White cabbage pandion f1: characteristics, agricultural technology, real reviews

Cabbage pests

There are many chemicals on the market to control cabbage pests.
If you don’t like using chemicals in your garden, then wood ash will almost always be effective in controlling insects that attack cabbage. Ash is sprinkled on the ground around the plants, which is then loosened to a shallow depth at intervals of 3-4 days. A solution of ash is also prepared for spraying cabbage leaves. Be sure to add liquid soap to the solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters) so that it does not drain and linger on the surfaces being treated.

Another effective remedy often used to combat cabbage pests is a mixture of dry mustard, black pepper and ash (mixture No. 1) or ash = + tobacco + ground pepper (mixture No. 2). A solution can also be prepared from these compositions.

Pest nameControl measures
Cruciferous flea beetle
  • frequent small waterings;
  • spraying with a solution of ash, tobacco, garlic.
Cabbage fly
  • sprinkle the soil with mixture No. 2:
  • loosen every 3-4 days.
Snails and slugs
  • sprinkle the soil with composition No. 1;
  • loosen every 2-3 days.
  • spraying with Karbofos (60 g per 10 liters of water);
  • or a solution of wood ash.
Cabbage white and scoop
  • collection of eggs and caterpillars;
  • spraying with ash solution or solution No. 1.

Cabbage variety Pandion (F1)

Pandion is an ultra-early hybrid of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). Developed by employees of the Dutch agricultural company Monsanto (Monsanto Holland BV). In 2005, it was included in the state register of the Russian Federation in five regions: East Siberian, West Siberian, Volga-Vyatka, Central and Northwestern. Suitable for commercial production.

Pandion cabbage is recommended to be consumed fresh. It is very juicy and tasty.

The period from the appearance of full shoots to the onset of technical ripeness is 85 - 110 days, from planting seedlings in the ground to ripeness - 48 - 53 days. When sowing seeds in mid-March and planting seedlings in the ground at the end of April, in early - mid-June, you can already get the first harvest.

The leaf rosette is horizontal. The leaves are vesicular, small to medium in size, dark green in color, with a faint waxy coating. The edge of the leaf blade is slightly wavy.


The heads of cabbage are partially covered, round in shape, weighing 1 - 2 kg, white when cut. The density of heads of cabbage is quite high and is estimated at 4 points. The inner stump is of medium length, the outer one is short. The yield of commercial cabbage is 280-513 c/ha (for standard varieties Atlet and Transfer - 200-424 c/ha). The maximum yield recorded in the Smolensk region is 539 c/ha. The yield for the first harvest is 60 - 100% of the total harvest. The yield of marketable products is high - 95%.

This hybrid is resistant to Fusarium wilt and does not crack for a long time after ripening. To obtain the earliest possible production, the variety should be grown in greenhouses.


The advantages of Pandion cabbage: very high taste, early harvest, stress resistance, high yield, good presentation, many positive reviews from gardeners.

Description and characteristics

Pandion cabbage is an ultra-early variety.

Features of cabbage heads

The leaf rosette of the hybrid is horizontal and formed from small and medium-sized vesicular leaves. Their surface is covered with a weak waxy coating. The edge of the leaf is slightly wavy. The heads of cabbage are formed in a round shape, partially covered, weighing 1–2 kg. They are soft green in color on top and white in cross section. The heads of cabbage are quite dense. This indicator is estimated at 4 points. This density allows them to withstand transportation well. The core on which the head of cabbage is formed is of medium length inside and short outside.

Important! Heads of cabbage can be stored on the root for a long time and not crack.

Flowering and ripening times

Flowering of the plant is possible when planting the uterine head in the second year. The timing of the appearance of the peduncle depends on the climate of the growing region. This usually happens in May.

From the emergence of seedlings to the technical ripeness of the head of cabbage, 85–110 days pass. If the growing season is counted from the moment the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, then it takes 48–53 days to ripen. When sown in mid-March and transplanted at the end of April, the first harvest can be harvested in June.

To obtain an earlier harvest, it is recommended to grow in greenhouses

Marketable yield is 280–513 c/ha. For greenhouse cultivation - 520 c/ha. At the first harvest, you can get 60–100% of the total harvest. The yield of marketable products is 95%.

Frost resistance

The plant is frost-resistant, as evidenced by its zoning in cold regions. Seedlings that have undergone good hardening and are planted in open ground can withstand a short-term drop in temperature to -5...-6°C.

Did you know? Pythagoras claimed that he owed his longevity to the regular consumption of large quantities of cabbage.

Preparing the site for planting

Early cabbage requires a small plot of land, but it must be fertile. This plant is very light-loving, so it is advisable that the planting site is not shaded. The best precursors for cabbage are legumes, cucumber, tomato, potato, and onion.

The area for planting has been prepared since the fall. The earth is dug up to a depth of 30 cm and manure or humus is added at the rate of 4 kg per square meter. m. How much mineral fertilizer and lime to apply is calculated based on the composition of the soil. On average, 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride are consumed per 1 square meter. m.

In the spring, mineral fertilizers are added to the prepared soil again: 40 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium chloride, 15 g of urea. They are embedded in the top layer of soil using a rake.

