Tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse: the best varieties and hybrids

Tomato Dulcinea (Siberian Garden)

Price: 18 rub.

Quantity: 20 pcs.

Availability: Yes

Expiration date: 12/31/2020

  • Description
  • Reviews and comments

General characteristics of the variety

New mid-season variety from.

From germination to fruiting – 112 – 117 days. The plant is tall - 160 - 180 cm, fertile, requires staking and shaping. The fruits of "Dulcinea" are pear-shaped, elongated, large - 300 - 400 grams each. The color of the skin is pink, the flesh is dense, sugary, sweet and aromatic. The taste of the fruit is delicious. Dulcinea tomatoes are not a simple and sophisticated food, but a whole festival of juicy and lively pleasure. Inflorescences contain 4–6 ovaries, the plant is unpretentious in cultivation, suitable for open and protected ground. The fruits are suitable for all types of home consumption.

Features of the variety:

  • Pink-fruited mid-season tomato.
  • The fruits are shaped like a jug or a woman, depending on your imagination.
  • The taste of the fruit is delicious, the average weight is 300 - 400 grams.

Growing Dulcinea tomato.

Tomatoes are usually grown as seedlings, for which a bright place with an appropriate temperature is selected. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in March: at the beginning of the month or in the middle. The soil is prepared from a mixture of forest soil, sand and peat, or you can buy store-bought soil “For seedlings”. Before planting, the substrate is compacted and seeds are planted in it according to a 4x4 cm pattern, planting depth is 1.5 - 20 cm. The seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil no more than 1 cm on top. At the initial stages, in order not to erode the soil, the substrate with planting material is moistened with a spray bottle or pour through a fine tea strainer. Seed germination temperature is 25 - 30 degrees Celsius.

After watering, the containers with seeds should be covered with a stack or film, which is removed after the first shoots appear. A week later, as soon as the seedlings have become stronger, it is recommended to lower the temperature of the seedlings to 22 degrees Celsius during the day and 16 - 18 degrees Celsius at night, so that the seedlings do not stretch out so quickly. Picking is carried out in the phase of 2 true leaves, and in the phase of 6 - 7 true leaves and one flower cluster; young plants can be planted in the ground at a permanent place of growth. For 1 sq.m. place 3 – 4 plants. Tomatoes are grown with the formation of 1 - 2 stems in open ground and 2 -3 stems in protected ground.

Regular care consists of

watering, loosening, weeding and fertilizing.

The tomato variety Dulcinea belongs to the category of mid-season plants and reaches a height of 1.6 m. It is recommended to grow it in greenhouses or under temporary film covers until night frosts completely stop.
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The peculiarity of the fruit is its amazingly beautiful pink color and fragrant fleshy pulp.

Description of the variety

The bushes are indeterminate, so at the beginning of July, careful pinching of the tops is necessary. This will allow nutrients to be directed to the development and ripening of the fruit, and not to the further growth and thickness of the tops. Tomatoes are grouped 4 - 6 pieces in each brush. The first of them is tied above the seventh leaf, and each subsequent one is tied after another 3 leaves. So that the bushes can withstand the load of fruits, they must be tied up. It is best to use the trellis method for this, in which support is provided primarily to the brushes themselves.

The average weight of tomatoes is 150 - 250 g. They can be used fresh, as well as for preparing salads, sauces and juices. If the planting of seedlings grown in March is repeated in the second half of May or early June, then the first fruits can be harvested already in mid-July. The variety has a long fruiting period, so the ripening of the harvest extends until mid-September.


What are the promising tomato varieties

Is it worth paying attention today? I'll start with the low determinate ones; they are usually grown in open ground or in tunnel greenhouses. For beginning gardeners or busy people who don’t have time to plant or garter tomatoes, I suggest planting two wonderful varieties, “Pepper-shaped strong” and “Solokha”.

Despite the small growth of the bushes, they are strewn with fruits. The undoubted advantage of both varieties is their fairly good resistance to the vagaries of weather and diseases.

