15 best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Tomatoes are a juicy attribute of any feast, a vegetable that is versatile in cooking. Fresh tomatoes are full of vitamins and microelements, contain substances that prevent the appearance of tumors, help prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and have many other beneficial properties. And in the end, tomatoes are divinely tasty, many people have tomatoes as their favorite vegetable, and they look forward to the appearance of early tomatoes on store shelves. But if you want, you can try to grow early varieties of tomatoes yourself.

Early varieties of tomatoes: pros and cons

Early ripening varieties are a godsend for any summer resident, because you can get a harvest in the shortest possible time, but early ripening also has disadvantages.

  • the shortest ripening period;
  • not capricious in care;
  • high immunity;
  • good keeping quality.
  • small size of the fruit itself;
  • short fruiting period;
  • average yield.

Are they really the earliest?

On the Internet you can find quite a lot of information about different varieties of tomatoes, and how long you will have to wait for the harvest from them. But sometimes there are many contradictions in the descriptions. The most accurate information about tomatoes can be found on the official website of the State Commission for Testing and Protection of Breeding Achievements in the State Register of Varieties that are approved for cultivation in certain regions of the country. There is also useful information about acceptable areas for growing tomatoes. It should be taken into account, since the ripening period of fruits in the south is shorter than that of similar plants grown to the north .

We are interested in tomatoes that ripen very quickly. The starting point for the duration of tomato ripening is the appearance of full shoots. In the State Register, three categories of tomatoes are classified as early varieties:

  • very early ripening, indicated by index 01 (on the Internet they are called ultra- or super-early);
  • index 02 lists tomatoes that ripen at intermediate times between very early and early varieties;
  • early (or otherwise early-ripening) tomatoes, the ripening period of which is the longest among tomatoes that quickly produce ripe fruits, they are given the index 03.

This indexation of varieties by ripening period is given in column 4 of the State Register.

Varieties of early varieties

Early ripening tomato varieties are further divided into subgroups that differ not only in ripening periods, but also in the height of the plant itself, which is important to keep in mind if you want to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.

According to the speed of maturation

According to the degree of ripening, tomatoes are classified into:

  • early ripening. Fruiting in such varieties occurs on the 85th day;
  • mid-season. Fruiting occurs on the 110th day;
  • late ripening. You can harvest the harvest from such varieties within 130 days.

By type of growth

So, early ripening tomatoes are divided into:

Limited growth

These tomato varieties stop growing as soon as 5-6 fruit branches appear on the bush. These varieties are usually low-growing; they are recommended for planting in the middle climate zone and in the southern regions. Not recommended for planting in northern regions, even in greenhouse conditions.

Such tomatoes, in turn, are also divided into two subspecies:

Standard varieties of tomatoes

Very low-growing with a strong, fleshy main stem, does not require the formation of the bush itself and does not require garters.


Such varieties may not stop growing at first; the growth process stops unexpectedly. It is precisely because they do not grow too short that they can be grown in greenhouses.


Often these are hybrids; they actively develop in height, reaching more than two meters.


The earliest fruiting varieties are good because they do not require treatment with fungicides.

For Siberia and the Urals

Early varieties of tomatoes are very popular among vegetable growers from the Urals or Siberia. They ripen quickly and produce good harvests. The following options deserve special attention: Alsou, Apples on the Snow, Metelitsa, Eliseevsky F1, Samara, Krakowiak, Verige F1.


One of the best options for Siberia and the Urals. The harvest ripens within 2.5 months from the moment of planting. The bush needs to be tied up. The vegetables themselves are red and ribbed. Suitable for fresh consumption, canning, and juices.

Apples in the snow

A compact tomato, the bush reaches a maximum height of 50 centimeters. According to summer residents, the average weight of one vegetable is 80 grams. There are up to seven of them in one brush.


An unpretentious variety that is very popular. The fruits are round and smooth, with an average weight of 180 grams. Summer residents note that the plant is resistant to a number of diseases, and the vegetables have a pleasant taste.

Eliseevsky F1

The bush produces round and shiny tomatoes weighing up to 60 grams. The yield, according to available information, can reach 6 kilograms per bush. Vegetables are resistant to cracking. The purpose of the variety is universal.


Early tomato of the raceme type. The fruits are very tasty and have a universal purpose. The bush can reach a height of 2 meters; it is formed into 1 stem. Vegetables weighing up to 90 grams. Productivity – up to 5 kilograms per plant.


The crop produces a harvest 80 days after planting; the variety is a record holder. Does not require any care, just add and feed on time. The weight of one fruit is 70 grams. The pulp is tasty and has a delicate structure.

Verige F1

The tomato produces many clusters, each containing up to 12 fruits. The bush is strong and needs staking. The average weight of one vegetable is 25 grams, the taste is pleasant. You can use fresh tomatoes and are suitable for decorating various dishes. Productivity – 6 kilograms per square meter.

