of the stems darken, become thinner, and constrictions form on them;
  • roots develop poorly; plants are easily pulled out of the ground;
  • The seedlings do not take root well, do not grow or lie down.

What to do:

  1. Remove dead plants, disinfect the holes with potassium permanganate (1.5 g per 3 liters of water) or Farmayod (70 ml per 3 liters of water).
  2. Add calcined sand in a 2 cm layer to the bases of living bushes, and after a few days, do a high hilling and water with Kornevin.
  3. Spray the plantings with Zircon stimulant.
  4. Water moderately, do not overfeed with nitrogen fertilizers.


The infection develops in acidic, dense, waterlogged areas. It remains in the ground for years or is brought to an area with infected seedlings (the disease is not yet noticeable on it). The lower fungus invades the roots of cabbage and parasitizes them, causing swelling. The root system of cabbage significantly impairs its functioning and almost does not nourish the above-ground part.

INTERESTING! In the fight against clubroot, prevention is more important, since diseased cauliflower, as a rule, does not bear full heads.

Having noticed the first signs of the disease, you can try to save the crop, but you should not hope for a good outcome.


  • During the day, the leaves wither, and by night the turgor is restored;
  • over time, wilting intensifies, despite sufficient watering and fertilizing;
  • cauliflower heads do not set or grow;
  • If you pull a bush out of the ground, you will see knobby growths on the roots, and fibrous roots are practically absent.

What to do:

  1. Treat (water) the bushes with colloidal sulfur or Tiovit Jet (40 g per 10 liters of water).
  2. Give the plants foliar feeding with a complex fertilizer with microelements (Tsitovit, Zdraven, Agricola), adding the stimulant Zircon to the solution.
  3. Do a high hilling or generously add light, slightly moistened compost.
  4. After a few days, water with Kornevin.
  5. In the future, once every 10-15 days it is necessary to fertilize the plantings by dissolving 20 g of calcium nitrate in a bucket of water (it reduces acidity), 15 g of potassium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate, humates with microelements. Fertilizing with wood ash and periodic spraying with microfertilizers (Tsitovit, Siliplant, Sudarushka) are also useful.

Viral mosaic of cruciferous vegetables

This is a group of incurable diseases carried by aphids or transmitted through infected seeds and seedlings. As a rule, signs of infection appear 3-5 weeks after cabbage is planted in the garden.


  • the veins turn intensely yellow, and a dark green border stands out around them;
  • sometimes bright chlorotic spots or brown spot necrosis appear on the leaf blades;
  • the stem and petioles become fragile;
  • young plants begin to lag behind in growth;
  • the leaves become deformed, wrinkle, and gradually die;
  • the head (head) does not form or turns yellow immediately after formation.

A viral infection cannot be cured with chemicals or folk remedies. Sick plants need to be dug up and burned as soon as possible.

Protecting cabbage from diseases

To prevent the appearance of diseases on cabbage, first of all, it is necessary to choose healthy seed or seedlings

  • Using healthy seed will avoid problems in the process of growing cabbage. Uninfected and treated seeds are much more resistant to such dangers as infections and viruses, as well as cabbage insect pests.
  • Weeding on the site. Since many weeds are potential carriers of many diseases, their elimination will be an excellent preventative measure.
  • Removing the remains of old and infected plants from the site. It is better to remove sorted infected and last year's leaves, heads, stalks, as they may still contain the infection.
  • Control of pests such as aphids and cabbage flies, which are often carriers of diseases. It is recommended to use both folk remedies and insecticides.
  • Crop rotation. The correct sequence of planting vegetable crops will avoid soil contamination and plant diseases in the future. Suitable precursor crops for cabbage: carrots, cucumbers, beets, potatoes, beans, tomatoes. Cabbage should not be planted after bulb crops. The break between planting cruciferous vegetables in the same place should be at least two years.
  • Correct selection of varieties and hybrids resistant to disease. The resistance of any vegetable crop, no matter tomato or cabbage, to disease and the fight against it is an important step towards obtaining a healthy harvest.
  • The period in which you expect to receive the harvest. This directly depends on the choice of variety/hybrid and planting time.
  • Choosing the optimal time for planting. To determine the timing, you need to consider several factors:

a) Weather and climatic conditions in your area. For example, in the southern regions of Ukraine (Nikolaev, Kherson, Odessa regions), the soil will warm up faster, which will allow sowing to be done earlier.

b) Time of seed germination. The period from planting until the seed hatches on the surface is often not taken into account, and therefore errors in calculations occur.

c) The growing season of the selected variety or hybrid. It is important for the gardener to know how long it will take from germination to harvesting ripe heads of cabbage.

