Characteristics and description of the best varieties of hot pepper

In the wild, this type of pepper grows in South and Central America.
It is called differently: hot, spicy, chili, bitter, but this does not change the essence, we are talking about one plant. The partitions of its fruit-pods, as well as the seeds, contain the alkaloid capsaicin, which gives them their pungency. Peppers are used in cooking; they are also one of the components in various traditional medicine recipes.

Description and characteristics of hot pepper

The plant is a small bush, the height of which varies from 25 to 50-60 cm. The bushes are usually well branched and have good foliage. The leaf blades are elongated, the color is bright green. As for the size and shape of the fruits, as well as the degree of their sharpness and color range, there is complete variety here!

Hot peppers can have long, narrow, wide pods, shaped like lanterns, cones, cubes, or berries. Usually, during the period of technical ripeness, the fruits have different shades of green, but when they reach biological maturity, the peppers are:

The fruits are distinguished by their aroma, as well as their pungency, which is measured on a special Scoville scale. And there are a huge number of varieties, as well as varieties, including pimento, chipotle, jalapeno, serrano, habanero, Jamaican and many others.

IMPORTANT! Do not confuse the well-known peppercorns and hot peppers.


The fruits of hot peppers are harvested not only when ripe (when the color characteristic of the variety and type is achieved), but also as green pods. The fruits contain a record amount of vitamins A and C, as well as carotene, various essential oils, and acids. Capsaicin helps strengthen the immune system, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also provides a very powerful resistance to cancer cells. Pepper is useful for strengthening men's health, helps with nervous disorders, in addition, the endorphins it contains have a positive effect on mood

It is difficult to imagine many culinary dishes, as well as marinades and pickles, without the use of hot pepper pods. Most of all, this pepper is used in South American cuisine, where seasonings, side dishes, and various sauces are indispensable. The legendary Tabasco sauce and curry seasoning always contain hot peppers.

The vegetable is recommended for weight loss, but only if there are no problems with the heart, stomach, or kidneys. In any case, you need to remember about moderation and not use pepper in large quantities.

This crop has always been grown in the south of the country (back when it was the USSR), but in more northern regions there were no such opportunities due to the climate. True, many people planted low-growing hot peppers in pots at home, then using it as a seasoning. Nowadays, a huge number of different varieties of this vegetable have been bred, so gardeners have the opportunity to grow pepper in a wide variety of areas.

IMPORTANT! When growing, it is necessary to place the plantings of bitter and sweet peppers as far apart as possible. Crops can be cross-pollinated, and then instead of juicy and sweet fruits you will get only one spicy pepper.

The choice of varieties is large; our review presents the most popular and proven hot peppers.

Varieties of hot pepper

Like many other representatives of the large nightshade family, this crop has varieties of different ripening periods. When choosing pepper, you should take into account the growing season of the variety, the degree of spiciness, and the height of the plant.

Bouquet of the East

The taste of the fruits of this fruitful hybrid truly represents an unusual composition, combining spicy and sweet notes. This variety is mid-season; it will take approximately 115 days before the first green pods are harvested.

The height of a bush in a greenhouse can reach up to 1 meter. The fruits are narrow cones and bright red when fully ripe. The average weight of the pods is about 100-130 grams. The hybrid Bouquet of the East is distinguished by its yield (up to 5 kg per square meter) and long fruiting period.


The Vizier variety of hot pepper will surprise you with its unusual turban-shaped fruits. The variety is late (fruiting occurs after 150 days), the fruits are harvested at the end of August, so this must be taken into account when planting.

The bush grows up to a meter, the plant is compact. Interesting are the Vizier fruits, similar in shape to the Muslim turban. During the period of technical maturity, “turbans” are light green in color, but when ripe they become scarlet. Their weight is about 23-30 grams.

The taste is medium-hot, the pepper pulp is very juicy and aromatic. The fruits are widely used for canning, pickling, and making paprika. Up to 3 kg of fruits are harvested from one square meter. The variety is distinguished by high commercial quality of fruits and resistance to diseases.


This variety of pepper will not only delight you with an excellent harvest of peppers, but can also become a real decoration when grown at home.

The plant is not particularly tall, up to 60 cm in height, very compact. The fruits are elongated cones, weighing up to 20-25 grams. The taste of peppers is very hot.

In terms of ripening, this variety is early, and after 95-105 days the first pods can be harvested. The productivity of Gorgon is high, and the variety is also distinguished by long-term fruiting. The decorative qualities of the plant are also excellent, while the Gorgon variety grows well both in film greenhouses and on the balcony, as well as in open ground.

For mother-in-law

This wonderful variety of hot pepper under the colorful name For the Mother-in-Law will require a minimum of care from you. It grows small, only up to 50-60 cm, so it does not require gartering or shaping.

Features of the variety: unpretentiousness, excellent yield. The fruits are elongated, cone-shaped, up to 10-13 cm long. The average weight of the pods is about 55-60 grams. The pulp is juicy, the taste is hot with spicy notes. This variety has a very strong aroma. Used in cooking, for preservation, and various preparations.

In terms of ripening time – early, up to 110-115 days.


The interesting Medusa variety, whose fruits grow upward, will surprise you with both the bright color of the pods and its yield. The bush is very compact, up to 20-25 cm high, so it is excellent for growing in pots.

Feature of the variety: demanding of lighting and nutrition. The fruits are narrow, cone-shaped pods, in a state of technical ripeness - cream, yellowish, orange, in biological ripeness - bright scarlet.

The taste of the fruit is very pungent and bitter. In terms of ripening time, Medusa is an early pepper; after 100 days the first fruits can be harvested.