Early maturing hybrids

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, we can enjoy tomatoes very early after the long winter cold. Such plants are immune to many ailments and are not afraid of temperature fluctuations.

Tomato Explosion

The fruits are distinguished by the presence of sourness. Tomato Explosion is considered to be low-growing, which greatly simplifies agricultural technology processes.

Tomato Sanka

An early ripening hybrid, a record holder for the speed of ripening, characterized by strong immunity. Fruits before the onset of cold weather.

Tomato Alpha

The maximum height is 50 centimeters, thanks to this, the variety is actively grown in greenhouses and in the open air, and the yield does not suffer. The tomatoes are small, elastic, scarlet in color, weighing 60 grams per tomato.

Tomato Aurora f1

This hybrid is early. Aurora is classified as medium-sized; it does not grow above a meter. Bright red fruits, medium size. Aurora has high shelf life, taste and resistance to disease.

Tomato Big Momma

The tomato was created relatively recently, but has already managed to attract attention. Determinant category, standard type. Tomatoes look like a heart, scarlet in color, average weight - 250 grams. The fruits are sweet and are often used in preparing snacks and drinks.

Tomato Parodist

This variety is classified as low-growing, which makes it easy to care for. This is a fairly unpretentious tomato; it is resistant to many diseases. Its fruits may not seem the most delicious, but they grow quite large.

Tomato Marisha

The Marisha tomato is described as an early-ripening and low-growing variety. Very often it is planted because of its high taste characteristics and attractive appearance. The bush is low and therefore easy to care for.

Disease resistant tomatoes

Varieties and hybrids with early ripening periods are often the least susceptible to disease. And this is because early-ripening tomatoes have time to ripen before disease outbreaks begin. By the way

, if you choose from varieties and hybrids, then hybrid varieties are usually an order of magnitude more resistant to diseases and more productive. This is exactly what breeders achieve when they develop new hybrids.

On a note!

Various infections can be present in seeds, in the soil, on the greenhouse structure and on gardening tools. And the selected variety or hybrid must successfully resist these infections. And yet, prevention is very important.

The most disease-resistant varieties and hybrids

: Crimson Ring F1, Cardinal, Magnus F1, Resonance, Legionnaire F1, Sanka, Katherine F1, Gina.

Popular varieties of early tomatoes

Early ripening tomatoes are distinguished by a huge variety of varieties, both determinate and indeterminate. Some of the most popular are: Alpha, Sanka, Marisha, Parodist, Explosion, Aurora.

With high yield

Early varieties are distinguished by their high yield. These are grown outdoors and in greenhouses. These include Gina, Don Juan, Cupid f1, they are described as very productive.

Disease resistant

Early-ripening tomatoes are very resistant to diseases, since their ripening period is 90 days; diseases such as late blight simply do not have time to develop. This is another reason to pay attention to early varieties.

For canning

Suitable for all types of twists, moderately dense but juicy. They have a dense peel that does not crack during the cooking process, which allows the fruit to maintain a beautiful, appetizing appearance. This is especially important during the canning process. Agree, a can of tomatoes floating in seeds from a burst fruit doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing.

Varieties and hybrids

Varietal vegetables retain their characteristic parental characteristics and reproduce by seeds collected from them.

Hybrids are designated by the F1 sign next to the name and come from the systematic crossing of different varieties to consolidate certain characteristics. Disease resistance is good, productivity is high. The seeds obtained from them do not retain the dignity of the parents.

Assortment of early tomato seeds

In the modern world, there are a huge number of different types of tomatoes, including early ripening ones. Of course, if a variety has not taken root due to the climate of a particular region, this does not mean that another cannot be grown. Among other things, tomato seeds are:

  • for greenhouses;
  • open ground;
  • self-pollinating;
  • without stepsoning.

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Indeterminate varieties are ideal for greenhouses. These types of early ripening tomatoes reach a height of about two meters and require support, and it will be very troublesome to ensure their growth in the open air.

For open ground

Early tomatoes are characterized by their short stature and strong main stem, which is able to support a lot of tomatoes without dropping them to the ground. Such tomatoes are intended for areas with temperate and warm climates.


Determinate and indeterminate tomatoes do not require pollinating plants to be planted next to them; they are capable of self-pollination. These tomatoes can be grown outdoors and in greenhouses. But in greenhouses, after the start of flowering, it is necessary to shake the inflorescences a little to spread the pollen.


Tomatoes in this category are an excellent choice for planting outdoors. Often such plants have a thick trunk that is able to support the weight of the fruits without dropping them to the ground.

