Description and list of the best cherry varieties for the Leningrad region

Winter-hardy cherry varieties for the Leningrad region

Increased winter hardiness is a feature of varietal species for planting in the Leningrad region. Winter time here can be very frosty. The plant must withstand severe changes in low temperatures. The best varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region with increased frost resistance are as follows:

  1. Here we go. It will not die even at -32°C.
  2. Revna. Frost resistance is above average. The plant is able to tolerate cold without much damage to the trunk and branches.
  3. Drogana yellow. It has increased resistance to low temperatures in the northwest. Cherry buds feel great even at -20°C.
  4. Fatezh. The buds of the plant crop have average frost resistance. The stem part and branches cope well with low temperatures.
  5. Bryansk pink. The variety has increased winter hardiness. The buds of the plant must be protected from sudden temperature changes.
  6. Leningradskaya black. The varietal species is the leader in terms of frost resistance. That is why it is planted in the Leningrad region more often than others.

On a note!

The cherry fully develops, grows and gives a rich harvest if it is adjacent to the cherry, which plays the role of a pollinator, and with rowan, a lot of fruits are laid, and all ripen.

You cannot plant plums, which have the weakest rhizomes, together with cherry varieties.

For the tree to grow

The best time to plant in this region is spring, before the buds open. You must choose a well-lit place, this is a prerequisite. In addition, in order to count on a good result, it is necessary to choose neutral or, in extreme cases, slightly acidic soils. If your site is dominated by acidic, peaty areas, then you need to be well prepared for planting. To do this, dig a large hole and fill it with purchased earthen mixture. A young cherry tree is planted in the middle of this hole. Do not forget that you need to choose only self-pollinating cherry varieties for the Leningrad region. In addition, in order for your plantings to safely withstand the cold, varieties should be taken only with excellent winter hardiness.

Cherry in the Leningrad region varieties and selection criteria

Of course, cherries are still a heat-loving fruit crop, and therefore they are traditionally grown in the southern regions.

But the centuries-old experience of our ancestors indicates that good harvests of juicy berries were also obtained in the northwestern regions of the country, known for a rather harsh climate.

In order for cherry to grow in the Leningrad region, varieties need to be selected that are winter-hardy, zoned and recommended specifically for these climatic zones.

And it should be noted that today the choice is quite large, and along with old varieties, which, although good, are still vulnerable to diseases, new ones have been bred, characterized by good winter hardiness and high yield.

Cherry varieties for the North-West

The territory of the North-West is the northernmost region where cherries can be grown. At the same time, varieties that produce excellent harvests in the south are not suitable for the local climate.

The main requirements for varieties that are planned to be cultivated in these areas:

  • Good winter hardiness (the ability of cherries to withstand all winter “troubles” in the form of sharp temperature fluctuations, prolonged thaws, sudden cold weather).
  • Frost resistance (the ability of a plant to tolerate drops in temperature while being in periods of deep and forced dormancy).

In addition, cherries must be resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis and, of course, have different yields.

Another important point: cherries are a cross-pollinated crop, so in order to wait for the berries, you need to plant several different varieties in the garden.

According to the classification, there are self-fertile and partially self-fertile varieties, that is, those that do not require pollinators to be added to them. But again, based on experience, even self-fertile varieties will have greater yields if a pollinating cherry grows nearby. Therefore, this fact should not be neglected; it is better to choose several varieties for the garden, preferably with similar flowering times.

What varieties of cherries are best for the Leningrad region

In the gardens of residents of the Leningrad, Pskov, and Novgorod regions, cherries are one of the most popular crops. Of course, you have to work hard to get a harvest, but all the trouble is compensated by picking delicious berries.

The list of varieties that are recommended for planting in these regions includes the following:

  • Vladimirskaya;
  • Ruby;
  • Star.

The listed varieties of medium ripening are quite common and have been grown for a long time.

Among the early varieties, we note the Shpanka Shimskaya cherry and the variety with the original name Amorel Nikiforova. The famous Lyubskaya, like Zhukovskaya, are later varieties that have proven themselves well, but are still more in demand in the central regions.

Among the newer varieties, we highlight Raduga, Zarnitsa, Dessertnaya Volzhskaya and Bagryanaya, which are distinguished by improved properties. And now we’ll tell you a little more about some varieties.

Variety Lyubskaya

One of the varieties that are traditionally grown in the gardens of the North-West is self-fertile and high-yielding. The photo at the beginning of the article shows the Lyubskaya cherry variety.

The advantages also include the good taste of the fruit, the high content of vitamins in them, as well as the good transportability of ripe berries.

