Characteristics and description of the hybrid tomato variety Tarpan

To obtain a high yield of tomatoes, it is recommended to use proven varieties that do not require special care and have strong immunity to diseases characteristic of representatives of the nightshade family. Among farmers and ordinary gardeners, the Tarpan hybrid tomato is popular, known for its selected fruits and high resistance to pests and various diseases.

Description of the variety

The product of the breeders' work is famous for its high yield. The fruits are rated 5 points by taste by tasters. This is the perfect all-purpose tomato.

A plant with early ripening provides fruits within 100 days after seed germination. Agricultural technology does not contain complex technologies, so getting a tomato from 1 m2 to 12 kg is quite possible.

Hybrid f1

Tarpan was bred by Dutch breeders. Due to the advantages of the variety and unpretentiousness, tomato is grown in most European countries, the eastern part of Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.

The plant adapts well to temperate climates; it can be cultivated both in open ground and in greenhouse structures.

Distinctive features

The bush is a hybrid of compact parameters, moderately leafy. The stem height rarely exceeds 70 cm, so the crop is often grown in low greenhouses. The leaves are small in size, emerald in color. There are short fibers on the inside.

The stems are quite strong, not prone to throwing out stepsons in the axils. This makes caring for the beds much easier. Flower brushes are formed in groups, with 4-6 tomatoes knitted on each.

Reference! Large Tarpan hybrid tomatoes ripen faster and better in greenhouse conditions.

Fruit characteristics, yield

The Tarpan variety is a high-yielding crop. Each fruit has the correct shape (slightly flattened at the top and bottom). The color of the fruit is red-pink. There is practically no ribbing observed. Presentation and good transportability are ensured by the dense skin of the tomato. The juicy, richly colored pulp is characterized by a balance of acid and sugar, for which the vegetable is highly valued by chefs.

The fruit size is average; in greenhouse structures and low greenhouses the weight of one specimen reaches 200 g. Tomatoes retain their presentation for a long time without loss of taste. Brown tomatoes ripen indoors, so there are no losses due to sudden cold snaps.

Tomato Torpan in section

Landing nuances

Manufacturers specially treat Tarpan F1 seeds. Therefore, gardeners do not need to additionally prepare seeds.

Traditional way

Since Tarpan is an early-ripening variety, it is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in early March.

  1. The soil for planting is prepared: garden soil is mixed with humus and turf. If you haven’t stocked up on soil in advance, then ready-made soil for seedlings can be purchased in special stores.
  2. Shallow grooves are made on the soil surface. Tarpan F1 tomato seeds are sown and loosely dug in.
  3. The box is sprayed with water and covered with plastic wrap.

As soon as the first shoots of tomatoes appear, it is advisable to move the container to a well-lit place. At this stage, it is important not to get carried away with watering - the soil should remain loose.

Advice! To water young seedlings of Tarpan F1 tomatoes, it is recommended to use a watering can (with small and frequent holes) or even a spray bottle.

When the first two leaves are formed, you can plant the Tarpan F1 tomato seedlings in separate cups. At this stage, it is advisable to feed the plants with complex mineral fertilizer. A seedling with a strong stem and several leaves (from 6 to 8) is suitable for planting in open ground.

As soon as the soil warms up confidently, you can start planting tomato seedlings in open ground (most often this is the first days of May). The optimal number of seedlings is 4-5 pieces per square meter. It is advisable to form single-row or double-row plantings of Tarpan F1 tomatoes (40x40 cm). To improve air exchange, it is recommended to remove the lower leaves. You can pinch the side shoots after the fourth brush.

Using agrofibre

To speed up the harvest, they use the technology of growing tomatoes using agrofibre. This method allows you to plant Tarpan F1 seedlings in open ground 20-35 days earlier (the period will vary in different regions).

  1. The entire area is covered with black agrofibre (density of at least 60 microns). Particular attention is paid to the composition of the soil. If it is heavy clay soil, then it is worth additionally mulching the soil - adding sawdust and hay. This measure will prevent the soil from drying out and cracks forming.
  2. The canvas is fixed along the perimeter - you can dig it in or put some kind of weight (stones, beams).
  3. Rows are being planned for planting Tarpan F1 tomato seedlings. 70-85 cm are laid on the row spacing. To plant Tarpan seedlings in a row, cross-shaped cuts are made in the canvas. A distance of 25-30 cm is maintained between bushes. 5
  4. Holes are dug in the holes of the agrofibre and tomatoes are planted. It is recommended to immediately install a support for seedlings of the Tarpan F1 variety - this will help the sprouts to quickly strengthen and withstand strong gusts of wind.

