Ozharovsky pepper variety description photo reviews

Varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers for greenhouses and open ground have long been famous for their remarkable characteristics. Thanks to these varieties, you can simply grow delicious, juicy fruits at home.

It is important to take into account the heat-loving nature of pepper, look at the characteristics of a specific climate, and the varietal characteristics of the crop in order to achieve good results. Take into account the practical advice of farmers who can boast of extensive experience in growing peppers. What varieties of sweet peppers are best grown in the Moscow region for greenhouses and open ground? You can find out by reading the article.

Sweet thick-walled pepper - description

This group of plants is represented by many varieties that have a number of characteristics. It is important to adhere to the main rules during planting.

Taking this into account, we can say that growing in open ground is not suitable for all farmers in Russia. It will be more difficult for those who live in cool areas with short summers. But you can choose a variety that develops well in a greenhouse.

For proper growth, the crop will need good lighting, which is important for pepper both at the seedling stage and after.

There are several stages in growing pepper:

  1. Seed preparation and sowing.
  2. Caring for seedlings at home.
  3. Transplantation.

The seedling method is recommended for all gardeners who want to get strong and healthy plants. Among the varieties you can find different ones not only in the specifics of cultivation, taste, but also in appearance. Thick-walled peppers can be red and yellow, orange, scarlet and brown, and recently exotic purple varieties can be seen in the garden beds. Whatever the color of the crop, there is no doubt about the health benefits of pepper.

The variety can be considered one of the most popular in Russia. Domestic gardeners love this species for its attractive appearance and pleasant color. Among other characteristics, it is worth highlighting the weight, it reaches 250 grams. Asti brings a lot of harvest. So a square meter planted with this variety will give the farmer up to 10 kilograms of fruit. This is a remarkable level of yield. The first fruits will have to be collected 110 days from the moment the crop pecks. Pepper tolerates transportation well over long distances.

Big mom

The variety may be familiar to many. Gardeners like it for its ability to resist many pathogens. First of all, Big Mom has an incredibly high immunity to tobacco mosaic. Early ripe pepper bears fruit already on the 95th day from the moment the sprouts peck. The harvested crop is distinguished by its amazing shelf life and the ability to withstand transportation well.

The standard cultivation scheme is ideal for achieving high fruiting. Big Mama is available in several color options, which are presented by different agricultural companies.

Big Daddy

An amazing thick-walled variety that can amaze farmers with its attractive color. Big Daddy looks unusual not only on bushes, but also in salads and various dishes. All thanks to the rich purple color of the pepper. The plant will bear fruit already on the 105th day from the moment the seedlings peck. An additional advantage of Big Dad is its excellent yield. This is almost 7 kilograms per square meter. A nice bonus is the protective powers of the tobacco mosaic.


Pepper capable of producing giant fruits weighing 300–500 grams. But what is noteworthy is the formation of such giants on compact bushes. The plant is not tied up. Even without this, it is capable of well revealing its potential for a high level of fruiting.


Ideal for lovers of sweet peppers with a pleasant smell. The variety's bushes are medium-sized, but strong enough to produce large fruits. Peppers will ripen 100 days from the moment the first shoots form. The variety of crop called “Granova” is not threatened by dry air, insufficient rainfall, or poor lighting. This is the number one choice for farmers whose pepper growing conditions are far from ideal.


The plant is a hybrid, which means it has excellent resistance to a lot of diseases and the manifestation of blossom end rot. A square meter planted with the Edino variety will bring the gardener 5 kilograms of fruit. The bushes are small but strong, capable of producing large quantities of tasty and large fruits. Edino pepper has a rich aroma and is perfect not only for fresh consumption, but also for various dishes.

Golden miracle

The name makes it clear that peppers of this variety have a beautiful golden hue, which looks especially attractive due to the glossy surface of the fruit. This is a popular variety among farmers who are interested in growing a crop suitable for harvesting for sale. Excellent salad pepper, ideal for marinades, responds well to heat treatment. The fruits are large, located on compact bushes, ripening in 130 days.

