Marshal of Victory - 125 years since the birth of Georgy Zhukov

Anniversary of Zhukov

General characteristics: mid-early table variety of Russian selection with oval tubers.
Easy to care for and stores well. Ripening period (vegetation): 65-80 days.

Starch content: 10.1-13.5%.

Weight of commercial tubers (grams): 64-139.

Number of tubers in a bush: 7-12 pieces.

Productivity (c/ha): 206-238 (maximum – 424).

Consumer qualities: good taste, culinary type AB, suitable for preparing salads, soups, frying and baking.

Keeping quality (storage ability): 98%.

Peel color: yellow.

Flesh color: white.

Preferred growing regions (RF): Central.

Disease resistance: the variety is resistant to potato cancer, common scab and Alternaria blight. It is affected by late blight of tops and tubers, and golden cyst nematode.

Features of cultivation: standard agricultural technology.

Other: the originator of the potato variety “Zhukov’s Jubilee” is VNIIKH named after. A. G. Lorkha (Russia).

Description of the potato variety Jubilee Zhukov

Characteristics of the potato variety Yubilei Zhukov.

Originator: VNIIKH im. A. G. Lorkha.

Mid-early potato variety, suitable for table use. The taste is good.

Plant of medium height, intermediate type, semi-erect. Medium sized leaf, green. The leaf is small, narrow. The undulation of the edge is weak. The inflorescence is small. The corolla is small and white.

The tuber is oval, with small eyes. The peel is smooth to medium rough, yellow. The pulp is white. The weight of the commercial tuber is 64-139 g. The starch content is 10.1-13.5%, at the standard level.

The variety is resistant to the potato canker pathogen and susceptible to the golden potato cyst nematode. Susceptible to late blight on tops, moderately susceptible on tubers. According to the originator, it is resistant to common scab and Alternaria.

The marketable yield of the Yubilei Zhukov potato variety is 206-238 c/ha, at the level and 34 c/ha higher than the Nevsky standard. The maximum yield is 424 c/ha, 173 c/ha above the standard (Vladimir region). Marketability 87-98%, at the standard level. Keeping quality 98%.

The value of the variety: high yield, marketability, keeping quality of tubers, their resistance to mechanical damage.

The variety is included in the State Register for the Central region.

How to plant?

Potatoes in the Central region are planted in mid-May. By this time, the soil has warmed up to 6-8 C. If spring is late, then it is recommended to cover the bed with film so that the soil on it warms up better. The film is lifted daily to ventilate the soil.

When planted in mid-May, sprouts appear at the end of the month. If there is a risk of frost, then a film tunnel is provided for the seedlings:

  • seeds need to be germinated; Vernalization lasts 3 weeks. Before planting in open ground, they are treated with an ash solution or “Fitosporin”; prepare a solution of 5 g/l;
  • The bottom of the hole is dusted with ash. Some gardeners pour 1 tbsp into the hole. l. fertilizers "Bulba";
  • Root crops are sprinkled with moist and loose soil. Potatoes will develop better if you use a soil mixture of rotted compost, peat and ash as a topping.

More on the topic: How to plant potatoes under straw?

Seed material is harvested during harvest. Tubers weighing 50 g are selected. They must be healthy, without cracks or cuts. They are stored separately from potatoes, which are intended for consumption. Optimal storage conditions: 2-4 C, humidity 80%. It is recommended to turn the seed regularly so that the tubers are better ventilated.

Potatoes Jubilee Zhukova description of variety photo reviews

Buy potato seeds Seed Jubilee Zhukov (2 kg) Mid-early variety for table use. The plant is semi-erect, of medium height, the color of the flowers is white. The tubers are oval-shaped, the peel is yellow, the pulp is white, the weight of the marketable tuber is 70-140g. Productivity is good, marketability is 87-98%, keeping quality is 98%, starch content is up to 14%. Resistant to cancer, relatively resistant to scab, moderately resistant to late blight.

Article on the topic: Potato variety “Oleva” - description and photo

Value of the variety: high content of antioxidants, stable yield, good taste, resistance of tubers to mechanical damage, good keeping quality.

Source: 1semena. ru

Potato is a daredevil

Source: Semenopt. com

Reader's experience: potato varieties that have proven to be better than others

For several generations, potatoes have been a favorite crop in our family. And since childhood I helped plant, hill up and harvest it, and over time I fell in love with growing potatoes.

Every year I plant a lot of potatoes of different varieties - both for food and to feed livestock. Since each variety is unique, I carefully monitor the plants from planting to harvesting. Of course, I definitely evaluate the harvest by quality and storage ability. Can ash cause scab infection in potatoes?

I can say that the most dangerous enemies of potatoes are the Colorado potato beetle and late blight. But if it is possible to fight the “minke”, then late blight is a very bad disease, and drugs do not cope well with it. Therefore, the resistance of the variety to it is very important.

I first planted this variety about 10 years ago. In the first year, he surprised with the lush growth of the tops: by mid-summer it stood like a powerful wall, and during flowering the area turned into a miracle - a white cloud on a green background. Its tops are not very afraid of late blight and retain their vigor and color until late autumn. When dug up, the variety annually and consistently produces a good harvest of yellow-skinned tubers: there are up to 20–25 large potatoes under the bush. Harvesting such a harvest is a pleasure! True, the tubers still suffer from late blight and it is better to dig up the crop early, otherwise there will be a lot of losses during storage. The taste of the variety is good, the flesh is white, and crumbles when cooked.

