Apple tree variety Bogatyr: description and growing rules

The Bogatyr variety is valued for its productivity and the sweet and sour taste of the fruit. Read more about the variety, its characteristics, yield, types, planting and care rules, as well as the characteristics of cultivation in different regions and much other useful information.

The Bogatyr variety lives up to its name

Apples of the Bogatyr variety

The fruits of the Bogatyr apple tree are stored for a long time, which is good news

Description and characteristics of the apple tree

The tree lives up to its name. It is tall - up to 6 m. The crown is not inferior in width to its height, it is very spreading, cone-shaped or round. Its inner part is bare, “transparent”, since new branches do not grow. The branches are thick, strong, flexible and well connected to the trunk. Olive colored bark. The leaf blades are oval, toothed, and have slight pubescence on the underside.

In spring, the apple tree is covered with white and pink flowers. The main share of fruits is formed on the shortest rosette shoots - ringlets, and less often - on fruit twigs.

The fruits are easy to recognize by their flattened shape and large size - the average weight is about 160 g, there are specimens with a maximum weight of 400 g. The surface of the apples is smooth, without roughness, and broadly ribbed. Removable fruits are light green, ripe, having reached consumer ripeness - yellow. The fruit barrels exposed to sunlight are covered with a bright blush. The transportability of apples is excellent, thanks to the rough skin.

The pulp has a fine-grained structure. It is dense, crispy, white and aromatic. The taste is sweet and sour. Compared to Antonovka, Bogatyr has a lower concentration of acids, so the fruits are sweeter.

This variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka and Central regions, but gardeners in the North-Western region and Siberia did not stand aside and are happy to cultivate “Bogatyr” in their gardens.

Main characteristics

Let's consider the main characteristic features of the Martovskoye apple tree variety.

Apple tree size

The Martovskoe variety apple tree is tall. An adult tree can reach a length of 6-7 m. The crown of the tree is wide, which in cross-section has the shape of a pyramid or a truncated oval. If a dwarf rootstock was used, the tree will not grow more than 3 m.

We recommend that you find out what to plant under an apple tree for beauty and maximum benefit.

Frequency of fruiting of the variety

The harvest from apple trees of the Martovskoe variety is harvested every year after the start of fruiting. The maximum number of fruits is collected from 10-year-old trees. In older specimens, cyclical fruiting may occur.

Fruit yield

This variety produces high yields. The average yield is almost 100 kg/ha, and with an intensive cultivation method it reaches 220 c/ha. At the age of 10 years, 1 mature tree produces at least 100 kg of fruit. Apple size and yield largely depend on garden care.

Did you know? In the Celtic language, the word for paradise is Avalon and is translated as “land of apples.”

Winter hardiness

This variety is quite resistant to frost, but in areas with severe winters freezing is possible. Therefore, in winter it is advisable to mulch the soil and insulate the trunk. When pruning a tree after freezing, the apple tree quickly recovers.

Diseases and pests

Disease resistance is average. When grown in dry climates, the likelihood of various diseases occurring is lower than in areas with rainy and cool climates. Under such conditions, scab, powdery mildew, fruit rot, cytosporosis, and late blight may appear. Treatments with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture help well against such diseases.

You will be interested to know how to deal with the flower beetle and how to get rid of the bark beetle on an apple tree.

An apple tree can also be affected by such a dangerous disease as black cancer. It manifests itself in black growths on the trunk and branches of the tree, and the fruits begin to rot. At the initial stage of the disease, treatments with a sulfur solution are used. It is also imperative to remove the affected areas.

In a dry climate, an apple orchard may be subject to attacks by insect pests - hawthorn, hawthorn moth, mites, moths, aphids, apple moths and weevils. To combat these insects, the chemical preparations “Karbofos”, “Fosfamide”, “Metafos”, “Kleschevit” are very helpful.

Self-fertility, fruiting and productivity

“Bogatyr” requires a company of pollinating assistants. Several varieties of apple trees are planted next to it:

  • Zhigulevskoe;
  • Melba;
  • Sinap Northern;
  • Strefling.

An overview of these and other best varieties of apples with photos and descriptions is here.

