Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Golden Domes, yield and cultivation

Tomato varieties bred in Siberia have amazing qualities that make it possible to grow a far from cold-resistant crop in a cold region. Among yellow-fruited tomatoes, Golden Domes are held in special esteem. The variety has long been known and loved by gardeners. It was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2005, although it was grown long before this event. The authors of the well-recognized tomato were V.N. Dederko, S.V. Ugarova and T.N. Postnikova. Due to its high adaptive qualities, the State Register recommends growing the variety in open ground, and any region of the country is suitable for cultivation.

Description of the variety

To obtain complete information about the species, a summer resident needs to study the characteristics. This information makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the variety. Understand what a person needs in order to grow it on the plot.

Siberian selection

Manufacturers develop varieties that are adapted to harsh growing conditions. These include unfavorable weather conditions, short summers, sudden changes in weather, and more.

Appearance of the plant

Golden Dome tomatoes are grown in open and protected ground. The plant type is determinate. The maximum height of the crops is 1.5 m. The leaves are medium, the inflorescence is complex.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are shaped like a heart. The fruit color is yellow-orange. The weight depends on the care and formation of the bushes. Maximum weight 800 g, average weight 400 g. The taste is excellent.

Advantages and disadvantages

The tomato is actively spreading throughout gardens, delighting summer residents with beautiful, high-quality fruits. The marketability is especially encouraging for farmers who grow tomatoes for sale. The rounded sides with a smooth shiny surface are connected by an expressive sharp nose.

In addition to decorative advantages, tomato has other advantages:

  1. Productivity is consistently high, regardless of cultivation conditions.
  2. Possibility of transporting fruits over long distances without compromising quality.
  3. Simple care that can be easily handled by a novice gardener.
  4. Bushes will not take up much space on the site.

Among the disadvantages of tomatoes, gardeners note:

  1. Germination only from purchased seeds.
  2. Lack of immunity to most nightshade diseases.


  • Growing Russian domes is not difficult, subject to regular preventive treatment. Otherwise, care is standard and does not require unnecessary effort. The taste of tomatoes is bright, with a sweet note, and remains so in preparations (Elena, Moscow region).
  • Almost the entire harvest was canned. In jars, the tomato looks elegant, does not lose its shape and taste. There are seeds in the chambers, but it will not be possible to grow new bushes from them. Purchased original seeds provide high germination (Alena, Samara).

Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • good yield;
  • tasty fruits suitable for salads and canning;
  • high content of sugars and vitamins in ripe tomatoes;
  • possibility of long-term storage;
  • resistance to cold and drought;
  • little susceptible to the main diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse.

Among the features it is worth noting the need for proper formation of the bush, tying and removing stepsons. The tomato variety “Red Krasno F1” is sensitive to fertilizing; with a lack of nutrients, the yield is greatly reduced. Another drawback common to all hybrids is the inability to collect seed from ripe tomatoes.

The tomato variety “Domes of Russia” has the following positive qualities:

  • Immunity to major tomato diseases;
  • Early ripening;
  • Large fruit;

Relative disadvantages include the need for tying and providing reliable support for the branches.

  • High productivity;
  • Excellent taste characteristics.

The heat-loving plant tolerates low temperatures and can be planted in garden beds at the first warming. The advantages include early ripening, gradual uniform ripening and rich flowering. Disadvantages of the “Golden Domes” variety:

  • formation required;
  • overripe fruits show cracks;
  • not suitable for sealing in jars.

Positive characteristics:

The tomato is resistant to nightshade pathogens. Early maturation

The first tomato is tasted after 14 weeks of growing season

The tomato produces fruits of the same shape and size, which is important for those who grow vegetables for sale. Presentable appearance and good transportability

Resistant to cracking. Even with high humidity, the tomato remains intact. High yield figures

During the season, each bush grown under cover brings 5-6 kg.

The hybrid has no particular disadvantages. The only complaint is the high price of planting material.

Advantages and disadvantages

The plant has positive and negative characteristics. The summer resident will have to evaluate the merits of the tomatoes and the quality of the plants themselves.


  • Taste characteristics.
  • The best variety for dietary nutrition.
  • Does not contain acid.
  • Stores well unripe.


  • Requirement for formation.
  • Prone to cracking.
  • Unsuitable for canning entirely.

Experienced summer residents eliminate shortcomings by showing ingenuity.