Lightning white

The early-ripening variety of hot pepper White Molniya can be grown in shelters or on open ridges. The height of the bush is up to 1.2 meters, the plant is semi-spreading, leafy.

The fruits are an interesting cream color (at biological maturity); during the ripening period, the pods are white. The pods weigh approximately 100-110 grams, the walls are juicy, up to 5 mm thick.

The taste of the fruits of this variety is unusual - sweet, with an admixture of spicy-hot notes. Feature of the variety: high percentage of sugars.

Ripening time is 105 days, at the same time up to 18-20 fruits are formed on one bush of White Lightning. The pods are suitable for preparing various salads and seasonings; they are good for drying and freezing.

Lightning red

The early hybrid Red Lightning forms the first fruits within 95 days after germination. The plant is powerful, vigorous, up to 115-120 cm high. Peppers are narrow conical pods with an internal fleshy partition. It is this that gives the pepper its spiciness.

The weight of Lightning pods is about 100-130 grams. The color during ripening is bright red, in a state of technical ripeness it is orange.

The hybrid is distinguished by excellent productivity; in addition, it is little affected by diseases and is resistant to unfavorable conditions. Hybrid Red Lightning does not reduce yields when grown in open beds; it is unpretentious.

Lightning black

The “brother” of the previous hybrid, but only in a different color version, is the hybrid Lightning black F1. This is a medium-hot pepper with a medium-early ripening period (110-112 days), productive, and unpretentious.

The plant is powerful, up to 70-80 cm in height. The fruits are long and narrow pods with a sharp-spicy taste. Fruit weight - about 120 grams, pods are smooth, glossy, black in color

The value of the hybrid is its excellent yield and resistance to bad weather conditions. With proper care it will bear fruit until autumn. The fruits are excellent for various marinades, preservation, and seasonings.


Superchili is an early hybrid of hot peppers that begins to bear fruit after 70-80 days. The bushes are very compact, about half a meter high. The fruits are pointed cones growing upward. The color of the skin of unripe peppers is light green, then, as they ripen, it turns orange and then bright red.

The pods grow weighing up to 20-25 grams. The taste is sharp, with a pleasant spicy peppercorn. This hybrid is ideal for growing indoors: on a loggia or balcony.

Fire maiden

The name of the variety speaks for itself - the pods of this “fiery” pepper are very sharp and hot. The bush is very spreading, grows up to 120-140 cm, but does not need shaping. The drooping fruits are cone-shaped and small in weight, up to 3-3.5 grams. Unripe peppers are green in color; when biologically ripe, they acquire a rich red color.

The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation and is recommended for cultivation in a wide variety of regions. Used in cooking, for spices, making hot powder.

Double Abundance

An unpretentious variety of hot pepper, Double Abundance, is characterized by high yield and resistance to temperature changes.

The plant usually has a height of about 70-80 cm, powerful, tall. The fruits are trunk-shaped pods, weighing up to 70-80 grams. It is recommended to grow in greenhouses, since there the bush forms up to five tiers of fruit. You can remove 30-40 pods from one plant. The fruits are fleshy, with thick walls, and the taste is pungent.

Used for preparing spices, canning, and also fresh. When dried, it retains all its properties until those years. In terms of growing season - early variety (up to 110 days).

Burning bouquet

The variety of this pepper is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Higher yields are obtained when grown in greenhouses.

The bush is small, up to 45 cm in height, erect, leafy. Pods weighing up to 2-3 grams cover the bush during the period of mass fruiting.

The shape of the fruit is cone-shaped, the pods are very beautiful, with gloss. The color of ripe fruits is dark red. This pepper has a very hot taste and is used in canning, for making seasonings, and in cooking.

Chinese fire

The fruitful hybrid Chinese fire is a lot of hot peppers on one bush. The plants themselves are small, about half a meter high, but spreading. The fruits are long, curved pods that become dark red when fully ripe.

The weight of the pods is up to 70-75 grams, the taste is spicy, burning. The first pods (still green, but already grown to the desired size) can be removed after 110-115 days. The fruits are used both fresh and for drying. They are suitable for preparing a wide variety of seasonings and are good for preservation.

Trinidad Small Cherry

The fruits of this pepper variety are completely different from the long pods we are used to, since their shape resembles large berries. The variety ripens in 80-90 days, each bush produces a large number of fruits.

The plant is powerful, strong, up to 80-90 cm high. The peppers are small, no more than 3 cm in diameter, the color is orange and red. Feature of the variety: burning fruits with a pronounced cherry aroma. Trinidad Small Cherry pepper is very decorative, looks elegant and bright.

Indian elephant

The mid-season variety (fruit ripening in 115 days) is distinguished by compact bushes and excellent yield. The plant reaches a height of 70 cm, well leafy. This pepper tolerates drought well, but is very demanding on lighting.

The fruits are long narrow pods, in technical ripeness they are green, in biological ripeness their color is bright red. In terms of productivity, the Indian elephant also deserves only flattering reviews; up to 3.5 kg can be harvested from one square meter.

The taste of the fruit is semi-sharp, the walls are up to 2-2.5 mm thick. Pods weighing about 20-25 grams are used for marinades, as well as fresh.

Miracle of the Moscow Region

The tall variety Miracle of the Moscow Region is distinguished by interesting fruits formed singly on the branches. Plant height is up to 100-120 cm, there are few leaves.

The fruits are drooping, cone-shaped pods, glossy, beautiful. Before they are fully ripe, their color is yellowish; during the period of biological maturity, when the pepper is fully ripe, it turns red. The mass of pods, slightly spicy to taste, is about 40-50 grams. The fruits have a pleasant spicy aroma.

Features of the variety: high fruit set, productivity. The Miracle of Moscow region variety has proven itself well when grown in regions of risky farming. The fruits are suitable for canning, salads, and various seasonings.


