Sweet pepper Player - reviews and photos, variety description

Pepper Player: reviews, photos, yield

Bell pepper is considered by many novice vegetable growers to be a very capricious vegetable crop, which is extremely difficult to grow not only in the garden, but also in greenhouse conditions. After all, such a vegetable is considered too heat-loving, unable to tolerate even slight cold snaps, the yield of which directly depends on the weather conditions in the region.

All this is true, but recently dozens of new varieties and hybrids of bell peppers have been developed with improved characteristics, resistance to slight cold, forming ovaries in cloudy and rainy weather and producing good harvests.

One of the best early-ripening sweet bell peppers is the Player variety.

. Its other characteristics, advantages and nuances of cultivation will be discussed below.

Pepper Player photo on a bush


Peppers are grown in seedlings. Seeds are sown from mid-February. Fertile soil is used, to which a phosphorus-potassium mixture is added (30 g per 10 kg of substrate). The soil is disinfected by calcining it in the oven for about half an hour. You can shed the soil with 1% Fitosporin.

The depth of penetration into the wet soil is 1-1.5 cm. The grooves are sprinkled and compacted.

For seedlings, maintain warm conditions at 19-25 degrees. Phytolights are turned on in the evenings. They dive at the 2-leaf stage. At the age of 60 days they are planted in permanent beds.

History of the variety

The manufacturer of this variety is considered to be an agrotechnical company. When breeding the variety, breeders set themselves the task of obtaining a pepper that would be resistant to adverse weather conditions and temperature changes, the fruits would ripen smoothly, and the yield would be high.

The developed variety Player has all of the above advantages, therefore, after being included in the State Register, this vegetable plant quickly became popular among summer residents from different regions of Russia and was grown in open ground even in regions with a cold climate such as the Urals, Siberia and the Leningrad region.

Features of cultivation

It is best to cultivate the Player pepper variety using seedlings. This technology is relevant in any region, since the gardener will have the opportunity to provide the plant with the necessary conditions.

Before sowing the material, you should decide in advance on the choice of location for planting the seedlings. It will be possible to transfer peppers to greenhouses already in April, and to open ground in most regions only in May. The timing of the start of work with the material depends on the choice of planting site.

When and how to sow seedlings

The most favorable time is February. The seedling must have time to take root and be fully formed.

Player pepper seeds are characterized by good germination. They should be purchased from trusted suppliers. Preparation of the material consists of inspecting it, rejecting damaged specimens, and spraying with a growth stimulant.

During sowing, it is necessary to prepare containers with soil. You can buy soil in a store, or get the soil mixture yourself. To do this, it is enough to combine humus and compost with sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

With proper care, pepper Player pleases with a stable and abundant harvest during the growing season

Work algorithm:

  1. Fill the container 2/3 with soil and make furrows 1-1.5 cm deep in the ground, maintaining a distance of 2 cm.
  2. Place the seed there, cover it with soil and water it.
  3. Cover the container with plastic and leave on a warm windowsill until sprouts appear. The room temperature should not be higher than 24-26 °C.
  4. After emergence of shoots, remove the film. The temperature in the room needs to be reduced to 16-18 °C.
  5. Provide the seedlings with proper care: watering, ventilation, removing weeds.

An integral stage of growing Player pepper is its picking into separate containers after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves.

Transplantation into open ground

In May, when the seedling is 60-70 days old, it is necessary to allocate a place on the site. The bed should be located in a sunny, windless place with soft, sandy or clay soil.

Algorithm for transplanting into open ground:

  1. Dig up the soil and fertilize it with compost. For 1 m2 you need 3-4 kg of fertilizing. Mark the bed, making holes every 45-50 cm. You can place them every 10-15 cm.
  2. Remove the seedlings from the containers and transfer them to the holes, leaving the root collar at surface level.
  3. Cover the root with soil and water the plant generously.

Further care

To obtain a harvest, it is not recommended to neglect the principles of agricultural technology. Pepper Player needs to be watered and fed regularly, making sure that the soil in the garden bed does not dry out, but is not waterlogged either.

As the variety is cultivated, it is necessary to feed it 3-4 times per season with complex mineral fertilizers, maintaining an interval of 10-14 days. The optimal time for the procedure is before flowering, during the period of buds opening and vegetable ripening.

Pepper Player: characteristics and description of the variety

Pepper Player can be grown in open ground and film greenhouses; its ripening period is early; at least 3.5 months pass from the moment the first shoots appear to the harvest of ripe fruits


The bushes are miniature, compact, semi-spreading. The shoots reach a height of 0.45-0.50 m. The foliage is medium in size, slightly wrinkled, dark emerald in color. Due to their miniature size, the plants do not require shaping and tying, despite the large size of the ripening fruits.