The listed fertilizers can be replaced with 60-90 g of nitroammophoska; if there are no mineral fertilizers, add ash at the rate of 40 g for each hole. Or you can purchase specialized complex fertilizers specifically for cabbage; there is currently a large selection of such products on the shelves.

If fertilizers were not applied either in the fall or in the spring, then they are added to each hole when planting. Fertilizers are very important for cabbage, especially mineral ones, because they are sources of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are so necessary for the normal development of the head of cabbage:

  • A lack of nitrogen is manifested by lethargy of the leaves and a change in their color to pale yellow; with severe starvation, the lower leaves turn blue or red.
  • If a plant lacks potassium, dark spots appear on the leaves and grow. The leaf withers, curls and may fall off.

With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves begin to darken, acquire a dark green, purple color, and the growth and development of the head of cabbage stops.

Varieties of white cabbage for pickling and pickling

TOP 6 best varieties for pickling and pickling:

GIFT - one of the best representatives of cabbage for pickling; it can be grown in all regions of Russia.

MENZA is a large-headed hybrid (up to 8 kg), has a small stalk.

JUBILEE S-217 - medium-headed, weighing up to 5 kg, very dense, with good taste. Breeders dedicated this variety to the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

DOBROVODSKAYA - universal cabbage. Value:

  • high resistance to various diseases and pests, does not require spraying
  • good shelf life (up to 6 months) when stored in a dry, cool cellar
  • resistant to light frosts

VYUGA - valued for its high productivity. The heads of cabbage are dense, medium in size and weight (up to 5 kg).

KOLOBOK is a lover of fertile soil and moisture, while the heads of cabbage do not crack. In addition to fermentation, it is well stored (up to 8 months). Resistant to diseases.

Golden hectare

An ancient variety that was bred by Soviet breeders in 1938, and 5 years later Golden Hectare cabbage was added to the state register of the Russian Federation (1943). The variety is still in demand among Russian gardeners. Cabbage is allowed to be grown throughout Russia (in 10 regions). By the way

, this is a variety, which means you can get your own seeds from it.

Characteristics of the variety

Early varieties of cabbage, such as Golden Hectare, are considered early; here the variety ripens in 100 days. And here, 60 days is after planting the seedlings, while the seedlings are 35 days old.

The leaf rosette has compact dimensions. The leaves are small and round or oval in shape. The petiole is short. The color is grey-green. The edges of the leaves are smooth, but sometimes slightly wavy. The inner stalk is short, but thick

Important. The root of the Golden Hectare is of a rod type, which goes 40 cm deep

Heads of cabbage grow up to 1.5 kg - 3 kg, although they can grow up to 4 kg. Density is average. Maturation is friendly. By the way

, cabbage is considered a dietary product because it contains a lot of vitamin C.

The benefits of cabbage

  1. High yield. Golden Hectare is considered a high-yielding variety, where from 1 sq. m area, 5 - 6 kg of products are removed. By the way
    , not many early varieties can boast of such results.
  2. Strong immunity. But manufacturers warn that cabbage is not at all protected from clubroot.
  3. Cracking is not typical. Although if there is an excess of moisture, the heads of cabbage still crack.
  4. Resistance to adverse conditions. Here, cabbage can withstand both frost and drought. Note that this is all short-term.
  5. Taste qualities. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid.
  6. The purpose is universal. This distinguishes this variety from many early ripening varieties. Cabbage can be stewed, and some gardeners even ferment it.

Disadvantages of cabbage

  • The Golden Hectare is completely unprotected from clubroot. Although, he has good immunity.
  • Short term storage. Here, everything is like all varieties of early cabbage.

All about early varieties of cabbage: from name to harvest

Not a single garden season is complete without cabbage. Summer residents rush to plant this vegetable in time to happily pamper themselves with food from early varieties and stock up on late hybrids for the winter.

Next, we will talk about the features of growing early varieties of your favorite garden crop: from choosing seeds for planting to harvesting.

You will get acquainted with the description and characteristics of cabbage with the names “Kazachok” and “E and Champ”, its famous hybrids “Pushma f1”, “Legate f1”, as well as many other early varieties of white vegetables.

What does it mean?

The early variety of cabbage is characterized by an early sowing period, low yield, small heads of cabbage are not intended for long-term storage. Depending on the growing season, varieties are divided into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening crops.

When to choose seed?

Before purchasing seed, we need to imagine what kind of result we want to get. The time for sowing cabbage depends on the result. Early cabbage is suitable for immediate consumption , mid-season and late varieties are suitable for pickling and storage for the winter (read about the best varieties of cabbage for winter storage here).

When choosing the time to plant seeds, be sure to take into account the region and climatic factors. The seedlings are planted in open ground at a soil temperature of +5.

The central zone of the Russian Federation grows seedlings from mid-March, the Volga region from mid-March to early April. The Ural and Siberian districts sow from mid-April to early May .

Early ripening varieties should be chosen by those who want to enjoy tasty and healthy cabbage dishes in the summer. Its loose, juicy and tender heads of cabbage are wonderfully good in soups, salads, stews and many other dishes.

