Cucumber Vyaznikovsky 37: description and characteristics of the variety. Vyaznikovsky cucumbers: reviews, photos, yield, nuances of cultivation

History of selection

It was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 1943. Originator: Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing". Admission regions: Central, Northern, Northwestern, Middle Volga, Volga-Vyatka, Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian. The variety is recommended for growing in open ground. Ideal for conditions in central Russia. Cucumber shows excellent results when grown in film greenhouses; in this case, the crop ripens even earlier. Not a hybrid.

Growing regions

This variety easily adapts to the vagaries of the weather and withstands temperature changes. Many people grow it in the north, northwest and center of the country. And also the culture can be found on personal plots in the Volga-Vyatka, Middle Volga regions and even in the difficult conditions of the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Reviews about the variety from those who planted

Cucumbers of the review variety have been extremely popular among vegetable growers for more than 100 years. The plants are unpretentious, grow well even in the cold season, and are characterized by stable immunity to diseases and pests. Delicious fruits with aromatic crispy pulp have an excellent presentation.

Farmers note the ease of growing the crop, its good fruiting, the taste of the vegetables themselves and their versatility in cooking.

Andrey, Voznesensk: “We actually bought a dacha recently, last year. We haven’t started experimenting yet; my wife and I are planting what our parents also cultivated. We settled on the Vyaznikovsky variety. We grew it from seedlings - everything went well, the harvest was harvested all summer. But the plants were not fed and the beds were not prepared in advance, so they removed a little more than a kilogram per square meter.”

Semyon, Novgorod: “Both hybrids and traditional varieties grow on my plot. Hybrids, of course, look neater and greener, as in the photo, but it seems to me that regular varieties taste better, especially in salads. I have been growing Vyaznikovsky for many years, I select and store the seeds myself. Being a breeder is exciting in its own way.”

Marina, Belgorod: “I’m not a fan of pickled gherkins. I think that a cucumber in a jar should be full-bodied. The good old Vyaznikovsky variety is quite suitable for this. I also respect Nezhin cucumbers, they are also time-tested.”

Description of cucumbers Vyaznikovsky 37

The plant is medium-sized, the length of the central cane reaches from 1.0 to 1.6 meters, the thickness is 1.5 - 2.0 cm. Climbing is weak, the shoots are short, but strong. The number of lashes of the first order is 5 - 15. Shoots of the second order grow rarely. The average length of the internode is 5.1 cm. The leaves are large, rough, green, 22 cm long, 23 cm wide. During the growing season, up to 27 leaves are formed on the main stem. The ovary is elongated-ovate or ellipsoid, 2.5 - 3.0 cm long, finely tuberculate. Pubescence of simple or mixed type, dense.

The variety's greens are small, elongated-ovoid or ellipsoid in shape, 10 - 14 cm long, 4 - 5 cm in diameter, without ribbing. The skin is thin, light green in color. The surface is covered with small frequently located tubercles, the spines are black. The taste is good. The pulp is tender, crispy, aromatic, and does not contain bitterness. Weight of cucumbers 100 - 140 grams.


This medium-sized plant has the following characteristics:

  • lashes of medium length (from 1.5 to 2 m), strong;
  • shoots of the 1st order are formed from 5 to 15 pieces, and lashes of the 2nd order are practically not formed;
  • The leaves are large, rough, rich green.


Cucumbers have the following characteristics:

  • the average length is about 10–13 cm, and the weight is 130–150 g;
  • cylindrical shape, elongated, no ribbing;
  • the skin is thin, light green, densely covered with small tubercles with black spines;
  • the pulp is tender, dense, crispy, without voids, with numerous small seeds;
  • vegetables have a strong characteristic aroma and pleasant taste. There is no bitterness.

Composition and properties

Composition of Vyaznikovskie cucumbers per 100 g:

  • dietary fiber - 1 g;
  • water - 95 g;
  • vitamin A - 10 mg;
  • B vitamins - 7.4 g;
  • vitamin K - 16.4 mg;
  • vitamin C - 10 mg;
  • potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, chromium, iodine - about 300 mg.