The seedlings are watered, and after one and a half to two weeks the first feeding can be done.

How to grow seedlings

To optimize the tomato cultivation process, it is recommended to grow seedlings yourself. This is not a complicated matter; it is practically no different from other varieties.

Seed preparation

Seeds purchased in a store or nursery have already been processed, so gardeners do not need to waste time on disinfection, heating and soaking in a growth stimulant. You can make sure that the seed has been prepared by looking at the special shell that covers each seed.

Container and soil

Shallow containers are used as containers for soil: wooden boxes, plastic containers, regular or peat pots, peat tablets. The filler is a soil mixture containing the following components.

  • Soil from the garden.
  • Humus.
  • Turf.
  • Wood ash.

An alternative option involves using ready-made universal primer, sold in flower shops.

A mixture of turf soil, peat, and river sand is also suitable for sowing tomatoes. Such a workpiece must first be watered with liquid fertilizer containing:

  1. settled water (10 l);
  2. superphosphate (30 g);
  3. potassium sulfate (25-30 g);
  4. carbamide (10 g).

Reference! When using garden or garden soil, it is necessary to disinfect it. To do this, choose one of the convenient methods of disinfection: calcination in the oven, steaming, freezing, treatment with a solution of insecticides and fungicides.

It is prohibited to use manure as fertilizer for seedlings.


Pink tomato Tarpan f1 is unpretentious in care. It is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Sowing seeds

Seedling boxes are filled with nutritious substrate for indoor plants or specialized for seedlings. Drainage must be laid at the bottom. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1-2 cm and watered abundantly. The box is covered with cling film and put in a dark, warm place until the first shoots appear. If necessary, the earthen ball is moistened from time to time using a spray bottle. Afterwards the box is placed on the windowsill on the sunny side.

Seedling care

Proper plant care will ensure a good harvest.

The future harvest of tomatoes depends on the quality of the seedlings. To grow strong and healthy plants, seedlings need to be watered, illuminated, loosened and fertilized in a timely manner.


From the moment the seeds are planted until the young shoots sprout into a separate container, tomato seedlings are watered once a week. The amount of water directly depends on the conditions in which the sprouts are located. The norm assumes slightly moist soil. Water stagnation should not be allowed, otherwise the roots of the seedlings will begin to rot. Strong sprouts are sprayed once a week. The optimal water temperature is 12-15°C.


In order for the seedlings to develop well, the soil is systematically loosened. A day after the watering procedure, the soil is carefully fluffed up at the roots, taking care not to injure the plant; young stems are very sensitive to mechanical stress.


If there is a lack of sunlight, it is recommended to illuminate young tomatoes with UV lamps. If the air is too dry, the seedlings will need to be sprayed with a spray bottle.

How to grow tomatoes

The agricultural technology of the Tarpan variety does not differ significantly from the rules for caring for other tomatoes.


As soon as the danger of night frosts has passed, you can prepare to plant young shoots in the beds. This period falls at the end of May - beginning of June. The interval between holes is 40 cm with the same row spacing. Arrangement of bushes: approximately 5-7 plants per 1 m2; the density of the rows does not reduce the fertility of the crop.

Reference! When transferring seedlings to a greenhouse or greenhouse, the timing shifts 3-5 weeks earlier.

If the seedlings were grown in peat pots, then when transplanting, both the seedling and the container are placed in the hole. Shoots are removed from wooden and plastic containers after abundant watering. After immersion in the soil, the plants are watered in the garden bed, directing the stream to the root. It is not recommended to touch the foliage and stems.


To create favorable conditions in which the crop will develop normally and bear fruit abundantly, the necessary measures should be carried out regularly.