Without stepsoning

Pruning is the process of thinning vegetation. This is necessary to speed up the ripening process; if it is not carried out, the plant will direct energy to the growth of foliage, and not to the filling of fruits.

Low-growing, standard varieties of tomatoes whose bush height does not exceed 60 centimeters do not need pinching.


The medium-fruited category officially includes tomatoes weighing 60-100 g. But this classification is behind the times; gardeners and most agricultural firms classify tomatoes weighing up to 150 g as such.

This is the most numerous and popular group, including the earliest varieties of tomatoes. They are the first to reach the table and are suitable for canning whole fruits, pickling, and making juices.

Andromeda F1

An excellent early commercial hybrid. Created by A. A. Mashtakov specifically for open beds, it was included in the State Register in 1998. It ripens 89-118 days after the seeds are pecked.

Forms a determinate, semi-spreading bush 70 cm high with grayish-green leaves. Red tomatoes are flat-round, with a smooth surface, 4-5 chambers, weighing 70-120 g. Productivity is higher than standards, up to 12 kg/m. sq. The hybrid is valued for its good taste and adaptability to changing weather conditions.


The variety of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing", in the State Register since 1997. The Dubrava tomato is recommended for private subsidiary plots and small farmers. Grown in open ground, known as Oak.

Early, determinate, 40-60 cm high. The tomatoes are round, smooth, red, weighing 50-110 g, suitable for canning whole. From 1 sq.m. 8-12.5 kg are collected.

Pickling miracle

The new productive tomato, Salting Miracle, belongs to agro breeding, in the State Register since 2022. Early hybrid, superdeterminate, up to 60 cm tall. The fruits are slightly ribbed, red, tasty, dense, one-dimensional cream weighing 95 g.

Productivity – up to 11 kg per square meter. m. Purpose – fresh consumption, canning of whole fruits. You can salt it with the stalks. Keeping quality and transportability are high.


Tomatoes from agro, accepted by the State Register in 2008. Determinate early hybrid, up to 80 cm tall.

The originator recommends planting 30-35-day-old seedlings in 2-3 trunks.

The tomato yields a harvest, forms flat-round red fruits weighing 80-100 g, suitable for whole canning and fresh salads. Productivity is about 11 kg/m2. Resistance to fusarium and mosaic is high.


The authorship belongs to Yu. I. Panchev, the year of adoption by the State Register is 2003. The ultra-early tomato Sanka begins to bear fruit 75-85 days after germination. Created for the Central Chernobyl Region, but gained extraordinary popularity when grown in gardens in all regions.

Super-determinate, stretches to a maximum of 60 cm, the bush often falls apart, unable to withstand the weight of the crop. Round, smooth-skinned, red tomatoes weighing 80-100 g are sweet and sour, suitable for any processing, fresh salads. From 1 sq. m harvested about 10, and with satisfactory care - up to 15 kg.

Manages to produce the main harvest before the massive development of late blight.

Features of agricultural technology of early tomatoes

Tomatoes prefer rich, loose, well-moistened soil. If the soil is poor, it should be fertilized in the fall with humus or manure, then in the spring it will be ready for planting tomatoes. You should not plant tomatoes after nightshades - potatoes, eggplants or peppers.

It is best to plant tomatoes after legumes or pumpkins. Seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than the soil warms up to at least +10C. Tomatoes love moisture, but you should not overwater the plant and it is also not recommended to water the bush itself; it is better to water at the root.

It is important to carry out prevention against diseases and pests; spraying with fungicide preparations is suitable for these purposes; they are carried out twice a season, the first when the plant has bloomed, and the second after harvesting. Do not forget about fertilizing; every 12-14 days after planting, feed the tomatoes with organic fertilizers - slurry or mullein. Mineral-based fertilizers are also suitable; it is better to use potassium sulfate.

Tomato variety Sweet girl

The variety is distinguished by its early ripening period. Under the film and in the greenhouse, the fruits are filled after 3 months, taking into account the time of planting. In an open garden, tomatoes are harvested 10 days later. Compact bushes of the hybrid tomato variety Sweet Girl reach 1 m in height. After flowering, fruit clusters containing up to 18 tomatoes are formed on the branches.

They are characterized by a number of features:

  • oval shape;
  • weight about 20 g;
  • thin skin;
  • Red color.

The dense pulp of the fruit contains dry substances. Therefore, tomatoes are suitable for long-term storage and transportation. From one bush they collect 1 kg of sweet and beautiful-looking fruits.

The Sweet Girl tomato variety is suitable for growing indoors.

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Differences in the structure of determinate varieties allow them to be grown outdoors. They have a short stature and a strong, fleshy stem, which provides the fruits with secure attachment to the branches, which prevents the tomatoes from falling to the ground.


This variety has long been popular among our compatriots. The variety is early ripening, low-growing, with tasty fruits, easy to care for, what could be better for a “teapot”?

