Description of the hybrid tomato variety Sonata and technical characteristics

Transplanting seedlings and care

The soil in the beds must be weeded regularly.
Only seedlings that are 60 days old will be ready for replanting.

It is important that it already has 5-6 well-formed leaves. The plant develops well only in loose and light soil, into which fertilizers in the form of peat and humus are first applied. For loosening, ordinary river sand is suitable, which can easily be replaced with sawdust.

For loosening, ordinary river sand is suitable, which can easily be replaced with sawdust.

It is necessary to water the planted seedlings only with warm water. The best temperature is no more than 30 °C. It is recommended to water them no more than once every 2 weeks.

When grown in hot conditions, the optimal frequency is once every 4 days. If the soil is too acidic, it is fertilized with wood ash. To ensure normal growth of tomatoes, it is necessary to use phosphorus and potassium as fertilizers. Fertilizing is carried out 6 times during the entire ripening period.

This variety of tomatoes needs regular weeding. The area must be completely cleared of all weeds. Twice during each season the bushes must be hilled. To prevent rapid evaporation of moisture, the root part of the soil is mulched.

Due to their size, the bushes will need staking, but the plant does not require pruning or pinching. When a shoot grows many fruits or additional shoots, it is usually tied up.

Disease and pest control

The main danger among pests for the Rhapsody F1 variety will be slugs. It won't be difficult to overcome them. These parasites will need to be removed from the plant, and then a special barrier will need to be created. To do this, sprinkle the ground near the bushes with coarse sand or ash.

Tatyana Orlova (Vasilidchenko) (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Collecting slugs with your hands is also a pleasure. There are special means to combat these mollusks: Slug Eater, Thunder, Molluscicide.

Tomatoes have a fairly high resistance to diseases, but the plant could still use a little prevention. Spraying with celandine tincture will not only prevent the development of diseases, but also repel pests. It is better to carry out prevention before flowering.

The spray solution is easy to prepare. You will need to collect 1.5 kg of fresh plant and then fill it with water (8-9 l). A soda solution is suitable as an alternative. For 10 liters of water you will need no more than 300 g of soda. Regular ventilation of the greenhouse will be an excellent prevention of both diseases and pests.

Tatyana Orlova (Vasilidchenko) (candidate of agricultural sciences):

It is much easier to use ready-made biological agents Barrier or Barrier to prevent diseases on tomatoes.

Growing bet

  • daylight hours 16 hours or longer;
  • air temperature 21C and above;
  • watering is regular.

When the seedlings have Vodan-two leaves, they are picked, that is, the mixture is distributed into separate pots (one container per plant). They let them dive into peat pots: then they plant bushes in them in one breath into the ground.

Hardening is a mandatory procedure before planting a tomato in the alluvium. In the early morning and evening for about 1 week, open air is provided to the seedlings for 10–15 minutes.

When planting in grounding, plant no more than three plants per 1 m2. Hybrid uncle get a sparrow and needs enough space. In addition, it is necessary to install supports and tie them to long stakes and trellises. Overall, this gives the garden an aesthetic appearance.

It is necessary to cross out the side shoots and lower leaves of the plant, which promotes the development of the main stem. This also increases resistance to fungal infections, as it improves the ventilation of the shoot near the soil. We begin to remove inflorescences (future clusters) if there are 7-8 of them on one plant, and then they will produce ripe fruit.

The application of complex mineral fertilizers should be carried out at least four times per season. The hybrid is watered only in the evening, after sunset. Just add heated water to the roots. To evenly distribute moisture in the soil, it is mulched. It would be more accurate to do this with black non-woven material, you can use straw. Plants need loosening the soil, weeding and hilling.

Tomato Rhapsody characteristics and description of the variety, yield with photos

Description and characteristics of tomato Rhapsody

The variety “Crimson Rhapsody” was bred in 2013 by Russian breeders. Tomatoes were immediately included in the State Register of the Russian Federation as plants intended for cultivation in greenhouses, greenhouses and under film covers.

The Rhapsody tomato is considered an indeterminate variety. This means that the growth of its main stem is unlimited. One bush can grow up to two meters. In addition, the variety is early ripening and takes up to 60 days to obtain fruits.

This variety is characterized by medium foliage. To get the best result, it is recommended to shape it and tie it in 1 or 2 stems. Rhapsody is also called a cluster tomato, since the fruits grow in clusters on the bush.

Fully ripened fruits are bright red or crimson in color. The fruits are large in size. They have a round, slightly flattened shape. One tomato can weigh up to 140 grams. If you take good care of the plant, you can get up to 5 kg of fruit from one bush. The vegetable itself has fleshy and dense pulp, without voids and with a dense skin. The fruits taste delicious with slight sourness.

The Rhapsody tomato is not intended for long-term transportation, and during long-term storage the fruits lose their original qualities. But, despite this, this variety can be consumed not only fresh, but also canned. This variety is intended for the following:

  • fresh consumption;
  • preservation of whole fruits;
  • for any processing (for juices and tomatoes).
Variety nameRaspberry Rhapsody
general descriptionAn early-ripening, determinate variety of tomatoes for growing in greenhouses and open ground.
Ripening period90-95 days
FormThe fruits are round, slightly flattened, with ribbing at the stalk
Average weight of tomatoes200-300 grams
Productivity of the variety15 kg per square meter
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistancePossible disease with blossom end rot

"Raspberry Rhapsody" is a new interesting type of tomato. This is an early variety; 90-95 days pass from the moment of germination to the collection of the first ripe fruits. The plant is standard, determinant. Does not require stepsoning.

Ripe fruits are red or crimson in color, round, flattened, and heavily ribbed in shape. The pulp is dense, fleshy. The first tomatoes can reach 300 g, but later from 200 to 250 g. The number of chambers is 5-6, the dry matter content is about 5%.

The collected fruits are not stored for very long; they do not tolerate transportation over long distances. For these properties, farmers are not very fond of the tomato and do not grow “Crimson Rhapsody” in large volumes.

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

Among the main positive qualities of the “Crimson Rhapsody” variety are:

  • pleasant taste of fruits;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • high productivity;
  • resistance to major diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses;
  • friendly ovary and fruit ripening;
  • high varietal properties.

Among the shortcomings, it was noted that this variety is poorly stored and is sometimes capricious to the composition of the soil and fertilizers.

