Tomato Russian Empire characteristics and description of the variety with photos

Russian Empire - variety of Tomato plant

The “Russian Empire” belongs to the indeterminate type.
It reaches a height of about 2 m. One bunch can ripen from 6 to 9 tomatoes. The average ripening time from the moment of sowing is from 110 to 115 days. Feels good in open ground in the southern regions. In cooler areas with unstable weather, it is better to use a greenhouse or greenhouse. It has good immunity and tolerates many diseases well. tomato Ruslan - description and characteristics of the variety

The plant is tall, much taller than other types of tomatoes. Therefore, the tomato requires gartering and pinching. Gardeners form several stems. There are many leaves on the bush, they are large and dark green in color. The tomato has simple inflorescences. The tomato annually gives its owner a generous harvest. On average, a bush yields 9 kg. The tomato is mid-early and after 90 days you can get the first tasty fruits.

Brief information about the plant of the described species

The characteristics and description of the Russian Empire f1 variety are as follows:

  1. Tomato bushes grow up to 180-200 cm.
  2. The inflorescence on the plant is simple, the number of leaves is average.
  3. The cluster most often contains from 6 to 9 fruits.
  4. The ripening time of the Russian Empire f1 variety from seedlings to an adult, fruit-bearing plant is from 105 to 115 days.

The tomato fruits of the described variety have the shape of an elongated plum. Their density is quite high, and the number of internal chambers is 2. The color of the fruit is red. The taste of tomatoes of the Russian Empire f1 variety is highly appreciated by experts and consumers. The weight of each fruit can reach 0.13–0.15 kg, although the average weight of a specimen is 0.11–0.12 kg. From 1 m² of garden bed, many summer residents manage to get from 7 to 9 kg of fruit.

Reviews about the Russian Empire f1 variety show that farmers get a high yield if all agrotechnical measures are carried out in a timely and correct manner. Features of the species, such as immunity to fusarium and verticellosis, allow the plant to survive where other tomatoes die.

Russian Empire grows well in open ground in the southern regions of Russia. For gardeners in the middle zone, it is recommended to use a film covering when planting bushes of the described variety. In Siberia and the Far North, these plants are grown only in greenhouses.

What is the species

The characteristics and description of the variety are an excellent help for the summer resident; with its help, you can choose the right place for cultivation. Choose the right agricultural techniques to obtain the maximum yield.


  • Bush: indeterminate.
  • Height: 2 m.
  • Inflorescence: simple.
  • Number of tomatoes per brush: 6–9 pcs.
  • Ripening time: 110–115 days.


  • Shape: elongated cream.
  • Weight: 110–130 g.
  • Color: red.
  • Taste: excellent.
  • Density: high.
  • Number of cameras: 2 pcs.
  • Transportability: high.
  • Shelf life: 1 month.

Plant care rules

To get a high-quality and large harvest, you need to know how to care for tomatoes during flowering. Gardeners identify several basic rules.

  1. In order for the plant to produce a lot of fruit, it is left with 5-6 fruit clusters. Then the top of the base of the plant is pinched, but so that the upper clusters of 2-3 leaves remain. This procedure will help saturate the fruits with useful elements.
  2. Since this variety reaches a height of 1.5-2 m, it must be tied up.
  3. You should not water tomatoes very often. So that moisture can remain for a long time, a thick layer of peat or straw is poured around the plant.
  4. The plant must be fed every 10 days. Fertilizers are prepared independently; for this, take 1:5 manure, 1 bucket of solution mixed with 10g of ammonium nitrate, 50g of superphosphate and 15g of potassium salt. When the fruits begin to ripen, the amount of potassium salt should be increased to 80g, and ammonium nitrate to 30g. For 1 m2 of area you need to use a bucket of solution.
  5. During cultivation, it is necessary to monitor the air temperature and humidity.

It is also worth knowing that the amount of harvest depends on the formed bushes. Usually it is formed into 1-2 stems.


The shape of the tomato is oblong, reminiscent of a plum or even a pepper. Bright red color. Has a great tomato taste. One tomato has two seed chambers. The weight of one vegetable ranges from 110 to 130 g. When picked, it can be stored for up to 1 month. It tolerates transportation well over long distances.