He settled on my property not so long ago, but quickly began to compete with the Sorcerer. The variety immediately proved itself to have good yield: under each bush I find on average about 18–20 oval tubers. You cook it and the white flesh crumbles on the plate and shines like snow. Among the disadvantages is low resistance to late blight. How to properly harvest and store early potatoes for seeds?

The summer of 2016 was hot and dry, and at the end of August the weather worsened sharply and there were prolonged rains. However, Irbitsky still rewarded us with a good harvest. From the moment of planting, the variety was distinguished by powerful and vigorous growth, and later bloomed profusely. Because of the weather, we had to hurry with the harvesting (we dug on the 20th of August), but the tops were still green. Large pink tubers rolled out of the soil like balls! There were not many of them under the bush, from 5 to 8 pieces, but five medium-sized tubers weighed 2 kg. The cut potatoes do not have voids and are poorly cooked.

Article on the topic: Potato variety “Bellarose” - description and photo

These varieties have spectacular tubers with red skin. At least for the display case - even and beautiful. Although the potatoes were medium in size, there were a lot of them under each bush.

Life after Stalin

After Stalin's death in 1953, Zhukov was transferred to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. According to some sources, Lavrentiy Beria achieved this, and according to other sources, Nikita Khrushchev had a hand in this. On June 26, 1953, he was one of the last to join the conspiracy to eliminate Beria.

In 1954, the marshal participated in the Totsky military exercises, which were classified and sad in their consequences - with the use of a real atomic bomb. The explosion caused irreparable damage to nature, ecology and residents of the Orenburg region.

In February 1955, Zhukov became the USSR Minister of Defense and in this position, together with Marshal Konev, led the suppression of the anti-communist uprising in Hungary (Operation Whirlwind). Then he was awarded the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for the fourth time - this achievement, a quarter of a century later, could only be repeated by Leonid Brezhnev.

And yet, such a well-known and popular personality as Zhukov interfered with everyone - on October 26, 1957, Georgy Konstantinovich was relieved of his post as Minister of Defense, and then dismissed from the army. In retirement and retirement, he spent time writing memoirs and consulting on war films.

Reader's experience: potato varieties that have proven to be better than others

For several generations, potatoes have been a favorite crop in our family. And since childhood I helped plant, hill up and harvest it, and over time I fell in love with growing potatoes.

Every year I plant a lot of potatoes of different varieties - both for food and to feed livestock. Since each variety is unique, I carefully monitor the plants from planting to harvesting. Of course, I definitely evaluate the harvest by quality and storage ability.

I can say that the most dangerous enemies of potatoes are the Colorado potato beetle and late blight. But if it is possible to fight the “minke”, then late blight is a very bad disease, and drugs do not cope well with it. Therefore, the resistance of the variety to it is very important.


I first planted this variety about 10 years ago. In the first year, he surprised with the lush growth of the tops: by mid-summer it stood like a powerful wall, and during flowering the area turned into a miracle - a white cloud on a green background. Its tops are not very afraid of late blight and retain their vigor and color until late autumn. When dug up, the variety annually and consistently produces a good harvest of yellow-skinned tubers: there are up to 20–25 large potatoes under the bush. Harvesting such a harvest is a pleasure! True, the tubers still suffer from late blight and it is better to dig up the crop early, otherwise there will be a lot of losses during storage. The taste of the variety is good, the flesh is white, and crumbles when cooked.

Anniversary of Zhukov

He settled on my property not so long ago, but quickly began to compete with the Sorcerer. The variety immediately proved itself to have good yield: under each bush I find on average about 18–20 oval tubers. You cook it and the white flesh crumbles on the plate and shines like snow. Among the disadvantages is low resistance to late blight.


The summer of 2016 was hot and dry, and at the end of August the weather worsened sharply and there were prolonged rains. However, Irbitsky still rewarded us with a good harvest. From the moment of planting, the variety was distinguished by powerful and vigorous growth, and later bloomed profusely. Because of the weather, we had to hurry with the harvesting (we dug on the 20th of August), but the tops were still green. Large pink tubers rolled out of the soil like balls! There were not many of them under the bush, from 5 to 8 pieces, but five medium-sized tubers weighed 2 kg. The cut potatoes do not have voids and are poorly cooked.

Article on the topic: Potato variety “Marfona” - description and photo

Lux and Lighthouse

These varieties have spectacular tubers with red skin. At least for the display case - even and beautiful. Although the potatoes were medium in size, there were a lot of them under each bush.

Life after the war - rise and fall

On June 24, 1945, in Moscow on Red Square, Marshal Zhukov received the Victory Parade from the Parade commander, Marshal Rokossovsky.
After this, Zhukov began to be called “Marshal of Victory.” On September 7, the Victory Parade of the Allied Forces in the Second World War took place in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate. The Parade was again hosted by Georgy Zhukov, and the Parade was commanded by the commandant of the British sector, Major General Eric Nares. Next, Georgy Konstantinovich was appointed commander of a group of Soviet occupation forces. In March 1946, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces and Deputy Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

The apogee of Zhukov's fame and power reached an unprecedented height - he was known all over the world, foreign generals, ministers, presidents made friends with him, the entire ground army of the USSR was under his command.

Naturally, Stalin could not bear this - in the summer of 1946, a meeting of the Supreme Military Council was held, at which the commander was accused of misappropriating trophies, covering up looting and inflating his merits in the victory over Nazi Germany. All the high command and colleagues of Georgy Konstantinovich came to his defense, but the Politburo accused Zhukov of “Bonapartism” and on June 9, 1946, he was removed from the post of commander in chief and transferred to command the troops of the Odessa and then the Ural Military District.

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