Characteristics and description of tomato variety Moscow ultra-early ripening

Description and characteristics of tomato Ultra early ripening F1

The plant is characterized as low bushes with small round-shaped fruits that ripen within 70 days after germination .

The average weight of one tomato is 100 grams . It has a dense, glossy red skin. Tomatoes grow in clusters, about eight pieces each, on strong, thick stems. The height of the bushes according to established standards is 50 centimeters.

The harvested crop can be consumed raw, or can be used for preparing hot dishes and canned. The product is not meaty, but juicy, therefore it is also suitable for making tomato paste and juices.

The average weight of Ultra-early fruits is 100 grams

Ultra early ripening variety

The tomato variety Polar early ripening belongs to the group of ultra-early ones. As the description on the seed packaging states, the period of time from full germination to the start of harvesting marketable products is 99-105 days. The variety was bred for cultivation in the northern regions, but subsequently gained popularity throughout the country. Its main advantages: unpretentiousness, good fruit formation, stable harvest in both dry and rainy years. You can hear only good reviews from everyone who planted this variety.

Mature bushes can withstand short-term cold snaps. Pollination and fruit set, depending on weather conditions, can be either good or satisfactory, but the yield in any case is not lower than 4-5 kg/sq. m. With careful care and regular feeding from 1 sq. m manages to collect up to 7-8 kg of marketable products.

The Polar early ripening tomato forms standard bushes of a determinate type, characterized by compactness and weak foliage. The height of the main stem usually does not exceed 30-40 cm. The inflorescences are of a simple type, the first is formed above the 7th leaf, the next - after 1-2 pairs of leaves.

With good care, the fruits grow quite large, weighing up to 160 g. The consistency of the tomatoes is fleshy, and they resemble an apple in shape. The taste is sweet, with slight sourness and a pronounced tomato aftertaste. The ability to ripen is good. Tomatoes collected at the blanzhe stage can be stored for 2-3 weeks, green ones - up to a month. Polar early ripening is good fresh and pickled. Sauces, caviar, tomato, paste, juice, purees, assorted dishes and other types of preserves are prepared from it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Ultra-early ripening tomatoes have practically no disadvantages.

Despite the fact that this is a relatively new variety, gardeners in the country grow it on their plots both in the Urals and in the Moscow region with pleasure.

Characteristics that can be called advantages include:

  • Frost resistance.
  • Low maintenance requirements.
  • Resistance to tomato diseases.
  • Early harvest.
  • Suitable for blanks.
  • They have a pleasant taste.
  • Well preserved and transported.
  • No need to tie.
  • Withstands temperature changes and heat.
  • Uniform ripening.

The main advantages of the variety are early harvest and disease resistance

Growing seedlings of low-growing varieties

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes are planted in the first days of April. Seedlings are grown in wooden boxes. When the second and third leaves appear, the plant is sent to the greenhouse.

Tomatoes are fed with various versions of slurry in small volumes. Plants need to be molded only in special conditions with optimal temperature and humidity. Determinate tomatoes are unpretentious, but soil is of great importance for them, especially at the beginning of growth.

Before planting, it is treated with bleach dissolved in water. An excellent option would be the soil on which cucumbers were previously cultivated. To do this, you need to remove the top 10 cm layer of soil and lay cucumber soil. Next, place the hay and compost in a 15 cm layer.

For the cultivation of low-growing tomatoes, good conditions can be created using hay that has burned between two layers. Renew the soil annually, add layers of hay and apply protective sprays against insects.

Do not add manure to the soil under any circumstances, as this may cause the plants to become fattened. If the leaves become thick, the ovaries will be tiny and the yield will decrease. Also add ash, superphosphates and lime to the soil in the fall.

Soil requirements for planting

Tomatoes grown in slightly acidic soil have better performance. Loamy and sandy loam options are also suitable for them. The soil prepared for seedlings must be fertilized.

The beds are created in places where the winds are rare and not strong. You should consider what vegetables will grow nearby. Good neighbors are carrots, cabbage, onions or zucchini, and these tomatoes should be planted away from other members of the nightshade family. It is not recommended to grow a crop for more than three years in 1st place.

The varietal early ripening variety grows both in the shade and in the sun . In the second case, the process of fruit ripening occurs faster.

