Cucumber SV 4097 CV: characteristics and description of the variety. Cucumbers CB 4097 CV f1: reviews, photos, yield, growing secrets

History of selection

The hybrid variety SV 4087 was created by breeders from Monsanto Holland BV (Netherlands). Seed material is supplied to Russia by its subsidiary Seminis. When creating the hybrid, the climatic conditions of our country were taken into account.

In 2013, the variety was included in the state register of the Russian Federation in all regions. Currently, SV 4097 is grown by many large agricultural firms. It is also preferred by small farmers and summer residents.

Cultivation regions

Cucumber variety SV 4097 is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation. It adapts well to different weather conditions, which makes it possible to plant the crop in different climatic zones.

The manufacturer recommends planting the hybrid in greenhouses, both film and glass, using it in summer-autumn, winter-spring rotations, however, cucumbers are also suitable for open ground. The variety can be used for commercial production.

Delicious fruits from Holland for any conditions - cucumber SV 4097 CV f1: full description

Cucumber SV 4097 CV f1 may scare away with its unusual name, but in fact this hybrid is ideal for the conditions of the Russian climate. It takes root both in open ground and in greenhouses, produces a rich harvest, the fruits are tasty and juicy. Caring for a cucumber is very simple.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium – from 10 to 15 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

Description and characteristics of the variety

SV 4097 CV f1 was created by specialists from the famous Dutch company Monsanto, and it is supplied to Russia by its subsidiary Seminis. The hybrid was specially adapted to Russian conditions. In 2013, it was included in the State Register for cultivation in all regions in greenhouses and open ground. The hybrid is suitable not only for the spring-summer season, but also for winter-spring rotation.

Cucumber SV 4097 CV f1 has compact bushes of medium size with determinate lateral shoots. The ovaries are formed in bunches, 2-3 in each, and in warm climates - up to 4 pieces. Pollination by bees is not required for their formation. The fruits ripen 36-40 days after the sprouts appear.

Description of fruits: smooth cucumbers, 12-13 cm in length, weighing 90-100 g, diameter 3-3.5 cm. Pronounced tubercles, medium in size, white spines. The pulp is dense, elastic, crispy, of excellent taste. Universal use.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • excellent taste;
  • adaptability to the Russian climate;
  • universal application;
  • early ripeness;
  • self-pollinating;
  • good yield;
  • immunity to major diseases.


it is impossible to collect your seeds.


The seeds of the variety are sown in open ground in soil heated to +13-15 degrees. Seedlings are planted in April.

In the fall, the bed is manured or fertilized with compost (a bucket of organic fertilizer for each square meter) and dug deep. Select an area where nightshade crops, lettuce, cabbage or legumes were previously grown. For 1 sq. m place 5-7 plants.

Seedlings are grown in peat pots on a sunny windowsill. It is transplanted into the ground at the age of 20-30 days.

Growing and care

Cucumbers are watered every 3-4 days with warm water. Watering should be done in the evening or early in the morning. The amount of water depends on the weather.

They are fed according to the technology 2-3 times per season; in the greenhouse, more frequent application of fertilizers is allowed. It is necessary to use organic and mineral fertilizers that will provide the plants with enough potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen:

  • manure;
  • chicken droppings;
  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • ammophoska;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • potassium and ammonium nitrate.

The soil in the garden bed is regularly loosened. In the greenhouse, the main stem is formed and tied to trellises or stands.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is resistant to mosaic and olive spot. He may get powdery mildew. Prevention requires balanced feeding, moderate watering and preventive spraying. Fungicides with copper will protect against fungi.

Insecticides are used against parasites. If there are few insects, a soap solution or an infusion of garlic or tobacco will help.

Description of the cucumber variety SV 4087

4097 CV is a cucumber variety that belongs to the early species: fruit ripening occurs 35-40 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The yield is good, the fruits are stored for a long time without losing their taste.

The description indicates that cucumbers are low in calories, so those who are watching their figure often use them to prepare fresh salads and eat them raw. They are also good for pickling and canning.


The bush is medium in size, has large leaves of dark green color. Variety SV 4097 CV f1 has a well-developed root system.

Flowering is abundant and long lasting. Flowers, for the most part, are of the female type. Each plant produces many ovaries: from 2-3 to 4 or more in regions with a warm, sunny climate.