This cherry needs good fertile soil and a well-lit place. But the variety is not so demanding on moisture and is drought-resistant. Flowering is early, and this must be taken into account in order to protect the cherry in case of return frosts. The berries are bright red and begin to ripen around the end of July. With good care, you can remove up to 20 kg of excellent fruits from one Lyubskaya tree.

Dessert Volga

The Dessertnaya Volzhskaya variety is distinguished by excellent winter hardiness of both wood and flower buds. The height of the tree is up to three meters, the crown is slightly thickened.

A mid-early variety, the yield is good, but despite the fact that the variety is self-fertile, pollinators are needed. The best option is Vladimir cherry. With proper care, grafted seedlings can produce the first berries already in the second year, and enter the full fruiting phase in 4-5 years.

Choosing a variety for your summer cottage

The variety on the market can really make it difficult to make the right choice, as the gardener will simply get confused in the vivid descriptions. Therefore, let's highlight the main criteria that will allow us to determine which cherry varieties are best suited for the Leningrad region. First of all, you need to pay attention to the timing of ripening. Early-ripening varieties will delight you with berries in the first half of July, mid-ripening varieties will produce the main harvest in the second half of July, and late-ripening varieties - in August. By choosing different varieties, you will provide yourself with a harvest of fresh cherries for almost the entire summer.

Second point: pay attention to such characteristics as disease resistance, large fruit, and productivity. If the characteristics of a variety cost less than 7 kg per tree, then this is not the one you should pay attention to. Finally, the best cherry varieties for the Leningrad region should be winter-hardy, preferably self-fertile, then your harvest will not depend on the weather and insect activity. We will introduce you to five new varieties that are optimal for these climatic conditions.

Features of choosing felt cherry for different regions

Modern varieties of felt cherries, according to descriptions and photos, are large-fruited, hardy shrub plants from 1 to 2.5 meters high, capable of producing up to 15 kg of sweet, healthy berries.

Felt cherry better resists such dangerous diseases of stone fruit crops as coccomycosis and clasterosporiosis. It is less susceptible to attacks by insect pests and is more precocious than ordinary cherries. After only 2–3 years, the planting field is literally covered with shrub branches, first with flowers, and then with filling ovaries.

On this topic:



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But with a lot of positive features, this culture also has its weaknesses. It should be taken into account that, compared to ordinary cherries, its distant Asian relative has a shorter lifespan. Descriptions of felt cherry varieties indicate that the maximum age of the bush is 16–19 years. In fact, in the middle zone, after 8–10 years, plantings require a radical update.

The selection of felt cherry varieties for the Leningrad region and other areas of the North-Western region requires special attention. Here, due to frequent spring thaws followed by frosts, even successfully wintering plants can wither away under a dense crust. A similar situation arises when choosing a felt cherry variety for the Urals.

The danger for the crop is waterlogging and humid, not too warm summers. During such periods, all stone fruit crops are at risk of becoming infected with moniliosis, leading not only to yield loss, but also to the death of the entire bush.

If you are planting a felt cherry variety in the Moscow region or in another region with dense, acidic soils that are not too rich in organic matter, you should pay attention not only to the ability to withstand frost, but also to the plant’s soil requirements. As a rule, shrubs grow better, bear fruit more abundantly and last longer on light, loose soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Is it necessary to engage in amateur selection of this crop?

15 years ago I received a large parcel with seeds of a mixture of varieties created at the Far Eastern Experimental Station (VNIIR) by Academician V.P. Tsarenko. After selecting the best seedlings and replanting seeds every three years, I now have magnificent bushes with large berries in all corners of the garden.

Naturally, you can isolate the elite and propagate it not by seeds, but by green cuttings.

In winter, I graft Chinese varietal plum and cherry plum onto the excess roots of the felt cherry tree. I don’t know the best rootstock on which plums and cherry plums take root 100% after winter grafting. In the spring, when planting, I bury the grafting site 7-10 cm into the soil, and after 2-3 years the plum (scion) gives its own roots and forms a tall tree.


An ancient and popular variety. Frost-resistant, but flower buds may freeze, especially during frosts in spring

Advantages: resistance to dry hot weather, rot, infections and scab (which is especially important in damp climates)

The first harvest can be harvested 4–5 years after planting the seedling. Self-sterile, suitable pollinating neighbors - Lyubskaya, Shubinka, Turgenevka.

The plant is bushy, multi-stemmed, 3–5 m, but when grafted it grows as a single-stemmed plant. Spherical, slightly weeping crown. The buds bloom in early May. The harvest begins after mid-July. 80–85% of the fruits are formed on annual shoots. In the Leningrad region you can get approximately 5 kg of berries per tree per year.

Ripe fruits are dark almost black, sweet and sour in taste, with small seeds. They are consumed fresh and used for preparing preserves. They tolerate freezing without losing their taste. They tolerate transportation well.

