Wonderful tomatoes for greenhouses and greenhouses: tomato “Doll Masha”

Description of the hybrid

Doll Masha f1 is an early ripening hybrid created by breeders of the Russian Agrofirm SeDeK for cultivation in film-type greenhouses and hotbeds. It was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2010.

Determinate bushes do not require pinching or shaping.

In the photo - tomato Doll Masha f1.

Fruit characteristics

Weight200-300 g
FormFlat-round, slightly ribbed
LeavesLarge size, green
Number of slots4-6
PulpMeaty, juicy
TasteVery sweet, with a slightly perceptible sourness
SkinDense, shiny
Bush height0.5-1 m
Ripening period80-90 days from germination
Productivity8-10 kg/m²
SustainabilityTo verticillium

Description and characteristics of the variety

  • Hybrid, not variety. Seeds must be purchased only from the originator, since self-collected seeds do not retain the quality characteristics of the variety.
  • Early ripening. Harvesting ripe fruits can begin 85-95 days after seed germination.
  • Resistant to nightshade diseases.
  • Determinate with limited growth. The bushes grow no more than 65 cm in height.
  • It is not standard, so it requires the removal of excess stepsons. This must be done very carefully, leaving a stump of 5-7 mm, so as not to damage the main stem.
  • The leaves are not large, bright green.
  • Requires shaping and gartering of bushes.
  • The first flower cluster is formed above the 5-7th leaf. After its appearance, regular pinching is carried out so that the plant’s strength does not go to extra shoots. This speeds up the process of fruit ripening.
  • 4-5 ovaries are formed on each brush.
  • Productivity is average. From 1 sq. meter you can collect up to 9 kg of ripe vegetables.

How to grow seedlings

The hybrid is grown through seedlings in the standard way: sowing seeds in the ground and then planting them into individual containers. The procedure is carried out from late March to early April.

Preparing the soil and sowing seeds

Hybrid seeds are processed in production before packaging in bags, so at home they are not manipulated to disinfect and increase germination.

Experienced farmers advise calibrating seeds. This will help identify empty and too small grains. To do this, the seed is soaked in salt water for 5-10 minutes (1 tsp per 200 ml). Anything that floats to the surface is not suitable for sowing. The seeds remaining at the bottom are carefully washed with warm water.

You can get soil for seedlings at a gardening store. Such a substrate is already enriched with nutrients. Most gardeners prefer to prepare the soil themselves from a mixture of black soil, river sand and peat in a 1:1:1 ratio. Superphosphate is suitable as a fertilizer - 40 g per bucket of soil.

Advice. Before use, the soil is heated in the oven at a temperature of 110 ° C or steamed in a double boiler. A strong solution of potassium permanganate will disinfect the soil and prevent the development of bacteria.

For growing seedlings, boxes, trays, containers, tetrapacks, and pots 5-7 cm deep are suitable. They are filled with moist soil and the grains are sown in furrows 1.5-2 cm deep with an interval of 2 cm.

The containers are covered with plastic wrap and placed in a dark place. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 23 °C. In such conditions, seedlings will appear after 4-5 days.

Seedling care

After the seeds hatch, the film is removed and the boxes are placed on the windowsill on the south side. To prevent seedlings from stretching upward, the duration of daylight should be at least 16 hours. If there is little sunlight, the seedlings are placed under fluorescent lamps.

Water as needed: 1-2 times a week. An infusion of eggshells is suitable as an additional feeding. It’s easy to prepare: shells of 10 eggs are poured into 3 liters of water and left for 6-7 days. A cloudy liquid and a characteristic odor indicate the readiness of the fertilizer. The infusion is used to water seedlings once a week.

A week before planting in the ground, the seedlings are taken out into the fresh air to harden for half an hour.

The lower leaves are torn off as they grow, and the seedlings are hilled up to strengthen the rhizome.

Growing and care

In the first 10 days after planting, scanty watering is needed, then water weekly at the root with warm water. Watering is done when the tomato is not exposed to direct sunlight.

The tomato is fed with mineral fertilizers. Many gardeners prefer manure, but it can only be applied to young bushes before flowering and only in a diluted form no stronger than 1:10.

