Method and instructions for using the continuous action herbicide Sprut Extra

Features of the herbicide

"Octopus Extra" affects only those weeds that have stems and leaves. The effect of the working substance does not apply to seeds.

How it works

After the drug hits the plant leaf plate, it penetrates into the weed cells and moves along the stem to the roots. First of all, the above-ground part of the plant dries out, then the root system.

Duration of protective action

Plants that are treated with the drug die forever. The problem is that the herbicide may not reach all the plants, so it is recommended to treat overly infested areas several times.

How quickly does the effect appear?

Approximately 5-7 days pass from the moment of treatment until the leaves turn yellow. After 2 weeks, the above-ground part withers, the weed completely dies in 20-30 days.

What weeds does it affect?

The spectrum of action of the drug is extensive:

  • dandelion officinalis;
  • mustard, Veronica field;
  • nettle, all types of wormwood;
  • ragweed, purslane;
  • white quinoa, creeping sow thistle;
  • bentgrass, wheatgrass.

To treat overly infested areas, it is recommended to use the maximum dose of herbicide.

Precautionary measures

When working with the herbicide "Eraser Extra", the following safety precautions should be observed:

  • do not allow pregnant women, persons under 18 years of age, or patients with contraindications to work;
  • those admitted to work must undergo labor safety training;
  • workers are provided with special protective equipment - clothing, shoes, gloves, goggles, a respirator;
  • do not carry out work in sanitary zones of water bodies and near housing;
  • notify residents and owners of apiaries about the time of spraying;
  • carry out work in the morning or evening in calm, windless weather;
  • do not smoke, eat or drink until work is completed;
  • transport the working solution in a sealed container in a closed transport;
  • upon completion of work, remove clothes, clean them and place them in a special place;
  • take a shower.

Action of the herbicide

The product belongs to a group of substances that are dangerous to all plants. It does not have a certain selectivity, since it does not select crops for destruction, but neutralizes all plants in the treated area.

Mechanism of action

After spraying the drug onto the leaf blades, its components penetrate into the plant cells. Then they move along the stems to the root system and block the synthesis of substances that are necessary for their full growth and development. As a result, they die from a lack of minerals.

Period of protective action

Harmful plants that come under treatment die forever. But the drug may not cover all weeds on the site. For this reason, spraying is recommended 2-3 times per season, which will destroy the bulk of unwanted plants.

Impact speed

On average, the above-ground part of the weed turns yellow a week after treatment. After 2 weeks it dries out completely. The death of the plant occurs after 20-30 days.

What weeds does it suppress?

Octopus Extra suppresses the growth of a wide range of wild vegetation. These include: wormwood, nettle, bindweed, purslane, bluegrass, kochia, wheatgrass, and quinoa.

Protective period and waiting periods

Octopus Extra is an effective weed control product. It is used both before sowing the main crop and after harvesting. The period of protective action depends on the characteristics of the weed:

  • annuals - from 20 to 60 days (until the appearance of sprouts from seeds);
  • perennial - throughout the growing season.

The active substance begins to affect the weed already on the first day, the results are noticeable within a period of 5 to 30 days. The rate of death depends on various factors - the degree of plant growth, concentration during treatment, as well as weather conditions.

There are no waiting periods as such. At the same time, manual work (weeding, hilling, etc.) should be done three days after treatment. You can harvest the crop a few days after the last spraying.

How to use drugs

The instructions indicate all the features and methods of using the herbicide, highlighting the stages of preparing the working mixture. Spraying is recommended to be carried out in calm weather, without precipitation.

Avoid contact of the active substance with exposed areas of the body, hair and clothing.

The solution must be used with caution. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the toxicity class of the herbicide used.

Spray method

The prepared solution must be used immediately after mixing, regardless of whether the treatment is for annual or perennial weeds. When diluted, herbicides begin to lose effectiveness after 2 hours. The drug is toxic; spraying is carried out in a respirator and gloves.

Often the instructions indicate the recommended types of sprayers and a list of necessary equipment for spraying, as well as the technique for using the product. The spraying method can be ground or contact.

Deadlines for depositing

The application period is determined by the growing season of weeds and cultivated plants and recommendations for the use of the pesticide.