  • Irrigation. Only warm water is used. The watering regime depends on the type of soil; on average, 2-3 times of watering per week are required; if the weather is hot, then watering is done daily after sunset.
  • Loosening. To enrich the soil with oxygen, you need to loosen it after each watering. This way, micronutrients will freely enter the root system, allowing it to develop better.
  • Weeding. Weeds create shade for tomato bushes and make the rows dense, which causes stagnation of moisture in the soil and on the plants. As a result of an increase in humidity levels, pathogenic microflora develops, which leads to tomato disease. Secluded thickets also attract pests, so you need to get rid of them in a timely manner.
  • Mulching. For normal growing season, tomatoes need, among other things, moisture. To prevent the soil from drying out and increase the interval between weedings, it is recommended to cover the beds after weeding and watering with a layer of mulch. The following mulching materials are used: straw, dry grass, sawdust, peat. In addition to its main purpose, such flooring enriches the soil with nutrients.
  • Feeding. They are applied 3-4 times during the season. Experienced gardeners advise alternating organic matter with mineral compounds. In spring, the fertilizer should contain nitrogen components; after flowering, potassium-phosphorus additives are added.
  • Stepsonning. Hybrid Tarpan does not require pinching.
  • Bush formation. The option is selected depending on the planting density. The bush can be formed into 2-3 stems. When growing in a greenhouse, preference is given to a double stem to avoid stagnation of moisture or condensation on the greens. Side shoots that sprout after the 4th cluster are also pinched.
  • Garter. The height of the bush reaches 50-70 cm. The garter is done after flowering is completed to prevent damage to the branches under the weight of the fruit.

Characteristics of tomato

Tarpan variety tomatoes are intended for cultivation both in greenhouses and in open ground (for regions with warm climatic conditions). This hybrid has all the properties inherent in most popular varieties of tomatoes. Cultivating tomatoes of the Tarpan F1 variety will not cause much trouble and is guaranteed to bring a high yield if you follow the basic rules of agricultural technology.

Productivity and fruiting

Tomato Tarpan F1 is an early-ripening, high-yielding hybrid. You won’t have to wait long for the first harvest: from sowing to ripe fruit – just over 3 months. From 1 m² per season you can harvest up to 12 kg of tomatoes of excellent quality and taste. In greenhouse conditions, the ripening of large fruits occurs faster and more efficiently, and therefore the yield in the greenhouse will be higher.

Natural thickening of the bush does not affect the productivity of this crop, however, removing excess green mass stimulates the plant to lay new ovaries and ripen already formed fruits.

You can increase the yield from one bush if you remove the fruits that have not yet turned red. This will allow the plant to direct its forces to new ovaries. To get maximum and fastest results, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Tomatoes are removed from the bush early in the morning so that they do not have time to warm up.
  2. The fruits are cut with scissors, leaving the stalk.
  3. Optimal ripening conditions are temperature 13-15°C, air humidity - about 80%.
  4. To ripen, tomatoes are placed in boxes in 2-3 layers, lined with paper or sprinkled with sawdust to prevent the formation of condensation.
  5. If you have a small number of tomatoes, you can put them on a sunny windowsill.
  6. To speed up the ripening process, add several red and ripe ones to the green fruits; some gardeners use bananas or apples for this purpose.

Warning! Tomatoes ripened at high temperatures lose their taste.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Tomatoes of the Tarpan F1 variety are used fresh for preparing salads and other cold appetizers. The relatively small size of the fruit allows them to be pickled whole, and the dense but thin skin prevents cracking. Tarpan tomatoes also make an excellent thick puree, suitable for baby food, and very tasty juice. The dry matter content reaches 6%, the maximum amount of sugar is 3%.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Tarpan F1 variety is resistant to diseases such as

  • tobacco mosaic;
  • fusarium;
  • verticillium.

Proper agricultural technology often prevents pests from damaging tomatoes. If any are found, the above-ground part of the plant should be treated with an insecticide.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Tarpan variety is a welcome guest in any garden plot. Among its undeniable advantages are the following:

  • excellent delicious taste both raw and cooked;
  • marketable, presentable appearance of ripened fruits (up to 97%);
  • the possibility of ripening unripe tomatoes at home;
  • high productivity even in the leanest year;
  • obtaining a harvest in a short time;
  • excellent safety and possibility of transportation;
  • Possibility of use as baby food;
  • the compactness of the bushes, which allows you to save space when planting;
  • resistance to major diseases.

Since the Tarpan tomato variety is a hybrid, the collected seeds are not suitable for use as seed in subsequent seasons. The seedlings will sprout, but will not transfer the qualities of the mother plant. This is the only drawback of the Tarpan variety, like all other hybrids.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

Hybrid Tarpan bears fruit well both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

When growing without shelter, it is important to take into account the following nuances of agricultural technology.

  1. You need to regularly monitor the soil moisture level. It is important not to allow it to dry out or become waterlogged.
  2. To prevent sunburn, it is recommended to construct artificial shading in the beds. This makes it easier for the culture to withstand the sweltering heat.
  3. The soil must be fed at least 3 times per season. For each stage, a specific composition of nutritional components is selected.
  4. Plants should be monitored daily for signs of disease or pests.
  5. Do not ignore preventive measures. This makes it easier to protect the crop from infections and pests.