Golden Jubilee

An excellent candidate for active and unhindered growth in the middle zone, for growing in open ground. The Golden Jubilee is not afraid of temperature fluctuations. Sowing of seeds is carried out in February; the work can be postponed to mid-March. The main thing to remember is that the growing season of the plant is approximately 160 days. The bushes are small, form green fruits, which later become yellow, in a rich, bright shade.

Golden pheasant

The growing season is 130 days from the moment the seedlings hatch. Pepper is characterized by resistance to a host of diseases that are dangerous to the crop. The fruits are juicy and can be formed on the plant in large quantities if you follow standard planting patterns. The main feature is that there are many requirements for soil quality. The soil must be enriched with nutrients. The area should be well lit and thoroughly irrigated regularly. Many farmers compare the Golden Pheasant with a persimmon based on its external characteristics.


The main advantage of the variety is resistance to a number of diseases. This is a mid-season variety of crop, whose growing season lasts 120 days. The bushes develop without a garter, although they are medium-sized. If the height of the plant exceeds the norm, a trellis may be needed as support. Fruits average 300 grams. reach 15 cm in length.

California miracle

A popular thick-walled pepper, it can bear fruit well in the south, where the air temperature remains stable within 24-28 degrees. The bushes are small but strong, forming fruits with an unusual appearance. Ripening occurs on the 130th day after seed germination.


The variety attracts with its color variations. The thick-walled, fleshy fruits ripen on the 90th day from the moment the sprouts peck. The yield is impressive. Farmers often collect 14 kilograms of fruit per meter square plot. The Cardinal manages to avoid many diseases. The main feature is protective powers against tobacco mosaic triggers.

King Kong

The bushes are medium-sized, bearing a lot of fruits, which turn into real giants, reaching half a kilogram in weight. This size of pepper fully justifies the name of the variety. The growing season is relatively short. It takes from 90 days to 95 days to ripen. Fruits are able to ripen at unstable air temperatures.

Red giant

The best variety for farmers living in Siberia or the Urals. The bushes have excellent resistance to low temperatures, drought and a number of diseases. The yield is high - almost 10 kilograms per square meter. One fruit can weigh 600 grams.

Red bell

The fruits are formed on small bushes. The Red Bell pepper has a pleasant smell and sweet notes in taste. Grows well in open ground. To achieve maximum yields, it is enough to choose a standard planting scheme.


Moldavian variety, the growing season of which can last 140 days. The fruits on the bushes are small, neat, round. An excellent option for canning and salads.


The bushes are standard, forming from 15 to 20 fruits on one plant. One pepper weighs on average from 180 to 200 grams. This is an early ripening pepper, easy to care for and boasts an excellent taste.

Review of sweet varieties

There are not many varieties of sweet peppers with upward growing fruits, but if you wish, you can try growing some of the options suggested below.


This variety is more correctly classified as hot-sweet peppers, but in any case it will please you with good yield. The plant is a semi-shrub type, small in height, up to 30 cm. The plant has many leaves, its crown is round, so the bush is very reminiscent of a green ball.

The fruits are in the form of cones, reach a length of 6-7 cm, weighing up to 5-6 grams. The color of the skin is orange, but only when fully ripe (before that, the peppers are green).

Ripening time is up to 120 days; it is recommended to grow Salute in greenhouses.


This amazing hybrid produces a huge number of fruits on the bush, while it is unpretentious and resistant to many diseases.

Sweet pepper Juliet F1 is recommended to be planted in greenhouses, where the yield will be higher. The bush grows up to 80-90 cm, the leaves are large, dark green.

The peppers of this variety are shaped like cones and the taste is both sweet and spicy. Peppers reach 80-90 grams in weight and up to 10-12 cm in length. The fruits are juicy, with a pericarp thickness of up to 6 mm. Can be used in salads, in preparations, and also for cooking.


Provide this variety with good care and get more than 3 kg of tasty and sweet peppers (indicators are given per 1 square meter).