The hot Jalapeño pepper is known to many gardeners, and it came to our latitudes from hot Mexico. It’s hard to imagine many Mexican dishes without its pods.

Plant of medium height, heavily leafy. Peppers - pods up to 7-10 cm long, taste hot and hot.

ON A NOTE! The degree of heat of many varieties depends on the growing conditions of the pepper.

Surprisingly, this variety is harvested in a state of technical ripeness, that is, while the fruits are green in color. Red peppers are considered lower in quality, and in Mexico itself it is the green pods that are exported. The fruits are distinguished by their juicy and thick walls.

Habanero Tobago Seasoning

A very productive variety of hot pepper, distinguished by fruits with a very hot taste. Up to 1000 small pods of various shades ripen on the plant. The weight of each does not exceed 15 grams.

The fruits of Habanero Tobago Seasoning have a pleasant fruit aroma, juicy, with a spicy note. Interesting is the skin of the fruit, which resembles compressed material. The color of the pods can be red, brown, green, yellow, creamy white.

The homeland of this variety is the islands in the Caribbean Sea.


An unpretentious variety of hot pepper from VNIISSOK breeders produces pods that have a sweet-spicy taste.

The plant is quite powerful, up to 1.2-1.3 meters high, so it definitely needs a garter and supports. It is recommended to form a bush into two stems to obtain high yields.

The fruits are elongated cone-pods, weighing about 25-30 grams.

When biologically ripe, the fruits are bright red, but they can be picked earlier, while still green. Pepper ripens at about 95-100 days.


A mid-early variety, suitable for growing in beds, but better results will be obtained under shelters. The plant is tall, but stocky and dense, so it does not need garters. The rich red peppers have a cone shape, the mass of the elongated pods is 80-90 grams. The structure of the pulp resembles that of sweet pepper varieties. The taste is spicy.

This variety is widely used as a spice and seasoning for soups and main courses. Adjika pepper is suitable for canning and marinades.

Potted pepper: advice from an experienced practitioner

Hot pepper is an unpretentious plant, beautiful and useful, which can be grown in an apartment or in open ground, transplanted into a flower pot for the winter. The main decoration of hot pepper is its fruit. Some types of peppers bear fruit, changing the color of the fruit from green, yellow and purple to red, which is a sign of ripe fruit.

Annual pepper

Peppers differ from each other not only in color, but also in the shape of the fruit: elongated, round, pumpkin-shaped, etc.

Now a little about my collection of peppers, which grow successfully both in the apartment and in the open ground. Since September, they are all transplanted into flower pots and delight with their unique beauty for a long time.

  • Pepper Rainbow. A spectacular, chic pepper: round, small, with a slightly elongated “nose”, the peppers are full of different colors as they ripen.
  • Quintisho pepper. Wild variety. A very rare variety. A small shrub: dark, leathery leaves, small flowers, vertically protruding yellow fruits. The taste is good, the spiciness is average. When ripe, the pepper bush is strewn with bright yellow lanterns sticking up.
  • Pepper Ripe cherry. An original, chic pepper, reminiscent of ripe cherries.
  • Tabasco pepper. The classic variety from which the famous sauce is made. Orange-red fruits up to 5 cm long, sticking up, collected in bunches. This pepper makes a good sauce due to its soft and juicy flesh.
  • Pepper Bell. Ripe pepper fruits, reminiscent of a bell flower, are colored red when they reach biological ripeness. The pepper in the “petals” tastes almost sweet, but towards the core it tastes bitter. Two in one. Ideal for meat dishes.
  • Mushroom Yellow Pepper. A very interesting and rare variety with yellow-orange fruits of an unusual shape, resembling a mushroom, approximately 4–5 cm in diameter. Great for stuffing. Blooms and bears fruit profusely.
  • Pepper Zest Baggio. The fruits are dark brown in color and have a slight raisin aroma. Not a single Mexican cook can do without this delicacy. Dried peppers provide a flavor base for various sauces in Mexican cuisine. It is used mainly in dried form and is valued for its “smoked” flavor.
  • Pepper Peter's Finger. Rare and productive variety! A yellow-fruited variety that resembles male nature. The fruits are about 10 cm long.
  • Saint Lucia pepper. Excellent variety. Slightly pungent, with excellent taste, the fruits are medium-sized, the size of large cherries. Appearance: like a peeled orange, sliced. The variety is productive.
  • Pepper Aji Brazilian pumpkin. A variety of stunning beauty. The plant is covered with small glossy “pumpkins”, quite sharp and thick-walled. The fruit size is about 3 cm in diameter. Ripe fruits have a beautiful “tomato” scarlet color.
  • Pepper Medusa Gorgon. This variety of pepper is interesting because of the location and shape of the fruits on the bush, reminiscent of the tentacles of a jellyfish. A compact bush, peppercorns have a pungent taste and are used in culinary dishes and preparations. Ripe fruits are bright red.
  • Pepper Variegated Troll. Spreading, abundantly fruiting, with surprisingly variegated leaves.
  • Pepper Black Pearl. The world's first black-leafed chic pepper. The leaves are green at first, later black and shiny. The fruits are shaped like slightly elongated peas, also black. When ripe, they acquire a dark red color.
  • Pepper Purple Bullet. Dark green leaves, purple fruits, when ripe, they turn red, and during this period the bush with peppers becomes unusually beautiful.
  • Pepper Salute. The shortest pepper (15 cm in height) with yellow-orange peppers sticking up. Relative to the bush, the peppers are quite large, which gives the bush a unique look.
  • Pepper Mini Mini from Brazil. An extremely rare variety. The seeds were originally collected in Brazil, from the wild. Very sharp fruits, about the size of two match heads, sticking up, and small leaves, which gives the bush some airiness and lightness. The fruit pulp is juicy and spreadable.
  • Pepper Tepin. Wild small-fruited pepper with fruits with explosive pungency. “Cowboy berry”, these fruits were eaten by cowboys while on duty so as not to fall asleep. The leaves are small, centimeter-long fruits are red. This variety, like Mini, is irresistible on window sills.