Amur standard

This early-ripening tomato is common in areas with frequent temperature changes. The fruits begin to form after 3 months, and from a half-meter bush you can harvest 2 kilograms of tomatoes, the weight of one is 90 grams. The tomatoes are oval, fiery in color, and are also characterized by a high shelf life. Tomatoes are suitable for any type of cooking.

Aphrodite f1

It has an early ripening period, only 75 days. It is grown as a bush of normal height or higher. Tomatoes are scarlet in color, smooth, spherical, and have a strong skin. The taste is described as tomatoy with sweetness, suitable for any use.

Benito f1

This variety is the result of the work of the Dutch; the ripening period has been reduced to 2 months. The growth of the bushes is 90 centimeters, and they produce fruits weighing more than 130 grams. It is also distinguished by the attractive appearance of the tomatoes themselves, invulnerability to diseases, and a considerable percentage of keeping quality. Externally, the tomatoes are scarlet in color, slightly elongated in shape, and sweet. Benito fruits are ideal in dishes and tomato drinks.


One of the leaders in the domestic market is the early-ripening Valentina; after 3 months after planting, you can eat its fruits. The plant is characterized by a relatively small height, rarely exceeding half a meter. Among other things, the plant is not very deciduous. The fruits themselves weigh 65 grams, are yellow-scarlet in color, and have a slightly elongated shape. In terms of taste, Valentina is widely used in cooking: from summer snacks to winter preserves.


Another common variety in our lands. An early ripening tomato variety, the ripening period is 3 months. The height of such a bush does not exceed half a meter. Tomatoes of the Explosion variety have the shape of a thick puck and are red in color. The taste is described as sour; tomatoes are used in canning and pickling; they are not recommended for salads.


This is the product of the work of Dutch breeding scientists. Can be grown outdoors and in a greenhouse. Such a tomato must be provided with support. It has a rich harvest, at least 3 kilograms per seedling. Versatile in preparation.

Don Juan

Early ripening tomato. A stunning variety, it delights both housewives and summer residents themselves. It's all about its characteristics; it has incredible fruiting: from a low bush, you can harvest up to 9 kilograms. The tomatoes themselves are oblong, light crimson with orange stripes, which is why the bush looks like a country flower. The taste of the fruit is bright, tomato. In cooking, it is often used for making juices and dressings, but is also good in pickling.

Far North

This variety is frost-resistant. It grows well where climate conditions are quite harsh. Despite this, the variety is quite productive. Tomatoes have an attractive appearance, fiery color. The taste of Far North tomatoes is rich and widespread in cooking.

Doll f1

This early-ripening hybrid is a product of domestic selection. The harvest can be harvested already on the 80th day, harvesting continues until frost. Tomatoes are of normal size and have fairly thick skin. Taste qualities are rated as average. Despite the meatiness and juiciness, the taste is watery. Versatile in cooking.

Cupid f1

This hybrid was bred by domestic breeders; it is intended for planting in open ground, but some gardeners successfully grow it in greenhouses. This variety owes its name to the unusual appearance of fruit clusters, which have elongated stems on which many fruits are formed. Tomatoes are distinguished by a balance of sweetness and acidity, suitable for industrial scale. Versatile in cooking.

Legionnaire f1

Early ripening, low-growing hybrid. Suitable for growing outdoors and in mobile greenhouses. Has very strong immunity against various ailments. The tomatoes are quite large and weigh 130 grams, are characterized by the presence of ribs, and are deep crimson. Juicy, meaty, with a pronounced sweetness. In cooking, it is more suitable for preparing fresh salads.


It is a very early ripening variety; the tomato ripening period is a little more than two months. The bush rarely reaches half a meter in height. Among other things, Maksimka is characterized by excellent immunity to many diseases. Tomatoes grow large, the weight ranges from 90 grams, the shape is normal, they have a scarlet color with an amber tint, have a fairly large amount of juice, and are sweet.


The Marisha variety is determinate and standard. The fruits develop on the racemes. Its keeping quality is noted. It is worth mentioning the weight of the tomatoes themselves, it varies from 60 to 90 grams, but this does not in any way affect their gastronomic characteristics. Tomatoes look like a perfect ball, scarlet in color without an orange tint. Very often these fruits are used in snacks.


A medium-ripening, standard variety up to 50 centimeters high, but one such bush will bring a harvest of at least 2 kilograms. The fruits are uneven in shape, scarlet in color, the average weight of one is 110 grams, the taste is neutral. It is also worth noting that such tomatoes, although not transportable, are resistant to many ailments.


Variety Sanka is a standard variety of early ripening. The weight of tomatoes depends on the place of cultivation, it ranges from 80 to 140 grams, the fruits are of a regular shape and scarlet in color. The fruits themselves have an excellent taste and are suitable for any culinary delights.