The variety is early, after three months you can pick the first green peppers and use them for salads.

The fruits look like small prisms, weighing up to 200 grams, but there can be larger specimens, up to 250-260 grams. The variety is a thick-walled pepper, the pericarp is up to 8 mm. The fruits grow upward on the branches. They taste sweet, with a slight spicy note.

Boneta fruits are suitable for all types of preservation, marinades, and various culinary dishes.


Another sweet pepper, Dionysus, will delight you with its good taste and high yield. It is also better to grow it in greenhouses; in this case, you can remove up to 6 kg of fruit from 1 square meter. meters.

The bush is medium-sized, grows up to 80 cm. The branches are spreading, with a large number of leaves.

The fruits are cone-shaped, formed at the tops of the branches, growing upward. The color of the fruit is green in the incomplete ripening phase and bright yellow in the final stage. The variety is also valued for its thick, up to 6 mm walls of peppers.

Very well suited for stuffing, preparing lecho, as well as marinades.

Golden pheasant

This sweet pepper is distinguished by its golden (really, “golden”) fruits. The variety is productive, resistant to many diseases, and also grows successfully even in the harsh regions of Siberia and the Urals.

Its fruits are round, very juicy, with thick walls (up to 10 mm). The peculiarity of the variety is the fruits growing upward, which gives the bush an unusual appearance.

In terms of ripening time – medium early, up to 120 days. The fruits are used in cooking, for making salads, and are tasty fresh and in any preserved form.



“I grow two varieties of peppers in the garden – Golden Jubilee and Granova. Both plants have their own unique characteristics. The main thing is that they bear fruit well and rarely get sick.”


“I started growing the Edino variety last year, and this year I decided to plant Big Papa, which attracted me with its beautiful color. I’m not disappointed in the quality of the fruit.”

“Asti remains my constant favorite, with whom we have been together for five years. During all this time, we had to periodically fight pests, and fortunately, diseases were avoided.”

“I’ve been growing the Bogdan variety for the second year. So far there are no complaints. The fruits are really dense and tasty, they impress with their taste.”

“I have little experience in growing peppers, so I decided to start with hybrids that rarely get sick. I decided to plant Edino. I don’t regret the decision, there are no problems with the plant, the yield is high.”


“For a long time I grew small peppers. I have long wanted to plant some unusual variety. I settled on King Kong. The fruits are truly gigantic, but at the same time dense, juicy and incredibly tasty.”

The benefits of bell pepper

On a summer day, having beds of fresh sweet peppers on hand means having access to a source of all the necessary vitamins. The yellow and red fruits of bell peppers contain huge amounts of vitamin C. There is even more of it in pepper than in blackcurrant and lemon.

Important! The highest concentration of vitamin C is found in the upper part of the fruit, that is, in the place that is usually cut off and thrown away.

Another very useful element is rutin, or vitamin P. Together with vitamin C, this component helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability and fragility.

A number of B vitamins will help cope with insomnia, weakness and depression. It will also be useful for people suffering from diabetes and edema.

Oddly enough, there is even more vitamin A in bell peppers than in carrots. But this vitamin restores beauty to hair and nails, improves skin, and strengthens vision.

Bell peppers are good in many dishes; they can be canned and pickled, but fresh vegetables are the healthiest. Pepper in salads and appetizers will provide the body with a daily dose of all necessary microelements and vitamins.

Pepper varieties with fruits growing upward

Let's start with the fact that in terms of yield and taste, these peppers are in no way inferior to ordinary plants with drooping fruits. It all depends on the conditions in which your peppers will grow, climate, care and, of course, the characteristics of the variety.


Both types of peppers belong to the large nightshade family, which also includes tomatoes and potatoes. Plants can have different heights, foliage, shape, color and taste of fruits. In sweet peppers, the amount of capsaicin approaches zero; in hot peppers, it is this alkaloid that determines the degree of pungency of the fruit.

