Tomato seedlings - from sowing tomato seeds to planting seedlings in open ground

Tomatoes, as has long been known, are not just food - they are medicine. It is, of course, better to “treat” them directly from the bush, when the tomato sparkles in the crack, and smells so much that after a few hours, this aroma can no longer be felt. This is best understood by gardeners who, like me, love to enjoy fresh tomatoes without salt and bread, like fruit, right in the fresh air. And naturally, in order to get a good harvest of tomatoes in your garden plot, you need to do everything right - starting with tomato seedlings, proper care for them and optimal preparation for planting seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse.

During the summer and autumn seasons, you can also buy delicious tomatoes on the domestic market, especially from private traders. But if there is an opportunity to grow tomatoes on your plot of table varieties such as Pink Honey, Bull's Heart, Monomakh's Hat, Cosmonaut Komarov, Sanka, Rio Grande, Novichok and the like, then you will need healthy and correctly grown seedlings.

Where can I get one? Just grow yourself according to all the rules, from choosing seeds, preparing them, soaking, germination and sowing in ideally selected soil to lovingly caring for the seedlings, so that they grow into strong and stocky seedlings, ready to painlessly transplant into open ground and grow into their own term perfect fruits.

You can buy seedlings in a “bouquet” at the market - tomatoes are very tenacious - they will take root even with flowers, but novice gardeners will soon understand that there will be more tops on such bushes than tomatoes - the tomato bush will have to spend too much effort on this transplanting operation and survival rate in open ground. You can resort to such seedlings, in my opinion, only if you were unable to grow it yourself. But then don’t be surprised that instead of the promised variety you will find a completely different one - you bought a “pig in a poke”...

How to choose a good variety of tomatoes

Your correct choice may depend on your specific desires based on how you will consume tomato products. For preservation, dense, fleshy cream of the varieties “Novichok”, “De Borao”, “Gloria”, “Rio Grande”, tomato “Sanka”, multi-colored “Cherry” and others like them are more suitable.

For juice, naturally, it is better to choose juicy and at the same time fleshy low-growing varieties of the Volgograd, “Palace” series, unpretentious and prolific, not requiring pinching. They can be tied to a low trellis up to 1.0 meters.

Tomato gourmets will definitely like the tomatoes from the Novikov giant series: pink, orange and yellow giants. Unrealistically large tomatoes “Monomakh’s Hat”, “Cosmonaut Komarov”, “Bull’s Heart”, as well as “Pink Honey”.

Choosing a variety of tomatoes is an important and responsible matter, especially for those who want to have on their table tomatoes not only of different colors, but also of different ripening periods, so that throughout the growing season they can be included in their daily menu, taking into account the entire known volume of useful properties of tomatoes.

An important factor when choosing seeds for sowing at home is their regionalization, although the seed market also offers seeds of foreign selection. You should not refuse them, but it is advisable to sow them in small quantities for personal experiment - how they show themselves. One way or another, the entire volume of existing varietal and hybrid tomato seeds is divided into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

How to choose tomato seeds in the store

If you prefer to purchase seeds in specialized stores, then pay close attention to the markings on the packaging bag: the release date and the deadline for using the seeds of a given variety or hybrid. The manufacturer is also important - it is better to choose a reliable, well-proven one.

From personal experience - somehow there were several different and not the best varieties in one bag - just swept them off the table - unfortunately, how much effort was spent on this. In addition, on the back of the bags of tomato seeds, the timing and norms of sowing and planting in open ground are indicated. Both the size of an adult bush and the size of ripe tomatoes are indicated.

How to prepare your own seeds at home

Experienced gardeners practice obtaining seeds in their garden beds. For this purpose, the largest ripe and even overripe tomatoes are selected from the most productive bushes, kept in the light for 2-3 days, after which they are washed with boiled water and dried. The tomato is cut across the fruit and with a clean teaspoon, the seeds and pulp are scooped out from both parts into a clean glass and the resulting material is allowed to ferment for 2-3 days - a longer period can provoke seed germination. It is not recommended to add water - this reduces their germination.

After the specified time has passed, pour the seeds with water, remove the surfaced ones and rinse, placing them on a sieve, in running water. They need to be dried on a cloth in the sun for 2-7 days. Store the dried seed material in a dry place at room temperature in a paper bag or fabric bag, on which the date and type of seed should be indicated.

The best productive varieties

Tomato seeds "Rio Grande"

The bushes of this variety are low - reaching only 70 cm, so they do not require tying or pinching. There are not too many leaves, the fruit shape is standard. They grow in clusters of 8-12 tomatoes per plant, with a slightly oblong shape. The rafts have dense pulp and thick skin, and not too many seeds. The weight is a maximum of 150 grams, but they are often smaller and colored bright red. It tastes like classic tomatoes – with a slight sourness. Ripening occurs approximately 120-130 days after sowing. Fertility is high, can reach three months, until the onset of cold weather.