Sowing rules

Tomato seeds Ultra-early ripening
Seeds can be sown immediately in a greenhouse , but more often the planting material is prepared in advance at home. In pre-prepared containers with fresh soil, the tomato seed is deepened by 2-3 centimeters.

The containers are covered with film to retain the heat necessary for germination. When the sprouts have two or three leaves, they are planted in separate pots or in greenhouse beds.

Transplanting tomatoes into open ground

The seedlings are transplanted to a permanent location after 55 or 60 days, usually this event occurs in May.

Suitable temperature conditions are defined as maintaining +15 degrees and the absence of night frosts . Ten days before this procedure, gardeners advise starting the hardening process.

Fertilizer is applied to the dug holes before planting. Planted young bushes are watered with warm water. It is recommended to install special arcs over the bed so that when the temperature drops, it can be insulated with a transparent film. Early ripening tomatoes can be moved to greenhouse conditions as early as April at a temperature of 22-24 degrees .

of at least 50 centimeters should be maintained between seedlings . This is necessary so that the plants have enough space for development and nutrition.

When planting in the ground, the distance between seedlings should be at least 50 cm

Features of agricultural technology

Moscow early-ripening tomatoes are bred using the seedling method. Sowing of seeds is carried out at least 55-60 days before planting in the ground. For cultivation in open ridges, the sowing period is mid-to-late March, for greenhouses - the end of April.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a manganese solution. The material is placed in individual containers according to the following scheme: 3 seeds per 1 cm. For seedlings, universal soil for tomatoes is used. The plantings are covered with film and kept at a temperature of 20-25 degrees until the first shoots appear. After this, the film is removed. Plants are watered by spraying.

Picking is done 2 weeks after germination, when the seedlings have 2 adult leaves.

Plantings are carried out into open ground after the last frost, at the end of May. Planting in film greenhouses takes place in the first half of May. Holes for planting are dug at a distance of 30 centimeters. A distance of 40 centimeters is maintained between rows. They try to place no more than 6 bushes per 1 square meter.

See also

Description of pear-shaped tomato varieties for open groundRead

Growing tomatoes is not difficult.

  1. Watering. The variety is moisture-loving. Watering is done at the root of the plant, with warm, settled water.
  2. Loosening. The soil requires regular loosening. It is necessary to remove the earthen crust and improve the oxygen supply to the roots.
  3. Weeding. Timely removal of weeds avoids soil acidification and the development of bush diseases.
  4. Stepsonning and garter. The bushes are compact in size and do not require pinching. The fruits are small, the clusters are not heavy, and gartering is not required even during the period of fruit ripening.
  5. Feeding and treatment against pests. Plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizers 2-3 times per season. Additional enrichment of the soil is required during the period of fruit set and ripening.

Caring for the variety after transplantation

The convenience of growing this species is that it does not need to be planted . Tying is necessary in rare cases: if the active growth of the seedling has exceeded the upper limit corresponding to the variety, or the abundance of fruits tilts the plant down.

During the season, 3-4 fertilizing is organized with mineral fertilizers, a mixture of potassium and nitrogen or phosphorus.

Watering should be regular, done as the soil dries. The optimal time for it is considered to be the evening hours after sunset. Only warm water is used . You also need to clear the area around of weeds and apply preventative measures against pests.

Standard care actions include loosening, but if the plantings are mulched, then this is not necessary.

Planting plants in the ground and rules for further care

The timing of planting “Moscow Delicacy” is selected depending on the climatic conditions of the growing region. It is important to take into account that the warm season is enough to ripen a mid-season tomato variety. If there is no confidence, then the seedlings are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses.

For comfortable development of tomatoes, the planting scheme is maintained with parameters of 50 x 40, and the planting density should not exceed 3-4 bushes per 1 square meter. meter of bed area.

At the time of planting, a support is installed in the hole, to which the seedling is tied.

Important! Tomato ridges should be located in lighted areas with good protection from the wind.

After an adaptation period, gourmet tomato seedlings are provided with regular care, which includes:

  • Timely watering of tomatoes with warm water. It is good to reschedule this event for early morning or evening after sunset. Delicate plants do not like sunburn from water droplets.
  • Removing leaves. The lower ones are removed so that the ground in the holes is also ventilated. This gives good air permeability to the tomato roots and proper plant development. In the future, all dead or outgrown lower leaves must be removed.
  • Removal of weeds and loosening. Loosen the holes of tomatoes carefully so as not to damage the roots. After loosening, you can lay a layer of mulch.
  • Mandatory timely tying up of grown tomato stems. In this case, you must be careful not to crush the stems, otherwise the bush can be easily injured.