Many summer residents classify Dutch hybrids as tasty varieties, considering them more productive. I'm not against Dutch hybrids; they are undoubtedly productive. But I still recommend growing Russian hybrids as they are more tasty. I recommend the tomato hybrids “Bulat”, “Fidelity” and “Generator”. The “Fidelity” tomato ripens early and bears fruit until late autumn, and when collected in the form of green fruits, it ripens well and can be stored for up to 50 days. Tomato “Fidelity” will become your favorite for many years.

Of course, the sweetest are the large-fruited pink and raspberry-colored tomatoes. There are low-growing tomatoes with huge fruits weighing from 500-1000 g - these are “Sugar Pudovichok” and “Hospitable”, which can be grown without pinching, then their fruits will weigh 300 g. And two more large-fruited tomatoes with strange fruits are "Pink Honey" and "Buffalo Heart". The “Buffalo Heart” tomato, with good care, can produce a harvest of up to 10 kg from one bush.

For greenhouse owners, a promising tomato variety called “Scorpio” is suitable - this is a raceme tomato with very large pink fruits of exquisite taste. Collect green fruits in October and they will ripen by November, as they lie well and ripen.

The “Honey-Sugar” tomato variety sets well in both cold and hot summers.

Tomatoes “Laura” and “Dulcinea” give the impression that they were ripening not in a greenhouse, but under the gentle sun. Both tomatoes are racemose; each inflorescence bears up to four to six large fruits.

The next pair of tomatoes, exotic “Scarlet Mustang” and “Goose Egg”. Not only are they very tasty and the bushes are productive, they are also unusual. “Scarlet Mustang” has long, up to 25 cm, cigar-shaped fruits. And the “Goose Egg” has its own charm; it is a racemose tomato with six or eight egg-shaped fruits. “Goose eggs” ripen well.

A couple more interesting Siberian tomatoes are “Uncle Styopa” and “Golden Koenigsberg”. Their fruits are dense and have few seeds. These tomatoes are superior to many others in taste and carotene content. These are the promising tomato varieties

good for drying.

Do not forget that the good yields indicated on the seed packets can only be obtained with good care. See you later, friends!

source Private house. Garden

Recommendations for cultivation

You can count on good tomato yields if you start growing by sowing seeds yourself. Sowing must be carried out 50–60 days before the planned planting in the ground. The container with soil and seeds should be in a bright room at an air temperature of 23 - 25 degrees Celsius. Among the mandatory requirements for growing Dulcinea tomato seedlings, it is worth highlighting timely moderate watering: the soil should be moist, but without excess or stagnation of water, since this blocks the access of oxygen to the root systems. The total growing season takes 108–115 days from the moment the first shoots appear.

Tomatoes are a type of nightshade crop, so any manipulations with the root system of plants can lead to a stop in the development of bushes or an insufficient harvest. In order not to injure the plants during the picking process, you can plant the seeds in separate small containers and then replant them on permanent soil along with a lump of earth.

It can be replanted into permanent soil only after the ground has warmed up to 16 - 18 degrees, and the possibility of a return of spring night frosts will be minimal. Since the bushes grow tall and voluminous, no more than 3 bushes per 1 sq.m. should be planted. 10 days after planting, it is necessary to carefully hill up the bushes. This will retain more moisture inside and also protect the plants from various diseases. Since tomatoes tend to form roots from small shoots on the stems, hilling strengthens the system, which means the plant becomes less vulnerable.

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When choosing a site for growing Dulcinea tomatoes under temporary film cover, preference should be given to well-lit areas or slight partial shade. Planting tomatoes in cold drafts is not allowed.

Growing seedlings

The plant needs pinching and pinching

Seeds begin to germinate in February-March, and for good seedling growth, do not forget about fertilizing the soil with any suitable means.

The temperature of the soil with seeds should be maintained at 20-25°C. Recommendation for planting the Goose Egg variety - three bushes per 1 sq. m.

