Description of the tomato variety Bison orange and its characteristics

In order to get a good harvest of tomatoes, you need to choose the right variety. At the moment, the Bison tomato, which has an original taste and appetizing appearance, is especially popular among gardeners.

The Bison tomato can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground, depending on the climate zone . After reading this article, you will learn about all the characteristics of the Bison tomato , study all the advantages and disadvantages, and also learn how to properly care for this tomato.


Among the main characteristics of tomatoes of the Bison orange variety:

  • The variety is medium late - the harvest will appear in the last third of summer.
  • Good immunity, high resistance to pests. Usually no additional protection is required, but only with proper care.
  • More suitable for growing in greenhouses, but can also be grown in open ground.
  • The shape of the fruit is round, almost without ribbing.
  • The fruits are strong, so these tomatoes are ideal for canning.
  • It goes well with other products and is suitable for preparing dishes - salads, soups, sauces, etc.
  • From one bush you can collect up to 4 kg of fruit.
  • The height of one bush reaches 160 cm; there is usually little foliage.
  • The fruits are stored well and for a long time, and also tolerate transportation.
  • The taste is sweet and does not change over time.
  • The aroma is rich.
  • The pulp is dense and juicy. Its color can be monochromatic, or it can have beautiful stains of different shades of orange.

The name is due to the rich color of the fruits, as well as their weight - approximately 500-900 grams each. Thus, tomatoes of the Bison orange variety, both inside and out, are very similar to small pumpkins, which makes them a decoration for any table, even when fresh.

Characteristics and description of the “Bison black” tomato

The variety is indeterminate, mid-season, the fruit ripening period lasts 110-115 days. Designed for greenhouses, but in some regions of the central zone it is also grown in open ground.

He gained respect from those who like to grow tomato varieties that are unusual in their shape and color. Ripe fruits are distinguished by a rare combination of violet-brown and dark purple colors.

Tomatoes of these varieties contain anthocyanins, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Description of the plant

The plant is tall, can reach 180 cm in height, the bush is powerful, needs tying up and removing the stepsons; when installing the support, make sure it is strong and reliable.

To increase productivity, form a stem into 1-2 trunks. To make the fruits larger, you should pinch the plants after 5-6 ovaries have formed.

Remember to gradually but promptly remove the lower leaves of plants to prevent them from consuming nutrients.

Description of fruits

When fully ripe, the fruits become shiny, rich purple-brown in color, with dark streaks on top, in the area of ​​the stalk. Large in shape, with ribbed shoulders, slightly flattened, average weight 250-350 grams. Very juicy, with a bright tomato taste and delicate fruit notes, the pulp is low-seeded.

Features of cultivation and care of the variety

  • Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the first ten days of March, having previously calibrated them in a 3-5% saline solution. Those seeds that float to the surface within 5 minutes are unsuitable for sowing;
  • To ensure that the seeds sprout as early as possible, soak them in a solution of the growth stimulator “Epin-Extra”: dilute 1-2 drops of the substance in 100 ml of water, wrap the seeds in gauze and immerse them in the solution for 18 hours. It is environmentally friendly and contains useful substances;
  • to get healthy and strong seedlings, sow the seeds in light soil, it is better to use special soil for tomatoes; after sowing, cover the seeds with plastic wrap;
  • Its proper development and endurance depend on the quality of seedling care. In the phase of 2-3 leaves, plants should be picked. The operation consists of carefully moving the seedlings along with a lump of earth into a larger container;
  • Tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse in mid-May. Tall varieties are placed according to a planting pattern of 60 x 80 cm (when formed into 1 stem or 75 x 80 cm into 2 stems). Tomatoes are watered every 3-7 days. Loosen the soil more often, in hot weather and less often in cold weather, after watering, so that a crust does not form on the ground;
  • Also an important condition for obtaining a bountiful harvest is the correct fertilization of tomatoes with minerals, for example organomineral fertilizer “Signor Tomato” at the rate of 1 tbsp per 10 liters. water.


Tomatoes of this variety grown in greenhouse conditions yield an average yield of 4 to 6 kg per sq.m.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of this variety include:

  • shiny, large fruits;
  • rich tomato taste;
  • unusual color;
  • possibility of transportation;
  • high resistance to many diseases.

Main use of the variety

They are consumed fresh, in slices and salads, and tomato juice is prepared, which, due to its color, produces an unusual dark color and a bright, rich taste. Due to cracking, they cannot be preserved in their entire form.