Zoned in the northwestern region since 1974. Frost-resistant. It can be affected by coccomycosis, but has good immunity to moniliosis.

The height of the tree is up to 2.5 m, its crown is dense, spreading and wide. The variety is self-sterile; Vladimirskaya and Otechestvennaya serve as good pollinators.

Mid-late variety: buds bloom at the end of May. Technical ripeness of the fruit occurs in early August. Up to 40% of the berries are set on one-year-old shoots, 60% on two- or three-year-old shoots.

Juicy and tender berries weigh 3.5–4 g. They contain more acids than sugars. Pulp with a yellowish tint. The seed is easy to separate, but the stalk comes off with the release of juice, so the transportability of the variety is low. The juice is clear.

Early ripe fruitful cherry for the Leningrad region. Resistance to cold is approximately the same as that of felt cherry; generative buds can withstand significant cold. Immunity to coccomycosis is average.

The variety is tall, the crown is in the form of a pyramid. Begins to bear fruit on average in the 3rd year of life. Partially self-fertile, but to achieve a large harvest, pollinators are needed - Wreath or Seedling No. 1. The variety responds very well to cherry pollination. Most of the berries are formed from last year's growths. The berries ripen already in early July.

The weight of the cherries is up to 4 g, which are distinguished by their bright red skin, light pink juice and pulp. The taste is tender, refreshing, sweet and sour. The bones are easily separated.

It is resistant to cold, like other varieties suitable for the Leningrad region. Does not require abundant watering and can withstand drought. Excellent self-fertile characteristics allow for large harvests even without the presence of pollinators. Weak immunity to fungus.

It bears fruit for the first time at 2–3 years of age. Ripening occurs in early August.

Berries up to 4 g, tasty, rich burgundy color. Scarlet juice. Due to its transportability, the variety is suitable for commercial cultivation.

The early flowering inherent to the variety can become a problem: if return frosts occur in the spring, this affects the harvest. Planting cherries is recommended on light or medium loamy soils.

Proper care of cherries is the key to a good harvest

Abundant fruiting is not only about choosing the right variety. This can be achieved by good care of this crop. Since most cherry varieties are self-sterile, that is, not capable of self-pollination, a pollinating cherry should be planted on the site or next to it.

It is also necessary to pay attention to feeding cherries, especially during the fruiting period, when the plant requires additional nutrients. But it should be taken into account that in the fall you need to apply only phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, as well as compost, but for nitrogen-containing fertilizers the best time is early spring

Also, do not forget about watering. Although cherries are considered to be a drought-tolerant plant, they are best given extra water during hot, dry weather. In this case, the berry yield increases, and they become larger in size.

Features of gardening in the northwest

Cherry is originally a southern crop. Therefore, in order for it to please the eye and produce a sufficient amount of tasty berries, it is necessary to use varieties of local selection, zoned, that is, adapted to local conditions. Then you can grow a cherry tree on your plot without any problems. Critical changes, which are typical for the local winter, can be disastrous for any fruit tree, which is why breeders are developing new varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region. However, local gardeners know that they not only need to choose the right variety, but also follow some rules.

Late-ripening (late) cherry varieties

Cherry Lyubskaya

Molodezhnaya is one of the most frost-resistant varieties of cherries; it is ideal for growing in the conditions of the Moscow region and the Middle Zone in general. The variety was bred in VSTISP Kh.D. Enikeev and S.N. Satarova from crossing the Lyubskaya and Vladimirskaya varieties. Included in the Register of Zoned Varieties for the Central Region.​

Self-sterile - approximately 5...10% of flowers form berries. For such varieties, cross-pollination is necessary.​ ​Cherry weevil​

It is advisable to plant Malinovka on southern and southwestern slopes

​The yield is very high - 10-14 tons per hectare.​

​In order for your tree to bear fruit well and the quality of the harvest to be excellent, you need to properly plant, grow and care for it.​

​Up to 12 kg of crop can be harvested from one bush or tree during the fruitful period.​

​One of the best varieties in terms of berry size, yield, and taste is considered to be the LYUBSKAYA variety. It is also a good pollinator for other varieties. Another productive and tasty ancient variety SPANKA.​ ​low winter hardiness and resistance to fungal attack, mediocre taste of fresh berries​

​Disease resistance.​

​The variety is partially self-fertile; it is strongly recommended to be planted next to other varieties of cherries or sweet cherries.​

​Dimensions and shape of the crown.​

​By choosing self-fertile cherry varieties, you will be less dependent on the activity of bees, bumblebees and other pollinating insects, as well as on the availability and flowering time of other cherry varieties. This will make your harvests more stable.​

- can completely doom your crop to destruction.