Sweet pepper LIVADIA F1
The fruits grow downward, their shape is cuboid. Ripe peppers are large, with a slightly ribbed surface, the skin is shiny. At the stage of technical maturity, the color of the fruit is green; as the peppers fully ripen, the color of the peppers becomes deep red. Weight of ripe products – up to 150 g

. The taste is sweet, without bitterness, with a characteristic peppery smell. This pepper has very thick walls - up to 10-12 mm.

The purpose of the harvest is universal; the fruits are stuffed, added to salads and snacks, used for preparing hot dishes, canned, frozen.

The variety is highly resistant to changes in air temperature and unpretentious to growing conditions.

Pepper Yield Player

Pepper Player is responsive to regular watering and fertilizing during the period of fruit growth and ripening. If these conditions are met, then the yield of this vegetable crop will be at least 5.5-6 kg per square.


In regions with a short summer period, it is recommended to grow this bell pepper in film greenhouses, where its yield will be slightly higher than in open ground.

The release of ripe peppers is friendly, almost simultaneous, which is a big plus for such regions of its cultivation as Siberia or the Urals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pepper Player has an extensive list of worthy qualities:

  1. The plant does not die and does not drop fruits when there is a sudden change in air temperature.
  2. The harvest is formed quickly and amicably.
  3. It is convenient to stuff peppers; it is also suitable for salads, freezing, first courses, and canning.
  4. Vegetables have massive walls, which has a positive effect on their transportability.
  5. The farmer can prepare his own seeds for the next planting season.
  6. The fruits have good shelf life.
  7. In terms of productivity, pepper does not lag behind many hybrids.
  8. The crop is compact, which allows you to plant a large number of bushes in a greenhouse.

Attention! Some sources indicate that the vegetable has good immunity to diseases. However, this information is not available on seed packages.

Some farmers believe that the disadvantage of this variety is that in the absence of sufficient watering, the fruits grow small and twisted.

Growing and caring for sweet peppers Player

In most Russian regions, it is recommended to grow the Player pepper variety in seedlings, and the seeds should be planted for seedlings a couple of months before they are transplanted into beds or a greenhouse. The period for planting seed material of Player pepper is the first ten days of March.

This is useful!
An article about growing peppers in a greenhouse and open ground.
Purchased Player pepper seeds do not require treatment before sowing; it is enough to soak them for germination. It should be remembered that peppers take longer to germinate than tomatoes. The germination rate of seeds of the Player variety is high – up to 95%.

When growing seedlings, you need to remember that pepper seedlings are responsive to regular watering and fertilizing.

Pepper seedlings are planted in open ground when the plants have at least 5 pairs of true leaves. The air temperature at this time should be at least 14-15 degrees Celsius. The approximate time for transplanting seedlings to a permanent place is the second or third decade of May.

When caring for peppers in the garden, you should definitely adhere to a certain watering regime - the soil should not dry out, and watering should not be too abundant so that there is no stagnation of moisture in the soil.

During the growth of these peppers, it is necessary to apply at least 3-4 fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers should be applied a couple of weeks after transplanting the seedlings into the beds, before flowering, during the flowering period and during the ripening of fruits.

Pepper variety Player photo

Diseases and pests

The Player variety is highly resistant to most diseases that affect other vegetable crops of the Solanaceae family. It is not affected by pests either.

Features of agricultural technology

Peppers should be grown using the seedling method. Planting and caring for bushes is carried out in accordance with several requirements:

  • seeds should not be buried more than 1.5 cm into the soil;
  • by the time of transfer to the main place, the seedlings must reach the age of 2 months;
  • pepper can be planted outside if the air temperature is above 14 - 15 degrees;
  • The crop should be fed 3 times before the fruits ripen and 1 time during the active pouring of vegetables;
  • The bushes should be watered at such a frequency that the soil remains moist, but does not create stagnation of liquid under the plants.
Sowing seeds for seedlings
Planting seedlings in a greenhouse/greenhouse
Planting seedlings in exhaust gas
MarchMayThe beginning of JuneUp to the 1st forkFrom the end of July
*dates are indicated for central Russia

Advantages of the Player variety

The main advantages of the variety include:

  • good yield;
  • large fruit size;
  • possibility of cultivation in most regions of Russia;
  • resistance to weather changes and cold snaps;
  • good taste of fruits;
  • excellent presentation;
  • versatility of the harvested crop;
  • resistance to most diseases and pest attacks;
  • ripe fruits tolerate transportation well over long distances;
  • friendly ripening of fruits.