The fruits are dark green in color, medium in size, reach 12-13 cm in length, weighing about 90-100 grams. They are smooth, but with a bumpy surface and short but frequent hairs on it. The difference between the variety is that the fruits ripen at the same time, reaching the same size.

Application area

According to reviews, cucumber SV 4097 CV F1 has excellent taste properties when pickling and pickling. The variety is ideal for fresh consumption.

When growing a plant, you don’t have to worry that the greenery will outgrow. Those who grow the variety on their plots have already noticed that with a lack of light, the cucumbers grow short, and with an excess of sunlight they will be long.


The photo shows a cucumber sv 4097 cv.

Advantages and disadvantages of cucumber crop

The cucumber SV 4097 CV turned out to be so successful that it consists of practically nothing but advantages:

  1. The power of the root system allows you to cultivate the cucumber in two turns.
  2. Does not require special personal care.
  3. Stable and friendly yield of the harvest (from 1 sq. m. to 16 kg of cucumbers).
  4. High resistance to frequent cucumber ailments.
  5. Versatility in use.
  6. It can be stored for a long time after harvesting and is well transported.

The disadvantage can be considered the sensitivity of the cucumber to light. Its deficiency has a detrimental effect on the taste, and at the same time the greens themselves are shortened.

Hybrid characteristics

The plant is parthenocarpic with an ultra-early ripening period. The first fruits ripen 36-40 days after germination of the seed material. The bushes are medium-sized, the branching is weak. Side shoots with limited growth, their length does not exceed 1.5-2 m. The leaves are large, deep green. The roots are powerful. Up to 3 cucumbers are tied under one leaf knot. Female type flowers. No pollination required.

The fruits grow aligned and have a cylindrical shape. The skin is covered with tubercles with white spines. The weight of one cucumber when fully ripe reaches 80-100 g. The length does not exceed 13 cm, and the diameter is 3.5 cm. Cucumbers are dark green in color, with light stripes drawn at the end. The pulp is pleasant to the taste, crispy. The originator claims the yield per 1 m² is 8-15 kg.

Fact! The formation of cucumbers is affected by light and temperature conditions. If the daylight hours are short and cold, the fruits grow small and there are not many of them.

The purpose of the variety is universal. They are used for home and industrial canning, and preparing salads. The plant can be grown on any soil.


The SV 4097 CV variety exhibits high immunity to cucumber mosaic virus, brown spot, and powdery mildew. The plant is moderately resistant to other diseases of fungal and viral origin. If unfavorable conditions reduce immunity, the vegetable crop may become sick. To prevent this from happening, take preventive measures:

  1. Before sowing, soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Spray plants with biological fungicides several times a season.
  3. Before planting cucumbers, disinfect the soil.

Advantages and disadvantages

A foreign hybrid cucumber variety is ideal for growing in Russia. The benefits of culture are confirmed:

  • self-pollinating;
  • unpretentiousness to the soil;
  • resistance to diseases and adverse conditions;
  • ultra-short ripening period of greens;
  • if untimely removal from the bush, the fruits do not outgrow;
  • are formed together;
  • taste qualities are high;
  • productivity is high;
  • when creating optimal conditions of +5-8°C, cucumbers do not lose their taste and appearance for up to 14 days.


  • decreased yield in low light conditions;
  • You cannot collect seeds for planting.

Characteristics of the variety

Cucumbers sv4097cv have a proportional oval shape. The surface of the fruit is covered with several medium-sized tubercles. The spines are white. The skin is dark green, rich in tone, with almost invisible light stripes. The surface of cucumbers has a slight fluff. Cucumber parameters:

  • diameter - 3 cm;
  • weight - 100 g;
  • length - 12.5 cm.

Thanks to these characteristics, the popularity of CB 4097 cucumbers can be explained. Reviews help determine the volume of the harvest. Gardeners say that on average you can harvest about 9 kg of cucumbers from 1 m². With proper care, this figure increases to 15 kg per 1 m².

Features of agricultural technology

There is nothing special about sowing and planting cucumber seedlings SV 4097. Plant or sow when the top layer of soil in the greenhouse has warmed to 20°C. Although cucumbers begin their life activity at 15 °C, in such coolness the seeds germinate and seedlings take root very slowly. The air temperature during the day should be no lower than 20 °C and preferably no higher than 30 °C, at night - 18... 20 °C, but not lower than 15 °C.