The first fruits appear in the fourth year after planting a two-year-old seedling. If you have been vaccinated with an eye (budding), apples can only be tasted at 6-7 years of age.

Yield indicators depend on the age of the apple tree - the older it is, the more kilograms of fruit can be harvested. Thus, up to 60 kg are removed from a 9-year-old tree, and 80 kg or more from a 16-year-old tree. Fruiting is annual, but the yield periodically decreases.

Apples are eaten fresh; they are excellent for soaking and compotes; when making jam, they remain whole and do not become overcooked.

Varietal varieties of dwarf apple trees

Dwarf apple trees

There are a huge number of varieties of dwarf apple trees. Usually, they are divided according to the time intervals of maturation. The division in this case is very simple; dwarf apple trees are:

  • summer type
  • autumn type
  • winter type

The fruits of some varieties of winter and autumn apple trees become ripe several months after harvest.

Let's take a closer look at the popular varieties of dwarf apple trees currently grown.



Wonderful This low-growing tree is considered a “natural dwarf”, since its crown is formed not high, but wide, as if spreading along the ground. It has large fruits, the record weight of which reaches 200 g. They have a flat-round shape and a green tint. As it ripens, a reddish blush forms on the skin.

The pulp has a medium elastic consistency, it is granular, but at the same time juicy. The taste is sweet and sour. The aftertaste is fruity, long and pleasant, without cloying. The plant is frost-resistant (withstands temperatures down to -35°C), the fruits are also winter-hardy. Scab resistant. Thanks to early ripening, it is possible to grow and harvest crops even in the Urals.



Bratchud His name is an acronym meaning "Brother of the Wonderful." It is a genetic variety of the previously discussed variety, differing from the latter in its longer shelf life. This variety has the ability to grow in almost all climatic zones of the CIS. It is also a “natural dwarf” with an extensive and relatively low crown.

The average size of the fruits is slightly larger than that of Chudny, but giants among them are relatively rare. A negative sign of the fruits of this hybrid is the presence of a small seam in the form of a strip.

The fruits have dry skin with a glossy shine. The main color is green with the appearance of a crimson blush when ripe. The apple pulp is grainy, but not very juicy. Despite this, the taste of the fruit is still pleasant.

The variety is ideal from a logistics point of view - it has high shelf life and transportability.



Sunny Among the common dwarf apple trees, this is a relatively new hybrid, bred by breeders no more than 20 years ago. It is a late-ripening variety that is immune to some diseases, in particular scab. The crown has a rounded appearance with a low degree of density. The fruits are oblong-oblique in shape with smooth and oily skin.

The pulp is white, sometimes creamy (in some cases, pulp of different colors may be observed inside the same fruit). It is juicy and dense. The taste of apples is sweet with a slight sour aftertaste. The aftertaste is long and rich. The variety has high yield and frost resistance.



Sokolovskoye A new breeding product that finally ripens in mid-December. The fruits are flat-rounded and large. The peel is greenish-yellow, becoming dark red as it ripens, covering almost the entire surface of the fruit.

The fruit pulp is creamy, fine-grained, quite dense, but at the same time very juicy. The taste is excellent. The taste is sweet and sour, the aftertaste is pronounced and pleasant. The variety is universal in use: consumed raw and processed. Ideal for making preserves, jams and compotes.

It has a high yield and is classified as a “natural dwarf”. It does not like excessive heat and cannot tolerate cold (not to mention frost). In order not to freeze, it needs to cover the trunk for the winter. It is also advisable to insulate the first skeletal branches.

Early sweet

Early sweet

Early sweet Low tree with a flat-rounded crown. According to reviews, it bears fruit annually, while maintaining stability in quantitative yield indicators. The fruits are medium in size and yellowish in color. The pulp is white, with a slight creamy tint. The pulp has a sweet taste and virtually no aftertaste.

Despite the excellent winter hardiness of the variety, the fruits are not stored for a long time. They should be consumed within 1-2 weeks after harvest, which occurs in August. Due to its early ripeness, it can be grown even in rather harsh regions of the Urals and Siberia.



