Tomato Women's happiness. Tomato photo, description, reviews

Characteristics of the variety

The variety under discussion has many interesting names. This is also a Ladies' Man, a Man's Dignity. Such names appeared due to the unusual appearance of vegetables. On sale, the variety is often called the shorter and simpler version of Auria.

It appeared thanks to the work of domestic breeders, who set themselves the goal of creating tomatoes with high yields and strong immunity to common diseases.

They first started talking about the new product back in 1997. Breeders from Novosibirsk announced it. The variety passed state registration the following year. The new product quickly became popular among vegetable growers from different regions. Today, the variety is actively grown by beginners and experienced summer residents throughout the country.

The culture grows very high. Its bushes can reach a height of 170-190 cm. Sometimes this figure even exceeds the 2 m mark. The stem of the plant does not have a solid, strong base, so it resembles a vine.

The plant feels comfortable both in greenhouse conditions and in the open air. The choice of conditions for its cultivation depends on the weather in the region. If the area is very cold, then it is better to choose a greenhouse for growing Women's Happiness. Outdoors, the crop grows well in the southern regions. But even in the central part of the country you can expect a rich harvest in a warm, sunny summer.

Characteristics of tomatoes of the variety Women's Happiness (trade name - Auria).

Tomatoes of unusual shape ripen on strong, tall bushes - they are long, very elongated, and bright red in color. The average weight of vegetables ranges from 120 to 240 g. The fruits have 2-3 seed chambers. They are juicy, with minimal dry matter content. For this reason, the crop is poorly stored.

There are few seeds in tomatoes. Therefore, it is difficult to collect them yourself for planting next year. It is much easier for a gardener to take purchased seeds, packaged by the manufacturer in portioned bags.

The table will show you other characteristics of the variety:

Vegetable length13-15 cm
Fruit weightOn average – 160 g
Number of vegetablesUp to 8 vegetables ripen on one bush
Fruit ripening timeAbout 3 months

This variety is mid-season. Usually you have to wait 112-114 days for the first vegetables to appear. Even then you can start harvesting and trying. The productivity of the variety is high.

But this result can be achieved with proper care of the crop. Then from each tomato bush you can harvest an average of 3-4 kg of vegetables. As a result, from 1 sq. m vegetable grower produces up to 16 kg of ripe fruits.

The very first buds on the plant can be seen above the 6th or 7th leaf. The rest are subsequently formed every 2 leaves. This feature of the crop allows it to bear fruit for a long period. Therefore, for almost the entire summer, the vegetable grower provides himself with fresh vegetables for salads or sandwiches.

The culture has strong immunity. Therefore, she is not afraid of the main diseases characteristic of tomatoes, as well as the parasites that often appear in summer cottages. But the gardener should still foresee possible infections in advance and engage in high-quality prevention.

The very first actions are the disinfection of planting material, in which infections can “hide”.

The variety calmly survives rare watering. For some (short) time it can be left without sufficient moisture. This will not impair the yield or stop the normal development of the plant. But tomatoes do not tolerate low temperatures. Women's happiness. Therefore, the plant feels comfortable outdoors only in warm regions.

In general, the purpose of the variety’s harvest is universal. But vegetables are rarely used for making purees, tomato paste, and juices. More often they are eaten fresh or baked with meat, fish, and seafood. These vegetables are great for canning.

They are good for whole-fruit “rolling” into jars or barrel pickling. The end result is not only a tasty treat, but also a very beautiful one. Canned fruits of Women's Happiness look interesting in jars.

Features of agricultural technology

Can be planted in all regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The main thing is to choose the right growing method.

  1. In the southern regions, the plant feels equally good in open ground and in greenhouses.
  2. In the climatic conditions of central Russia, as well as a little to the north, it is better to grow in greenhouses and hotbeds so that the fruits have time to ripen.
  3. The Auria tomato variety is not suitable for growing in northern latitudes.

This variety is quite heat-loving; at the slightest cold snap the flowers fall off.

A friend of mine grows these tomatoes in a greenhouse without heating. When the frost was -50C, some of the flowers fell off, even on those bushes that grew closer to the middle of the greenhouse. Therefore, if you are interested in this variety, do not allow it to freeze.

Advice. If you plan to collect seeds for further propagation of Auria tomatoes, choose “hardworking” bushes. In most cases, if a plant has low yield, this quality is transferred to its descendants. Plants grown from the seeds of such a tomato will disappoint you with poor yield.

Possible diseases and control measures

Manufacturers claim that disease resistance is high. Actually this is not true. In regions of central Russia, on acidic soils, the plant is affected by blossom end rot. Not much, 2-3 tomatoes per bush, but many gardeners are upset. How to deal with this? I'll give you a hint.