The main advantages of the “Raspberry Rhapsody” variety:

  • High yield;
  • Good presentation of tomatoes;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Excellent varietal qualities;
  • Resistance to diseases that affect nightshade vegetables;
  • Friendly ovary;
  • Simultaneous ripening of fruits.

Disadvantages of Raspberry Rhapsody tomatoes:

  • Increased sensitivity to soil composition;
  • Poor preservation of ripe fruits;
  • Capriciousness towards some fertilizers.


  • Sanka is very early; 79-85 days pass from the moment of full shoots to the start of ripening. But depending on the regions, this period may vary less or more. In the southern regions, for example, the first fruits ripen when the ovary is just forming on other varieties. Early ripeness allows the crop to be used for repeated rotation (the harvest will be in September), but subject to protection from late blight;
  • the yield is excellent. During the test period, the State Register provides figures of 258 - 348 c/ha, which is 205 c/ha higher than the Fitous standard, but at the level of the Liang standard. The maximum yield was shown in the Kursk region - 371 c/ha, which is at the level taken as the Aurora standard (F1). The originators promise 10 kg per 1 square meter. Gardeners also praise the crop for its generosity, reporting 15 kg per 1 sq. meters or 2.5 kg per plant;
  • tomatoes ripen together, during the first ten days of fruiting the plant produces 10 - 34 c/ha;
  • the yield of mature Sanka fruits is high - 77 - 97%;
  • high yield of the variety is guaranteed even at low levels of illumination;
  • dense skin prevents fruit from cracking even during periods of high humidity;
  • ripened tomatoes can stay on the bush for quite a long time without overripening or losing their taste and commercial qualities;
  • Tomatoes picked at the stage of blanche ripeness are perfectly ripened at home;
  • immunity is average, many note resistance to late blight, although there are other reviews indicating that the crop is one of the first to be exposed to this disease;

  • the ability to withstand adverse weather conditions is very high. That is why Sanka grows and bears fruit where more capricious varieties do not show good results;
  • the transportability of the fruit is high; thanks to the elastic structure, the tomatoes do not lose their presentation during transportation;
  • In terms of use, Sanka is truly universal. The early harvest provides vitamin products of its own production, replenishing the lack of nutrients in the body. The strong skin prevents tomatoes from cracking during any type of cooking, which is why the crop is recognized as one of the best for whole-fruit canning. The excellent quality of the pulp allows you to obtain excellent tomato products;
  • the crop is not a hybrid, so once you buy the seeds, you can later harvest them yourself, selecting for this the most beautiful of the first ripened tomatoes.

Seeds Cucumber Sonata RZ F1, 10pcs, AgroElita, Rijk Zwaan

Medium-late (57-68 days from germination to fruiting), bee-pollinated, high-yielding hybrid for open ground and film shelters. The plant is vigorous, medium-branched, with predominantly female flowering type. The greens are cylindrical, short, ribbed, light green, tuberculate, white-spiked, with longitudinal light stripes, weighing 55-75 g, excellent taste. It has a long fruiting period. Intended for fresh consumption and canning. Resistant to LMR, MR and cladosporiosis. Grown by seedlings and sowing in open ground. Productivity 14.0-22.0 kg/sq.m

Sowing seedlings
Sowing in the ground
Cucumber pollination type:Bee pollinated
Illumination of beds:Sun
Planting pattern:30x70
Growing conditions:Open ground or film shelters
Productivity:up to 22.0
Maturation speed:Mid-late


You can receive your product in the following ways:

  • Own pick-up point in Moscow. (Advance payment required)
  • Pickup at Boxberry pick-up points. (Payment upon receipt, or prepayment)
  • Delivery by Boxberry courier “to your door” in Moscow and St. Petersburg. (Payment upon receipt, or prepayment)
  • “Russian Post” branches, (Payment upon receipt (cash on delivery), or prepayment)

More details about delivery methods can be found here.


You can pay for your goods in the following ways:

  • Payment online on the website, through the Moneta payment system
  • Payment in cash or card upon receipt of goods at Boxberry pick-up points
  • Payment in cash or card to the courier upon receipt
  • Cash on delivery upon receipt at Russian Post offices
  • Prepayment of an account in any bank of the Russian Federation

More detailed information about payment methods can be found here.

Buy with this product

Seeds meet the requirements of international standards and GOST RF 12260-81

Does not contain Genetically Modified Organisms (no harm to health)

Additional Information

We offer only high-quality products from leading Russian manufacturers, and we also supply seeds from foreign breeding companies in Holland, Germany and France.

Deliveries are made regularly and without delays. Seeds Cucumber Sonata RZ F1, 10pcs, AgroElita, Rijk Zwaan can be ordered on-line on the website by calling 8-495-902-77-18, and also purchased (pre-order required) in our office at: 127018, Moscow, Skladochnaya st., 3, building 5

Group of companies “Gavrish”, 2020All rights reserved

Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 17:00

127018, Moscow, Skladochnaya st., 3, building 5

Features of cultivation

Hybrid tomato "Apricot" is grown through seedlings.

How to sow seeds correctly:

  • Sowing of seed material begins 55-60 days before planting in a permanent place;
  • Before sowing, planting containers are disinfected and then filled with prepared soil mixture or substrate. Fine charcoal is placed at the bottom of the container for drainage;
  • The seed material is buried 1 cm, watered with warm water using a spray bottle;
  • Containers with planted seeds are covered with film, which is removed after the first shoots appear;
  • At the stage of two true leaves, the seedlings are planted in a separate container. Peat pots are used for this;

REFERENCE: A drainage layer and a complex fertilizer containing phosphorus, boron, and potassium are placed at the bottom of the pots. The container is filled 1/3 with substrate, seedlings are planted and soil is added. An aqueous solution of calcium nitrate is used to water the seedlings. The pots are placed on trays to improve air circulation and placed in a well-lit area.

  • Throughout the entire period of development and growth, it is necessary to apply complex fertilizing, according to the manufacturer’s scheme;
  • 7-10 days before planting, seedlings begin to harden.

Among the features of this hybrid, it is worth highlighting its large fruit size and duration of fruiting. You can also talk about its resistance to temperature changes and resistance to diseases.

The trunk and branches of the bush, due to their high growth, need garters and supports. The bush is most often formed into two or three stems, but three is better. At the stage of development and growth, it is in great need of complex feeding.