Description and characteristics

VarietyDefinitionPeculiaritiesWhen to choose to grow
Pandion f1This is the name of the earliest super-early variety of white cabbage. The weight of the head of cabbage does not exceed 1.5 kg. Bred in the Netherlands. Greenhouse conditions are required for high yields. Resistant to cracking, stands on the root for a long time. Sow in mid-March, plant seedlings in the ground at the end of April, the first harvest is ready by mid-June.

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The basic rule for a good harvest is to choose the right crop variety that matches:

  • The actual summer of your region. The period of maturation of the culture depends on this.
  • What will you use the harvest for? For storage, preparations for the winter or fresh consumption.
  • Amount of harvest.

Cannot be stored, consumed as quickly as possible. The productivity of early hybrids is not high. Varieties that have gained popularity among gardeners are:

  • June
  • Cossack f1.
  • Ditmarskaya early.
  • Copenhagen Market.
  • Golden hectare.

How to grow a white vegetable?

Stores and prices for material in Moscow and St. Petersburg

In Moscow, seeds and seedlings can be purchased in the online store of the Russian Garden nursery.
Express variety 6 pieces in a cassette costs 155 rubles. At the metro stations Vladykino, Maryina Roshcha, Rassada Iyunskaya, Start, Kazachok for 20 rubles. a piece. At the Garden Center Master Garden you can buy seeds for 20 rubles. per bag, seedlings Forsazh f1, Nakhalenok f1 for 40 rubles. a piece. In St. Petersburg, you can purchase seedlings in the OBI hypermarket; cassette with 6 seedlings 149 rubles. Wide selection in the online store My-shop.ru seeds Cossack f1 10 rub., Parel f1 38 rub., Raima f1 31 rub. A varied assortment is available in the “House of Seeds” on Komendntsky Prospekt, in the “July” store on Kronstadskaya Street, and “Ogorod Market” on Bukharestskaya Street.

It is convenient to order seeds through online stores , for example the all-Russian “Hoga.ru”. So, June cabbage seeds cost 10 rubles. per bag. You can pick it up, there are five pick-up points in Moscow, and delivery is available.

When is the best time to sow seeds?

When should you plant a crop to get healthy and strong seedlings? On average, seeds should be planted in mid-March. The first shoots will appear in 10 days, after 50-55 days the seedlings can be planted in the ground. At the same time, we take into account weather conditions.

Choosing a place to grow seedlings

We sow the seeds in a tray, having first moistened the soil well . We do not water until the shoots appear; this is a way to prevent blackleg disease. After the shoots appear, we thin them out and after a couple of weeks we plant them in separate pots.

Soil preparation

Add ash to one part of turf soil with humus at the rate of 10 tablespoons per 10 kg, mix. Ash acts as a source of macroelements and an antiseptic, which prevents the formation of blackleg.

Planting in apartments and open ground

In an apartment, seedlings are grown on a windowsill , preferably on the southwest or southeast side. In March, it is necessary to increase daylight hours to 14 hours; for this, white fluorescent lamps are used.

An important condition will be protection from overheating coming from the batteries and hypothermia during ventilation of the room. Seeds germinate within 2 days at a temperature of +20.

It is planted on the site when the air temperature is more than +17. Before planting in open ground, the soil is enriched with organic elements : peat or humus. You cannot plant cabbage in an area where cruciferous crops grew. The best place where the predecessors were legumes, potatoes, cucumbers.

Sow seeds in May.

  1. It is necessary to make holes and put ash at the bottom of each.
  2. Next, moisten the soil in several approaches.
  3. Deepen 3 seeds into the hole by 2 cm. Cover with covering material.
  4. After germination of the seedlings, leave the strongest ones.

Not all regions can afford to sow seeds immediately on the site. For example, in the Central and Northwestern districts it is better to choose the seedling method.

You can learn about the best varieties of cabbage for open ground in this article.


Before emergence, a temperature of +20 degrees is considered the norm . Next, the seedlings are hardened to +8 degrees at night, and up to +15 during the day. This technique strengthens the seedlings, preventing stretching.


It is carried out as needed, preferably in the morning or evening. Do not allow the soil to dry out or become waterlogged. Optimal water at room temperature is from +18 to +23.

Top dressing

Seedlings are fed twice during home cultivation . The first time is at the stage of the 2nd or 3rd leaf, then every other week. 20 grams of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are mixed with 10 grams of potassium chloride and dissolved in 5 liters of water. You can add microelements per gram of boric acid, manganese sulfate and copper sulfate. The same composition is fed before planting in the ground.

Care instructions

The seedlings are hardened at a temperature not lower than +11 degrees a week after picking. The more light the seedlings receive and the earlier they are exposed to moderately low temperatures, the stronger they will be and will not overgrow. To prevent rot and black leg, you can additionally treat it with trichodermin and rhizoplane.

Loosening and hilling are important components of crop care and cultivation. Loosening should be done after watering without touching the root system. The cabbage is earthed up for the first time two weeks after planting in the ridge.


Heads of cabbage are formed 1-1.5 months after planting the seedlings. They do not ripen at the same time, so they harvest several times, cutting with a sharp knife. Leave a stalk of 2 cm.

Cabbage is the most valuable and healthiest vegetable on your table. By following simple rules, you can grow your own crop and enjoy a delicious variety of cabbage dishes.