The planting density for such a powerful cucumber is no more than 2.4 plants/m², which corresponds to a 70x70 cm pattern. The peculiarity of growing a productive hybrid with huge leaves, strong roots and a thick stem is to provide it with good watering and fertilizing. Water so that the soil is always moist to a depth of 30 cm, but loose and not flooded.

Features of cultivation

St 4097 cucumber is grown by seedlings and without seedlings.

Sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings is carried out approximately a month before planting on the site:

  1. Cucumber seeds must first be soaked and germinated - this will speed up the emergence of seedlings.
  2. Cucumber seedlings are planted directly in open ground when the soil warms up enough (approximately at the end of May in central Russia, at the beginning of May in central Europe).
  3. With the seedless method, sowing of swollen or sprouted cucumber seeds is carried out in soil whose temperature in the upper layer is not lower than 13-15 degrees, otherwise the seeds simply decompose.
  4. The sowing depth of cucumber seeds is about 2 cm, the density is 5-7 plants per square meter.

The soil for cucumbers should be moderately loose, retains moisture well and is very fertile. Since the root system of the cucumber is small, it is very convenient to grow cucumbers by bringing organic matter locally - into planting holes or trenches:

  • Dig a hole or trench to a depth of about 40 cm.
  • Pour a layer of organic matter, mix it with the soil, and top it with the now clean soil on which the cucumbers are planted.
  • When decomposed, organic matter releases a lot of heat, which accelerates the growth and development of plants, and then serves as an excellent feed for almost the entire season.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

The place for growing cucumbers should be well lit by the sun (partial shade is allowed) and protected from the wind. In particular, when planting ridges outdoors, corn can be used as a "living barrier" by planting two lines on the sides of the cucumbers, leaving the southern side open.

The optimal temperature for the normal development of cucumbers ranges from 23 to 30 degrees:

  • Air temperatures below 15 degrees lead to inhibition and cessation of plant growth at any stage of development.
  • Frosts are destructive (especially for young, immature plants), and the drop in temperature inhibits growth. Therefore, in Northern Europe and central Russia, cucumbers are often grown under film covers, at least in the first half of summer.

Planting cucumbers SV 4087

Cucumbers SV 4097 are grown through seedlings both in open ground and in greenhouses. The timing of planting seeds depends on the region. The seedlings are transferred to open ground when warm weather sets in.

For the middle zone - this is May, the first days of June. A week must have passed since the last frost. Young plants should be 22-25 days old; based on this, the days for sowing seeds are calculated.

Site selection

Neutral, slightly acidic soils are best suited for cucumbers. Lime must be added to soil with high acidity (per 1 m2 - 500 g). Loamy soils are better suited.

If you use sandy soil, the cucumbers will need moisture. Choose level areas. At higher elevations there is too little water; in lowlands, on the contrary, there is too much of it, and the roots can rot.

Change the planting location more often; the yield directly depends on this. The best predecessors: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, onions. You should not plant cucumbers after melons.

Soil preparation

The preparatory phase for the soil begins long before planting. In the fall, carefully remove the weed, dig up the soil, mixing it with dry ash at the rate of 500 g of ash per 1 sq.m. soil. In winter, snow is generously unloaded onto the landing sites, including the greenhouse. After it melts, it will provide protective substances to the soil and allow the crop to grow thicker.

In the spring, after the snow has melted and the ground has warmed up, the soil is dug up, mixing it with 20 kg of manure, 10 g of potassium chloride and 30 g of superphosphate per 1 sq.m. Thanks to this, the soil is saturated with nutrients. For a better effect, it is useful to enrich it with nitrogen, and to eliminate excess acidity, lime it to avoid subsequent diseases.

Selection, seed preparation

It is better to purchase hybrid seeds in specialized stores. As a rule, such planting material has already undergone most of the preparation for planting. However, fertilizing, germination, and hardening are still necessary.

Place the seeds in gauze and soak in a nutrient solution for 12 hours. For this purpose, purchase stimulants (Epin, Sodium Humate). Instead, you can prepare a solution of wood ash by taking 1 teaspoon. l. for 1 liter of water.

Rinse the seeds after fertilizing. Then place wet gauze on a saucer, put the seed material, leave in a warm place (t +25 ºС) for 2-3 days. It will be enough for sprouts of 1-2 mm in size to appear. To harden, place the seeds on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and leave for a day.