Indoor peppers are propagated by seeds, which must first be soaked in water for better germination. Seeds for planting should be taken from ripened fruits. The soil for planting should be loose and well filled with humus. You can sow pepper seeds at any time of the year. Not only in spring, but even in autumn, before winter. The seedlings do not stretch out due to poor lighting, they only freeze, developing roots, and with increasing daylight hours they readily begin to grow. The main thing when planting before winter: do not stimulate the growth of pepper, do not feed it additionally. You need to water it enough so that it just doesn’t dry out. Do not overdry the soil!

Subsequently, when the sprouts of your indoor pepper reach 5 cm in height, it is best to plant them in separate pots, otherwise the plants will be very weak and will not be able to bear fruit well. In the future, replant the peppers into pots of the required size or into the ground using the transshipment method, so as not to damage the roots.

Potted pepper is very economical. When salting and pickling vegetables, one or two pods of indoor pepper are enough for a three-liter jar of marinade or pickles. The number of peppers depends on the severity of each type.

Peppers require plenty of light and several hours of morning sun each day. The optimal temperature for it is from 10°C to 21°C.

Annual pepper

Pepper Flying Moth F1

During the growth period, water it abundantly, as the soil in the pot dries out, if the apartment is hot - every day. But do not let the soil dry out, especially if the plant is in bright sun. When the fruits begin to set, you need to water more often. During the growing season, feed the peppers with liquid mineral fertilizer once a week. Stop fertilizing after the fruit appears.

It is advisable to spray indoor peppers with a spray bottle from a distance of 15 cm at least once a week. Spraying promotes fruit set.

In the fall, when the fruiting period ends, the plants are cut back by 1/3, while watering is reduced, but again, not allowing the soil in the pots to dry out. And they leave the plants in this state until spring, and in the spring they are placed closer to the light, fed heavily, and then the pepper begins to bloom and bear fruit again. If you create good conditions for the growth and development of plants in winter, then your pepper will delight you throughout the year. According to available data, hot peppers can bear fruit in one place for 5 years.

A pepper bush transplanted from open ground must be fed in the fall (including those peppers that grew exclusively in a pot), and in winter it is better to stop feeding. Watering is moderate, as needed. An exception is that if the apartment is hot and the pepper is on the windowsill, under which there is a radiator, then watering should be increased, not forgetting to loosen the soil. Pepper is a moisture-loving plant.

Feeding should begin in mid-January, with increasing daylight hours and plant activity. Growing peppers can be transferred to glazed balconies and loggias as early as mid-May. During the dormant period, if necessary, you can trim the crown, making it compact, in the shape of a ball, which will give the bush a more decorative appearance in the future.

Hot pepper Christmas Bouquet

Hot pepper Gems)

As spring approaches, plants require nitrogen. And because The fruits are eaten; you can sow mustard seeds sparsely in a pot of pepper. Then carefully “dig up” the grown mustard; it will loosen the soil in the pot and fill it with the necessary nitrogen, which is necessary for plant growth. Once every two weeks, fertilizing is done with fertilizers containing more phosphorus than nitrogen, which promotes flowering and fruit set. Wood ash will not be superfluous either. Pepper is also responsive to organic feeding. You should feed only after good watering, so as not to burn the roots with fertilizers.

Indoor pepper, in addition to its beauty and use in cooking, also performs a cleansing and bactericidal function: it has been noted that where indoor pepper grows, many pathogenic microbes die.

Annual pepper

Dried pepper fruits (without seeds) can be ground through a meat grinder and you will get a wonderful natural seasoning. Hot peppers have been found to lower blood pressure. The substance capsoicin, which gives pepper its spiciness, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels - it activates the nerve endings of their inner walls. For example, in the southwestern regions of China, where the population constantly consumes hot peppers, there are 20% fewer hypertensive patients than in the northeastern regions, where it is not included in the diet. Adding hot pepper to food helps burn fat. Pepper tinctures are rubbed in for rheumatism; they also stimulate appetite and promote digestion, unless there are contraindications!

Those who decide to grow peppers in a pot should know that peppers will help fight pests (aphids, mites). Capsoicin contained in pepper is a good remedy for such unwanted “guests”. Pass the hot pepper fruits through a meat grinder, pour warm water 1:10 for a day. After straining, add 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. grated soap and spray the plant three times, every 5 days.

Indoor peppers are especially beautiful in winter, when their green leaves contrast with the red and yellow fruits against the backdrop of the winter landscape outside the window.

Indoor pepper is a unique plant! Plant it - you won't regret it!

“Ural Gardener” No. 5 – 2013

Yellow-fruited varieties

Gardeners also grow varieties with yellow fruits, which is very unusual for many. Still, hot pepper is more associated with the color red.

Hungarian yellow

On a small bush of the Hungarian yellow variety, many drooping pods weighing up to 25 grams ripen. This is an early ripening variety; about 90 days pass before the first fruits are harvested.

The plant is compact, the average height is 40-50 cm. The fruits are cone-shaped, during the ripening period they are bright yellow, fully ripe pods acquire a reddish tint. The taste is sharp, with a slight sweetness, there is an aroma.

It is used for preservation, marinades, and also in the preparation of various dishes. A special feature of the Hungarian Yellow variety is its resistance to slight cold snaps.

