Tomato grandfather's rooster wing reviews photos yield

Dates for planting seedlings and planting in the ground

Seedlings are planted in the soil when the bushes are 50-60 days old.
The main stages of growing seedlings at home

Seed preparation Basic methods of preparation: heating, disinfection, soaking in growth stimulants, bubbling, hardening, germination. These techniques aim for different results and have different purposes. More details

Soaking seeds According to experts, pre-soaking can increase yield by 30%. The duration of soaking is determined depending on the solution used and the quality of the seeds. More details

What soil to choose for seedlings The soil for planting tomato seeds at home should not be taken from the garden. The soil for tomato seedlings must have good breathability, provide the required level of humidity, and the acidity level pH should be about 6.5 units. More details

Dates for planting seedlings and planting in the ground

In the south, seeds are usually sown immediately into the ground. In the Central Black Earth region, seed germination begins in January-February. In cooler climates - from March 20 to April 10.

Since the variety is classic, you can prepare seeds for the next season yourself. Such material is usually treated with either an aloe solution or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. There is no need to process purchased seeds further, as this was done by the manufacturer. This is usually indicated on the label. Soil for seedling boxes can be purchased at the store or prepared independently by mixing soil, sand and peat.

The soil is spilled with warm water, holes are formed. The seeds are buried no more than 2 cm. After this, the soil is moistened again and the boxes are covered with film. The temperature under the film should be + 25°, which is the best option for germination. The containers should be placed on the windowsill so that each container gets enough sunlight. After the seeds hatch, the film must be removed and the young seedlings should be watered again.

Since the crop grows slowly, the stems need feeding, which will stimulate growth

It is also important to regulate the amount of sunlight. If it is not enough, then it is better to resort to a UV lamp

Tomato Sanka needs a long daylight hours, which is 8–10 hours.

The first picking is carried out when the seedlings have formed 2–4 strong leaves. The second – at the age of 60 days, when the number of leaves on the plant becomes at least 6–8. Landing occurs from mid-May to June 5.

Before planting seedlings in the ground, the soil is spilled with warm or hot water to warm it up. Ammonium nitrate can be poured into the bottom of the holes to stimulate growth or nitroammophoska.

The main stages of growing seedlings at home

Seed preparation Basic methods of preparation: heating, disinfection, soaking in growth stimulants, bubbling, hardening, germination. These techniques aim for different results and have different purposes. More details

Soaking seeds According to experts, pre-soaking can increase yield by 30%. The duration of soaking is determined depending on the solution used and the quality of the seeds. More details

What soil to choose for seedlings The soil for planting tomato seeds at home should not be taken from the garden. The soil for tomato seedlings must have good breathability, provide the required level of humidity, and the acidity level pH should be about 6.5 units. More details

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Grandfather's cock's feather is an indeterminate tall variety. Plants reach a height of 2 m or more. Requires timely pinching. Fruitful clusters with large tomatoes form on the bushes - 5-6 on each.

Ripening time is average - 100-115 days from germination.

Features of tomatoes:

  • average weight from 200 to 300 g;
  • the shape is heart-shaped and elongated, like a feather;
  • bright crimson color;
  • 4 seed chambers, few seeds;
  • the pulp is sugary and fleshy;
  • the taste is sweetish with sourness.

Used for fresh consumption, as well as for pickling, preservation in slices, juices and pastes.

Description of the tomato Grandfather's rooster feather, reviews, photos

The original name of the variety is Grandpa's Cock's Plume .

Mid-season, indeterminate, large-fruited, productive tomato variety. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

Bush up to 1.8 meters high , regular tomato leaf. The best results were obtained when forming a plant with 2 stems.

Fruit characteristics

photo author Nadezhda Gurzhi

The fruits are heart-shaped, with small ribs, large, at the ripe stage of raspberry-pink color, weighing 300-400 grams , fleshy, aromatic, sweet, very tasty.

The size of the fruit on the cluster can vary greatly.

Biological properties of yeast

Yeasts are single-celled fungal spores. They are not fertilizer, or rather what is usually designated by this word. Once in the soil, yeast does not enrich it with microelements and beneficial substances. But they have a positive effect on the microorganisms in it and stimulate their vital activity. As a result, naturally and without the use of chemicals, the soil is enriched with organic matter and becomes loose and airy. The roots of the plant receive more water and air, and the above-ground part begins to develop more actively.