Typically, the use of a herbicide is carried out before sowing or planting varietal grasses - a popular way to kill weeds before sowing cultivated grasses, in particular lawn grass. Spraying is often carried out when the weeds have reached a height of more than 3 centimeters or immediately after harvesting.

Safety precautions

When working with the solution, you should adhere to basic safety rules:

  • use a respirator or mask, rubber gloves;
  • Wear safety glasses over your eyes;
  • carry out the treatment in clothes with long sleeves.

At the time of spraying, children and pets should not be nearby. After working with the drug, remove protective clothing and wash your hands and face with soap.

See also

Instructions for use and composition of the herbicide Boxer, dosage and analogues


Action of the herbicide

The product belongs to a group of substances that are dangerous to all plants. It does not have a certain selectivity, since it does not select crops for destruction, but neutralizes all plants in the treated area.

Mechanism of action

After spraying the drug onto the leaf blades, its components penetrate into the plant cells. Then they move along the stems to the root system and block the synthesis of substances that are necessary for their full growth and development. As a result, they die from a lack of minerals.

Period of protective action

Harmful plants that come under treatment die forever. But the drug may not cover all weeds on the site. For this reason, spraying is recommended 2-3 times per season, which will destroy the bulk of unwanted plants.

Impact speed

On average, the above-ground part of the weed turns yellow a week after treatment. After 2 weeks it dries out completely. The death of the plant occurs after 20-30 days.

What weeds does it suppress?

Octopus Extra suppresses the growth of a wide range of wild vegetation. These include: wormwood, nettle, bindweed, purslane, bluegrass, kochia, wheatgrass, and quinoa.

Compatibility with other drugs

The active ingredient is glyphosate, which is included in other herbicides, not only Sprut Extra. For this reason, drugs with similar effects are not used simultaneously. One remedy is enough.

If the treatment is carried out simultaneously with the use of other pest control agents, prepare a tank mixture. This means that several chemicals need to be diluted in one container.

Usually the recommendation states that the herbicide should not be combined with alkaline substances. The acid-base balance of the drug is not always specified in the characteristics. Then you can check compatibility yourself before connecting devices for different purposes.

Advice: “Take a little substance from each package and dissolve each in a separate container. Then connect them one by one. If the liquids were mixed evenly, they did not change color or form a sediment, then they are compatible.”

Why use it?

The advantages of Dart include the following:

  • the drug is the most biologically active pesticide in the 2,4-D class. This is an ester that is capable of quickly passing into weeds and severely damaging sensitive species relative to 2,4-D salts;
  • the type of drug, which is produced according to the principle of nano-sized compositions, makes it possible to fully reveal the target qualities of the active element;
  • The dart is highly effective in the fight against perennial, difficult-to-eradicate weeds;
  • a product that is resistant to rain - it is not removed an hour after using the herbicide;
  • in dry times the product does not lose its effectiveness;
  • herbicidal activity begins to manifest itself at a temperature of +5 degrees, for this reason it is possible to carry out treatment earlier, in comparison with other products of the 2,4-D class;
  • in multiple fields the pesticide has no contraindications;
  • This drug is an excellent component for tank mixtures with sulfonylureas.

Advantages of the drug

Like other types of herbicides, Sprut Extra has a number of advantages.

  • The product is very effective.
  • The substance is quickly absorbed by plants, glyphosate is evenly distributed and begins to act quickly.
  • This product can be used at almost any air temperature.
  • The drug is not dangerous for cultivated plants and soil.
  • Since the content of the active substance in the herbicide is increased, it can be used in a reduced concentration.

These are the main advantages of the drug for which it is valued by gardeners.

Octopus Extra cannot be used during the growing season of cultivated plants.

Advantages and disadvantages

The weed control product Sprut Extra has many advantages, which sets it apart from other products of similar action. But the drug also has disadvantages that must be taken into account when using it.

Octopus Extra shows good results regardless of air temperature

Advantages of the drug:

  • affordable price;
  • economical consumption;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • works at any air temperature;
  • spreads to all parts of the plant;
  • does not show soil activity;
  • has a quick effect;
  • does not cause resistance;
  • has rain resistance;
  • does not disrupt crop rotation.


  • does not interfere with seed germination;
  • loses activity when frozen;
  • When working, precautions must be taken;
  • is not selective.

How to use?

