All about the method of weeding carrots using kerosene. List of alternatives

Is it possible to treat with this liquid, why such weeding?

Kerosene is considered a natural herbicide and is often used by gardeners to control weeds in carrot beds. Useful properties of the liquid:

  • protection and ridding of crops from weeds;
  • prevention of pest attacks (mole cricket, aphid, carrot fly).

Kerosene is effective in controlling many types of weeds . But common cutter, chamomile, wild dill and horsetail are not susceptible to the harmful effects of flammable liquid.

Where can I get kerosene and how much do I need?

Kerosene is available at any hardware store. It can be found in the department where there are paints, varnishes and solvents. It is sold in stores selling gardening supplies or where they sell stoves, fireplaces, household chemicals, and even at gas stations.

Stored for five years . It is profitable to buy in bulk on the building materials markets.

How much it is needed for the season depends on the number of carrot beds (sown area). On average, one half-liter bottle is enough.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Noticeable results in a short time: the weeds are completely burned within 1-2 days after treatment.
  • Kerosene is safe for carrot sprouts.
  • The flammable liquid does not accumulate in the ground and evaporates quickly.
  • Simplicity, availability and low cost of kerosene.
  • Kerosene vapors pose some danger to humans: if safety rules are not followed, they can cause harm to health.
  • Exceeding the permissible dosages will also negatively affect carrot seedlings.
  • It is not possible to completely and permanently get rid of all weeds.

The benefits of kerosene

When using folk recipes, the main thing is not to cause harm. Kerosene as a herbicide quickly gets rid of weeds and prevents the proliferation of pests. Carrots are considered a problematic, “pendulum” crop when cared for, and only when the stem reaches a height of 6-8 cm does it grow stronger. Spraying is a fairly safe, proven folk method. Will not cause any harm to carrots. Weeds quickly wither and die, and seedlings (rather fragile and weak when born) begin to grow, become stronger and gain strength.

Everyone is familiar with weeding - a tough method. Carrot seedlings have a weak root system, and ordinary pulling out and thinning often leads to bruising and injury to the roots, and ultimately to the death of a large number of plants. In addition, aphids, flea beetles, carrot flies, and mole crickets are common pests of plantings.

Precautionary measures

Kerosene is a flammable chemical. It is important for gardeners to strictly adhere to a number of rules. Before using the liquid, it is recommended to wear a respirator (protective mask) and gloves, and protect your eyes with goggles.

During processing, any human contact with flammable objects is prohibited: smoking is prohibited.

Other important tips:

  1. Keep the bottle with liquid away from direct sunlight.
  2. After use, tighten the container tightly, since when it interacts with air, kerosene begins to release toxic fumes.
  3. It is better to prepare liquid for spraying in the fresh air.
  4. If kerosene gets on your skin, you must immediately wash it off under running water.

Kerosene is destructive to weeds and safe for carrots . But you cannot treat with this liquid in beds where crops other than carrots grow.

Why is weeding necessary?

It may seem that there is no need to weed an area with young seedlings. There are no carrot leaves to be seen or they are still small. You need to wait until they become visible and then clear the area of ​​weeds. However, if you do not remove the weeds from the garden bed, they will take all the beneficial substances from the soil and prevent sunlight from reaching the young carrot leaves. As a result, the harvest will be weak, the roots will be small and bitter.

Pros of weeding:

  • the plant receives more light and nutrients;
  • fruits gain weight faster;
  • the fruits contain more vitamins and minerals, and the roots themselves are larger.

Weeding is a mandatory type of work on the site. Weeds grow faster than garden crops. As a result, the weeds will not allow carrots to grow and root vegetables to gain weight. If you do not weed, you may be left without a harvest at all.

How to weed correctly: step-by-step instructions

Preparing for the procedure includes several important points. It is important for gardeners, and especially beginners, to strictly adhere to the existing algorithm. This is the basis for successful and safe weeding.


You need to prepare all the necessary items in advance. On their list:

  • rubber gloves;
  • cotton-gauze bandage or respirator;
  • container with clarified kerosene;
  • watering can;
  • spray.