Important! Yeast is called a growth stimulator, but unlike other fertilizers belonging to this category, it does not cause vigorous growth of greenery, but has a complex effect, which also has a rather long-lasting result. The entry of yeast spores into the soil helps enrich it:

The entry of yeast spores into the soil helps enrich it:

  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • vitamins C and B;
  • choline;
  • proteins and carbohydrates.

However, unicellular organisms will show themselves positively only if the following rules are observed:

  1. Fertilizing cannot be carried out on poor soil. It must be fertilized with manure in the fall or compost added to the beds. Otherwise, instead of the expected result, you may end up with rocky soil that is completely unsuitable for growing plants.
  2. Yeast fertilizers will not be of any use at low air and soil temperatures. In order for the spores to begin to “work,” there must be heat both underground and above it.
  3. Be sure to use fertilizers containing sufficient potassium and calcium at the same time as yeast. In the process of active life, microorganisms absorb them in large quantities. It is optimal to use wood ash.

After feeding, the result will be immediate. Quick action and long-lasting results are the undeniable advantages of yeast fertilizers.

Landing Features

Since Orlik trees are medium-sized, they are excellent for growing in small garden plots. Trees can be planted at a distance of no more than 2 m from each other.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in September-October. The optimal soil is a mixture of clay, sand, peat, compost and humus. Depending on the area, the necessary natural element is added to it. The variety grows best in the central regions of Russia.

Natural lighting of the site greatly influences the successful growth and development of seedlings. You should not plant apple trees in lowlands and near rivers and reservoirs. The groundwater level must be at least 2–2.5 m.

The seedling is introduced into the ground so that the place where the root passes into the trunk is 5–7 cm above ground level. Seedlings with a well-developed root system take root best. When planting, all roots are carefully straightened and covered with a layer of fertile soil. After pouring, the soil must be compacted tightly. The seedling needs to be tied to a pre-installed peg and watered abundantly. 1 young tree requires up to 5 buckets of water.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 2 m from each other

Despite the frost resistance of the crop, it is advisable to mulch with horse humus around the trunk at the rate of 5–15 kg per 1 sq. m. m, and then wrap the standard with nylon tights. Nylon is best suited for shelter, since, unlike other materials, it allows the necessary moisture and air to pass through and protects the trunk from the first burns of the spring sun.

A good condition for planting would be to sow legumes, tomatoes, cabbage or other low-growing crops between the rows. Caring for them contributes to the favorable growth and development of seedlings.

Growing seedlings

Tomatoes love warmth and light; at low temperatures, plants can die. For tomatoes, fertile, loose and moisture-absorbing soil with an acidity of approximately 4.5 is suitable. The optimal temperature for emergence of seedlings is considered to be 20-25 degrees. After the sprouts have hatched, the temperature is reduced to 16-18 degrees during the day, and to 10-12 at night, this temperature regime is maintained for a week, then raised to 20-23 degrees. At first, you need to water it daily, with warm, settled water; when the seedlings appear on the surface of the earth, you can switch to weekly watering.

After 2-3 leaves appear, the plants must be transplanted into a separate container with a capacity of at least 500 ml, this is necessary so that there is room for the development of the root system. 2 weeks after picking, you can feed the young seedlings with liquid mineral fertilizers, this will certainly benefit them. You can loosen the soil using a plastic fork; this procedure will help saturate the soil with oxygen. All seedlings need hardening; for this they are taken out into the air, the first time for 10-15 minutes, increasing the time spent outside every day.

Transplantation and care

The seedlings are transferred to a permanent place at the age of two months, placing no more than four plants per square meter. It is better to plant seedlings where legumes, cucumbers or herbs grew last season. The soil is fertilized in the fall or early spring by adding organic fertilizers, for example, rotted manure.

The place for tomatoes should be chosen sunny, protected from drafts. The holes are placed at a distance of 50 centimeters, leaving a meter between the rows. “Grandfather’s cock’s feather” is a tall variety and requires tying to a support; when planting, you can install stakes or build a trellis. It is recommended to form bushes into 1 or 2 stems, this significantly increases the yield. Also, throughout the summer you should definitely cut off the stepsons, it is advisable to do this every week.