When using any drugs of this type, the instructions for use require familiarization with the rules and careful adherence to them.

How to use the Dart:

  1. Spring wheat and barley - when eliminating annual weeds, as well as certain perennial types, treatment with the drug is carried out when the crops have tillering or an early stage of weed growth, and the weed stage is reduced.
  2. Spring wheat and barley – elimination of annual and perennial weeds, including complex ones, takes place during the period of tillering and early grass growth.
  3. Winter wheat, barley, rye - annual and individual perennial plants are sprayed in the spring during tillering, early growth of weeds with a reduced stage of weediness.
  4. Winter wheat, barley, rye - annual and perennial types are processed in the spring, when tillering occurs, and at the initial stage of weed growth.
  5. Corn - annual, perennial weeds are sprayed at the 3-5 leaf stage, the early stage of weed growth.

Herbicide analogues

To keep the garden free from weeds, you can use analogues. There are many similar chemicals. Before mixing, be sure to read the instructions for similar mixtures. Analogues include:

  • Tornado 500. The product has a similar composition. The amount of the main component is 500 g per 1 liter. The liquid is effective against annual and perennial dicotyledonous and cereal weeds. Unnecessary vegetation dies within 3-5 days. The chemical is produced in 10-liter cans. They are convenient for storage and use. It is best to deal with annual vegetation when two green leaves appear and before flowering, and with long-growing vegetation when buds form. When the lid is tightly closed, the chemical completely retains its properties for 5 years, which is a significant advantage. Once prepared, the chemical cannot be stored. Tornado is not dangerous for seeds and does not interfere with their development in any way. The chemical works at temperatures up to +50 degrees. The protection is short-lived. The mixture only affects already formed cereals and dicotyledons.

  • Roundup. Helps cope not only with weeds, but also with woody shrubs. The mixture quickly spreads over dicotyledonous and annual cereals. Roundup is not phytotoxic. You can mix it with analogues in one package.
  • Helios. The concentration is 663 g per 1 liter. The contact chemical has good rain resistance. Unexpected precipitation will not affect performance in any way. The mixture protects against woody shrubs, annual grasses and dicotyledonous weeds.

  • Glyfovit. To preserve potatoes and other vegetable crops, lawns, and flower beds from unnecessary vegetation, the chemical is mixed with water before use. The consumption rate is about 5-9 liters per hundred square meters of land. You can do one treatment per season. According to the instructions, mechanical cleaning is carried out no earlier than after 7 days. It is by this period that the planting completely burns out from the inside. Cannot be mixed with fertilizers.

  • Napalm Forte. Recommended for use to protect melons, legumes, oilseeds and other crops. Already 3-4 days after treatment, the doused crops change color and dry out. Napalm is not used in conjunction with fertilizers. The mixture copes even with difficult-to-eradicate weeds, for example, field thistle. The chemical is low toxic to insects, such as bees, as well as birds and animals.

All mixtures have the same manufacturing technology. They differ only in the dosage of the main component.

Composition and action of the herbicide

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  • Herbicide Arsenal
  • Ammonium nitrate

The main active ingredient of the drug is glyphosate, also known as potassium salt. Contained in the herbicide Sprut Extra in the amount of 540 g/l. After spraying the working solution, the active substance reaches the plants and penetrates them. In plants, glyphosate quickly spreads to the very roots and blocks the synthesis of substances. As a result, cultures stop developing and die.

Approximately 3-4 weeks after spraying the herbicide, the plants completely die. But the first signs can be noticed after 5-7 days, at which time the leaves are already beginning to actively turn yellow and dry.

The main active ingredient of the herbicide Sprut Extra is glyphosate

Important! Octopus Extra only works against those plants that already have stems and leaves. It does not affect weed seeds in the ground, so after its use some plants can still germinate

Because of this, the product is used 2-3 times a year to achieve maximum effectiveness.

What weeds does it help with?

The weed killer Sprut Extra has a detrimental effect on annual, perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds. It also inhibits the development of unwanted shrubs and trees.

An hour after treatment, the active component penetrates the weeds and becomes resistant to rain. The first signs of its action are noticeable on days 4-7. They are manifested by chlorosis, marginal necrosis of leaves, arrested development and a dejected general appearance.

Completely herbaceous weeds die after two weeks, and shrubs and trees die after 30-50 days.