More: Top 10 best raspberry varieties, choosing the best raspberry seedlings

The variety perfectly resists low and high temperatures, can withstand even prolonged drought, and is not sensitive to parasites and diseases. If grown over a large area, it does well in bright sun. The fruits can easily withstand even long-term transportation and are well preserved for two to three months if kept cool. They are considered universal in use; if desired, they can be dried or even dried.


  • Strong fruits;
  • The thick skin prevents damage to the crop;
  • High level of endurance.


  • The taste is a little worse compared to large-fruited varieties.

Tomato seeds "Rio Grande"

Tomato seeds "Snow Leopard"

One of the most productive and hardy varieties in terms of climatic conditions - well suited even for Siberian conditions. The yield is quite high: with proper care, you can harvest about 8-9 kg from one bush. This variety can be considered quite early - the average ripening period is about 105-110 days when grown in open ground. In terms of height, the breed is ambiguous: the bush can grow to an unlimited height, so it will need not only gartering, but also shaping. As experienced gardeners advise, it is best if it grows in two stems; moreover, it should not grow higher than 60-70 cm. This is quite convenient, since you do not have to tie it up.

This variety has quite a lot of foliage, and all such leaves are quite large; they should be removed in a timely manner, as they will take away additional moisture, nutrients, and block access to sunlight for the fruit, which will slow down ripening. The shape of the fruit is oblong, slightly flattened. The density of ripened tomatoes is medium, the skin is strong and thick, which allows them to withstand transportation. The color of the fruit is orange-red, the average weight is about 150 grams, but there are tomatoes weighing about 300 grams or even more. From one bush you can collect up to 5-6 kg.


  • Can be grown in any conditions, including on the balcony;
  • Ripens quickly;
  • Resists well against any disease;
  • Retains an attractive appearance for a long time;
  • Handles transportation well;
  • High yield.


  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes and shape them in a timely manner.

Tomato seeds "Snow Leopard"

Tomato seeds "Asvon F1"

This is a hybrid variety that perfectly withstands temperature changes, does not get sick, and is also able to please the summer resident with a fairly rich harvest. It grows well not only in open ground, but also in a greenhouse, greenhouse or even on a balcony. The fruits will be stored in their original form for a long time and can be transported over long distances. It is distinguished not only by its high yield, but also by its early ripening. The bush is not tall and takes up little space, so one square meter can accommodate significantly more plants than another variety. There are not too many leaves, dark green in color. The fruits are formed in clusters of 5-6 pieces; about 8-9 kg of selected tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. During the fruiting period, the plants are simply strewn with fruits, and they also look very beautiful.

The shape of the tomatoes is round, slightly reminiscent of a cube, and the ribbing is almost not noticeable. The skin is shiny, dense, the fruits almost do not crack. The weight of the fruit is about 100 grams - not too large. The pulp is dense and retains its original shape for a long time. The taste is rich, has a slight sourness, tomatoes contain a large amount of vitamins and sugars, dry matter no more than 6%. The color is bright pink.


  • Excellent taste;
  • Good yield;
  • Immunity to parasites and diseases;
  • Fast maturation.


  • Not detected.

Tomato seeds "Asvon F1"

How to prepare seeds for planting

Selected seeds that are quality in all respects should be heated. A table lamp with an ordinary incandescent light bulb or a heating battery is suitable for this purpose. The warm-up temperature should be +60 C and the warm-up period should be at least 3 hours.

If the seeds are homegrown, they must be disinfected in one of the effective solutions: a couple of cloves of fresh crushed garlic per 100 milliliters of water; a solution of 1 teaspoon of brilliant green in 100 milliliters of water; solution of aloe juice in water 1:1; Fitosporin solution according to instructions; undiluted chlorhexidine for half an hour. According to the latest breeding and seed production data, it is not recommended to disinfect tomato seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. With any method of seed disinfection, they need to be washed with warm water.

For your information! Tomato seeds purchased in a store that have been subjected to special processing in a production method: granulated, glazed or panned - must be sown dry and not subjected to any other processing.

After disinfection, the seeds should be treated with microelements purchased in the store, for example, in growth stimulants “Epin” or “Zircon”, following the instructions. For this purpose, you can use an infusion of wood ash, diluted in the proportion: 1 tablespoon of ash to 0.5 water, infused for one day. In this strained infusion, the seeds are soaked for three hours at a temperature of +25 C. The infusion is changed every three to four hours.

Preparation for purchase

Before going to the market, it is better to immediately decide on the variety that will be purchased. In this case, it is better to give preference to traditional, proven varieties of tomatoes, which will definitely not disappoint you during harvest.

