Large-fruited tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages. The best varieties of beef tomatoes

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History of creation

Tomatoes, which have very large and fleshy fruits, were bred in the USA. In a country where grilling meat and vegetables is well developed, there was an urgent need to create tomatoes with low-juiciness, fleshy fruits.

The creator of these plants is considered to be Johan Munstr, a farmer and vegetable grower. Munster received an award from the government for his brainchild. Today, there are dozens of varieties and hybrids of beef tomatoes known in the world, which are grown in greenhouses and open ground.

Large tomatoes

Interesting! Translated from English, the word “beef” can be translated as beef, steak.

The name fully characterizes the structure of the fruit of this type of tomato. The flesh of the beef fruit is red, fleshy, with many seed chambers. At the same time, the seeds are small and there is very little juice inside the fruit. When cut, the structure of a beef tomato resembles a piece of marbled beef.

Fleshy tomato in section

What are beef tomatoes?

There are many varieties of tomatoes. Fruit size is the main characteristic of any variety. On its basis, a classification has been created according to which all tomatoes are divided into three groups:

  1. The first includes small-fruited varieties, including cherry tomatoes. Their fruit weight does not exceed 70 g.
  2. The second group includes tomatoes with medium-sized fruits. Their weight is more than 70 g, but does not exceed 100 g.
  3. The third category includes all varieties of tomatoes with a tomato weight of more than 100 g. This is the variety of beef tomatoes.

The first varieties were developed by a farmer from America, Johan Munstr. The flesh of his tomatoes was very meaty, so he called them beef (beefsteak), which means meat. Beefs are productive F1 hybrids. Large fleshy fruits can weigh from 150 to 1500 g.

General description of beef tomato fruit:

  • shelf life is about 7 days;
  • poor transportability;
  • thin skin;
  • tasty, dense, fleshy pulp;
  • beautiful cut;
  • multi-chamber.

Hybrids are resistant to fungi and viruses; no chemicals are used in their cultivation.

Varieties and varieties

Below are the main characteristics of varieties and hybrids of fleshy tomatoes that are popular among domestic gardeners.

Big Beef 1

A tall hybrid intended for planting in a greenhouse. Depending on the height of the greenhouse, the plant stem is pinched at 180-250 cm. The tomato is resistant to temperature changes and fusarium.

The harvest ripens 110-115 days after seed germination. The fruits are red, round, weighing 270-350 g. The pulp is dense, sweet and aromatic.

Negro Beef

A greenhouse tomato reaching a height of 250 cm. Its distinctive feature is large, flat-round, chocolate-colored fruits. The average weight of a tomato is 300 g. You can get fruits weighing up to 600 g if you leave 1-2 ovaries on the flower cluster.

The taste of tomatoes is delicate and sweet. The pulp is juicy and aromatic. The fruit has a thin skin, so Negro Beef is especially tasty in salads.

Bull's heart

A productive variety well known to Russian gardeners, which can easily be classified as “beef”.

The plant is powerful, with a height of 130 to 180 cm. Each bush ripens from 5 to 8 kg of tomatoes. The ripening period is medium-late. The shape of the fruit resembles a heart, weight from 220 to 700 g. The tomato pulp is dense, very sweet, with low juiciness.

On a note! On sale are Ox's Heart seeds with red and pink fruits.

Big Boy

Tall (stem length from 1.5 to 1.8 m) early ripening tomato (115-120 days from sowing). Suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground.

The bush ripens up to 5 kg of large pink heart-shaped fruits, weighing up to 400 g. The pulp is multi-chambered, sweet.

Beef Master

The hybrid plant has a late ripening period (125 days from sowing), therefore it is grown only in greenhouses. The tomato is characterized by:

  • tall (200-240 cm);
  • large-fruited (fruit weight more than 500 g);
  • resistance to diseases (TMV, Alternaria, Fusarium);
  • productivity (more than 10 kg per 1 sq. m).

