Ajax F1 cucumbers: reviews, photos, description, yield. Cucumber Ajax F1: characteristics of the variety and secrets of its cultivation

History of selection

Cucumbers of the Ajax F1 variety are a hybrid, that is, they were artificially bred by mixing genetic material from several varieties. Produced by Nunhems BV in Holland, the seeds are supplied not only to the territory of the former CIS countries, but also to America, Asia and even Japan.

Since 2001, it has been actively grown in Russia. Moreover, initially small farms and private vegetable growers became interested in it. Later, both Rusagro OJSC and Agrocomplex CJSC, which are currently the largest enterprises in the agricultural sector, were engaged in its cultivation.

Recommended Regions

It is believed that the best regions for planting Ajax F1 cucumbers are forest-steppes and steppes (temperate and subtropical climate zones). At the same time, it is planted in open ground mainly in early May.

In regions with sandy and clay soils with low atmospheric humidity (for example, Kuban, Rostov-on-Don), growing this variety in large areas is impractical - to obtain high yields, you will need to use a high rate of mineral fertilizers and provide drip irrigation, which in total does not will give sufficient profit.

Belarus (its southern regions) is excellent for growing this variety. But in this case, planting is carried out in mid- or late May. And also, as practice has shown, Ajax cucumbers should not be grown in highly acidic soil - the likelihood of infection with bacteriosis and damage by “black rot” increases.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • early ripeness;
  • beautiful appearance and dense pulp;
  • good keeping quality;
  • resistance to cold, the ability to grow in open ground in the northern regions;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • good transportability;
  • resistance to the main diseases - olive spot, powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic.


  • not very pronounced taste;
  • inability to obtain seed material;
  • the need to harvest every day (greens that have been left in the garden become overripe).

Description of Ajax F1 cucumbers

The Ajax f1 cucumber variety was bred in Holland. A few years later, more precisely in 2000, it was included in the National Register of the Russian Federation. He managed to win many hearts and take pride of place on the table in every home.

Its characteristics allow it to grow in any part of the country, regardless of climatic or weather conditions. Temperature changes are not scary for him, because cultivation is possible in a greenhouse. But it is best to use open ground.


Due to the fact that the Ajax cucumber is not self-pollinating, it is recommended for growing in open areas, because in a greenhouse bees will not be able to pollinate the plants to increase yield.

The description and characteristics of the cucumber variety Ajax f1 indicate that this crop is indeterminate. The bushes are predominantly dense and powerful in structure. The weaving of the side shoots is quite high. The leaves are medium in size and have a bright, rich shade of green. At some points in time, with increasing light, Ajax cucumbers may lighten a little.

The plant grows quite tall, so experts recommend growing this variety with the help of special weaving, along which the bush will grow upward. If the bush is not tied up, the yield will decrease significantly, because in this case the plant will be damaged.


The fruits have a regular and even shape, resembling a cylinder. Small tubercles are formed on the surface, which are covered with a white tint. The color of the fruit is predominantly dark green. Small light areas can be observed at the tips.

The length of the Ajax f1 cucumber does not exceed 12 cm. But their weight is about 120 g. The flesh is quite dense and crispy. There are no voids inside, which makes the Ajax cucumber variety even more in demand in the world. There is no bitterness in the pulp. This type is quite universal and is used in all spheres of human life. It can not only be sold, but also consumed independently. It makes good salads or preserves.

Distinctive features

Ajax F1 differs from other varieties and hybrids:

  • lack of bitterness in fruits;
  • innate resistance to major diseases;
  • high yield (with early sowing and good care);
  • commercial type of cucumbers.

The calorie content of fresh cucumbers is 13 kcal, pickled cucumbers - 16.2 kcal. Nutritional value of 100 g of fruit:

  • proteins – 0.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 2.4 g;
  • fats – 0.01 g;
  • water – 96.69 g.

The product has a rich chemical composition of the following elements:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • starch;
  • organic acids;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (thiamine, folate, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, choline);
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin PP;
  • ash;
  • biotin;
  • niacin;
  • macroelements (sulfur, potassium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, sodium);
  • trace elements (aluminum, zinc, boron, iodine, iron, fluorine, chromium, manganese, selenium).