Germination of seeds

Seeds are always germinated, regardless of the climatic conditions in which it is grown. To germinate seeds, you need to stock up on saline solution, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and preferably find a cotton cloth, but you can also use regular paper napkins. Next, follow the standard algorithm:

  1. Conduct seed selection. Only clean and whole seeds are needed for planting.
  2. Dip the seeds into the saline solution and wait a few minutes (10-15). The seeds that have sunk to the bottom are good and suitable for seedlings. The seeds that float up can be thrown away; they are empty and there will be no harvest from them.
  3. Next, neutralize the future cucumber of the SV 4097 color variety by dipping it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can use aloe juice.
  4. After the procedures have been completed, germination can begin. Place the seeds on a wet napkin or cloth and cover with another napkin or cloth. Leave for 2-4 days.

Important! Protect the seeds of the cucumber variety SV 4097 color from drafts. The room temperature should not be lower than +18 °C.

Growing seedlings

To plant seeds, you will need peat pots or cups with a diameter of at least 8 cm.

Preparing seedlings

As it grows, “SV 4097 CV f1” acquires a powerful root system, so for planting it is necessary to provide a larger container.
Before planting, the seeds are sorted, after which they are heated for a month next to heating devices. Then they need to be hardened by wrapping them in cloth and immersing them in warm water for 1 hour. Next, without unfolding, the seeds are placed in a cold place for a day, at a temperature of +1 to +5 °C. At the beginning of May, the prepared seed material is planted in a container with soil, at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. A better option would be to plant in separate peat pots; in this case, at the stage of planting in the ground, there is no need to remove the shoots from the container, that is, it is allowed to plant directly in pots. In the future, they will supply the growing plant and its roots with useful microelements.

The seedlings are placed on a flat surface with good lighting. A window sill or table with a lamp pointed at it is suitable for this. But in the first case, it is recommended to put foam plastic or a piece of insulation cut to size under the container with seedlings. The fact is that a cold window sill will give up its temperature to the soil, which is why the shoots may emerge much later or emerge sick.

Watering is carried out daily in the morning, with warm, settled water, from the tap. After mass germination, irrigation is stopped for 2-3 days to strengthen the shoot trunks, then continued as usual. Humidity plays a big role in the formation of seedlings, so if there are heating devices in the room, it is advisable to install an air humidifier or a bowl of water next to the plants.

Important! Watered soil should have the consistency of a wet, but not sticky lump. If this happens, it is advisable to stop watering for a day.

Caring for cucumbers SV 4087

Each garden crop requires attention and consistent care. Cucumber is considered the most demanding when it comes to watering and feeding. To increase productivity, experienced gardeners recommend using the following tips for caring for and growing the SV 4097 color variety.


The SV 4097 color variety needs to be watered daily. The water should be warm and settled. You can also use rainwater. You need to water under the bush. During the flowering period, reduce watering to 1 time every 3 days. Under no circumstances should a stream of water be directed at leaves or fruits. This method of watering can dry out the plant, and this can cause unnecessary fungus and insects to appear.

Top dressing

This variety of cucumber needs to be fed more often than others. It is best to apply fertilizer 5 times during the entire growth period. To do this, it is necessary to apply nitrogen-potassium fertilizers before the first flowers appear. Next add phosphate mixtures. You can also use the following composition: mix 20 g of dry yeast in 10 liters of warm water, add 400 g of sugar and leave for a week. Next, 0.5 kg is mixed in 1 liter of water and watered under each bush. With this feeding, cucumbers sprout well.

Bush formation

To make the bush powerful, pinch out the side shoots. Remove ovaries at the first 5 nodes. In the future, leave 1 ovary on 6-9 nodes, starting from the 10th, they are not removed.

The plant needs stepsoning, but the strongest stepsons above the 10th leaf should be left. Pinch them in the first leaf axil. Determinant shoots of the 2nd order will appear in these places. They independently regulate their growth.

When the central stem grows 180 cm long, wrap it around the support and point it down. It is pinched at a height of 70 cm from the ground. When growing in low greenhouses, throw the stem over the trellis at a height of 80-100 cm. Send the resulting stepsons in both directions from the support.

Removing leaves

Many people are interested in questions about the features of plant care, the answers to which can be found in the reviews. Cucumbers SV 4097 CV are unpretentious, but require attention and timely implementation of certain procedures. For example, it is necessary to remove yellowed cotyledon leaves in a timely manner.

If more than 18 leaves have grown on the plant, then after harvesting the first 4 leaves should be cut off at the 6-9th node. All other leaves must be removed gradually as they turn yellow. It is important to follow the basic rule: the plant should not have less than 18 leaves.