The tomato has elongated, cream-shaped fruits of bright red color and an elongated spout. At maturity they are orange-red in color. The fruits are medium in size and grow up to 150 grams. Tomatoes are characterized by their versatility. They are used both for fresh salads and for preservation. Gardeners have noticed that delicious recipes are obtained by pickling such vegetables.

When preserved, the fruit does not lose its properties and does not burst due to its dense peel. In addition, these tomatoes are characterized by good keeping quality and transportability. Often, the variety is used for commercial purposes because the fruits have a good appearance for a long time.

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Early ripening raspberry tomato “Imperial Weakness”!

Hello, dear gardeners, gardeners and flower growers. Today I would like to introduce an extraordinary hybrid, completely new, belonging to agro. The hybrid is called "Imperial Weakness".

Hello, dear gardeners, gardeners and flower growers. Today I would like to introduce an extraordinary hybrid, completely new, belonging to agro. The hybrid is called "Imperial Weakness".

Hybrid characteristics

A very good plant indeed. Determinate, approximately 60-70 centimeters high. Our first brush is formed literally after 6-7 sheets. You yourself understand that this is very early. Therefore, the hybrid itself belongs to the early ripening period.

The fruits, as you can see, are pink, there are about 7-8 pieces in the cluster. Sometimes there are 5 pieces. The brush is simple, that is, one axis and fruits extending evenly from it. The fruits are about 150 grams, very beautiful, really pink. Look how beautifully round it is.

Let us now try to weigh it, and then we’ll see what it tastes like. The average mass is naturally meant among at least a dozen different sizes. 100.44 grams, really corresponds to the varietal parameters.

Now we'll cut it open to see what's inside. Such tomatoes are very healthy, especially pink in color, especially for men over 40 years old.

Wonderful medium sized seed chambers. 5-chamber. In my opinion, a wonderful, very beautiful tomato. We'll taste it now. Very fragrant, moderately acidic, very pleasant in acidity, thin skin. Everything is as it should be. I think that after looking at my presentation of this variety, I think you will like this hybrid, you will buy it, you will taste it. Try growing it from seed to harvest. And the average harvest is from 16 to 20 kilograms. 16 kilograms - in open ground and a little over 20 - in closed ground, that is, in protected ground. Try the Imperial Weakness hybrid and I'm sure you'll really, really like it.

Planting and care

The end of February is the time to plant seeds for seedlings. To do this, you can use peat cups or special containers. You need to add 1/3 of rotted humus to the ground. To improve seed germination, before planting, they are soaked in warm water (25°C) for 18 hours, then dried.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

After approximately 65 days, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place: in open ground or a greenhouse.

Note! Young plants are planted at an angle. Planting density is 3-4 plants per square meter.

The plant is tall, branches can break under the weight of the fruit, so the bushes need to be tied up.

The plant must be properly pinched and pinched.

Tomato pinching

Important! Tomatoes need to be pinched before fruiting begins (around the beginning of June).

5-6 stems are formed, the rest are removed, and the top of the main stem is pinched so that 2-3 leaves extend from the top branch. By forming 2 branches, you can increase the formation of fruits. The lower leaves are removed.

You need to water tomatoes on average once a week, using 10 liters of water for each bush. It is advisable to mulch the soil (straw, peat) to reduce moisture evaporation. Apply fertilizer every 10 days: 0.5 liters of nutrient liquid per plant.

Watering tomatoes

The culture is resistant to many diseases, but is susceptible to late blight. Therefore, it is recommended to spray the plant with special preparations for preventive purposes.

Important! In an open garden, tomatoes are planted next to onions, cabbage, peas and as far as possible from potatoes so as not to infect them with the Colorado potato beetle. It is not worth growing a tomato in one place for more than 1 season; it is necessary to alternate.

If the crop grows in a greenhouse, the air temperature in it should be no more than 30°C, and the greenhouse should be regularly ventilated. This will create an optimal climate for the Empire tomato to bloom and bear fruit well.

The Empire tomato is easy to grow even for a novice gardener. This is a picky variety that produces tasty fruits.

Before planting the seeds, they are treated with a weak solution of manganese. Seeds need to be planted in fertilized soil. The land is fertilized with peat or humus. After the seeds have hatched and seedlings have appeared, the plants dive. This is done to make the plant stronger.