Nadezhda: I really liked the taste, without acid, but the shoulders remain with dark green stains and are hard; in the Urals they ripen in August-September.

Growing seedlings

At the beginning of spring, Bison orange tomato seeds need to be planted in special boxes. Watering is moderate (warm water, spray), any fertilizing suitable for tomatoes is useful. But there should be a lot of light and warmth:

  • First, the temperature should remain stable at +15-17 degrees.
  • When shoots appear, the temperature increases to +20.

As soon as the first normal leaves appear, picking is carried out.

By May the bushes will be ready to go into the ground. It is important not to miss the moment of planting, since the number of fruits, their quality and the health of the plant as a whole will directly depend on this.

In order for the seedlings to tolerate transfer to the ground well, they should be hardened off. To do this, it is simply kept in the fresh air, but where there are no drafts.

Caring for the variety after transplantation


Irrigation after planting is carried out after 3-5 days. For irrigation, warm, settled water is used, preferably rain or melt water. The most suitable irrigation systems are drip and underground. Due to the use of sprinkling, air humidity increases, which can provoke the development of fungus.

Weeding and loosening

Sugar bison reacts positively to loose soil, so after watering you need to fluff up the top layer with a depth of 5-7 cm. After loosening, the soil will warm up better, which has a good effect on shoot growth. At the same time, weeding is carried out, which is a source of infection with fungal infections, and also helps to increase air humidity. After planting the seedlings, loosening should be carried out once every 7-10 days.

As soon as the bush is formed, the number of procedures is reduced so as not to injure the plant during the formation of flowers and ovaries.


After fluffing the soil, the bed should be mulched. Laying mulch in a layer of at least 4-5 cm retains moisture inside the soil, which reduces the amount of watering. There is also a decrease in the intensity of weed growth. Dry straw, peat or artificial mulch is used as flooring.

Top dressing

During the growing season, a tomato needs 2-3 feedings. The first is carried out 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings to the garden bed, the second - before the start of flowering, the third - at the stage of mass formation of ovaries. Organic matter and mineral fertilizers are used as food.

Bush formation, pinching

The bush is tall, so it needs shaping. More often they choose the 2-stem method. Pinching and hilling increase productivity. After the seedling reaches a height of 30 cm, a garter is placed on a trellis or other type of support.

Landing in the ground

Transplantation into the ground occurs in May, but before that the ground needs to be properly prepared:

  • Build a greenhouse if it is film.
  • Make spilled depressions of 5-8 cm.
  • The soil must be loosened before planting.
  • The distance between plants is 40 cm.
  • The distance between rows is 60 cm.

Since the bush will be tall, you should immediately take care of a support for each bush. Moreover, the brushes will be thinner than required for fruits of this size, so they will also need to be tied up. It is better to prepare wooden supports in advance so that the fruits do not destroy the bushes during the ripening process - according to reviews from gardeners, weak and low-quality supports will definitely break.

The Orange Bison variety is comfortable with mulching with a special fabric or film to increase productivity. However, the support system in this case must be thought out correctly.

Tomato Bison pink: variety description

Variety nameBison Pink
general descriptionMid-season determinate variety
Ripening period115-120 days
Average weight of tomatoes200-250 grams
Productivity of the variety6.5-7.5 kg per sq.m.
Features of cultivation3-4 plants per square meter of planting
Disease resistancePrevention can't hurt

A tomato, according to the description in different catalogues, the bush of which is indicated ambiguously. Determinant according to the description of some catalogs, indeterminate according to the description of others. But reviews from experienced gardeners still say that the bush is determinant.

Cultivation is universal. Designed for both indoor and open ground.

Average ripening time. The period from planting seeds for seedlings to technical maturity ranges from 115 to 120 days. Bush height from 1.2 to 1.5 meters. Due to the rather heavy fruits, tying up not only the bush, but also individual clusters is required.

Description of fruits:

  • Tomatoes are pink with a red tint.
  • Very dense, meaty.
  • With a small number of cameras.
  • The first ovaries form fruits weighing up to half a kilogram, subsequent ones from 200 to 250 grams.
  • Heart-shaped.
  • Good safety during transportation.

On our website you will find a lot of useful information about growing tomatoes. Read all about indeterminate and superdeterminate varieties.