Remember, when working with leaves, you must not touch the petiole. Only the leaf plate can be removed. This helps reduce the risk of disease on the main stem.

Stepchildren must also be removed after fruiting of cucumbers SV 4097 CV F1.

Reviews from experts recommend lowering a small part of the stem onto the soil covered with film. Some gardeners plant stems on special metal supports.

Watering, loosening the soil

Before flowering, water the cucumbers every 5 days, more often if the soil is dry. For 1 m2 use about 5-7 liters of water. When flowers and fruits begin to appear, water the cucumbers daily, spending up to 6-12 liters per 1 m2.

After watering or heavy rain, it is advisable to loosen the soil, removing weeds. Do not move the lashes. Lift them carefully or move them aside for a while. After loosening, return the lashes to their place.

Growing in open ground and greenhouse

To grow cucumbers that will be planted in open ground, cucumber seeds SV 4097 must be sown at the end of April to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Seedlings should be planted in early June. It is necessary to take into account that the variety has a well-developed root system, therefore the containers for planting it must be large.

For growing in greenhouses, depending on their height, the following growing methods are used:

  • on a high trellis;
  • with throwing over a trellis.

The first method is suitable for tall greenhouses. The second method can be used for both low and high greenhouses.

The first stage of care is to reduce the difference between day and night temperatures by lowering the average daily temperature. This is necessary so that the bush and root system of the plant are well formed.

Agricultural technology and care

May be interesting Ascochyta blight of cucumber: causes of occurrence and ways to combat plant rotting Hydroponic cucumbers: growing at home “Abakan pink” - tomato for autumn salad

The optimal temperature for seed germination is +13-15°C. It is recommended to sow in open ground conditions in central and southern Russia in May. Before planting cucumbers, the bed or greenhouse needs to be prepared. Initially, fertilize the soil with manure, disinfect it with fungicides and dig it to a depth of 15-20 cm. The bushes are compact, so up to 5 plants can be placed per 1 m².

The crop can be grown using seedlings. When replanting, the root system will not be damaged much. It is impossible to keep sprouts in pots. The optimal period is 20-25 days from the moment the seeds are planted. You need to water it with warm water at the root. Plants do not like excess moisture, so irrigate once every 3-4 days. In open ground, feed the vegetable crop at least 2-3 times. In greenhouse conditions, the growing season lasts longer, so you can fertilize until it completely wilts. Plants respond well to fertilizing with manure and chicken droppings.


Protect the crop from aphids with a solution based on table vinegar. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. 9% vinegar. Spray the plants in the evening.

Form the bushes into one stem. In order for the plant to grow, pinch the side shoots and ovaries. The first five nodes must be removed, leaving the ovary at the 6th and 9th nodes. Starting from the tenth node, leave all the ovaries. Tie the main stem to a support. To actively set fruit, remove greens every two days.

Harvest and storage

The yield of the hybrid is on average 8-10 kg/m2, with proper care you can get up to 15 kg/m2. The best results are achieved in greenhouses.

If cucumbers are grown with insufficient light and too low a temperature, the fruits will be shorter. At elevated temperatures and an abundance of light, they stretch a little, but when left to rest (untimely harvested) they do not outgrow.

Plants can bear fruit until mid-autumn, but the last fruits are harvested before frost. It is better to remove cucumbers every 1-2 days. Collect them in the morning or evening.

Separate the fruits so that the stalks remain on the vines. It is recommended to cut the greens with a knife. To prevent the plant from weakening in the future, do not pull, tug, twist the stalks, or turn over the vines. Place the collected cucumbers in a cool place.

Fresh fruits of the SV 4097 variety are stored for up to 2 weeks, maintaining their taste and commercial quality. If optimal conditions are created (t +6...+8 ºС, humidity - 85-95%), they can be stored for up to six months.

In the refrigerator, place a bag of fresh fruits on the bottom shelf. When storing in the cellar, place the cucumbers in boxes with medium-thick plastic film on the bottom. Instead of boxes, you can take enamel pans with lids.


The plant requires careful attention

The first stage of care is to reduce the difference between day and night temperatures by lowering the average daily temperature. This is necessary so that the bush and root system of the plant are well formed.

It is also important to monitor the level of salts (EC) in the soil: in the first five days their level should not exceed 1.8-2.1. Then it needs to be increased to 2.5-2.7 and maintained for about a week. This gradual increase has a good effect on the development of the root and above-ground parts of the plant. But, ultimately, the EC level should not be higher than 3.4, as this can cause burns to the root system.