Caring for plants involves systematic watering, loosening the soil and timely getting rid of weeds, which feed on nutrients from the soil and can be a carrier of diseases. Of course, we should not forget about preventive measures that will help prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests.

Pros and cons of the variety

Orlik apple trees have both pros and cons. Their advantages include:

  1. Good taste of fruits;
  2. High yield, which can be achieved after 7 years of growth;
  3. Long shelf life;
  4. Compact crown;
  5. Precociousness;
  6. Possibility of thickened planting;
  7. Beautiful appearance of fruits;
  8. The variety is suitable for cultivation both at home and industrially;
  9. Ability to bear fruit in cool regions;
  10. Apples are tasty and suitable for consumption immediately after picking.

The negative qualities of the Orlik variety include:

  • Average resistance to some diseases;
  • Cannot self-pollinate;
  • Pre-harvest fruit drop;
  • Does not tolerate too harsh winters with temperatures down to -36 degrees.

Expert opinion

Chernyaeva Tatyana Dmitrievna

Absolutely loves gardening and grows only organic vegetables

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Orlik apples are in high demand on the market. They are valued both in the first days of sale and in the last, without losing their positions.

General characteristics of “hearty” tomatoes

Considering the category of heart-shaped tomatoes, it is easy to notice that the vast majority are varieties. That is, if you planted a tomato and you liked it, you can safely collect seeds from it and plant the same variety next year from your own seed material.

Like all large-fruited varieties, the first flowers of heart-shaped ones are often formed fasciated - fused. They produce especially large but ugly fruits. Therefore, it is recommended to cut them off. But you can leave such a flower. True, in this case, in addition to unattractive tomatoes, the harvest also ripens later.

Like all large-fruited varieties and hybrids, heart-shaped ones require not only regular pinching, but also rationing. If you leave them with stepsons, if you don’t pick off the extra flowers, there will be more fruits, but they will ripen later and will be smaller in weight. Therefore, when someone brags to you about kilograms of tomatoes, this does not mean that the entire bush was covered with them, most likely this was the only tomato on the bush, and if not, then the second and third were several times smaller.

Typically, such tomatoes grow in one or two stems, and the rest is removed in time. If you want to grow a particularly large fruit to show off on your blog or to your neighbors, the extra flowers are cut off.

Most "hearts" are indeterminates. They have unlimited growth, so they require not only shaping, but also garters. Thus, the varieties “Gerodes” , “Korneevskie Krasnye” , “Minusinsk Giant” grow more than two meters by the end of the season. But “Purple Heart” (Dwarf Purple Heart), “Desperado” (Dwarf Desperado) are exceptional, they belong to a very rare category in this group - determinant.

Tomatoes of heart-shaped varieties do not always have a leveled shape. Often, one bush can produce fruits that are more rounded, more flattened or elongated, along with perfectly hearty ones.

Varieties of heart-shaped tomatoes do not always fully correspond to the description. The growth of bushes, the number and size of tomatoes, and their taste greatly depend on weather conditions and on the agricultural technology used. Therefore, it is important to find what is right for you, according to your climatic conditions and principles of care.

Orlik apple tree for lovers of winter varieties

The winter apple variety Orlik is the result of ten years of work by breeders at the Oryol Experimental Station. The authors were faced with the task of obtaining a winter-hardy, productive variety with a winter ripening period.

They dealt with this successfully. The materials for the work were the Bessemyanka, Michurinskaya and McIntosh varieties. Over the 30 years that have passed since the launch of the variety, it has become popular not only among amateur gardeners. Orlik is in demand among farmers who grow apples for sale.


The variety grows well in the temperate climate of central Russia and in the Leningrad region. There are differences between Orlik and other winter varieties. The first difference is early maturity. The second is a full-fledged taste immediately after picking. When choosing an apple tree for your garden, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics.

Additional characteristics of the apple tree

  1. When choosing a variety, amateur gardeners are interested in the age of fruiting of the apple tree and the lifespan of the tree. The characteristics of the above-ground part (trunk, branches) of a fruit plant are no less important; they determine the area required for the full development of an adult apple tree and the characteristics of its care.
  2. This type of apple tree is ideal for small summer cottages due to the small size of the crown. A dense planting pattern is acceptable - 2 m between the centers of the planting holes. Apple trees are early-fruiting. A quite decent harvest of apples (20 kg) can be harvested already 5 years after planting.
  3. Every year the yield increases. An adult 15-year-old tree can thank for good care with a rich harvest (80 kg), a 20-year-old tree over 100 kg. The fruits ripen by September 20. They tolerate transportation well and are stored at proper temperatures and humidity until spring.