Jamaican yellow

An early-ripening and productive variety of hot pepper has very interesting fruits that look like small bells. Color: yellow, glossy skin. Fruits with thick walls weigh up to 25 grams.

The variety's homeland is Jamaica, and it is this pepper that is used there to prepare the famous Jerk seasoning. The taste and aroma are of classic hot pepper.

The plant reaches a height of 70 cm and grows well in pots and containers. The first fruits can be harvested after 80-90 days.

Despite its southern origin, this variety grows successfully in greenhouses in many regions of the Russian Federation.

Red capsicum and what are its popular varieties good for?

Origin of red capsicum

The discovery of the pungent, fiery taste that has taken root in various dishes all over the world belongs to Spanish and Portuguese sailors, who brought it from South America to our mainland under the name “Indian pepper.” The indigenous people called it “agi”. Nowadays there are many names for this plant: hot, hot, capsicum, cayenne pepper, paprika.

Red capsicum is a very close relative of bell pepper, tomato and potato. They all belong to the Solanaceae family, since their flower structure is very similar. What gives paprika its hot taste? It contains an alkaloid – capsaicin, which has that same pungency . In this regard, a consonant botanical name was given for the genus Capsicum, which includes various types of peppers. Depending on the content of capsaicin, they are divided according to their pungency. There is a 10-point scale of the spiciness of peppers, and the Socoville scale of the same name was developed by an American chemist, which shows how many times you need to dilute the pepper powder in order not to feel its spiciness. The maximum at the moment is 1 million 600 thousand units , which are produced by the foreign variety Carolina Reaper.

If you remove the seeds and membranes from the hot pepper fruit, its pungency will be significantly reduced.

The Gogoshary variety is very interesting, having 4 chambers in the fruit. It has two chambers opposite each other that have a spicy taste, but the other two do not. Therefore, you can easily argue with friends about eating hot peppers, knowing which parts are not hot.

Hot pepper varieties easily pollinate with bell peppers (sweet). Therefore, if you sow the seeds of sweet and bitter peppers side by side, then already in the same year a slight pungency is felt in the sweet peppers, and the sown seeds from them produce large fruits, like sweet varieties, but with the pungency of hot ones.

What are the benefits of hot pepper?

The presence of hot pepper can be observed not only in dishes and canned food, but also in medicines (pepper patch for sciatica, warming ointments) and in self-defense means (pepper tear spray).

Anyone who regularly consumes capsicum is often in a good mood. This is due to the fact that the pungency of the pepper irritates the mucous membranes, and, interacting with the brain, allows the production of so-called happiness hormones - endorphins.

It is known that men who like a lot of spicy foods have a high temperament. This is due to the fact that in addition to the hot taste, red pepper contains vitamins C, PP, carotenoids, which together have a beneficial effect on the activity of the prostate gland.

Another useful property of hot pepper is its analgesic effect. In pharmacology, it is used to make creams and ointments that reduce pain without paralyzing side effects. Therefore, pepper patch quite quickly relieves the symptoms of radiculitis and joint diseases.

To prepare a supply of hot pepper for a long time, it is dried and crushed to a powdery state. This product is called paprika and is made from varieties of medium heat. Paprika can be added to various dishes and made into tinctures using an alcohol solution.

If a person cannot tolerate the burning taste, then in case of accidental consumption or contact with the skin or eyes, he usually runs to drink it or immediately wash it off with water. This is not recommended, as the burning effect only intensifies. The secret is that the severity can be quickly reduced only by using acidified water or eating acidic foods, for example, adding citric acid, vinegar to water, or eating a sour apple or unripe tomato.

Features of cultivation.

Since hot peppers come from tropical countries, they are naturally a heat-loving crop. It does not tolerate frost at all, and at temperatures below +14 degrees it stops growing, then the leaves begin to turn yellow and die. Therefore, it is mainly grown through seedlings, and planted in the ground only when the soil is well warmed up and there is no likelihood of return frosts.

Hot pepper plants grow rather slowly; seedlings that are at least 60 days old are usually planted in the ground. When planting, the main thing is not to bury the root collar; it must be at soil level, otherwise the plant will lag behind in growth.

Decorative hot peppers can be grown in a pot on the windowsill. They are sown immediately as seeds in a pot and not replanted. Peppers really don't like transplanting. Fertilizing should include the entire complex of nutrients, preferably in equal proportions, for example N16P16K16, so any universal fertilizer will do.

Pepper diseases and their dangerous pests are not dangerous for hot varieties, since capsaicin, which gives the pepper its heat, protects the plants from them. The main thing is to disinfect them for 20 minutes before sowing seeds. in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 100 g of water), and the seeds should turn brown. Therefore, it is quite easy to obtain environmentally friendly products from this plant.

The most popular varieties.

Various varieties of hot peppers with different fruit shapes and degrees of hotness have gained popularity among the population. We present a description of the best of them.

Indian Summer - a plant of this variety looks like a small bush. Shoots with densely arranged small leaves are practically invisible. Each leaf axil contains 1-2 fruits, which gives the plant a decorative appearance, both during flowering and when the fruits ripen. Round small fruits of red color look like berries. Due to its fastidiousness to growing conditions and relative shade tolerance, the variety has gained wide popularity when grown in a pot on a windowsill. The fruits ripen by September, hence the corresponding name of the variety. They have a spicy, pungent taste and have medicinal properties.

Jellyfish. The curved, elongated fruits of this variety are randomly arranged throughout the compact plant and resemble the tentacles of a jellyfish. The variety is very moisture-loving and requires constant moisture of the leaves. Prefers sunny places. Grows well both in the garden and in pots on windowsills. The pungency of the fruit is above average, it is very convenient to use in canned vegetables.