The disease appears in hot weather with insufficient watering. To prevent fruit damage, keep the soil slightly moist and periodically treat the bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture. You can buy it ready-made in specialized stores or make it yourself according to a recipe.

  1. Take 100 g of copper sulfate.
  2. Add 120 g quicklime, stir.
  3. Pour the dry mixture with a liter of water, shake thoroughly and strain through cheesecloth.

Spray the tomato bushes leaf by leaf with the prepared solution, about 2-4 times per season. If the soil on your site is acidic, dolomite flour also helps, which should be applied according to the recommendations.

No other diseases or pests were noticed on the bushes.


Many gardeners want to see in their garden beds not only fruitful, disease- and drought-resistant fruit plants. They are paying more and more attention to the purely aesthetic side of the issue. Namely, they want not only to eat, but also to contemplate plants and fruits that are unusual in shape and beauty. Therefore, recently, tomato has become very popular, which will be discussed in our article.

Let me introduce to your attention the popular tomato variety Feminine Happiness, also known as Auria, Ladies' whim, Ladies' man, Man's dignity, Fun...

This unusual and very popular tomato variety has so many names.

Why is he so unusual?

— Its peculiarity lies primarily in the shape of the fruit: sausage-like, elongated finger-shaped, externally reminiscent in shape of a male penis, with a characteristic fold at the end. This is truly a curiosity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomatoes Women's happiness have a whole list of advantages and disadvantages. All points from it are important to study for every vegetable grower who plans to plant a plant on his plot. This will greatly facilitate the process of caring for the plant.

Among the advantages are:

  • high productivity;
  • the ability to collect fruits from bushes over a long period;
  • short-term drought resistance;
  • large and approximately equal-sized vegetables in the harvest;
  • pleasant taste of fruits;
  • strong cultural immunity;
  • ease of harvesting vegetables - they are easily separated from the stalk;
  • Convenience of canning whole fruits.

The variety also has disadvantages:

  • sourness in taste;
  • impossibility of long-term storage of fresh fruits;
  • dryness of the pulp;
  • the variety’s demands on fertilizing – its quality and frequency;
  • the likelihood of vegetables falling off the branches even before harvesting (when they are fully ripe);
  • fragility of shoots due to the large weight of vegetables.

In addition, seeds for sale can be difficult to find. Therefore, it is better to do this in advance.

Detailed description of the tomato variety male dignity (auria)

The male tomato variety has a second name - Auria. This variety can surprise not only with its appearance, but also with its excellent taste and good harvest. We will discuss the description of the characteristics of this variety - advantages and disadvantages - in the article.

This variety is a hybrid. It was bred in Novosibirsk in 1997 and received registration in 1998 as a variety intended for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground. In the southern regions of Russia it ripens in open ground. For Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Baltic states and Siberia, it is recommended to grow this variety in greenhouses.

The bush of this tomato variety is liana-shaped, not spreading, reaching a height of one and a half to two meters. The stem is long, flexible, and needs to be tied to a support. An average number of leaves and branches grows on the stem.

The bush requires mandatory formation - pinching.

The fruits have an elongated cylindrical shape with a fork at the end. Thanks to this unique shape of the fruit, the variety got its name. The length of the fruit is 13-15 centimeters, weight 130-250 grams. The fruits are shiny, red in color with dense pulp and a small number of seeds. The taste is sweetish. Fruit ripening time is from July to September. Used fresh and for canning.

Description of the properties of tomato Auria

The advantages of this variety are:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • low susceptibility to diseases;
  • tolerates lack of moisture well;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • good transportability;
  • not prone to cracking;
  • good presentation.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • not all fertilizers are suitable;
  • fragile stems (often break);
  • it is difficult to purchase seeds due to the rarity of the variety;
  • short shelf life.

Tomato bush of the male dignity variety
In order to get a rich harvest with good taste and eliminate the likelihood of diseases, you should properly prepare the seeds for planting. Seed preparation begins in February. The seeds are sorted, selecting the largest ones.

Then the seeds are placed in a salty solution and left for 15 minutes. The seeds that have risen are thrown away, and those that have settled to the bottom are washed and dried well. After this, the seeds are disinfected. The seeds are placed in a container with a 1% manganese solution for 20 minutes.

The next stage of preparation for sowing is soaking. The seeds are wrapped in gauze and placed in a glass container with warm water. The water should only cover the seeds halfway.

We soak for 12 hours. During this time we change the water three times.

When changing the water, remove the cheesecloth with seeds from the container to ensure oxygen access to the seeds. After soaking, you can begin germination. Place the seeds on a damp cloth and leave them in a warm room (the room temperature should not be lower than +20 degrees). It is necessary to ensure that the napkin always remains damp. Before planting seeds for seedlings, it is advisable to harden them.