Tomato sonata characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato sonata characteristics and description of the variety

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Maybe out of 3.91 million James Last The Lonely Shepherd Listened to: Friends online Arnusha vados Irimed. What varieties to choose for planting Saturday, March 16th Honey Drop, Black Moor, Mazarin, King of the Market2, Sanka, which justified themselves with a bountiful harvest. Perhaps only Mazarin disappointed many by not showing the declared qualities. Feedback from gardeners on last year's tomato yield results will give you an idea of ​​many varieties of tomatoes. As a result of the analysis, you yourself will be able to compile for yourself a list of seeds that you will purchase for planting this year.

Review of the best sweet varieties of tomatoes with descriptions and photos

One of the most popular vegetable crops on the plots amazes with the varietal diversity offered by seed producers. Most experienced gardeners prefer to plant several varieties of tomatoes for different purposes. Sweet varieties are especially popular. They are valued for their special sugar content, which remains even after heat treatment and gives dishes an unsurpassed taste.

We offer an overview of varieties of popular sweet tomatoes, compiled based on reviews from experienced gardeners, and share information on how to grow tasty, aromatic tomatoes.

For open ground

In open beds, it is advisable to plant varieties and hybrids whose ripening period corresponds to the length of the summer season in a particular region. Tomatoes need to be fully ripe before there are sudden changes in day and night temperatures or before the rainy season arrives. Only fully ripened tomatoes develop a sugary taste. To do this, choose varieties that produce a harvest in 3-4 months or are resistant to low temperatures.

Description of the tomato variety “Argonaut F1” and characteristics of the tomatoes obtained from it

There are not many varieties and hybrids of tomato that can bear fruit generously in open ground. One of the record holders is the first generation hybrid Argonaut.

Even in the rainiest summer, it practically does not suffer from fungal and viral diseases typical of its relatives, and the harvest begins to yield earlier than other varieties.

  • Description of the variety and characteristics of the fruit
  • Country of origin and year of registration
  • Productivity of the variety
  • Growing
  • Diseases and pests

Argonaut F1 is a hybrid with limited growth vigor, that is, determinant. Even under very favorable conditions, a bush of this type of tomato rarely grows more than 70 cm in height.

The hybrid does not form a standard; however, with careful formation of the plant, it can be grown into one stem. The compact crown, medium degree of foliage and powerful root system allow it to be grown without support, but this does not eliminate the risk of the bush collapsing.

The ripening period of hybrid fruits is early. The first fully ripe fruits can be harvested 85-95 days after the appearance of mass shoots.

When sowing in February or March, conditioned seedlings can be grown in open ground. In the southern regions, direct sowing into the ground is practiced, but in the northern regions it is better to plant this hybrid under temporary shelters.

Thanks to very early fruiting and active growth at the beginning of the growing season, the Argonaut tomato simply does not have time to fall under the wave of late blight and other diseases, the peak of infection of which occurs in August and September.

  • The fruits of the first generation hybrid Argonaut are distinguished by a smooth surface and bright coral color;
  • The pulp is rich in taste, very dense, the seed chambers are small, up to 9 pieces in one fruit;
  • The average weight of the fetus is about 180 g;
  • A distinctive feature of the fruits of this hybrid is their high commercial quality and stability during transportation and storage.

According to the manufacturers' description, the hybrid has a universal purpose. It is well suited for canning in the form of salads and whole-fruit pickling. Tomato is no less tasty in fresh vegetable salads. Argonaut fruits are also suitable for preparing juices, but they turn out to be sour.

Country of origin and year of registration

Argonaut F1 is a relatively young variety. It was eaten by breeders of the Gardens of Russia company in 2011, and it was included in the State Register in 2015.

The tomato grows well in the middle zone, the Moscow region and the Non-Black Earth zone. Even in conditions with a harsh climate (the middle part of the Urals and the northern regions of Siberia and the Far East), Argonaut manages to bear high-quality fruit.

Productivity of the variety

In open ground, the yield of the hybrid is 3-4 kg per plant. When grown under film covers, it increases slightly - up to 4.5 kg per bush.

The Argonaut hybrid has many advantages. The most valuable thing, according to gardeners, is high yield and early fruiting. Among summer residents, the variety received the nickname super tomato for its disease resistance and stable fruiting.

Among the shortcomings, reviews only mention the need to tie plants to stakes, since, despite the small height, the bush tends to “fall over.”

The main feature of the variety is the uniformity of fruits obtained from one plant. Their size, color and shape completely match each other.

All this allows you to grow tomatoes not only for your own consumption, but also for sale.


Argonaut seeds can be sown from the beginning of April, and young seedlings are placed in the ground at the end of May. It is recommended to form a bush into three stems and tie it to pegs. Stepchildren practically do not form after flowering, therefore, for more uniform growth and ripening of the fruits, it is only necessary to tear off the leaf blades shading the clusters.

It is recommended to fertilize with organic matter, up to 4 times per season.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is practically not affected by diseases. To completely eliminate the risk of plant infections, you can treat the bush with Fitosporin.

Of the pests, only mole crickets are dangerous. You can fight them with special means or by regularly loosening the soil under plantings and adding pepper to it.

Despite its complete unpretentiousness and undemandingness to growing conditions, the tomato hybrid Argonaut F1 is a very valuable variety for growing on a personal plot. The beautiful and tasty fruits of this variety can fully satisfy the needs of summer residents.

The best productive varieties

Tomato seeds "Rio Grande"

The bushes of this variety are low - reaching only 70 cm, so they do not require tying or pinching. There are not too many leaves, the fruit shape is standard. They grow in clusters of 8-12 tomatoes per plant, with a slightly oblong shape. The rafts have dense pulp and thick skin, and not too many seeds. The weight is a maximum of 150 grams, but they are often smaller and colored bright red. It tastes like classic tomatoes – with a slight sourness. Ripening occurs approximately 120-130 days after sowing. Fertility is high, can reach three months, until the onset of cold weather.

More: TOP 10 best welding machines for home and garden

The variety perfectly resists low and high temperatures, can withstand even prolonged drought, and is not sensitive to parasites and diseases. If grown over a large area, it does well in bright sun. The fruits can easily withstand even long-term transportation and are well preserved for two to three months if kept cool. They are considered universal in use; if desired, they can be dried or even dried.