Plants are planted at two months of age. Before planting seedlings in open ground, the plants need to be hardened off. The bushes grow large and love space. Therefore, 2-3 plants are usually planted per square meter.

Tomatoes do not require special care. The main thing is regular watering, loosening the soil and periodic feeding.

Seeds for seedlings are sown 2 months before planting in the ground; it is advisable to correlate them with the climatic conditions of the region of residence. At the phase of appearance of 2 true leaves, a dive is carried out.

It is recommended to harden the seedlings 7–10 days in advance. This is done as follows. The first day she is taken outside for 20 minutes, gradually this time increases to 1 day. This procedure will strengthen the plants and reduce stress when transplanting to a permanent location.

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It is recommended to tie them to supports and remove the stepsons.

Up to 6 bushes are planted per 1 m2. It is recommended to form into two stems. It should be fed at least twice with complex fertilizers. Weeding, hilling, loosening and watering are no different.

Opinions and reviews of summer residents

Over its almost 10-year history, the tomato has earned a good reputation. Summer residents are actively planting the “royal” hybrid and praising its productivity, sharing photos of luxurious bushes. Anna from Taganrog has been planting crops in open beds for several years. The woman likes that with simple care she is able to collect an abundance of tasty fruits that are universal in use.

Natasha from Mogilev calls the dense pulp of a tomato meat, and the bush itself a workhorse. Over 3 years of growing in a greenhouse, the hybrid never let her down. The crop always bears fruit before the onset of cold weather. Nadezhda from Tula noted the tomato’s resistance to weather and disease.

Some gardeners complain about the poor germination of seeds from SeDeK. And summer resident Irina (place of residence unknown) came across a completely different variety. She compared her bushes from photos that another gardener provided her. And yet, despite some errors, Russian Empire F1 remains a popular tomato, the advantages of which outweigh the negative.


  1. Before sowing seeds, they must be disinfected. You can use a weak solution of manganese, in which the seeds should be soaked for 10 to 15 minutes. To improve ripening time and a good harvest, seeds can be soaked in a growth stimulator.
  2. Tomatoes are sown 2 months before transferring to open ground. Some time after the appearance of the second leaf, the sprouts are picked. Each tomato is placed in a separate container. This could be a peat pot or a plastic glass.
  3. 7–10 days before transplanting to a permanent place of growth, the seedlings are hardened off. She is taken outside for a while. Sometimes they open the window and ventilate the room. Staying outside starts at 20 minutes. Afterwards the time is increased and brought to one day. At night, the plant is removed again.
  4. Up to 6 tomato bushes are placed per 1m2. Form a plant into 2 stems. Fertilizing should be carried out 2 - 3 times per season with mineral fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. But not less often.
  5. During growth, the plant should be tied up. Due to the tall stem, the tomato needs additional fixation and support. It is important to carry out weeding in a timely manner, removing weeds. It is important to loosen the soil, mulch and water. However, you should not overwater the crop, otherwise the root system will begin to rot, and subsequently the entire plant.
  6. If a tomato grows in a greenhouse or greenhouse, it is important to ventilate the room daily, thereby drying the tomato bushes, preventing fungal diseases from developing.

tomato Rubinchik - description and characteristics of the variety

Basic rules for planting tomatoes

Tomatoes Raspberry Empire f1 can be grown both in the air and in a greenhouse. To get a high yield, it is better to cultivate in a greenhouse or under a film cover.

To get a good harvest, follow the recommendations

Tomatoes ripen at the same time, so partner gardeners will be able to harvest a high-quality harvest without any problems. But in order for the harvest to really ripen on time and be tasty, you need to know how to prepare planting material and follow the planting rules.

Soil and seed preparation

A few weeks before planting, the partners prepare the seedlings. They should be healthy, have a normal appearance, and their leaves should be rich green. The height of the plant should be 20-25 cm.

In order for the plant to grow and develop normally, it must be fed on time. Since vegetables love moist soil, it is worth taking care of this, so you need to water regularly. To retain the right amount of moisture in the ground, you can apply mulch. It is poured under each bush in a circle.