Soaking seeds before planting in potassium permanganate

To do this, place the seeds in the refrigerator for 12 hours (temperature +2 degrees). After this, the seeds are heated for 12 hours at a temperature of +20 degrees. This procedure must be repeated 3 to 5 times. Seedlings grown from hardened seeds tolerate temperature changes more easily, bushes develop faster, and yield increases by 45-50%.

Seeds for seedlings are sown 60-62 days before planting in the beds and 45-55 days before planting in the greenhouse. Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil. If the soil is taken from the garden, it should be disinfected. To do this, water the soil well with a strong solution of manganese and place it in the oven at a temperature of 170-190 degrees for 20 minutes.

After treatment, remove the soil to fresh air for 14 days. The prepared soil is poured into oblong boxes and grooves are made up to 1 centimeter deep. The width between the grooves should be 3-4 centimeters.

The seeds should be placed so that the distance in the row is at least 1 centimeter. Sprinkle the groove on top with a thin layer of earth, stretch the film and place it in a room with a temperature of +28 degrees. Until the first shoots appear, it is necessary to ventilate the crops every day.

To do this, you need to remove the film for 30 minutes, and if the soil is dry, you need to moisten it. After the first shoots appear, the film must be removed and the room temperature reduced to +20 degrees.

The main condition for growing tomato seedlings is the presence of good lighting.

To do this, the boxes with seeds must be kept on the windowsill on the south side. If natural light is not enough, additional lighting with special lamps is recommended.

Auria tomato seedlings

Proper care of seedlings guarantees a high yield. First of all, you should water the seedlings correctly. This is done with a spray bottle, since watering from a watering can can damage the delicate roots of the seedlings. Watering is carried out once a day. In hot weather you need to water twice. Watering should be moderate, as excess moisture can cause fungal diseases.

We should not forget about mandatory fertilizing. The first fertilizing must be done 3 weeks after emergence. For feeding, use fermented mullein or bird droppings. Fertilizing should be done after morning watering. It is necessary to plant seedlings 21 days after sowing.

The seedlings are transplanted into a 1 liter pot. After three leaves appear on the seedlings, it is necessary to carry out the hardening procedure. Seedlings must be ventilated starting from 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time. In May, seedlings are planted in greenhouses. They are planted in open beds in early June.

The variety of male dignity needs stepsoning. One stepson is left on the stem. It will serve as the second stem. All other shoots are removed. Since this variety is tall, the stems must be tied to a support and the branches supported.

In addition to the stepsons, you also need to remove excess leaves, leaving 2-3 leaves for each brush. During the development period, tomato bushes need to be fertilized. The first feeding should be done when transplanting seedlings to a permanent place of growth. The second - during the flowering period, the third - during the period of fruit set.

Diseases and pests

Although this variety is not very susceptible to disease, it can suffer from dry spotting. You can fight it with the help of such means as “Antrakol” or “Tattu”.

Pests of this variety include:

  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly

To combat these pests, the drug “Strela” is recommended.

Aphids on tomatoes Spider mite Whitefly on a tomato leaf

Harvesting and storage

From the moment of the first shoots to the ripening of the fruit, an average of 115-125 days pass. In warm sunny weather from 1 sq. meter you can harvest up to 12 kg of tomatoes. The fruits are easy to transport and retain their presentation for a long time and do not lose their taste.

The dense pulp of the fruit is well suited for making pastes, ketchups and sauces.

Convenient for canning in jars. Used fresh to make salads.

Thanks to its unusual appearance and excellent taste, this variety will undoubtedly become a decoration for any table.

Sowing seeds

You should start preparing the seeds of the variety for planting at the end of winter. The best time is in February, approximately 55-65 days before planting the grains in the ground. It is best to buy soil for tomato seedlings in a specialized store for vegetable growers. It is usually sold with the following labels: “for tomatoes”, “for seedlings”.

A more economical, but labor-intensive option is to prepare the soil yourself. For this you will need to take 5 liters of garden soil and humus. The number of components can be adjusted depending on how many seedlings you plan to grow. The resulting mass is also supplemented with a handful of peat.

The soil for future tomato seedlings must then be disinfected. To do this, all its components are mixed well and poured with hot potassium permanganate. The product should be a deep pink color. If the soil is bought in a specialized store, then it does not need such preparation. Usually the manufacturer himself deals with this issue.

If, even after treating with potassium permanganate, the gardener doubts the quality of the soil for the seedlings, he can add an additional step to the preparation. To do this, the soil is poured into a heat-resistant form and sent to the oven, preheated to 185-190 degrees. The heat treatment process will take approximately 40-45 minutes.

The already fully prepared mass is taken out into the open air and left in this form for 2 weeks. During this period the ground should be well ventilated. Afterwards you can use it to plant seeds. It is convenient to use a common spacious drawer for dishes. For example, made of wood or plastic.