  • Strong fruits;
  • The thick skin prevents damage to the crop;
  • High level of endurance.


The taste is a little worse compared to large-fruited varieties.

Tomato seeds "Snow Leopard"

One of the most productive and hardy varieties in terms of climatic conditions - well suited even for Siberian conditions. The yield is quite high: with proper care, you can harvest about 8-9 kg from one bush. This variety can be considered quite early - the average ripening period is about 105-110 days when grown in open ground. In terms of height, the breed is ambiguous: the bush can grow to an unlimited height, so it will need not only gartering, but also shaping. As experienced gardeners advise, it is best if it grows in two stems; moreover, it should not grow higher than 60-70 cm. This is quite convenient, since you do not have to tie it up.

This variety has quite a lot of foliage, and all such leaves are quite large; they should be removed in a timely manner, as they will take away additional moisture, nutrients, and block access to sunlight for the fruit, which will slow down ripening. The shape of the fruit is oblong, slightly flattened. The density of ripened tomatoes is medium, the skin is strong and thick, which allows them to withstand transportation. The color of the fruit is orange-red, the average weight is about 150 grams, but there are tomatoes weighing about 300 grams or even more. From one bush you can collect up to 5-6 kg.


  • Can be grown in any conditions, including on the balcony;
  • Ripens quickly;
  • Resists well against any disease;
  • Retains an attractive appearance for a long time;
  • Handles transportation well;
  • High yield.


It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes and shape them in a timely manner.

Fruit characteristics

Tomatoes “Sonata NK F1” are round, even in size, red and red-orange in color at the ripe stage. Cocktail-type fruits weighing up to 50 g. They have good taste and versatility of use. Suitable for fresh consumption, freezing, canning, making juices, lecho, sauces and other types of processing.


Among the advantages of the Sonata, gardeners note the following characteristics:

  • Regular fruit formation.
  • Long shelf life.
  • Possibility of transportation over long distances.
  • Resistant to blossom end rot, fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus.
  • Pronounced decorative qualities.

The disadvantage of the variety is its instability to late blight.


For the good development of strawberry bushes of the Sonata variety, several basic requirements must be met.

  • Carefully weed the weeds to avoid the proliferation of pests and fungal diseases;
  • After planting, the plants are watered abundantly. If strawberries were planted in the fall, watering is stopped only in October;
  • During the dry period, each Sonata strawberry bush will use at least 1 liter of water;
  • If there is no rain, watering is required during flowering and ovary formation;
  • Leave mustaches for seedlings only from three-year-old Sonata bushes;
  • At the end of September, the beds are covered with straw for the winter, and thick agrotex is stretched over dry branches.


Strawberries of the Sonata variety must be fertilized periodically, properly maintaining the balance of microelements. 1 liter of nutrient solution is poured under each bush.

  • The composition of fertilizers should include magnesium, manganese, iron;
  • In spring, nitrogen fertilizers are used. Before flowering, 50 g of azofoska is dissolved in 10 liters of chilled boiled water;
  • Use soil and foliar feeding with special means: “Sudarushka”, “Ryazanochka” in accordance with the instructions.

Description of the tomato variety Sonata NK F1, its characteristics and yield

Tomato "Sonata" is an early-ripening, indeterminate, high-yielding hybrid, intended for cultivation in open ground and greenhouse conditions.

Features of cultivation

Seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-March, 60–65 days before planting in the ground. Picking occurs in the phase of 1–2 true leaves. For one sq. 3–4 plants are planted per meter of plot. The height of the bush is more than 1.5 meters. A garter to the support and stepsoning are required. The plant is formed into 1–2 stems. The best predecessors for tomatoes are cucumbers, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini and greens.

Basic tomato care measures:

  • Timely watering with warm water.
  • Fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers (preferably based on potassium and phosphorus).
  • Regular weed removal.
  • Treatment to protect against diseases and pests.

The yield with proper agricultural technology reaches 18–20 kg per square meter. meters.

Fruit characteristics

Tomatoes “Sonata NK F1” are round, even in size, red and red-orange in color at the ripe stage. Cocktail-type fruits weighing up to 50 g. They have good taste and versatility of use. Suitable for fresh consumption, freezing, canning, making juices, lecho, sauces and other types of processing.


Among the advantages of the Sonata, gardeners note the following characteristics:

  • Regular fruit formation.
  • Long shelf life.
  • Possibility of transportation over long distances.
  • Resistant to blossom end rot, fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus.
  • Pronounced decorative qualities.

The disadvantage of the variety is its instability to late blight.

The Sonata NK F1 hybrid appeared on the tomato market relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity among vegetable growers. We have collected for you some of the most interesting tomato ratings.

The Sonata bush is powerful and spreading; it must be tied to a reliable support. The tomato is productive, tasty, but very dense and tough. This is even good for canning: when you cut it into slices, the juice does not leak out. But for salads, I would choose a milder variety. (Ekaterina Stepanovna, Moscow region, Mozhaisk).

I read reviews about the Sonata NK F1 tomato and its description on a website about tomatoes. I was interested in the variety and planted 4 bushes. Very good tomato. If you follow all the growing rules, you can achieve an impressive harvest. The only downside of tomatoes is that the fruits are a bit harsh, as if you were biting cucumbers. This is the first time I have encountered this. And the taste is very pleasant, slightly sweet. And the tomatoes are very beautiful: bright, smooth, glossy. I definitely recommend this variety. (Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Petrozavodsk).

The “Sonata” variety pleased me with an excellent harvest. I collected 54 tasty, juicy tomatoes from the garden, nice in appearance and the same in size. Since the fruits are miniature and beautiful, they can be used to decorate dishes or for buffets. They are also good for rolling into jars for the winter. I am sure that I will definitely plant this tomato again. (Yulia Vladislavovna, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak).

Characteristics of the Etude-NK tomato and growing the hybrid

The hybrid tomato Etude-NK is intended for cultivation in closed ground. The variety is characterized by uniform production output and high productivity. The tomato is valued for its taste and nutritional properties.

Benefits of tomato

Tomato Etude-NK F1 belongs to the first generation hybrids. The plant is of indeterminate type, with short internodes. The variety is intended exclusively for cultivation in all types of closed ground (winter glazed and film greenhouses).