And also about the intricacies of caring for early ripening varieties and varieties characterized by high productivity and disease resistance.


The bushes require moderate and regular watering until the fruits begin to appear. At this moment, watering should become more abundant, and the soil should also be loosened frequently so that it is saturated with air and the water does not stagnate. Mineral fertilizers are also required; you can purchase any balanced complexes without making anything yourself. This is also one of the advantages of this variety in terms of care.

The bushes are formed into 2 trunks; pinching is mandatory to maintain the plant’s immunity.

Since this variety is very heat-loving, you will need to make sure that it has a lot of light. The taste of the fruit will depend on how well the planting site is lit. The lack of light and sun makes not only the color less saturated, but also the taste more bland. Often fruits that have not received enough light may be yellow.

We can talk about harvesting 4 or 4.5 months after the seedlings were made. That is, tomatoes will be ripe at the end of July and beginning of August.

Having harvested the crop, you can immediately use it for harvesting, since August is the time to can tomatoes, as well as salads made from them and soup dressings. This is also the time to make homemade ketchups and adjikas, and Bison Orange is also perfect for them.

Features of growing “Sugar Bison” tomatoes in greenhouses

Previously, Sugar Buffalo tomatoes were grown in greenhouses where cucumbers were grown. However, this led to a disease such as anthracnose. After this, many gardeners change the soil before planting tomatoes and spray the soil with a solution of copper sulfate.

Seven days before planting the seedlings, you need to prepare the beds. They should be 30 cm high and 90 cm wide. You also need to prepare good drainage and loosen the ground.

Scheme of planting seedlings

There are two types of seedling planting schemes - one-line and two-line. A single-line planting pattern is 60 × 50 cm, a two-line planting pattern is 60 × 40, and between the planting lines you need to leave a free space of 75-95 cm.

Before planting seedlings, water the holes with an unsaturated solution of potassium permanganate. You can also add complex organomineral supplements.

Important! Seedlings are transplanted when the stems reach up to 35 cm in height

Watering and weeding

In the first 14 days, the bushes should not be watered. After this, the vegetable should be regularly watered with warm water. Weeding will allow the roots to breathe better and allow moisture to pass through. This procedure can be carried out using a Fokin flat cutter.

The first loosening should take place immediately after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse. Subsequent procedures are carried out every two weeks. It is better to loosen to a depth of 5 cm. Remove weeds periodically, as they affect the growth and yield of tomatoes.

Feeding tomatoes

The first and second feeding of tomatoes in greenhouses is carried out a couple of weeks after transplanting the seedlings. To do this, you will need an aqueous solution of mullein with the addition of 50 g of ash.

Important! Do not overfeed tomatoes with ammonium nitrate or mullein before fruit set. Excess nitrogen leads to the formation of a strong stem with abundant foliage, while the yield decreases and there will be no flowering

The first mineral fertilizing is carried out 20 days after planting the seedlings. Use 1 tbsp for this. l. nitrophoska per 10 liters of water. The second feeding is carried out 10 days after the first. Use 1 tsp for this. potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Two weeks after the second feeding, it is necessary to add the following solution of wood ash and superphosphate (2:1:10). To speed up the ripening of fruits during fruiting, fertilize tomatoes with a mixture of nitrophoska, sodium humate and water (1:1:10).

Tomatoes grown in greenhouses need mineral fertilizers with the addition of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied before picking tomatoes. Potassium fertilizers are applied from the moment the ovaries form. Tomatoes need to be fed with such fertilizers until the fruits ripen.

Tomatoes also need magnesium, boron, manganese and zinc. Boron is responsible for the saturation of the fruit with sugars and vitamins, and affects its size and keeping quality.

It is better to add magnesium during the growing season, especially during the formation of ovaries and the development of tomatoes.

Manganese is needed for normal development and growth. It helps to increase the resistance of tomatoes to diseases.

Zinc helps not only with active growth, but also with the formation of large fruits and early ripening.


When grown in a greenhouse, the yield can be up to 6.5 kg per sq.m.

You may be interested in: Dates for planting tomato seedlings in open ground and greenhouses according to the garden calendar Favorable days for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar sowing calendar Favorable days for picking tomatoes in 2022 after germination: timing of picking tomato seedlings in the table by day

Sowing seeds for seedlings

It is better to sow seeds of this variety in late March or early April. If you are going to grow a large number of bushes, you can sow them in large boxes, and if you have a couple of bushes, then peat tablets will be enough.