It is necessary to make small holes at the bottom of the selected dishes so that excess water can drain through them after watering. This will prevent rotting of the roots of the seedlings.

Before planting, the seed is carefully inspected. If grains with obvious damage are found, they can be thrown away immediately. High-quality selected seeds are washed and dried. Then they are filled with a solution of water and salt for 15-20 minutes. The grains that float up during the process are also not suitable for planting in the ground - they are empty and will not sprout.

The seed material that remains after all checks can be filled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Afterwards, all that remains is to lightly rinse the seeds, dry them on a napkin and soak overnight in a growth stimulator.

If there is time, experienced vegetable growers recommend germinating the seed in advance using the wet method. This has a beneficial effect on the overall germination of seedlings. In the process, the seeds, already fully prepared for planting, are wrapped in a couple of layers of gauze and moistened with water.

In this form, they are removed to a warm, dark place for 50-60 hours, until tiny green sprouts become noticeable on their surface. Already germinated seeds can be moved into the ground.

For this:

  1. The soil is poured into the box and slightly compacted.
  2. Small grooves about 1 cm deep are made on top.
  3. Prepared seeds are immersed in the recesses.
  4. They are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top.
  5. The surface is slightly leveled and sprinkled with water. The liquid used is warm and settled. It is convenient to use a spray bottle in the process.

The resulting plantings are covered with film on top and left as is in a warm, bright room. It must have a temperature of at least +25 degrees.

Agricultural technology

To get the expected harvest of the plant, you need to follow all the rules of agricultural technology.

Seed preparation

Seeds must be properly prepared before planting. This can eliminate or minimize the risk of contracting dangerous diseases.

Preparations begin in February. They are sorted through and the largest ones are selected. There is no need to sow small seeds because they will produce small fruits. Then the selected seeds should be placed in a weak solution of table salt and left in it for about a quarter of an hour. During this time, some seeds will float. They should be thrown away, and the fallen ones should be washed and dried well.

Tomato seeds need to be washed

To disinfect the seed, it must be placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. During this time, it is possible to kill most pathogenic microbes and fungi.

At the next stage of preparing the seeds, they need to be soaked. To do this, they are wrapped in gauze and placed in a vessel with water. In this case, the liquid should only half cover the seeds.

Note! The seeds need to be soaked for half a day. Every 4 hours

you need to change the water. When changing the water, you need to remove the seeds from the gauze in order to provide them with access to oxygen.

During the soaking process, the thermometer in the room should show at least 20º.

Finally, before planting, the seeds also need to be hardened. They are placed in the refrigerator for half a day. Then they are warmed up at room temperature. So in total you need to repeat 3 to 5 cooling/heating cycles.

Important! When hardening, you need to ensure that the air temperature in the refrigerator does not fall below 2º

How to grow seedlings

Seeds need to be sown 2 months in advance. before planting in the beds and approximately 45-55 days before planting in the greenhouse. To ensure that the seeds germinate well, you need to prepare the soil before planting. It is advisable to pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

The soil needs to be poured into boxes and shallow furrows made in it. The width between them should be at least 3 cm.

The distance between the seeds should be at least 1 cm. They are sprinkled with a small layer of earth. You need to stretch the film on top and place it in a greenhouse where the temperature will not fall below 28º.

Important! Before the first shoots appear, the greenhouse must be thoroughly ventilated every day. Seeds will sprout if there is good light

To do this, the boxes are kept on the south side. And if the lighting is still not enough, it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps

The seeds will sprout if there is good light. To do this, the boxes are kept on the south side. And if the lighting is still not enough, it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps.

Care, feeding

Seedlings need to be watered properly. A spray bottle is used for this. The frequency of watering is once a day, and in hot weather - 2 times a day. Excess water can contribute to the appearance of dangerous fungal infections.

The first feeding is carried out after 3 weeks. after emergence. Cow or bird droppings are used. Diving is done 21 days from the moment of sowing.

Then the seedlings must be transplanted into liter pots. As soon as the third leaf appears on the plants, hardening is carried out.

Hardening off seedlings using ventilation

Seedlings are planted in greenhouses in May, and in open ground in June. One stepson should be left on the stem, the remaining shoots are removed. Plants need to be tied to a support.

You need to remove excess leaves regularly. During the period of fruit ripening, 3 feedings are made.

Pest Control

There are such tomato pests: Women's Joy and Man's Dignity:

  • whitefly;
  • spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • gnawing cutworm;
  • Colorado potato beetles.

You can fight them with the help of the Arrow composition. To prevent pests from appearing, it is advisable to weed the soil in the fall and collect all insect larvae. Then the soil is thoroughly sprayed with the preparation.