A tomato with an average ripening period, fruiting occurs 110-111 days after the seeds emerge. The variety is resistant to diseases of nightshade crops and does not require additional treatment with drugs during the growing process.

The weight of tomatoes reaches 180-200 g. The crop yield is 30-33 kg per 1 m². Fruits without a green spot near the stalk become red at the stage of technical ripeness. Tomatoes have a flat, round shape; on a horizontal cut there are many chambers with seeds.

Reviews from vegetable growers confirm the ability of ripened fruits to remain on the plant for up to 20 days and to withstand long-term storage for 3-4 weeks. Tomatoes have high taste qualities and are not prone to cracking during the ripening process.

Features of carpal varieties

Tomatoes of this type are intended to be picked by trusses. They have original characteristics and properties that are valued among gardeners. The fruits of the raceme variety are of the same size within the raceme and the plant.

If they plan to harvest the crop with brushes, standardization is carried out. 6-8 ovaries are left in each inflorescence. This event promotes uniformity of fruits and ensures smooth ripening.

A characteristic feature of the raceme variety is the shape of the flower. The sepals are longer, and the stipule is located in the axil of the inflorescence. Hybrids of this type contain genes that control ripening sag.

When harvesting, the brushes are cut off at the base

This is important during storage. Good preservation of fruits is facilitated by the presence of an increased concentration of pectin

To increase the yield of the harvest and extend the shelf life, the brushes are removed when the first 2-3 fruits turn red.

They ripen within 3-4 days. The fruits of the raceme variety are dense and have a sweet and sour taste. During storage, the concentration of ascorbic acid in them increases, which increases their biological value.

Tomato bushes are better ventilated and illuminated by the sun, which reduces the risk of fungal diseases. They save space in the greenhouse.

Agrotechnical conditions for cultivating the variety

Tomato cultivation is carried out using the seedling method. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in early March. Before planting in the ground, the seed is treated with a growth stimulant.

When 2 true leaves are formed, the seedlings are planted in separate pots. Planting in the ground is carried out in late April - early May. Tomatoes ripen in June. The variety is characterized by a fruiting period that lasts from June to September.

Cultivating tomatoes in protected soil requires compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. For plants, it is necessary to tie them to a support and form a stem in order to obtain greater yield.

Tomatoes prefer fertilizing with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. During the formation of the stem, mineral components containing nitrogen are added. To stimulate the formation of the ground part of the bush, a solution of chicken manure is used.

Tomatoes are planted taking into account crop rotation. The best precursors for tomatoes are cauliflower, carrots, and cucumbers.

The culture requires timely watering with warm water. When grown indoors on an industrial scale, moisture is added using a drip irrigation system. For normal development of the crop, soil loosening and hilling are periodically carried out.

Tall tomatoes for the greenhouse

I definitely plant the listed varieties, but there are also some that I just liked, and I periodically grow them in the greenhouse, but I have not become a fan of them. Of the indeterminates, I like the raceme varieties the most. Again, this is primarily because they look beautiful on the bush. There are only three varieties, and each has a special reason to grow it.

“Intuition F1” is a mid-season hybrid, but I would classify it as a late-season hybrid. Not only does it reach harvest ripeness only by mid-August, but biological maturity also comes quite late. Some specimens of these tomatoes ripen even until the end of October. But, on the other hand, this is convenient because as a result, we have our own fresh tomatoes at home for a very long time. That's why I sow it in February.

Rice. 12. Photo from the end of July, but the fruits have not yet begun to ripen.

But “Intuition F1” is very easy. This hybrid is great for freezing for future use. In winter, I make pizza and frittata with them, as they do not defrost like porridge, but retain their meatiness well when cut.

Rice. 13. The fruits are all smooth and beautiful.

Rice. 14. In this form, I send “Intuition F1” to deep freeze.

“Scarlet Candles” is a cluster variety, mid-season. They don’t have a special taste, but what a shape! Looks impressive in preparations with cucumbers. However, this is why I grow them. It’s nice to admire such a jar later in the winter.

Rice. 15. The length of “Scarlet Candles” is almost like pickling cucumbers.

Rice. 16. “Scarlet candles” look neat, they all have a characteristic “spout”.

“De Barao” is quite late-ripening; I sow it earlier than the bulk of tomatoes. I really like it in preparations, it does not crack and is very tasty, both fresh and pickled.

Rice. 17. "De Barao" is resistant to disease. I always plant it on the north side, tying it above the entrance to the greenhouse, because it is very tall, and the upper tier ripens even in the last ten days of August, despite the first cold nights.

Rice. 18. The fruits are beautiful, all as one.

I have tried a great variety of salad varieties, I still want to find the most delicious one. Of the unusually colored tomatoes, I really like the taste of “Malachite Box” and “Black Prince”. Both are tall and require pinching, gartering, and formation into 1-2 stems, but the effort is worth it, the fruits are magnificent. “Black Prince” is dark burgundy when fully ripe.

Rice. 19. “Malachite box” in biological maturity – green.

Rice. 20. All these “Malachite Box” tomatoes are already ripe, although in appearance they seem unripe.

The yellow giants are not inferior in taste, of which the most fleshy and tasty for me are “Yellow Truffle” - of an unusual shape, “Persimmon” - indeed, the pulp is cut like the fruit of the same name, “Golden King” and sweet like a melon, “ Golden Bull." “Golden Heart” and “Altai Yellow” were less impressive. But it should be noted that the shelf life of yellow tomatoes is inferior to red ones. From salad reds, I grew “King of Large”, “Cardinal”, “Canary”, “Bear’s Paw”, “Mazarin”, “Altai Red”. What can I say about them - they are all equal, as if they were selected. It tires them to constantly tug and tie them up. One good thing is that they are large.

Rice. 21. Everyone looks the same on the bush. This is Cardinal.

Rice. 22. “Cardinal” is well kept.

Rice. 24. In the foreground is “Mazarin”. It differs only in shape, in taste - like all other red-fruited ones.

Rice. 25. “Altai Reds”, however, can be praised for their friendly maturation.

Separately, I would like to mention the pink-fruited tomatoes “Miracle of the Earth”. If you are lucky with the summer and it is not very hot, then you can get a good harvest from this variety.

Rice. 26. “Miracle of the Earth” are also tall.

But, if there is not very good ventilation in the greenhouse, then this variety will give a characteristic light yellow border, I don’t like it, and I cut it off before use.