Down-to-earth The peculiarity of this low-growing variety is its vegetation. Starting from a certain point, the branches of the tree grow almost horizontally, and then bend slightly upward. The shape of the fruit is round, almost regular. However, their sizes are only slightly larger than average.

The main color is greenish-yellow, but as it ripens, which occurs already in mid-autumn, it changes to a contrasting red blush, completely covering the entire surface of the fruit.

The pulp is also greenish in color, it is very dense, rich and juicy. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, they have universal use. Ideal for preservation (making preserves and preserves).

The frost resistance of the plant is very high. Even in winters with little snow, the apple tree survives frosts down to -40°C, while maintaining annual fruiting.



Snowdrop Most branches of this mid-season dessert variety initially grow in a horizontal direction. At the same time, young branches bear fruit every year. The fruits weigh slightly more than average, but among them there are real giants, weighing up to 350 grams.

The shape of the fruit is round-conical with barely noticeable ribs. The color of the fruits is yellowish; as they ripen, they acquire a red blush. The pulp is white, very juicy and aromatic. The taste is sweet. The fruits are universal in use and good for preservation. Ripens in early autumn; as a rule, ripening is not required; apples can be eaten fresh.



Low-growing The crown is low, the branches grow almost at right angles to the trunk. The fruits are of medium size; large ones are very rare. They have a rounded shape with clearly visible ribs.

The color of apples is yellow-green. During ripening, red stripes appear on them, which over time merge into a solid blush of rich red color. The color of the pulp is greenish, it is tender, juicy and fine-grained. The taste is sweet and sour.

According to reviews from gardeners, the variety is relatively early in fruiting and the yield is high. The plant is winter-hardy (down to minus 35 degrees Celsius). There is only one drawback of the variety - in too humid and cool summers it can suffer from scab. To counteract powdery mildew and rot, it is recommended to spray trees with Bordeaux mixture 1-2 times in the spring.

Moscow red

Moscow red

Moscow Red Tree is a semi-dwarf apple tree with a spherical crown. Can grow up to 3 m in height. Refers to high-yielding winter varieties bred specifically for the Moscow region. The shape of the fruit is round, regular, there are no ribs on them.

The color of the fruits is yellow, but by the time they are picked they have a rich red blush. The pulp has a yellowish color and a sweet and sour taste.

The variety has increased resistance to scab, as well as a number of other diseases. Fruits and leaves almost always remain healthy until the end of the ripening period.



Legend The variety belongs to the early winter variety. The crown of the tree is dense and spherical. The shoots are arranged compactly. The variety is large-fruited. Its fruits are slightly ribbed and have a cone shape.

The color of apples is yellow-green. As it ripens, the entire surface becomes burgundy. In some cases, crimson stripes appear on the skin.

The pulp is white, with a creamy tint. It is juicy and fine-grained. The aroma is rich, the fruits themselves are sweet and tasty, with caramel notes. The variety is frost-resistant. Has immunity to most diseases.



Melba It is considered a semi-dwarf variety that can be recommended for cultivation in the Ural regions. One of the first varieties to gain recognition in dwarf form. It is characterized by high yield (up to 150 kg of fruits per tree). The skin of apples is thin, yellow with a crimson blush.

The pulp is white, tender and aromatic. It has a sweet taste and strong aroma. Average disease resistance, particularly vulnerable to scab.



Arbat A variety that is dwarf and columnar at the same time. The crown, which takes up little space, makes it possible to significantly compact the plantings, placing the holes very close to each other (up to 1.5 m).

Has high resistance to disease and frost. It is recommended to grow it in the northern regions. The fruits are elliptical in shape and have a thin shiny pink-red skin. The pulp is creamy and aromatic. The taste is sweet, the sourness is practically not felt.

Disadvantages of the variety include the shrinking of fruits with age and a short period of fruiting. After just 14 years, yields are significantly reduced. It can be extended for 3-4 years if you carry out proper pruning: in the spring, cut off too old branches and woody shoots.



Bogatyr The variety was developed about 100 years ago by crossing Antonovka and Ranet. It has large fruits (record figures - up to 300 g) with greenish-yellow skin covered with a reddish-orange blush. The pulp is quite dense and crispy. It has a strong aroma and sweet and sour taste.