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Transplanting seedlings into open ground

Grown, strengthened and hardened seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

Transplant timing

A seedling ready for transplanting - with 6-7 true leaves, 1.5 months old. Replanting is carried out when the soil warms up to +13°C and the air warms up to +18...+19°C.

Selecting a location

It is best to form a cabbage bed on light soils in a place where the earth first warms up with the arrival of spring. Ideal crop predecessors would be legumes, pumpkins, winter crops, and onions.

Planting pattern and depth

Planting is carried out according to the following scheme: 25–28 cm between seedlings, 45–50 cm between rows. When placing a plant in a hole, you need to ensure that its growing point is above the surface of the earth.

It is best that the soil level in a permanent place corresponds to the soil level that the plant had in the cup

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The basic rule for a good harvest is to choose the right crop variety that matches:

  • The actual summer of your region. The period of maturation of the culture depends on this.
  • What will you use the harvest for? For storage, preparations for the winter or fresh consumption.
  • Amount of harvest.

Early cabbage ripens from 70 to 110 days from the appearance of the first shoots.

Cannot be stored, consumed as quickly as possible. The productivity of early hybrids is not high. Varieties that have gained popularity among gardeners are:

  • June
  • Cossack f1.
  • Ditmarskaya early.
  • Copenhagen Market.
  • Golden hectare.

You will find information about the best varieties of cabbage, including Kolobok, Valentina, Podarok, Slava, Sugarloaf, Nozomi, Mirror F1, Kale and Romanesco, in separate articles on our portal.

How to grow early cabbage

Starting to count the days from the moment sprouts appear in the seedling box, harvesting early cabbage can be planned for 75-115 days. About two months of this period will take the formation of cabbage heads in the garden bed or in the greenhouse. It should be noted that the vegetable does not ripen in mass at the same time. With reasonable planting, that is, with gradual introduction of seeds into the soil, and with a pause of 1-3 days before the next sowing, the harvest of early varieties can be extended over 2-3 weeks.

Preparing the site for planting

When growing early varieties of cabbage on one plot of land regularly, it is necessary to move the bed every three years to the places where nightshade and legumes, potatoes or beets previously grew. Reviews from gardeners confirm that such soil will by default be rich in all the microelements necessary for early varieties, have the lightness characteristic of loam or sandy loam and have an acidity below the average level.

Fertilizer for application to the soil is formed only after assessing the acidity of the soil. If the analysis (vinegar test) indicates a high acidity value, first liming the soil is carried out, and then it is fed.

One of the popular super-early cabbage varieties is Etma F1: description and characteristics

Etma F1 cabbage is a popular hybrid variety for the fresh vegetable market. It is endowed with high commercial qualities, excellent transportability, excellent taste and appearance. The hybrid is easy to care for and has high immunity to major diseases.

Landing locationRipening timeViewPurposeOriginMaturation periodWeight
Greenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningWhite cabbageFresh, CookingHybrid45-500,7-1,5

Description and characteristics of the variety

Etma cabbage F1 is a super-early Dutch cabbage created by specialists from Rijk Zwaan. It can be grown in open ground, but the yield will be higher in greenhouses or film shelters. After planting the seedlings, 45-50 days pass before harvesting.

The leaves are light green on the outside, yellowish or white on the inside. The head of cabbage is not very dense. Not prone to cracking. Weight reaches 0.7-1.5 kg.

Harvesting can be done mechanically. The percentage of commercial heads of cabbage reaches 93% of the total quantity.

The taste is excellent. The pulp is tender, juicy, tasty, without hard veins. Cabbage is used for fresh salads and preparing vegetable dishes.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • early ripeness;
  • excellent taste and texture of the pulp;
  • excellent transportability;
  • high yield of marketable products;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • the heads of cabbage do not crack;
  • immunity to common diseases.


Cabbage cannot be stored for long.


Hybrid seeds are sold already processed; they can be planted without additional soaking. Sowing is carried out 30-40 days before sending to a permanent place.

If the seeds were sold without treatment, they are hardened and pickled by first placing them in a warm one percent solution of potassium permanganate (temperature about +50) for 30 minutes, and then washing them in cold water for 2-3 minutes. Prepare nutritious soil from equal parts of peat and sand or a mixture of peat with turf and sand. You can add humus.

Seeds are sown in furrows up to a centimeter deep, keeping a distance of 3-4 cm. They are germinated in a warm place, after which they are transferred to a cool place. They dive after the development of 1-2 leaves.

10-14 days before transplanting to the site, the bushes are hardened off. Planting pattern 35 by 45 cm.


Cabbage needs good lighting and sunny areas. In hot weather, plants are protected from sunburn with agrofibre.


After germination, the seedlings are kept at a temperature of about +10 for 3-5 days. In warm weather, the sprouts will stretch out and be weak. Then the optimal regime is +12-13 at night and +14-17 during the day.


After planting, young cabbage is watered in small portions as needed. Use water at room temperature. Apply it at the root in the evenings or early in the morning. Then they loosen the soil.

As they grow, the amount of water increases. During the formation of heads of cabbage, abundant watering is needed.

Top dressing

2-3 fertilizing per season is enough, but if necessary, fertilize with weak solutions up to 5 times.