Rice. 27. “Miracle of the Earth” - on the right. They are the same size as the Red Giant on the left.

Separately, it should be said about tall cherry tomatoes, for example, “Chio-chio-san”, “Sweet Cherry F1” and others. Yes, many of them are sweet, they look elegant both in the greenhouse and in pickles, but many of them are thrown away and require careful care. No matter how much I refuse to plant them, I still “break down”, I really want to admire the brushes.

Rice. 28. “Red date” is, of course, delicious.

Rice. 29. “Goldilocks” also tastes good if you resist and don’t eat it half-ripe - and it can be eaten even half-ripe.

Description and yield of Icicle Pink tomato with reviews

The Pink Icicle tomato, reviews and productivity of which indicate the popularity of the hybrid among summer residents, was bred by breeders from Dnepropetrovsk. Tomatoes combine ease of care, pleasant taste and exotic fruit shape.

Advantages of a hybrid

The characteristics and description of the variety include information about the advantages that distinguish the Pink Icicle tomato. The plant begins to bear fruit 105-120 days after the seeds emerge.

During the growing season, a crop with an uncontrolled growth process forms a bush 2 m high. The characteristics and description of the tomato variety indicate the possibility of cultivating the plant under film covers, in open ground conditions and in greenhouses.

The first inflorescence is formed at the level of 5-7 leaves. 6-7 clusters with 5-10 fruits are formed on the bush. The Icicle variety is easily pollinated and an ovary is formed in each flower. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology and good care, the yield from 1 bush reaches 10 kg.

  • Tomatoes are elongated with a sharp nose, 10-12 cm long.
  • The surface is glossy, the flesh is sweet in taste.
  • The thick skin and consistency ensures preservation of the marketable appearance and prevents cracking during ripening.
  • The weight of 1 fruit can be 80-130 g.

Tomatoes are characterized by a high dry matter content. When cut horizontally, a small number of seed chambers are observed. In cooking, tomato is used for canning whole fruits, which do not crack and retain their shape well. The fruits can be dried, squeezed juice, prepared into salad, ketchup, and used for pickling.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in early spring. To do this, the seed material is kept in a solution of potassium permanganate and placed in containers with prepared soil to a depth of 1.5 cm. The container is covered on top with a film, which is removed after the sprouts have pecked.

After the formation of 2 true leaves, the seedlings are picked and planted in separate containers. For this purpose, it is recommended to use peat pots so as not to damage the root system when transplanting to a permanent location.

The transfer of seedlings to open ground is carried out in mid-May after the end of the frost period. A distance of 0.5 m is maintained between plants. During the growing season, it is recommended to periodically apply mineral fertilizers according to the manufacturer’s scheme.

During the cultivation process, the bushes are hilled and the soil is periodically loosened to create a balance of moisture and air near the root system. The plant requires tying to a support or trellis. It is recommended to form bushes with 1–2 stems and remove shoots.

Violation of the rules for growing crops has a negative impact on the harvest and can provoke fungal diseases of the crop. The hybrid is resistant to biological pests.

Opinions and recommendations of vegetable growers

The Pink Icicle tomato has gained popularity among gardeners due to its taste, ease of care, and disease resistance.

Evgenia Fedorova, 51 years old, Armavir:

“I planted the Pink Icicle last year at the dacha. The seedlings were sown in March. To ensure the appearance of friendly shoots, before sowing, I soaked the seeds in aloe juice and treated them with a growth stimulant. After the appearance of 2 true leaves, I carried out picking in separate pots. In open ground, throughout the growing season, the plant was periodically fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. To reduce the cost of hilling and weed control, the soil in the garden bed was mulched with black fiber. The harvest pleased me with the abundance of fruits, taste, and the variety with the versatility of using tomatoes.”

Veniamin Smirnov, 59 years old, Kazan:

“I grew the Pink Icicle hybrid last season

When choosing a variety, I paid attention to the ability to cultivate the plant in open ground, high yield, long shelf life and versatility of use. Plants were planted along the garden path. During the growing season, bushes 2 m high formed, which had to be tied to a fence mesh

The plant pleased me with a high yield. We managed to collect 9.5 kg of tasty tomatoes with dense pink flesh from the bush.”

During the growing season, bushes 2 m high formed, which had to be tied to a fence mesh. The plant pleased me with a high yield. We managed to collect 9.5 kg of tasty tomatoes with dense pink flesh from the bush.”

Classification of tomatoes based on ripening time

The timing of tomato ripening is very important for growing plants in different climatic zones. Also, when planning to place the bushes in open ground or a greenhouse, you also need to know the ripening time.


This group matures within 100 days. The bushes can be placed in open ground, and they also give a good harvest in a greenhouse.

Late ripening

For such tomatoes, the ripening period is up to 115 days. They are heat-loving, love a lot of light, and are therefore suitable for climate zones where daylight hours are long. Otherwise, you will have to help with artificial lighting.

Igranda – variety of tomato plant

Information on the admission of Tomato Igranda from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 28798, registered 1995-01-18. The Tomato variety Igranda was included in the register of those approved in 1999. Approved for use in the regions: North Caucasus.

The originator of the Tomato Igranda variety is:

Other varieties of tomato plant

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Rules for growing a plant

Let's look at the features of growing plants. To grow a healthy and tasty crop, you must adhere to the classic rules. Seeds of indeterminate varieties, which include Sonata, begin to be sown in mid-March. Seedlings need 60-65 days to grow and get stronger.

Sowing is done in a small container with soil, after which the container is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. It is not opened until the first sprouts appear. Moist evaporation from the soil is quite enough for their germination.

The picking is done after 3 weeks, when the seedlings have grown and 2-3 leaves appear on them. The soil is sprayed with water, and the pots are placed in a sufficiently lit place. After 10-14 days, the first feeding is carried out. Tomatoes are not fertilized often, usually every 2 weeks. It depends on the stage of plant development.

Care in the garden

As they reach a height of 30 cm and form 5-7 leaves, the seedlings are transplanted to a sunny, open place. In open ground, water daily for about 7-10 days until the seedlings take root, then generously once a week. In the greenhouse, watering begins 10 days after planting.

Water at the root, trying not to get it on the foliage and stems to avoid burns. The procedure is carried out in the evening, when the sun is low above the horizon.