Characteristics of the Ob Domes F1 tomato and description of growing the hybrid

The Obskie Domes F1 tomato belongs to the selection of Siberian agrobiologists and belongs to the first generation hybrids. The early ripening variety is intended for cultivation in the northern regions. The dome-shaped, crimson-colored fruits are used in cooking fresh and for processing.

Advantages of a hybrid

Obskie dome tomatoes are distinguished by their mid-early fruiting period. It takes 100 days from planting seeds to harvesting tomatoes. In the case when the summer period is cold, the ripening period may increase.

The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses. The hybrid combines the valuable qualities of tomatoes from Siberian selection. The plant adapts to harsh climatic conditions, bears fruit abundantly, and is easy to care for.

Determinate type tomato. During the growing season, a bush with a height of 60 cm is formed. When cultivated in protected soil, the height of the bush can reach 70 cm. High yield is observed when the plant is grown with 3-5 stems.

The characteristics and description of the variety are related to the characteristics of the fruit. Dome-shaped tomatoes resemble persimmons in appearance. At the stage of technical ripeness they acquire an intense pink color.

The fruits have a high content of vitamins, are fleshy, have excellent taste, and have a sugary structure at the break. Medium-density tomatoes are not prone to cracking when ripe.

The weight of tomatoes reaches 150-250 g. The hybrid is characterized by high yield. The yield of a low-growing bush in unprotected soil reaches 3-5 kg.

When cultivated in a greenhouse, the yield reaches 6 kg per plant.

The description of the hybrid indicates the plant’s resistance to the main types of diseases of nightshade crops. The collected fruits tolerate transportation well over distances.

Agricultural technology for tomato cultivation

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out 55-60 days before the expected date of planting in a permanent place. To speed up germination, the seeds are treated with a plant growth and development stimulant.

Seed material is placed in containers with prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm. After watering with a sprinkler, the container is covered with glass or film.

For seed germination, maintaining an optimal temperature of +23...+25°C is required. After the sprouts appear, the shelter is removed and the container is placed in a well-lit place.

At this stage of crop development, fertilizing is carried out with mineral fertilizers. Water the plants with warm water as the surface layer of soil dries.

At the stage of formation of 2 true leaves, picking is carried out in separate containers. This event allows you to select strong plants and ensures the development of the root system.

A distance of 50 cm is left between tomato plants. The distance between rows is 40 cm. It is recommended to place 3-4 bushes per 1 m². The system of agrotechnical measures for caring for plants includes hilling, loosening the soil, and removing weeds.

The hybrid responds well to watering and fertilizing with complex preparations containing phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. It is recommended to tie the bushes to a support and remove excess shoots up to the first cluster.

Despite the stability of the hybrid, if the growing rules are violated, the bushes can be affected by fungal and viral diseases. As an effective method of control, it is recommended to use special drugs.

To do this, prepare an aqueous solution and spray the plants during the growing season. Hybrid Ob Domes may suffer from powdery mildew. This type of fungal disease is typical for glass greenhouses.

Disease control includes:

  • decrease in indoor temperature;
  • irrigation control;
  • increasing plant immunity;
  • application of fertilizer containing a complex of vitamins and minerals.

The fight against biological pests involves the use of insecticides and folk remedies. Depending on the type of pest, compositions are used, including wood ash, liquid soap, and celandine decoction. When treating with preparations, the plants and soil around it are sprayed.

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Agricultural technology

Proper cultivation is the key to the future harvest. Fulfilling all requirements will allow you to get a high yield.

Preparing and planting seeds

Before you plant the seeds, you need to check them. Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. spoon of salt, pour the seeds there. Those that float are not suitable for landing. The rest are washed and dried.

For 30 min. the seeds are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then rinse with warm water and dry.

For planting, mix the soil:

  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 2 parts humus;
  • 1 part river sand.

Water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and make furrows at a distance of 5 cm, 2-3 cm deep. Sow dried planting material. Sprinkle with earth and cover with polyethylene. Place in a warm, dark place until sprouts appear.

See also

Features of the Indio F1 tomato and recommendations for growing seedlings


Care and planting of seedlings

Plants require high-quality care, as the foundation for the future harvest is laid. Loosening is carried out after each watering.

Diluted manure and complex mineral compounds are used as fertilizers.

When the second true leaf appears, pick the tomatoes into separate containers. Summer residents advise using peat pots. This way the root system is not disturbed when transplanting to a permanent location.