The Ogonyok variety is one of the varieties with increased pungency of fruits. Its small ripe fruits located on a compact bush resemble bright lights, but it takes about 5 months from sowing the seeds to get them. The fruits lend themselves very well to natural drying, and are then easy to store in a closed glass jar. They contain an increased amount of coloring pigments and dry substances, which gives the fruit a special taste and aroma. Resistance to bacteriosis and verticillium allows the variety to be grown in a wide variety of open and protected ground conditions.

Flame. Want to see a burning plant? Ripe trunk-shaped fruits with a mirror surface of this variety are very similar to flames. They ripen for quite a long time and do not dry out under natural conditions, so they are used mainly for canning. Resistance to Verticillium wilt makes it easy to grow outdoors.

Habanero red. The variety is the standard for the greatest spiciness in peppers. Gives a 10 out of 10 on the heat scale. Despite the small size of the heart-shaped fruits, about 15 grams, you can get a harvest of more than 1 kg . Easily adapts to various growing conditions, and can even grow on a windowsill in a pot.

Dragon's tongue. The earliest ripening variety of hot pepper. The tall plant produces very long trunk-shaped fruits, weighing about 3 grams. The plant is unpretentious and does not require shaping. When you eat sufficiently spicy fruits, you feel like a fire-breathing dragon.

Thus, hot pepper not only has spicy fruits that can be eaten, but is also an ornamental crop that can decorate the interior of a home for a long time.

Variety for pickling

For pickling, different varieties of hot pepper are used, but traditionally it is believed that the best is the Tsitsak variety. There is such a national dish in Armenian cuisine, and the variety got its name in honor of it.


It belongs to the national selection of peppers, is very common and loved in Armenia and Georgia. Today it is grown in many regions of Russia, making preparations with fleshy, spicy-sweet fruits in the fall.

The plant has a strong stem and medium foliage. The height is usually up to 60-70 cm. The Tsitsak variety is productive, undemanding in terms of lighting, but still gives the best results in sunny areas. The fruits are pointed pods, about 20-22 cm long, with a soft light green colored skin at technical maturity, and red at biological maturity.

The pods are distinguished by their fleshy pulp, medium-spicy taste, and a subtle sweetish note is felt.

Application: pickles, marinades, this pepper is also tasty when pickled.

Small peppers

Low-growing hot peppers are popular, which can also be used to decorate a room (for example, in the kitchen).

Indian summer

The Indian Summer variety is beautiful and unusual, the height of the bush reaches only 20 cm. The plant is spreading, with a large number of leaves. The fruits are spherical in shape and acquire a bright red color at biological maturity. The taste is spicy, with a strong peppery aroma.

The plant looks very impressive during the ripening period, since at the same time fruits of different colors grow on the bush - cream, orange, red (the shade depends on the degree of ripeness of the pepper). Indian Summer pepper is one of the best varieties to grow indoors all year round. It is distinguished by extended fruiting and excellent yield.


The “crumbs” pepper also includes the Coral variety, the bush of which grows up to 30-40 cm in height. Despite its miniature size, the plant produces a large number of ball-shaped fruits.

The weight of the fruit is up to 20 grams, the diameter is about 2-3 cm. When unripe, the peppers are dark green in color, and during the period of biological maturity they are red. The taste is sharp, spicy. The bush is very decorative, grows well in beds, in shelters, and also at home as a potted plant. Suitable for seasonings, marinades, preservation.

Bittersweet pepper

Another variety of the crop are varieties whose fruits combine pungency and sweetness. Such peppers are used both as seasonings and in dried, ground form.

Chilean heat

You only need to wait a hundred days before harvesting the spicy-sweet fruits of the Chilean Heat variety. It grows well in greenhouses, in beds, and with good and proper care it will reward you with an excellent harvest.

Its fruits have a classic cone shape, bright red, with glossy skin. The length of the pods is about 20 cm. The taste of the fruit is pronounced spicy with sweet notes.

elephant trunk

Maikop breeders developed the Elephant Trunk hot pepper variety. In terms of ripening time, this is a mid-season pepper; it takes up to 140 days before the first fruits are harvested. The pods on the bush are drooping, long, slightly curved. Their weight is small, only 15-20 grams.

They have a very pleasant spicy taste. The color is creamy-greenish, and when fully ripe it is bright scarlet. The variety is very productive and at the same time resistant to weather changes.


This pepper variety got its name because of the unusual shape of the fruit, resembling a crown. Their color is crimson-red, in technical ripeness it is dark green. The fruits are small and round. Up to 30-45 fruits usually ripen on a bush.

The taste is mildly spicy, with a very pleasant fruity aroma. The bushes grow up to 1-1.2 meters, and can be grown indoors (in pots, containers).

The peculiarity of the Korona variety: its fruits have the highest degree of pungency in an unripe state; upon reaching biological ripeness, the pulp and walls acquire a pronounced sweet taste, and the bitterness disappears.

Purple variety

Among the most unusual varieties are peppers with black or purple fruits.

Purple bullet

The bush of this variety reaches a height of approximately 60 cm. The plant is very compact, which allows it to be grown at home in pots. The leaves are small, green with a lilac tint.

The fruits are elongated peppers shaped like a bullet, growing upward in small groups on the bush. The skin is dense, with a strong gloss. When technically ripe, the “pellets” are purple in color; when fully ripe, they turn red.

The weight of the fruit is small, approximately 4-5 grams. The pulp is very spicy. The bush of this variety looks unusually elegant and can be used as an ornamental crop.

Varieties and types of decorative peppers

Pepper variety Filius Blue

There are varieties of decorative peppers with very unusual fruits that create a special atmosphere in the room. The variety of varieties and species makes ornamental pepper a plant that will never get boring, because the same plant can have a variety of appearances, both the shrub itself and its fruits.