The bush grows strongly upward and to the side, thus forming new shoots with stems and brushes

Therefore, care and attention to seedlings is needed so that the bushes have enough strength and time for a timely harvest.

The optimal plant care instructions for a Goose Egg would be:

  1. When planting in a greenhouse, you should immediately shoot the bush, leaving up to 2 shoots on the stem (stepping is the removal of lateral shoots in the early stages of growth). Pruning should be carried out as the bush grows. When breaking off a shoot, leave 2 cm of stump, so the shoot will not grow back.
  2. Leave 4-5 clusters on the stem.
  3. Pinch the top to prevent the bush from growing larger. Thus, all the strength of the variety will go to yield, and not to the size of the bush.
  4. Mandatory garter to the support. Because of its maximum size and future fruits, it is better to tie one bush to two supports. The best thing for this is vertical trellises, with wire stretched on top, and from which strong ropes stretch down.
  5. Separate garter of clusters with fruits.
  6. Systematically remove old lower leaves to the fruiting cluster.

The variety does not require special fertilizers. Water a couple of times a week, and be sure to ensure that the water does not erode the soil in the root area, because... The variety has well-developed main and adventitious roots that grow from the stem. The tomato will easily survive a slight drought, and this will not affect its yield.

Recommendations for soil preparation

The optimal conditions for growing Dulcinea tomatoes are:

  • sufficient looseness of the soil,
  • its complete fertilizer;
  • neutral acidity level;
  • compliance with the principles of crop rotation;
  • moderate humidity.

The soil must be loose so that the root system can receive the necessary oxygen. Therefore, when choosing soil, you should not choose clayey and swampy soils. Ordinary garden soil can be supplemented with coarse river sand. The second important point concerns regular surface treatment to prevent the formation of crusts.

You need to think about fertilizing the soil in the fall. Bird droppings, manure or rotted compost are suitable for this. In this case, the area must be dug up. Before planting seedlings, mineral complexes with the obligatory presence of calcium, potassium, nitrogen and copper are added to the soil. Fertilization can be done by watering the dissolved elements in warm water. Of the mandatory additional fertilizers, it is also worth highlighting the moment before the first flowers appear and before the fruits themselves begin to ripen. In any case, the use of mineral complex fertilizers should be carried out no more than once every 4–5 weeks.

Sensitive roots do not tolerate increased soil acidity. If plantain, horsetail or buttercup most often sprout on the site, this indicates increased acidity. The condition of such soil can be normalized by adding sifted wood ash or lime at the rate of 20–30 kg per 1 hectare of land.

As for the rules of crop rotation, it is not recommended to grow tomatoes after peppers or any other nightshade crops. Potatoes and legumes are good predecessors to tomatoes. Moderate soil moisture is necessary for adequate nutrition of tomato bushes, while stagnation of water in the soil is much more detrimental than a short drought. When growing Dulcinea tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to maintain soil and air humidity levels of about 60%.

Growing rules

Tomatoes of the “Goldfish” variety are bred by seeds. You can purchase them or assemble them yourself. The tomato is non-hybrid, therefore, for 3 years, its own planting material gives good germination and retains varietal characteristics. In the fourth year, it is recommended to replace the seeds to prevent degeneration of the crop.

Planting seedlings

For planting in a greenhouse, seeds are sown in the second mid-February, for unprotected soil 10 days later. Pre-planting material is soaked for 2 hours in a 5% solution of potassium permanganate, the next procedure is to place the seeds in a growth-stimulating preparation for a day.

The soil is being prepared. You can buy ready-made or mix it yourself from peat, river sand, humus, and turf soil. Soil is poured into planting containers (containers, boxes, special glasses, improvised containers), watered abundantly, furrows are made 2 cm deep, seeds are laid out (1 by 1 cm). Sprinkle with soil, no watering required.