The variety is not self-fertile; it is best to plant pollinators: Melba, Zhigulevskoe, Strefling. The yield per tree is 70-80 kg. It has excellent frost resistance and scab resistance.



Candy A cold-resistant, early-ripening variety obtained by crossing Korobovka and Papirovka. The color is yellow-orange with a red blush. The pulp is tender and juicy, with an excellent taste.

The variety is universal, suitable for consumption raw and canned. Apple juice is brown in color due to the large amount of iron it contains. It is considered one of the best varieties for making cider.

Moscow necklace

Moscow necklace

Moscow Necklace A relatively new variety with large fruits. The shape of apples is spherical. Covered with thin, red-wine colored skin. The structure of the pulp is juicy, but at the same time fragile. The taste is sweet and sour, with a slight sour aftertaste.

The variety has high yield. It has good resistance to scab and tolerates frost and drought. To increase productivity in the garden, you should plant pollinating apple trees. The best option for this is the Macintosh and its hybrids. The disadvantage is the relatively short fruiting period - up to 15 years.

Autumn striped

Autumn striped

Autumn Striped A very ancient variety, bred about 250 years ago in Holland. One of the names is Streifling. It has a rounded apple shape with a slight taper. The color of the fruit is yellow-green, the blush appears in the form of red stripes, which, as they ripen, merge into a solid spot, which later covers the entire surface. It has a high and stable yield, but has a short shelf life. The taste is sweet and sour with light wine notes.

The fruits have universal uses. Frost resistance and disease resistance are high.

Glory to the winners

Glory to the winners

The variety is still a Soviet selection, obtained in the first third of the twentieth century from Mackintosh and Papirovka. It has light green fruits with a reddish blush. The skin is smooth. The pulp is dense, greenish in color, has a sweet and sour taste and a very strong aroma.

It has high yield and frost resistance. It is the ancestor of many new varieties grown in both southern and northern regions. Average resistance to scab. The disadvantage of the variety is the excessive density of the crown and a large number of branches. The tree needs regular sanitary and formative pruning in spring and autumn.

Another drawback is fungal diseases, in particular powdery mildew. In rainy summers, preventative treatment against fungi should be carried out with a solution of vitriol or Bordeaux mixture. Spray the plants in the spring before the buds open.



Antonovka is considered by many gardeners to be the best variety, but this assessment cannot be considered objective, since growing conditions and climate play an important role. The fruits, depending on the variety, can have a shape from round-flat to perfect spherical. The skin is slightly oily, yellow-green in color. The pulp is yellowish, juicy, granular. The taste is sweet with a slight sourness.

Winter hardiness, depending on the variety, is high or medium. The variety has a high but irregular yield. Good resistance to scab and pests. The variety is partially self-fertile; in the northern regions it requires planting of pollinators.

White filling

White filling

White filling One of the earliest ripening varieties, which determines its popularity. It has large white or whitish-yellow fruits with juicy and granular pulp. The taste is sweet and sour. The crown is pyramidal, highly thickened due to a significant increase in annual shoots. Therefore, the plant must be constantly pruned. It is best to carry out this procedure before wintering. Damaged and dried branches should be removed regularly.

Thanks to the huge number of inflorescences, the yield is high (up to 200 kg per tree 7-12 years old). In case of a large number of ovaries, the fruiting branches of the tree will need additional supports. A long fruiting time, 35-30 years for white filling is not the limit.

Good frost resistance and scab resistance. The variety is self-sterile; pollinators should be planted next to it . But its main drawback is not this, but the shelf life of the fruit (no more than 3 weeks).

Grushovka, Moscow region

Grushovka, Moscow region

Grushovka Podmoskovya An early ripening variety, second in terms of ripening time only to White filling. It is considered a variety of natural selection. A distinctive feature of the variety is that even in a dwarf form it can bear fruit for up to 50 years. The fruits are small in size, but have excellent taste and aroma. It is zoned not only in the Moscow region, but also throughout the central zone, even taking root in Western Siberia.