There are practically no disadvantages to the Player pepper.

Peppers catalog

Our catalog provides a complete description of pepper varieties. All these varieties are from well-known agricultural companies and private collectors. Among them there are very popular and very rare varieties.

There are sweet and bitter peppers, with fruits of different shapes, colors and tastes. The catalog contains plants for both greenhouses and open ground, and even for growing at home on a windowsill.

All varieties of peppers are arranged alphabetically, making it easy to find the variety you need. For each variety there is a photo of pepper, a description, reviews and a hint from whom you can currently buy seeds of this variety.

You can also select pepper varieties using filters by simply setting the desired characteristics of the variety: ripening time, size, color, etc.

We hope that our catalog will help you select the best varieties of sweet and bitter peppers for planting.

Enjoy watching!

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Pepper Player: reviews from those who planted

Many vegetable growers on the forum of this pepper leave their reviews about the cultivation and main characteristics of the Player variety. Some of these reviews are listed below:

Irina, 55 years old, Leningrad region:

I planted peppers in my garden for the first time. Moreover, the Player was advised to buy pepper seeds by the seller in the store. And although I had no experience in growing this vegetable plant, the peppers grew strong, bloomed amicably, and reaped a good harvest. I planted this vegetable in the beds with seedlings that I grew at home. Since our nights at the end of spring were still cool, the planted plants were covered with a film stretched over metal arches. I think that next year I will plant this variety in my beds again, since the yield of the Player variety pleased me.

Pepper Player - photos and reviews about the variety

Olesya, 45 years old, Barnaul:

Player planted pepper in her film tunnel, since our climate is quite cold, so she was afraid to plant this delicate vegetable crop in open ground. I was pleased with the early ripening of the fruits, as well as the good yield of the bushes. The collected fruits were used to prepare salads, stuffed, and prepared for the winter.

Anna, 39 years old, Moscow region:

In our climate, not all varieties of peppers bear fruit well, since our weather varies - both cool and rainy, and autumn frosts can begin early. But thanks to the early ripening of the Player variety, the harvest was harvested in early August. True, I planted seedlings of this vegetable crop in the beds, and did not sow the seeds directly into open ground. The fruits of this vegetable are thick-walled, tasty, and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Variety of bell pepper ATLANT
Thanks to its early ripening and friendly yield, the Player pepper crop can be grown not only in the southern regions of Russia, but also in areas with a colder climate. Pepper does not require special care, so even novice gardeners can plant this pepper in their beds.

Early varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses with full characteristics

Most vegetable growers are watching for the emergence of new pepper varieties that would be resistant to negative weather factors, easy to cultivate and have excellent fruit production. The following are some early varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses with characteristics, from which you can learn about the possibility of growing peppers in an open area, about the pros and cons of each variety. This will help make the task of choosing peppers easier for specific growing conditions and areas.

Characteristics of pepper varieties with early fruit ripening

There are many varieties of early pepper. However, there are some that are distinguished by their excellent characteristics. Having studied the descriptions of the varieties offered below, someone will add to their knowledge base about pepper crops and, for sure, will discover as yet unknown names of peppers. So, we study and take into account (bitter and hot peppers are not considered).

Pepper variety Medal

Sweet pepper Medal is intended for greenhouses of various types - film, glass, and modern polycarbonate.

That is, it is quite possible to grow it in greenhouses. The bushes are compact and semi-spreading, growing up to 120 cm. The pods are large, prism-shaped, with medium-sized ribs and wavy. The tip is blunt. The color of the fruit in the technical stage of ripening is light greenish, in the biological stage it is red. The pulp wall of a ripe pod is 3.5 mm, its weight is about 50 g. The taste quality is excellent. Seedlings are sown in the third ten days of February. Picking is performed at the cotyledon leaf stage. They are planted in ridges at the beginning of summer. Pruning is done in this way: before the initial branching, all the branches and leaves on the sides are torn off. Planting pattern - 40 by 60 cm. The variety is high-yielding (3.9-4.5 kg per sq. m.).

Samander pepper variety

The plants of this variety are of medium length and not very spreading. The leaves are medium sized, slightly wrinkled, green. The fruits have a cone-shaped, narrowed shape. They are glossy. The color is initially green, but as they ripen they become dark red. The pods are of medium size, weighing 80-100 g and have a fleshy wall of 3-5 mm. Productivity - 179-481 centners per hectare. In the technical phase, the taste of the pods is characterized as good. Samander sweet pepper is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation and in the Lower Volga region. In addition to greenhouses, it can also be cultivated in unprotected ridges.

