Tomato SCARLET MUSTANG: reviews and photos, characteristics and description of an interesting variety

Tomato Scarlet Mustang: characteristics and description

The Scarlet Mustang tomato is a mid-season indeterminate variety. About 4 months pass from the emergence of seedlings to harvest. The bushes are of medium height - about 1.1-1.3 m, but with good care they can grow up to 1.6-1.7 m, the shoots have little leaf. This variety requires formation into a pair of stems. Scarlet Mustang bushes are not standard. Growing bushes require pinching.

Photo of Scarlet Mustang tomato

Due to their great height, the shoots require staking, and it is recommended to place supports under the stems during the ripening period so that the shoots do not break under the weight of the crop. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences; up to 7 ovaries are formed in one brush.

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The fruits have an oblong pepper-shaped shape, can reach up to 16-17 cm in length, the color of ripe fruits is crimson with a red tint, the weight of the tomato can reach 230-240 g, and the length of the fruit is up to 24 cm. The pulp is juicy, sweet with a characteristic slightly sour taste.
The skin of the fruit is dense, so ripening fruits are not prone to cracking. Also, the harvested Scarlet Mustang crop perfectly tolerates transportation over long distances.

Tomato Scarlet Mustang - yield

The yield of the Scarlet Mustang tomato is high; up to 4.5 - 5 kg of ripe fruit can be harvested from one bush, and in greenhouse conditions the harvested harvest is much higher than in open ground. But if the summer season is cool and rainy, then Scarlet Mustang tomatoes planted in open ground sharply reduce the yield.

The collected fruits of this variety are versatile - they can be used fresh for food, preserved, salted in barrels, and also used in the preparation of other snacks.

The variety is highly resistant to most diseases that usually affect other varieties of tomatoes.


Fruit characteristics

Tomatoes of the Scarlet Mustang variety have a rather original appearance. Not only that, their shape resembles a sweet pepper, and they can be extended up to 20-25 cm in length, and the tip of each tomato ends with an expressive spout. Their surface is smooth and slightly ribbed. Tomatoes of this variety also have incredibly dense pulp and equally dense skin. By the way, it is for this reason that they are positioned, first of all, as a variety that is most suitable for preservation. Because they completely retain their beautiful unique shape in jars and do not burst. In addition, distinguished by their fleshy, strong pulp, they are very tasty in marinades and pickling.

Important! Due to the dense skin, Scarlet Mustang fruits can be stored in cool conditions for several months without spoiling.

Of course, the thick skin does not make these tomatoes ideal for use in salads, although professional tasters rate the taste of the fruit itself as 5 points on a five-point scale. The dense pulp makes Scarlet Mustang tomatoes ideal for drying and drying, but you most likely will not be able to make tomato juice from these fruits.

When unripe, tomatoes have a light green tint, while as they ripen, the fruits acquire a bright red-crimson color.

Attention! Tomatoes ripen over a fairly long period, so from the end of July to September you will always be provided with delicious tomato fruits.

The size of the fruits can be small and medium, the weight of one tomato is usually about 100 grams, it is 15-18 cm long. But with good care, the fruits often reach 200-230 grams, and they stretch up to 25 cm in length. Few the seeds are enclosed in three chambers.

Due to its properties, Scarlet Mustang tomatoes are ideally suited for transportation over long distances, so it makes sense for farmers to take a closer look at this variety.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

In most regions of Russia, due to the short warm season, it is recommended to first grow the Scarlet Mustang tomato for seedlings at home, since the ripening period of this variety is quite long.

Scarlet Mustang photo

But when planting seeds for seedlings at home, it is recommended to do this in such a way that the seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of 2-2.5 months. In this case, after planting the seedlings in the beds, the harvest can be harvested within 50-60 days.

Before planting, purchased seeds do not need to be disinfected or treated - all this has already been done by specialists from the planting material manufacturer. You can only soak them for a day for germination.

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Plant the seeds in containers with a nutrient mixture, deepening them to 1-1.5 cm. The soil is moistened, covered with glass or polyethylene and put in a warm, dark place until seedlings appear. Then remove the film and transfer the containers to a bright windowsill.

The variety requires mandatory picking, so when two or three true leaves appear on the sprouts, the plants are carefully transferred to separate cups. To prevent the stems from stretching, the seedlings must be provided with sufficient lighting.

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During the growing of seedlings, they are fed 2-3 times with a solution of fertilizers containing nitrogen (urea is very suitable).
The last feeding of seedlings is carried out 12-14 days before transplanting the plants to a permanent place. Young tomatoes are transplanted into pre-prepared beds in the garden (or greenhouse), where all the necessary organic and mineral fertilizers are added.