Planting seedlings

Tomatoes of this f1 variety need to be grown using seedlings. You need to know the sowing time and take into account the climate of the area. The seedling must be 65 days old; it is at this age that planting in the ground begins. The planting period is the end of May, so the seeds begin to be sown in mid-March.

The optimal temperature for tomato growth is 23-250C, so it is worth monitoring the indicators in the greenhouse. Air humidity should be 50-70%. Such growing conditions prevent diseases from attacking tomatoes and help to set a large number of ovaries. When the seedlings have grown, they are planted in holes at an angle so that the stems lie on the ground and are covered with it.

Stem formation

To increase yield, tomatoes are formed into stems; they begin to do this in early June. Unnecessary shoots are cut off and a few are left above the last flowering. This process is carried out over 10-12 days. If the gardener leaves the main stem, then all the stepsons are completely removed. This procedure will speed up the ripening process by several weeks.

To ensure that the procedure is painless for the plant, the stepsons begin to be cut off when their length is 3-5 cm. Healthy stems are cut off first, and only then the diseased ones. This sequence will prevent diseases from spreading, since the virus spreads through the juice of tomatoes when pruning.

Disease susceptibility

The “Russian Empire” tomato is immune to verticillium and fusarium. Insect pests should be treated in a timely manner with special preparations.

It tolerates many common diseases well. The tomato is resistant to verticillium and fusarium. It is necessary to promptly prevent the invasion of parasites: aphids, Colorado potato beetles, mole crickets, slugs and cicadas. To do this, you need to spray the foliage. Loosen the soil, adding sawdust and ash.

You can fumigate the bushes. To do this, make a fire next to the tomatoes using a large amount of foliage or use a smoke bomb.

Positive and negative aspects of the variety

The first criterion when choosing a variety is the presence of good characteristics. A large number of disadvantages will lead to a decrease in demand for tomatoes.


  • Productivity.
  • Unpretentiousness.
  • The fruits last a long time and tolerate transportation well.
  • Resistant to some diseases.


  • The need for plant formation.
  • Seeds collected independently do not inherit parental genes.

Harvest volume and application

The number of fruits that a plant can produce determines the choice of summer residents. The higher the yield, the more famous the variety is. From 1 m2 you can harvest up to 9 kg of tomatoes.

READ MORE: Tomato Classic: characteristics and description of the variety with photos

From 1m2 you can collect up to 9 kg of ripe and juicy fruits. Russian Empire tomatoes are used in preparing vegetable salads. Enhances the taste of cheeses. Used in preparing hot meat dishes. Suitable for canning. Used in the preparation of lecho, vegetable caviar, tomato juices, pastes, sauces and ketchups. Suitable for sale in vegetable markets and large stores.

tomato Rosamarin pound - description and characteristics of the variety

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Raspberry Flame tomato variety are:

  1. uniform ripening of fruits, so the harvest is harvested with tassels;
  2. the hybrid is highly resistant to a number of diseases, practically not affected by fusarium, brown spot, and tomato mosaic virus;
  3. formation of ovaries with any weather changes.

Of the shortcomings, only one should be noted:

  1. since this tomato is a hybrid, seed material obtained from ripe tomatoes is not suitable for further cultivation - new plants will not show positive parental qualities. Therefore, vegetable growers will have to annually purchase Raspberry Flame tomato seeds in specialized stores.

Diseases and pests

Despite a high immune system, tomatoes can still become infected with fungal and infectious diseases, as well as be attacked by pests. As a preventative measure, seedlings should be treated with special solutions once a month. It is better to spray using a mechanical sprayer. At the genetic level, tomatoes have good antibodies to stem and root rot and brown spot. The only exception is late blight.

The variety loves abundant watering and high humidity. Dry soil has an extremely negative effect on the formation of ovaries, as well as the ripening of fruits. During the growing season, it is better to mulch the top layer of soil with straw or sawdust to avoid drying out of the soil. The most favorable method of watering is drip irrigation.

The majority of experienced gardeners claim that Empire tomatoes are very aromatic and tasty. The fruits can be used to prepare sauces, pastes and canned whole. Tomatoes can also be used in salads or as a decorative element on a banquet table. The fruits contain a high amount of healthy vitamins, acids, minerals and fiber.

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