To combat the Colorado potato beetle, affordable and effective drugs are used, preferably in the fall after harvest.

To combat spider mites, use a soap solution.

Tobacco, mustard and soap against pests

How to deal with cracking

Sometimes, when weather conditions worsen, fruits may crack. You can cope with this defect by slightly reducing the humidity.

Sometimes cracking occurs as a result of a lack of nutrients. Sometimes additional feeding will make the fruits even and beautiful.

Growing seedlings

Women's Happiness tomatoes will continue to grow well if you properly care for the seedlings at the initial stage. To do this, you need to regularly remove the film from the structure and let the small bushes “breathe.” It is best to do this every day for 30-340 minutes.

It is important to regularly assess the condition of the soil. If it turns out to be dry, then it is worth adding additional watering. It is convenient to pour water during the process with a tablespoon or syringe. She shouldn't be cold.

When the very first obvious green shoots appear on the surface of the earth, you can completely remove the film. But at the same time, the ambient temperature will also need to be reduced. It should be about 20 degrees. It is especially important at this stage to organize sufficient lighting for the plantings. The easiest way is to put them on the window.

If natural light is not enough, you can use additional lamps. After watering the soil, it becomes covered with a thin crust. Therefore, it is important to loosen the soil regularly. This will provide oxygen access to the roots of the plant.

Maintenance and care of tomatoes

To achieve success in growing Ladies' Man tomatoes, you need to follow a number of recommendations.


Bushes need loose and light soil. Therefore, the bed should be loosened after each watering. If this is not possible, the procedure is performed at least once every 2 weeks. At the same time, weeds should be removed.

Important! In the first month, the soil needs to be loosened by 10-12 cm. Then the depth is reduced by 5-8 cm to avoid damage to the roots.


An excess of stepchildren provokes an overload of culture. As a result, nutrients are distributed along the branches, as a result of which the tomatoes do not receive the required amount of nutrients.

To avoid problems, it is recommended to cut off excess stems in a timely manner. As a result, only the main shoots should remain on the bushes.

Attention! It is recommended to perform pinching after watering.


In order for the plant to bear fruit abundantly, it must be tied up. This will allow you to position the top stems correctly. This will help provide the bushes with the required level of illumination and facilitate the spraying process.


When each bush already has 2 true leaves, you can plant them from a common box in separate containers. Cut-off plastic cups work well for this. Small holes are made at the bottom. For one small glass, take 1 green seedling.

A more expensive but convenient option is to use natural peat cups. Subsequently, the seedlings are sent into the ground directly into them. Therefore, additional plant replanting is not required. There will be no danger of damaging the root system of the bushes.

About 20 days before transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place in the garden bed, you can begin to harden the seedlings. To do this, plantings are taken out into the fresh air. The first walk should last no longer than half an hour. After that, every day you can start adding another half hour of time. As a result, the seedlings will spend the entire day outside.

At the same time, the temperature in the room in which the seedlings are located drops to +13 degrees.

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground, low-growing

Every summer resident or farmer specializing in growing tomatoes must plant a certain number of early varieties. After all, no one wants to wait a long time for the first ripe fruits to appear.

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground, low-growing, which will be discussed in this article, begin to ripen already 80-105 days after the seeds hatch from the ground.

Experienced farmers call low-growing tomatoes determinant. At a certain stage of development, the last brush is laid at their top, limiting the growth of the bush.

Most often, such tomatoes do not grow higher than a meter. They are rarely chosen for greenhouses, preferring to be planted in open ground beds.

This is dictated by the desire to make the most efficient use of the volume of expensive agricultural construction.

The main advantages of low-growing early tomatoes

Low growing tomatoes are easy to care for as they can be grown with minimal or even no staking. To prevent the fruits from lying on the ground, it is covered with a mulch layer. Low-growing tomatoes will never please you with the same yield as tall ones, but if you are not too limited in land space, then simply plant more bushes.

Low-growing, early-ripening tomatoes ripen at a time when late blight has not yet had time to gain full activity. Thus, there is no need to fight this disease.

Among other things, determinate tomatoes can be grown without pinching (almost all of them). Therefore, even an inexperienced farmer can cope with their cultivation, because special knowledge about the rules of pinching is not required.

If you need to remove the stepsons, it will be very little.

Early ripening determinate tomatoes - the best varieties for exhaust gas

Explosion This tomato variety is characterized by high yield and resistance to pathogens. Residents of risky farming zones can safely grow it. The fruits are medium-sized, round, red, and contain a high dose of vitamins.

Liana This tomato belongs to the group of super early ones. The fruits are medium-sized, flat-round, red, fleshy. They store well and taste great for such an early variety.

Little Red Riding Hood is distinguished by its high yield and very pleasant-tasting medium-sized rounded fruits.