The color of the fruit is yellowish-white with reddish blush stripes that cover the entire surface of the fruit as it ripens. The pulp is dense and grainy. The use of fruits is universal.

It has unsurpassed unpretentiousness. Resistant to freezing. It has high resistance to most diseases making it one of the most popular varieties in summer cottages. The variety is self-sterile; Antonovka, Papirovka and Korichnoye are used as pollinators. The main disadvantage is the very short shelf life of the fruit, no more than 2 weeks.



Zhigulevskoye is a natural dwarf. It has round fruits of a greenish-yellow color, which, as they ripen, become almost completely covered with a crimson blush. The pulp is coarse-grained, cream-colored with a sweet taste and barely noticeable sourness.

A high-yielding tree with average resistance to scab and low temperatures. In northern regions, it is recommended to insulate the lower part of the trunk to a height of 40-50 cm from the root collar. It survives particularly poorly against return frosts, which can destroy generative buds. Immunity to pests, in particular insects, is average. The plant is often attacked by the codling moth.

In this regard, preventive treatment (spraying) of foliage on fruiting branches with a solution of insecticides is recommended. If this procedure is performed in a timely manner, most problems will be avoided.

The variety is not self-fertile. For pollination, it is recommended to use varieties Kuibyshevsky, Spartak, Antonovka.



Uslada A fast-growing variety with round, sometimes oval, fruits. The skin of the fruit is thin, pink, and the color is uniform. A universal variety, used raw and canned.

The plant has high frost resistance, resistance to scab and fungi. Gives stable yields throughout almost the entire lifespan. Requires pollinators: Bogatyr, Grushovka, President.



Lungwort One of the latest ripening varieties, approximately coinciding in time with Simirenko (since it is actually its hybrid). The crown of the plant is pyramidal. The fruits are slightly flattened and large. The color is yellow-green, becoming covered with burgundy stripes as it ripens, later merging into blush.

It has high frost resistance and good resistance to fungal infections. It resists scab well. Disadvantages include vulnerability to codling moths (which will require treatment with insecticides) and excessive crown density. Pruning of this variety is carried out regularly in spring and autumn.

Apple ripening time, storage

The fruits stick well to the branches and do not fall off. The peduncle is thick and short. Since this is a late winter variety, the fruits ripen after harvest. Harvesting maturity occurs by mid-September. However, experts advise not to rush into harvesting, as this has a bad effect on their appearance and quality. Fruits picked early tend to shrink during storage.

These apples cannot be eaten immediately; they must lie down and reach consumer maturity, which occurs no earlier than the middle or even the end of December. “Bogatyr” is exactly the variety whose fruits can decorate the New Year’s table. If harvested in a timely manner, apples are stored until the end of May, in some cases until mid-June. At the same time, they do not lose their attractiveness and remain aromatic and crispy.

The video below will help you clearly see the Bogatyr apple variety:

Harvest and storage

You can eat apples in winter; they can last until May, sometimes even until June. Moreover, neither nutritional characteristics nor marketability are lost.

The fruits can be soaked and used for compote or jam. Store them in dry and cool conditions.

You need to soak according to the following classic recipe:

  1. Prepare marinade at the rate of 5 liters per 10 kg. For 1 liter of hot boiled water, 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar. Add 4 liters of cold water to the cooled solution.
  2. Place washed currant, raspberry, and mint branches on the bottom of the prepared dish.
  3. The apples are placed on top without pressing.
  4. The top of the fruit is tightly covered with mint leaves and the remaining branches of currants and raspberries.
  5. The workpiece is poured with marinade so that it completely covers the fruit.
  6. Place a thin board on the dish and press it with a weight. The marinade is gradually added over the course of a week. On day 9, the dishes with soaked apples are taken out to a cool room and left for 50 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include:

  • early and annual fruiting;
  • high frost resistance;
  • good adaptation abilities;
  • non-shattering of ripe fruits;
  • beautiful appearance of the fruit;
  • transportability - apples can be transported over long distances;
  • excellent taste;
  • versatility;
  • immunity to fungal disease - scab.