The height of the apple tree is determined by measuring the distance from the root collar to the crown. Orlik can be classified as a group of medium-sized apple trees. The height of an adult tree is about 5 m.

  • The width of the crown determines its area and is needed to calculate the rate of mineral and organic fertilizers. The crown of Orlik is compact, about 2 m in diameter. It is formed by skeletal branches (boughs) extending from the trunk (central conductor) at an angle of 90°;
  • The tips of the branches turn up. The bark on the skeletal branches and trunk has a yellowish tint. The shoots are brown with pubescence. The crown is heavily leafy. The leaves are pubescent and therefore have a bluish tint;
  • The leaf blade is oval with a slight central deflection, wrinkled, and painted bright green. The vein pattern is clearly visible. The edge is wavy, large-crowned;

Winter hardiness

Winter hardiness is good, winters at -45 °C. In the first years, young seedlings need to be prepared for winter:

  1. In autumn, cover the tree trunk circle with mulch (sawdust, humus).
  2. Wrap the standard with old burlap.
  3. In winter, throw a snowdrift around the trunk. The crown can be wrapped in lutrasil.

The winter hardiness of the apple tree is higher when fertilizing in spring and autumn is carried out. In spring, apple trees need nitrogen. In autumn - phosphorus and potassium. If you do not fertilize, even the most frost-resistant apple tree can suffer from severe frosts.

Best pollinators

Orlik is self-sterile. To form ovaries, you need to have a pollinator in the garden. The following apple tree varieties are suitable for Orlik in terms of flowering time:

  • Northern signal;
  • Moscow winter;
  • Bogatyr;
  • Renet;
  • Chernenko;


The self-fertility of the apple tree is low; pollinator varieties are needed. Pollinators are needed for timely formation. Apple trees that bloom at the same time as Orlik can grow in neighboring gardens. The tree can pollinate within a radius of 60-70 meters.

Taste rating

A tasting rating is given by assessing the taste and aroma of the pulp. Orlik earned 4.6 points for the harmonious sweet and sour apple taste of the pulp and strong aroma. Due to its chemical composition, the pulp can be used in dietary nutrition. Composition in percentage:

  • 11% - sugar;
  • 7% - pectin substances;
  • 8.9 mg/100 g - ascorbic acid;
  • 36% – titratable acid;
  • 167 mg/100 g – active substances;

Disadvantages of the variety

There are two main disadvantages:

  1. Fruit shedding.
  2. Frequency of fruiting.

Fruit shedding can significantly reduce the quality of the harvest. Carrion spoils faster and is stored less. There is no time to delay harvesting.

Nadezhda from Pskov: “On a small summer cottage there are three apple trees of the Orlik variety. Unpretentious and productive. We store apples in the cellar in wicker willow baskets. They lie there for a long time. The taste suits us. Even if the pulp is a little sour, it doesn’t affect my family’s appetite in any way. They eat apples with great pleasure.”

Andrey: “What I like about Orlik is its compact crown and low height. Easy to process and harvest. No need to worry about stairs. I only have 2 apple trees, but we eat the harvest from them until spring.”

Fertilizing the Orlik apple tree

For good development and excellent harvest, the Orlik variety must be fertilized. It is most convenient to place any product in holes up to 50 cm deep, which are made according to the projection of the tree crown, and sprinkle earth on top and water it. Feeding is carried out depending on the phase of plant development:

  1. Spring
    . At this time, there is active growth of shoots that need increased nutrition. In the spring, it is best to feed adult plants with well-rotted manure and a nitrogen-containing mixture of 30 g of ammonium nitrate and nitroammophoska. In addition, in the spring you can fertilize the tree with an infusion of chicken manure (50:1).
  2. Summer
    . To enhance fruiting, use fertilizer from a bucket of compost, potassium chloride (50 g) and superphosphate (140 g).
  3. Autumn
    . At this time, shoot growth stops and the tree needs to be prepared for winter. You can add humus or any mineral complex that is labeled “autumn”, for example, dilute ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon) in 10 liters of water and water the tree around the tree trunk.