To create such an earthen mixture, you will need to combine peat, garden soil, humus and wood ash (2:1:1:1). You can add a small amount of potassium fertilizer and superphosphate.

The prepared earthen mixture must be sifted and steamed in a double boiler. This will help you get rid of bacteria, weed seeds and fungal spores. The soil is loose, moisture-absorbing and breathable.

Planted seedlings should be placed on a south-facing window during the day, and simply left on the windowsill at night. The temperature during the day should be 22 °C, and at night – 18 °C.

From the moment of sowing, you can water the seedlings once or twice. No additional feeding is needed. Out of eight sifted peat tablets, only three can break through.

Description of the tomato variety Bison yellow, its characteristics and cultivation

Growing red tomatoes is a common thing for every summer resident. Many consider this the norm and do not recognize other varieties. The Bison yellow tomato is more suitable for lovers of large-fruited tomatoes who do not have such principles. It will captivate with its unpretentiousness and excellent taste of fruits.

Characteristics of Yellow Bison

Tomatoes are not difficult to grow; the more care and time spent on growing them, the more abundant the harvest will be. A description of the variety will help with this; after studying it, the summer resident will not make mistakes when growing it.

  • Indeterminate type of growth.
  • Ripens in 115-120 days.
  • Height 170 cm.
  • Shape: flat-round.
  • Yellow color.
  • Weight: 350-500 g.
  • Density is average.
  • There are few seeds.
  • The taste is excellent.
  • Not afraid of transportation over long distances.
  • Keeps its presentation for a long time.

These characteristics of the Yellow Bison variety are selection criteria, but besides this, summer residents are interested in the question of yield, diseases and care requirements.

How to properly grow a crop on a plot?

It is better to plant tomatoes in seedlings, as this reduces the time before fruiting begins. Seeds are sown 2 months before the expected date of planting in a permanent place. The specific date is calculated by the summer resident himself, correlating it with the weather conditions in the growing region.

Caring for seedlings involves providing access to light, heat and regular watering. The future harvest depends on quality seedlings.

Young seedlings need sunlight 14-16 hours a day. If there is a deficiency, additional lighting lamps are installed.

When a young plant does not have enough light, it stretches and the stem becomes thinner. It will not produce a strong plant later.

When planting in a permanent place, place 4-5 plants per 1 m2. Further care is as follows:

  1. Regular watering. It is better to water plants with warm water in the evening.
  2. Hilling and loosening. Access of oxygen to the roots and retention of moisture.
  3. Weeding. Removing weeds as a preventive measure against diseases and insect attacks.
  4. Formation and garter are required for indeterminate varieties. Yellow bison is formed into 2 stems and tied to supports. Stepchildren are removed.
  5. Feeding. Without it, it is difficult for plants to cope with some diseases and produce maximum yield. It is carried out at least 3 times per season, after transplantation after 7-10 days, during the period of budding and fruit formation. For this purpose, mineral complex fertilizers and organic matter are used, alternating them with each other.

Caring for it is not easy, but by fulfilling the requirements, the summer resident receives tasty fruits in large quantities.

Tomato immunity Bison yellow

A significant drawback of the variety is that it is not immune to diseases. In order not to lose the harvest, preventive measures are carried out.

It is important to remember that treatment with chemicals is possible only before flowering; then it is advisable to use traditional methods of control (dusting with wood ash, spraying with onion decoction and many others)

Advantages of the variety

Any variety has advantages over other varieties, but many are equivalent. Yellow bison has many advantages that cover the presence of a small number of negative properties.

  • Large fruit size, high density.
  • High yield of 6.5 kg per 1 m 2.
  • Great taste.
  • Withstands transportation and retains its presentation.
  • Demanding on formation.
  • Susceptible to diseases.

What do summer residents say about the Bison yellow variety?

No matter how beautifully the producers describe the variety, the gardener is looking for feedback from those who have grown tomatoes on their plot.

Anna: “An excellent variety, not suitable for pickling. But there is always a place for it on the table. Looks very colorful in the same cup with red tomatoes. Very tasty fresh."

Natalya: “A favorite among large-fruited tomatoes. The yield is so high that the wooden supports cannot withstand it. We have to change it to metal ones.”

Fans of yellow-fruited tomatoes will definitely appreciate Bison yellow for its excellent taste.

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