Advantages of the Belfort hybrid tomato and recommendations for growing the variety

Description of the variety

The tomato is an early variety and is recommended for cultivation in closed ground conditions. Main characteristics of the hybrid:

  1. Bush. The plant is open, well developed, with short internodes and dark green leaves. The height of the bush can vary from 2.5 to 3 meters. The bush is formed into one stem and requires gartering and pinching.
  2. Fetus. Round in shape, with a slightly elongated nose. Tomato weight is from 250 to 300 grams, even, rich red color. It is characterized by high density and good transportability.
  3. Productivity. The variety is distinguished by a long fruiting period and high yield. With proper care, you can get up to 6 kg of tomatoes from one bush. Inflorescences form after every 2-3 leaves. The maximum number of fruits on a bunch is from 5 to 7 tomatoes.
  4. Application. Due to the high density of fruits and excellent taste, growing tomatoes is recommended not only for fresh consumption and home canning, but also for cultivation on an industrial scale.

This is interesting! The variety is resistant to diseases, including tomato mosaic virus, gray and white rot, cladosporiosis, verticillium and fusarium.

Advantages and disadvantages of the red-fruited hybrid

The main advantage of the tomato is its large, heavy fruits of high commercial quality (see photo). Other characteristics of the culture are also at a decent level:

  1. Early maturation times for an indeterminate plant.
  2. High yield. The yield of fruits of commercial quality is above 90%. The crop does not burst on the branches during ripening.
  3. Good preservation of fruits - 4 weeks in a dark place at room temperature.
  4. Tomato's unpretentiousness to certain growing conditions. The crop sets fruit under temperature fluctuations and lack of sunlight. It can be grown on heavy soils.
  5. Resistance to a number of diseases characteristic of tomatoes. How to protect bushes from diseases, read this article.
  6. Excellent taste and wide range of culinary applications. The Belfort tomato is not suitable for whole pickling, but it will be tasty chopped or fresh.

The variety has disadvantages:

  • limited use of greenhouse or hothouse methods of cultivation for most Russian regions;
  • low resistance to late blight;
  • the need for formation and pinching of stems.

Attention! Despite the natural strength of the stems, the brushes of this tomato still need to be additionally secured to a vertical trellis


It is important to adhere to a number of rules so that the variety is planted according to all the rules. It is important that the air temperature is within +22... +25°C. If the temperature drops below +10°C, the pollen in the flowers will not ripen. This, in turn, will cause the ovary to fall off.

Growing seedlings

It includes several basic techniques. These include:

  1. Sowing. Seeds are sown in trays with moistened soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Sprinkle with substrate on top, moisten and cover with film. The containers are placed in a bright place. Shoots can be obtained as early as 10-11 days at a room temperature of at least 20-25 °C.
  2. Pick. At the stage of development of two true leaves, plants are picked by planting in individual containers, cassettes or special nurseries.

Important! Picking is necessary to stimulate the formation of a fibrous root system. From the moment of picking until the moment of planting the seedlings, it will take from 4 to 6 weeks.

Planting tomatoes in the ground

15-18 days after picking, young plants are planted in a permanent place. By this time, the tomatoes have a well-developed root system, 7-8 true leaves, a strong stem and a slightly noticeable brush.

The bushes are planted in pre-prepared holes at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. The row spacing should be at least 80-90 cm. This arrangement contributes to optimal and uniform distribution of light.

Seed preparation

Seeds for seedlings are prepared as follows:

  1. First stage. The seed is kept in a disinfectant solution (1 g of potassium permanganate per 100 ml of water) for about 1 hour. After this, the seeds are washed well in clean water.
  2. Then they are soaked in boric acid for a day. 0.25 g of acid powder is diluted in 0.5 liters of water.
  3. The third stage of preparation includes feeding the seeds with an ash solution (1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter of water). This composition with seeds is placed in a cold place at a temperature of +10°C for 12 hours. This is called the hardening method.
  4. After such hardening, the seeds are heated at a temperature of +22…+25°C. Now they can be planted in a nursery with nutritious soil.