Pepper variety Russian size

This mid-early hybrid has thick-fleshed pods that turn bright red when ripe. Purpose - both for greenhouse and outdoor cultivation under cover. It is distinguished by its ability to resist various viral diseases and resistance to heat changes. Seeds hatch at +25 degrees. After the first two leaves emerge, the plants are fed with liquid “treats”. On the plot for Russian pepper, a fully illuminated and sheltered area from the winds is selected, if we are not talking about greenhouse cultivation. Throughout the entire growth period, Russian size peppers are fertilized at least three times, watered abundantly, but not frequently (one watering every 7 days), and the soil is regularly loosened. If care is carried out at the proper level, pepper fruits can grow up to 20 cm. Their pulp is juicy and tastes sweet. The soft wall reaches a centimeter. Some specimens can grow to weigh up to half a kilo, allowing one pod to feed an entire family with dinner. The variety is high-yielding and caring for it is not difficult.

Pepper variety Snow White

This unpretentious variety is excellent for planting in greenhouses. It cannot be planted in an unprotected ridge. It is worth reading the description of the Snow White pepper and learning more about it. The bushes are compact and do not require shaping or staking. Ripe red pods, weighing 150 g, have a cone-shaped structure, slightly elongated (up to 12 cm in length). The pulp layer is 5 mm. From the moment the seedlings hatch until the first harvest, you will have to wait 4 months. Snow White pepper is intended for canning and stuffing. An unwanted neighbor (like its predecessor) in the garden is a cucumber. Does not require special care, resists diseases well. If the plantings are not pinched, this will not cause harm to the crop. The variety allows you to collect your own seeds from the pods.

Pepper variety Player

And another variety of bell pepper with excellent taste and yield. Gardeners value the sweet pepper Sweet Player for its unpretentiousness: it is not afraid of frost, soil conditions, or illnesses. Fruit ripening is uniform: 100-150 days from the sowing date. This is a fleshy variety, characterized by super thick surfaces (9-12 mm). Its fruits are juicy and aromatic, adding a piquant taste to any dish. The round and compact shape of the pods makes them indispensable for canning and stuffing.

Pepper variety Health

The variety is planted in a greenhouse, for which the seeds are planted on seedlings in late February. They dive in the cotyledon phase. The seedlings are moved to the ridges at the end of May. Since the bushes are tall (up to 1 m 70 cm), they are formed (side leaves and shoots are removed before the initial branching). Ripe red fruits have a prism-shaped, slightly wavy texture. The pulp layer is 3-4 mm. The fruits grow up to 8-12 cm in length and gain a weight of 30-40 g. The taste is excellent. Some reviews of the Health pepper say that even with insufficient light in the greenhouse, this pepper does not in any way impair its ability to set pods. Others claim that there are a lot of fruits, although they are not with thick walls. Productivity - 4 - 4.6 kg per sq.m.

Casablanca pepper variety

The hybrid large-pod variety produces a harvest 95 days after germination. Ripe pods are yellow, cube-shaped, juicy, walls 7-8 mm. The fruits are so large that an entire family can eat one as a salad. In addition to greenhouses, it is recommended for unprotected soil. Among the variety of hybrids, Casablanca pepper stands out for its even yield.

Pepper variety Knyazhich

Recommended variety for greenhouses and film structures. The bushes are tall with the ability to simultaneously set about 10 pods. Productivity - 7 kg per sq.m. Large fruits (200 g) Knyazhich pepper have thick walls, resembling a cylinder in appearance, their walls are 8-9 mm.

The pods are juicy and sweet. They can be eaten fresh or processed, frozen and canned. The seedlings are transferred to the ridges for 60-70 days, placing 4 bushes per 1 sq.m. The culture requires constant watering, loosening, weeding, and additional nutrition.

Pepper variety Quadro Red

A variety from the Siberian collection with rich fruiting and large pods, it loves abundant watering, so it can grow in any soil.

The bushes are not tall, growing up to 0.65 m both in a greenhouse and in the wild. At the same time, they are strong, withstanding the load of 15 large pods that ripen during the growing season. Fruits with 4 chambers have a characteristic cuboid structure, gain weight up to 250-300 g, the walls are quite wide - 7-8 mm. At technical ripeness, the color of the pods is dark green with a sea-green tint, which makes it stand out among similar varieties.