​and hills where there is no wind. The Cherry Robin needs sunny, well-lit places.​

​The plant can withstand the cold well, but the flower buds may freeze a little.​

The optimal time for planting young cherries is spring. This tree should be planted on hills and in well-lit areas of the garden, where groundwater passes close by and the soil is slightly alkaline or neutral. Planting is carried out in a hole with parameters of 40x80 cm (depth, diameter), into which organic fertilizers are added before planting.​

Cherry Malinovka

This type of youth cherry belongs to the group with average winter hardiness. The stability of flower buds is also average. According to the description, it is similar to the Vladimirsky variety. This cherry has average resistance to various diseases (coccomycosis and moniliosis) and microorganisms. The tree gets sick especially often during humid and warm summers.​

“The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov, remember. On his estate, the cherry variety “Shubinka” is sour and small, but there is no better variety for jam with pits. Very productive, but one will not bear fruit. The Malinovka variety was bred in VSTISP Kh.D. Enikeev and S.N. Satarova. Entered into the Register in 1988 for the Central, Middle Volga and Ural regions. It is a typically late-ripening variety (ripens from July 25 to August 5).​

​Good resistance to both moniliosis and coccomycosis

​Winter hardiness.​

​Can form a tree or bush up to 2.5 meters high. The crown is rounded, slightly drooping.​

​early - early-mid July;​

​It eats cherry buds and flowers. And at the same time it can leave eggs on the fruits.

​Together with Malinovka​

​There is one drawback:​

After planting, fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers every spring, the amount of which depends on the age of the tree. And in the fall, fertilizing is carried out with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. For better growth, manure or compost is also added to the soil.​

​The advantage of this type of cherry is that it is one of the most reliable varieties in terms of yield, which are presented in nurseries of all major cities (Moscow, Kyiv, Minsk, etc.).​ ​Molodezhnaya is a delicious cherry. Vladimirskaya has now almost degenerated (the real Vladimirka!). And she is very susceptible to moniliosis. Several years ago, all the cherries in our entire district died (just in the Vladimir region). Just for fun, I ordered the Udarnitsa variety from Chelyabinsk. Good! Large, tasty, compact low bush, 2 meters tall. I also want to order several varieties from Chelyabinsk. This year, the offspring of the dead Vladimir women bore fruit well; the harvest was collected in a race with wasps to see who was the fastest. Good, tasty berries. I also planted felt, it often dies out in the area of ​​the root collar. Refused her.​

​Dimensions and shape of the crown.​


Why is my cherry tree not afraid of coccomycosis?

I remember the main problem of stone fruit crops in our gardens. In the middle of the last century, an epidemic of coccomycosis, like cholera, spread through all the gardens of our country. In recent years, an even more terrible “plague” has come - monilial burn. It is difficult to grow plums and cherries without multiple treatments with fast and chorus.

Read also: Climbing rose planting in autumn and care in open ground

But in my garden I constantly spray the felt cherry with ACH, constantly replant the plantings with young and disease-resistant seedlings, and this plague and cholera have so far passed my felt cherry. I have never done any chemical treatments.

I advise gardeners to first purchase varietal seedlings from reliable nurseries with a closed root system and plant them early in the spring. This way you will immediately get large productive varieties. I won’t talk about varieties; they are well described in catalogs, and any of them will take root in the garden of both the north and south.

Features of felt cherry

Felt cherry is called Chinese because of its place of origin. Another name for it is Ando. The fruit plant belongs to the genus Plum, not cherries. The main feature of felt cherries is the ability to cross them with peaches, plums, apricots, and cherry plums. The exception is that pollination by common cherries or sweet cherries is impossible.

Felt cherries can be planted in the Moscow region and Leningrad region. The plant is suitable for growing in the Urals. The maximum height of the tree is 3 m. This greatly facilitates harvesting and crown formation.


Felt cherry is valued for its rich chemical composition, which is represented by carbohydrates, organic acids, pectins, and tannins. Felt cherry differs from ordinary varieties by containing vitamins of groups B, C and PP in double volume. The iron concentration is twice that of apples.

The fruits normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing appetite. Polyphenols contained in cherries strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Application of fruits

Cherry fruits can be eaten both raw and processed. Prepared from it:

  • jams;
  • jam;
  • marshmallow;
  • confitures.

Cherries are suitable for drying at home. The fruits make a sweet, tasty compote. Lovers of homemade alcohol can make cherry wine or liqueurs.

Felt cherry fruits make good liqueurs

It is important to process the fruits immediately after picking. Otherwise they may rot

What varieties of cherries are best for the Leningrad region

In the gardens of residents of the Leningrad, Pskov, and Novgorod regions, cherries are one of the most popular crops. Of course, you have to work hard to get a harvest, but all the trouble is compensated by picking delicious berries.