For every color and taste

Let's move on to a review of the best early ripening varieties, and for convenience, we have divided all the tomatoes into groups.

Early ripening plants for greenhouses

Malbec F1

The productive hybrid is distinguished by powerful tall bushes (indet) and abundant fruiting. The tomatoes are round, up to 180 grams, bright red when ripe.

According to gardeners, Malbec is a cold-resistant tomato that tolerates drought well.

Wrist strike F1

A tomato with an original name will surprise you with an early harvest of delicious tomatoes. Ripening time is 95-100 days. An early ripening hybrid from the group of racemes, the yield is 20-25 kg per 1 square meter.

The tomatoes are round, bright red in color, weighing 130-140 grams.

A lightweight and transportable tomato.

Presentation F1

Up to 12-15 kg per “square” can be harvested from the bushes of this productive hybrid. The fruits are fleshy, good taste, weighing 150-170 grams.

This is a variety for salads, making juices, pastas, and sauces. During transportation and storage, Present tomatoes retain their excellent commercial properties for a long time.


An agro variety characterized by ultra-early ripening periods - 80-90 days.

The tomatoes are large, weighing 200-250 grams, with excellent taste. Superstar fruits are mainly used for salads.

Formation of the plant and removal of stepsons are required.

Vasilyevna F1

The indeterminate hybrid Vasilievna is quickly gaining popularity. Its fruits ripen already at 96-98 days, the yield is high (up to 9.5-10 kg per 1 square meter).

Tomatoes are of good taste, round, weighing 140-150 grams. Fruits with weak ribbing, red color.


Gardeners and farmers highly value the variety for its early ripening. This property allows you to collect fruits before the onset of late blight and fill the market with vegetables at a time of increased demand.

Hybrid characteristics:

  1. The ripening time is no more than 90 days after planting the seeds.
  2. In well-fertilized soil, tomato bushes can grow up to 80 cm.
  3. The height of the stem in the greenhouse reaches 140-160 cm.
  4. The leaves are medium sized, light green in color.
  5. Ripe tomatoes are not large, have a regular spherical shape, weighing 80-100 g.
  6. The skin is dense, rich red in color.

Tomato Leopold f1 has the following advantages:

  • high product characteristics;
  • resistance of bushes to infectious diseases;
  • fruits are stored well in the basement;
  • versatility in terms of culinary use;
  • ease of care;
  • high yield of up to 10 kg per 1 m²;
  • early and friendly maturation;
  • tolerance to low temperatures and high humidity;
  • the ability to go without watering for a long time.

We also note the tomatoes Trapeza, Sugar plum raspberry, Tangerine, magnificent, with bright orange fruits Liverpool F1.

What to grow in the garden beds?

Which early tomatoes are best to plant in garden beds? We offer the following varieties:

Don Juan

This variety is gaining more and more popularity every year. The reason is simple: delicious fruits with original colors, unpretentiousness, super early ripening.

The bushes are compact, 50-70 cm in height. The oval fruits initially have a green skin and dark stripes; as they ripen, they become crimson with yellow streaks.

One of the best varieties of tomatoes for canning and pickling whole fruits.

Cupid F1

The early ripening variety Cupid is loved not only by ordinary gardeners, but also by farmers. Determinate hybrid of tomato, productive (6.5-7 kg per 1 square meter), quickly adaptable to different growing conditions.

Round tomatoes are dense, smooth, glossy. Weight – 100-120 grams. Universal use.


The fruits are removed from the bushes of this tomato after 80-85 days. Plant height – 60-80 cm.

Tomatoes of universal purpose, round shape, in the stage of full ripeness - raspberry color. Weight – 170-200 grams.

Kukla tomatoes are considered one of the most productive among tomatoes intended for outdoor cultivation.


On low-growing bushes (40-50 cm), round tomatoes weighing 70-120 grams are formed.

Tasty and sweet tomatoes are suitable for salads, sliced, and fresh. Yield indicators – 7-8 kg per 1 sq. meters. Marisha tomatoes are characterized by keeping quality and are suitable for long-term transportation.


The tomato is from the group of standard varieties, unpretentious and bears fruit well in beds under arches. Height – 50-60 cm, bushes are strong and squat.

Tomatoes are shaped like apples and weigh 90-150 grams. The skin is dense, thin, red. The taste of the fruit is excellent, which is not often the case with super early ripening tomatoes.

It is not afraid of cold weather and produces tomatoes even in bad weather.

The list of early-ripening tomatoes includes the varieties Early King, Pink Bush, Bullfinch, Anyuta, and a tomato hybrid for open ground Debut F1.