You should also immediately set yourself up to purchase seedling bushes from one or two sellers. This is due to the fact that each seller grows tomatoes in his own garden, where the soil is contaminated with some diseases. By purchasing goods from different sellers, you will increase the likelihood of introducing various diseases into your garden.


Before purchasing, you should prepare the beds so that you can immediately plant the purchased tomato seedlings. This way you can increase the likelihood of rapid establishment.

How to germinate tomato seeds

It is better to germinate tomato seeds in cloth napkins or on cotton pads, creating greenhouse conditions for them: place a damp cloth or cotton pads on a saucer, moisten them with a growth stimulator, and place the selected seeds on top. Place the saucer in a transparent plastic bag so that the germinating seeds have access to both moisture and air without drying out. The germination process should take place in a warm, cool place: from +24 C to +28 C.

You can prepare a growth stimulator for tomato seeds yourself according to this recipe: dilute 1/2 tablet of nicotinic acid, 1/2 tablet of succinic acid, 1/4 tablet (50 mg) of ascorbic acid, 1/2 tablet of glycine in 100 milliliters of water.

The best varieties for open ground

These tomatoes simply must easily tolerate temperature changes, drought, and disease. Breeders offer the following options:

  • “Gina” is a productive mid-season, reaches a height of up to 60 cm, does not require pinching, red tomatoes, weighing almost 280 g, fleshy, juicy
  • "Budenovka" - productive, mid-early, unpretentious, fruits weighing about 450-500g, dense, pink with a raspberry tint, heart-shaped, with sweet pulp, dense skin
  • “Svat” is an early determinant, ideal for growing in open ground, height no more than 1.2 m, fruits are round, scarlet, weighing 90-160 g, fleshy, dense, have excellent taste, universal purpose

“Chelyabinsk eggplant” is tall, medium-early, with bright scarlet tomatoes weighing about 600 g, similar in shape to eggplants, a very beautiful type of tomato.

What substrate to sow tomato seeds in?

If the volume of tomato sowing is small, then it is easier to purchase ready-made certified universal soil for seedlings from reliable manufacturers. For the upcoming picking of seedlings, when sowing in rows in a common container, first sift the soil and make it as loose as possible, so that the upcoming process of picking grown seedlings will be the most successful.

For significant volumes of growing seedlings, it is more economical to prepare a nutrient substrate based on a soil mixture: one part each of sifted turf soil and humus with the addition of 0.5 liters of wood ash. A week before sowing, the prepared soil mixture is calcined in the oven at +70 C for two hours and, after cooling, it is generously spilled with a one percent solution (deep pink) of potassium permanganate. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can shed the soil with Fitosporin.

The best varieties of large-fruited tomatoes in a greenhouse for Siberia and the Urals

Many people love big, beautiful tomatoes - so that they can rejoice looking at such beauty and boast about it to their neighbors. Even residents of the Urals and Siberia can grow such beauties, provided they have a good greenhouse. Suitable:

  • "Bersola" is a low-growing, early-ripening hybrid with large fruits, each about 150 grams
  • "Titanic" is an early greenhouse hybrid with large (about 200 grams), sweet fruits, resistant to diseases
  • “Velmozha” is a determinate tomato with large heart-shaped raspberry fruits weighing about 250 g, the pulp is tasty, fleshy
  • “Golden Koenigsberg” is a tall greenhouse high-yielding plant, bush height 1.5-1.8 meters, fruits 200-400 g, oblong shape, beautiful yellow-golden color with juicy pulp almost without seeds, resistant to diseases, but due to its thin , the seemingly frail stem needs regular tying, the formation of a bush is also necessary, the purpose is universal

All that remains is to choose a variety that ideally suits all your requirements and, after following all the tips on sowing seedlings and caring for tomatoes, grow, harvest, and process the entire rich harvest. Good luck with your dacha work, subscribe to blog updates!

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings: rules for sowing seeds

On prepared soil laid out in containers, compacted after watering, the seeds are sown directly on its surface, lined in rows with an interval of 3 centimeters between them, and placed in a line between the seeds at intervals of 1.5-2.0 centimeters. After sowing, cover them with a layer of soil up to 2 centimeters. Water the surface with intensive irrigation and, covering the containers with film, keep them until the first shoots at +20-25 C.

There is a practice of sowing prepared and sprouted tomato seeds directly into separate containers: peat pots, plastic half-liter glasses, bags after milk. It is more advisable to use transparent half-liter plastic glasses, into each of which 1/3 of the substrate is initially poured, and as the seedlings grow, it is gradually poured to the very top.

At the same time, the root system of the seedling develops more powerfully. At the moment of transplanting such a plant into open ground, the cup easily slides off the tightly formed root system of the tomato, and with preliminary hardening, such seedlings do not even suffer the slightest damage.