The disadvantages include:

  • the green color of apples when ripe, so it is difficult to determine when to harvest;
  • greater rustiness of the fruits.

Diseases and pests

The Bogatyr apple tree has a fairly strong immune system. This variety is resistant to scab, but often suffers from powdery mildew, a fungal disease that affects almost all above-ground parts of the tree.

When powdery mildew develops, cut off all affected shoots and burn them, and spray the apple tree with a 10% calcium chloride solution. After 7-8 days, the treatment is repeated, but with a solution with a concentration of 5%.

The Bogatyr apple tree is one of the most popular and widespread winter varieties. It has many advantages, including good frost resistance, high productivity and strong immunity to diseases and pests. Bogatyr does not require special care, so this variety is great for beginner gardeners.


There are several subspecies of this apple variety:

  • Semi-dwarf. Owners of small plots in the Black Earth Region graft “Bogatyr” onto semi-dwarf rootstocks. In this case, it will begin to bear fruit earlier - in the 5th year, and the height of the tree does not exceed 4 meters, which makes it easier to care for.
  • Dwarf. An apple tree grafted onto a dwarf rootstock will produce the first apples in the 4th year. Its height rarely reaches 4 m. Since the “Bogatyr” has a very spreading crown, annual regular pruning is required.
  • Columnar. This type of apple tree requires constant attention and care. First, it is necessary to properly form the root system, then constantly prune.

We recommend reading the article on how to properly prune an apple tree.

Composition of apples

The low calorie content of Bogatyr apples - 43 kcal per 100 grams - makes them attractive to those who are watching their figure or want to lose weight.

The fruits of the variety are rich in ascorbic acid - almost 13 mg per 100 grams. Ascorbic acid is a natural antioxidant: it enhances metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps avoid atherosclerosis, and promotes protein absorption.

Apples are rich in pectin. Pectin improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

The fruit contains potassium and manganese. Potassium normalizes protein synthesis, converts glucose into cellular energy, helps supply the brain with oxygen, and has a beneficial effect on kidney function. Manganese strengthens the nervous system, regulates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, maintains hemoglobin at the proper level, has a positive effect on the growth and development of bones and connective tissues, and strengthens the immune system.

In addition to vitamin C, apples contain vitamin A, which helps fight infections and improves vision. And B vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9) have a positive effect on brain function.

Ursolic acid, contained in the peel of Bogatyr apples, improves the growth of muscle tissue, prevents the spread of cancer cells, and reduces fat deposits.

Thanks to ursolic acid, visceral fat deposits disappear, which helps you lose weight.

Fiber, which is abundant in apples, removes toxins and excess fluid from the body.

The catechins contained in the fruit strengthen capillaries, remove cholesterol, speed up metabolism, fight infections and tumor cells, and inhibit the aging of the body.

Apples are best digested when eaten with the peel. Mashed fruits lose some of their ascorbic acid. Apple juice is devoid of pectin and fiber.

Rules for planting trees

In order for trees to produce a rich harvest, certain planting rules are followed.

Selecting a location and landing dates

The apple tree loves well-lit sunny areas. Groundwater should be located deeper to prevent the accumulation of melt water near trees in the spring. If the site is located in a lowland, then drainage or drainage must be done before planting. The best type of soil for it is loamy, breathable soil. Plants are planted at a distance of 6 m from each other due to the spreading nature of the crown.

Planting is carried out either in the spring, when the return frosts end, or in the fall before they begin. In the southern regions, it is recommended to plant seedlings in the fall - it is long, warm and the roots have time to take root. In areas with a temperate climate, preference should be given to spring planting, carried out before the sap begins to flow.

Pit preparation

The pit is prepared for planting in the fall in 2-3 weeks, but if this procedure is planned for the spring, then the planting sites are prepared in the fall.

Pit size on loamy soils:

  • depth - 80 cm;
  • diameter - 80 cm.

On sandy loam soil, the hole is made larger, since they are poor in nutrients, and a lot of fertile soil has to be filled in. An apple tree is planted on clay only on a dwarf rootstock in a mound.