Important! The herbicide is effective in the presence of leaves and shoots, but it does not have a detrimental effect on weed seeds in the soil.

Instructions for use of the herbicide Sprut Extra

Below are detailed instructions for using the drug Sprut Extra.

PlaceWeedsDilution rateMethod and period of application
Land for sowing different types of vegetables, industrial, root crops, legumes, ornamental crops, lawnAnnual, perennial cereals, dicotyledonous weeds56 ml/10 l waterSpraying growing plants after harvesting. Labor consumption Jew. – 3 l/100 m2
Land for sowing different types of vegetables, industrial, root crops, legumes, ornamental crops, lawnPerennial weeds such as thistle, bindweed, and thistle.84 ml/10 l waterTreatment of growing plants after harvesting. Labor consumption Jew. – 3 l/100 m2
Land for lawnsAnnual and perennial, cereal, dicotyledonous, harmful weeds84 ml/10 l waterSpraying growing plants 1.5-2 weeks before sowing the lawn. Labor consumption Jew. – 3 l/100 m2
Land for potatoesAnnual, perennial cereals, dicotyledonous weeds17 ml/3 l waterSpraying growing plants 2-5 days before crop emergence. Labor consumption Jew. 3 l/100 m2.
Land not suitable for cultivated plants (roadsides, hedges)Annual and perennial weeds17-33 ml/3 l waterSpraying growing crops during active growth. Work fluid consumption 3 l/100 m2.
Land not suitable for cultivated plants (roadsides, hedges)Undesirable plants (aspen, acacia, alder, maple, ash, birch, etc.)33-50 ml/3 l waterSpraying growing plants during vigorous growth. Labor consumption Jew. 3 l/100 m2.

Treatment is carried out only once a year. The product begins to act immediately, no waiting time is required.

Octopus Extra – desiccant, continuous action herbicide

Herbicide Sprut Extra is a Russian-made herbicide (JSC Shchelkovo Agrokhim), intended for desiccation of grain crops or complete destruction of harmful vegetation.


  1. Composition: aqueous solution of potassium salt of glyphosate acid of high concentration (540 g/l). The chemical class of compounds is organophosphorus (OP).
  2. Mechanism of action. It is effectively absorbed by above-ground parts of plants (shoots, leaves) and moves through the conductive system (systemically) to growth zones. Can be absorbed by root hairs with soil solution. The chemical agent inhibits the production of aromatic acids and inhibits the physiological processes of plant growth and development. The result appears in the period from 5 to 30 days after exposure. The rate of damage is influenced by weather conditions, the nature of vegetation and the degree of its development.
  3. Striking spectrum. The use of the drug at a dose of the upper threshold of regulatory data has a continuous effect on annual and perennial herbaceous, as well as tree and shrub vegetation.
  4. Duration of the protective screen: the entire growing season for perennials, up to two months for annuals (until subsequent germination from seeds).
  5. Use in tank mixtures: acceptable.
  6. Development of addiction to the components of the agrochemical: not detected.
  7. Temperature threshold for activity: the substance remains stable in the range from -15°C to +30°C. A drop in temperature below the specified temperature causes reversible crystallization - after defrosting, the original properties are restored; the solution must be stirred before use. In the fields, the drug is used until frost.
  8. Shelf life of the aqueous solution: 3 years.

Instructions for use of the herbicide Sprut Extra

Purpose of processingType of harmful vegetationRecommended dose of the drug, l/haTerms and features of processing**
Protecting no-till or minimum-till fields before planting grains or other cropsAnnual herbaceous1.4-2.5 – all types of processingSpring spraying of the vegetative mass before sowing/sprouting of the main crop
Perennial herbaceous2.5-4 – all types of processing
Preparing fields before sowing crops*Annual herbaceous1.4-2.5 – all types of processing
Perennial herbaceous2.5-4 – all types of processing
CouplesAnnual and perennial herbaceous1.4-2.8 – all types of processingTreatment of actively growing weeds
Land not intended for agricultureSusceptible herbaceous plants, deciduous trees and shrubs (alder, birch, aspen)2-3 – all types of processingSpray areas as needed. After treatment, picking berries and mushrooms is prohibited.
Weakly susceptible grasses (reed, reed grass, etc.), deciduous trees and shrubs (maple, elm, willow, acacia, ash, etc.)3-5 – for ground spraying and 3-4 – for aviation

* – spring grains, legumes, industrial crops (including flax), potatoes, oilseeds, melons, ornamental crops, flowers, etc. ** – under conditions of optimal moisture, the efficiency of the process is the highest; during periods of drought, the pesticide acts worse. Precipitation that falls later than 3-4 hours after treatment is not dangerous.