TOP 3 mistakes when buying seedlings

Despite the clear rules and criteria for choosing seedlings of any vegetable crops, there are typical mistakes made by gardeners that lead to a negative outcome. To avoid a fiasco, here are the main mistakes when buying seedlings.

  1. Overgrown seedlings mean the fastest possible harvest. This is an obvious misconception, since seedlings that have formed into a full-fledged adult plant adapt to a new place much longer and more problematic, which is why you should not hope for the earliest possible harvest.
  2. External defects in seedlings are not a problem; they will go away after planting. You shouldn’t blindly trust sellers who say that the damaged appearance is the result of heat, transportation or other “objective reasons of the seller.” In fact, anything that has an elongated stem that is almost transparent, uneven or pale foliage color, coarse roots or their drooping condition is taboo for purchase. Such seedlings will definitely not be of any use.
  3. There are traces of removed leaves on the plant. You should not believe the version that it broke down along the way, because this is a “transformation” of the seedlings, the elimination of all errors, which most often is a symptom of the appearance of diseases.

Remember, any quality seedlings need to be planted today within a few hours of purchase. You should not buy seedlings for future use in order to plant them in a day or more. An exception would be seedlings with a closed root system.

Picking seedlings

Whether to plant tomato seedlings or not is a decision everyone will make for themselves. Our task is to tell you how to do this correctly and what benefits this may bring in the future. According to agricultural technology for growing tomato seedlings, there should be two picks. The first is in the phase of the third true leaf, in which the plant is buried in a small container (cup) filled with a nutrient mixture to 1/3 of its volume. It is believed that such intermediate picking of tomato seedlings contributes to the selection of seedlings with a stronger root system.

The second picking is advisable three weeks after the first, at the stage of 2-3 true leaves on the seedlings. Seedlings need to be transplanted into separate containers (milk bags, 0.5 liter plastic glasses) filled with 1/3 of the volume with substrate. The seven-lobed leaves of the seedling are removed, it is lowered into a planting container and filled to the top with soil. After watering, the substrate will naturally shrink; you should also add it to the edges of the container.

Where is the best place to buy seedlings?

It is recommended to purchase tomato planting material from those people who reliably use high-quality seeds. If this is not possible, it is necessary to carefully inspect the sprouts before purchasing.

If the seller can talk about his product and confidently answers all the buyer’s questions, most likely the name of the seedling corresponds to the specified variety.

It’s even better to grow good seedlings of tomatoes, peppers or other crops yourself, using high-quality seeds. You can reflect on how correct the choice of planting material was just a few weeks after planting, when the sprouts take root in the new place and begin to grow. The recommendations of experienced gardeners in our publication will help you choose the right seeds.

Seedling care

It is appropriate to feed the seedlings after the second picking and repeat feeding every 7-10 days. Good results are obtained by using a 30% solution of mullein. Use mineral fertilizers if plant growth slows down with obvious lightening of their tops. In this case, urea is added to 1 liter of water, at a temperature not lower than +22-24 C, at the tip of a knife and two hours after the next watering, at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 20 plants (2-3 tablespoons for each), Fertilizer is applied at the root of the seedlings. An aqueous solution of bird droppings (1:20) is also effective.

It is favorable to alternate feeding of seedlings by watering with an ash solution. To do this, boil 1 tablespoon of wood ash in 1 liter of water, let it settle, and add to a volume of two liters. And the mineral supplement is ready for use. Watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate is also allowed.

A useful prevention of diseases of seedlings, especially blackleg, can be dusting them with sifted wood ash. Amateur vegetable growers practice moderate spraying of tomato seedlings, starting from the first true leaf, once a week, with a milk solution: 1 glass of skim milk per 1 liter of water with the addition of 1-2 drops of alcoholic iodine.

To maintain comfortable humidity in the room where tomato seedlings are growing, you need to place a container of water. If the plants become excessively elongated, they should be fed with superphosphate and the air temperature should be lowered.

