Tomato One Hundred Percent: characteristics and description of the variety, photo, yield

Summer residents in the northern regions usually have difficulty selecting tomato varieties. The 100 percent F1 hybrid tomato deserves attention. It is adapted to difficult climatic conditions and has time to ripen even in the short northern summer.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightOpen groundEarly ripeningRedsAverageHybridWith spout

Description of tomato variety 100 percent

Generative type tomato. When the end point of growth is reached, the growing season is aimed at the formation of fruits, and not at increasing the green mass. The 100 percent F1 variety is a determinate species with limited growth. The bush is most often formed with two stems. The crop has fewer side shoots than indeterminate varieties, but significantly more than standard ones. The bushes need pinching.

The hybrid is 100 percent self-pollinating. The tomato is tall, the central stems reach a height of 1.5 m. The culture is cold-resistant, early ripening. From the moment the first leaves form until the fruits are harvested, 3 months pass.

Advice! In an open area, when there is a threat of spring frosts, it is recommended to cover the seedlings. If planting material is damaged, a 100 percent F1 tomato is not restored.

Description of culture:

  1. The bush is compact, the stems are not very branched, of medium thickness, with a rigid fibrous structure, light brown. The surface is slightly ridged, the pubescence is sparse.
  2. Leaves of intermediate type. The plates are oblong, with sharp tops, corrugated, the edges are wavy or jagged. The leaves are arranged alternately. They are dark green, finely pubescent on the inside.
  3. The flowers are simple, bright yellow.
  4. The first fruit cluster is formed from the fifth internode. Subsequent ones are formed through three sheets. The brushes are of medium length, the density is 5–6 ovaries. 5–6 clusters appear on each stem.

The root system of the crop is mixed, branched, and quite powerful. The lateral shoots are located close to the soil surface.

Description of fruits

The fruits are characterized by different sizes. They are not of the same mass, the largest ones appear on the lower cluster, specimens up to 250 g are found. On each subsequent branch, tomatoes of the variety decrease 100 percent in size, weighing on average 100–170 g. They do not ripen at the same time, fruiting is extended over 30–45 days, which allows you to harvest for a long time and use fresh fruits.

Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • heart-shaped, with a pronounced pointed apex;
  • standard red, solid color;
  • the pulp is fleshy, fine-grained, without hard segments;
  • There are two seed chambers. The seeds are small, not numerous, most of them are in the form of rudiments.

The tomato peel is thin, elastic, and not prone to cracking.

100 percent F1 with a faint nightshade aroma, acidity dominates the taste.

Shape depending on growing conditions

Characteristics and description of the variety:

Tomato Puzata Khata

110-120 days after germination
PurposeSalad, canning (for processing into juices and sauces)
Fruit weight250-300g
  1. It was bred by breeders of the Aelita agricultural company in 2012, and it was this plant that was declared by the originator. The variety was included in the State Register of Plants in 2013. Intended for cultivation both in greenhouses and in open ground. But when grown, it requires a long and stable warm period, so in regions with not the warmest summers it is better to place plants under film covers.
  2. Plants are indeterminate, non-standard. In open ground they usually grow up to one and a half meters; in closed ground they can reach 2 m or even more. Shoot formation and foliage are average, the stems are quite powerful and can normally support the weight of the fruit. Stepping is required, the bush is usually formed into two stems, and a shoot is left under the first flower cluster. If the distance between the bushes is less than 40 cm, then it is better to form them into one stem.
  3. The average weight of fruits is from 250 to 300 g. But some grow much larger - up to 800 g or even up to a kilogram. This option has an unusual pear-shaped shape, and due to the numerous folds in the upper part, it resembles a small bag. When ripe, it is red in color and voids often form inside due to the shape of the fruit.
  4. Ripening dates are mid-early. 100 days after germination and before the first fruits are harvested. But when grown in open ground, tomatoes most often begin to ripen only after 110-120 days, as they turn red very slowly. In the greenhouse, the timing is the same as when growing the variety in the southern regions.

When grown in a greenhouse, tomatoes ripen much earlier and bear fruit before the onset of cold weather.