Characteristics of the variety

The fruit tree has a relatively small height and a spherical crown. The skeletal branches are thick, grow at right angles, their ends are directed high up. The bark is smooth, yellow in color. The shoots are straight, dark brown. Plump buds appear on apple trees in the spring; they are compact and small. Large, egg-shaped leaves hang from the branches. Read about the characteristics of the Kumato tomato variety here.

The apple tree rarely grows very large, so caring for it is convenient and simple.

  1. Pollinator varieties. The Orlik variety is self-sterile, so it is grown only in the vicinity of pollinators. The main pollinating varieties are Lobo, Solnyshko, Stroevskoe, Rudolf, Kurnakovskoe, President.
  2. Tree height. Orlik is a medium-sized variety (up to 4-5 m), grown on dwarf rootstocks (2.5-3 m), the crown has a compact size and a ball shape, and does not thicken over time. Skeletal branches extend from the trunk at right angles, their ends pointing to the sky. A characteristic feature of the variety is the yellow bark of the shoots, smooth to the touch. The main part of the fruits ripens on ringlets and spears.
  3. Barrel diameter. The diameter of the Orlik trunk is standard - about 50 cm. It all depends on the height of the tree and growing conditions.
  4. Lifespan. On average, Orliki apple trees grow and produce crops for up to 20 years. Increasing this period is possible with strict adherence to the requirements of agricultural technology.
  5. Fruit size. The fruits of the Orlik variety are medium in size and weigh about 150 kg. The shape of apples is slightly flattened. The lobes are large and poorly expressed. The surface of the apples is shiny, with a characteristic oily feel and a white waxy coating. As it ripens, the color of the peel changes from green-yellow to light yellow.
  6. Winter hardiness. Orlik apple trees can be grown in almost all regions of Russia, in home gardening, and for industrial purposes. This variety is frost-resistant, but it is recommended to organize shelter for the winter.
  7. Features of the root system. The central rod is well developed, the root system itself is large and branched. There may be differences depending on the type of rootstock.
  8. Productivity. Orlik apples ripen towards the end of September and are harvested at the same time. Remove fruits carefully and in a timely manner, avoiding injury or falling when pressed. Without damaging the skin, the fruits can be stored until the beginning of March.
  9. Cyclicity of fruiting. The variety is early-bearing; seedlings begin to bear fruit in the third year after planting, if two-year-olds were used. In the fourth year, you can get the first industrial harvest - up to 20 kg from one tree. On vigorous rootstocks, the first fruits ripen in the fourth year, on industrial ones in the fifth.

Orlik is a self-sterile variety. To ensure that it bears fruit well, plant pollinators nearby. Without an appropriate neighborhood, the quality of the crop will decline over time.

Disease resistance

Scab resistance is average. The variety is susceptible to viral diseases. The main ones are cytosporosis, powdery mildew and scab. Cytosporosis (fungus) usually develops when the conditions of detention are not met. The bark falls off, the branches fall off, and over time the tree dies. The method of treatment is treatment with the drug “Hom”. The fungal disease powdery mildew affects all fruiting parts of the crop. In the spring, to prevent its manifestation, spray with "Skor" preparations, and after harvesting - with copper sulfate. Scab is a disease caused by fungal spores that affects mature leaves and fruits. All defective parts of the tree must be collected and burned outside the garden. The drug “Topaz” is used for treatment. This material will tell you about the description and characteristics of the Moskvichka pear variety.

Features of cultivation

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato variety for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. per meter of plot, place no more than 3 plants of this variety, when formed into 1 stem - up to 4.

In some catalogs this variety is called Cock Wings.

If you grew Grandfather's Rooster's Feather tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruit? Will you grow them again? If possible, attach a photo of these tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the tomato Grandfather's cock's wing and additions to the description will help many tomato lovers evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Tomato Grandfather's rooster's feather is an ancient variety that is over 100 years old. It is popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. It has an unusual shape, like a feather, and a great taste.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonPinkLargeVarietyHeart-shaped

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Grandfather's cock's feather is an indeterminate tall variety. Plants reach a height of 2 m or more. Requires timely pinching. Fruitful clusters with large tomatoes form on the bushes - 5-6 on each.