Katyusha A low-growing bush with round, medium-sized fruits that are pleasant to the taste and long-lasting. The variety resists drought and disease well.

Katyusha is an excellent tomato for open ground

Iskorka This is a small, tasty cream that retains its original appearance for a long time and is suitable for any use.

Irishka A hybrid with large round tomatoes that ripen almost simultaneously. Does not die due to temperature fluctuations and during drought.

Incas Early tomato with small oval-shaped fruits. They tolerate long-term storage and transportation well, and are good at twisting. Yields are always high. All tomatoes ripen together.

Highlight The fleshy fruits are medium in size and round in shape. Pink colour.

The highlight is a good low-growing tomato

Zinulya Very tasty sugary tomatoes created by amateur breeders. They are distinguished by a pleasant pink color, a beautiful even shape and quite large sizes (about 300 g).

Riddle An ultra-early and very short variety with a large volume of high quality fruit. Fruits well in any climatic conditions.

Dubrava/Oak A popular low-growing hybrid of tomatoes with dense, medium-sized fruits. Resistant to cold and long-term transportation.

Homemade An excellent variety for open ground that can easily withstand heat and sudden changes in weather. The fruits are sliver-shaped, tasty, and suitable for preservation.

Lady fingers A popular variety for preservation and more. The fruits are elongated, dense, shelf-stable, and small.

Lady fingers - popular early tomatoes for canning

Girlish blush Bushes with large (200 g) raspberry-colored fruits, inside of which dense pulp is hidden. The variety is quite hardy and highly productive.

Volgogradsky 323 Fruits 100 g each, round, tasty, high quality, ripen well. Easily tolerates cold.

Apparently and invisibly The name of the variety immediately suggests that it is unusually productive. And it is true. In addition, round fruits of 150 g each can take a very long time to pick from the bush.

Rich hut Early standard tomato of very compact size. The fruits are small red (80 g). You can cook anything from them.

White filling A very popular tomato hybrid, which is successfully grown in open ground. The fruits are round, beautiful, ribbed, weighing just over 100 g. The variety is resistant to diseases.

Heavyweight of Siberia A variety that includes a rare combination of short stature and large fruit. Its heart-shaped fruits weighing up to 500 g are very tasty. Their size depends on the formation of the bush.

Landing in the ground

Women's Happiness tomatoes can be replanted in the ground to a permanent place when there is no longer a risk of frost returning. By this time the soil should have warmed up sufficiently.

In the process you need:

  1. Choose a comfortable place for tomatoes. If it is outdoors, then this is an area on a hill, well lit and protected from strong winds. If in a greenhouse, then the ceiling in the room must be at least 3 m high. It is also important to ensure high-quality ventilation in the greenhouse to avoid excessive humidity and mold.
  2. Fertilize the soil using 5 liters of a special organic mixture for tomato seedlings per 1 square meter. m.
  3. Dig shallow holes, placing them at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  4. Sprinkle each cavity with a small portion of a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Lower the seedlings into the holes. In the process, they move into the hole along with a lump of earth and all the roots.
  6. The top of the planting is sprinkled with soil up to the first leaves.

Next, it is important to properly and regularly care for the seedlings. The future harvest will depend on this.


A mid-season variety of indeterminate (up to 2 m in height) tomatoes, which confidently took 10th place in our amateur rating. The first fruits usually ripen 110-115 days after sowing the seeds. Even beginners can cope with their cultivation. The variety has been tested and hardened in the harsh conditions of Siberia. Therefore, you can safely plant these tomatoes in open ground. Their productivity indicators are impressive - from 4 to 18 kg per 1 sq.m.

“Konigsberg performed well both in the greenhouse and in the OG.” Yuri Kuzminykh.

The oblong fruits ripen in clusters of 6 pieces, they weigh on average 300 g, under favorable conditions the weight can be 2-3 times higher than the standard declared by the manufacturer. Both the skin and the pulp of tomatoes are dense, which makes them easier to transport. Of course, they are healthier to eat fresh, but they are also very tasty in the form of juice, thick paste or sauce. There are varieties of red and yellow color (Golden Konigsberg).

“Konigsberg is an excellent variety, it bears fruit throughout October, from one bush to 2 buckets. In the greenhouse, of course." Lyudmila Petlyuk.

Watering, fertilizing

Women's happiness tomatoes first of all need high-quality watering. In the first 15 days, you should not worry too much about soil moisture. During this period, young bushes will strengthen in a new place.

In all days, it is enough to water them only once with warm and settled water. The liquid is determined specifically at the root of the seedlings. At the same time, their leaves must remain dry, otherwise serious burns may occur on them.