One fruit contains:

The daily intake of fresh cucumbers is 300 g, pickled cucumbers - 200 g.

Vegetables normalize the functioning of the kidneys and intestines. In pregnant women, regular consumption of cucumbers significantly strengthens the immune system, and in children from the age of one, it accelerates the formation of the musculoskeletal system.

Since Vyaznikovsky cucumbers are of non-hybrid origin, they rarely cause allergic reactions.

Application area

The fruits of the review variety are suitable for fresh consumption and adding to a variety of vegetable salads. Cucumbers are also a suitable option for canning and pickling, just like the old Russian varieties Nezhinsky and Muromsky.

Common cucumber 'Vyaznikovsky 37'

Main genus: Common cucumber
Ripening period
Soil type
Growing method
Purpose of fruits
Disease resistance
Soil ph requirements
Life form
Shape of fruits/stems/roots and tubers/heads
Size of fruits/stems/roots and tubers/heads
Cultivation region by origin
Vitamin content
Color of fruits/roots and tubers
Leaf/stem/head color
Fruit/root and tuber pulp color
Peel thickness
Frost resistance
Drought resistance
Decorative value
Taste of fruits
Shelter for the winter
Pest resistance
Keeping quality
Branching pattern
Density and character of the pulp

Expand all properties
Description of the plant:

Common cucumber 'Vyaznikovsky 37' is a variety of the All-Russian Research Institute for Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops.

Approved for use in the Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Middle Volga, Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian regions in 1943.

Recommended for growing in open ground.

Dimensions and growth form:

The length of the main stem of representatives of the 'Vyaznikovsky 37' variety is 100–160 cm, thickness 1.5–2.0 cm. The number of first-order lashes is 5–15. Second order shoots are rare. During the growing season, the main stem forms 17–27 true leaves. The average internode length is 5.1 cm.

The leaf is green, 22 cm long, 23 cm wide. The ovary is elongated-ovate or ellipsoid, 2.0–3.5 cm long. The tuberculation is small. The pubescence is mixed or simple, dense, the color of the spines is black.


Size, shape and color:

The greenery is elongated-ovoid in shape, light green in color. The surface is covered with small tubercles. The pubescence is mixed, the spines are black. Fruit length 10–14 cm, diameter 4–5 cm, weight 100–140 g.

The taste of the fruit is good.

Ripening time and yield:

The common cucumber 'Vyaznikovsky 37' is an early ripening variety. The period from full germination to the beginning of fruiting is 40–55 days. Marketable yield is 2.0–3.1 kg/m2.

Disease resistance:

The variety is relatively resistant to powdery mildew and bacteriosis.

Directions for use:

Recommended for fresh consumption and pickling.

Characteristics of the variety

In terms of ripening time, Vyaznikovsky 37 can be classified as early ripening. The first cucumbers are harvested 40 days after emergence. But if the weather intervenes, the process of entering fruiting can take up to 55 days.

The yield is 2.6 - 3.5 kg per 1 square meter. The fruiting period is not extended; the plant can produce a harvest quite quickly. Therefore, in addition to this variety, experienced gardeners must plant another one, which has a longer fruiting period.

The variety tolerates difficult weather conditions and temperature changes well. Under film shelters it can withstand light night frosts, characteristic of May and early June.

Vyaznikovsky 37 does not tolerate dry periods well. The culture's immunity is quite high. Cucumber is valued for its resistance to bacteriosis and powdery mildew.