Before heads form, young bushes require nitrogen. You need to add a solution of mullein, chicken droppings, and urea. During and after formation, the fork is fed with mineral fertilizers - potassium sulfate, superphosphate and other products with potassium and phosphorus.

Pests and diseases

The hybrid does not suffer from fusarium and does not suffer from internal necrosis. Among the diseases, it can be threatened by clubroot, gray and white rot, and black leg.

Clubroot is the most dangerous fungus, causing growths on the roots that kill the bush. When signs appear, diseased plants are dug up by the roots and burned, and lime is placed in the holes from under them. Healthy bushes are treated with a weak solution of formalin or colloidal sulfur.

Plantings are sprayed with “Fitosporin” against blackleg and dusted with wood ash. Prevention will help against white rot - compliance with crop rotation, preventive treatments with fungicides. Gray rot appears during storage if suitable conditions are not created for the heads of cabbage. They need cold and dry conditions.

To prevent diseases, moderate watering, disinfection of the soil before planting seeds and seedlings, and adherence to crop rotation are necessary. Cabbage cannot be grown in areas after other cruciferous crops.

Dangerous pests include cruciferous flea beetles, aphids, cabbage flies, cutworms and white moths, as well as butterfly larvae. For prevention, the soil is powdered with wood ash or naphthalene mixed with sand. When pests appear, before the heads of cabbage have formed, you can use insecticides, and when the forks have already formed, you can use folk remedies. This is a solution of laundry soap, decoctions and infusions of celandine, tomato tops, onions, and garlic.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the Pandion f1 hybrid

Advantages of cabbage Pandion f1:

  • excellent taste and juiciness;
  • early and friendly harvest ripening;
  • frost resistance;
  • abundant yield;
  • high commercial quality and transportability;
  • resistance to fusarium;
  • the ability to remain on the root for a long time without cracking;
  • high yield of marketable products;
  • the possibility of growing in seedlings and without seedlings, in open and closed ground.

The disadvantages of the hybrid include a tendency to be attacked by pests and a decrease in yield when grown without seedlings in open ground.

What is the difference from other varieties and hybrids

A comparison of Pandion f1 with other early ripening varieties and hybrids is presented in the table:

Variety/hybridHead shapeHead weight, kgProductivity, c/ha

Description of cabbage variety Transfer F1

Transfer cabbage is an early ripening white cabbage hybrid. The development of this variety was carried out by breeders from N.N. Timofeev" (station located in the capital of the Russian Federation) and "VNII Risa" (station located in Krasnodar). Cabbage was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1993 and is recommended for cultivation in the following regions:

  1. Far Eastern.
  2. East Siberian.
  3. West Siberian.
  4. Uralsk.
  5. Nizhnevolzhsky.
  6. Srednevolzhsky.
  7. North Caucasus.
  8. Central Chernozem.
  9. Volga-Vyatka.
  10. Central.
  11. North-West.

The variety is universal, excellent for both personal cultivation in the country and for production on an industrial scale.

Description of the variety

As already noted at the beginning of the publication, Transfer is an early ripening variety of cabbage. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness lasts about 100 days. The incomplete growing season, that is, after the seedlings are planted in the exhaust gas, lasts about 2 months.

When compared with other early varieties, Transfer ripens a week earlier than Iyunskaya and approximately 10 days earlier than the Gribovsky 147 variety.

The leaf rosette of the plant is semi-raised and small. The leaves are round in shape, there are bubbles on the surface, but weakly expressed. The color of the leaf blade is light green. There is also a medium-intensity wax coating on the surface. As for the waviness on the edge of the leaf, it is present, but very weakly expressed.

Cabbage heads are quite small, weighing up to 1.5 kg. The shape is round. The external color of the head is green and white; in cross-section, the head of cabbage is completely white. The density is average (there are voids). There is a very short stump inside.

Transfer's yield is at a sufficient level. With proper care, from 1 hectare of plantings you can collect from 22 to 38 tons of quality products. This is 2-4 tons higher than the June indicators. The maximum yield was noted in the Oryol region, where farmers managed to collect 63 tons from 1 hectare.

Of the harvested crop, approximately 94% is suitable for sale on the market.

The heads of cabbage ripen together, which is a huge advantage when growing cabbage on an industrial scale.

This variety is recommended for fresh consumption or culinary processing.

The composition of the vegetable is as follows:

  • Dry matter – 6.4-7.8 g.
  • Sugary substances – 3.2-4.1 g.
  • Ascorbic acid – 32-50.1 mg.
  • Protein – 0.8-1.3 g.

Positive and negative qualities of a hybrid

The hybrid has a long list of advantages that distinguish it from other early varieties of cabbage. The domestic vegetable is famous primarily for the following positive qualities:

  1. Good taste. Taste qualities of Transfer F1 – 4.0-4.8 points out of 5.
  2. Good immunity. Protection against most cabbage diseases.
  3. The plant is not afraid of low temperatures.
  4. Transfer F1 is one of the most unpretentious hybrids to grow.
  5. Heads of cabbage are not prone to cracking and are easily transported over long distances.
  6. The harvest ripens together.
  7. Transfer F1 has an attractive presentation, thanks to which cabbage is well sold on the market.

