Pepper Ivan da Marya: how to grow the original variety

Every summer resident strives to grow sweet, fleshy peppers. Breeders offer many different varieties, but how to choose the right one? If early fruiting and high quality of the harvest matter, you should pay attention to Ivan da Marya. Cultivation is available for most regions; more details about the care features can be found in the description below.

Description of the hybrid

The pepper is original, available for cultivation throughout Russia. Depending on weather conditions, the cultivation method may vary slightly. Ivan da Marya prefers warmth, so open beds remain an advantage of the southern regions.

Main characteristics:

  • bushes stop growing at around 180 cm;
  • moderate foliage of stems;
  • the fruits are oblong, with a sharp tip;
  • During ripening, the pepper changes color from yellow to deep red;
  • The walls of the fruit are dense, the thickness reaches 6 mm.

Attention! Fleshy fruits are recommended for pickles and preparing a variety of fresh dishes.

Type of growth, bush heightStandard, 180 cm
Ripe fruit colorRed
Planting scheme40x60 cm
Weight, length and shape of the fruit85-125 g, 10-12 cm, narrow conical
Ripening period, yieldEarly ripening (96-110 days). In the greenhouse 6.2-7.6 kg/m2. In exhaust gas from 6.5 kg/m2
Drop off pointexhaust gas/greenhouse/greenhouse
DiseasesResistant to tobacco mosaic and blossom end rot, immune to verticillium
By type of useUniversal
Flowering typeFemale

How to choose pepper seeds?

Having decided on the timing of sowing pepper seeds for seedlings and methods of processing them, it is necessary to start purchasing planting material ahead of time.

An inexperienced gardener needs to take into account that not all varieties of this heat-loving crop are suitable for growing in our latitudes. It is very important to obtain information in advance about varieties and hybrids of bell peppers, the cultivation of which gives good results in the climate of the region in which the garden plot is located.

Below is an overview of early, mid-early varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers that have proven themselves when grown in gardens in the Russian central zone, as well as the approximate dates for the start of fruiting of plants. This will allow you to navigate the sowing time of the selected varietal, hybrid pepper.

Pepper Bon Appetit F1

Mid-early bell pepper Bon Appetit F1 is grown by seedlings. The germination rate of the hybrid seeds is very high. You can count on the appearance of the first shoots 10 days after sowing. As evidenced by reviews of the Bon Appetit F1 pepper, its fruits are considered the sweetest among the cube-shaped hybrids. As the pepper ripens, it becomes richly red and reaches a weight of 200 grams. The fruit walls are up to 8 mm thick, thick and juicy.

Pepper Fisht F1

The productive pepper Fisht F1 is a compact plant of medium height with a drooping direction of fruit growth. It takes 94-110 days for the fruits of a mid-early hybrid to reach technical ripeness. The fruits have a cone-shaped, somewhat elongated shape, a smooth surface, and weigh up to 110 g. The color of ripening fruits changes from yellowish-white to red. The culture demonstrates resistance to verticillium and blossom end rot.

Flamingo pepper F1

Mid-early Flamingo F1 pepper is liked by gardeners due to the possibility of obtaining large yields of fruits of excellent commercial quality, which are highly valued on the market. Pepper reaches technical ripeness within 120 days. Hybrid bushes are erect, medium-sized, compact, with large leaves that serve as a reliable shelter for the fruits from the sun's rays. Fruits of the crop weighing up to 170 g. They have a white-cream color, changing to pink-orange when ripe.

Pepper Madonna F1

Early ripening pepper Madonna F1 is a tall, strong plant. The vegetative period of the hybrid lasts 60 - 65 days. The fruits of the crop are leveled, light yellow in technical ripeness, red in biological ripeness. The weight of the fruit is 180 - 200 g. The advantages of the hybrid are its high yield and excellent commercial qualities of tasty fruits.

Pepper Madonna F1

Pepper Lilac Fog F1

Hybrid pepper Lilac fog F1 got its name because of the peculiar coloring of the fruits during the period of technical ripeness - bright lilac. Fully ripened fruits of the crop are red, have a truncated pyramidal shape, and weigh 90 - 100 grams. The hybrid is considered mid-early. It takes 115 - 125 days for the fruit to ripen. From one bush you can harvest up to 1.8 kg of vegetables.