Universal tomatoes

Among the universal varieties, the earliest tomatoes known and popular among summer residents are Sanka, Benito F1 (Dutch selection), Parodist, Alpha.
The universal, early-ripening tomato variety Gina, which is unpretentious to care, is also in demand. They give results in unprotected soil, in tunnels, and also in polycarbonate greenhouses. It is recommended to plant low bushes around the perimeter of beds in greenhouses, as a frame for tall indets.

Early tomatoes "baby"


The record holder is a low-growing dwarf Bonsai, growing in beds and on windowsills. A very decorative, excellent variety, and also productive (1-1.5 kg per bush).

The fruits have excellent taste, bright red balls weighing 23-25 ​​grams. Used fresh, for decorating dishes, and for processing.


Just one hundred days - and you can harvest! This is what distinguishes the unpretentious low-growing variety Riddle. It does not require pinching, produces fruits in unison, and does not suffer from late blight.

Tomatoes weigh 80-100 grams, tasty, meaty. Color – red. We especially note the high commercial quality of the fruits and their resistance to low light levels.

We will put two characteristics first in the list of advantages of the variety - early ripening and excellent taste of the fruit.

We’ll also add the following to the “advantages” of the Riddle tomato:

  • compactness of plants;
  • easy care;
  • resistance to adverse environmental factors and tomato diseases;
  • high yields (up to 16-20 kg per square meter);
  • friendly return of fruits;
  • stored for up to 4-5 weeks, suitable for transportation;
  • difference from other varieties is its tolerance to low light.

Siberian Troika

When choosing tomato varieties for open ground, pay attention to the Siberian Troika. This is a low (up to 60 cm) tomato that requires only partial pinching.

The fruits are shaped like peppers and weigh 300-350 grams. The skin of the fruit is red, the taste of the pulp is good. The yield of the variety is 6-7 kg per 1 sq. meters.

The fruits are suitable for salads, canning, and processing into juice.

Yellow cap

The compact bushes of the Yellow Cap reach a height of half a meter. During the fruiting period, the plant is strewn with tomatoes. The weight of the fruit is 50-60 grams, the color is bright yellow.

The disadvantage of this variety is its low yield, but this quality is more than compensated by the excellent taste of sweet tomatoes.

"Giants" among early tomatoes


A very early (80 days) and productive tomato from German breeders has found its place in Russia. The variety is determinate, with strong bushes and good foliage.

Tomatoes are round, slightly flattened, red. Weight – 130-160 grams.

The “advantages” of tomato: productivity, the ability to harvest manually and using machinery, high resistance to disease.

Big Mama

A productive tomato with a bush height of up to 90-100 cm will give large, fleshy fruits. Each weight is 300-350 grams. Tomatoes are round in shape, bright red in color, attractive even in appearance. The taste is excellent, and gardeners note the sweet taste and aroma of the fruit.

Productivity – 9-10 kg per square meter.

F1 President

A hybrid of Dutch selection, very productive and large-fruited. The first tomatoes are harvested after 95-100 days.

The plant is tall, the bush grows up to 1.9-2 meters, with small dark green leaves. The tomatoes are dense, round in shape, weighing 200-220 grams. For an early hybrid, the taste is excellent.

With proper care, 8-9 kg are collected from one plant.

Early tomatoes for winter stocks

For canning, mid- and late-ripening tomatoes are usually used, but there are also super-early tomatoes suitable for harvesting.

Golden fingers

On a weakly leafy bush, many clusters with bright amber-colored fruits are formed.

The plant reaches a height of 90-110 cm. The weight of the fruit is 30 grams. Tomatoes are dense and tasty fresh, but their flavor is especially revealed in pickles.


Early tomatoes with “cream” fruits are valued by summer residents of the middle zone and the European North. The variety is distinguished by its friendly fruit yield, resistance to the harsh climate of risky farming regions, and excellent taste.

The plant height is 60-70 cm, the tomatoes are oval-shaped, dense, orange-red in color. Fruit weight is 80-90 grams.

They are ideal for canning.


Another mid-early tomato variety for harvesting is Chaika, with round fruits of a rich red color.

With high immunity to various diseases, does not require bush formation or pinching. Productivity indicators are 6-7 kg per bush, the best taste is for fruits that grew in the beds.


Excellent tomatoes that housewives love for their excellent taste, ease of care and resistance to garden diseases.

Early cherry

Cherry varieties occupy a special place in the group of early ripening varieties. The Madeira F1 hybrid is famous for its delicious fruits, ripening already 90 days after germination.

The varieties Dessert (with red tomatoes), 6 Punto 7 F1, Magic Cascade F1 (candy tomatoes) are popular among summer residents.

Early cherries have a good taste and versatility of use.