However, it is worth noting the disadvantages of this hybrid. These include:

  1. The plant is practically not protected from insect attack (in general, like any other early cabbage). In particular, Transfer is often infested by the cruciferous flea beetle. To protect yourself from this parasite, you need to sprinkle the vegetable with wood ash.
  2. The hybrid is not suitable for pickling or pickling.
  3. It has a short shelf life both on the root and in the cellar.

The hybrid responds very well to watering. After dipping the seedlings into the exhaust gas, they are watered every 2-3 days. Approximately 7-8 liters of water are consumed per 1m2. Watering is gradually transferred to the “once a week” mode. And so on until the forks are laid. Then watering is carried out more often again, as the plant enters the active phase of the growing season.

After irrigation, you need to loosen the soil to a depth of 8 cm. The first loosening, when the plant has not yet fully grown in its new location, is carried out to a depth of no more than 4-5 cm.

The hybrid is fertilized for the first time 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. In this case, a solution of mullein in the proportion (10 liters of water per 1 kg of fertilizer) is ideal. After 2 weeks, the procedure is repeated. In addition, you can use wood ash. It will not only act as fertilizer, but will also repel uninvited parasites.

Pests and diseases

The most dangerous parasite for Transfer F1 is the cruciferous flea beetle. As noted earlier, wood ash can be used to combat this parasite. In addition to its protective functions, it plays the role of a very good fertilizer.

As for diseases, the greatest danger is posed by:

These fungal diseases can completely destroy the bush.

Transfer F1

Transfer F1 is a hybrid that was jointly created by scientists from Moscow and Krasnodar.
And in 1993, the hybrid was included in the state register of the Russian Federation. Cabbage has been recommended for cultivation in almost all regions of Russia. Also, the hybrid can be grown in country houses and on farms for sale on the market. Description of the hybrid

Early cabbage varieties such as Transfer F1 are considered early ripening, and here the cabbage ripens in 100 days. By the way

, this is a hybrid, so you won’t be able to get your own seeds from it.

Cabbage has a compact leaf rosette. The color of the leaf plate can be light green. The leaves are round in shape, slightly wavy at the edges. Also, there is a waxy coating on the leaves.

The heads of cabbage are small, up to 1.5 kg. They have a round shape and a greenish-whitish color. When cut, you can see white pulp of medium density. The inner stalk is very short.

Pros of cabbage

  1. Good yield. And this is 3 kg - 4 kg per 1 sq. m plot.
  2. Marketable condition. Of the total harvest, 94% can be sold on the market.
  3. Friendly maturation. This will be especially useful on farms where cabbage needs to be sold on the market.
  4. The purpose is universal. Cabbage can be consumed fresh and for processing. Except pickling and pickling.
  5. Great taste.
  6. Disease resistance.
  7. Unpretentiousness.

Cons of cabbage

  • Not suitable for pickling and pickling.
  • Short shelf life.

Growing early cabbage Pandion F1

Quite popular is the cabbage hybrid Pandion F1. Characteristics of the hybrid Pandion F1 Pandion F1 is an early hybrid, bred by Dutch breeders. It ripens very quickly - 46-52 days after planting in an open area. The plant does not require much space, it is quite compact.

The fruits are round in shape and pale green in color. The weight of one head of cabbage can reach 1.6-1.8 kg. The fruits are quite strong and tolerate long-term transportation well. It is best to consume the fruits of the Pandion F1 hybrid cabbage fresh.

Heads of cabbage can remain on the root for a long time and not crack for a long time. About 65-75 thousand plants can be planted on 1 hectare of area. However, it is best to grow this cabbage in film greenhouses to get an extra-early harvest.

The normal temperature for the growth of white cabbage is considered to be 17-21 degrees. If it is above 26 degrees, this may negatively affect fruit set. There are several types of white cabbage, among them the most famous are: “Dita”, “June”, “Golden Acre”, “Golden Hectare” and others.

These types have their own characteristics and differences, so when choosing seeds, carefully read the back of the package. If you plan to grow cabbage in greenhouses, then seedlings must be planted from the end of March, and if in covered film greenhouses - at the beginning of March. Seeds must be 1.6 mm in diameter or larger (seeds do not need to be calibrated).

The seeds must be sifted thickly, only then thinned out, leaving the most powerful and strong plants. Just before sowing the seeds, they need to be kept for some time in a solution of potassium permanganate. They can be sown in the ground in a greenhouse or in special boxes. The water temperature for irrigation should be at least 18-19 degrees, and the air temperature at least 20-21 degrees.

When growing seedlings, they must be kept in a room where the temperature is 6-9 degrees for a week. After a week, it must be increased to 13-17 degrees. As soon as several leaves appear on the seedlings, you can begin to plant the plants in separate containers (disposable plastic cups are ideal for this).

You can also plant plants in the same boxes, just plant them a little sparsely

When picking, it is important to leave the strongest and most powerful plants, weak and small ones must be removed. Seedlings should be planted in open ground as soon as 6-7 leaves appear on the plants and the plants reach the age of 1.5 months

The soil temperature should be at least 13 degrees, and the air temperature at least 18-19 degrees. It is better to plant cabbage in cloudy and rainy weather; it is highly undesirable to do this in hot and sunny weather. When planting seedlings, it is necessary to make the distance between the plants themselves 25-28 cm, and between the rows - 45-50 cm. It is undesirable to bury the plants lower than they previously grew in pots.