The fruits are endowed with a large number of useful properties:

  • improve kidney function;
  • relieve heartburn and heaviness in the stomach;
  • remove waste, toxins, heavy metal salts and excess fluid from the body;
  • stop the formation of adipose tissue on the waist and sides;
  • bring blood pressure back to normal;
  • improve the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  • heal joints;
  • reduce the concentration of uric acid;
  • remove harmful substances formed as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages and relieve hangovers;
  • relieve pain from gout, arthritis;
  • relieve inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • reduce bad cholesterol levels;
  • improve digestion;
  • replenish the lack of fluid in the body.

Application area

Ripe gherkins are tasty and crunchy, so they can be eaten fresh or added to various salads or snacks. Since no voids appear in these cucumbers during heat treatment, these fruits can be canned and salted. Moreover, the taste of pickled cucumbers only improves.

Brief description of hybrids

Cucumber Ajax F1 is a hybrid crop bred by Dutch breeders. In 2000, the crop was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements and today has received wide recognition among Russian gardeners.

Cucumber hybrids are obtained by crossing two varietal plants, receiving the best qualities from both parents. As a rule, growers keep the names of the parent plants secret.

Characteristics of Ajax F1 cucumbers

The table shows the main characteristics of the bushes, fruits and taste of the hybrid.

BushesIndeterminate, open, moderate formation of stepsons. Climbing ability is high, strongly stretched upward.
Ripening time40-50 days
Productivity5-10 kg/m2
FruitRegular cylindrical shape, length – up to 12 cm, weight – up to 100 g
Taste qualitiesThe pulp is without bitterness and voids, crispy, juicy, soft green in color, with a pleasant taste and aroma.
PurposeIt is considered the best variety for salting, pickling and canning.
Pollination typeEntomophilous (pollinated by bees)
Disease resistanceResistant to powdery mildew, mosaic virus and brown spot
Marketable conditionExcellent, fruits are not prone to yellowing, tolerate transportation well

The hybrid is undemanding in terms of care and growing conditions, so its agricultural technology will not seem complicated even to novice gardeners.

Ripening time

According to the manufacturer's instructions, fruiting begins approximately on the 42nd day from the moment of emergence, which corresponds to early varieties. Lasts up to 120 – 140 days at an average air temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius. The variety is not resistant to low temperatures, so when it drops to 4–5 degrees at night, the appearance of new ovaries stops.

Characteristics of the variety

According to the description, Ajax F1 is able to grow and develop normally in any region of the northern zone of Russia. Climatic and weather conditions do not affect the quality of fruiting in any way. Planting is also possible in greenhouse complexes, but it is better to plant this bee-pollinated cucumber hybrid in open ground, where there are no obstacles for beneficial insects.

Description of the plant

The Ajax variety is an indeterminate open-type crop. The bushes are distinguished by a powerful branched stem, dark green leaves with a bumpy surface. The plant produces predominantly female flowers. A lateral shoot with one to three fruitful flowers is formed from the axil.

Considering that Ajax F1 cucumbers are characterized as large-sized and tall, it is more advisable to grow them using special weaving, on a trellis in a vertical manner. In the absence of supports, the yield is noticeably reduced, the vines are damaged and the bush weakens.

Description of the fruit

The fruits of the Ajax cucumber variety are distinguished by their regular and even shape, resembling a cylinder in appearance. Their surface is tuberous with a white tint. The color is mostly rich green, only the tips are lighter.

The length of the fruits grows up to 12 cm, their weight is almost 120 g. The structure of the pulp is dense and crispy. The indisputable advantage of the variety is the absence of voids inside the cucumbers. Since the taste of the fruits is without bitterness, they can be actively used for pickling, for preservation, and for fresh consumption.

Planting cucumbers Ajax

Although the Rosreestr of Plants recommends Ajax F1 for cultivation throughout Russia, practice has established that the best growing areas for it are steppes and forest-steppes, i.e., the southern regions of the country. It is not for nothing that many experts note that this hybrid is an excellent choice for farmers in Ukraine, with its steppes and black soils.

In addition, the hybrid has sufficient heat resistance for these conditions.