Pepper Lilac Fog F1

Pepper Khasbulat

As a rule, summer residents prefer to plant Khasbulat pepper in film greenhouses and tunnels. The variety is early ripening. The erect bushes of the crop reach a height of up to 60 cm as they grow. The bright red fruits are large in size, have a glossy surface, a prism-like, elongated shape, and weigh up to 300 grams. The fruit pulp has a rich spicy taste and strong aroma.

Pepper Belladonna F1

The wonderful Belladonna F1 pepper is mainly consumed fresh. The fruits of the hybrid ripen early (the duration of the vegetative period is about 100 days). The bushes of the crop are compact, powerful, resistant to tobacco mosaic. Cuboid pepper Belladonna F1 weighs up to 200 g. The surface of the ivory-colored fruits becomes bright yellow as they ripen. The yield of the hybrid is consistently high.

Pepper Yolo miracle

Mid-season Yolo Miracle pepper is considered a disease-resistant, productive crop. Varietal fruits weigh up to 300 grams, are stored well, and can be transported without problems. It takes 109 - 113 days for pepper to ripen. The surface of ripe fruits is smooth and bright red. The fruit pulp is fleshy, aromatic, juicy. The bushes of the plant are compact in size, reaching a height of 60 cm. The crop yield is good (up to 7 kg / sq.m.).

Pepper Fakir

Varietal pepper Fakir ripens in the early stages (85 - 119 days). The period between technical and biological ripeness of fruits in this variety is shortened. The bushes of the plant are standard, semi-spreading, medium-leaved, reaching a height of up to 70 cm. The drooping fruits have a cone-shaped shape, a smooth, glossy surface, and weigh up to 63 grams. During the ripening period, the yellowish color of the fruit changes to red.

Pepper Funtik

Early ripening pepper Funtik is a disease-resistant, semi-determinate, compact, densely leafy plant. Peppers take 100 to 110 days to ripen. The fruits of the crop have a cylindrical, cone-shaped shape, juicy pulp, and weigh up to 180 grams. The color of ripe fruits is red. The variety's yield indicators reach 10.3 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Ivan da Marya F1

Hybrid pepper Ivan da Marya F1 is characterized by high yield. Giving reviews about the Ivan da Marya F1 pepper, gardeners note the early ripening periods of the crop: 96 - 110 days. The plant demonstrates resistance to tobacco mosaic, blossom end rot, and verticillium. The fruits have a prism-cone shape, change color from yellow to red, and weigh up to 125 grams. The fruit pulp is aromatic and fleshy.

Pepper Red Elephant

Early ripening pepper Elephant Red is liked by summer residents because of the fruits, which have an original elongated conical shape. The varietal bushes are powerful, reaching a height of 80 cm. Ripe fruits are dark red in color, 22 mm long, 6 cm wide, weigh about 150 grams. Fruit ripening occurs on the 100th day from the moment the seedlings hatch.

Pepper Red Elephant

Pepper King of the North

Summer residents praise the King of the North pepper for its fast ripening time (98 - 100 days). Standard bushes reach a height of 90 cm. The fruits of the crop are cube-shaped, orange in color, and weigh up to 170 grams. Pepper yield reaches 7 kg/sq.m. In our latitudes, it is practiced to grow King of the North peppers in greenhouses.

Sweet Pepper

When studying reviews of Slasten pepper, it is worth paying attention to the plant’s ability to tolerate sudden temperature changes. Pepper ripens early (96 - 100 days). A special feature of the variety is its reduced heat requirement, so it can be grown in open ground conditions. The bushes of the crop are compact, low (up to 50 cm), and do not require formation. The fruits have a cone shape, a glossy, smooth surface, and weigh 90 grams. The yield of the variety is up to 4.8 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Chardash

Many gardeners grow beautiful Chardash peppers. The plant demonstrates resistance to diseases and changeable unfavorable weather. The variety is considered early, fruit ripening occurs in 95 - 100 days. From 1 sq.m. you can harvest up to 10 kg of vegetables. Ripe fruits have an extremely pleasant, sweet taste, orange-red color, cone-shaped, weigh up to 220 grams.