Among both hot and sweet varieties of peppers there are indets and low-growing plants, so when choosing, you need to take this characteristic into account. In the conditions of the regions of the North-West, the central zone of the country, as well as beyond the Urals and Siberia, it is desirable to grow this crop under shelters. Peppers (especially hot ones) grow well in ridges, but in the northern regions, summer can be cool, and therefore you will have to wait a long time for the harvest.

All types of peppers are divided into groups according to ripening time. For the south, the best option is late-ripening tall bushes, which will delight you with a good harvest of fruits. For colder regions, it is necessary to choose early and mid-season varieties, and it is important that they are adapted to certain climatic conditions.

Today, gardeners can choose any option among peppers that will suit their needs. Plants with peppers that grow upward are also interesting for their decorative properties. Hot peppers of this type are often grown in pots - in the kitchen, on the balcony, where they are a real interior decoration. And the ripening fruits can be used for seasoning.

It is customary to cultivate sweet peppers on the site, planting them in greenhouses, shelters (arcs, tunnels), as well as in all kinds of greenhouses.

IMPORTANT! If you plan to take your own pepper seeds, grow hot and sweet peppers away from each other.

If you always use only store-bought seeds, there is less hassle (although more expense), and peppers can be grown in one greenhouse. And you don’t have to be afraid that this season, instead of sweet fruits, you’ll get peppers with bitterness due to cross-pollination. This property can only appear in the next generation of peppers, and in the first year there will be no changes in the taste of the fruit.


Sweet peppers are a culinary favorite because they can be used to prepare so many different delicious dishes. Various pickles, marinades, and assorted dishes are also tasty, where a wonderful vegetable successfully keeps company with tomatoes, cucumbers, hot peppers, and squash.

The pulp of the fruit of the plant contains a large amount of various vitamins, including carotene, rutin, vitamins C and B. This pepper is useful for those who want to lose weight, to increase immunity, improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

Thanks to the beneficial microelements and substances contained in sweet peppers, the condition of hair and skin improves, mood improves (this is also typical for hot peppers), and metabolism is normalized. But it is imperative to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, since sometimes certain reactions to eating pepper are quite possible.

Hot peppers differ from sweet peppers in that their fruits contain an alkaloid called capsaicin. It is no coincidence that even a genus of hot pepper is called capsicum. This substance provides the pepper with the required degree of heat, and if there is a lot of it, the fruit turns into a real “nuclear warhead”.

Fans of spicy dishes prefer to grow hot varieties (and there are some among the growing peppers), but for those who prefer spicy peppers, there are many hybrids with sweet-spicy fruits.

ON A NOTE! The spiciness of peppers also depends on growing conditions. Typically, the hottest fruits grow in hot and humid climates.

It is capsaicin, as well as some essential oils, that hot pepper owes its widespread use not only as a spice, but also as a medicine. It helps with various colds, joint pain (tinctures, ointments, creams with pepper), and even with cancer. By adding a small slice of hot pepper pod to soup or powder to side dishes, you can strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from various infections.

But you should always remember the rules, as well as basic accuracy. There are varieties of hot chili that cause unpleasant sensations on the skin, so you should only work with the fruits of such peppers while wearing gloves. By the way, it is useless to wash down the pepper that caused the burning sensation with water; milk, yogurt, a spoonful of boiled rice or a piece of bread are best suited for this.

Pepper care rules

Reviews from gardeners who have been growing peppers for more than one year indicate that it is not so difficult. To get a big harvest you need to put in a little effort and patience.

Pepper has a fairly long growing season - from 80 to 130 days. Even in the south of Russia, the crop will not have time to ripen if pepper is planted with seeds in the ground. In order for plants to bloom well and grow quickly, it is better to plant them in seedlings.