If necessary, fill the bottom of the recess with drainage - expanded clay, stones, broken bricks or wood scraps. On sandy soils, on the contrary, a water-retaining layer of clay, meadow soil or silt is laid.

The top layer of soil is mixed with organic fertilizers. A bucket of rotted manure, the same amount of prepared topsoil, and 1 kg of wood ash are poured into the hole. Mix everything well with a pitchfork, make a mound and leave it alone so that the earth is enriched with useful substances.

Planting stages

When landing, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. When purchasing a seedling with an open root system, it is placed in water a day before planting. Then they carefully examine the roots, rotten and damaged ones and cut them off. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed charcoal to prevent rotting.
  2. A peg is driven into the hole in the center.
  3. The seedling is placed so that the root collar is 30-35 cm from the soil surface.
  4. Cover the roots with prepared fertile soil and compact them.
  5. Pour out 1 bucket of water.
  6. The top is covered with soil, adding 150 g of phosphate fertilizers.
  7. Make a hole and pour out 1 more bucket of water.
  8. The ground is mulched and the tree is tied to the stake with a figure-of-eight loop.
  9. The above-ground part is cut off.


First of all, Bogatyr apples are an indispensable product in cooking. Home baking is incomplete without them. They are used in desserts, sauces and even main courses. They are fried with liver, baked with meat and fish, stewed with vegetables and added to mincemeat for sourness and juiciness. Apples are delicious in puddings, porridges, cheesecakes and casseroles. Apples are dried, pickled and soaked apples are made with the addition of barley in real tubs or barrels.

Since they are low in calories and at the same time have a rich taste and aroma, they are widely used in dietetics.

These apples are widely used not only in cooking. In cosmetology, not only apple slices or pulp are used, but also the peel. They are used to make vitamin masks for hair and face (mainly for oily and combination skin), as well as anti-aging masks.

The products produced by the Bogatyr apple tree are also used in medicine. For anemia, malic acid iron extract is used. For the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, even the leaves from which a decoction is prepared are used. A decoction of milk and apples is used as a mild laxative.

Apple tree care

Caring for an apple tree involves timely and proper organization of watering, fertilizing, preventative work against pests and diseases, pruning and preparation for wintering.


A young seedling needs regular watering - once a week. After 2 months, the frequency of watering is reduced. Mature trees are watered 4-5 times during the spring and the first half of summer, and up to 8 times during the dry period.

Moisture should saturate the soil to a depth of 50 cm. 2-3 buckets are poured under each tree.

Top dressing

There is no need to fertilize the crop in the first year after planting if the soil has been properly prepared. Next, the trees are fed in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers (30 g of urea dissolved in 10 liters of water).

In the fall, ash and phosphate fertilizers are added or manure or humus is applied.

Prevention and spraying

For pests and diseases, spraying must be done in several stages:

  • in the spring, before the buds open, they are treated with Inta-Vir, Strobi or Fury;
  • Repeated spraying is done with the same preparations during budding;
  • during the flowering period, treat the garden with a solution of boric acid;
  • repeat the procedure a week later.

Trees are treated with preparations in dry, windless weather, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging. In autumn, trees are protected from rodents by installing various traps and wrapping roofing material and spruce branches around the trunk.


In the spring, before the sap begins to flow, formative pruning is carried out. Cut out all the shoots that grow inside the crown, thickening it. Old branches are removed, but we must remember that the fruits are formed on 4- and 5-year-old shoots.

In autumn, only sanitary pruning is necessary. It consists of removing broken, diseased and weak shoots.


After harvesting, the tree must be prepared for winter. The tree trunk circle is thoroughly cleaned of plant debris, leaves, and fallen fruits. The soil is dug up, loosened, mulched. If there is little precipitation in the fall, then the ground around the tree is watered weekly.

The trunk and skeletal branches are whitened. Whitewashing will protect them from sunburn and pests.

As soon as the snow falls, it is raked to the trunks of the apple trees. Snow is the best insulation. But in the spring it must be removed in a timely manner.

We recommend reading an article that will tell you how and with what to whiten an apple tree.