Spraying with a solution of boric acid helps the fruits to fill and ripen faster.

Bushes benefit from hilling, loosening the soil and mulching the soil. Straw or hay is used as mulch.

Tie the bushes to supports if they begin to bend under the weight of the fruit.

How to grow tomatoes

The determinate hybrid Doll Masha needs timely watering, loosening, weeding, the application of organic and mineral fertilizers, and additional lighting when there is a lack of sunlight.


The seedlings are transferred to a permanent location in a greenhouse or greenhouse from May to June. By this time, the height of the seedlings should be 30 cm, the thickness of the stem should be 1 cm.

Important! The producer of hybrid seeds, Masha Doll, recommends cultivating tomatoes indoors. The culture loves warmth and reacts painfully to sudden changes in the average daily temperature. Those who tried to plant the hybrid outdoors were disappointed with the result.

The soil is prepared before planting begins: it is dug up, the top layer of 5-10 cm is removed, and treated with a hot solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water).

Tomatoes prefer loamy or sandy soil. Per 1 m², add 3 buckets of a mixture of peat, sawdust and humus in a ratio of 1:1:1. Then add mineral fertilizers: 3 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium magnesia, 1 tsp. sodium nitrate, 2 cups of ash per 1 m².

Holes 15-20 cm deep are dug in the area, poured with boiling water, and after the soil has cooled, seedlings are planted.

Planting pattern – 40x60 cm, 4-5 seedlings per 1 m².


The hybrid requires constant care in the form of watering, weeding, loosening the soil and timely fertilizing with mineral compounds.

For successful cultivation, it is recommended to follow the rules of tomato care:

  1. The first week after planting, tomatoes are given time to adapt to a new place - do not water or hill up.
  2. The first watering is after 7 days, with warm, settled or rain water, watering strictly at the root, in the afternoon.
  3. At first, watering should be moderate - once a week. After the ovaries appear, the frequency is increased to 2 times, 4 liters per bush.
  4. The soil is loosened to a depth of about 10 cm for better heating and oxygen saturation. The procedure is repeated after each watering, but to a depth of 5 cm.
  5. To reduce the amount of watering and better nourish the root system, the soil is covered with mulch - sawdust, peat, pine needles, straw.
  6. The bushes do not shoot or form. For support, wooden stakes are dug nearby for gartering clusters with heavy fruits.
  7. Plants are hilled to strengthen the root system.

To stimulate growth and abundant fruiting, the hybrid is treated with synthesized phytohormones:

  • “Zircon”, Ecogel” – universal preparations;
  • “Immunocytophyte” – strengthens the immune system, helps fight diseases, is safe for plants and people;
  • "Kornevin" - stimulates root growth.

Tomato feeding scheme:

  1. One and a half to two weeks after planting: 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska, 500 ml mullein per 10 liters of water. For one bush - 1 liter of solution.
  2. Subsequent feeding is carried out every 2 weeks with potassium sulfate and the drug “Fertility” (1 tsp potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp drug per 10 liters of water). The frequency of fertilizer application is 3 times during the growing season.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

When cultivating tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse, it is important to adhere to the temperature regime:

  • during the day – no higher than 26 °C;
  • at night – not lower than 16 °C.

Reference. At air temperatures above 26 °C, flowering and ovary formation stop. At 32°C, pollen becomes sterile.

Air humidity indoors should be 60-70%. To normalize the microclimate, greenhouses and greenhouses are recommended to be frequently ventilated.

Hybrid Doll Masha is demanding on lighting, so choose an area on the sunny side for planting bushes. In the northern regions, it is recommended to install additional light sources in greenhouses - fluorescent or LED lamps.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is immune to verticillium and rarely suffers from late blight (brown spots and white coating on leaves, stems, deformation of fruits) due to early ripening.

Preventative measures for “tomato” diseases allow you to maintain plant health and get a rich harvest:

  • in the fall, greenhouses are treated with sulfur bombs;
  • in the spring, the soil is disinfected with copper sulfate (50 g per 10 liters of water, 2 liters per 1 m²);
  • the soil is covered with mulch (sawdust, peat, straw, pine needles);
  • the lower leaves are removed;
  • comply with watering norms;
  • monitor the humidity level in the greenhouse.