Disease and pest control

To avoid late blight, tomatoes should be treated with Bordeaux mixture immediately after transplanting (and continue processing further according to the instructions).

The soil in the beds can be dusted with wood ash. At the first signs of the disease, the bushes are sprayed with copper-containing preparations. If brown spots (leaf mold) appear on the leaves, it is necessary to water the plants with manganese, spray with copper oxychloride or oxychome.

Tomatoes are often bothered by aphids and whiteflies - they need to be washed off with a solution of laundry soap. Having noticed a spider mite, you need to wipe the leaves with medical alcohol.

To combat ticks, acaricides are used: Fitoverm, Akarin, Antiklesch.

The wireworm that lives in the ground does not like mustard - it can be planted next to the garden bed or dissolved in water and watered the soil. If available means do not help in the fight against insects, it is necessary to use insecticides and acaricides.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety in comparison with other varieties

The main advantages of the Scarlet Mustang tomato include:

  • high productivity;
  • unusual shape of the fruit - like a bell pepper;
  • fruits are not prone to cracking;
  • the harvested crop tolerates transportation well;
  • versatility of ripe fruits;
  • high resistance of the variety to major diseases.

But Scarlet Mustang tomatoes also have disadvantages:

  • in cold summers, these tomato bushes reduce yield;
  • this plant requires the formation of bushes;
  • tall shoots require garter;
  • the need for regular stepsoning.

Plant care

Like most other indeterminate varieties, Scarlet Mustang requires pinching and bush formation. In order to get a good harvest of such tomatoes, you need to leave 2-3 stems in each bush. Otherwise, the planting of tomatoes will be thickened, which will lead to a decrease in resistance to diseases and, accordingly, in yield. In the summer, these tomatoes should be fertilized at least three times. At the same time, for feeding it is allowed to use both organic matter, for example, a diluted mullein infusion, and mineral compounds.

Experienced gardeners also recommend removing the lower leaves of Scarlet Mustang tomatoes when growing them. This will help increase productivity. When grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground, experienced gardeners advise shaking the brushes on the bushes of this variety from time to time. In this case, pollination will occur more intensively. And consequently, more ovaries will appear in the brushes.

The fruits of the Scarlet Mustang are not too heavy. Therefore, it is not necessary to tie up his hands. But the stems of bushes of this variety are, of course, worth attaching to trellises. These tomatoes actually grow tall.

Tomatoes SCARLET MUSTANG reviews

Despite its “youth”, this variety is already successfully grown by vegetable growers in different parts of Russia. Below are reviews from those who already grow this variety in their garden:

Zojaox (dacha in the Yekaterinburg region): despite the fact that the bags said that the fruits reach 22-25 cm in length, in my garden the largest tomatoes were 15 cm long. But the taste of the harvested crop is excellent, quite fleshy, sweet and sour fruits go well with other vegetables in salads, and canned Scarlet Mustang fruits are beyond praise.

Elena: I planted this variety for the first time, but although the fruits were tasty, they did not grow to the size indicated on the packages. And in my opinion, there is not enough sourness in ripe fruits. And so it’s quite an interesting variety, suitable for canning and tasty in salads.

In general, the Scarlet Mustang tomato is perfect for planting in many regions of Russia, because it grows equally well in open and closed ground. And this is very important for areas with a short summer period, when many mid-season tomato varieties do not have time to ripen in open ground.

Reviews about the Scarlet Mustang tomato variety can be left after registering on the site.

Tomato Scarlet Mustang: description and characteristics from the manufacturer

A new variety of Siberian breeders, distinguished by unusually long cigar-shaped fruits 20 - 25 cm long. The plant is indeterminate, up to 1.5 - 1.8 m high, intended for growing in 1-2 stems in greenhouses and open ground. The fruits are red-crimson, long, (they can be broken like a cucumber), fleshy and very tasty, weighing 200 - 250 g (the first up to 400 g), excellent in salads, the yield of the variety is high, up to 5 kg per plant. Seeds for seedlings are sown 55 - 60 days before planting in a permanent place. The optimal constant temperature for seed germination is 23 - 25^C.

They grow in the phase of 1-2 true leaves. When planting in the ground for 1 sq.m. place 3 plants. To obtain abundant harvests, it is recommended to timely fertilize and water the plants throughout the growing season. To improve the formation of ovaries, it is recommended to lightly shake the plant every 5 days during the flowering period or periodically treat it with an ovary formation stimulator.

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