When planting, it is very important not to sprinkle soil on the growing point, otherwise the plant will not be able to form a full-fledged head of cabbage. Before planting, it is necessary to level the area and dig small holes

This can be done in two ways: water the holes before planting or plant the plants in dry soil and then water them abundantly.

After planting, the soil is compacted and a crust forms on it. To prevent this from happening, it is important to mulch or loosen the soil in the area. It is advisable to loosen the soil after each prolonged rain or every 10 days

It is also important to deal with pests in a timely manner, since at the very beginning of plant growth they can be damaged by such a pest as the cruciferous flea beetle.

To combat this pest, the drug “Actofit” is used; it is absolutely safe. You can also pollinate plants with tobacco dust. During the growing season it is necessary to fertilize the plants. This is done twice: at the beginning of the growing season and at the end. It is better to use fermented bird droppings as a top dressing (0.6-0.8 kg per 1 sq. m).

You can also use rotted manure (0.3-0.5 kg per 1 sq. m). The plants are fed for the first time 12-14 days after planting the seedlings, and the second time – after another 14-20 days.

It is very important to water abundantly

Cabbage is considered ripe when the weight of the head reaches 0.5-0.7 kg.

Features of planting and growing

Hybrid Pandion f1 is grown in open and closed ground through seedlings or by sowing seeds directly into the beds . To obtain a bountiful harvest and full development of heads of cabbage, it is recommended to use the seedling method.

Preparing to plant seeds and seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown from mid-March to early April . The planting material is pre-calibrated (suitable grain diameter is 1.5-1.6 mm) and for 20 minutes. soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a growth stimulant (Kornevin, Heteroauxin) for disinfection and better germination.

To grow seedlings, use ready-made universal soil or a self-prepared substrate consisting of peat or humus, turf soil and sand (proportions 75/20/5 or 45/50/5).

Important! The optimal acidity level of the soil mixture is pH 6-6.5.

Suitable soil is poured into seedling boxes, prepared seeds are laid out on the surface , buried by 1.5-2 cm, the container is covered with polyethylene and put in a warm place at an air temperature of +20...+24°C. After germination, the polyethylene is removed, after 7-10 days the temperature is reduced to +20...+21°C.

Seedlings are grown at +14...+18°C, watered as the substrate dries with settled warm (+18...+20°C) water and planted in individual plastic containers after 2-3 leaves appear on the seedlings. Small plants are removed during picking.

A month before transplanting the seedlings into the ground, they begin to harden them - containers with plants are taken outside, first for 20 minutes, then for 2 hours, on the last day the seedlings are not taken indoors.

How to plant without seedlings

When growing a hybrid without seedlings, after March 20, seeds are sown immediately in open or closed ground, maintaining a distance of 50 cm between rows and 25-30 cm between plants.

The optimal temperature for the growth and formation of cabbage is +17…+21°C. At temperatures below +17°C or above +25°C, the heads of cabbage develop poorly.

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Benefits and results of the cabbage diet

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Soil requirements

To plant cabbage, choose a place that is well-lit and protected from drafts with loose, light and fertile soil that has good aeration, moisture permeability and a neutral or medium acidity level (pH 5-7).


The best predecessors for Pandion f1 are onions, legumes, pumpkins and winter crops. Cabbage should not be planted after radishes, arugula, radishes and cruciferous crops.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

Seedlings with 5-7 true leaves at least 45 days old are transplanted into open ground . Replanting is carried out when the air warms up to +18...+20°C, and the soil warms up to +13°C, choosing a cloudy, rainy day for this.

Planting scheme:

  1. Dig up and level the area, form rows on it at a distance of 45-50 cm from each other.
  2. Make planting holes in the rows every 25-30 cm and water them generously. If the soil is depleted, fertilize with humus or compost.
  3. Place a seedling in each hole.
  4. Cover them with soil so that the growing point is located above the soil surface.

Reference. Planting density is 60-70 thousand plants per 1 hectare.

Features of cultivation and nuances of care

To get a rich harvest of Pandion f1 cabbage, it is enough to follow the standard agrotechnical requirements of the crop - regularly water and feed the plants, loosen, weed, hill up and protect the plantings from diseases and pests.

Watering mode

The optimal level of soil moisture is 75-80% . Before the heads form, the plantings are watered every 2-4 days, using 35-40 liters of water per 1 square meter. m., after - weekly, at the rate of 40-45 liters of water per 1 sq. m.

Reference. Insufficient air and soil humidity leads to poor growth of cabbage and the formation of small heads of cabbage.

Loosening and hilling

After watering or rain, the soil is loosened to avoid the formation of a dry crust on the soil surface and to improve the access of moisture, oxygen and nutrients to the roots of plants. Simultaneously with loosening, weeding is carried out, removing weeds.

Cabbage is earthed up twice per season - 10-15 days after transplanting the seedlings into the ground and 40 days after that.

Top dressing

During the growing season, cabbage is fed 2 times : 15 and 35 days after planting seedlings in open ground.