In the future, watering will need to be organized more often. For example, 1 time every 7-8 days. If the weather in the region is hot, then you will need to water the plants 3-4 times in 8 days. During the process, it is important to monitor the soil moisture. The soil should not be too wet, otherwise this may lead to the development of fungal infections.

After each watering, you need to wait until the soil is completely dry. Afterwards you can carefully loosen it. This is necessary to remove the dense crust on the surface of the soil, which prevents oxygen from reaching the roots of the bushes. During the loosening process, it is better to immediately remove all weeds.

Mulching will help slow down the process of evaporation of moisture from the ground. For this purpose, hay or dry leaves are used. This is also an effective way to prevent the appearance of parasites on bushes.

Timely fertilizers are also very important for the plant. They are necessary for a bountiful, high-quality harvest. In total, 3 feedings need to be organized during the season. The first procedure is carried out approximately 10 days after planting young bushes.

At this stage, it is best to use cow dung infusion. For 1 liter of the latter, 10 liters of water are taken. It is necessary to dilute the manure with a large amount of liquid so that the root system does not burn.

The second procedure is organized during the flowering of the crop. At this stage, ready-made mineral fertilizer complexes are well suited. Another option is cow or bird manure diluted with plenty of water.

The third feeding is needed by plants when the fruits on the bushes are already ripening. Both mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable for it. But potassium salt is also added to any chosen option, which speeds up the ripening process of vegetables.

Description of the Maiden's Hearts tomato and cultivation in greenhouse conditions

Tomato Maiden's Hearts is recommended to be grown in greenhouse blocks. This variety has medium ripening times. The fruits are quite juicy and have high sugar content. The berries of the described variety are used fresh, juices and salads are made from them. Some housewives use them in fillings and lecho. The tomato can withstand long-term transportation.

Technical data of the crop

Characteristics and description of the Maiden's Hearts variety:

  1. The growing season of plant development lasts 110-120 days.
  2. The height of tomato buds reaches 1.6-2 m, and 4-5 trusses are formed in the axils of the leaves on 1 stem. Each cluster bears 4-5 fruits.
  3. The first ovary is formed above the 11th leaf, and all subsequent ones are formed every 3-4 leaves.
  4. The shape of the fruit resembles a heart, slightly elongated downwards. Ripe berries are painted in bright shades of scarlet.
  5. The weight of the fruit ranges from 0.15 to 0.17 g. Reviews from gardeners show that if all agrotechnical requirements are met, it is possible to obtain fruits weighing up to 0.3 kg on the lower branches of a tomato. The tomatoes of the described variety have medium density.

As practice shows, from every 1 sq. m of bed, farmers receive up to 11 kg of fruit. Gardeners consider the disadvantage of this variety to be the need to harvest stepchildren. Up to 2 lateral shoots develop from each leaf axil. With frequent feeding of tomato fertilizers, the stepsons grow from the flower cluster.

Another disadvantage of the variety is the need to protect the bushes from the most common diseases of nightshade varieties. Maiden's hearts are susceptible to late blight, fungal and viral infections.

Growing seedlings in your own backyard

After purchasing seeds, it is recommended to disinfect them with potassium permanganate. After this, the seed fund is planted in boxes with soil for tomatoes. The seeds are buried 15 mm. They are watered with warm water, and after sprouts appear, organic fertilizers are introduced into the soil.

After 1-2 leaves develop on the plants, it is recommended to dive. When the seedlings are 60-65 days old, they are transferred to permanent soil in a greenhouse. The planting format is 0.5 X 0.5 or 0.5 X 0.7 m. High planting density leads to late fruit ripening.

Before planting young bushes, complex fertilizers are introduced into the soil, and then the soil is loosened. After the first stepsons appear, and they are formed during the development of the first flower cluster, it is necessary to constantly clean the side shoots. Plants are inspected once a week.

It is recommended to remove all emerging stepsons and leaves growing up to the first inflorescence, but this procedure must be extended over 2-3 days. You need to remove leaves by moving them sideways, but not downwards, because... this provokes damage to the skin of the stem, which has a bad effect on the yield of the bush.

Caring for young bushes

Watering tomatoes is carried out 1-2 times a week. It is carried out with warm, settled water. Experts recommend performing the operation before sunrise or late in the evening, after sunset.

It is necessary to weed the beds to remove weeds once every 10-12 days. If this is not done, the tomato bushes may become infected with late blight. Weeding also helps eliminate some insects and their larvae that settle on the roots of plants.

Loosening the soil under the bushes is carried out once every 15 days. It helps the tomato root system receive the required dose of oxygen.

Bushes are fed 3 times per season. Initially, young plants receive nitrogen fertilizers to accelerate the growth of green mass. After flowering begins, the bushes are fed with potassium mixtures and organic fertilizers. When the first fruits appear, the tomato should receive complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

To eliminate the risk of developing fungal and bacterial infections, it is recommended to treat the bushes with Fitosporin. If the plants are sick and the medicines do not work, then the diseased bushes must be removed from the site and then destroyed outside the greenhouse. You can treat tomato with folk remedies, such as copper sulfate.