Method of using the herbicide Sprut Extra

Fill the container for preparing the herbicide solution with water 30%, pour in the required amount of the drug with constant stirring, and add the rest of the water. After carrying out the manipulations, neutralize the working area. The shelf life of the diluted solution is one day. For ground spraying, the need for a working mixture per 1 hectare is 100-200 liters, for aerial spraying - 25-50 liters.

The price of the herbicide Sprut Extra is 320-500 UAH/l. How to replace Sprut Extra: Napalm Forte, Olympus (Vassma), Roundup max (Monsanto), Glyfovit Extra (Ukravit), Ataman Extra (Alfa-Chemgroup).

Composition and release form of the weed killer

The drug has 2 active components:

  1. Dicamba 659 g/kg as sodium salt.
  2. Triasulfuron 41 g/kg, which is part of the sulfonylurea class.

Dicamba is a growth regulator, and triasulfuron is able to inhibit the synthesis of amino acids required by weeds. These active elements pass through the root system and leaves of the weed. Due to the influence of the pesticide, the following are observed:

  • suspension of growth;
  • yellowness, necrosis of leaves, stems;
  • death of weeds.

The herbicide is available in 1 kg packaging containing water-dispersible granules. Each package comes with a measuring cup.

Pesticide Information

Drug: the name of the pesticide, its formulation, content of active substance, registrant, state registration number, restrictions and expiration date of registration are indicated. Numerical designations separated by fractions from (1) to (4) after the registrant indicate the hazard classes of the drugs. The numerator is the hazard class for humans, the denominator is for bees in field conditions. (P) - prohibition of use in the sanitary zone around fishery reservoirs at a distance of 500 m from the flood line at the maximum standing of flood waters, but not closer than 2 km from the existing banks . For pesticides intended for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, it is prohibited to treat seeds in the specified zone; sowing of treated seeds is permitted.

Application rate: the application rates for pesticides are indicated (by preparation): for solid formulations – in kg/ha (for seed protectants – in kg/t), for liquid formulations – in l/ha (for seed protectants – in l/t ). In other cases, application rates given in other units of measurement are indicated next to the numerical value of the pesticide application rate. The application rates for herbicides are given based on continuous tillage; with the belt application method, the application rate is reduced in proportion to the decrease in the cultivated area. (A) - permission for aerial treatments in these application regulations. (L) - permission to use the drug on private farms. Regulations for the use of the drug on private farms are presented in a separate line.

Culture: Cultures are indicated. Two crops, for example, tomato and cucumber, are indicated for both open and protected ground, unless specifically stated.

Harmful object: harmful objects against which this pesticide is recommended are indicated; for desiccants and plant growth regulators - the purpose of the drug.

Method, processing time, application features: the method, processing time, application features are posted. The expression “Consumption – 400 l/ha”, “Consumption – 12 l/t”, etc. means the flow rate of the working fluid (solution, emulsion or suspension), unless “Consumption of the working fluid” is indicated.

Waiting period (number of treatments): waiting times are indicated, with the number of treatments in parentheses. The waiting period is the time interval between treatment with the drug and harvesting, indicated in days. If the use of a pesticide is clearly one-time, for example, pre-sowing seed treatment, then a dash (-) or (1) may be indicated in the sixth column.

Time limits for manual (mechanized) work: the time for people to enter areas treated with pesticides to carry out manual (mechanized) work to care for plants is given in days.

Degree of herbicide toxicity

Herbicide "Eraser Extra" belongs to the third class of danger. Things to remember:

the drug is not toxic to barley and wheat, moderately dangerous to bees, dangerous to fish; it should be used with caution near reservoirs and water sources, observing the sanitary zone; spraying is not carried out during the daytime; treatment should be canceled if wind speed exceeds 4 m/s; areas for rest and eating are organized no closer than 300 m from the place of work; bees should be suspended for 3 to 24 hours; the area of ​​one-time treatment should not exceed 5 hectares; the drug is not used on the windward side of the residential area.