The basic rules for growing bell peppers look like this:

  1. The site is chosen in the fall - it should be a place well lit by the sun and protected from the wind.
  2. Peppers like soil that is loose and saturated with oxygen. Therefore, if the soil on the site is clayey, it needs to be mixed with rotted sawdust, ash, and peat.
  3. The safest way to grow heat-loving peppers is in a shelter. If there is no greenhouse on the site, ordinary beds will do. If possible, you should install arcs over the beds and cover the plants with polyethylene or agrofibre at night. It is preferable to cover the seedlings at night until June 15; in the following days, you can lift the edges of the film, but do not remove it completely.
  4. Pepper branches are very fragile, and the roots are close to the surface of the ground. Therefore, along with planting seedlings, it is necessary to insert a wooden peg near each seedling. When the bush grows, it needs to be tied up to maintain the integrity of the shoots.
  5. It is better to sow seeds for seedlings immediately in individual containers - pepper does not like transplanting, it is better not to pick it. When planting plants in a permanent place, it is better to cut the cups in order to move the bush along with the earthen lump.
  6. After transplanting, the pepper does not need to be watered for about five days; regular loosening of the soil is sufficient. In the first two weeks, the seedlings will be weakened and sickly; they do not need excess moisture.
  7. Plants need to be fed at least three times throughout the entire season. This is done at the time of flowering and during the period of fruit ripening.
  8. Water the pepper only with warm water. Cold water will inhibit the growth of bushes and drop the ovaries. It is best to use distilled water.
  9. Before the flowering period, peppers are watered using the sprinkling method - water is sprayed from a watering can all over the bush. During the period of fruit formation and ripening, the bushes need to be watered at the root.
  10. You should constantly fluff the soil to a depth of about 5 cm. Pepper roots need air.

Attention! The best predecessors for sweet peppers are cucumbers, herbs, and root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets). You should not plant peppers where tomatoes, physalis or zucchini grew last season.

The best varieties of peppers

The varieties listed below were selected based on several factors:

  • productivity;
  • fruit quality;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to diseases and viruses.

Based on the photo and description, you can easily choose the variety suitable for each specific case for 2022.

It is also important to remember that the best gardeners buy pepper seeds only from trusted producers. You can collect seeds from non-hybrid fruits yourself. To do this, choose the most beautiful peppers that have the correct shape and uniform color. The top of them is carefully cut and the testis is pulled out. In this form, they are left to dry for 3-4 days at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. After this, the seeds are placed in a paper bag.

Attention! Bell pepper seeds are suitable for germination for five years.

"Prince Silver"

The variety is an early ripening variety, the fruits ripen by the 100th day after planting the seeds. For seedlings, seeds are sown at the end of February or in the first half of March. Seedlings can be transferred to the greenhouse by mid-May, and peppers are planted in open ground only when constant warmth has established. There should be no frost at night, and the ground should warm up to at least ten degrees.

Peppers have a conical shape and are small in size. The weight of one pepper does not exceed 100 grams. At the stage of technical maturity, the fruit of this variety is yellow, and after full ripening it turns red.

The wall thickness of the vegetable reaches 6.5 mm, which makes it juicy and tasty. Peppers of this variety can be processed, canned, stuffed, added to salads and other dishes.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The Golden Pheasant sweet pepper was created in Ukraine by specialists from the Dnepropetrovsk Research Institute of Agriculture. The variety can be grown in any greenhouses and shelters, and in fairly warm regions - in open ground. It is not cold-resistant and requires warmth and good lighting.

The variety is demanding on soils and fertilizing. With an excess of nitrogen, its yield decreases.

The bush is medium-sized, 50-70 cm in height. The fruits are located on it in small bunches, not drooping, but sticking out to the sides. It takes 120-130 days from full germination to maturity.

The peppers are very large, reaching 250-300 g, with very thick and fleshy walls of 8-10 mm. The shape is cuboid, but can sometimes be round-cuboid or dome-shaped. The color at maturity is yellow. The taste is wonderful, sweet, the flesh is aromatic and crispy, used in fresh and canned salads and various dishes. You can freeze peppers for the winter.

What will help you get a high pepper yield?