General description of the plant

The description of the variety Vyaznikovsky 37 classifies it as an early ripening variety.
The harvest can begin to be harvested already 35-40 days after emergence. During the period of active fruiting, up to 3 kg of fruit can be collected from 1 m² in 1 day. The bushes are resistant to cold snaps in mid-summer and temperature changes. Cucumbers can be grown in the southern regions (Krasnodar Territory) and in the difficult conditions of the Urals and Siberia. Vyaznikovsky cucumbers are suitable for open and closed ground. When planting in a greenhouse, you need to take into account that the variety is bee-pollinated, so you should leave the door open so that insects can get inside. The characteristics given by gardeners note that Vyaznikovskie bear fruit best when cultivated in open ground or film greenhouses.

Vyaznikovskie 37 cucumbers are resistant to fungal diseases (powdery mildew, etc.). When temperatures change in mid-summer, they do not taste bitter. They are resistant to slight drying out of the soil, but in severe drought they require daily watering.

The vines are short, up to 2 m. When grown on a trellis, formation is required: 3-4 flowers with ovaries are left on each side shoot, and then pinched. Without a garter, the lashes lead into 3-4 sleeves, receiving several shoots from 1 root.

The leaves are medium-sized, with a non-wrinkled blade. To prevent disease, it is recommended to remove old leaves that are beginning to turn yellow.

Cultivation Recommendations

For planting cucumbers of the Vyaznikovsky variety, it is better to prefer areas that are well warmed by sunlight and protected from strong winds. Beginning in the fall, the beds intended for planting need to be fertilized. Here are the optimal fertilizers for the variety:

  • humus (5-6 kg per 1 sq.m.);
  • wood ash (liter jar);
  • superphosphate (20 grams) and potassium salt (10 g).

These ingredients should be mixed and diluted with potassium permanganate. Warming the fertilized soil with film is welcome.

Cucumber seedlings are planted when the probability of frost is almost zero.

When sowing seeds in open ground, you need to pay attention to the soil temperature; it should be at least 15 degrees. Sowing should be done at a depth of approximately 1-2 cm. It is better to cover the area with film to avoid the threat of freezing.

Important! Water for irrigation must be warm!

Water the cucumbers twice or thrice a week. Don't forget about loosening the soil. This procedure should be done immediately before the lashes begin to form and after precipitation.

Features of agricultural technology

Loamy, breathable soil is suitable for planting the Vyaznikovsky 37 variety. Cucumbers can be grown either by seedlings or by directly planting seeds in the ground.

For planting seedlings, separate containers are suitable: small cups, peat pots. The seeds are buried 0.5-1 cm into previously prepared soil. The temperature in the room where the planted seeds are located should not fall below 25 degrees Celsius.

After the sprouts appear, the temperature is reduced to 15 degrees.

To plant cucumbers in the garden, choose a sunny place, protected from drafts and wind.

The soil for seedlings is prepared in advance by adding the following nutrients (per 1 square meter):

  • A liter jar of sifted wood ash;
  • 5 kg of humus;
  • 20 grams of superphosphate;
  • 10 grams of potassium salt.

A mixture is prepared from the above ingredients, which is poured with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.

Seeds are planted in open ground to a depth of 1.5-2 cm at a soil temperature of 15-18 degrees Celsius.

Caring for the Vyaznikovsky 37 variety does not require much effort. It consists of the following actions:

  • Maintaining the correct watering regime for cucumbers;
  • Regular loosening of the soil in the area with vegetables;
  • Timely application of nutritious fertilizers;
  • Bush formation.

Plants should be watered only with warm water. Before flowers appear on the bushes, moderate watering is carried out. During the fruiting period, the bushes need additional water.

The first fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. During the period of flowering and the formation of ovaries, fertilizing with a high content of potassium and phosphorus is applied to the soil.

Open ground is characterized by two methods of plant formation:

  • Tie the stem to the trellis;
  • Plant creeping along the ground.

Planting cucumbers Vyaznikovsky 37

Gardeners plant cucumbers of the Vyaznikovsky 37 variety in open ground. Proceed with planting if you are sure that frost will not return and the soil in the beds has had time to warm up. The normal soil temperature for sowing crop seeds ranges from 13 to 15°C. Lower thermometer readings are dangerous for seed material. If this condition is not met, cucumber shoots will not appear.