Safety precautions and first aid

It is necessary to use the drug Sprut Extra in compliance with safety measures. The active substance is low toxic, however, contact with the skin and mucous membranes should be avoided. When spraying, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Do not eat, drink, or smoke.
  2. Exclude access to children and pets.
  3. Use a mask and safety glasses.
  4. If liquid gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly under moderate pressure of running water.
  5. In case of contact with skin, wash with soap and water.
  6. If the solution of the herbicide Sprut Extra accidentally got inside, take 8-10 tablets of activated carbon, chew them and wash them down with water.

Important! If signs of poisoning appear (nausea, vomiting, weakness, abdominal pain), you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment are indicated.

Hazard class Octopus Extra

In terms of toxicity to humans and bees, the drug belongs to the third class (moderately dangerous). It does not pose a particular threat to health and life, so it can be used both on farms and on private plots. In this case, it is advisable to exclude bees within 2-3 days after spraying.

Storage conditions and periods

The product is produced in bottles and canisters of various sizes (up to 10 liters). They are stored in a wide temperature range from -15 to +30 degrees with moderate humidity up to 70%. Storage at lower temperatures is acceptable - in the cold the solution crystallizes. After thawing, it must be mixed thoroughly. It is advisable not to subject it to secondary freezing.

You should also avoid direct sunlight. Keep away from children. If the described rules are followed, the shelf life is 3 years from the date of production. Warranty shelf life from the manufacturer is 5 years.

The drug is stored at temperatures from -15 to +30 degrees

Herbicide Sprut - instructions for use

Sprut herbicide is presented in the form of an aqueous solution, which contains the potassium salt of glyphosate (540 g per 1 liter of solution). To carry out the treatment, it is necessary to prepare a working solution according to the recommended consumption rates of the herbicide. It is used directly on the day of preparation.

The peculiarity of the Sprut herbicide is that spraying with its use can be carried out at any air temperature with a “+” sign, up to the onset of frost. The drug is most effective in cloudy weather, and in hot and dry weather - its action slows down. Treatment is carried out during the period of active weed growth.

The drug must be stored in a room specially designated for agrochemicals. Temperature conditions can be maintained from -15°C to +30°C. If the room temperature drops below -15°C, the aqueous solution undergoes partial crystallization, but it does not lose its properties. After defrosting, using this solution, it is recommended to stir it thoroughly.

Octopus combines well in tank mixtures with different types of pesticides. The only exceptions are alkaline preparations.

Resistance to the herbicide Sprut is not observed.

Phytotoxicity: there are no resistant crops other than transgenic ones.

Octopus is classified in the third moderately dangerous class.

Spraying can be carried out either by ground or by air.

When carrying out the treatment, you must be extremely careful so that the working solution does not get on the cultivated plants, otherwise it will negatively affect the crop. If the solution accidentally gets in, the plants should be immediately washed off with a stream of water.

Preparation of working solution

The mixture must be prepared directly on the day of spraying the area. With the ground method of treatment, the sprayer tank is filled one third with water, after which the mixer is turned on and the required dose of the product is poured. Then add the rest of the water to the tank and mix thoroughly.

In the case of aviation processing, the working fluid is prepared on the basis of a stationary filling station SZR-10. The prepared solution is fed into special containers using pumps and transported to the processing site.

Analogues of the product

The following herbicides are produced with the same active substance:

  • Agrostar - also used for cleaning sunflower crops and coniferous trees in nurseries;
  • Ben Hur, Garnet, Grenadier, Mortar, Himstar are exact analogues;
  • Stalker - cultivate sunflower crops in addition to grain crops;
  • Express – for hybrid sunflower species.

To treat crops, you can choose any of the drugs containing tribenuron-methyl.

With proper use of Trizlak, it is possible to stop the growth of weeds, clear the crops of dicotyledons, which clog the crops with powerful stems and roots

It is important to strictly follow the instructions, do not miss the timing of the most effective use of the herbicide

Herbicide Octapon

Herbicide Octapon is intended for the destruction of dicotyledonous annual weeds growing together with millet, corn, and grain crops. Created on the basis of low-volatile 2,4-D esters (C8), the drug effectively acts on weeds and does not harm crop plants. Resistant to precipitation. Within an hour after spraying, precipitation does not affect the effectiveness of the herbicide.