After irrigation, the soil is loosened to improve the access of moisture and air to the roots. Instead, it is allowed to resort to mulching. A layer of mulch will retain moisture in the soil and suppress the growth of weeds.

The first feeding of the Imperial weakness tomato is applied 15 days after planting, the subsequent ones after 10-14 days. The plantings are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers, or folk remedies (ash, yeast, dairy products, iodine). They are usually applied along with irrigation. It is not recommended to apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, as this will cause increased growth of the vegetative mass to the detriment of the fruits.

To combat pests, special insecticides are usually used. However, it is also possible to make do with folk remedies.

Similar varieties of tomatoes

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:36

Mid-season, determinate, productive tomato variety for open ground and film shelters. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 110-120 days. The bush is up to 1.2 meters high, the leaf is ordinary, the inflorescence is simple. Requires tying to the support and pinning. The best results were obtained with fo...

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:36

Mid-season, large-fruited, low-growing tomato variety for open ground and film shelters. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 110-118 days. The bush is of a determinate type, up to 80 cm high. It is desirable to tie it to a support and partial pinching (up to the first flower cluster). This leaf has...

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:38

Mid-season, large-fruited, tall tomato hybrid from Sedek. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 110-115 days. Bush of indeterminate type, 1.8-2 meters high. A garter to a support or trellis and pinning is required. ...

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:39

Mid-season, medium-growing, indeterminate tomato variety for open ground and film shelters. The bush is 1-1.5 meters high and requires tying to a support and pinching. The best results were obtained when forming a plant with 2 or 3 stems. The main qualities of the fruit...

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:40

Mid-season, indeterminate, tall, productive, exotic tomato variety for greenhouses and open ground. Bush up to 1.7 meters high, leaf of the usual type. The plant requires staking to a support and pinching. The best results were obtained when forming 1 or 2 stems. Basic qualities...

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:40

Early maturing, indeterminate (unlimited growth), productive tomato hybrid from French breeders. Recommended for growing in a short cycle - 6 clusters (planting in March-April and until the end of July), in order to obtain an early harvest. This hybrid is also suitable for field cultivation using...

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:41

An early-ripening, medium-growing, productive variety of tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses. The plant is of a determinate type, 70-100 cm high (depending on growing conditions). We recommend forming a bush with 3 stems. This tomato has a regular type of leaf. The brush is complex. The main qualities of Tomato fruits...

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:42

Medium-early, large-fruited, indeterminate (unlimited growth) variety of tomato with extended fruiting. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse. The bush is not spreading, up to 2 meters high in a greenhouse, up to 1.5 meters in open ground. It is recommended to form 1-2 stems. In the…

Published: September 18, 2022, 02:43

The original name of the variety is Abrica Zebra. Tall, high-yielding, mid-season variety of tomatoes. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse. The plant is of indeterminate type, 1.8-2 meters high. It requires tying to the support and the bush itself and the brushes, pinching. The best results...

Features of care

The main thing is to tie it to the supports and form the bush. 2-3 stems are left, the remaining stepsons are removed.

It is necessary to pull out weeds, especially in the initial stages, it prevents tomatoes from receiving useful minerals and substances from the soil. Moreover, weeds often contain pests that are no less dangerous for tomatoes.

Loosening the beds with tomatoes will provide oxygen access to the roots and help retain moisture in the soil.

Summer residents advise alternating fertilizing, using organic matter and complex mixtures. Additional soil fertilization is especially necessary for plants:

  • During flowering.
  • Fruit set.
  • Active fruiting.

Caring for tomatoes Etude NK is not difficult, even a beginner can do it.

Fruit characteristics

Tomatoes “Sonata NK F1” are round, even in size, red and red-orange in color at the ripe stage. Cocktail-type fruits weighing up to 50 g. They have good taste and versatility of use. Suitable for fresh consumption, freezing, canning, making juices, lecho, sauces and other types of processing.


Among the advantages of the Sonata, gardeners note the following characteristics:

  • Regular fruit formation.
  • Long shelf life.
  • Possibility of transportation over long distances.
  • Resistant to blossom end rot, fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus.
  • Pronounced decorative qualities.

The disadvantage of the variety is its instability to late blight.

Varieties and types

click to open list

  1. Agatha
  2. Adelaide F1
  3. Stork F1
  4. Scarlet Sails
  5. Amulet
  6. Anastasia F1
  7. Andromeda F1
  8. Angelica
  9. Balcony miracle
  10. Banana red
  11. White filling
  12. Benito F1
  13. Betta
  14. Blagovest F1
  15. Boni-M
  16. Bonsai
  17. Nerd F1
  18. Brixie F1
  19. Boomerang F1
  20. Pinocchio
  21. Bead
  22. Bull's heart
  23. Jack F1
  24. Verlioka F1
  25. Vitador F1
  26. Knight
  27. Vladimir F1
  28. Volgograd early ripening 323
  29. Volzhsky F1
  30. Prodigy F1
  31. Garten Freunde
  32. Giant Novikova
  33. Dwarf
  34. Grotto
  35. Danna
  36. Summer resident
  37. De barao red
  38. De barao pink
  39. De barao golden
  40. De Barao black
  41. De Facto F1
  42. Dolphin F1
  43. Gina
  44. Dina
  45. Don Juan
  46. Donna Rosa F1
  47. Buddy F1
  48. Dubrava (Dubok)
  49. Evpator F1
  50. yellow pear
  51. Giraffe
  52. gold fish
  53. Ivanushka
  54. Intuition F1
  55. Iris
  56. Kalroma F1
  57. Carlos F1
  58. Caspar F1
  59. Centaur F1
  60. Kirzhach F1
  61. Cosmonaut Volkov
  62. Kotroma F1
  63. Red Arrow
  64. Sturdy F1
  65. Lafanya F1
  66. Lelya F1
  67. Leopold F1
  68. Lerika F1
  69. Lola F1
  70. Long Keeper
  71. Ray
  72. La-la-fa F1
  73. Liana
  74. May early
  75. Baby F1
  76. Margarita F1
  77. Mars F1
  78. Maryushka
  79. Master F1
  80. Minuet F1
  81. Milady F1
  82. Monica F1
  83. Moskvich
  84. Moscow delicacy
  85. Neptune F1
  86. NK-Sonata F1
  87. New from Kuban
  88. New product from Transnistria
  89. Newbie
  90. Novogoshary
  91. Nocturne-NK F1
  92. Gardener
  93. Olya F1
  94. Onyx
  95. Orange F1
  96. Excellent student F1
  97. Perseus
  98. Pepper-shaped
  99. Pilgrim 8 F1
  100. Pinocchio
  101. Portland F1
  102. Excellent 176
  103. Raissa F1
  104. Paradisaic delight
  105. Rocket
  106. Rhapsody-NK F1
  107. Pink elephant (giant)
  108. Roma
  109. Samara F1
  110. Santiago F1
  111. Northern Express F1
  112. Semenych F1
  113. Semko Sinbad F1
  114. Semko Soyuz F1
  115. Semko-100 F1
  116. Semko-101 F1
  117. Semko-2000 F1
  118. Semko-98 F1
  119. Semko-99 F1
  120. Siberian early ripening
  121. Solaris
  122. Soprano F1
  123. Soyuz – 8 F1
  124. Stresa F1
  125. Stupike (Moravian miracle)
  126. Typhoon F1
  127. Table F1
  128. Tambov fruitful
  129. Fatty F1
  130. meal
  131. Overture-NK F1
  132. Ulysses F1
  133. Unicum F1
  134. Hurricane F1
  135. Morning dew
  136. Favorite F1
  137. F1 fan
  138. Pharaoh F1
  139. Fatalist F1
  140. Fancy F1
  141. Figaro F1
  142. Finish
  143. Flagship F1
  144. Flamenco F1
  145. Funtik F1
  146. Persimmon
  147. Shuttle
  148. Black Iceberg F1
  149. Chibli F1
  150. Shagane F1
  151. Shuttle F1
  152. Shulga F1
  153. Study F1
  154. Junior F1
  155. Yamal
  156. Amber
  157. Yaroslavna F1