Approximate calculation scheme:

Taking into account the climate, we determine the date when it will be necessary to transplant the seedlings to the site. From this day on, we calculate the right moment for planting seedlings, taking the ripening period of the variety/hybrid as a basis. Minus the number of days needed for seeds to germinate - and we have approximate sowing dates.

Growing season for white cabbage: 50 days (ultra-early) 55-60 days (early) 70-75 days (mid-early) 80-120 days (mid-season) 105-120 (mid-late) More than 120 days (late)

Choose the most suitable planting location for your conditions. For example, white cabbage thrives on soils that contain humus and good moisture retention.

  • Soil liming. Allows you to enrich the soil with useful elements, increasing its fertility and regulating acidity.
  • Selecting the right irrigation system. The future development of plants often depends on the frequency of watering and the temperature of the water (normal, warm, rain, settled).
  • Organizing a suitable light regime and temperature
  • Sorting seedlings. Elimination of seedlings with signs of disease is a mandatory measure to preserve the harvest.
  • The most suitable age for seedlings is when they can be planted in open ground. All vegetable crops have their own timing for planting seedlings: the period when picking, transplanting and planting on the site will cause minimal damage to it and it adapts perfectly to external conditions. Monitor the condition of your seedlings. It is important that healthy seedlings are planted on the field, without signs of disease.
  • Optimal density. Too thick crops lead to diseases and nutritional deficiencies, so it is worth thinning out the bushes to organize free air circulation.
  • Greenhouses/greenhouses require disinfection and soil change. Fresh and healthy soil will avoid unwanted problems and diseases during cultivation.
  • Prevention of mechanical damage to heads of cabbage. Impacts, scratches, and dents lead to rapid rotting of the heads of cabbage and reduce their resistance to disease.
  • Soil drainage. The ventilation of plants directly affects their development and health.
  • Moisture level control. It is worth maintaining the optimal amount of moisture, without drought or waterlogging.
  • Feeding. It is very important to fertilize plants, enriching the soil with useful substances and compensating for missing elements.

Useful information: The seedlings are fertilized for the first time 7-9 days after picking. Complex fertilizers are ideal for fertilizing. The next feeding is done 14 days after the first. And the last, third time is fertilized 2 days before planting the seedlings.

  • Organization of proper watering. Irrigation is carried out under the root system so as not to over-wet the leaves, thereby creating suitable conditions for the progression of the disease.
  • Cleaning up fallen leaves. Elimination of potential sources of infection.
  • Prevention of the environment where cabbage diseases develop, measures to combat pests that carry diseases (cabbage fly, bedbugs).
  • Correct storage conditions for cabbage. Preparing the future storage for the harvest - cleaning and disinfection, organizing the correct temperature (0-1 C©).

Cabbage protection system against diseases and pests from BASF

Cabbage pests

Cabbage has quite a lot of pests, let’s take a closer look at the most dangerous of them and figure out how to deal with them.

Cruciferous bug

This is a small motley bug about a centimeter in size, which is considered a serious enemy of cabbage. The bugs overwinter in the soil, at the end of April they begin to feed on seedlings, at the beginning of summer the female bugs lay eggs, and by mid-summer new adults appear that feed on cabbage juice, piercing its leaves. If there are many such punctures, this leads to wilting, drying out and death of the leaves.

Ways to fight

Treatment of seedlings with Actellik or Fosbecid before the formation of heads of cabbage will help to destroy bedbugs.

As a preventive measure it is recommended:

  • timely remove from the site such weeds as rapeseed, shepherd's purse, field grass, sverbiga, alyssum and fireweed;
  • After harvesting, do not leave weeds on the site, collect and burn them.

Cabbage leaf beetle

This is a small egg-shaped bug about 5 mm in size. The leaf beetle feeds on cabbage leaves, biting holes in them and scraping off the skin.

Ways to fight

To get rid of leaf beetles you can:

  • every morning, spray the kaputa with tobacco dust and slaked lime or ash, mixed in equal proportions;
  • treat cabbage with a 2% solution of Actellik or the biopreparation Bankol, but such treatment can only be carried out before the formation of heads of cabbage.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to promptly remove cruciferous weeds from the site.

Stem cabbage stalker

This is a small black bug, about 3 mm long, covered on top with thick long hairs and gray scales. They feed on cabbage plants.

Females of the secretive proboscis lay eggs under the skin in the midrib of the leaf, petioles or stems of the plant; after 4-8 days, larvae emerge from them, up to 5 mm long, yellowish-cream in color, legless, with a yellow head, which are no less dangerous.

The larvae gnaw passages in the leaf petioles, penetrate the stem and descend into the cabbage root. This leads to yellowing of the leaves, cessation of growth and development of the plant, which subsequently dies.