The date of planting in a greenhouse or soil is determined by the summer resident independently. The bed is prepared in advance, watered and holes are made. The distance between bushes is 40 cm, between rows 50 cm.

How to water

Watering the seedlings is carried out in a timely manner, as the top layer dries. You can’t overwater, but the plants shouldn’t dry out either.

At first, they irrigate the ground with a spray bottle, so the roots of fragile seedlings are not washed out. Then water carefully between the grooves. Make sure that the roots are not eroded.

Conditions for maximum fruiting

Following simple rules will help you get the maximum yield:

  • correct landing;
  • selection of location and soil;
  • implementation of agricultural techniques;
  • formation of bushes;
  • introduction of fertilizing;
  • timely watering;
  • mulching and loosening.

Compliance with planting requirements and recommendations of experienced summer residents leads to an increase in yield.

Transfer rules

Usually seedlings are transplanted at the age of 55-60 days. During this period, the sprouts have time to grow a good root system and above-ground part.

The optimal time for transplanting into a greenhouse is the first half of May, into open ground - the last ten days of May.

Before planting, tomatoes are accustomed to fresh air and sunlight - they are regularly taken outside in the morning and kept for several hours. Two days before transplanting, the plants are left to spend the night in the fresh air.

Preparing the bed

Tomatoes love loose, light, soil with a neutral pH level. Choose a place where legumes, cabbage of any variety and root vegetables previously grew.

The bed is prepared in the fall - it is cleared of plant debris, weeds, sprinkled with organic matter (a bucket of compost or humus) and mineral fertilizers (3 kg of wood ash and 100 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate). If deoxidation is necessary, add 300 g of slaked lime or chalk. Then they carry out digging, leveling and watering.

In the fall, when digging the soil, do not break up the clods of earth, much less water them, because... the upcoming autumn-winter precipitation will do this itself. If you loosen the soil after digging, it will float over the winter and you will have to dig it up again in the spring. Autumn digging is carried out in blocks. This method of cutting the soil allows it to be well saturated with moisture over the winter, but at the same time in the spring it quickly dries out and is ready for processing.

In the spring, 2 weeks before the planned transplantation of bushes, the area is sprayed with a urea solution - 2 tbsp. l. for 20 liters of water. This component improves the nutritional composition of the soil and kills all kinds of parasites that have survived the winter in the ground. After irrigation, the soil is dug up and leveled.

Disembarkation scheme

The holes are prepared according to the 50x60 cm pattern. For a bed of 1 m², 5-6 bushes are enough. Each hole is spilled with 1 liter of water. After absorbing moisture, the roots are lowered, sprinkled with earth, lightly compacted and hilled to ensure the stability of the seedlings.

Compaction of the soil after planting any seedling or seedling is a prerequisite. This allows you to create good contact between the roots and the soil. You just need to compact it carefully so as not to damage the roots.

In the first days, seedlings are very sensitive to sunlight and night temperature. Therefore, at midday it is covered from the sun, and in the evening it is covered with film.

The best option for such a covering is agrofibre, or white non-woven material: Agrospan, Spunbond. It will protect plants from the hot sun during the day and from low temperatures at night.

Bush care

After planting in open ground or a greenhouse, you should properly care for the plants. Water as needed, Gold domes are prone to cracking. Therefore, watering is rationed. Moisturize regularly and abundantly, preventing it from drying out. Plants need supports, the bushes are tall, they are tied to stakes. The brushes also break off under their own weight. Therefore, they are tied individually.

Summer residents recommend forming plants into 2-3 stems. There is no need to remove the growing point in open ground. Tomato Golden Domes does this on its own. Loosen after each watering. This ensures access to oxygen, reduces the number of weeds and retains moisture in the soil.

Some vegetable growers practice mulching using sawdust, rotted straw and other available materials.

It is recommended to fertilize tomatoes 3-4 times per season:

  • a week after transplantation to a permanent place;
  • during flowering;
  • fruit formation;
  • before ripening.

Use minerals and organic matter in moderation. Overfed plants form green mass without paying attention to the ovary.

Pest and disease control

To prevent infections, before planting, treat the seeds with any antifungal agent, observe crop rotation and remove all plant debris from the site. The area reserved for tomatoes is dug up. This measure will help get rid of pests overwintering in the soil. 10 days after planting the material in the ground, the seedlings are treated with a product containing copper.