Pests and diseases

Tarpan f1 is resistant to many diseases of nightshades. In greenhouses, with insufficient ventilation, black dots and spots appear on shoots and fruits. This is a sure sign of late blight.

To prevent the development of fungal diseases, it is recommended to spray the bushes with copper sulfate. Under film shelter conditions, a solution of serum at a concentration of 1:10 with the addition of 3 drops of iodine also performs this role.

The most common pests are spider mites, aphids, slugs and Colorado potato beetles. To combat them, bushes are sprayed with pesticides or dusted with wood ash.

Harvesting and application

Harvesting begins in July, when the fruits become a rich red-pink color. Excellent taste characteristics make the tomato universal. It is served in various salads and used to prepare sauces, ketchups and other dishes.

In cooking, Tarpan fruits are used for preparing winter preparations. The size of the tomato allows you to can it whole, pickle it, and also roll it in its own juice. The juice from the pulp is very tasty with a delicate texture.

Reference! Vegetable purees and juices for baby food are made from Tarpan tomatoes.

Growing rules

Tomatoes of the Tarpan variety do not require special care when growing. They need the basic requirements that are inherent in most common varieties and cultivation will not cause difficulties both for those who have been planting such vegetables for many years and for beginning gardeners.

Like most early varieties, seeds are sown in containers in early March. These tomatoes do not require soil disinfection or the use of special preparations to stimulate growth. The soil in which the seeds are sown should consist of an equal amount of garden soil and rotted humus. Garden soil can be replaced with turf soil.

After the seeds are placed in containers with soil, they are lightly watered and covered with film to ensure moisture retention. By ensuring the air temperature in the room with the sown seeds is +23 degrees, you can soon expect the first entries. The emerging plants must be installed in such a way that sunlight falls on the containers. To water young tomato sprouts, use a spray bottle. This way, when watering, water will not damage delicate plants.

Diving is carried out after most plants have 2 true leaves. Picking grown seedlings involves replanting plants removed from the soil into other containers. In this case, each plant can be placed in a separate pot. For this purpose, peat cups sold in special stores are successfully used. After planting the seedlings, their first feeding is carried out.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The popularity of the Tarpan Hybrid is due to a number of advantages. Among the main ones:

  • possibility of cultivation in open ground and greenhouse structures;
  • fast fruit ripening;
  • the fruits have a dense but juicy consistency and do not crack when ripe;
  • the skin is dense, but during use it is practically not felt;
  • tomatoes have a balanced taste and presentation;
  • good transportability;
  • versatility of fruit use;
  • When canned, tomatoes keep their shape;
  • the ability to maintain its presentation for a long time without loss of taste;
  • resistance to pests and diseases characteristic of nightshade representatives.

Gardeners did not identify any significant shortcomings when growing Tarpan.

Reviews about Tarpan tomato

Evgeniy, Dnepropetrovsk

For a long time we have been looking for tomatoes that can withstand thickening well and do not reduce the size of the fruit. We have a small plot, but we want to plant more. We recommended Tarpan F1. In principle, we do not plant hybrids; we consider them “plastic”. And then they fell for it, they really praised the tomato.

Well, the taste is, of course, better than store-bought ones, but I didn’t really like them in a salad. I like it sour. Although juicy, with grainy pulp. But the preparations are the best! They didn’t burst, they didn’t soften. The bush does not crack even in our heat and is not painful. I think we will continue to plant.

Angelina Petrovna, pensioner, Feodosia

I grew Tarpan for several years, hoping that it would reveal all its properties. It bakes a lot in the sun, the taste is so-so. That's why I'm keeping it - it looks too good, it sells out faster than anyone else. And it lies well, especially if removed unripe. The yield is excellent - I remove a bucket from a bush. Enough for both sale and conservation. I highly recommend it to anyone who makes blanks.

Alla, Rostov-on-Don, housewife

I liked Tarpan, it is unpretentious, there is no need for stepsons, it can be planted tightly. The harvest is good, the tomatoes taste better than ordinary hybrids. They do not crack either in the jar or on the branch. Of the diseases, it is only susceptible to blossom end rot, but after treatment with calcium nitrate there were no more signs. In principle, a normal variety, I recommend it.