Vegetable growers begin planting cucumbers in mid-May. Vyaznikovsky 37 is planted according to a 70x30 cm pattern. This ensures the possibility of normal plant care.

Landing rules

Depending on the sowing method (seedling method or sowing in the ground), the following aspects are observed:

  • sowing of the beds takes place in mid-May. You can do this earlier if weather conditions permit (air temperature is about +15°C, and the soil has warmed up to +10...+12°C);
  • to obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in mid-April so that the seedlings have time to grow before being planted in a permanent place;
  • the seedling method allows you to get the harvest 10–14 days earlier, and also extends the fruiting period;
  • seedlings can be grown both on a windowsill and in a greenhouse. When growing indoors, the best option is to sow directly into cups or peat pots. In this case, planting will take place by transshipment with a ball of earth, without damaging the root system.

To speed up germination and strengthen the immunity of seed material, the following manipulations are used:

  • soaking for 50–60 minutes in warm water (to stimulate germination and disinfection, you can add a couple of drops of aloe juice) and then placing it in a warm place (at +20°C) for a day;
  • disinfection can be achieved using garlic infusion (30 g per 100 ml of water) or a slightly pink manganese solution by placing seeds in one of the liquids for an hour;
  • Keeping the seed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 1-2 days will increase stress resistance (seeds are placed in a damp cloth).

If purchased seeds are covered with a colored shell (i.e., have undergone pre-sowing treatment), then they do not require any action before planting.

Sowing into prepared containers consists of several stages:

  1. Cover the bottom with a layer of sawdust (thickness up to 2 cm).
  2. Prepare a mixture of equal parts humus and peat. Add 2 cups of wood ash and ¼ cup of superphosphate to a bucket of the mixture.
  3. Fill the containers with the resulting soil mixture, leaving about 2 cm to the top.
  4. Place the seeds (2 pieces per cup) to a depth of 1 cm.
  5. Water the crops with warm water and cover with film to create greenhouse conditions.
  6. In the room with crops until they germinate, you need to maintain a temperature of +22...+26°C.

Optimal timing

Cucumbers are a seasonal crop that does not tolerate frost. In temperate climates with a long growing season, they can be planted in open ground from April to June. To do this, the air temperature should be set at +18°C.

How to grow a variety yourself

Cultivation of Vyaznikovsky cucumbers is simple. They are immediately sown in the ground or grown as seedlings.

Vegetables tolerate planting seeds in open ground well. To do this, a number of conditions are met:

  • soil temperature - not lower than 15°C;
  • the planting area is reliably protected from the wind;
  • There should be as much sunlight as possible.

Planting is carried out after frosts have passed and during stable warm weather. In most regions of Russia this is the end of May.

The bed has been prepared since the fall. To do this, they dig up the ground and add a composition of the following per 1 m2:

  • leaf humus - 5 kg;
  • wood ash - 1 l;
  • superphosphate - 20 g;
  • potassium salt - 10 g.

The mixture is disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The crop is sown for seedlings approximately on the 20th of April. The growing period should not exceed 4.5 weeks, otherwise the plant yield will decrease sharply.

A mixture of soil, humus, peat and sand in equal proportions is best suited for cucumber seedlings. The substrate is watered with hot water for disinfection. After the liquid has drained, potassium sulfate, urea, Nitrophoska and wood ash are added.

Preference is given to growing vegetables in peat cups, since the roots of the variety are fragile and do not tolerate picking well. Some cultivate seedlings in sawdust: with this method, the root system is not damaged, but develops easily and freely. In any container, make a tray and drainage at the bottom in the form of expanded clay or sawdust.

Before planting, seeds are placed in a saline solution (30 g of salt per 1 liter) for culling. Only those specimens that sink to the bottom are used. Planting material is disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The soil is well moistened.