Ways to fight

Actellik and Fosbecid will help destroy the secretive proboscis. But treatment with these chemicals is possible only at the early stage of seedling development in open ground.

As preventive measures it is recommended:

  • carry out weeding in a timely manner and remove plants affected by the pest;
  • in the fall, remove plant remains from the site, and then be sure to dig up the soil.

gray fly

In appearance, this is a small, harmless fly about 6 mm in size, but its larvae, which feed on roots, are capable of completely destroying cabbage seedlings and young plants.

Ways to fight

An infusion of fresh burdock leaves will help repel pests.

Wavy flea beetle

This is a small beetle about 3-5 mm in size with black elytra, along which two cream stripes run. The flea beetle larvae eat the root system and leaves of cabbage.

Ways to fight

An infusion of tansy will help drive away the wavy flea.

Cabbage whites

This is a small gray-white butterfly that lays eggs on the underside of cabbage leaves. The butterflies themselves do not harm the cabbage; their larvae, which are capable of eating all the leaves, leaving only the veins, are dangerous.

Ways to fight

To help get rid of pests:

  • periodic inspections of cabbage and destruction of clutches manually;
  • spraying damaged plants with wormwood infusion;
  • planting carrots and dill in a bed with cabbage, which attract insects that eat the eggs and larvae of the white butterfly.

Cabbage moth

This is a small butterfly, the color of its wings is gray with an indistinct pattern. The moth lays eggs on cabbage leaves, then caterpillars emerge from them and eat the leaves with appetite, leaving large holes in them.

Ways to fight

The cabbage moth can be lured into the light and destroyed manually. As preventive measures it is recommended:

  • early planting of seedlings;
  • timely garbage collection;
  • weeding.

Cabbage scoop

This is a gray butterfly with transverse dark stripes on its wings. She also lays eggs, from which white caterpillars emerge that eat the leaves.

Ways to fight

Spraying plants with an infusion of red hot pepper will help get rid of the pest.

Cabbage still has many pests, such as aphids, whiteflies, mole crickets, slugs and others. But it will help to prevent their spread to the beds:

  • maintaining cleanliness in the garden;
  • timely destruction of plant residues and weeds from the garden;
  • planting between plants or along ridges of strong-smelling plants (marigolds, garlic, dill, mint, celery);
  • dusting plants with tobacco dust and ash, mustard powder;
  • spraying cabbage every 1-1.5 weeks with ash (150 g of ash per 10 liters of water) or ash-soap solution, infusion of dandelion roots or garlic arrows.

Table of disease resistance of cabbage varieties and hybrids

Type of cabbageHybrid nameDiseases and pests to which it is resistant
White cabbageAggressor F1Fusarium, thrips
White cabbageParel F1Fusarium, clubroot
White cabbageAkira F1Black leg, white and gray rot
White cabbageForeman F1Fusarium
White cabbageCossack F1Clubroot, mucous bacteriosis, blackleg
White cabbageArcadia F1Fusarium, thrips
White cabbageMuksuma F1Fusarium
White cabbageCount F1Clubroot, fusarium, thrips
White cabbageTransam F1Fusarium, thrips, vascular bacteriosis
White cabbageKilagerb F1Fusarium, clubroot
White cabbageVestri F1Fusarium
White cabbageZoltan F1Fusarium, vascular bacteriosis
White cabbageGintama F1Fusarium, vascular bacteriosis, mucous bacteriosis
White cabbageReima F1Downy mildew
White cabbageSupermarket F1Alternaria blight
White cabbageAdapter F1Fusarium, thrips
White cabbageTyphoon F1Mucous and vascular bacteriosis, thrips
White cabbageJetodore F1Powdery mildew, fusarium
Red cabbageRescue F1Fusarium, thrips
Red cabbageRedball F1Fusarium
Red cabbageCornet F1Fusarium
ColoredClapton F1Kila
BroccoliBatavia F1Fusarium
BroccoliKezzie F1Downy mildew
BroccoliMonaco F1Fusarium, vascular and mucous bacteriosis
BroccoliKS 355 F1Downy mildew
BrusselsDiamond F1Downy mildew, white rust
BrusselsDiablo F1Fusarium
BeijingEnduro F1Kila
BeijingBilko F1Kila
BeijingManoko F1Fusarium
BeijingKS 340Clubroot, Downy mildew

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There are many methods for combating diseases and pests of cauliflower, but prevention of their occurrence is still at the forefront. The constant destruction of cruciferous weeds and old tops, digging up the soil late in the winter and ventilating-freezing greenhouses and greenhouses in cold weather will help to significantly reduce the chances of losing the harvest.

These measures will help destroy insect larvae and eggs, harmful bacteria and fungi. Timely fertilization and watering of the soil also helps, repelling both diseases and pests of cabbage.

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