The sweetest fleshy tomatoes for the Urals and Siberia

For lovers of juicy, fleshy tomatoes with a distinct sweetness, we offer this list of the best varieties:

  • “Kokhava” is a hybrid greenhouse early, productive (almost 30 kg per square meter), fruits weighing about 180 g are dense, bright pink, with sweet pulp
  • “Siberian early ripening” is a low-growing, determinate variety for greenhouses and open ground, characterized by high commercial and taste qualities
  • “Lelya” is a fairly new greenhouse early-ripening hybrid with friendly ripening, round-shaped tomatoes weighing about 100 g are collected in clusters, the flesh is sweet and sour, resistant to diseases, fungi, viruses

  • “Black Moor” is a semi-determinate mid-season variety, suitable for greenhouses, tolerates temperature changes well, is prone to diseases, the name is associated with the dark brown, almost black color of the fruit (weighing about 50 grams) with sweet pulp and dense skin, bush height up to 150 cm
  • “Beautiful Lady” is a greenhouse early hybrid, resistant to diseases and stress, tomatoes weighing about 120 g are collected in bunches, the pulp is juicy, tasty, not afraid of fungi and viruses

When to plant tomato seedlings in open ground and in a greenhouse

Only the weather conditions of your region can give a specific date for this event, which coincides with stable warmth, when the return of frosts will be completely excluded, and the garden soil will warm up to +15-20 C. The seedlings must first undergo adaptation through “walks” for at least one week » in the fresh air, first in a shaded, windy place, starting from 20-30 minutes, with a gradual increase in this period.

Before planting in open ground, it is advisable to treat seedlings with copper oxychloride or a solution of 5 grams of copper sulfate in 3 liters of water to prevent late blight and brown leaf spot. For your information! Soak manure (humus) in the fall with a solution of bird droppings, adding 1 tablespoon of wood ash and mineral fertilizer to it. And, after mixing all this into a homogeneous mass, leave it under the film until spring.

Seedlings can be planted in greenhouses and greenhouses in the third ten days of April or in the first ten days of May. To avoid many problems in the future growing healthy and fruitful bush tomatoes, you should first dig up the soil and add a bucket of compost and sawdust, as well as 1 cup of wood ash, to each square meter.

After digging in the greenhouse, the soil should be shed with an aqueous solution of red potassium permanganate. It is this scheme for preparing the soil in the greenhouse that will ensure its nutritional balance and the health of the plants. All that remains is to wish for high yields of tomatoes that are impeccable in all respects. We are once again convinced that growing vegetable seedlings at home is a little troublesome, but very rewarding.

Early ripe tomatoes

Tomato seeds "Pervoklaska"

This variety is considered one of the most versatile, and fruit ripening occurs approximately 90-105 days after sprouting. It is perfect for open spaces, since the maximum height of the bush does not exceed 100 cm; it needs tying, but this is not necessary, since the fruits ripen well on the ground surface. The bush should be formed into three stems, as this ensures maximum yield. From one bush you can collect about 6 kg, and the fruits lie well and withstand transportation. In addition, this type of tomatoes will feel excellent both in open ground and in a greenhouse. The first stalk is formed approximately on the 6-7th leaf.

More: Top 10 best gooseberry varieties, how to choose the best gooseberry seedlings

The average weight of the fruit is about 250-300 grams. The ribbing is low, the shape is flat-round, painted bright pink. Tomatoes of this variety have thin and slightly transparent skin, slightly translucent. The taste is pronounced tomato. Well suited for direct consumption, canning, preparing ketchups, juices, pastes and other tomato products. In terms of chemical composition, this variety has many vitamins, sugars, and lycopene, which will support human immunity.


  • High germination rates;
  • Pleasant to the taste;
  • Compliance with the labels on the packaging and real indicators.


  • The lower leaves are quite large, which is why ripening may slow down by one to two weeks.

Tomato seeds "Pervoklaska"

Tomato seeds "Red Rooster"

Perfectly suited for most climatic conditions of our country, it will feel good both when grown indoors and in open ground. This variety ripens earlier than all others - for this it only needs about 85 days under optimal weather conditions. If the weather is a little cooler, then this period may be delayed by about 10-15 days. When seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of approximately 60-65 days, this allows the first fruits to be harvested after 30-35 days. The maximum height of the bush is 80 cm, so it does not require garter. In addition, it does not need tying. The best yield is ensured if there are no more than three stems on the bush.

The fruits are quite large - their average weight is about 250-400 grams; if you care for the plants well enough, you can achieve heavier tomatoes. The color is bright red, there is slight ribbing in the area of ​​the stalk. The taste is sweet, there is a slight sourness. Tomatoes are universal - they can be eaten fresh, pickled, pickled, made into juices, pastes, and so on. It tolerates transportation quite well.


  • The variety is unpretentious to weather conditions;
  • Large fruits;
  • The harvest is large, about 5 kg of fruit can be collected from one bush.


  • A hybrid variety, you won’t be able to get the seeds yourself.

Tomato seeds "Red Rooster"

Tomato seeds “My love F1”

The height of this variety is about 50-80 cm, in greenhouse conditions and in the south of the country it can grow up to 120 cm. The average fruit ripening period is about 90-100 days, well suited for both greenhouses and open ground. This variety does not have very many leaves, the fruits do not become cracked during ripening, and the plants are well resistant to diseases and pests, including aphids. The immunity of this variety is one of the highest among all the best tomatoes in 2022 presented in our review. The color of tomatoes is red or bright red, they are round in shape, slightly elongated. The pulp is sugary, the taste is typical tomato, slightly sweet.