Landing dates

In the southern regions it is usually planted in open ground at the beginning of May, but in central Russia you need to focus on the soil temperature, it should warm up to 18–20 degrees. Even high-quality seeds planted in cold soil will produce weak and unproductive plants.

Whether to grow cucumbers through seedlings or by sowing seeds in open ground, everyone decides for themselves. You just need to take into account that the root system of cucumbers is delicate and difficult to transplant from a seedling container into the ground. Using peat humus pots also does not always give a good result - it is difficult for roots to penetrate their walls. Often, cucumbers sown in open ground outstrip seedlings in their development. According to the author, it is better to organize a “warm bed” for cucumbers and plant seeds on it.

Soil preparation

Ajax does not like acidic soils; there is a high chance of developing black rot in cucumbers. Therefore, if necessary, deoxidation is carried out using dolomite flour, slaked lime, ash, or incorporation of green manure into the ground. This should be done not during planting, but in advance, for example, the previous fall.

Immediately before planting, organic matter (humus, compost, peat) is distributed over the soil - 1-2 buckets/m2 or mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate - 1 kg each, superphosphate 1.2 kg), also per square meter, and the bed is dug up .

Seed preparation

As a rule, before sowing cucumber seeds in open ground or for seedlings, gardeners carry out the following activities: calibration, disinfection, hardening, germination. Manufacturers usually indicate on the packaging that the seeds have been pre-treated, in which case no additional measures are required. If you purchased Ajax F1 seeds and such information is not indicated on the packaging, then it is better to carry out the processing yourself to ensure the viability of the seeds and get healthy seedlings from them.

The color of cucumber seeds is white or cream. If you find colored seeds (green or orange) in the package, this indicates that they were processed in order to enrich them with useful substances.

Colored cucumber seeds do not need any processing


  1. Sort out the seeds. Throw away the hollow and deformed ones, distribute the remaining ones according to size. There is an established opinion among gardeners that the strongest and healthiest shoots are produced by the largest seeds.
  2. Place the seeds in a container with salted water (5 g of salt per 100 ml of water) and stir. Seeds suitable for sowing will sink to the bottom, unsuitable ones will float to the surface.
  3. Remove healthy seeds from the saline solution, rinse thoroughly under running water and dry on a napkin or paper towel.

Using a saline solution you can determine the quality of seeds


This procedure is carried out in several ways, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Method 1

  1. Warm the seeds in the oven at 60°C for 3 hours.
  2. After this time, remove the seeds from the oven and place them in the potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove the seeds from the solution and dry them on a napkin or paper towel.

Soaking seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate will effectively help disinfect them

Method 2

  1. Prepare an ash solution. To do this, mix 2 tbsp. l. ash with 1 liter of warm water and let the solution brew for 3 days.
  2. Immerse the seeds in the solution for 30 minutes.
  3. After this time, remove the seeds and dry them on a napkin or paper towel.

Using this method, you will not only disinfect the seed, but also enrich it with nutrients.

If you have the opportunity, you can treat the seeds with ultraviolet light - to do this, just hold them under a special lamp for 5 minutes.


Keep in mind that after hardening, the seeds must be sown immediately in the ground. If you want to prepare seedlings, then in this case there is no need to harden the cucumber seeds.

  1. Wrap the seeds in a damp cloth.
  2. Place them in the refrigerator for two days. On the first day, place them next to the freezer, on the second - on the bottom shelf.

On the second day of hardening, the container with seeds should be placed on the lower shelves of the refrigerator.

Peculiarities of pinching, other rules of agricultural technology

Basics of growing the variety:

  • cucumber can be planted directly in the ground or seedlings can be prepared;
  • There should be no more than 3 bushes per 1 m²;
  • soil acidity – average;
  • for plants it is necessary to stretch trellises or mesh;
  • formation is carried out using pinching and pinching.

Advice. It is necessary to monitor the rate of soil warming. Cucumber germinates well and is also accepted if the soil has warmed up to 18 degrees.