Low-growing, standard. Features of agricultural technology: for open ground and film tunnels. Does not require pinching or gartering. It can be grown by direct sowing into the ground. Ripening time: ultra-early, ripens in 80-85 days from the moment of emergence. Fruits weighing 60-80 g, bright red, flat-round, ribbed. Resistant to late blight and adverse weather conditions. Use: for fresh consumption and for whole-fruit canning. The ultra-earliness of the Boni-M variety ensures fast and early harvest. This means that you get early production and collect ripe fruits before the massive spread of the most harmful disease of nightshade crops - late blight. When growing the Boni-M variety in open ground, you will not need any kind of greenhouse facilities. Tomato “Boni MM”

The best F1 tomato hybrids

Hybrid plants are in demand among gardeners for the following reasons:

  • Resistance to diseases and viruses;
  • Good adaptation to growing conditions;
  • Reliable ovary;
  • Smooth fruits;
  • Stable yield.

Breeders are trying to create hybrids that would have excellent taste, are not afraid of temperature changes or extreme heat, and have good resistance to bacteria.

Of the hybrid tomatoes, it is worth highlighting the following five best F1 varieties:

  1. Incas. This is the brainchild of Dutch breeders, registered in the Russian register in 2000. Mid-early hybrid. He reaches a meter in height. Vegetables are pepper-shaped, with fleshy pulp, red. Advantages of the hybrid: resistant to diseases; not afraid of sunburn; gives a good harvest; The fruits are storable and suitable for long-term transportation.
  2. Torquay. Another “Dutch” who took root in the Russian garden and was registered in the Russian register in 2007. This is a variety of medium ripeness; approximately 119 days pass until ripening. The bush grows up to a meter, determinate, with multiple trusses. Each vegetable weighs approximately 100 g and has an elongated shape. The hybrid is great for canning. Advantages: good heat resistance, resistance to bacteria and fungi.
  3. Mariana. The hybrid appeared thanks to the efforts of French-Japanese breeders. The color is red, the shape is elongated, oval, the flesh is dense. This hybrid is suitable for growing in small greenhouses and is not afraid of high temperatures. The tomatoes are very tasty with just a touch of sweetening.
  4. Bagheera. French creation. Features: cold weather resistance and drought tolerance. The bushes do not need tying. The hybrid is not affected by infections. Bagheera – medium early.
  5. Semko 2005. Bushes are grown in open ground, but can also be located in a greenhouse. The shape is pepper-shaped, the flesh is dense. The bushes are medium-sized. Features: resistance to heat, drought, disease.

All these hybrids have good taste and are not susceptible to disease.

What is a Sonata tomato?

Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. The tomato is resistant to changes in air temperature and grows in low light.
  2. Bears fruit regularly and does not get sick.
  3. The skin of the fruit does not crack.
  4. As a rule, tall bushes need staking: the support performs an important function - it supports the clusters with fruits. Without a trellis, the weight of the tomatoes will cause the branches to bend toward the ground and may break. You need to tie it with soft fabric threads or rope.
  5. Water the plant at the root, being careful not to touch the foliage and fruits.

Sonata NK F1 tomatoes ripen in 100-120 days. The stem of the plant is quite strong, and the internodes are short. Oblong clusters with bright red round fruits look very beautiful on the bushes. Ripe tomatoes have excellent taste. The average weight of 1 tomato is 150-180 g. This variety has high resistance to nightshade diseases.

By growing region

Every year, breeders create new species with high quality indicators. In stores you can buy specialized varieties of tomatoes designed for growing in certain climatic conditions. Classification by regions of Russia:

  • for the Moscow region: Champion, Sweet Bunch, Honey, Pink Elephant, Fireworks, Bull's forehead;
  • for the southern regions: Torch, Novice, Titan, Winner, Bison, Ermak, Gift, Mikado;
  • for the middle zone: Bull's Heart, Black Prince, Uzbek (Yusupov), Moskvichka, Snowdrop, Big Brother, Spasskaya Tower;
  • for Siberia: Siberian heavyweight, Ultra early ripening, Sanka, Abakan pink;
  • for the Urals: Coin, Bull's Heart, Button, Countryman, Yellow Buyan, Bullfinch, Demidov;
  • for the far north: Snowy Tale, Ballerina, Ladyfingers, Berdsky Large, Countryman, Oak, Gina.

An unpredictable, cold or, conversely, excessively warm climate is not a reason to refuse to grow tomatoes in open ground. Thanks to selection, varieties have been developed that grow and develop well in any terrain.

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