Herbicide Octapon - Instructions for use

Herbicide Octapon is an emulsifying concentrate containing 500 g/l of the active substance 2,4-D, presented in the form of either low-volatile esters (C7-C9) or octyl esters of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The composition of the herbicide also includes a solvent and surfactants.

Herbicide Ovsyugen

The working solution is prepared traditionally. The concentrate is diluted with water according to accepted standards for herbicide consumption. The optimal solution consumption is 50-150 l/ha. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening in calm weather or with a maximum wind speed of 5 meters per second. The drug is effective starting at a temperature of +5 degrees.

Octapon herbicide combines well with different types of pesticides. To avoid weeds getting used to the drug and becoming resistant to its effects, it is not recommended to use it in a row for several years.

Octapon belongs to the second hazard class

When working with herbicide, precautions must be taken. If the solution comes into contact with the skin, a mild allergy may occur.

Low toxicity for bees, birds, animals, but dangerous for fish. In this regard, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent the solution from entering water bodies.

Characteristics of the herbicide Octapon

The drug affects weeds by entering plants through the cuticular membranes of leaves. Next, the chemical begins its advancement throughout the plant. The effect of the herbicide is already visible after 1-2 days, depending on how sensitive the weeds are to this type of drug. The weeds finally die after 5-10 days.

The advantage of Octapone in comparison with similar drugs is its effectiveness against root shoot weeds, which are difficult to eradicate from fields. These are weeds such as Tatar molokan, field bindweed, various types of thistle and others.

As practice shows, when using the herbicide Octapon, the load per unit area of ​​2,4-D acid is almost 3 times less. There are no restrictions on crop rotation.

The action of the drug is aimed at the destruction of annual cereal weeds, as well as a number of types of dicotyledonous perennial weeds.

Areas of use

Herbicides with potassium glyphosate are used once during the growing season, since their active substance remains in the soil longer and is carried further by flowing water than isopropylamine. In large-scale agricultural technology, Sprut Extra and similar preparations are used to prepare fallows in the fall or spring and for planned pre-harvest desiccation of grains, legumes and oilseeds in favorable years. For unscheduled desiccation during a sharp deterioration in weather conditions (just to harvest the crop), this drug is of little use due to its slow action. For the same reason - for the desiccation of industrial crops: depending on weather conditions, they either overripe and produce fiber that is too coarse and brittle, or they become wet, and the fiber turns out to be fragile and easy to rot.

In private household plots, potassium glyphosate herbicides are used only in the spring, mostly for clearing land. Sometimes they are used for potato crops if, before the crop sprouts, the potato field is heavily overgrown with young weeds.

Octopus and chemical vapors

Herbicidal preparations containing 54% potassium glyphosate (including the one described) seem most suitable for use in the “chemical vapor” technology developed in Russia, instead of imported Roundup. Tests of this cycle of agricultural work have not yet been completed, but have shown very encouraging results. Today, “chemical vapors” are perhaps the only truly safe technology for using herbicides, if only because it reduces the dose of active substances per unit area by 2.5-3 times.

Chemical vapors for spring grains are prepared in the “core” of Central Eurasia with a temperate continental and continental climate. Based on the amount of insolation during the growing season, the sum of active temperatures and the quality of the soil in these regions, it is possible to obtain “super yields” of cereal grains (more than 50-60 c/ha of wheat). But there is little moisture here, and the maximum precipitation occurs during the unproductive time of year. Winters are frosty, with little snow, the region is treeless, and winter winds are strong. The snow cover is thin, intermittent, and unstable. Autumn plowing can cause wind erosion of the soil. Winter crops freeze out, the soil freezes deeply, which is why spring plowing for spring and sowing has to be shifted far ahead of the optimal time for soil moisture.

After treatment with fast-acting desiccant herbicides, the weeds dry unevenly depending on the resistance of the species, and lie down because dry from top to bottom, at the top in the rice. below. If the dry mass of dead plants is not removed, nests of pests and breeding grounds for phytopathogens will form underneath.