The formation and fixation of the above-ground parts is also necessary to ensure that the bush does not break under the weight of the fruit. Be sure to carry out pinching and removal of side branches on the bushes of this tomato variety.

  • Feeding “Moscow Delicacy” tomatoes with complete mineral fertilizers and organic matter with mandatory alternation of compositions.
  • Systematic preventive treatment of tomatoes with copper-containing compounds to prevent the spread of fungal infections.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the prevention of late blight damage to tomatoes. This disease brings a lot of trouble to vegetable growers, so timely measures taken will help prevent its spread in the area. If this is not done, you can lose a significant part of the harvest in a matter of days. For gardeners you will need:

  • Regularly inspect gourmet tomatoes in order to notice the first signs of disease in time.
  • For the purpose of prevention, treat the Moscow Delicacy bushes with folk compositions or ready-made preparations.

Popular wisdom advises using an infusion of garlic with kefir for these purposes. It is prepared from 50 grams of finely chopped garlic cloves, one liter of kefir (fermented) and 10 liters of clean water.

The second option is milk spraying of tomatoes. Add 25 drops of pharmaceutical tincture of iodine to one liter of serum, mix and pour into a bucket of water.

Of the chemicals, according to gardeners, when signs of late blight appear on Moscow Delicacy tomatoes (see photo), they help well:

  • "Pencozeb";
  • "Infinito";
  • "Acrobat-MC";
  • "Ditan M-45";
  • "Metalaxyl".

The usual consumption of solutions is 0.5 liters per 1 square meter. meter of bed. Tomato processing is carried out following the general rules. In rainy seasons, the number of sprays of tomatoes increases to 6 times; for normal weather conditions, 3-4 times are enough.

By following simple recommendations, you will get an excellent harvest of delicious tomatoes.

And some more information in the video:

Diseases and their prevention

This early subspecies is valued for its resistance to many external factors, including pest invasion. If necessary, various insecticidal preparations are used. It is recommended to fight insects with the help of organic compounds. Tincture of wormwood or potato tops is one of the most effective folk methods.

Ultra early ripening fruits ripen before late blight spreads

The fruits of this variety have time to ripen before late blight begins to spread.

Pest and disease control

To prevent late blight, Moscow delicacy is sprayed with copper-containing preparations 4 to 6 times during the growing season. The classic method - treatment with Bordeaux mixture (a solution of copper sulfate with lime) is applicable before flowering. At other times, iodine compounds or special products are used: Fitosporin, Antrakol, Quadris.

Important! Any chemical treatments of tomatoes should be stopped 2 weeks before harvesting.

By avoiding waterlogging and creating the necessary air access to all parts of the plant, you can protect Moscow Delicacy tomatoes from diseases and pest attacks.

Harvesting and storage rules

Compliance with correct agricultural technology allows you to collect 2 kilograms of product from one bush . This yield is considered average.

Slightly unripe samples will turn red in ten or fifteen days, and their taste will not differ from fruits that have ripened on the bush. Green tomatoes will also ripen, but their taste may deteriorate.

For early varieties such as Ultra Early, there is no threat of frost or cold rain during harvest. It is carried out from mid-June to August , so there is no point in rushing to harvest these tomatoes.

To ensure longer storage, the vegetable is kept in clean and dry containers. All overripe, bruised and infected samples are removed.

This ultra-early tomato variety has properties that are especially valued in the cold regions of Russia, where not every type of tomato takes root.


Reviews about the Moscow tomato helped compile a list of positive characteristics of the variety.

Positive aspects of early ripening tomatoes:

  • good immunity;
  • good presentation;
  • tomatoes tolerate transportation well;
  • big harvest;
  • simultaneous ripening of berries;
  • rapid ripening;
  • good fruit taste.

It was not possible to identify a number of obvious negative characteristics based on the opinion of experienced summer residents. The Moskovsky tomato proved to be a variety resistant to sudden changes in temperature, showed a high level of productivity and was distinguished by good taste. In addition, the plant has excellent immunity to common diseases.

The Moscow tomato has become the favorite variety of many summer residents. Once you plant this variety on your plot, it is impossible to refuse it.

tomato Mikhey - description and characteristics of the variety

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