Principles of stepsoning:

  1. The 3 lower stepsons are completely removed.
  2. The shoots at a height of up to 1 m are pinched after the 3rd leaf.
  3. The upper stepsons are at the level of 4–5 leaves.
  4. The main stem is at a level convenient for the farmer.
Sowing seeds for seedlings
Planting seedlings in a greenhouse/greenhouse
Planting OG seedlings
2-3 days of AprilMid MayAccording to the schemeEnd of June
*dates are indicated for central Russia

Caring for Ajax F1 cucumbers

Ajax cucumber varieties are demanding when it comes to watering; you need to carefully monitor the soil moisture and not allow it to dry out, otherwise the harvest will be poor. Loosening and weeding the soil is also an important element of caring for any plant. When there is a lot of weed grass in the beds, it absorbs all the microelements and moisture - the cucumbers do not receive anything. They stop growing, bearing fruit and eventually dry out.

The bush should be constantly formed; if neglected, growth will go into the green mass of the plant, not giving the desired harvest. To do this, the first three stepsons on the plant are broken off, then the stepsoning occurs according to the scheme 1 through 2 or 1 through 3.

Harvesting is carried out constantly; overgrown fruits will be hard and not tasty, and will retard the growth of new vegetables. Since the variety is early ripening, the collection of the first fruits will begin in mid-June and, depending on the weather conditions of the region, will continue until September.

With proper care, one bush produces 5 kilograms of fresh, tasty vegetables, which are subsequently used to prepare delicious fresh vegetable dishes, roll them into jars, pickle them, prepare pickled salads and much more.


Watering cucumbers of the Ajax F1 variety is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • 12 - 18 liters per square meter when planting in open ground;
  • at least 7 liters for each bush from the moment the first inflorescence appears (on days 14–16) every 3 days.

If the soil was not fertilized with minerals during planting, then ordinary ashes (50 grams per 10 liters) can be diluted in water until the first fruits appear. For drip irrigation, it is recommended to use river water rather than from a well or well (its temperature should be at least 9 degrees to reduce the likelihood of black root rot).

The “ideal” soil moisture for the sowing period is 65 – 75%, at the fruiting stage – 75 – 85%. After pinching, watering is gradually increased.

Cucumber is a moisture-loving plant; its fruit consists of 97% water, so in order to gain this amount of moisture, it needs frequent and abundant watering.

Care methods

The Ajax variety does not need special care; it loves the same things as all cucumbers. Plants are regularly inspected, all yellowed or damaged leaves are removed, sprayed with Fitosporin, if whitish spots are found on the leaves, and excess shoots are removed as desired. The Ajax variety is surprisingly flexible and can be grown according to a variety of schemes, including innovative ones.

It can be grown on trellises or without. Cucumber tolerates temperature changes well, but it is advisable not to subject it to testing. If the Ajax variety is grown in a greenhouse, a window system is needed. The optimal air humidity for a cucumber is 85-95%, soil humidity is 75-85%. Under such conditions, cucumbers grow quickly and bear fruit very abundantly.


Ajax cucumbers love a constant supply of moisture. They have a shallow root system, the soil underneath is loose, and it dries out quickly. As a rule, daily watering is needed. In very dry periods in continental climates - twice a day.

To provide cucumbers with a constant supply of moisture in their absence, gardeners use PET bottles with a cut bottom. They are dug in halfway and filled with water. Water gradually goes into the soil as needed. Cucumbers of any variety benefit from mulching. Fresh sawdust, dry humus, straw, tops will do - you just need to make sure that it is clean and without signs of disease.

Top dressing

Cucumbers love feeding, and the Ajax variety is no exception. The only exception is if the variety is grown in a warm bed. In this case, there is no need to feed. In greenhouses on ordinary beds, Ajax is fed up to 4 times per season. The best moments to apply fertilizing are: 2 weeks after planting seedlings in the ground, during the flowering period, during the period of mass formation of ovaries, during the fruiting period.

Fertilizers are applied exclusively under the cucumber bush, trying not to get on the leaves, in already well-moistened soil. Foliar feeding involves spraying plants. They try to evenly treat all surfaces, including the back of the leaves.

During the period of flowering and ovary formation, spraying Ajax cucumbers with a solution of boric acid is very useful. Dissolve 1 gram of powder in 1 liter of hot water, stir thoroughly, cool, and bring the volume to 10 liters with clean water. Spray 3 times, with an interval of seven days, during the period of budding, flowering, and formation of ovaries.