Large-fruited tomatoes

Because of their fleshy flesh, large tomatoes are nicknamed beef tomatoes. These include fruits whose weight exceeds 150 grams. The largest officially registered fruit grown in Russia weighed 1.5 kg. Part of the large-fruited group, tomatoes can be grown in open and closed ground. They differ in ripening time, yield, disease resistance and taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the fruits, for which they are especially valued, is their juicy, fleshy pulp. This group of tomatoes includes varieties that have different colors. It can be red, green, yellow, white and brown. Fruits can have the following shape: round, oval, ribbed, pear-shaped, pepper-shaped, etc.

The fruit has a sweet taste and thin skin. There are a small number of seed chambers inside the fruit. Tomatoes are characterized by high yields and have an attractive presentation. Gardeners grow large tomatoes for personal consumption and for commercial purposes.

The main disadvantage of beef tomatoes is their high care requirements and increased sensitivity to lack of mineral nutrition. The bushes of the plant protect from drafts and strong winds. Most varieties have late ripening periods. Large fruits are not suitable for preservation. When marinating tomato halves, they quickly fall apart in the brine.

Features of cultivation

When choosing a method for planting beef tomatoes, you must remember that they ripen when planted in open ground only in regions with a warm climate and long summers. The bushes of the plant need special shaping and staking. Plants are demanding on lighting and air temperature.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

The soil in the beds with tomatoes should have an acidity no higher than pH 6.5. The soil must be mixed with river sand, peat, wood ash and compost. It must have good air tightness.

Fruit beef tomatoes

A special group of large-fruited tomatoes that have a pronounced fruity note in taste. The fruits from these plants are especially tasty fresh in salads and on sandwiches.

Examples of fruit tomatoes:

  • Safari (early, persimmon-like fruits, weighing 300 g);
  • Retro (early, red fruits, up to 400 g);
  • Balance (early, orange tomatoes, weighing 360 g).

Among the tastes most characteristic of such tomatoes are: orange, melon, strawberry, watermelon.

Description of the Pink variety

The beefsteak tomato Pink was bred agro. There is another popular variety of Pink Brandy. Both varieties belong to the first generation hybrids.

The varieties have the following general characteristics:

  1. The bush is compact, the leaves grow densely.
  2. The ripening period is mid-early. The fruits ripen unevenly.
  3. The yield is high - 25 kg per square meter of bed.
  4. High resistance to low temperatures and droughts.
  5. High resistance to bronze virus, fusarium, and vercillosis.

Based on reviews from gardeners, it can be judged that the plant takes root well in the middle zone. Yield indicators do not suffer. Pink is unpretentious in care.

Characteristics of Beef Pink fruits

Beef Pink tomato fruits are pink in color. They are dense, multi-chambered, have a rounded shape and a ribbed surface. The average weight of one Pink tomato is about 300 grams.

The taste of the fruit is moderately sweet. They are best consumed fresh. But Pink tomatoes have a universal purpose, so they are widely used in cooking.

The transportability of the variety is high. Tomatoes are quite dense, so they easily retain their shape. Due to its high yield and resistance to disease, it is very profitable to grow Pink for sale.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this group of tomatoes is their amazing taste and high percentage of pulp. Due to the increased content of dry matter, such tomatoes contain several times more vitamins, minerals, and sugars than ordinary fruits.

In addition, many gardeners note consistently high yields of beef tomatoes.

The disadvantages include:

  • low shelf life due to thin skin;
  • tendency to cracking;
  • plant requirements for soil fertility and fertilizing.

Main advantages

The main advantage of fleshy large-fruited tomatoes is their taste and high pulp content inside the fruit. These tomatoes are delicious fresh in salads. You can put them on sandwiches without fear that the juice will leak through the bread. Different varieties have their own taste of fruit: sweet (sugar), melon, pear, watermelon.

The fleshy fruits make delicious ketchup, tomato paste and various sauces. The yield of the finished product is higher than that of a prepared dish from ordinary tomatoes.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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In terms of dry matter content, carotene, lycopene and sugars, beef tomatoes have no competitors.