Ripening time is average - 100-115 days from germination.

Features of tomatoes:

  • average weight from 200 to 300 g;
  • the shape is heart-shaped and elongated, like a feather;
  • bright crimson color;
  • 4 seed chambers, few seeds;
  • the pulp is sugary and fleshy;
  • the taste is sweetish with sourness.

Used for fresh consumption, as well as for pickling, preservation in slices, juices and pastes.


The bushes are indeterminate, tall, reaching 180 centimeters. It belongs to the mid-season varieties; if you sow the seeds in March, you can enjoy tomatoes already in July. The stems of the plants are quite thin in appearance; the tomatoes are arranged in clusters of approximately 6 pieces each. The weight of one tomato can be from 150 to 350 grams. The fruits are elongated, heart-shaped, bright raspberry in color. The pulp is fleshy, dense, has few seeds, and the skin is of medium density. Those who grew this variety note the high taste of tomatoes.

Tomatoes can be eaten fresh; they are also suitable for any preservation: juices, sauces, pasta, various salads and pickling. The variety has excellent shelf life; tomatoes picked in September can be stored until the new year. You can grow “Grandfather’s Cock Feather” both in a greenhouse and in a garden bed; the variety’s yield is very high.


  • Great taste and aroma.
  • Versatility of use.
  • Attractive presentation.
  • Productivity.
  • Long-term storage.
  • Possibility of transportation.


  • Labor-intensive care.
  • Susceptibility to late blight.


You can harvest the first harvest 4 years after planting apple trees.
This is a fast-growing variety that has high productivity. Subsequently, about 45 kg of apples can be harvested from a tree that is 5–7 years old. 10–13 years after planting, you can harvest 55–80 kg of crop. The older the tree, the more fruit it bears. Especially if you care for it properly. Harvesting can be done in mid-September. At the same time, you should not delay picking apples from trees, because... they may crumble. This way they won't last too long. The fruits of the Orlik variety tolerate transportation well.


Tomato Grandfather's rooster feather is one of the best varieties I have grown. Everything about it is wonderful: the taste, the aroma, and the amount of harvest. The only thing is that the bushes in the garden were affected by late blight; for some reason I forgot to treat the plants in time, but in the greenhouse they remained unharmed. And the yield in the garden is less, although I live in a warm region. Next year I will correct the mistake and will plant this variety only in the greenhouse.

I’ve tried many varieties in my life, and for some reason I’ve never heard of “Grandfather’s Rooster’s Feather,” but it’s a pity that I spent so much time processing not very successful tomatoes. The tomatoes have amazing taste, both fresh and pickled. The tomato juice from them is also excellent, thick and rich. I will definitely grow it in the future.

photo author Nadezhda Gurzhi-Naydenova

Organic and inorganic fertilizers

Fertilizers of natural and synthetic origin, as well as their combinations, are suitable. Organic ones supply the soil with nutrients and improve its structure. As a result, water and air exchange processes occur more deeply. Natural fertilizers promote better absorption of inorganic types of fertilizers.

Fertilizers rich in nitrogen include manure, bird droppings, urea, ammonium nitrate and others. The component they contain affects the growth of onions and their full development. When feeding is applied, the feather begins to develop intensively. A lack of nitrogen will inhibit the growth of vegetable crops. As a result, the plant will be weaker and the yield will be low.

Superphosphate will enrich the soil with phosphorus. As well as other useful elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium and other substances necessary for the full development of the bulb. Thanks to this complex fertilizer, vegetables become more resistant to diseases. The components of the mixture activate metabolism, stimulate its growth, and increase productivity. Superphosphate can be produced in various forms.

Potassium is necessary to ensure metabolic processes. It ensures the plant's resistance to drought and temperature changes. This element is found in ash, as well as in mineral fertilizers such as calcium chloride, potassium salt, and potassium sulfate. Onions that receive a sufficient amount of potassium are stored better.

It is better to feed the vegetable in the evening. Mineral fertilizer for onions can be applied in dry form. It is scattered evenly over the garden bed and then watered. It is good to fertilize in this way after rain. But it is best to prepare an aqueous solution. It is poured at the root of the plant, being careful not to touch the feather. The next day, it is advisable to water the beds with plain water.

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