Today we will look at varieties that can be eaten and those that are completely unsuitable for consumption. After reading the article, it will be easier for you to choose the variety of decorative pepper that suits you in appearance and size.

Decorative peppers are an ideal plant for decorating the kitchen. Very often you can see it standing on windowsills or cabinets in the kitchens of friends. It looks very good in any interior and fits perfectly into any design.

Edible varieties of decorative hot peppers Variety of decorative hot peppers “Little Miracle”

Decorative pepper variety “Little Miracle”

This little miracle plant is quite large for its species; an adult plant reaches a height of 50-80 cm, which makes it quite large among the varieties of ornamental peppers.

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But it was not called a miracle for nothing; the ripening of its fruits can truly be called a miracle; like an iridescent garland, it changes the color of its fruits as they ripen. At the very beginning of ripening, the fruit has a characteristic green color, but after that it becomes purple, then as it ripens it becomes yellow, then orange, and at the very end, when the fruit is already ripe, it turns red.

The leaves of this variety are the same as those of ordinary peppers, oblong-oval with elongated pointed ends.

The fruits of this variety are used for pickling vegetables and preparing dishes from them..

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Medusa”

Decorative pepper variety “Medusa”

Medusa is a very unusual variety of ornamental pepper . It got its name for a reason; this bush looks like a jellyfish that has stuck its tentacles out of a flower pot. What makes it so unusual is its fruits, they are long, reaching 5 cm, the fruits are thin and very similar to tentacles. At the beginning of ripening, the fruits have different colors, yellow, white and orange, and when ripe they all turn red. All colors can be in the pot at the same time, making it very colorful and unusual.

The leaves of the jellyfish also have an elongated shape, the same as the fruits themselves, creating an unusual appearance of a bush.

The jellyfish grows small, the plant reaches a maximum height of only 25 cm, and the diameter of the bush is no more than 16 cm.

This variety has a very piquant taste of fruits , which are used for cooking meat dishes and pickling.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Ogonyok”

Decorative pepper variety "Ogonyok"

Many have known the flame since childhood; many of us grew this pepper in our grandmother’s kitchen. This variety is very early ripening; the first fruits on the bush will appear after 4 months of planting. Its fruits are bright red, which confirms its name. The fruits themselves are not small; the weight of one fruit can reach 50 g.

Ogonek is a medium-sized variety; the shrub can reach a height of 40 cm.

The leaves are oval with pointed ends.

The fruits are used for preparing meat dishes or simply for consumption, with any dishes as a snack..

Variety of decorative hot pepper "Aladdin"

Decorative pepper variety "Aladdin"

Aladdin is an ultra early ripening variety . It bears fruit very abundantly and you can harvest quite a lot from it, and it looks simply magnificent with a large abundance of fruits on the bush. Its fruits are oblong and have the shape of a cone. As they ripen, the peppercorns change their color very effectively. At the very beginning they are green, and then they change color. When semi-ripe, they turn yellow or orange, then purple; when the fruits are fully ripe, they turn red.

The bush of this variety grows of medium size, its growth does not exceed 40-50 cm in height.

Peppers have a very piquant taste and aroma with their inherent pungency , but they are not as hot as the Ogonyok variety. They are used for meat and vegetable dishes.

Decorative hot pepper variety "Phoenix"

Decorative pepper variety "Phoenix"

Phoenix is ​​a mid-season variety ; its fruits ripen within 90 days. The peppers themselves are cone-shaped, their average size is 3-4 cm. The fruits change color as they ripen. At the very beginning they are green, then become pale yellow, and when ripe they are red. There are quite a lot of fruits on one bush and it bears fruit often.

The bush has an excellent decorative shape, there is no need to shape it, it grows in a spherical shape. Its size is small, it grows only up to 35 cm maximum.

Peppers are used as a seasoning for various hot dishes, and they can also be preserved. For use as a seasoning, it is best to dry them.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Salute”

Decorative pepper variety "Salut"

Salute is a small decorative pepper ; it grows only up to 20 cm. It is valued for its decorative qualities; a representative of this variety has the correct rounded shape of the bush and does not need pruning to form; it has a beautiful shape by nature. It is very often used as a decorative element.

The salut fruit has the shape of a cone with a characteristic pointed end. At the beginning of ripening, peppercorns are always dark green; when ripe, they turn orange. The surface of the fruit can be smooth or slightly ribbed. Each peppercorn weighs about 6 grams. It is very spicy with a pleasant aroma. Peppers are used as a seasoning or for preserving vegetables or meat.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Explosive Amber”

Decorative pepper variety "Explosive Amber"

Explosive Amber is an early ripening variety ; only 120 days pass from sowing the seeds to ripening the fruit. It does not grow as a large bush, its growth reaches no more than 30 cm in height.

Its fruits are very beautiful due to their varied colors; they make the pepper bush a real bouquet. Initially they are green or purple, gradually as they ripen the color turns into cream, then pink and finally they become scarlet. A bush can have all the colors at once, creating an incredible range of colors. The length of each pepper is approximately 2.5 cm. The fruits are quite spicy and are used as a seasoning.

This variety is distinguished not only by its multi-colored peppercorns, but also by its leaves; they have a beautiful purple hue.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Bell”

Variety of decorative pepper "Bell"

The Bell variety has a very unusual appearance; its highlight is its fruits; they have a shape that is not standard for peppers . Its peppercorns are not like all the others, they are not cone-shaped, but rather like bells, but they even look more like small squash that hang on the branches of a bush. They are flattened and similar to the shape of a regular pepper only in the tip, which is pointed and slightly protruding.