  1. According to the author of the variety, the yield is 11 kg per square meter. But with normal care, timely watering and proper feeding, you can collect much more. When grown in favorable conditions, plants can bear fruit until late autumn; this is most often observed in greenhouses and open ground in the southern regions.
  2. The taste is good. This option has a sweet taste with no sourness at all, so it is often used for baby food. Used fresh, for salads and for various preparations. Due to its large size, whole-fruit canning is difficult, but this variety produces excellent juice and puree.
  3. Tomatoes tolerate transportation well. The thin skin is quite durable and protects the fruit well from damage. It can be stored for a long time, especially if taken in an unripe state. It is often grown for sale.
  4. Resistance to most diseases is good. When carrying out preventive treatments, plants almost do not get sick, although they can be affected by late blight if there is damp, cold weather outside for a long time.

Since the fruits are large and ripen on average 5 pieces per inflorescence, the brushes need to be additionally tied up; they often crack and even break from the load

The authors of the video share the secret of how to make tomatoes larger: to do this, they normalize the number of ovaries in the bunches and leave no more than 3 tomatoes in each. Then they grow larger and mature faster.

Characteristics of tomato 100 percent

The tomato is undemanding to the planting site and can grow in an open or periodically shaded area. No additional lighting is required for growing in a greenhouse. The drought-resistant variety 100 percent F1 does not respond well to waterlogged soil. The soil in the garden should be moderately dry, light and fertile.

Tomato yield 100 percent and fruiting

Tomatoes 100 percent F1 with a compact crown, 4 plants per 1 m2. If the bush is formed by two stems, then the yield is higher, but the weight of the fruit is less. On average, 5.5 kg is taken from one bush, within 20 kg from 1 m2. The indicator is high, stable, and does not depend on weather conditions. Fruiting in a greenhouse and in an open area is the same, so the 100 percent F1 tomato variety is suitable for commercial cultivation.

Important! This is one of the early varieties for Siberia and the Urals. The first fruits ripen in early July, the last ones are harvested in mid-August.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Tomato 100 percent F1 is suitable for all culinary recipes that use tomatoes. This is a good option for harvesting whole fruits for the winter. The peel does not crack during hot processing. Tomatoes are consumed fresh, made into juice or ketchup, and included in vegetable salads.

Resistance to diseases and pests

100 percent – ​​a hybrid with strong immunity. Resists all common infections. In any weather and air humidity, the tomato does not get sick. The variety is not resistant to pests.


Reviews about the f1 tomato are always positive, as the taste of these tomatoes delights children and adults.

Arina, 43 years old: I planted early tomatoes this summer. Almost all the seeds have sprouted. Be sure to fertilize the soil, tomatoes love it. I am pleased with the taste and strong immunity of these crops. Juicy, aromatic, tender tomatoes. They are amazing when salted! If the tomatoes are large, you can cut them into slices. Their only drawback is that the bush is too tall!

Oleg, 60 years old: I planted this variety for two years in a row. The fruits are red already in July. Not sick. I am very pleased with the storage and simple care of such a unique variety. The most important thing for them is to have fertile land. The bushes are large and tall and need to be tied up. This is the most delicious salad variety, in my opinion.

If you take proper care of vegetable crops, a bountiful harvest is guaranteed. Before planting, it is recommended to study reviews and descriptions of tomatoes, caring for bushes and growing rules. Have a good harvest!

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews, 100 percent F1 tomatoes (pictured) fully correspond to the stated characteristics: the fruits are even, smooth, and of the same shape. Fruits do not require special conditions for transportation over long distances.

Tomatoes remain marketable for 10–12 days after harvest


  • early ripening;
  • cold resistance;
  • good drought resistance;
  • high yield;
  • suitable for industrial cultivation;
  • cultivated in open and closed ways;
  • the tomatoes are fleshy, juicy, and do not crack;
  • used for whole-fruit canning;
  • strong immunity.


  • bush formation is required;
  • installation of a support is required;
  • acid dominates the taste;
  • To grow seedlings you need to buy seeds. The variety is 100 percent a hybrid, and therefore does not produce full-fledged material.

Reviews from those who planted

Svetlana, Lugansk

“I was told that tomatoes have 100% increased immunity to diseases and protection from pests, but I didn’t take any risks and fertilized it well before planting it in the ground. Not only did almost all the seeds sprouted, each bush produced at least 5 kilograms, if not more. I’m very pleased with the variety, I’m thinking of expanding the greenhouse.”

Ilya, Rostov-on-Don

“This is the second year I have been planting 100 percent tomatoes, and for the second year already in mid-July I am delighting my household with organic tomatoes that have a great taste and aroma. It’s not difficult to care for them - pinching skills will come in handy, and you can’t do without tying up the bushes.”