The greenery of tomatoes attracts Colorado potato beetles, aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Insecticides come to the rescue: “Confidor”, “Borey”, “Iskra”, “Aktarra”, “Epin”, “Commander”.

Folk remedies are no less effective:

  1. Wood ash. For 10 liters of water, 50 g of ash, 50 ml of liquid soap. The mixture is infused for 5-6 hours, filtered through cheesecloth and the bushes are treated every 2 weeks.
  2. Tobacco. For 10 liters of boiling water, 400 g of shag. Leave for 48 hours, then use to irrigate greenery 3 times - every 3 days.
  3. Onion peel. For 10 liters of water 200 g of raw materials. Leave for 6-8 hours, add 50 g of tar soap shavings. Apply for spraying once every 7 days.


The seeds do not need to be treated before planting, but you can soak them in a growth stimulant to improve germination. Planting begins in March.

An effective folk stimulant is melt water. The seeds are kept in it for 16-17 hours.

The soil is made up of equal parts of garden soil, lowland peat, humus or compost, as well as drainage, such as sawdust or sand. A glass of wood ash and mineral fertilizer (about 2 tsp of superphosphate or nitrophoska) are mixed into 10 kg of soil. Then they are disinfected by pouring a hot solution of potassium permanganate.

The seeds are planted 1-2 cm deep, moistened with a spray bottle and the boxes are covered with glass. Keep them warm at about +25-30 degrees and ventilate periodically. When more than half of the seeds have sprouted, remove the glass and transfer the seedlings to a well-lit windowsill. During the first three days they provide coolness of about 16 degrees, after that - +18-22 degrees.

Seedlings are picked at the stage of 2 full leaves. Harden off before transplanting into the greenhouse.

Harvesting and application

The harvest begins in July and ends at the end of August.

Tomatoes are used to prepare vegetable salads, sauces, pasta, juice, adjika, lecho. Medium-sized fruits are pickled or pickled in jars for the winter.

Characteristics of tomato Doll Masha

Before planting the variety in the garden plot, you must first study the reviews about the tomato Doll Masha F1 and its main features. When choosing, you must rely on yield indicators and other important characteristics.

Productivity of tomato Doll Masha and fruiting

Tomato Doll Masha belongs to the high-yielding category. If you follow the rules of care, you can get 7-8 kg of juicy fruits from one bush of the crop during the season. Ripening occurs approximately three months after seedling formation. If shoots appear in early April, the harvest will be possible from July to the end of August.

The volume of tomato fruiting depends on the quality of the soil and the comfort of the conditions. It is recommended to grow the variety in nutritious soil, since poor soil reduces yield. It is necessary to provide the tomato with high-quality moisture and nutrition, as well as protection from pests and fungal diseases. It is not recommended to plant tomato bushes too densely - there are usually 4-5 plants per 1 m2. Otherwise, the tomatoes will interfere with each other, and fruiting will decrease.

Area of ​​application of fruits

The Masha Doll tomato belongs to the universal category and is widely used in cooking. Juicy tomatoes are often used to prepare light vitamin salads and healthy juice. Tomatoes can be used to make products with long shelf life - adjika, lecho and pasta.

Medium-sized fruits can be pickled or salted in jars for the winter. Large tomatoes are not used for canning because they do not fit in standard containers.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The tomato variety Doll Masha has average immunity to diseases and parasites. Most often, bushes in a greenhouse suffer from aphids, whiteflies and the Colorado potato beetle - insects feed on juicy greens. If there is insufficient moisture, spider mites may also appear on the leaves and stems.

Of the fungi, the greatest danger to tomatoes is root rot. It develops with excessive watering and lack of ventilation against the background of waterlogging. The disease can affect the plant already at the seedling stage. At the same time, the hybrid variety extremely rarely suffers from late blight and verticillium, since the fruits usually ripen before the symptoms of the disease appear.