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Weighing approximately 150-200 grams, all fruits are the same size, which can significantly increase their commercial value. There are four seed chambers, dry matter content is no more than 5%. Tomatoes withstand transportation remarkably well and can be stored for a long time in a cool place. The fruits look ideal as canned products, but they are also well suited for fresh consumption. They contain a significant amount of vitamins and sugars, making them very beneficial for health.


  • High germination rate – can reach about 97%;
  • Great taste;
  • Fast maturation.


  • In a strong wind, despite their short height, they can either bend significantly or even break.

Tomato seeds “My love F1”

Poor quality seedlings

You can often see beautiful seedlings that look lush and bright. Sometimes they are attracted to sprouts already in bloom or even with small fruits. It seems that it is right to buy such tomatoes, that these particular seedlings are good. However, what seems good is not always true.

Considering that people go to buy tomatoes in late spring - early summer, it is likely that the bushes will have ovaries and flowers. From the abundance of flowering plants, it is better to choose those that have just begun to bloom. If there is no choice and you have to purchase seedlings with ovaries, it would be better to trim them right away. After all, sooner or later it most often crumbles. By removing it, you can direct the plant’s forces to survival and subsequent development.

If the ovary is left on the tomato seedlings, the forces of the sprout are directed not only to growing the root system, but also to providing the ovary with nutrients. Of course, this cannot but affect the development of the entire bush - it grows poorly and ultimately produces a small number of small fruits.

Good, lush seedlings with thick trunks and large bright green leaves are simply pleasing to the eye. However, you should not choose just such tomato seedlings for planting. After all, thickened stems and emerald color of foliage often indicate abundant nitrogen fertilizing. Of course, this tomato grows very well. But it blooms infrequently, and very few ovaries develop on it. As they say, it’s beautiful on the outside, but empty on the inside – you shouldn’t expect a bountiful harvest from such tomatoes.

Pale elongated bushes, yellowed sprouts - everything indicates improper cultivation, so most likely no one will covet such seedlings. Unless there is no choice on the market.

It is very difficult to choose good and inexpensive sprouts on the market. This is due to the large quantity of goods and sometimes the discrepancy between the stated characteristics of tomatoes and reality. In order to protect yourself from possible fraud, it is worth getting as much information as possible about the seedlings from the seller: if he answers without hesitation, then there is a high probability that his information will be correct and the variety corresponds to the one named. To reduce the risk of buying weak and sickly seedlings, you need to know what a properly grown bush looks like, which will take root faster and produce a larger harvest.


How to avoid misunderstandings when choosing seedlings at the market? Advice from experienced summer residents

The first thing experienced tomato growers pay attention to is the freshness of the plants. Bushes that are lethargic and exposed to air do not take root as well, especially if you do not start planting them in the next hour or two.

The optimal age of tomato seedlings ready for transplanting is from 45 to 65 days from the moment of mass emergence. The height of the seedlings should not exceed 0.3 m. In early and low-growing varieties of the crop, there should be from 6 to 9 true leaves on each stem, in tall and standard varieties - from 12 to 14.

Examine the stems carefully. Strong seedlings have a stem as thick as a pencil, a dark green color, without brown or brown spots or dents, which may indicate the presence of infectious pathologies.

The roots of the seedlings should be white. Take a closer look at the state of the soil clod. The presence of mold or gray plaque on the surface is a symptom of existing fungal spores.

The condition of the leaf blades speaks eloquently about the trouble.

You should refuse to purchase such seedlings from this seller, even if only a few plants have a sickly appearance.

It is also undesirable to buy seedlings overfed with nitrogen. Increased portions of nitrogen fertilizers are used when growing tomato seedlings using accelerated technology. The fruits of such plants can accumulate nitrates. The main symptom is the bright color of the tips of the leaves and their curling downwards.

How not to make a mistake when choosing tomato seedlings at the market?

Not always and not everyone is able to grow tomato seedlings at home. Some people have window sills at home that are too small to clutter them with boxes of seedlings, some children or pets have spoiled the sprouts, some simply don’t want to mess with the plants, it even happens that the owner himself has ruined the tender sprouts with excessive care . What to do? Don't be left without homemade tomatoes.

There is a way out - tomatoes can be purchased at the market. But here you need to be very careful not to fall for the tricks of cunning sellers who seek to sell their goods by any means necessary. To choose high-quality seedlings, you should educate yourself in this matter in advance.