How to dilute the liquid for irrigation and in what proportions?

Experienced gardeners can use the pure product in the following proportion: 100 ml of kerosene per m2 of land. Several methods are available for diluting the liquid.

Option 1.

  1. Ingredients: 5 liters of water, 250 ml of kerosene.
  2. Mix the ingredients, pour 50 ml of the resulting product under each carrot bush.
  3. The finished liquid is used for irrigation. It is more appropriate to use it to control or protect carrot seedlings from pests.

Option 2.

  1. Ingredients: 1 liter of water, 5 g of laundry soap, 2 liters of kerosene.
  2. Bring water to a boil, add soap, stir thoroughly.
  3. Cool the mixture to room temperature and add kerosene. The result should be a thick, cloudy liquid.
  4. Additionally dilute the resulting mixture with 2 liters of water.
  5. The product is effective both for controlling weeds in the garden and for destroying garden pests even at the stage of eggs and larvae.

Spraying process

The procedure should be carried out in dry, windless weather. The optimal time is morning or evening, since during the day active sunlight can cause burns on carrot tops. Before treating with kerosene, water the beds: the soil should be soft.

The prepared mixture should be sprayed generously, covering all seedlings . When watering, it is important that the drops are not large (the holes in the watering can nozzle should be minimal).

Our experts have prepared articles about how important it is to properly water carrots and how often it should be done, and about when to water after planting and how to do it correctly.

How to treat carrots with kerosene to kill weeds?

Kerosene does not need to be diluted with water . This chemical product is used only in its pure form.

When to weed with kerosene?

The soil should be moist and the plant leaves dry. Therefore, it is better to treat the beds the next day after watering. Do this in the morning when the dew has dried, because spraying under the aggressive midday sun will cause burns to the carrot leaves.

An important condition is clear, windless weather. If it rains within 24 hours after treatment, the effectiveness of the herbicide action will noticeably decrease. And in case of strong wind, the product will fall on neighboring beds. Carrots tolerate kerosene well, unlike other vegetable crops whose leaves will be damaged by it.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Kerosene is poured into a plastic container with a thin spray nozzle. With the expectation that per 1 sq. m will need 100 ml of product.
  2. Till the soil and weeds. Spray thoroughly over the entire surface of the bed.
  3. After a day or two, the dead weeds are removed and the rows are loosened.
  4. 2 weeks after processing, it is useful to water the carrots with salted water (a tablespoon of table or sea salt per bucket of water).
  5. Water not at the root, but in the grooves between the rows (at a distance of 5-7 cm from the root crop). This is a way to increase the crop's resistance to weeds, diseases and pests, as well as increase the amount of sugar and carotene.

It is worth remembering that kerosene is highly flammable, so it is best to keep it away from fire. The liquid is stored in a tightly closed container - with prolonged contact with air, harmful compounds are formed and the shelf life is reduced. It is advisable to use protective gloves during operation. Contact of product with skin may cause irritation.

Processing results

After weeding with kerosene, the weeds quickly weaken and die. Within three days, all the weeds will fall down, begin to dry out and will be easy to collect from the garden.

Carrots for the winter: how to trim and prepare them correctly

To know

How to properly dry carrots in the oven, preserving their vitamins?


How often should carrots be treated with kerosene?

The resistance of young carrots to kerosene is higher, so they are sprayed only 1-2 times:

  • the first optimal period is when the weeds have already appeared, but the carrots have not yet sprouted or only its first shoots are noticeable;
  • the second time is processed - when the carrot shoots are in the fork phase (after the cotyledon leaves have developed well, including the appearance of two true leaves).

Usually one treatment of the beds is enough. But, if necessary, repeat 3 weeks after the first time.

With the appearance of the third true leaf, weeding with kerosene is no longer carried out.

List of alternative treatments for root crops against weeds

To combat weeds in carrot beds, you can use other folk remedies. One of the most popular and effective is table salt (1 pack per 1 m2). Pour into the spaces between the rows and pour generously until completely dissolved.