There is no “potion” that will make pepper bushes fertile and resilient. This capricious plant needs regular care; pepper is not a crop that can be “visited” only on weekends.

In addition to a number of diseases and viruses, plants are threatened by pests; they must be detected and eliminated in time. All this requires the owner’s time and labor. But if you take good care of the pepper, it will give you a whole storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements, help you improve your health and simply enjoy its unsurpassed taste.

You can safely choose any variety from the rating for 2022; all of them are worthy of the attention of farmers and, rightfully, are considered the best pepper seeds. To get a colorful assortment in jars and on plates, choose multi-colored varieties of bell peppers.

Pepper “Ozharovsky” TM “Vesna” 0.2g

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    Growing seedlings from seeds

  • Only in the south of the country is there enough time for a full growing season when sowing pepper seeds directly into the ground. In other regions, it is recommended to sow seeds in containers placed in a heated room.
  • Pepper seeds should be sown 8-10 weeks before planting seedlings in the ground, approximately 2-3 weeks after the last frost.
  • The depth of immersion of seeds into the substrate should not exceed 1 cm.
  • It is first necessary to moisten and warm the substrate at a temperature of 25°C.
  • Shoots should appear in 10-21 days.
  • Once they appear, good lighting should be provided. For this purpose, you can place the container on a sunny windowsill or place a fluorescent lamp above it (the distance from the lamp should be about 10 cm, the duration of illumination should be 16 hours).
  • Incandescent lamps are not suitable for growing seedlings, as they create too high a temperature.
  • If artificial lighting is used, it is necessary to take a break during the dark period of growth. Lighting 24 hours a day is not beneficial.
  • Seedlings should not be overfed with fertilizers. The rate of fertilizing for indoor plants is not suitable in this case.
  • If the seeds were sown in a container with sections or in small containers, they may need to be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7-10 cm.
  • Seedlings are ready for planting in open ground when they have formed 3 pairs of leaves.
  • Before planting, seedlings must undergo a “hardening” process, that is, adaptation to street conditions. During the week, containers or pots should be taken outside for a certain time.
  • During the “hardening off” period, the sun, wind and low temperature are especially dangerous for seedlings. Therefore, containers should be placed in a place protected from these factors.
  • Planting in open ground

  • To obtain an early pepper harvest, especially in the northern regions, it is necessary to specially prepare the planting site. It is recommended to mulch it within a week and cover it with dark plastic film.
  • Planting seedlings in preheated soil will provide favorable conditions for the engraftment of young plants. Mulch will provide sufficient moisture throughout the growing season.
  • A well-lit area with rich and sufficiently moist soil is suitable for planting peppers. To minimize the risk of disease, you should not plant peppers in the same place where tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and other nightshade crops grew last year.
  • Before planting peppers, the soil should be loosened to a depth of about 20 cm, clods of earth, roots of last year's plants, grass and stones should be removed with a rake.
  • It is advisable to plant pepper seedlings in rows. The distance between individual plants is 40-50 cm, the distance between rows is 50-70 cm.
  • The root holes must be deep enough for the root system to fit freely there.
  • The plant should be removed from the pot carefully, supporting the root with the soil with your hands.
  • After placing the plant in the hole, it must be covered with soil and the soil pressed down with your hand. A small depression should be formed around the plant for watering.
  • Watering the plant after planting will create conditions for close contact of the root system with the ground and rapid establishment.
  • Peppers can be planted not only in open ground, but also in spacious containers with a diameter of 40 cm. It is recommended to use a special substrate instead of ordinary soil.
    • Care during growth
  • Throughout the growing season, the plant should not be disturbed by weeds, which take away moisture, space and nutrients. Both regular cultivation and mulch can be used to control weeds.
  • At the same time as preventing weed growth, mulch helps retain moisture in the soil and helps maintain stable temperatures. For peppers, this is the best option, since damage to the roots during weeding can lead to rotting.
  • Peppers require regular watering, especially during drought. The best option is to use drip irrigation. With overhead spraying, it is better to water at the beginning of the day so that the leaves have time to dry before evening.
  • The soil should be constantly moist, but not wet.
  • It should be remembered that hot pepper varieties become more bitter with insufficient watering and, conversely, softer than expected with abundant soil moisture.
  • It is necessary to promptly treat peppers from pests and diseases.
  • The best neighbors for peppers in the garden are tomatoes, parsley, basil, and carrots. He will not be comfortable enough next to kohlrabi cabbage or dill.
  • Peppers look very bright and colorful. They become a real decoration of the garden bed.
    • Harvesting and canning
  • Like cucumbers or zucchini, peppers should be picked when they are not fully ripe. For example, bell peppers are harvested green, although most varieties turn red, orange or yellow when fully ripe.
  • For salads, it is recommended to collect mature peppers, which have the most intense aroma.
  • It is recommended to cut the fruits from the bush with a sharp knife or pruning shears, leaving a small part of the stalk.
  • Some varieties are suitable for freezing in a peeled state, others for marinades.
  • It is best to store hot peppers in dried form. The pods are strung with a needle on a thick thread and hung in a warm, dry and well-ventilated area.
  • A few hot peppers can add a colorful touch to your kitchen decor. The peppercorn can be removed at any time and used for cooking.
  • Hot peppers do not lose their “fiery” qualities when dried. It withstands any heat treatment perfectly.
  • Please remember that hot peppers can cause irritation on sensitive skin. Unpleasant sensations can also occur during cooking if water vapor comes into contact with the conjunctiva of the eyes or the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs.
  • It is necessary to work with hot pepper only with gloves, avoiding contact with eyes and face.
    • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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    Spicy varieties