Features of cultivation

Tomatoes are grown only by seedlings. Purchased seeds do not require additional disinfection.

Growing seedlings:

  1. The containers are filled with nutrient substrate.
  2. Make shallow furrows and place the seeds at a distance of 1 cm from each other.
  3. Cover with soil. The earth is watered, the container is covered with film or glass.
  4. The container with seeds is placed in a lighted place. Waiting for the shoots to appear. After this, the film can be removed.
  5. The seedlings are moistened every day.
  6. They dive after the appearance of the third leaf.
  7. Before planting in the ground, fertilize with organic matter.

They are brought to the site in May, when there is no threat of frost, and to the greenhouse at the end of April.

Make a trench and place a mixture of compost and ash at the bottom.

Plant tomatoes at a distance of 40 cm, i.e. no more than four plants per 1 m2

Immediately install a support, because tall bushes without support can break from the wind. Water it, spud it up after a week. You can cover the soil with mulch. The tomato stem is deepened into a trench or hole down to the lower leaves.

Agricultural technology:

  • weeding and loosening the soil - at least once a week;
  • garter of stems - as they grow;
  • removal of stepchildren - regularly;
  • trimming the lower leaves and removing empty brushes from the bush - during the harvesting process;
  • watering every 5–7 days in the greenhouse. In an open area, they are guided by precipitation; waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed.

Particular attention is paid to feeding. Early varieties spend a large amount of nutrition to ripen the fruit. At the beginning of the season, liquid organic matter and nitrogen-containing products are applied to the tomatoes. When the ovaries appear, feed the tomato with phosphorus. During fruit ripening, calcium is added. 2 weeks before harvesting, fertilizing is completed.

Care Tips

To get a bountiful harvest, it is important to follow some tips for caring for tomatoes:

  1. High-quality watering - 2 times a week, the main thing is to make sure not to flood the roots. Water under the roots and on the soil, the water should be settled and warm.
  2. The soil must be periodically hilled up and loosened so that it does not become compacted, blocking the access of oxygen to the roots. Weeds must be removed as they appear.
  3. The greenhouse must be ventilated.
  4. Despite their resistance to most diseases, tomatoes need to be sprayed against pests.
  5. It is necessary to tie up the bushes in a timely manner so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit.
  6. As necessary, it is important to carry out pinching and rid the bushes of excess leaves.


“100 percent” grows well in open ground, in greenhouses and greenhouses. Tolerates weather and temperature changes well. Has good immunity to many common diseases. It is stored for a long time when picked and can be transported over long distances. Refers to early varieties. The first ripe fruits will appear in mid-summer.

It takes an average of 80–90 days for a vegetable to ripen from the moment of sowing. “F1” in the name indicates the hybridity of the variety and good immunity of the plant. For seedlings, it is important to buy seeds from trusted stores. Once grown, the fruit seeds are not suitable for further propagation. On average, the bush reaches 1.5 meters in height. Such a plant should be tied to additional support. It is important to remove stepchildren. The plant is formed into 2 stems, the remaining shoots are removed.

The fruits are bright red, round in shape, weighing on average 250 g. They have juicy pulp and thick skin. Does not crack during transportation and canning. The taste is sweet and sour.


Measures to care for the hybrid include regular watering, weeding, loosening, fertilizing, and bush formation.

Watering should be moderate and carried out as the soil dries. To do this, it is recommended to use warm, settled water. Watering must be carried out strictly in the plant's plant area, without affecting the stem of the crop itself, in order to prevent the occurrence of rot and fungi.

After each watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil. This will improve oxygen access to the root system and retain moisture in the ground for a longer time.

Also, during the loosening process, weeds will be destroyed, which draw nutrients from the soil near the crop. To reduce their number and reduce the number of waterings, the soil can be mulched.

Fertilizing Verochka F1 tomatoes should be done once every 14-15 days. Depending on the condition of the tomato plants, Agro recommends using complex mineral and organic fertilizers designed specifically for tomatoes as fertilizers.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, the bush is formed into 2-3 stems; in open ground, its formation into 3-4 stems gives maximum results.

Diseases and pests

The main pests for tomatoes are aphids, Colorado potato beetles, mole crickets, and slugs. Drugs such as “Marshal” and “Aktellik” have proven themselves to be effective against them; special traps are used for slugs.



tomato Verochka F1

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