Pepper Lero F1

Hybrid pepper Lero F1 is characterized by early fruit ripening (95 - 112 days). The fruits of the plant are large, weigh up to 130 grams, their shape resembles a heart. The fruit walls are thick (up to 9 mm). The light green color of the fruit changes to red as it ripens. The taste of pepper is excellent, it has an original apple aroma. The hybrid tolerates low temperatures and changeable weather in the northern regions well.

Pepper Atlantic F1

Early ripening Atlantic F1 pepper ripens in 95 - 100 days. The plants of the hybrid are tall (up to 100 cm), resistant to tobacco mosaic. The fruits have an elongated shape, dark red color, large sizes (20 x 12 cm), weigh up to 500 grams. The thickness of the fruit walls is 9 mm. The plant can be grown in a greenhouse or in an open garden bed.

Having decided on the optimal varieties of sweet peppers and the time for sowing seedlings, you can begin purchasing and preparing seeds. The choice of good seed material and correctly calculated sowing dates will be the key to obtaining excellent seedlings, which, after planting in the beds, will turn into strong, hardy, abundantly fruiting plants.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pepper has earned the love of gardeners due to the following properties:

  • abundant fruiting - the yield of pepper is so high that some gardeners manage to prepare supplies for the whole winter, and the rest of the harvest is consumed fresh;
  • presentation of pepper;
  • long-term storage available;
  • transportation does not harm the fruits;
  • The fruits have a lot of juice, the walls are fleshy.

The disadvantages of pepper include the need to tie up tall bushes and the crop's demands on temperature and lighting.

Tips for growing tomato variety Ivan da Marya

"Ivan da Marya" does not present any difficulties in care, which is no different from other tomatoes. The only problem arises when forming and pinching very fast growing shoots.

When to sow seedlings

Due to the short ripening period, “Ivan da Marya” is quite suitable for planting seeds directly into the ground. However, there are several “BUTs”.

  • Firstly, the seeds can be chewed by rodents.
  • Secondly, this method is only suitable for southern regions with a hot climate.
  • Thirdly, when planted in seedlings, tomatoes ripen faster.

Seeds are sown in a shallow, wide container filled with special soil. After planting, the soil is watered and the container is covered with cling film. After two true leaves appear, the tomatoes are planted in individual containers.

How many days do the seeds take to germinate?

Seeds germinate quickly. Already on days 5-7 you can see shoots. After this, the film is removed, and care for the sprouts continues. They are watered regularly and fed 1-2 times with nitrogen fertilizers.

When and at what distance to plant in the ground

At the beginning of May, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. But by the time of planting, frosts should stop and warm weather should set in (not lower than 16℃). The bushes should also grow to about 30 cm.

Since tomato bushes are quite spreading, more than 3 plants are not planted per plant.

The area should be well lit by the sun, protected from the wind, fertilized and loosened. They choose a place for it where nightshades have not grown for at least 3 years.

Despite the fact that tomatoes ripen faster in a greenhouse and produce a richer harvest, in open ground the taste is richer, and more vitamins and antioxidants accumulate in the fruits.

Humus or granulated fertilizers with superphosphate are placed in the holes, covered with soil and watered. The next watering can be done only after a week, when the plants have taken root.

Ripening period

Tomatoes “Ivan da Marya” have an early ripening period, so the first fruits can be harvested in early June.


After tomato seedlings are watered during transplantation, the next watering is done 7 days later. Then the bushes are watered as the soil dries out. Her condition will depend on the weather.

Water for irrigation should not be too cold. They pour it right to the root, being careful not to get it on the leaves.

After watering, the top layer of soil must be loosened so that the resulting crust does not interfere with the access of oxygen and pests do not accumulate under it.

What and when to feed

The first time fertilizer is applied to the bushes two weeks after they move into the ground. During this period, they need nitrogen or organic fertilizers.

During the formation of ovaries, tomatoes are fed with mineral fertilizers. 2 weeks before harvesting the first fruits, feeding should be stopped.