For normal growth, tomatoes need a certain temperature and humidity regime. To maintain the desired parameters, gardeners ventilate the greenhouse.

Although greenhouse units are rarely attacked by garden pests, the gardener must be prepared to eliminate such dangers.

If Colorado beetles, aphids or other insects are noticed on tomato leaves, it is recommended to treat each bush with a chemical toxic substance produced by industry. If these drugs are not available, then you can spray the leaves and stems of plants with copper sulfate and other folk remedies.

When slugs appear in the area, they are repelled from the tomato bushes with wood ash, which is added to the soil under the plants.


The culture needs regular nurturing. To prevent the bushes from growing too much in height, you need to pinch them from above in time. Apart from the main stems (it is recommended to leave only 8-10 clusters on them), all other new shoots are immediately removed by the gardener. To cut them, you need to take a sharp pruner, the blade of which is disinfected from time to time.

Only when growing crops in open ground is it sometimes possible to do without pinching. In this case, the bushes are planted further away from each other and there is no need to control the plant’s upward growth.

Yablonka Russia

Tomatoes with such a reverent name could not help but get into the top - they ripen early - from the time the first shoots appear until the moment when the bushes are completely strewn with small round fruits (weighing about 100 g) and really similar to bulk apples, it takes from 118 to 135 days.

Many consider this tomato to be problem-free - it is determinate, standard bushes grow low - up to 100 cm; there is no need to shape them and pin them; They are not capricious and feel great and set fruit both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. One bush can simultaneously ripen up to 100 neat tomatoes suitable for canning - the skin will not burst, there is no need to worry. Not a tomato, but just a sight for sore eyes!

Bush formation

It is recommended to grow a bush of 1-2 stems in the northern regions. But for the southern ones you can leave even 3-4 stems. The second option allows you to get an excellent harvest in the future.

When processing tomato bushes, you will definitely need to remove all the lower leaves from them. Otherwise, the greens will quickly begin to rot when they come into contact with wet soil. Spoiling leaves also become a favorable environment for the spread of fungi.

Pest and disease control

Women's happiness have strong immunity to the most popular tomato diseases. But still some diseases are dangerous for the plant. For example, dry spotting. To avoid this problem, you should water the crop moderately and make sure that there is no standing water on the beds. It is also important to regularly weed the plantings and loosen the soil surface.

If the disease has already begun to manifest itself, then it is better not to experiment with folk remedies, but to use effective store-bought medicines. For example, the drug Antrakol.

The second most popular problem with the variety under discussion is blossom end rot. It can be easily determined by simply examining the plant. In this case, the harvest will be spotty and the damaged part will have to be thrown away without regret. To prevent the disease or cope with it in the early stages, you can use a spray bottle of Bordeaux liquid.

If tomato bushes are affected by fungal diseases, then you need to use fungicides as soon as possible. It is important to use them with gloves so that the product does not come into contact with the skin.


“Male Dignity” refers to those varieties that are practically not susceptible to disease. However, due to the specific size of the fruits, blossom end rot may develop on them.

Tomatoes can be susceptible to various pests. Most often, the plant is eaten by aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. They are combated by treating plants with special preparations. They can be purchased at any country store.

Tips and tricks for growing

It is advisable to ventilate greenhouses with tomatoes daily. This is especially true in hot weather. On such days, you can open the premises with plantings throughout the sunny day. They close only in the evening before dark.

For preventive treatment of bushes against various parasites, you can use a regular soap solution. It does not bring any harm to the culture. Leaves and stems, for example, those affected by spider mites, are wiped with a strong soap solution.

The harvested crop is placed in wooden or wicker boxes. It is put away in this form in a dark, cool place. But even under ideal conditions, it is not possible to store ripe tomatoes for a long time. To do this, you will need to freeze or preserve them.

Women's happiness is a productive and easy-to-care variety of tomatoes. A description of all stages of growing vegetables with photographs will allow you to get delicious, juicy vegetables that are suitable even for baby food.

Harvest and storage

It is important for every gardener that the collected tomatoes do not spoil for a long time. This can be achieved if you follow these rules for storing vegetables:

This can be achieved if you follow these rules for storing vegetables:

  • make your own from wood or buy new boxes;
  • carefully place dry and healthy fruits in them;
  • Cover the top with a lid without damaging the tomatoes;
  • leave the harvest in a cool and ventilated area.

Auria tomatoes tend not to crack when ripening, as well as during harvesting and storage. The fruits remain tasty and attractive in appearance for quite a long time.

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