Plant seeds 2 per pot or hole. After germination, the weak sprout is removed.

Watering begins on the 5th day after germination. Moisten the soil regularly, but moderately. The pots are placed in a well-lit place, at a certain distance from each other, so that the leaves of the grown seedlings do not touch.

A week before planting in open ground, the plants begin to harden off, periodically taking them out onto the balcony or loggia.

Growing and care

There are 2 ways to grow crops:

  • lashes are thrown along the ground;
  • with the help of supports.

The first option is simpler and in the case of the Vyaznikovsky variety is quite acceptable, since the vines of these cucumbers are the same length.

However, on supports, when grown vertically, the plants are more evenly illuminated, blown with fresh air and pollinated by bees. Bushes are less attacked by pests. Productivity with such cultivation is usually higher.

Warm water is poured into the holes between the rows - the soil should be moist at all times. Vyaznikovsky cucumbers are irrigated before the heat starts in the morning or evening. Do this regularly, at equal intervals. When watering, water should not get on the leaves to avoid burns to the plant tissue.

Before flowering, the crop is moistened moderately, and during fruiting - abundantly. The quality and quantity of the harvest depends on this.

If organic matter was not added before sowing seeds or seedlings, the soil is periodically fertilized with Ammophoska or mullein solution. Regular chicken droppings will also work, but in small quantities.

The roots of the Vyaznikovsky cucumber are located close to the surface. Therefore, plants are hilled several times during the summer to prevent the development of fungal diseases.

To form side shoots on which female flowers are formed, the main stem above the 5th leaf is pinched. However, if the fruits are formed early, which is typical for the southern regions, the procedure is not performed.

When growing Vyaznikovsky cucumbers, farmers are faced with the formation of an insufficient number of ovaries. In this case, bees are attracted for better pollination of the bushes by planting honey-bearing flowers next to the beds or placing drinking bowls with a sweet nutrient solution.

Diseases and pests

To prevent diseases, bushes are treated with ash, for treatment - with fungicides, “HOM”.

In conditions of high humidity, plants can be attacked by spider mites. A solution of potassium permanganate and special biological products are used against it. Affected leaves are torn off and destroyed.

Caring for cucumbers Vyaznikovsky 37

Caring for Vyaznikovsky 37 is not difficult. This process consists of:

  • organizing the correct watering regime for the plant;
  • timely application of fertilizers;
  • formation of bushes.


The vegetable loves moisture. Keep the soil between crop rows slightly moist. Water the cucumbers in the evening, avoiding moisture getting on the leaves of the plant. During periods of extreme heat, water the vegetable both in the evening and in the morning. Do not allow the soil in cucumber beds to become waterlogged. Use warm and settled water for irrigation.

Water the cucumbers moderately until the flowers appear; during the fruiting period, increase the amount of watering.


Vyaznikovsky cucumber feeding begins after two true leaves appear. Make the first nutrition of the crop based on nitrogen-containing preparations. A solution of 50 grams of urea per 10 liters of water is suitable.

The next application of fertilizers is aimed at feeding the plant with phosphorus and potassium. Prepare the composition of such a nutritional mixture from superphosphate, potassium salt and urea in a ratio of 4:2:1. Carry out the following fertilizing with similar solutions, adjusting the concentration of phosphorus and potassium.

Gardeners give several tips on fertilizing:

  1. Feed cucumbers in warm weather.
  2. Combine fertilizing with watering the crop.
  3. Add nutrient mixtures in the evening.

Harvest and storage

Cucumbers of this variety, like other cucumbers, are preferably picked every other day.

When picking cucumbers, you also need to follow certain rules:

  • hook-shaped or malformed fruits are removed immediately upon detection so that they do not interfere with the growth of quality vegetables;
  • It is better not to pick the greens with your hands, as this will injure the lashes, but to cut them using pruners or scissors;
  • When collecting fruits, you should try to leave the stalk on the bush;
  • The optimal time for harvesting is early morning or late evening (at this time the greens are the most juicy and tasty).