Results of treating weeds with a fast herbicide and a slow herbicide with amino acids

In order to prepare chemical vapors, the soil overgrown with weeds after harvesting is not plowed, but treated with a “slow” herbicide; potassium glyphosate was invented specifically for this purpose. A small amount of basic amino acids and ammonium nitrate are added to the working solution. Basic - in the sense of the main ones in biosynthesis, and not in alkalinity. After such treatment, weeds live for a long time “doped” until the drug saturates them to the tips of the roots. And when the amino acid fertilizer is used up, they will dry out together from the bottom up, remaining firmly on the root, below in Fig.

Firstly, sparse dry grass is an excellent means of snow retention on vast, wind-blown fields. Secondly, it does not provide shelter for harmful organisms. Chelated glyphosate residues in soil that is dry by autumn and frozen in winter do not migrate, and the additive is not carried beyond the treated area (subject to the use of appropriate technical means of treatment, see next).

In the spring, the field is plowed at the first real warmth. Rapid heating of the soil under the hot Sun in a clear, not yet dusty sky, combined with residual ammonia nitrogen, provokes an explosive surge in the activity of soil bacteria. “From starvation”, they also quickly decompose glyphosate chelates into harmless compounds, and by the time the crop emerges, the active substance of the drug in the soil is not detected by chromatographic analysis.

Weeds grow over the summer, but not many, because... most of their seeds are buried by spring plowing. A stable population of weeds does not form on the field, and few specimens do not significantly affect the size of the crop. And in the fall they are again destined for a glyphosate shower.

About methods of use

On the manufacturer's website, the description of the drug lists the technical means recommended for its use. As for aircraft technology, the recommendations for it are clearly outdated, especially for chemical vapor technology.

Potassium glyphosate has fairly high arboricidal activity, i.e. destroys wood tissue. Degradation of shelterbelts due to the drift of herbicide residues onto trees is unacceptable, because threatens all agriculture over large areas, and chemical fumes completely makes no sense.

Methods of spraying plants with herbicides

Corn planes drag behind them a long trail of pesticide spray (item 1 in the figure), incl. lightweight (Agromaster, etc.), like hang gliders. Spraying from a helicopter is much more expensive and does not scatter the drug so much to the sides, but it strongly “drives” it into the soil, which in this case is very bad (see above). The Transavia PL-12 Airtruk/Skyfarmer hardly “splattered around” (see the figure on the right), but due to many shortcomings this “snack” was only really useful in the filming of “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.”

Agricultural aircraft PL-12

A conventional ground-based farm sprayer seems to work more accurately (pos. 2 in the figure above), but the bird’s-eye view shows the same “toffee” of the drug, pos. 3. Therefore, on “hectare” farms, it is better to spray herbicides with mounted boom devices with a small overhang of the working parts, pos. 4. The lifting of the rods is set to a minimum, as long as they do not cling to the ground. The ideal option is a ground sprayer with an air curtain or other devices to prevent drift of the product, pos. 5, but these units are very expensive both to purchase and in terms of operating costs.

Indeed, the modern method of treating fields with pesticides from UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles, drones), pos. 6. It's inexpensive, firstly, because... an equipped runway (runway/platform) and airfield facilities are not required. Secondly, the drone is controlled by a microchip most of the flight time. It is unable to cope with a complex and/or unusual situation without the intervention of a ground control operator. But he performs routine monotonous work better than a human pilot: he does not get tired, is not susceptible to health disorders and/or various kinds of everyday troubles, and is not distracted; “sees” and “feels” only what is necessary to complete the task.

As a result, a drone in low-level flight can fly, almost catching the tops of plants under its landing gear. In addition, the aerodynamics of the rotors of a UAV are significantly different from those of a helicopter, and the speed and density of air flows from them per unit mass of the vehicle are several times lower. Therefore, the agricultural drone envelops the plants in clouds of spray, but does not drive them into the soil - the jets from the nozzles are scattered on the leaves without reaching it. An additional advantage is that the hectare consumption rates of preparations for treatment with UAVs can be taken to the minimum allowable, which reduces both the environmental load from it and the costs of treatment. And another important circumstance: the restrictions on wind speed when processing from agricultural drones are the same as for ground mechanized or slightly less, since the device flies almost at the height of the farms or booms of mounted sprayers. Aerial processing by airplanes and helicopters is mostly possible only in complete calm.

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