At the beginning of ripening they are green; ripe peppers turn red. Its flesh is sweet without pungency, but the white veins and seeds are sharp. The weight of each fruit ranges from 60 to 100 grams, which makes them quite large for ornamental pepper varieties. The branches and leaves of the bell are always slightly drooping.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Nosegay”

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Variety of decorative hot pepper “Nosegay”

Nosegay is one of the smallest representatives of ornamental peppers . Its size is only 15 cm in height maximum.

This pepper does not require a large pot; a 1 liter pot will suffice.

The highlight of this variety is its fruits; they are round in shape and look like New Year’s balls hung on the branches.

At the beginning of ripening they are green, as they ripen they change color to yellow, then orange and when fully ripe they turn red. They taste medium hot and can be used as a seasoning .

Variety of decorative hot pepper "Filius Blue"

Variety of decorative hot pepper "Filius Blue"

Filius Blue is so named because of the color of its fruit . At the very beginning of their ripening they have a very unusual violet-blue color, which makes them very striking, but as they ripen they change this color and turn red. Peppercorns are cone-shaped with a rounded tip. The fruits have a pungent taste and are used as a seasoning, mainly in dried form.

This variety differs from others in its more demanding attitude to lighting, watering and requires nutritious soil. The reason for this need is that this variety bears fruit all year round and needs a large amount of nutrients.

Variety of decorative hot pepper "Poinsettia"

Variety of decorative hot pepper "Poinsettia"

Punsettia can be compared to some kind of unusual flower , and all because the peppers of this variety grow in bunches and from a distance it seems that these are not peppers at all, but a flower with long petals. The peppers themselves are indeed long, reaching 8 cm in length. At the beginning of ripening they are green, and as they ripen they turn red. The fruits are used as a seasoning in dried form.

The plant of this variety is of medium size; this bush grows up to 35 cm in height.

Variety of decorative hot pepperBride”

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Bride”

The bride got its interesting name thanks to the ripening fruits , which have a peculiar cream color and when there are a lot of them on the bush, it looks like a bride’s dress. Gradually, as it ripens, it becomes bright red. The fruits are cone-shaped and are used as a seasoning and for preserving vegetables.

The plant is of medium size, the bush grows up to 30 cm in height. This variety loves fresh air and in summer it is better to take it outside or to the balcony.

Variety of decorative hot pepper "Jamaica"

Variety of decorative hot pepper "Jamaica"

Jamaica got its name because of its shape , this pepper has the shape of a diamond and when it has already ripened and begins to fade, the shape of the pepper becomes similar to the well-known knitted beret that Jamaicans wear. Ripe fruits have a bright yellow color. They are used as a seasoning and fresh. Its pulp is sweet, but the white veins and seeds are sharp.

The shrub is medium in size and grows to approximately 35 cm in height depending on care.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Queen of Spades”

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Queen of Spades”

The Queen of Spades is one of the most beautiful representatives of decorative peppers . Its highlight is the color of the fruits; when they ripen, they acquire a rich purple color; the shrub looks very beautiful. Its peppercorns have a special aroma and pungent taste. It is consumed fresh, as well as as a seasoning and for preserving vegetables; it looks very impressive in a jar with vegetables, again thanks to its unusual color.

The bush does not grow very large, up to only 25 cm in height. This variety is highly valued for its decorative properties due to the ideal round shape of the bush.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Black Pearl”

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Black Pearl”

The Black Pearl is not named after the ship from the cult film , it itself deserved its name. This variety of decorative pepper is simply unique in its appearance, its leaves are black, initially they are green, of course, but over time they turn black.

The fruits of this variety look like real black pearls, they are round with a slight elongation and during the ripening period they have the same black color as the fruits, but when ripe they turn dark red.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Zest of Baggio”

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Zest of Baggio”

Just a unique variety, but it is no longer valued for its decorativeness . This variety has simply unique fruits; when ripe they become an unusual dark brown color, but the whole highlight is not in this, but in their taste. They have a simply amazing taste; they have an unusual smoked aroma, which is combined with the aroma of raisins. Chefs all over the world use this variety of decorative pepper in their dishes. They are eaten both fresh and dried . It gives dishes a slightly smoked taste and aroma.

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Peter's Finger”

Variety of decorative hot pepper “Peter's Finger”

Peter's Finger is a unique variety, its uniqueness and zest lies in its very unusual fruits . The length of each fruit reaches 10 cm, which is quite a lot for a decorative pepper. After ripening, the fruits have a rich yellow or red color. But its uniqueness is not even in its color or its size, but in its shape, which, despite the name, does not at all resemble a finger; in appearance, this pepper looks like a real man’s dignity.

Inedible varieties of ornamental peppers

In principle, all varieties can be eaten, but there are 2 varieties that are strictly prohibited due to the toxicity of the fruit . But I don’t mind this drawback, they look very beautiful and are worthy of decorating your kitchen.

Variety of inedible hot pepper "Clown"

Variety of inedible hot pepper "Clown"

Clown refers to varieties that are used exclusively for decorative purposes . Its fruits have a round or slightly elongated shape. The fruits have different colors at the same time; fruits of yellow, orange and red colors hang on the bush, which looks simply great.

It does not grow large, up to a maximum of 35 cm in height. The bush is very lush.

Inedible pepper variety Goldfinger

Inedible pepper variety Goldfinger

Godfinger is a variety that you, of course, cannot eat, but you can decorate your home with it. It has very beautiful bright yellow fruits up to 5 cm long. It bears fruit very profusely, and peppercorns almost always appear on it. This variety loves the sun very much and prefers a sunny side. It grows as a small bush up to 25 cm in height.

Choose the varieties that suit you best and have fun growing and harvesting!

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