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Tomato varieties for greenhouses and greenhouses have some differences from those grown outdoors. Greenhouse early varieties are characterized by greater height, high productivity and a more attractive appearance.

golden brush

Tall, productive variety. The fruits are medium-sized, oval, deep yellow in color. Wide range of culinary applications.

Mandarin duck

Tall, early ripening variety. The fruits are medium-sized, yellow-hot in color, round. The taste is richly sweet. Versatile in cooking.

Greenhouse early ripening f1

Super-determinate, medium-growing variety. The fruits are medium-sized, round, red in color, and have a thick skin. Suitable for transportation and long-term storage.


The ripening period for Poznan tomatoes is approximately 3 months. There are 30 tomatoes on one bush, the weight varies in the range of 90 grams, the fruit is spherical, amber in color. Due to their gastronomic properties, tomatoes are often used in salads and in the preparation of vegetable salads.

Presentation f1

An early-ripening, medium-sized hybrid, the fruits are medium-sized, round, bright red, sweet and sour. Widely used in cooking.

Sugar plum raspberry

An early-ripening hybrid, tall, the fruits are small, oval, bright pink, sweet. Suitable for preservation.

Sweet bunch

An early ripening variety, tall, the fruits are small, round, red. Good fresh and canned.


The Superstar tomato variety is tall, the fruits are large, fleshy, suitable for fresh salads, but not suitable for canning.


The Trapeza variety is early-ripening, medium-sized, the fruits are small, plum-shaped, red in color.

Variety Ox Heart

The variety is considered to be one of the sweetest pink tomatoes grown in summer cottages. In southern latitudes, it successfully bears fruit in open beds. In the northern regions, only in greenhouse conditions or under film. Bushes of the Ox Heart variety grow from 1.5 to 2 m in height.

The fruits of the crop are heart-shaped and are formed in 3-5 pieces on one cluster. They ripen a maximum of 120 days after the first shoots appear. Dense, but relatively thin peel, colored pink-raspberry. It cracks during long-term transportation. The weight of ripe vegetables is approximately 150 g. The yield of the variety is 7 kg from 4 bushes.

It is advisable to systematically tie tall tomato bushes of the Ox Heart variety to a stable support.

Varieties of early tomatoes by selection

There are main “points” for the selection of vegetable crops. The varieties of Dutch and Russian selections that have taken root best in our latitudes.

For the middle band

Varieties suitable for the middle zone include Amur Stamb and Gina. These varieties tolerate climatic changes well, characteristic of the middle zone.

For the Urals

These tomatoes include varieties Aphrodite and Benito. These varieties will take root well in the unstable, harsh climate of the Urals.

For Siberia

Tomatoes for Siberia must be resistant to drought and frost; most often these are early-ripening varieties. These tomatoes include Gina, Greenhouse early ripening.

Dutch selection

Tomatoes created by Dutch breeding scientists have some differences from those in Russia. Foreign varieties have higher immunity, are more transportable, and the taste is more delicate. The most common variety is Gina.

Video: early tomatoes in Barnaul beds

In recent years and decades, breeding scientists have been actively developing tomatoes with an ever shorter ripening period. The success of their work can be seen in the constantly expanding range of offered varieties of early ripening tomatoes. You can always choose the most suitable tomato for any growing location.

  • Author: Larisa Zaporozhchenko
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Culinary purpose

We can talk about the use of tomatoes in cooking for hours. This vegetable is so versatile that almost no kitchen can do without it. Tomatoes are consumed fresh, added to soups and main dishes, used to make sauces and dressings, and preserved for the winter in the form of salted and pickled tomatoes. In Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan, this fruit is considered a fruit and is consumed with sugar and added to desserts.

The taste of tomatoes is multifaceted and unique, try growing this gift of nature with your own hands

Staroselsky variety of tomatoes

The plant was bred for universal cultivation. It bears fruit wonderfully in any conditions. The bushes grow up to 1 m and need reliable support. Typically, wooden stakes are installed in the tomato bed or a trellis is built.

The fruits of the early-ripening Staroselsky tomato have a spherical and slightly flattened shape. The stalk has fine ribbing. The thick skin is colored deep red and is resistant to cracking. The sweet pulp has a fleshy structure with a small number of seeds.

Tomatoes ripen 85 days from the moment the bushes are planted in the garden. On average, the fruits weigh about 300 g. Up to 6 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one m². Tomatoes are used to make sauces and tomato juice.

Koenigsberg gold

This mid-season variety of the sweetest tomatoes was bred quite recently. It was added to the state register in 2022. The variety is intended for growing under film and in open ground.

Bushes of the Koenigsberg golden variety grow up to 2 m and bear fruit abundantly. Tomatoes are tied on clusters of 6 pieces. When fully ripe, they weigh approximately 300-350 g. They are distinguished by their elongated oval shape and are covered with dense, smooth orange skin. The pulp has a rich sweet taste.