The appearance of leaf mold on the Golden Domes tomato is caused by high humidity and low night temperatures

In case of fungal diseases, reduce watering and spray the plant with Hom. If signs of infection remain, use Bordeaux mixture after two weeks.

Fusarium wilt is one of the common diseases of the Golden Domes tomato. It manifests itself as yellowing and curling of the lower leaves, then spreads to the entire crown and can lead to the death of the tomato.

A characteristic sign of fusarium is the presence of plaque in the root collar area

To prevent the spread of soil fungus, the soil around the plant is treated with copper sulfate, the affected areas are cut off, the tomato is hilled up and sprayed with Maxim KS.

Late blight occurs less frequently in Golden Domes; the infection affects not only the green mass, but also the fruits.

The disease develops gradually, reaching a special peak at the end of July, after the active phase of the disease, it will no longer be possible to save the tomato

At the first signs, they are treated with “Zaslon”; in case of obvious damage, with “Oxychom”.

Whitefly causes great damage to tomatoes. It is located on the bottom of the leaves. The leaf blades turn yellow, then holes appear. In places where insect waste accumulates, a fungus develops. The areas turn black, the spores quickly spread, also covering the fruits.

Getting rid of the pest with the “Commander”

Spider mites are sucking insects. It feeds on the juice of tomato leaves and is localized on the lower part.

The presence of a pest on a plant can be determined by the areas covered with cobwebs.

To get rid of spider mites, treat the bush with Iskra Bio.

Diseases and pests

Disease prevention is carried out by summer residents themselves. Planting technology and care features are observed.

Golden Dome tomatoes are resistant to diseases characteristic of the crop. For prevention or after detecting signs, they are treated with chemicals. After flowering, it is undesirable to use insecticides and fungicides, since the substances will remain in the fruits and then enter the human body. They use traditional methods of fighting insects and diseases.

See also

Description and characteristics of the Ural giant tomato, cultivation and cultivation of the variety


Characteristics of tomato Golden Domes

A feature of the varieties of Siberian selection is their high cold resistance. Tomato Golden Domes begins its growing season at a temperature of +4 0C. If the indicator is lower, growth stops, but the plant does not die. In case of frost damage, it forms a replacement and quickly gains green mass. Weather conditions do not affect flowering times.

Tomato yield Golden domes

There are few fruits on the bush. A good indicator is achieved due to mass. One plant, formed by two stems, produces up to 4.5 kg. Three tomatoes are planted per 1 m2.

Attention! Thickened planting is not recommended for the Golden Domes variety. Full ripening of tomatoes is possible only with sufficient nutrition and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Subject to the conditions of agricultural technology, 12-14 kg are taken from 1 m2.

Resistance to diseases and pests

During the experimental cultivation, tomato immunity was repeatedly adjusted. Varietal representatives are less resistant to pests and diseases, but they benefit from taste.

The problems that vegetable growers face during the growing process are the infection of the plant by a number of pathogens that cause: leaf mold, fusarium wilt, and late blight.

The Golden Domes variety has good resistance to tobacco mosaic, cladosporiosis and fomosis.

Of the insects in OG, the whitefly parasitizes the tomato, and the spider mite in greenhouses. If there is no nightshade planting nearby, the Colorado potato beetle is not harmful to tomatoes.

How to use

The Golden Domes variety is not suitable for long-term storage. Tomatoes can be consumed fresh or processed immediately after harvest. The fruits are used to make ketchup, sauce, lecho, juice, and puree. Included in baby food. It can be salted cold; the Golden Domes variety is not suitable for whole-fruit canning; the peel cracks after heat treatment.

Use of fruits

The large-fruited nature of tomatoes does not allow the use of vegetables for whole-fruit canning. Therefore, summer residents use Golden Domes for:

  • juices;
  • seasoning dishes;
  • fresh salads;
  • refilling preserves in winter;
  • preparing winter platters, where tomatoes are cut into slices, and much more.

The use of tomatoes in home cooking depends on the imagination of the housewife and the wishes of the household.