    Hot peppers are often used for making seasonings, as well as fresh to add a piquant taste to culinary dishes. Many of these varieties are grown not only in garden beds or greenhouses, but also at home. At the same time, the external qualities of peppers growing with a cone upward are excellent, so they are often grown for decorative purposes.


    The Aladdin variety is recommended to be grown only in open ground. Plant height up to 50 cm. Forms sharp fruits directed with a cone upward. They are painted in green, red, purple and are intended for universal use.

    The period of active fruiting begins 120 days after sowing the seed. When growing, it is preferable to use the seedling method. Recommended scheme for planting plants in the ground: 4 bushes per 1 m2. The yield of the variety is 4 kg of vegetables from 1 bush.


    Pepper "Aleksinsky" can be grown in garden beds, in greenhouses, and also in apartment conditions. It should be taken into account that the height of the bush reaches 1 m. The crop is resistant to diseases and cold, and tolerates temperatures above + 10 0C. The sharp fruits ripen 140 days from the day the seed is sown. When growing in beds, the best time to sow seeds for seedlings is February-March.

    Pepper is suitable for fresh consumption, canning, pickling and preparing seasonings. On one bush, green, orange and red vegetables are simultaneously formed, pointing upward. The weight of each of them is approximately 20-25 g. The thickness of the pulp is 3 mm. The crop yield is 4 kg/m2.

    Important! Peppers of this variety have a pronounced aroma and excellent decorative appearance.


    The semi-hot pepper variety is highly resistant to cold and disease. It is recommended for cultivation in the northern regions of Russia. On one bush of the plant, fruits of red and green color, trunk-shaped, are simultaneously formed. Their pulp is 1.5-2 mm thick. The average weight of such a vegetable is 20g.

    Open ground and protected areas, as well as indoor conditions, are suitable for growing the crop. However, it is worth remembering that the plant is very demanding on lighting.

    You can sow seeds for seedlings as early as February, and once stable night temperatures have reached above +100C, the plants should be taken outside for hardening and subsequent planting.

    The bush of the “Zadira” variety is compact, its height reaches 70 cm. Fruiting occurs 115 days after sowing the seeds in the ground. During the growing process, the plant should be regularly loosened, watered, and fed. If you follow the growing rules, the yield will be 4 kg/m2.

    Important! The “Zadira” pepper variety is drought resistant.