The containers are placed in a bright place, and polyethylene caps are put on top of them. After the first shoots, the covering material is removed. Water the tomatoes as the soil dries out; it is better to do this with a spray bottle. After germination, the seedlings grow to 3 leaves, then they are planted, fed with complex fertilizers, and left to grow in a lighted place before planting in a greenhouse or soil.

Tomato transplant

The time for planting on a permanent site in a greenhouse is the first half of May, on an unprotected place - as the soil warms up (+15 0 C). Pre-prepare the planting bed: loosen the soil, remove weed roots, apply organic and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They make furrows 50 cm deep and 70 cm wide. Tomato seedlings are planted horizontally every half meter, deepening the roots by 8 cm. Per 1 sq. m. m place 3 tomatoes. A distance of at least 65 cm is maintained between rows.

Subsequent care for tomatoes

From the day the variety is planted in a permanent place, caring for the crop is as follows:

  1. Feeding in three stages in the first week, before flowering, at the time of fruiting. For this purpose, organic matter and complex fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus are used.
  2. They form a bush with one or several trunks, the remaining stepsons are removed. Throughout the entire growth period, the crop is tied up.
  3. Cut off the lower and dry leaves, get rid of the brushes from which the tomatoes were removed.
  4. In an unprotected area, the root circle is mulched with peat or sawdust; this measure is not relevant in greenhouse structures.

With constant watering, a tomato grows and bears fruit better; irrigation in a greenhouse is carried out every 2 days, in an open area - depending on the weather.

Diseases and pests

One of the most dangerous diseases for Dulcinea tomatoes is fusarium blight, which is manifested by rapid rotting of the root system and plant stems. In order to protect the plants in advance, their seeds are treated with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate even before sowing. Protecting tomato bushes from sudden changes in air temperature, as well as sudden changes from too dry soil to too wet one, will also prevent the disease from appearing.

To prevent whitefly disease in bushes, you can use a two-day garlic infusion, the preparation of which requires 250–300 g of pressed garlic per 8–9 liters of water. An alternative can be a regular soda solution, which uses 250 g of powder per 10 liters of water. Prepared solutions should be thoroughly sprayed on each bush. The first treatment can be carried out no earlier than 2 - 2.5 weeks after planting the seedlings, and after another week, repeated spraying must be carried out.

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Fungicides are often used to control insects. The basic rule for their use concerns the need to carry out the work itself no later than 2 weeks before the planned harvest. Special attention must be paid to your own safety when working with chemical poison. Spraying is recommended to be done early in the morning before sunrise or late in the evening. This will allow the substance to be absorbed into the leaves before it evaporates under the influence of sunlight.

Variety care

Fruiting of tomatoes depends on the supply of moisture and nutrients. According to reviews, Golden Egg tomatoes are unpretentious in care and do not require pinching. Low-growing bushes are tied at the top to a support.

Watering plants

Tomatoes are watered once or twice a week, taking into account weather conditions and their stage of development. The water is pre-settled in barrels and added in the morning or evening.

Watering scheme for Golden Egg tomatoes:

  • before the formation of buds - every 3 days with 3 liters of water per bush;
  • during the flowering period - 5 liters of water weekly;
  • during fruiting - 2 liters of water twice a week.

A sign of a lack of moisture is yellowing and curling of the tops. With insufficient moisture, the inflorescences begin to fall off. Excess moisture slows down the development of tomatoes and provokes the development of diseases.

After watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 5 cm so as not to damage the roots of the tomatoes. Mulching with peat or straw will help maintain soil moisture.

Fertilizer application

Tomatoes are fed with organic or mineral substances. During the season, 3-4 treatments are carried out.

For the first feeding, 0.5 liters of slurry is required. It is added to a 10-liter bucket of water, and the resulting solution is poured over the tomatoes at the root. The consumption of the product for each plant is 1 liter.

When the ovaries are formed, tomatoes are treated with a solution based on phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus is responsible for the transport of nutrients in the plant body and the development of the root system. The final taste of tomatoes depends on potassium.