Harvesting and storage

When harvesting greens, you should pay attention to the readiness of the fruit for harvesting - this is the state of maturity and size:

  • 10 cm and more - use fresh;
  • 3-4 cm - preparing pickles and gherkins;
  • 8–10 cm—for canning;
  • up to 18 cm - for pickling.

Find out when and how often you can remove cucumbers from the garden.

The best time to collect greens is early morning or evening. It is recommended to separate the fruits from the bush using a knife, scissors or pruning shears to avoid damage to the lashes, leaving part of the stalk on the bush. A selection of greens is done every 2-3 days, so as not to delay the growth of subsequent ovaries, and during the period of mass ripening - daily. Freshly picked cucumbers should be placed in a cold room or covered with woven material to protect them from wind and sun to protect them from wilting.

Fresh cucumbers lose their taste the very next day, so it is advisable to eat or process them as soon as possible.

For short-term storage, a refrigerator or cellar is suitable, where the required temperature and humidity are provided (+6...+8°C, 80–90%). Under such conditions, cucumbers can be stored for up to three weeks.

The Ajax variety can be harvested from early summer until mid-autumn.

Caring for the Ajax F1 cucumber requires quite a lot of attention and labor costs. However, if all the requirements for growing this variety are met, the reward for your efforts will be a bountiful harvest, which, if sold, will bring significant income or replenish pantries with supplies for the winter.


On average, the bushes produce up to 8 kilograms of harvest. Representatives of the Nunems company claim that the yield of this variety is as follows:

  • 300 – 350 c/ha without trellises;
  • 600 – 700 c/ha on fertile soil;
  • 700 – 850 c/ha when combined with constant drip irrigation.

And if you pay attention to the reviews of gardeners, then, according to them, a bush yields at least 4.9 kilograms on standard chernozem soil, which is a very good indicator for cucumbers (the average is 3.2 kilograms). When grown without a garter (trellises), you can count on a yield of up to 6 kilograms, but it directly depends on the frequency of planting seeds

The formation of a bush is mandatory, since the formation of stepsons is included in this variety by default (a feature of the hybrid)

When grown without a garter (trellises), you can count on a yield of up to 6 kilograms, but it directly depends on the frequency of planting seeds. The formation of a bush is mandatory, since the formation of stepsons is included in this variety by default (a feature of the hybrid).

Diseases and pests

Pests of cucumbers are the following insects:

  • thrips (sucks juice from leaves and stems);
  • spider mite;
  • field slugs;
  • root-knot nematode;
  • Gamma armyworm caterpillars.

Pest control involves using insecticides according to instructions. Careful observation of plants will allow you to notice signs of diseases in time:

  • small black-brown compactions - powdery mildew. Sprinkling with sulfur color (sulfur preparation) is required;
  • brown dry spots and black dots on fruits and leaves are fungal diseases. Systemic fungicides are needed;
  • slowing growth, falling leaves, dark root collar - root and stem rot. Systemic fungicides are used.

If it is necessary to treat plantings with chemicals, maximum fruit collection is carried out before treatment. Further sampling of cucumbers is carried out after a week.

To prevent diseases and pests, it is necessary to observe crop rotation, treat seeds, destroy plant residues, and monitor soil moisture.

Main characteristics of the variety

This is an early bee-pollinated hybrid. It is grown in open areas due to its pollination by bees; bees have difficult access to greenhouses. Often varieties are grown for sale due to long-term storage.

The plant has a powerful branched stem with medium-tuberous dark green leaves. Indeterminate with most flowers female. A stepson with one to three fruitful flowers grows from the axil. The plant is large, so they need to be grown vertically on a trellis. It is necessary to gradually shape the plant by removing excess stepsons.

Description of the cucumber: dark green on one side and bright light green with short yellow stripes on the other. The average size of a mature fruit is from 9 to 12 centimeters and weighs up to 100 grams. The green vegetable has a white edge, which disappears when the vegetable is washed. Ripe cucumbers have hard skin. The variety is high-yielding, up to 5 kilograms of crop are harvested from one bush.

The taste of the fresh fruit is mediocre, not bright, but without bitterness. Most often used for preparations for the winter.