Advice! To prevent diseases and fungi, the greenhouse in which tomatoes grow must be treated annually with sulfur bombs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a hybrid:

  • early and friendly ripening of tomatoes;
  • excellent taste;
  • resistance to verticillium;
  • ease of care;
  • universal use of fruits in cooking;
  • high productivity;
  • there is no need to plant and form bushes;
  • possibility of cultivation throughout Russia;
  • keeping quality and ability to be transported.


  • not suitable for growing in open ground;
  • The plant is demanding of light; if it is deficient, it needs additional lighting.

Why is there no ovary

  1. Not enough light. Tomato bushes are very demanding of good lighting, especially indoors. With insufficient light, plants become stretched and thin. It is necessary to tie up the bushes and shape the crown.
  2. Heat. At high temperatures, pollen in plants becomes sterile, which leads to the complete absence of ovaries. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often and monitor the air temperature.
  3. The use of pesticides during the flowering period. Often chemicals are the reason for the lack of fruit. They kill pollen, which leads to complete sterilization of flowers.


The impressions of large farmers and amateur gardeners from growing the domestic hybrid are positive.

Evgeniya, Tambov : “I plant Doll Masha tomatoes in a greenhouse according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. I'm happy with the result. The fruits are large, juicy and sweet. Can be used for preservation. Caring for the crop is simple. It is important to water moderately, avoiding waterlogging, and plant on the south side of the site. I feed with mullein and ready-made mineral fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus.”

Pavel, Tikhvin: “The hybrid Doll Masha is suitable only for closed ground. Two years ago, as an experiment, I planted several bushes in the garden. The plants could not withstand the change in air temperature: they did not bloom and dried out. I installed LED lamps in the greenhouse, since there is not enough sunlight in our area. The productivity is high, I collect up to 7 kg of tomatoes from one bush. The taste is excellent for a hybrid. The yield and other qualities correspond to the description of the variety (more precisely, the hybrid) from the manufacturer.”

Pest and disease control

To protect against diseases and pests, it is recommended to follow preventive measures. It is necessary to maintain the humidity level in the greenhouse at 70-80% and avoid sudden temperature changes.

If symptoms of fungi and parasites appear, treatment is carried out. You can use an infusion of tobacco or onion peel, as well as a solution of wood ash. Of the ready-made drugs, Aktara, Iskra and Confidor work well.

It is recommended to spray tomatoes against diseases with home remedies once a week.

Appearance of tomatoes

Many gardeners prefer determinate hybrids that are easy to care for. The doll is one of those short and compact plants - its height is only 50–70 cm. The plant is not a standard one. The bush is not distinguished by good branching, the foliage is moderate. The leaves are the usual tomato type, green. The surface of the plate is matte, slightly wrinkled. Yellow flowers are collected in inflorescences of an intermediate type. Each fruit cluster can contain up to 6 tomatoes of almost the same size. The peduncle has an articulation.

Tomatoes look very attractive thanks to their classic round shape with a smooth surface. The unripe fruit is green in color and has a contrasting dark green spot at the stalk. As the tomato ripens, it takes on an even, rich pink color. The pulp is moderately dense, but at the same time tender and meaty. Number of nests 4 or more. The State Register assesses the taste qualities as good, but on the forums some gardeners call the taste insufficiently expressive. There is also information about the presence of a white core inside the fruit. The average fruit weight is 71–190 g, but sometimes tomatoes can weigh 300 g.

Doll F1 tomatoes are small in size and one-dimensional, which is very valuable for canning

Criteria for selecting tomatoes

When choosing the names of tomatoes, you should focus on the type of crop, in particular, what it is in terms of ripeness and the height (growth) of the bushes.

For example, a distinctive feature of the F1 Doll is its ultra-early maturation and short stature. It is these features that are most appropriate when determining the names of tomatoes for the middle latitude of the Russian Federation. However, what do they mean?

The sign of determinacy in tomatoes indicates the degree of stem elongation. For example, indeterminate plants grow throughout the season without stopping the growth of the stem. At the same time, they can reach a height of as much as two meters. In this connection, pinching is a mandatory principle of care for such plants. Quite a few ovaries are formed on them, but there is no need to talk about their early ripeness.