Should I dive?

Picking the variety “Ivan da Marya” is necessary in order to obtain strong shoots.

After transplanting to a permanent place, regular pinching and pinching of the top part of the bush is mandatory. The bush is formed in two trunks.

Pest Control

The variety has excellent immunity. Its early ripening period saves it from late blight. But, in any case, compliance with the basics of prevention will be required: watering regime, free planting, ventilation of the greenhouse.

To prevent pests, tomatoes are sprayed with insecticides.

Features of agricultural technology

Since the hybrid is considered early, you should start preparing the seeds in February. For cooler regions, sowing in late winter - early spring is possible. The seedlings develop quickly, sprouts appear within a couple of weeks. Picking is necessary for the appearance of 2 true leaves.

You can plant peppers in the garden with other varieties - in May. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the seedlings - it is important to carry out pinching in time and not to forget about the support - an example is shown in the photo. If the bush falls, the harvest will not be as abundant and of high quality.

It is recommended to place the beds on the sunny side; peppers need good lighting.

Advice. It is advisable to plant it in 1 stem; side shoots lead to a decrease in yield.

Despite the genetic resistance of pepper to most viruses dangerous to this crop, periodic inspection of the beds and preventive treatments are not necessary. It is better to choose natural formulations to protect the organic composition of the fruit.

Watering and loosening are carried out in a standard mode as needed.

Sowing seeds for seedlings
Planting seedlings in a greenhouse/greenhouse
Planting seedlings in exhaust gas
Harvesting (in the greenhouse / in the greenhouse)
End of FebruaryBeginning of MayMayAfter 4 sheetsJuly August
*dates are indicated for central Russia

Description and characteristics of the variety

Sweet pepper Marya grows in semi-spreading bushes, the length of the stems being 60-65 cm. The shoots are strong and do not need to be formed. Leaves and fruits are arranged drooping. The crown is closed. The variety is listed in the State Register line.

The growth type of the variety is standard. Ripening dates are early - 105-110 days from germination.

What information about the fruits:

  • sunny orange color;
  • average weight 100-150 g;
  • shape of smooth prisms;
  • pericarp 6-7 mm;
  • richness of taste;
  • juiciness and crispy properties;
  • durable skin.

This variety is widely used in cooking. In addition to making fresh snacks, peppers are stuffed, baked on the grill and in the oven, stewed, boiled, frozen whole or in pieces. Winter preparations such as adjika, lecho, assorted dishes are delicious with its addition.


  • Pepper has a good taste, holds its shape when preserved and pleasantly complements dishes. The ovary is thick, bears fruit smoothly, there is time to prepare the first harvest. It is not worth overbearing the fruits; picking them ahead of time is possible, but not advisable (Nikolai, Astrakhan region)
  • Ivan da Marya can be called one of the most successful hybrids. Care is mostly standard, you will have to pay attention to the stems, but the harvest will pay off all the effort. The taste is sweet, the density is high (Varvara, Volgograd).

Pepper worthy of the attention of summer residents. High yield and taste. It can be grown in a greenhouse or open ground.


VarietyIvan da Marya
Description of fruitsRound, slightly ribbed, medium size
Fruit weightAverage fruit weight is 150-200 g.
ColorAt the stage of technical maturity, the fruit is colored light green with a purple spot on the side of the stalk; when ripe, it acquires a red-brown tint.
Tomato sizeAverage
TasteSweet, balanced
SkinSmooth, glossy
PulpDense, meaty
Ripening period100 days
Productivity15 kg per 1 m²
Bush heightFrom 1.5 m to 2 m
Pollination typeSelf-pollinating
Nestedness4-5 seed chambers
Type of ovary formationRacemose, with up to 3 fruits on the raceme; simple inflorescences
Transportability and keeping qualityLong shelf life, excellent transportability
Landing locationGreenhouse and OG
Resistance to adverse conditionsReacts to climate change with paint color
Resistance to diseases and pestsResistant to viruses and diseases
Should I dive?Yes
Recommended growing regionsAll regions except the Far North
Year of inclusion in the State Register of the Russian Federation2015
OriginatorMyazina L. A.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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