Koenisberg golden tomatoes are suitable for pickling, pickling and fresh consumption. They withstand transportation wonderfully, maintaining their presentation.

Ultra early tomatoes

The earliest ripening varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses can be grown in the northern regions. In our country, gardeners grow many similar crops, but the most popular are the “Aurora F1” and “Sanka” varieties. These are super early varieties.

"Aurora F1" is a representative that does not require significant care. Even in a greenhouse, the bushes of the crop do not grow higher than a meter. Therefore, they do not need to be tied to a support. Among the low-growing, early-ripening tomato varieties for greenhouses, “Aurora F1” is one of the best.

The planting can be thickened, which will save free space in the greenhouse. Up to seven plants are allowed per square meter. When the time comes to root the seedlings, you need to make a distance of 50 cm between the rows. This will allow you to achieve good yields. From one square meter you can harvest up to 15 kg of tomatoes.

The fruits have excellent taste. They are characterized by medium size. This variety of tomatoes is used for homemade preparations. The advantages of this hybrid are:

  • good transportability;
  • resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV);
  • the fruits do not crack.

"Sanka" is also often cultivated in northern climates indoors. This is a cold-resistant and one of the fastest-ripening tomato varieties for greenhouses. He ripens earlier than others. Already in mid-April, seedlings can be planted in the ground if it has time to warm up to 15 ºС before this time.

The variety is low-growing, reaches a height of 60-70 cm. When ripe, the bush looks impressive due to the abundance of red round fruits. They are medium in size, weighing about 150 g.

To reap a good harvest, which can reach 15 kg per square meter, you need to plant the seedlings tightly. Such a plot should have seven plants. Fruiting of this variety is extended. With proper care, which involves timely harvesting of fruits, application of bait and watering, fruits will set throughout the summer period.

The advantage of these tomatoes is their high yield, ease of care, and versatility (suitable for fresh salads and canning).

Mid-early varieties

When choosing early-ripening tomato varieties for greenhouses, you should pay attention to crops with a growing season of 100-105 days. They are successfully grown indoors even in the northern regions. One of the most popular varieties is “Budenovka”. It has virtually no flaws.

This hybrid was bred in Siberia in 2002. The Budenovka variety has proven itself well when cultivated using the greenhouse method. You need to plant tomatoes according to the following scheme: three bushes per square meter. In this case, up to 20 kg of fruit can be collected from such an area. This is an indeterminate species, the height of which is 1.7 m. They are formed into two or three stems and provided with supports.

The red fruits are heart-shaped, reminiscent of oxheart tomatoes. They weigh about 350 g, but can sometimes grow even larger. Individual specimens weigh 800-850 g. This is a salad variety that has a thin skin. Not suitable for canning. But the fleshy pulp produces delicious tomato juice.

Ripe fruits can be stored in a cool room for quite a long time. They are not damaged during transportation.

An early ripening tomato variety for greenhouses, Budenovka, is unpretentious to growing conditions. It can be planted in the ground quite early, since the crop does not depend on weather conditions. The harvest is always stable. Fungal diseases almost never affect either bushes or fruits. During the summer period, fertilizing is applied to the soil three times. The plant does not require particularly careful care.

"President 2 F1"

When choosing early ripening varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, you should pay attention to such an option as “President 2 F1”. This Dutch hybrid has long managed to win the love of domestic summer residents. The fruits have a rich red color. They are not only tasty, but also look very impressive, have an even round shape, and weigh from 250 to 300 g.

The bushes belong to the category of semi-determinate type. They stop growing on their own, but can reach a height of 1.8 m at the peak of fruiting. The stems have little foliage. The plant produces a moderate number of shoots. The harvest can be harvested quite early. Moreover, the bushes begin to bear fruit almost simultaneously.

The variety has good immunity and high yields. The fruits are well stored and tolerate transportation well. In mid-June, you can harvest the first harvest of tomatoes grown in the greenhouse.

"Evpator F1"

Among the early ripening tomato varieties for greenhouses, “Evpator F1” stands out. This is an indeterminate hybrid, the seedlings of which can be planted in a greenhouse 45 days after planting the seeds. When transplanted early, tomatoes show the best results. From one bush it is possible to harvest 4.5-5.5 kg.

The plant is quite tall, it is formed into one stem. Stepchildren pinch during the entire summer period. The growing point should be removed closer to the end of the season. The seedling planting pattern of 40 x 60 cm allows you to reap the maximum harvest.

The fruits of this variety are flat-round. They weigh from 130 to 150 g and are well suited for home preparations. They are also used in salads and slices. The fruits are not subject to cracking. The hybrid is unpretentious in care and is resistant to a number of diseases, for example, TMV, fusarium, blossom end rot, and cladosporiosis.

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