The list of varieties that are recommended for planting in these regions includes the following:

The listed varieties of medium ripening are quite common and have been grown for a long time.

Among the early varieties, we note the Shpanka Shimskaya cherry and the variety with the original name Amorel Nikiforova. The famous Lyubskaya, like Zhukovskaya, are later varieties that have proven themselves well, but are still more in demand in the central regions.

Among the newer varieties, we highlight Raduga, Zarnitsa, Dessertnaya Volzhskaya and Bagryanaya, which are distinguished by improved properties. And now we’ll tell you a little more about some varieties.

Variety Lyubskaya

One of the varieties that are traditionally grown in the gardens of the North-West is self-fertile and high-yielding. The photo at the beginning of the article shows the Lyubskaya cherry variety.

The advantages also include the good taste of the fruit, the high content of vitamins in them, as well as the good transportability of ripe berries.

But in terms of frost resistance and susceptibility to disease, this variety is inferior to some others, and gardeners in the Leningrad region have to work hard to get a harvest.

This cherry needs good fertile soil and a well-lit place. But the variety is not so demanding on moisture and is drought-resistant. Flowering is early, and this must be taken into account in order to protect the cherry in case of return frosts. The berries are bright red and begin to ripen around the end of July. With good care, you can remove up to 20 kg of excellent fruits from one Lyubskaya tree.

Shpanka Shimskaya

The cherry with such a colorful name was bred in the Shimsky district of the Novgorod region, so the variety is adapted to the conditions of the North-West.

It is characterized by good productivity, tolerates critical temperature drops (even down to minus 30-35 degrees) and long winters. Pollinators are needed and for this purpose the best varieties of cherry are Vladimirskaya or Amorel Nikiforova. Seedlings begin to bear fruit around the third or fourth year, bearing fruit early. The pulp is slightly sour and has a light pleasant aroma.

Amorel Nikiforova

The low-growing variety is zoned for the regions of the North-West, reaching a height of approximately two and a half meters. In the description it should be noted that this variety is winter-hardy and productive. It belongs to the early varieties; ripe fruits begin to be harvested in the Leningrad region from the second half of July. The berries are red, with very tender pulp, with yellow veins.

May be affected by coccomycosis. Gardeners love this variety for its early fruiting.


This is a bush-like cherry, characterized by high winter hardiness. The average period of ripening of berries, in the conditions of the North-West, gives good harvests.

It is a partially self-fertile cherry, but to increase productivity it is recommended to plant pollinators nearby. The berries have a very pleasant refreshing taste and have dense dark red flesh.

Dessert Volga

The Dessertnaya Volzhskaya variety is distinguished by excellent winter hardiness of both wood and flower buds. The height of the tree is up to three meters, the crown is slightly thickened.

A mid-early variety, the yield is good, but despite the fact that the variety is self-fertile, pollinators are needed. The best option is Vladimir cherry. With proper care, grafted seedlings can produce the first berries already in the second year, and enter the full fruiting phase in 4-5 years.


The tree is tall and has a dense crown. The fruits begin to ripen in early August. The berries are thin-skinned, dark red, tasty.

The fruits of Zarnitsa make very tasty jam.

Memory of Enikeev

We continue to consider cherry varieties for the Leningrad region. Reviews suggest that Pamyat Enikeev cherry is one of the most popular and productive. It was obtained by crossing old varieties Zhukovka and Korinka. The variety appeared at the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture. The harvest ripens early, and the trees demonstrate excellent winter hardiness. The variety is self-fertile, universal. A tree of medium height, very convenient for harvesting. The fruits are large, dark red, sweet with a pleasant sourness.

Landing rules in the region

Growing cherries in a harsh region differs little from caring for fruit crops in other areas with a milder climate.

Cherry will feel good under the cover of a solid fence or outbuilding.

It is better to plant young trees in the spring - seedlings planted before winter may not withstand severe frosts.

Optimal soil mixture composition:

  • turf soil;
  • good humus;
  • peat (permitted to replace with rotted compost);
  • sand (use coarse river sand).

The proportions of the components are the same; add a few handfuls of wood ash to each hole. A prerequisite is to complete the planting by installing a support and laying a mulch layer (use peat, sawdust, chopped straw).


Watering is carried out infrequently - in hot summers, one abundant moistening of the soil is enough.