There are a number of measures without which it is impossible to achieve good yields and decent taste qualities described by the manufacturer. The key points are:

  1. Watering. Tomato Belfort F1, like any other hybrid, is sensitive to overflow. The best system for uniform moistening is drip irrigation, which is carried out as the soil dries. In sunny weather, watering should be carried out no more than twice a week in the morning.
  2. Garter and twist. The Belfort tomato is a tall plant and requires strong support. In greenhouses, bushes are strengthened with special garter threads or twine, which are knitted at the base of the bush and then secured to cables located at a height of three meters above the rows.
  3. Mineral and organic fertilizing.

At each stage of plant development, the introduction of chemical and organic compounds is required. Depending on a particular period of crop development, different feedings are required:

  • At the seedling stage, tomatoes are fed with phosphorus-containing fertilizers to stimulate the development of the root system.
  • nitrogen and mullein infusion are added to increase green mass;
  • potash fertilizers and wood ash are used to fill the fruit;
  • calcium is responsible for transporting minerals;
  • microelements are necessary at all stages of tomato growth.

In specialized stores you can purchase high-quality complex mineral fertilizers, in which all the necessary substances are selected in proportion.

Belfort - variety of tomato plant

Variety characteristics:

Properties of the Belfort variety:

Recommended region on the map:

Information on the admission of Tomato Belfort from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 65442, registered 2014-11-24. The Tomato Belfort variety was included in the register of those approved in 2015. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Tomato Belfort variety is:

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Growing tomatoes Belfort f1

Belfort tomatoes: photo of variety

It is recommended to plant Belfort f1 tomatoes using seedlings. To begin with, planting material is planted in special containers. The area for seedlings must be clean, after preventive procedures, with sufficient sunlight. In the winter season, it takes three and a half months to cultivate seeds, in the spring season it takes two months, and in the summer season it takes two and a half months. The goal of the summer resident is to cultivate solid and powerful seedling material.

Preparation of planting material

Tomato Belfort f1: photo of the variety

Belfort tomato seedlings are prepared using the following method:

  • First action. For about sixty minutes, the planting material is kept in a disinfectant preparation (one gram of potassium manganese per hundred milliliters of liquid). Then the planting material is thoroughly washed in clean liquid.
  • Second action. Planting material is placed in boric acid for twenty-four hours. Twenty-five milligrams of acid powder are placed in five hundred milliliters of liquid.
  • Third action. Fertilize the planting material with an ash solution (one tablespoon per one liter of liquid). This composition with planting material is placed in a cool room at a temperature of plus ten degrees for half a day. This is called the hardening method.

After this hardening, the planting material is heated at a temperature of plus twenty-two degrees - plus twenty-five degrees. Then the Belfort f1 tomato seeds can be planted in a place with fertile soil.

Tips for disembarkation

During this time period, it is possible to buy a variety of mineral supplements and growth-stimulating preparations in stores. They can be placed in the ground. However, it is necessary to carry out these actions thoughtfully.

Therefore, when cultivating Belfort f1 tomatoes, the temperature indicator for normal growth must be approximately plus twenty-two to twenty-five degrees. If the air temperature drops below plus ten degrees, then there will be no pollen in flower crops. And the ovary, which is unfertilized, will soon fall to the ground.

The Belfort tomato does not prefer excessive amounts of humidity in the air. However, it is necessary to regularly moisten the soil. It is also worth providing the herbaceous plant with the necessary amount of sunlight. If it is deficient, the foliage will become pale, the flowers will fall to the ground, and the bush will become more elongated.

At this time, we advise you to install artificial lighting for tomatoes, thanks to this their productivity will increase and the seedling material will become more powerful.

Tomatoes Belfort f1: photo of variety

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