How to choose quality tomato seedlings

In cases where it is not possible to grow your own tomato seedlings, it becomes necessary to select them from the market. At first glance, the task seems very simple: go to the market and buy the required number of tomato seedlings. But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Firstly, there is always a large number of seedlings on the market, from which it is difficult to choose high-quality and relatively inexpensive ones. Secondly, the varieties of tomatoes that are sold on the market do not always correspond to their name. Typically, gardeners grow seedlings from their own seeds or resistant varieties that grow quickly, but their yield is low. In addition, you can buy infected or weak seedlings, which will not take root at all in a new place. Therefore, it is very important to know how to choose the right quality tomato seedlings.

How to determine the best tomato varieties for planting

Rating the best tomatoes is not so easy. Indeed, today there are more than 7.5 thousand types of these vegetables, and every year there are more and more varieties and hybrids of tomatoes.

To understand which tomatoes are better, you first need to decide what requirements are put forward for tomatoes. For example, it could be ten:

  • the earliest tomatoes;
  • suitable for open ground;
  • grown in greenhouses;
  • characterized by unusual characteristics (non-standard color, shape, taste);
  • new breeding developments in 2022;
  • varieties proven over the years and so on.

Recommendations for choosing tomato seedlings on the market

If you did not have time to grow tomato seedlings at home this season or the quantity is less than required, you will have to go to the market, to your neighbors or to the nursery for seedlings of your favorite nightshade crop.
In nurseries with a good reputation, plants, as a rule, correspond to the declared variety and are of high quality. But when purchasing seedlings on the market, you risk getting a completely different result than you expected. For example, the seller claims that his seedlings are early red tomatoes, and the output is tall orange cherry tomatoes, which, of course, are great for canning, but are completely unsuitable for making salads in the middle of summer.

Tomatoes: selecting varieties and growing seedlings

I understand that this year the topic is somewhat late... But it’s never too late to exchange opinions and experiences, and every gardener probably has his favorite varieties of tomatoes, criteria for their selection and his own tricks, secrets of good seedlings. So let's discuss...

How to choose varieties

To make a successful choice, you will need to delve a little deeper into the classification.
For us, two characteristics are primarily important: the time of ripening (growing season) and the type of growth. The first one is quite simple: tomatoes are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. The second sign is more difficult to understand: for example, I am still confused by the terms “determinant” and “indeterminate”; the concepts of “short” and “tall” are closer to me. But on packets of seeds they usually use these terms to describe them, so we will stick to tradition. The significant difference between these varieties is that indeterminate, or tall, tomatoes do not stop growing, that is, they grow like a vine - 2 meters in height or more. When a flower cluster appears on the main stem, it is replaced by the stepson closest to the top, which, in turn, after the formation of buds will be replaced by a shoot that has already grown from its top - and so on.

Determinate, or low-growing tomatoes form relatively short bushes with limited growth. Their stepsons, as a rule, grow only in the lower part of the trunk. On each branch (depending on the variety) 2-6 flower clusters are formed, after which the growth of the shoot stops. The result is not a vine, like tall tomatoes, but a bush.

Tomato seeds of various varieties are presented in our catalog in a huge assortment - after all, offers from many large garden online stores are collected here. Choose tomato varieties for your garden .

Tomato Vintage, 10 pcs. Collector's series 91 rub.

Tomato Irina F1, 0.05 g 26 RUR

Tomato Cardinal, 25 pcs. 115 rub.

Tomato Delicious Prize, 0.2 g Tomatoes for salad 44 RUR

The first thing you need to determine when choosing varieties is where the tomatoes will grow. In the not particularly favorable conditions of the Middle Zone and the North-West, this crop is usually grown in greenhouses. But you can also grow tomatoes in open ground - subject to a number of conditions, of which the variety is perhaps the most important.

So: for open ground, low-growing (determinate and super-determinate) varieties are preferable, better than early ripening ones. Mid-season crops with a good summer will give an excellent harvest, but there is a high probability that in August a significant part of it will be destroyed by late blight. It’s not for nothing that we have a “risky farming zone” - you decide whether it’s worth the risk).

Tall (indeterminate) varieties and hybrids are usually grown in greenhouses. Here you can safely plant not only early, but also mid-season and even late-ripening tomatoes.

It is also worth paying attention to the purpose of the variety (there are those intended for canning; there are exclusively salad varieties; for fresh consumption, these are often large-fruited varieties; there are those for universal use).

If you want it to be beautiful, or just love everything unusual, choose by color - in addition to yellow and red tomatoes, breeders will offer other options (for example, green Emerald Apple , purple-black Black Elephant or striped Tiger ).

Yes, there are also cluster tomatoes (mostly hybrids), characterized by the fact that they have 6-7 (rarely more) identical tomatoes ripening on one cluster at the same time. They can be cut and stored together with the brush ( Roksolana F1, Samara F1, Sprut F1 and others). Today, many people are interested in growing vegetables at home and on loggias and balconies. A home garden is a pleasure for a summer resident who yearns for the land in winter)). For growing in containers, choose the most compact plants that are specially adapted for such conditions (a classic example is the Balcony Miracle ).