  • Regularly loosen the soil surface while removing weeds. The green “coat” of weeds takes away useful elements from the soil, which affects the growth and development of the tree.
  • Feeding plays an important role. It is recommended to apply nutritional compounds only to mature trees; young plants only need the beneficial elements contained in the soil mixture prepared before planting. Fertilize with complex compounds or organic matter.
  • Another rule for caring for cherries is regular treatments against diseases and pests. It is not worth using gentle folk remedies - chemicals that can stop the infection in the early stages will be more effective, preventing it from spreading to healthy trees. Carry out the treatment strictly following the instructions - exceeding the required amount of chemicals threatens to burn the leaves, bark, and shed the buds.


It is not recommended to leave cherries uncovered over the winter.

The ideal material for a winter shelter would be spruce branches, which reliably protects against cold and allows air to pass through well.

Cherry varieties: names, features, photos

Variety: Cherry “Molodezhnaya” (with photo)

Hybrid early-fruiting, bred as a result of crossing the varieties “Vladimirskaya” and “Lyubskaya”. A tree up to 2.5 meters in height, with sweet and sour fruits. “Youth” cherries are juicy, with an easily separated pit - perfect for making jam and marmalade. From one tree or bush you can easily harvest a decent harvest - up to 12 kg per season!

It begins to bear fruit at the age of four, and the first berries can be enjoyed around mid-June. A feature of the variety is also its resistance to diseases, severe domestic frosts and the ability to withstand transportation.

However, gardeners should remember that this variety requires annual treatment with fungicides to prevent fungal diseases and feeding with useful minerals (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen). In addition, the planting area should be well ventilated and flat.

Variety: Cherry “Mayak”

Refers to large-fruited bush varieties with high yields and high “resistance” to pests and diseases. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 meters, which is extremely convenient for harvesting - it should be expected only 3 - 4 years after planting the seedling. One bush can produce up to 12 - 16 kg. The fruits are dark red, juicy, slightly sour. Resistant to pests and diseases, and can withstand cold frosty climates.

Variety: Cherry “Lyubskaya”

A low-growing, self-fertile variety with a wide crown and long oval dark green leaves. The fruits are dark red, with sweet and sour pulp. It ripens 2–3 years after planting, and 12 kg of cherries can be harvested from one bush. Record – up to 50 kg! Cherry “Lyubskaya” does not like frost, so it is not recommended to use this variety in harsh northern latitudes. Good harvests can be expected when planting on soils rich in mineral and organic fertilizers. Access to sunlight and protection from wind are the main criteria when choosing a site for planting.

Variety: Cherry “Turgenevka”

This variety is a successful result of the work of domestic breeders and is a pyramid-shaped tree about 3 meters high. This is a large-fruited dark red cherry with dense pulp and a piquant sweet and sour taste. Among the advantages of the variety is the ability to withstand frost and coccomycosis.

Variety: Cherry “Shokoladnitsa” – low, sweet, productive

"Shokoladnitsa" was bred in 1996 - a low early variety, the fruits of which resemble cherries and ripen in mid-July

Dark burgundy, sweet berries attract attention with their rich, appetizing color (like chocolate) and resemble cherries. The variety is frost-resistant and produces high yields - about 11.5 kg per bush

However, “Chocolate Girl” is susceptible to fungal diseases and requires regular care. Garden rodents also “love” cherry bark, so it is better to wrap the tree trunks in fabric for the winter.

Variety: Cherry “Dwarf Shpanka”

One of the varieties of the Shpanka variety, bred in Ukraine as a result of crossing cherries and sweet cherries. Thanks to its resistance to frost, it “feels” great in our area. The fruits are large, dark red, about 1 cm in diameter. The tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. "Shpanka" does not require special care - just choose a fertile area with good lighting.

The culture is extremely rich in useful substances, microelements and vitamins, and its alangic acid content can prevent the development of cancer.

The best strawberry varieties for our region are here

How to plant cherries in spring

It is best to plant cherry seedlings in a permanent location in the spring. But you can buy them in the fall. Immediately after purchase, you need to dig in the seedling; you can dig in anywhere.

Before purchasing, you must carefully examine the seedling and choose the healthiest and most correct seedling. The optimal length of the seedling should reach approximately 60 centimeters . This is the size of two-year-old plants that are most suitable for transplantation and tolerate it well. The thickness of the trunk should be at least 2-2.5 centimeters.

Read also: Oriental lily planting and care in open ground in Siberia

Cherries are planted in the spring at a time when the soil has warmed up well enough. In central Russia, the plant can be planted in April. But the buds should not begin to bloom. But the place for planting cherries needs to be prepared in the fall .

Choosing a landing site:

  • plant cherries in an area with soil of neutral acidity; the soil can be sandy loam, sandy, loamy, but it must be drained.
  • Planting cherries in the lowlands will not bring results; a lot of moisture will collect in such an area, and the cherries will not really like this.
  • Drafts and windy places are not very suitable for planting.
  • The area should be well lit by sunlight.
  • When choosing a location, you need to take into account the height of an adult plant , so that it is not subsequently disturbed by neighboring trees or buildings. And the plant itself can shade other plants with its crown.