The early harvest is formed smoothly; harvesting begins in June and continues until September. Resistant to temperature increases as well as minor fluctuations. Therefore, the variety has positive reviews from agronomists and gardeners.

Growing rules

The plant needs to be fed

The description of the Ajax cucumber variety states that they are not particularly picky about the soil. But, to obtain high yields, the soil should be fed a little. The ideal time to fertilize the soil is autumn. During the cold weather, they will be able to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients. For fertilizer, organic substances are used, which are applied immediately after loosening the soil. Manure, wood ash or humus are used as organic matter.

Planting is carried out only at the moment when the winter frosts have stopped and the soil has warmed up quite well, because the seeds have good germination only in warm soil. Seeds should only be purchased that are already in a special glaze, because they have already been treated with special substances that will accelerate growth and disinfect.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety has a number of the following advantages:

  • Early ripeness.
  • High productivity.
  • Friendly return of early harvest.
  • Long fruiting period.
  • Excellent transportability.
  • High canning qualities of fruits.
  • Immunity to diseases.
  • Endurance to high and low temperatures.

Ajax is also not without its drawbacks:

  • Hybrids do not collect their own seeds.
  • Thick skin on greens.
  • The need for daily fruit collection.
  • Plants need to be shaped and tied up.
  • Not suitable for greenhouse cultivation due to pollination problems.

Since opinions are divided regarding the taste of fresh fruits, it is difficult to determine whether it is an advantage or disadvantage of the variety.

How to grow your own

Let's find out how cucumbers are grown and consider the features of caring for plants. To get a high yield, you need to prepare the soil in the fall. The soil should be fertilized with organic fertilizers, which include humus or peat. Then the soil is loosened.

If you did not fertilize the soil in the fall, you can fertilize it in the spring. When there are no frosts on the soil, you can plant the plant in open ground. In this case, the soil should warm up to 15... 18ºC.

First, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are germinated in damp gauze. When the seeds germinate, the seedlings need to be hardened off. To do this, take the containers out into the cold. After such hardening, you can plant the sprouts in open ground. First, you need to loosen the soil and make holes in it, water them with water. Then 2-4 seeds are planted in the holes, they are buried 2 cm and covered with earth.

If each seed sprouts, then the sprouts must be thinned out. To increase productivity, plants need to be fertilized with organic fertilizers once every 2-3 weeks. Fertilizers should not contain chlorine. Periodically you should weed and loosen the soil.

The bushes should be watered regularly, in the evening, with settled water. Branches need to be tied up to prevent gray rot disease. To ensure high yields, cucumbers must be harvested every day. Fruits should be collected carefully so as not to damage the ovary. If you follow the above recommendations, you can get an excellent harvest.

The hybrid is undemanding in terms of care and growing conditions, so its agricultural technology will not seem complicated even to novice gardeners.


Growing Ajax F1 begins with obtaining seedlings or sowing in a summer cottage. It is unpretentious to the composition and parameters of the soil, but for a bountiful harvest, the bed should be well fertilized. Preparing the site for planting begins in the fall, removing all weeds along with the roots, adding organic fertilizers and digging the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm.

As a top dressing it is better to use:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • chicken droppings;
  • mullein.

Planting of seedlings or seeds is carried out in late April - early June, focusing on the weather conditions of the region. By this time the soil should warm up to 15-18°C. Before planting, the bed is dug up, weeds are removed, earthen clods are broken up and leveled. At the same time, do not forget to add 40 g of superphosphate and a glass of ash for each square meter of soil.

If bulk beds in boxes have been formed on the site, the soil in them can be replaced with fresh soil. Ajax F1 likes a mixture of the following components:

  • humus;
  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • garden soil.

The components are combined in a ratio of 1:1:1:1, 20 g of superphosphate and 250-300 g of wood ash are added to each bucket of the mixture.

Seeds also need to be prepared according to the following algorithm:

  1. 1 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in half a glass of water.
  2. Place the planting material in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wash the seeds in clean water and wrap in damp gauze or cotton cloth.
  4. Sprouted seeds are placed in a moderately cold place for a day.

After these steps, they are sown as seedlings or immediately in open ground.

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