Particular attention should be paid to good lighting and air humidity. This may change the parameters of the fruit. At too high temperatures, cucumbers become elongated, and at low temperatures they become short.

Foliar feeding of plants is also important, which should be done twice a week. It consists of alternating fertilizing with microelements and fertilizing with calcium nitrate.

Removing yellowed leaves also has a positive effect on the plant. After the first harvest, if there are more than 18 leaves on the bush, you need to cut off the first 3-4. Subsequently, the procedure is repeated. There should always be at least 18 leaves on the plant.

Diseases and pests

The likelihood of contracting the disease increases with high environmental humidity. The way out of this situation is to reduce air humidity. The maximum indicator should not exceed 80%.

Regular ventilation and relative humidity levels also have a positive effect on the quality of the crop. These recommendations are found in reviews of agronomists.

Cucumber SV 4097 CV exhibits high resistance to cucumber mosaic virus and cladosporiosis. This means that the plant does not react in any way to the influence of pathogens.

Intermediate resistance is shown to powdery mildew. In other words, this variety is capable of limiting the development of certain pathogens. Compared to other susceptible varieties, cucumber SV 4097 CV F1 is subject to less damage.

To prevent the plant from being destroyed by powdery mildew, it is necessary to regularly fertilize the cucumber and monitor its development.

The creators of the sv 4097 variety assured that this cucumber is resistant to many diseases. The variety rarely gets sick:

  • powdery mildew;
  • brown spotting;
  • cucumber mosaic.

Despite this, there are other diseases that are rare, but no less dangerous.

Anthracnose or copperhead

This is a common type of fungus that appears when the variety SV 4097 color is not properly cared for. Cucumber leaves become covered with yellow spots, which later turn into holes. Soon, this leads to the death of the culture.

To avoid this disease, it is necessary to maintain the humidity level (no more than 90%) and remove weeds on time. The fungus can also be transmitted by insects. To help the plant. You can use the drugs Fitosporin, Previkur, Abiga-pik, Quadris, Tiovit Jet, Fundazol. Also, spraying the bushes of the SV 4097 color variety with Bordeaux liquid will not hurt.

White rot or sclerotinia

This fungus appears due to last year’s unrotted grass. Spores appear first on forgotten or uncleaned remains of the plant, and then are carried by the wind to the cucumber. The disease can be avoided by using the correct agricultural techniques: ventilating the room, watering with warm water, using planting according to the specified scheme. To save the variety, you can use preparations containing copper: Khom, Abiga-Pik, Ordan, Oksihom, Acrobat MC, Topaz.

Fusarium or fusarium wilt

This disease may not be noticed immediately. The first sign is a thinning of the stem. Further, yellow spots appear and the SV 4097 color variety fades. Folk remedies usually do not help. To prevent this disease, you must remember to cover and feed the cucumber. The following drugs can help a sick cucumber: Trichodermin, Planriz, Tichofit, Baktofit, Fitosporin-M.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Cucumber plants are grown in two ways: seedlings and sowing seeds in a permanent place of growth.

To get cucumbers earlier, first, seedlings are planted in a warm room, and then, after a month, the seedlings are moved to the main place of growth in a greenhouse or garden bed. With the seedling method, the harvest will ripen two weeks ahead of schedule, usually the end of June.

When sowing seeds in the main place of growth, wait until the weather is consistently warm outside. When the temperature on the thermometer reaches 22–24 degrees, sow the seeds in the beds. The distance between plantings is maintained at 40 by 20 centimeters; in a greenhouse it can be increased: 40 by 30 centimeters. This is done so that the plants do not shade each other.

Fruitful “Dutch”: cucumber SV 4097 CV F1, description, main characteristics, photo

Hello, dear readers of the site! We continue to introduce you to various varieties and hybrids, and today we have cucumber SV 4097 CV F1 with a description and photo. This hybrid has been included in the State Register since 2013 and has shown excellent performance in a variety of regions.

The mysterious "Dutch"

Hybrid SV 4097 CV F1 is the result of the work of Dutch breeders, which was released taking into account the climatic conditions of the Russian regions. Early cucumber is flexible and adapts well to a variety of conditions.

Bushes of medium height are best grown in a greenhouse on trellises, providing all shoots with good lighting.