Positive and negative sides

The undoubted advantages of the Bogatyr variety include:

  • uniform marketability and excellent taste of fruits;
  • resistance to scab - medium in foliage, high in fruit (damages at 1.4 points out of 5);
  • high annual yield;
  • excellent transportability and long shelf life of fresh apples.

In addition, the trees do not require complex care and adapt well to various soil and climatic conditions, showing frost resistance at the level of standard varieties (withstand temperatures down to −25 ℃ and their sudden changes). Proper preparation for wintering and timely sanitary pruning help the apple tree to quickly recover after harsh winters.

The record harvest was recorded at 130 kilograms from one mature tree

Disadvantages include:

  • self-sterility and, accordingly, dependence on other pollinating varieties;
  • a rather faded color of the fruit, which some apple lovers find not very attractive.

In order to annually obtain “heroic” harvests, it is necessary to care for the tree using conventional agrotechnical techniques: timely watering, application of root and foliar fertilizers, pruning, preventive treatments against pests and diseases.

Features of cultivation in different regions

In different regions there are certain nuances of growing this variety:

  • Moscow region and middle zone. These regions are recommended by experts for growing the Bogatyrya variety. Here there are optimal climatic conditions for its normal growth and development. The apple tree produces a stable harvest every year and does not require additional procedures.
  • Ural. The soil here is not suitable for growing this crop. Therefore, when planting seedlings, they must be fertilized with organic matter. Carefully look after the tree trunk circle, loosen and water the soil in a timely manner. In the fall, it must be mulched to protect the roots from early frosts. As the tree ages, it adapts to frost.
  • Siberia. Despite the harsh winter, the variety is cultivated in both Eastern and Western Siberia without any special restrictions. The main thing is to follow agricultural practices and insulate trees for the winter.

The best varieties of apple trees grown in the Moscow region are described here.

History of selection

The Bogatyr apple tree variety was obtained by breeders from the Ivan Michurin Research Center based on the Antonovka and Renet Landsbergsky varieties. An application for admission to testing seedlings was received in 1947. After which the young trees were grown under the supervision of breeders. For more than 20 years, scientists have been observing the plant's characteristics under various conditions: the ability to self-pollinate, frost resistance, and productivity. The new variety Bogatyr was registered in 1971 and is recommended for cultivation in 4 regions of Russia:

  • Central Black Earth;
  • Volgo-Vyatka;
  • North-West;
  • Central.

The variety is cultivated in the Moscow region, the Urals, and Siberia; positive cultivation results have been noted in Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova.

Historical fact. The author of the new apple tree was S. Chernenko. The breeder began his first experiments in crossing late, frost-resistant varieties in the 1920s.


Gardeners generally speak positively about the Bogatyr variety, but there are also those who do not like the variety:

Anna, 35 years old, Moscow region. I have 2 apple trees of the Bogatyr variety in my garden, they are already 10 years old. We collect apples in buckets.
Not only are they large and beautiful, but I like the taste. Antonovka is much more sour. ★★★★★
Nikolay, 65 years old, Ural. My grandfather planted a bogatyr when he received the plot in Soviet times.
Now, of course, it is already old, but it still bears fruit, although the apples are at the very top. And given the tree’s height is more than 5 m, problems arise with their collection. The apples taste wonderful, and they are so big. I ate one and was full. ★★★★★
Antonina, 47 years old, Moscow region. I don't like the variety.
The appearance is spoiled by rustiness, they are very large in size, I prefer small apples. You can’t eat them right away, they are as hard as oak. You definitely need to let them sit, then they become yellow and softer, but I still lack juiciness. In general, this variety is not for everybody. Hide

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The productivity and unpretentiousness of apple trees of the “Bogatyr” variety, relatively early fruiting, the possibility of transportation, storage time and excellent taste make it one of the most beloved and grown in our country.



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Where and how it grows, conditions

Bogatyr apples, photos of which you will see, were bred in Ukraine back in 1925 by breeder Chernenko and approved by Michurin. It was obtained as a result of crossing Renet of Landsbergsky and Antonovka.

Initially, these apple trees were grown in the black soil, then in central Russia. Since frost resistance is one of the advantages of this apple tree, the variety is grown and bears fruit almost everywhere.

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