Preparing the site for planting

Before. how to dig a hole for planting cherries, you need to prepare the area around the intended planting. The site begins to be prepared in March, and the plant itself is planted in April. In any case, about a month before the plant is supposed to be planted in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the site. For each square meter it is necessary to add 400 grams of dolomite flour or lime. The entire area is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. This additive helps reduce soil acidity. If the soil has low acidity, then there is no need to add lime and dolomite flour.

After some time, organic fertilizers are applied to the site. Organic fertilizers cannot be applied together with lime. compost or manure as organic matter For every square meter it is worth adding about 15 kilograms of organic matter.

Mineral fertilizers are also applied to the site.

How to plant cherries in spring

When planting cherries, it is necessary to take into account the distance between neighboring seedlings. If cross-pollinated varieties are selected for planting, then proper pollination is only possible when several plants are planted in one garden plot. In this case, at least 4 varieties will need to be planted on the site.

to plant cherries correctly ? Between ordinary varieties of cherries it is necessary to leave a distance of at least 3 meters. Typically, low-growing cherry varieties are planted at a distance of 2.5x2 meters, and tall plants are planted at a distance of 2.5x3 meters.

If you plan to plant self-pollinating varieties , then they can be planted individually.

Vladimir cherry - a favorite of gardeners

Another variety that has earned recognition from gardeners in the Leningrad region is the Vladimir cherry. Its main advantage is the versatility of the fruit. They have such excellent taste that they were previously served to royal families. They are good both fresh and processed.

In addition to the excellent taste properties of the fruit, the advantage of this plant is that it has a shrub-like shape, and this is an undeniable advantage for the northwestern unstable climate.

Vladimirskaya cherry is a variety that was bred by folk selection. Therefore, the plant does not require any subtleties in care, which is very convenient for the average summer resident who does not have too much time. This plant needs timely feeding and pruning of branches, as well as protection from rodents, who always want to feast on the bark of the tree in winter.

Cherry seedlings - planting and care in spring

There are quite a few varieties of cherries, so in each region it is worth choosing the most suitable varieties. If you plant a variety that is not suitable for this region, you will not be able to obtain a high yield. For example, in central Russia and the Leningrad region, large yields can be obtained from unpretentious ordinary cherries. In this area, cherries are often susceptible to fungal infections, so the Almaz, Molodezhnaya or Vstrecha varieties are suitable. You can also choose more frost-resistant varieties, for example, Shokoladnitsa or Stoykaya.

The main thing is to know how to plant cherries correctly in the spring. The number of fruits, their taste, juiciness and infection of the plant by pests or diseases depend on proper planting.

Features of growing trees in the Northwestern region

In winter, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, and throughout the entire region, there are no severe frosts; it is softened by the proximity to the sea. In summer the weather changes dramatically and it often rains. A serious obstacle to the cultivation of cherries in the North-West was that most varieties did not pollinate on their own, and in order for the tree to bear fruit, it was necessary to plant at least 2 winter-hardy berry plants.


The ovary on fruit trees is abundant when the temperature remains the same, there are no sudden changes, and the weather is dry. For self-fertile varieties, the proximity of pollinators is not necessary, but when several trees are planted nearby, the yield increases significantly. Cherries are taking root in the Leningrad region:

  1. Horny goat weed. Pleases with burgundy-colored berries with sweet and juicy pulp. The plant is not afraid of frost, but cannot withstand prolonged drought.
  2. Hotel. The rootstock for the variety created by Belarusian breeders is cherry. On a tree that is resistant to disease, orange fruits ripen with an average weight of 6 g.
  3. Astakhov's favorite. The culture develops quickly and produces a stable harvest of large burgundy cherries. Individual berries weigh more than 8 g.

In the Leningrad region, the early Bereket variety is planted, the flowers of which do not require the proximity of pollinators. The tree can withstand cold winters, but suffers from moniliosis.


In the North-West, it is better to plant low cherries up to 3.5 m tall. Such plants are easier to care for and easier to treat against pests. The cuttings are grown on a dwarf rootstock, and the tree, barely reaching 2.5 m in height, can withstand severe frosts without problems. Berries on cherries are laid in the 4th year, but after 10 the rootstock needs to be changed.

In the Leningrad region, the Ovstuzhenka variety feels comfortable. In gratitude for the care, the tree rewards with dark red berries that do not crack in wet weather. The low-growing Raditsa cherry produces a harvest of large and sweet fruits and is immune to fungal infection caused by ascomycetes.