    Falcon beak

    Falcon's Beak peppers are intensely hot and green and dark red in color. Their shape is narrow-conical, wall thickness is 3-4 mm, weight is about 10 g. The fruits are used as a fresh seasoning, as well as for pickling.

    “Falcon's Beak” can be grown on open and protected soils, in residential premises. The culture is resistant to low temperatures and drought. A plant bush up to 75 cm high begins to bear fruit 110 days after sowing the seed. The productivity of peppers is 3 kg/m2.


    The “Bride” variety produces a large number of yellow and red fruits, pointing upward. The plant has amazing decorative qualities, like a flower bouquet. The crop can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the balcony or windowsill.

    Vegetables of this variety are small: they weigh no more than 7 g. The thickness of their pulp is up to 1 mm. Peppers are distinguished by their special pungency and aroma. They are more often used to prepare powdered seasonings.

    The “Bride” bush is miniature, up to 20 cm high, very spreading and leafy. The yield of peppers does not exceed 200 g per bush. You can admire the external qualities of this hot pepper in the photo below.

    Important! “Bride” is an early-ripening variety: the fruit ripening period is only 90 days.

    Fire Volcano

    Hot peppers, with a classic cone shape, grow with the crown up. Their color can be green or bright red. The fruits themselves are quite dry - the thickness of their pulp does not exceed 1 mm. Each vegetable weighs about 19 g.

    You can grow the plant using the traditional method in garden beds or in a pot on the windowsill. Such an ornamental plant can become a real decoration of the apartment. For outdoor cultivation, seeds of this variety should be sown as seedlings in February. At home, the plant can be grown all year round. 115 days after sowing the seed, the crop begins to bear fruit abundantly. The yield of one plant is 1 kg.

    Queen of Spades

    The Queen of Spades variety is distinguished by the color variety of its fruits: green, yellow, orange, red, and purple peppers abundantly strew the bush. They are quite long (up to 12 cm) and cone-shaped. Each pepper weighs up to 12 g. Many gardeners grow the crop in the off-season at home on the windowsill. In this case, the plant becomes not only a source of seasoning, but also a decorative decoration.

    When growing crops on open ground, in greenhouses, it is recommended to sow seeds in February-March for seedlings. Mass ripening of fruits in this case occurs after 115 days. The yield of each plant reaches 400 g.


    The “Constellation” variety has similar external qualities to the “Queen of Spades” pepper. Its fruits have a similar shape and color. The bush of the “Constellation” variety reaches a height of 60 cm. Its yield is 200 g. The period from sowing the crop to harvesting the fruit is 140 days. The variety can be grown at home as a decorative one. Multi-colored hot peppers are used to make seasonings.


    Peppers of this variety are more like berries: their shape is round, their weight is up to 2.3 g. The pulp of these peppers is very sharp, up to 1 mm thick. The color of the fruit is purple, orange, red. The plant is small in height (up to 35 cm) and can be grown indoors or outdoors. It takes 140 days from sowing the seed to harvesting the fruit. The yield of pepper is 200 g per bush. The vegetable has a pronounced aroma. It is used to make powdered seasonings.


    Dinosaur pepper is a semi-hot pepper. It is used fresh for preparing salads, for pickling and as a dry seasoning. Peppers are distinguished by their fleshiness (the walls of the vegetable are up to 6 mm), their weight reaches 95 g. The trunk-shaped fruits are green, yellow, and red in color, and are located with the tip up. Their ripening period is 112 days.

    The bush is compact, up to 75 cm high, and tolerates low temperatures, lack of light and moisture. Cultivated in open and protected beds. The yield of the Dinosaur variety is 6 kg/m2 or 1.5 kg per plant.

    Hot peppers that grow fruit upward deserve special attention because they combine excellent decorative qualities, excellent taste, aroma and irreplaceable benefits for human health. They can be cultivated not only in the traditional way in garden beds, but also at home. You can learn more about the rules for growing peppers in pots in the video:

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