The side shoots are determinate, the branching is average, but the leaves of the hybrid are large. The leaf blades are rich green in color and have slight waviness.

A special feature of the hybrid SV 4097 CV F1 is its powerful root system, which must be taken into account when growing cucumber seedlings, as well as when cultivating it in closed ground. Since the plant is parthenocarpic, it does not require pollination.

On average, two or three cucumbers are formed in the axils, and under favorable growing conditions - four. It blooms with large flowers, they do not fall off.

The fruits reach a weight of 100 grams, smooth and beautiful greens. The skin is dark green with small vague whitish stripes, and there are frequent tubercles. There is slight pubescence, spines on the tubercles are white. Greens grow up to 13 cm in length, but much depends on the growing conditions of the hybrid.

The pulp of cucumbers is dense, crispy, with a uniform structure. The taste is excellent. Such greens are used for pickling, all types of preservation, and they are also good fresh. In marinades, cucumbers retain their shape, excellent taste and traditional crunch.

Advantages and disadvantages of the hybrid SV 4097 CV F1

Cucumber SV 4097 CV F1 from the agricultural company Monsanto Holland BV appeared on sale in the early 2000s, and quickly became popular.

The main advantages of this hybrid:

  • early ripening (from 38 to 40 days);
  • plastic;
  • the ability to set fruit without pollination by insects;
  • resistance to adverse conditions and temperature changes;
  • the hybrid does not reduce yield even in low light conditions;
  • disease resistance;
  • excellent taste;
  • possibility of universal use of greens.

Hybrid cucumbers have high commercial properties, and in combination with excellent yield (up to 10-12 kg per square meter), SV 4097 CV F1 is a very profitable crop for growing on farms.

ON A NOTE! The hybrid is very resistant to mosaic and cladosporiosis - diseases that are the real “scourge” of greenhouse cucumbers.

SV 4097 CV F1 can be grown in open ground, as well as under arches, covering them with non-woven material or film.

This cucumber is successfully cultivated in many vegetable farms, and it is also in demand among ordinary gardeners.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the susceptibility of SV 4097 CV F1

to powdery mildew, but with proper agricultural technology and preventive measures, the infection, as a rule, does not appear in the greenhouse.

Recommendations for caring for a hybrid

Due to the peculiarities of the Russian climate, cucumbers are grown through seedlings in the main part of the country. Hybrid SV 4097 CV F1 is no exception, and the best results are obtained in greenhouses.

The time for sowing seeds is determined based on the climate of the region. The seedlings should be 22-25 days old, so calculating the sowing days is easy. Cucumbers are planted in the greenhouse when stable warmth has established (May or the first days of June).

The distance between bushes is up to 50 cm; thickening of plantings is not recommended.

The technology for growing the Dutch hybrid is similar to other hybrid cucumbers:

  • on the bottom of the stem (up to about 5 leaves), all ovaries and side shoots are removed;
  • between the 6th and 10th leaves, one ovary is left in the axils, the side shoots are removed;
  • Above the 10th leaf, fruits and shoots are left;
  • When the stem reaches the trellis, it can be pinched, thrown over the wire and sent down to the ground.

The hybrid needs good nutrition, so 4-5 feedings per season are mandatory for it. Fertilizers (organic and mineral) are applied at the root, and the hybrid is also sprayed on the leaves. Greens are collected every other day, not allowing them to outgrow. Cucumbers SV 4097 CV F1 are stored well (up to two weeks), without losing their commercial properties and taste.


Powdery mildew
Cucumbers of the SV 4097 variety are susceptible to powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease that appears as white, reddish spots on the underside of the leaves.

The same coating forms on the bases of the shoots. The leaves become loose and dry out. The vines dry out, die, and the greens rot.

The risk of powdery mildew increases with high humidity. To prevent infection, greenhouses and greenhouses need to be ventilated more often. Humidity should not exceed 80%. Proper care and regular feeding will allow you to avoid the disease.

To prevent powdery mildew, it is recommended to treat cucumbers with a solution of copper sulfate, Ridomil Gold, Tiovit Jet, and Oksikhom.

You can try to save diseased plants. Remove the infected lash along with the roots and burn. Weed and thin out the plantings. Inspect the rest of the plants; if the plaque appears only on the lower leaves, cut them down to the stem and burn. Remove weakened leaves.

Treat the sections with Trichodermin. Spray all plants with fungicides. “Fitosporin”, “Fundazol”, “Topsin-M” help against powdery mildew.

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