With the Kukla tomato it’s the other way around - the tomatoes ripen early, the shoots are limited in growth. Late July - August - the bushes delight with their tomatoes, the shoots stop growing in height.

For those vegetable growers who have little experience in gardening and have their own greenhouse, they should start exclusively with determinate tomatoes. For example, such as Doll and Doll Masha, and gradually move on to growing intermediate crops (semi-determinates), in which growth, although intensive, is not strong, like indeterminates.

To enjoy ripe tomatoes at the height of summer, you need to breed ultra-early ripening tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground with a ripening period of mainly up to 90 days.

As an example, we give the most common and early ripening tomato varieties in vegetable growing (the number of days to maturity is indicated in parentheses): Aphrodite (75), Maksimka (75), Marisha (80), Benito (70), Kukla (85). And not hybrids - Parodist (80), Far North (85).

Tomatoes are selected extremely rarely based on such a parameter as the shelf life of tomato seeds. Since in most varieties it does not exceed 5-6 years. Here, more attention is paid to another criterion that applies to seeds - the possibility of independently preparing planting material from tomatoes obtained in your own backyard. If you need to get your own seeds every time, varieties with the F1 additive are not suitable for this. Their seeds are only bought and done every year in the spring, before directly sowing seedlings.

Tmag 666 – variety of Tomato plant

Information on the admission of Tomato Tmag 666 from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 57419, registered 2011-11-28. The Tomato Tmag 666 variety was included in the register of those approved in 2014. Approved for use in the regions: North Caucasus.

The originator of the Tomato Tmag 666 variety is:


Other varieties of tomato plant

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F1 doll is at the top of the hit parade

There is, of course, subjectivity when evaluating tomatoes, but it is still possible to note the best varieties that receive positive ratings from summer residents. And one of them is the Kukla F1 tomato, early, unpretentious, and productive.

It belongs to the large group of determinate tomatoes; the stem has a growing point. Powerful bush, height - up to 70 cm, requires garter during fruiting period.

The leaves are medium sized, dark green in color. Simple inflorescences begin to form after 6-7 leaves. The fruits are round, slightly flattened on top, weighing 180-200 grams. When forming a cluster, fruits of 300-250 grams are obtained.

The skin is dense and glossy. Until the tomatoes are ripe, they are light green in color with a small spot near the stalk. When fully ripe, the fruits are pink-crimson. The pulp is fleshy, dense, with a good “tomato” taste. The aroma is felt, which makes the Kukla F1 hybrid similar to ordinary tomato varieties.

The main purpose of tomatoes is salads; small fruits are suitable for canning. In the marinade they do not lose their shape or crack.

I also make excellent juice, paste, and sauces from the fruits of the hybrid, so it is better to call it a universal tomato. Productivity - 9-10 kg can be harvested from one square meter.

They are grown in garden beds in the southern regions, and partly in the middle zone. In the regions of the North-West of the country, in Siberia, beyond the Urals, it is advisable to plant tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses and film shelters.

Experienced gardeners treat hybrids with lukewarmness, preferring varietal tomatoes to them. The reason is the mediocre taste of hybrid fruits and lack of aroma.

The Kukla tomato is not one of those tomatoes; its fruits, according to reviews, are tasty and aromatic. We note in the description other advantages and features of the variety:

  • early, 85-95 days, fruit ripening;
  • friendly return of tomatoes;
  • resistance to diseases (inherent at the genetic level);
  • low susceptibility to pest damage;
  • universal purpose of fruits;
  • excellent taste.

The hybrid is characterized by high productivity and large fruit. It has been in the State Register since 2006, recommended for the Volga-Vyatka region, but is successfully grown everywhere.

ON A NOTE! Pink tomatoes are considered sweeter and tastier than their red “relatives”.

However, the taste is largely determined by care, growing conditions, productivity - by the care of the tomato on the part of the summer resident.

The characteristics and description of the variety would be incomplete without its shortcomings, but the Doll has few of them:

  • the need for partial formation of the bush;
  • stepsoning.

Let us add that seeds for sowing are not taken from the fruits of the hybrid, so you will have to purchase seed material for each season. The costs are justified, so this can hardly be considered a serious drawback.

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