List of other alternatives:

  • Laundry soap:
      Grind the block.
  • Add 100 g of vinegar essence and 100 g of salt.
  • Pour in 5 liters of water.
  • Stir thoroughly.
  • The result is a potent drug. Ideal for cleaning paths. When controlling weeds in garden beds, apply only to the tops and leaves of weeds.

  • Vinegar-salt solution:
      Ingredients – 1 liter of hot water, 4 tbsp. vinegar solution, 2 tbsp. salt.
  • Mix thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved.
  • Spray the weeds.
  • Alcohol . Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. Used to water the soil.

So, carrot shoots may grow poorly or slowly due to the fact that weeds dominate the garden bed. Weeding by hand or using hoes often does not bring the desired results: carrots are pulled out along with the weeds, and the fragile shoots of the crop are damaged. To make their task easier, gardeners often resort to kerosene.

This flammable liquid is an excellent way out of the situation. It is enough to dilute kerosene with water or mix with soap, and spray the resulting mixture onto the seedlings. The result is the death of weeds and safety for carrots. It is important to take safety precautions when working .

Alternative methods

Experts do not recommend using hoes while the seedlings are small, otherwise you can damage the carrots themselves. But alternative options exist.

How to weed carrots with scissors

If you still don’t dare to use kerosene, then you can try this method of weeding using ordinary scissors. This is an alternative and absolutely safe option.

  1. You need to take either simple scissors or garden scissors.
  2. Trim all weeds that have reached 5 - 6 cm. Try not to leave shoots if possible, so that the weed does not grow and branch later.
  3. This cutting should be done regularly, preventing the grass from growing too much. This way it will not take away nutrients from the carrots.
  4. Cut grass can be soaked in water. The result is a wonderful organic fertilizer.
  5. The secret of this method is that by constantly cutting off the top part of the weed, we leave the root system without nutrition (no stems and leaves - no photosynthesis) and the weed dies.
  6. With the help of scissors, you can permanently get rid of thistle, milkweed, chickweed, and woodlice, which pester cultivated plants throughout the summer season.

Using salt

A fairly simple method that will enhance the effect after weeding. It is enough to take a pack of salt and pour it per square meter between the rows. Then water the beds generously until the salt is completely dissolved.

Treatment with laundry soap

You need to grate a bar of laundry soap. Then add 100 grams of vinegar and 100 grams of salt to the mixture. Mix the resulting mixture well with water. Spray the beds with the solution.

Vinegar and salt solution

For such a mixture you need to take 1 liter of boiling water, 4 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. It is especially important that the salt dissolves. After this, spray the plants. This amount is enough for several square meters.

To protect carrot beds from attack by weeds, many sow radishes or lettuce in the inter-row spaces. This is a good way if you have very little land for a garden.

Signs of poisoning

Poisoning with herbicides is possible only if the timing of their use and (or) dosage have been violated. It manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • temperature increase;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness;

Signs of poisoning can appear both when poisoned fruits are eaten and after agricultural work. If safety precautions were not followed during processing of the site: the summer resident worked without gloves, did not use a respirator or protective mask.

It is possible and necessary to use kerosene and other herbicides in pest control, but you must strictly follow the dosage and precautions. The carrot weeding products listed here are considered the safest. However, if herbicides are used incorrectly, they can cause harm to health and (or) permanently damage the area so that nothing can grow on it over the next 1-2 years.

Source of the article:

How does it affect the root crop and plant growth?

Kerosene and other herbicides do not directly affect the growth and development of root crops. However, due to the fact that they destroy weeds and some types of pests (aphids, mole crickets, carrot flies), carrots grow better. By the time the crop is harvested, the kerosene evaporates. Therefore, there is not even a smell left (provided that the rules for using the drug have been followed). However, this only applies to kerosene and other volatile herbicides. Therefore, soap and salt solutions must be used with extreme caution.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Attention! When sprayed with kerosene, carrot leaves become lighter. This is a normal plant reaction. 10-15 minutes after treatment, their color will become the same.

Vinegar and citric acid

Another effective and safe folk remedy. Citric acid enhances the effect of acetic acid several times. To prepare the solution, add half a tablespoon of citric acid to a liter of vinegar (use a 15% product). Mix everything well so that no acid crystals remain. The prepared solution can be sprayed with a spray bottle or applied with a brush.