Advice! To feed tomatoes, take 30 g of superphosphate and potassium salt. The components are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

An effective way to feed is to spray the tomatoes on the leaves. To prepare a solution for foliar treatment, take components with phosphorus and potassium in an amount of 10 g each.

Between treatments of tomatoes there is a gap of 2-3 weeks. You can replace minerals with wood ash.

Protection from diseases and pests

According to the description, Golden Egg tomatoes remain resistant to major crop diseases. To protect plantings from late blight, they are treated with Ordan. Based on it, a solution is prepared, which is sprayed onto the plants leaf by leaf. Treatment is carried out every 10-14 days and stopped 20 days before harvesting.

When attacked by pests, the aboveground part of the tomatoes is damaged and the yield decreases. Insecticides are used against insects. Among the folk remedies, dusting with tobacco dust and watering with garlic and onion infusions are effective.


For preventive protection of tomato bushes, you can use a two-day infusion of celandine. To prepare it, you need to take 8 - 9 liters of clean water and at least 1 - 1.5 kg of chopped fresh herbs. Spraying is best done in the early morning. The procedure must be repeated again after 10 days, preparing a fresh two-day infusion for this.

In order for the processing of tomato bushes to take place as carefully as possible, seedlings on the site should be planted at a distance of 45 - 50 cm. With the onset of hot summer, it is worth taking care of mulching the root systems: the soil under the bushes can be covered with straw or any other non-woven material that would not allow the sun's rays to pass through to soil and thereby protected the existing moisture from evaporation.

photo by Valentina Nevadovskaya


  • Before planting in the ground, the seedlings need to be hardened off: they are taken outside every day for a week.
  • The soil in the garden bed is watered with a solution of manganese and loosened.
  • Since the indeterminate variety requires tying, a trellis is immediately installed.
  • Plants are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other and watered with warm water at the root.

Bushes are formed into 1-2 stems, removing side shoots and pinching out the growing point. Shoots weighed down with fruits also need to be tied up. Watering is done once every two weeks in spring and once a week in summer.

Use warm water, water at the root or drip. The procedure can be combined with fertilizing using a solution of mineral or organic fertilizers.

After this, the soil is loosened, facilitating air access to the root system. Fertilizing is carried out once every 14 days, alternating mineral complexes and organic matter.

During flowering and fruiting, additional potassium fertilizing can be done. To control humidity levels and prevent diseases, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated.

Description of the tomato variety Dulcinea, reviews, photos

Mid-season, tall, indeterminate tomato variety. Recommended for growing in greenhouses and under temporary film covers.

The height of the bush is up to 1.6 meters; it requires tying to a support and pinching. The best result is when the plant is formed into 1-2 stems. The first brush is placed above the 7th sheet, each subsequent one after 3 sheets. Each cluster contains 4-6 fruits.

Fruit characteristics

photo author Alexey Kulik

The fruits are elongated, large, crimson in color at maturity, weighing 150-250 grams (individual specimens up to 350 g). They have tender, aromatic pulp of excellent taste. These tomatoes are ideal for fresh consumption and home cooking.

Thanks to the harmonious combination of acids and sugars, tomatoes have a very pleasant taste.

Dulcinea - variety of tomato plant

Variety characteristics:

Properties of the Dulcinea variety:

Recommended region on the map:

Information on the admission of Tomato Dulcinea from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 44038, registered 2005-12-07. The Tomato variety Dulcinea was included in the register of those approved in 2007. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Tomato Dulcinea variety is:

Information about the patent for the Tomato variety Dulcinea

Patent holder of the Dulcinea variety:


Application for protection of the Dulcinea variety No. 44039, registered 2005-12-07.

Patent No. 3340, registered 2006-11-27. Estimated patent expiration date 2036-12-31.

Authors of the Tomato Dulcinea variety
  • Dederko Vladimir Nikolaevich
  • Postnikova Olga Valentinovna

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