Features of cultivation and care

Sowing “meat” tomatoes for seedlings and growing until planting in the ground does not differ from the methods of cultivating ordinary tomatoes. But the formation and feeding of plants has its own nuances.

Important! Beef tomatoes require free placement in the garden. To form large fruits, a tomato requires an area of ​​0.5 square meters. meters.


Most varieties with large fruits do not have restrictions on stem growth. The vegetable grower himself determines the height of the bush by pinching the top of the tomato at the desired level.

In a greenhouse, the plant is formed into 1 stem, removing all lateral shoots. Stepchildren are cut with scissors or pinched (you cannot cut them off, damaging the skin of the stem!) while they are short.

In open ground, a tomato bush can be formed into 2-3 stems, leaving the first and second stepson at the bottom. In order for the plant to be better illuminated and ventilated, the stems are tied to several stakes or a net, like a fan.

Top dressing

To obtain large and sweet tomatoes, plants need to be fed every 2 weeks. It is better to use balanced mixtures of mineral fertilizers intended for tomatoes: Fertika, OMU, Hera, Agricola.

Among the folk recipes that are suitable for tomatoes:

  • infusion of manure, ash, banana skins, grass and bread;
  • solution of iodine, ammonia, boric acid (spraying);
  • extract from vermicompost.

Spraying shoots with a spray bottle

Tomato Beef: reviews from gardeners about the variety

According to reviews from gardeners, Biff f1 tomatoes produce an excellent harvest. But to do this, you need to keep a very close eye on the tomatoes and constantly look after them, since without supervision they will simply wither away. The plant needs watering, fertilizing, and also periodically pinching out the shoots.

Of course, preventive measures are important to prevent various diseases. To do this, you should treat Beef variety tomatoes with ready-made preparations. Or use some folk recipes to treat the plant and bring it to a viable state, increasing its immunity and stress resistance.

Pests and diseases

Most modern plants are, to one degree or another, resistant to major tomato diseases. Large-fruited varieties, having thin skin, are prone to cracking. An infection penetrates into the wounds, which leads to the development of rot. To avoid cracking, take the following measures:

  • reduce watering during the final fruit filling phase;
  • remove cracked tomatoes in a timely manner and ripen them indoors, sprinkling the cracks with salt;
  • spray the plants with antifungal drugs.

Diseases and pests

The Beef variety has good immunity from fungus, but this does not mean that it is not susceptible to other diseases of nightshade crops. If there are “unhealthy” plants on the site, then it is imperative to carry out preventive treatment of the bushes.

The hybrid is resistant to diseases such as tobacco mosaic, late blight, cladosporiosis and verticillium.

Farmers' reviews about tomatoes

Reviews of the Big Beef tomato and its brethren are mostly positive. Tomatoes are grown for personal use, for sale in fresh and cooked form.

Experienced farmers willingly share tips on growing varieties:

  1. Varieties grow best in light soils.
  2. It is best to water plants in hot weather in the morning or a few hours before sunset.
  3. The amount of watering of seedlings before planting in the ground should be increased.
  4. When grown in a greenhouse, it must be ventilated after each watering to prevent excess greenhouse effect.

Some farmers managed to grow Big fruits weighing up to 1.5 kg. To achieve such results, you need to leave only 2-3 ovaries. It is also important to increase the intensity of feeding.

Beefsteak tomato varieties are fun to grow. There is excitement to get larger fruits. They have a number of advantages and advantages over other varieties. Tomato Big Beef F1 deserves the attention of farmers.

Biological features

Tomato is a heat- and light-loving plant. For normal growth and development, the optimal temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. At temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius, the crop stops blooming, and at 10 degrees Celsius it stops growing altogether.

To grow tomatoes, it is better to choose loose, fertile soil with neutral acidity (chernozem, loam, sandy loam). The water requirement is moderate; if there is an excess of moisture, fungal diseases can develop on the tomato.

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