Nuances of planting and care in open ground and in a greenhouse

“Golden Domes” are grown in greenhouses and open ground. Productivity does not depend on the planting method. The gardener decides in advance on the planting method and begins preparation. Planting differs only in timing; seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse earlier than into open ground. The plant is not afraid of drought, cold snap, or changes in temperature.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! “Golden domes” produce full-fledged seeds that can be used for subsequent planting

Site selection and preparation

The soil is prepared in advance, fertilizers and fertilizing are applied. The site is dug up and the ground is loosened. Enriched in the fall with mineral compounds and organic fertilizers. Manure diluted with water is applied in late autumn. For the winter, you can cover the soil with film to achieve high fertility. If autumn preparation is carried out correctly, then in the spring you can plant seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse.

Advice! A week before planting, the soil is watered generously with warm water. The main thing is that there is no frost.

Preparing the seeds

The seeds are first disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. A simple measure prevents the occurrence of diseases and protects against pests. Seeds are planted in pots, plastic containers or boxes. Immerse into the ground 1.5 centimeters. There should be at least 2 centimeters between each bush.

The moist soil is covered with film and the seedlings are transferred to a warm place. After a week, the first shoots should appear, after which the film is removed and the containers are placed in a well-lit place. They provide regular watering and after two months they are planted in open ground.

Disembarkation dates and schemes

Planted in mid or early March. It is advisable to wait until the frosts are over. You can transplant the seedlings into the greenhouse several weeks earlier. After the seedlings germinate, they are transferred to the soil. The holes are arranged in rows with increments of 0.5 meters. On the first day, it is better to cover the planted plants. It is recommended to plant no more than four plants per square meter.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! Close planting can provoke the development of diseases and create comfortable conditions for pests

Watering and fertilizing

After planting, abundant watering stops. Gardeners encourage drip irrigation systems. But even in its absence, you can grow productive bushes. Follow the recommendations:

  • watering should be moderate;
  • plants are watered at the root;
  • Before fruiting, water twice a week;
  • During the ripening period, watering is reduced to once a week.

Until the ovaries have formed, nitrogen fertilizers are applied - organic options in the form of manure or droppings are suitable. Boric acid, manganese and iodine are suitable for soil treatment. Additional feeding and fertilizers are not required.

Bush formation

It is not necessary to pinch the tops of plants. The variety has, although high, but genetically limited growth. Form into two stems. Until a new cluster has formed, vegetable growers remove the shoots and leaves. They are tied to strong vertical supports along with fruit clusters.

Protection from diseases and insects

The “Golden Domes” variety is considered resistant to pests, diseases and viruses. But it needs additional processing. Stronger bushes are sprayed with insecticides at the first sign of pests. Preventive treatments with Fitosporin are encouraged. A soap solution will save plants from mites. Treatment depends on the type of disease or pest:

  1. Brown spot. Treatment with fungicides and soap solution. Plants and surrounding soil are subject to treatment.
  2. Wireworm. Additionally, lime and ash are added to the soil. Before planting, it is useful to disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Whitefly. Ensure good ventilation in greenhouses, treat plants with insecticides and soap solution.

Brown spot of tomatoes


Golden Domes have several similar varieties and hybrids. Plants with similar characteristics and qualities.

Domes of Russia

An early large-fruited tomato, the height of an adult plant is 2.5 m. 3-4 fruits are formed in one cluster. The average weight of one tomato is 0.5 kg, pink in color. If planting and care standards are observed, up to 15 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from 1 bush.

Plant care involves following standard agricultural practices. Garter and formation of bushes are required.

Honey domes

Low bushes are productive. During mass ripening, they are covered with many medium-sized fruits (maximum 150 g), yellow in color. No gartering or shaping is required; the plants are unpretentious in care. The yield from one bush is 2.5-3 kg.

Pink Domes F1

The hybrid ripens early. Pink, heart-shaped tomatoes reach a size of 0.25 kg. The peculiarity of the variety is that the tomato does not crack. The harvest volume with proper care is 25 kg per 1 m2.

Ob domes

The plants are low, maximum size 50 cm. The fruits are red and large. The weight reaches 250 g. 1 bush produces 5 kg of fruit, provided that all planting and care requirements are met.

Russian domes

Early ripening, tall tomatoes. The plant reaches 2.5 m in height. The fruits are red, up to 0.2 kg.

Red Dome

Ready for use 3 months after germination. The bushes are small, up to 0.7 m. With proper care, a summer resident receives 3 kg of vegetables from 1 plant. Minimal maintenance, no shaping required.