Harvesting - 2.5 kg per bush. Seed planting is carried out 65 days before planting outside. Quadro Red pepper is recommended not only for greenhouses; it is also successfully planted on beds under various shelters. When planting in ridges, per 1 sq.m. have 5-7 bushes. The plants are harvested in July-August. If you intend to harvest a rich harvest, it is recommended to pick pods that have reached technical maturity. Grown for fresh consumption and processing.

Morozko pepper variety

Typically, the description of Morozko pepper contains an indication that the variety is resistant to sudden weather changes and cold snaps. This quality is undoubtedly a feature of the variety. And it is thanks to him that the variety is popular among vegetable growers, especially among those who have not yet acquired stationary structures.

The crop is medium-early with a maturity period of 110 days. When biologically ripe, the pods are red. When the fruits begin to ripen, the bushes are fed generously with ash. Long-term transportation and long-term storage are allowed; the fruits are good for preservation.

Pepper variety Corvette

Corvette pepper bushes are of medium height with early fruit formation. The leaves are dark green, with medium dimensions. The cone-shaped pods look upward, they are glossy and smooth. At biological ripeness, they are characterized by a dark red color. The pods grow up to 120 g, and the walls form a thickness of 5-7 mm.

Pepper variety Stuntman

This variety produces pods weighing up to 170 g. Cone-shaped. The bushes do not grow very elongated - within 40 cm. If you study the reviews of the Stunt pepper, it becomes clear that this culture is unpretentious and does not need to be shaped.

Trebia pepper variety

Likewise, reviews of Trebia pepper indicate that this sweet and large (the fruits grow up to 15 cm) pepper variety has a good yield. The only nuance is that the peppercorns are yellow in color. Also suitable for outdoor growing.

Pepper variety Pharaoh

The weight of ripe pods reaches 140 grams. The peculiarity of the variety, as evidenced by reviews of Pharaoh pepper, is its immunity to the tobacco mosaic virus. The weight of ripe peppercorns is 120-140 g.

Mini pepper

Varieties of miniature peppers, known as cherry peppers, differ from typical Bulgarian peppers solely in their size. Popular varieties here are Red Sweet (red-fruited), Yellow Sweet (yellow-fruited). Ramiro peppers are a Mexican variety of mini sweet peppers. Ramiro is considered sweeter than bell pepper. Ramiro will decorate any dish, in addition, he is simply a storehouse of useful substances.

Early pepper varieties were discussed above. Among this variety, there are also those that are suitable for cultivation in an open ridge.


Pepper Player: description and characteristics from the manufacturer

Early ripening (100-105 days) high-yielding variety for greenhouses, tunnels, open ground. The plant is semi-spreading, medium-sized, 45-50 cm high. The fruits are drooping, large, cuboidal, medium-ribbed, glossy, light green in technical ripeness, deep red in biological ripeness, weighing 130-150 g, wall thickness 9-12 mm. The taste is very high.

Productivity 5-6 kg/m². The value of the variety: resistance to unfavorable growing conditions and temperature changes, abundant fruiting, friendly early harvest. Recommended for fresh consumption and canning, one of the best varieties for stuffing.

Ripening period: Early Productivity: 5-6 kg per 1 sq.m. Ripening period: 100-105 days Planting interval: 40 x 50 cm Cultivation in open and closed ground

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Description of the bush and fruits

Player is an early variety; it takes about 3.5 months from the appearance of the first shoots to the ripening of the fruits.

The fruits are beautiful, glossy, rich bright red in color, have thick walls of about 0.9-1.2 cm. The shape of the peppers resembles a cube, their ribbing is average, they gain weight of about 130-150 g. They have a pleasant sweet taste.

The vegetable bushes of this variety are semi-spreading and grow to medium height (about half a meter). The leaves are slightly wrinkled, small in size, dark green in color.

Mammoth tusks F1

The hybrid variety Mammoth Tusks F1 amazes with its size: the length of one “tusk” can reach 27 cm and weight – 300 g! This pepper is fleshy, juicy, has a delicate taste and rich aroma, making it ideal for adding to salads.

The variety is undemanding to soil, resistant to tobacco mosaic, and is suitable for growing in a greenhouse and in open ground. The plant can reach 1 m in height. The yield is quite high - 12 fruits from one bush.

A pleasant bonus of the Mammoth Tusks F1 variety is its spectacular appearance, and we’re not just talking about large “tusks”. This pepper has a very beautiful bright yellow color, which turns green at the base of the fruit.

PurposeGrowingRipening time (days)Fruit weight (g)Productivity (kg/sq.m)
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