Rotted bird droppings (600-800 g/1 sq. m.) or rotted manure (300-500 g/1 sq. m.) are used as fertilizers

Measures to increase yield

To increase the yield of Pandion f1 cabbage, experienced gardeners recommend not neglecting the application of fertilizers, maintaining the soil moisture level within 75-80% and growing the vegetable using the seedling method.

Disease and pest control

The hybrid is resistant to fungal diseases, but is prone to insect damage . The most dangerous pests for Pandion f1 are presented in the table:

PestSignsHow to get rid
AphidThe leaves turn yellow, curl, and become covered with dark spots. Heads of cabbage slowly form and develop The plantings are sprayed with insecticidal preparations, for example, Rovikur, Corsair or Belofos.
To prevent pest attacks, plants are sprinkled with wood ash.
MedvedkaDue to damage to the roots by pests, cabbage quickly withers
OgnevkaInsects damage everything, even the inner cabbage leaves.
Cabbage flyPlant development slows down, leaves become blue-leaden in color and dry out
Cruciferous flea beetleUlcers appear on plants, tissues die

Prevention of disease development consists of maintaining an optimal level of soil moisture, treating the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting and spraying plants with fungicides “Fitoflavin”, “Topaz” or “Bactofit”

Important! After the heads are formed, only folk remedies are used to control pests: soap solution, ammonia, infusion of tomato tops.

Aggressor F1

The variety received an unexpected name for a vegetable due to its good resistance to adverse factors. Even prolonged drought cannot have a strong impact on the formation and development of fruits. With careful attention, it gives a generous harvest (8 kg per 1 m²).

It will take 120 days after sowing to form mature heads of cabbage. Each fork weighing from 3.5 to 5 kg is dense, round in shape, the outer leaves are dark green in color and have a waxy coating and an outwardly curved edge. When cut, the head of cabbage has a bright white, slightly yellow tint, the leaves have a pleasant smell.

Despite any external factors, the Aggressor F1 maintains the integrity of the fork.

The advantages of the variety are its versatility in cooking, long-term storage, resistance to diseases and pests, and unpretentiousness.

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Description of the hybrid and the history of its origin

Cabbage Pandion F1 is a fairly old variety for garden plots and larger areas of land. He is of Dutch descent. At the beginning of the 21st century, the hybrid was brought to the Russian Federation by representatives of the breeding division of the agricultural giant Monsanto. Since 2003, cabbage has been on the domestic State Register. At first, it was allowed for cultivation only in the Central region, then the cultivation area expanded and covered zones with temperate and cool climates.

Attention! The cabbage variety can also be grown in stationary film greenhouses. This is convenient for residents of the Northwestern and Siberian climatic regions.

The originator calculated: about 110 days pass from germination to harvesting the first harvest. The cabbage ripening process is friendly. The rosette of the plant is horizontal. Dark green leaves are smaller than average in size, the fruit is partially covered (see photo). On a 5-point scale, its density is rated at 4. In cross-section, the head of cabbage is white.

ViewWhite cabbage
Head of cabbage, stalkRound, dense. Inner - medium in length, outer - short
Fetal weight0.8-1.8 kg
Planting scheme60x60 cm
Ripening periodSuper early (48-53 days)
Drop off pointexhaust gas/greenhouse/greenhouse
By type of useSalad
DiseasesResistance to Fusarium wilt, a complex of fungal diseases

Cabbage diseases

Among the diseases of cabbage in open ground, vascular and mucous bacteriosis, black leg, fomoz, and clubroot are widespread.

Preventive measures to combat bacteriosis and phomosis are as follows:

  • do not replant cabbage in the same area for 2-3 years;
  • in autumn, remove all plant debris;
  • Treat the seeds before sowing.

To prevent plants from getting sick with blackleg, renew the soil in greenhouses and greenhouses, and never thicken the crops. Also avoid overwatering. Ventilate the air in the greenhouse regularly, and treat the frames with lime milk or formaldehyde at the rate of 1 g per 4 liters of water. When planting seedlings, discard plants infected with blackleg.

Harvest and storage

When sowing seeds in mid-March and transplanting seedlings into the ground at the end of April, cabbage reaches technical maturity in early to mid-June .

The harvest is harvested in dry weather so that the heads of cabbage are dry . Otherwise, they are dried before storing.

Pandion f1 is stored for 30-60 days in a cool (about +2°C) room , wrapping each head of cabbage in paper, sprinkling it with sand or hanging it by a stalk.

Planting cabbage in open ground and care

A sign that it is time to transfer early cabbage to open ground as quickly as possible is the appearance of the 6th true leaf on the seedling - approximately on the 55-60th day. In central Russia, this period is best timed to coincide with the 15th-20th of April, when ground temperatures during the day rise to 12-13 C.

Planting early varieties of plants in a permanent place is done immediately after the rain or on its eve. If the soil is dry, it is first shed generously.

Early varieties of cabbage love space, so frequent planting of sprouts will impair its growth. The optimal scheme is 50 by 50 cm. If, for a number of reasons, yellowed leaves appear on some seedlings 5-8 days after transplantation, the sprout is removed and another one is planted in its place.

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