  • In terms of ripening time, Golden Domes is classified as mid-ripening. The harvest can be harvested within 110 - 115 days after the appearance of full shoots;
  • The yield of marketable fruits is high and, according to the State Register of Varieties, is 10.5 - 13.1 kg per 1 square meter. If agrotechnical rules are followed, up to 6 kg of tomatoes can be removed from one plant;
  • yield of ripe marketable fruits - 76%;
  • The above statistics can be spoiled by cases of cracking of ripe tomatoes. To avoid unnecessary losses and preserve their presentation, you should remove ripe tomatoes in a timely manner, preventing them from over-ripening on the grapevine. In greenhouses it is important to maintain normal humidity, which during the ripening period should not exceed 75%;
  • The Golden Domes' adaptability to temperature drops is remarkable. But in hot weather problems can arise. Most often, too hot a period negatively affects the appearance of the tomato; it grows deformed;
  • the variety has the amazing ability to produce almost its entire crop in a short summer period in cool regions. But if there are still unripe tomatoes left on the bunches, then in room conditions they will ripen perfectly;
  • transportability is not very good. The fruits of the Golden Domes, especially at the stage of consumer ripeness, are still somewhat soft, so they can wrinkle when shaken. And they easily suffer from mechanical damage. There is no point in delaying storage, the pulp becomes loose, so it is better to eat or process the tomatoes right away;

  • The method of consuming fruits is universal. Delicious pulp is good in its natural form, in combination with other salad vegetables and herbs. It is also suitable for processing; thanks to the increased content of dry substances, tomatoes produce tasty adjika, unusually colored juice, and paste.

Unique fruits

Tomatoes of this variety have many positive characteristics.

Size range

The Golden Domes variety is famous for the size of its fruits. The average weight for all collections is almost half a kilogram

It is important that the tomatoes do not become too small, even in the very top bunches gaining 200 grams. The first inflorescences pour giants of 700 - 800 grams. Description of the tomato variety Big Striped Boar, its characteristics and yieldRead

Description of the tomato variety Big Striped Boar, its characteristics and yieldRead

As a rule, each brush bears an average of 5 ovaries. The yield declared in the State Register is at least a bucket per square meter of planting. Experienced tomato growers harvest even more. For example, Petukhova Oksana Viktorovna from the Moscow region grew two roots in one hole, and each hole yielded 6 - 7 kilograms of large tomatoes.


There are two types of tomatoes on one Golden Dome plant. The very first, largest, as a rule, are round, flattened above and below, moderately ribbed from the stalk. Subsequent ones have the shape of a dome or heart.

Ugly fruits are very rare; most are smooth, beautiful, and have an attractive presentation. Non-standard, gnarled ovaries sometimes form in greenhouses and in extreme heat. It is not in vain that the variety is recommended mainly for open ground, since it is adapted to cool temperature conditions.


Unripe tomatoes have a dark green spot on top that gradually disappears as they ripen. The skin acquires a golden shine and a special color - first yellow, then light orange. Within one cluster, the fruits are not painted all at once, but one at a time. Being picked unripe, they ripen well in storage.

Diet pulp

Some people talk about honey sweetness, mention a fruity or grape note, others feel a slight sourness and citrus aroma, and for some the Golden Domes are a little bland.

The density is also characterized in different ways: from fleshy to starchy and loose, but it is never too watery. Obviously, plants planted in different climatic conditions exhibit a unique, complex range of tastes. The seed chambers are always small, there are not too many seeds.

We can say with confidence that the variety does not have high acidity, therefore it is suitable for dietary nutrition. In addition to lycopene, which is traditional for tomatoes, orange tomatoes accumulate large amounts of carotene.


Golden domes are especially good in fresh salads. Tomatoes cannot be stored for a long time, but, being moderately juicy and dense, they perform excellently in preparations such as ketchup, lecho, and adjika. The juice turns out thick—reminiscent of fruit juice with pulp. Sterilized salads made from layers of different colors look original. For those who practice ancient barrel pickling, the large size of the fruit is not a hindrance.

Description of the tomato variety Amethyst Jewel and its characteristicsRead

History of variety development

This tomato variety was bred by breeders from Siberia and belongs to the famous “Siberian Garden” series of tomatoes. After breeding, the Golden Domes tomato was submitted for inclusion in the Russian State Register. This tomato first underwent several years of testing, and only in 2005 was included in the State Register. The Golden Domes tomato was patented as a breeding achievement.

It should be noted that this tomato can grow and bear fruit well in garden beds in conditions where other tomato varieties die from cold in greenhouse conditions.

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