It is not recommended to store Vyaznikovsky 37 cucumbers for a long time, as this affects their taste. It is advisable to use them within 3-4 days. The fruits are very tasty when marinated or pickled. You can also prepare a variety of salads, both fresh and canned. The optimal temperature for storage is +6...+8°C, and humidity is about 90%. Gardeners really appreciate the pleasant taste, good yield and ease of care of this variety. For this reason, this cucumber is often grown in many gardens.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Vyaznikovsky variety

  • Cucumbers of this variety have a number of advantages:
  • cultivation in open ground and greenhouses;
  • early and friendly fruiting;
  • versatility of use;
  • tolerates short-term drops in temperature;
  • are well transported and stored without loss of presentation for up to 4 days;
  • do not overgrow and do not form voids during salting and canning;
  • the ability to independently collect seed material;
  • ease of care;
  • excellent taste.
  • But cucumbers also have several disadvantages. These include:
  • poor tolerance to dry soil;
  • the presence of insects is necessary for pollination.

Diseases and pests

Plant diseases are indicated by suddenly yellowed leaves, the appearance of plaque on plants, and the cessation of fruiting. Vyaznikovsky cucumbers are susceptible to:

To prevent diseases, bushes are treated with ash, for treatment - with fungicides, “HOM”.

In conditions of high humidity, plants can be attacked by spider mites. A solution of potassium permanganate and special biological products are used against it. Affected leaves are torn off and destroyed.


Cucumbers of the Vyaznikovsky 37 variety are resistant to powdery mildew and bacteriosis.

But they may be affected:

  • peronosporosis, which is expressed in the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves. A gray or purple coating may form on the back side of the leaf plate. The drugs “Ridomil” or “Ordan”, used according to the instructions, will help prevent the disease;
  • white rot, affecting the entire bush, starting from the base. The plant becomes covered with a slippery coating. When the first signs of disease appear, the bushes are sprinkled with crushed chalk, or you can treat them with a solution of copper sulfate (5 g/1 l). The affected parts of the plant must be removed;
  • anthracnose, in which yellow spotting turns into the formation of ulcers on all parts of the crop. Treatment uses 1% Bordeaux mixture or copper oxide chloride solution (40 g/10 l);
  • melon aphid, which is small insects that settle on the back of leaves, flowers and fruits. Its spread provokes curling and falling of leaves and ovaries, a sharp decrease in yield and even the death of the entire plant. In case of minor damage, spraying is carried out with fermented grass (1 kg/1 bucket, leave for 24 hours) or with an ash solution (200 g of ash + 50 g of laundry soap + 10 l of water). In case of severe damage, the drug "Intavir" is used in accordance with the instructions.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests, you must follow certain rules:

  • sow with treated seeds;
  • do not thicken the plantings and do not over-moisten the soil;
  • remove affected bushes from the garden in a timely manner;
  • promptly remove weeds on which pests often settle;
  • remove yellowed and old leaves.

Possible diseases

Editor-in-Chief of Experienced summer resident and gardener.

Vyaznikovsky 37 is a promising variety that has many fans. It is valued for its resistance to short-term cold snaps and is well transported.

0″ gt; Order by: Most recentTop scoreMost helpfulWorst score

City: Orenburg Where grown: Open ground Manufacturer: Poisk, Russia

The Vyaznikovsky 37 variety has excellent immunity to dangerous diseases and pests. However, experienced gardeners recommend not to forget about preventive measures.

Cucumber beds should be placed in the area of ​​the garden where salads, potatoes, white cabbage, tomatoes, etc. previously grew.

IMPORTANT: It is not recommended to plant carrots and cucumbers after beans, melons and cucumbers. Special fungicides will protect cucumber plantings from fungal infections, and insecticides from insects and other pests

Special fungicides will protect cucumber plantings from fungal infections, and insecticides from insects and other pests.

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