There is another recipe with enhanced effect. It will require the following components:

  • vinegar - 500 ml;
  • citric acid - 50 g;
  • alcohol - 50 ml (can be replaced with vodka, but then you will need to take 100 ml);
  • liquid soap - 1 table. spoon (can also be replaced with dishwashing liquid).

Mix everything thoroughly in any container, pour into a spray bottle and treat all the weeds in the area. Within 6-10 hours the first result will be noticeable. To completely destroy unwanted greenery, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after a week .

How can this procedure be carried out easily and quickly?

Let's look at how to properly organize carrot weeding.

Mechanical methods

Using scissors

The first common weeding method is with scissors. They are easy to weed. You can take any scissors - ordinary ones that we use at home, or garden ones. It is recommended to take garden shears. How to cut weeds with scissors?

  1. We cut off weeds at the root that have reached five centimeters in height, but no more. Otherwise, the weed will send out side shoots.
  2. Repeat cutting as the weeds grow.
Disc hoe

One of the devices is a disc hoe. It is used in a small area, in narrow spaces between rows. The principle of a disk hoe is almost the same as that of a hoe with a half-moon blade. The only difference is that the hoe is turned and deepened into the ground along a disk, that is, we tilt it in different directions.

Hoe with half moon blade

Another method is a hoe with a half-moon blade. It is designed for hilling, cutting off roots, removing weeds, and loosening the soil. A straight line is drawn between the sown rows. To work with it, a person needs to bend over or sit on a stool between the beds.

  1. We take the hoe and tilt it at about a forty-five degree angle.
  2. We make intermittent movements between the rows, deepening it into the ground a few centimeters, thereby cutting the herbs in a row in a straight line and loosening the ground.
  3. You can also insert the blade of a hoe to a shallow depth and draw it continuously in a straight line, pressing on it. This is how we weed the beds.
Fokina flat cutter

The third method consists of the famous Fokin flat cutter. Externally, the flat cutter looks like a flat stick with a metal plate screwed to it, which resembles an irregularly shaped hook. This plate is bent at certain angles several times, so a flat cutter can do different jobs. When working with it you need to follow some rules:

  1. There is no need to bend your back while working; slightly tilt your body.
  2. You need to hold it like a braid, point your thumbs up, and the movements should be light from side to side.
  3. You need to deepen the flat cutter no more than five centimeters. The soil layers are cut flat.
  4. You cannot transplant a flat cutter onto a rounded cutting.
  5. It must always be sharp - this is one of the mandatory conditions that must be met.
  6. The product should be used only for its intended purpose; it should not be used in other industries.
Weeder "Swift" and "Gardener"

They also use the weed weed "Swift" and "Gardener". Their operating principles are similar, there are only slight differences. First, let’s look at the work of the “Strizh” weeder:

  1. First, we prepare the row spacing. They should be half as wide as the wedge bracket.
  2. We pull the weeder towards ourselves and push away from ourselves.
  3. You need to tilt the handle and press on it so that the blade deepens one or two centimeters and moves easily, maintaining its depth.
  4. You can’t press hard and chop like a hoe.
  5. See for yourself how to hold it. You can work ahead of yourself.

The weeder “Gardener” has almost the same operating principle, but there is one difference: it is used not in a straight line, but in a circle. They walk along the edge of the beds in a circular pattern.

Chemical methods

In addition to mechanical weeding methods, there is also chemical treatment with herbicides. Just like with many herbs, including woodlice, you need to fight for several years. To finally get rid of it, herbicides are used. There are different types of herbicides.

A common herbicide is Graminion, which is safe for vegetables. The processing is done before sowing carrots; they must be selected correctly.

Woodlice must be treated in such a way that it does not fall on the crops, otherwise the planted vegetables will die. How to make the solution is written in the attached instructions. It is a must read.

To facilitate weeding and thinning, other methods are also used. For example, they use newspapers, sawdust, and kerosene. Let's look at them.

Next is a video about the chemical method of weeding carrots:

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