Finally, out of all the abundance, give preference to zoned varieties (this is especially important for open ground and useful for greenhouses). Such varieties are better adapted to the local climate and, accordingly, will better reveal their inherent properties. A little about the varieties themselves. Of course, just as an example - there are too many of them to talk about them all in detail.

Early and mid-early determinate varieties Sanka - ultra-early ripening (75-85 days), forms few stepsons, and is consistently productive. For open ground; universal purpose.

Far North - a standard plant for open ground and film shelters; cold-resistant.

Siberian early ripening (98-108 days), high-yielding variety for universal use.

And also: Moskvich, Yamal 200, Yablonka Rossii, Dar Zavolzhye, Lyana and others.

Early and mid-season indeterminate varieties Zlato Skifov (105-110 days) for film shelters and greenhouses. Requires pinching and gartering. The fruits are orange-yellow and are intended for fresh consumption and for making juices.

Ogorodnik is a mid-season large-fruited variety for film greenhouses.

Black prince (102-110 days), up to 2.5 m high. Large fleshy fruits, color from dark burgundy to brown. A variety for universal use.

Late ripening indeterminate varieties Giraffe (140-160 days), plants up to 1.8 m or more in height. Harvest; the fruits are well stored. Designed for canning.

Bull's heart is a medium-late variety (125-132 days) for film greenhouses and open ground. Large fruits mainly for salad purposes.

series (De Barao Golden, Pink, etc.) are medium-late (120-125 days) vigorous varieties with different fruit colors. Popular productive varieties for universal use.

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Growing tomato seedlings

A “sick” annual question: when to sow tomatoes for seedlings? To determine the sowing date, you will have to do a little arithmetic.

  • We take the approximate planting date (it depends on the region; on where you will plant: in a greenhouse, in a greenhouse or in the ground; on the forecast for spring: whether to expect it early or late).
  • We subtract from this date the optimal age of seedlings: 70 days for late, 55-60 for mid-season varieties and 40-50 days for early tomatoes.
  • We subtract another 5-6 days (the average time for seed germination at temperatures from +24 to +26 degrees) and get the sowing date.

There is no need to rush: overgrown seedlings take root worse.
You can sow dry seeds, or you can pre-soak them. An ash solution speeds up germination well (stir 2 tablespoons of ash in a liter of hot water and leave for two days), but in urban conditions it is difficult to find ash, so various preparations are used. I like, for example, Fitosporin-M - it both improves germination and provides protection against diseases, that is, this treatment replaces the disinfection of seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate.

It is convenient to sow in small boxes or containers, for example, in food-grade plastic containers. Tomatoes benefit from picking, so it is better not to abandon this procedure. Tomato seedlings germinate 15-20 days after emergence. When planting, they are buried down to the cotyledon leaves and shaded from the sun in a window for two days until the sprouts recover from transplantation.

Caring for tomato seedlings consists of watering and maintaining the temperature at +20...+25 degrees during the day and +18 degrees at night. In this case, of course, you need good lighting - if natural lighting is not enough at first, then the seedlings will have to be illuminated with fluorescent lamps. Tomatoes need a lot of light.

But it’s better to water without excessive zeal: excess moisture can cause blackleg disease. Wait until the soil dries. You shouldn’t overuse fertilizing either; As a rule, purchased soils contain enough nutrients, and excess of them will only harm the plant. Therefore, if the seedlings are healthy, the stem is strong, the leaves are strong, dark green in color - it is better not to feed the plant, it has enough of everything.

One or two weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground, they begin to harden them, gradually accustoming them to the conditions in which they will continue to be. Just don’t start “health treatments” until the outside temperature has risen above +10 degrees. It is important that it is necessary to accustom it not only to street air, but also to the sun - this is also stress for the plant.

What special techniques or tricks do you use when growing tomato seedlings? Share your secrets!

PS The photos this time are not all mine - I don’t have enough vegetable photos...

How to buy good seedlings - the seller's secrets

Adding an article to a new collection

It is not always possible to grow seedlings on your own, even if you are an experienced gardener. You often have to buy it at the market or at garden centers. The choice of planting material must be approached very responsibly - after all, the harvest depends on it.

With the onset of warm May days, the number of seedlings in the markets makes one's eyes wide open. Before purchasing plants, you need to clearly plan future plantings: calculate how many bushes will fit in a greenhouse or garden bed, so that you don’t have to rack your brains about where to place extra bushes or where to get missing ones.

What should you pay attention to when buying plants for planting?

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