Although southern crops love warmth, Russian breeders managed to create hybrid varieties that do not die in short-term frosts up to 32 ° C. In the North-West, in the fall, cherries are watered abundantly, the trunk circle is covered with peat, spruce branches, and humus.

The Zorka variety has increased winter hardiness. On a tall tree, small orange berries will ripen early. Withstands very low temperatures:

  • Bryanochka;
  • Tyutchevka;
  • Leningrad yellow.

The beautiful and tall cherry tree Fatezh, in addition to winter hardiness, is immune to fungal infection. The sweet, red-orange berries have a sour taste.

The best varieties

Cold-resistant cherries created by Russian breeders for cultivation in mid-latitudes are suitable for planting in the Leningrad region.


The variety, whose fruits ripen at the end of July, is not afraid of diseases and does not really attract pests. On a tall tree with a ball-like crown, berries with shiny dark red skin ripen.


Medium-sized cherries delight with sweet and sour small heart-shaped fruits. The plant has a flat shape and can withstand frost and slush.

Red dense

The tall tree tolerates low temperatures normally, but is affected by fungal diseases. Yellow berries with a beautiful blush weigh a little less than 5 g.

Leningradskaya pink

A tall tree, the branches of which form a dense crown, begins to bear fruit after 5 years and requires pollinators. Cherries ripen in mid-summer and acquire a beautiful pink hue. Up to 2 buckets of berries weighing a little more than 3 grams are picked from one tree.


By crossing the Severnaya and Pobeda varieties, breeders created a winter-hardy cherry that bears fruit well on wild cherry rootstock. The almost black, heart-shaped berries have a sweet taste and aroma of nutmeg.


The trunk and branches of a tree of medium height are not afraid of frost. The variety bears fruit well in temperate climates; with the right choice of location, it produces good harvests in the North-West. The yellow berries are picked in June. They weigh 4.5–4.7 g and have juicy and sweet flesh.

Valery Chkalov

Early ripening cherries, bred in the 50s, are still popular among summer residents and gardeners. A tree with a pyramidal crown grows up to 6 meters in height. The weight of dark red berries reaches 8 g. The branches can withstand low temperatures, but the buds freeze slightly at 23 ° C below zero.

Leningradskaya black

A tree with a spreading crown begins to bear fruit already in the 3rd year. Berries weighing up to 3.5 g when ripe acquire a dark cherry or almost black color. They are used to make compotes, juices and tinctures.

English thoroughbred riding horse - a fast and proud horse


Sweet cherries, created on the basis of the Valery Chkalov variety in Belarus, are distinguished by high yields and resistance to frost. The dark red small fruits have juicy flesh and are ripe by mid-July.


Sweet cherries with a pyramidal crown are immune to fungal diseases and tolerate cold and damp weather. Dark red berries weighing 4.6–4.8 g do not crack from moisture and are covered with a dense skin.

Gift for Stepanov

The frost-resistant variety, bred just a few years ago, bears fruit in the northern regions, is unpretentious in care, and pleases with a stable harvest of berries weighing up to 5 g, covered with shiny burgundy skin.


Sweet cherries, created for cultivation in the Leningrad region and in the Moscow region, do not suffer from severe frosts and tolerate short-term drought.

Up to 30 kg of beautiful orange berries are removed from the tree, which are not damaged during transportation because they are covered with a thick and dense skin.

Leningrad yellow

The unpretentious variety is characterized by rapid growth, but bears fruit only in the fifth year. Amber-colored berries hang on a tree with spreading branches until the beginning of autumn.


The trunk and shoots of self-sterile cherries easily withstand frost and do not suffer from coccomycosis. The flowers of a tree that grows up to 3–3.5 m in height are well pollinated if the Tyutchevka or Ovstuzhenka varieties are planted nearby. Sweet pink berries do not crack in wet, rainy weather and ripen at the end of July. One tree produces up to 30 kg of fruit.


Cherry trees with a spherical crown and drooping shoots can withstand severe frosts, but the flower buds of the tree freeze slightly. In order for the plant to be pollinated, self-fertile varieties are planted nearby. Small sweet and sour berries weighing about 4 g will ripen around the 20th of July.


A 4 m tall cherry tree begins to bear fruit in its fourth year. The plant is not afraid of frost, can withstand drought, and is resistant to fungal infection.

The berries of the Tyutchevka variety have an original wide shape and sweet dark red pulp. Thick stalks easily fall behind, the crop tolerates transportation well.

And the way

Cherry of this variety forms a wide pyramidal crown. Tree buds do not freeze at 31–32 °C below zero. The berries, which ripen in the second half of June, have a small seed that easily separates from the juicy pulp.

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