Farmer reviews

Vasily Ignatovich, Kazan

I grow different varieties in my greenhouses, and try new hybrids every year. But I don’t refuse the Tarpan variety. The plant is quite satisfied in terms of agricultural technology and yield. I consider the main advantage to be the rich tomato taste, in which sourness and sweetness are unobtrusively recognizable. Most of the harvest is used for juice production, the rest is purchased by wholesalers for further sale in markets.

Tatyana Mikhailovna, Krasnodar region, st. Kanevskaya

I have been growing Tarpan in my fields for 4 seasons now. The variety has never failed. I would like to note the tomato’s taste and presentation, which is preserved for a long period. The fruits tolerate transportation well; brown specimens harvested before frost quickly ripen in a warm room. The yield record is 10.2 kg per bush.

Tarpan tomatoes: yield of the species

Pink tomatoes are always welcome on the table in the summer, and the Tarpan f1 tomato is one of the hybrids that deserves attention and a place in the garden bed or greenhouse. These pink tomatoes go very well in salads, and their taste is beyond praise.

Description and characteristics of the hybrid

The tomato has a high yield and marketability of tomatoes. Early fruit ripening time is 95 days from the date of seed germination when growing seedlings. Tomatoes have an original taste and pink color. The bush is compact and of medium height.

Tomato sizeLarge ones.
Tomato shapeRounded.
Productivity12 kg. s m 2
Tomato weight170 gr. in a greenhouse, 145 gr. in open ground.
TasteJuicy and meaty.
Storage30 days.
TransportationWhen unripe, it tolerates transportation well.

History of origin and use of tomato

This hybrid was obtained by Dutch scientists and zoned for regions with temperate climates. It tolerates transportation easily, and unripe tomatoes tend to ripen quickly in room conditions.

The fruits are used universally in preparing various culinary dishes with its participation:

  1. Puree for baby food.
  2. Juice.
  3. Lecho.
  4. Refills for borscht.

Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid

This hybrid has many positive qualities, for which it is chosen for growing on its own plot.

Positive properties

  • Tomatoes have a beautiful shape and excellent tomato taste;
  • The marketable fruit yield is 97%;
  • Consistently large harvests;
  • Compact bushes fit well in greenhouses and beds;
  • Thickening during fudge does not affect the quantity and quality of the harvest;
  • The fruits have a good shelf life;
  • Resistant to basic tomato whitening.

Negative properties

  • Not identified or they are so rare that they are not described in the literature and in reviews of gardeners growing Tarpan.

Proper cultivation of the hybrid


To get a good harvest of tomatoes at the end of summer, you need to take care of your own seedlings, which they begin to grow in the first ten days of March. There is no need to treat the seeds before planting, since all hybrids undergo the following procedures:

  • Germination test;
  • Seed disinfection;
  • Treatment with growth stimulants.

Therefore, we purchase or select a container from what we already have, and fill it to the brim with nutritious soil. You can purchase it at a specialized store or make it yourself, taking everything in equal parts:

  • Garden land;
  • Soil from a compost heap or humus;
  • Sand or peat.

The soil in the container is moistened and grooves are made with a depth of no more than 2 cm. The seeds are laid out in increments of 3 cm and covered with earth. To ensure that the seeds germinate more quickly, cover the container with transparent glass or a bag and place it in a warm place where the air temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. At this stage, sunlight is not so important.

When the seeds hatch, the cover is removed and the bowl with the seeds is placed on a sunny windowsill. During this period, you need a lot of light and timely watering of young shoots. To prevent the sprouts from being washed out of the soil when watering, they are watered using a tablespoon or a syringe without a needle.


Produced at the moment when the seedlings have grown and two or three true leaves have formed on them. To reduce damage to the root system, seedlings are watered 24 hours in advance to soften the soil. The seedlings are carefully removed and transferred to separate cups of 200 or 500 g. it all depends on the root system of the seedlings.

Further cultivation of seedlings involves watering and turning the seedlings with different sides to the sun's rays for their uniform development. To make it convenient to rotate the seedlings, they are placed in a box or box and rotated up to 10 pcs. with one movement of the hands.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Seedlings are planted only when the ground has warmed up well and the threat of return frosts has passed the region. In the southern regions of Russia, seedlings begin to be planted in early May, this is in open ground, and they are planted in a greenhouse from April 15th. In the northern regions, they are planted in a greenhouse at the end of May, and in open ground, the time for planting seedlings is the first ten days of June.

The bed is dug up in advance and humus is added. The earth is leveled so that there are no clods of earth. The holes are dug at a distance of 50 cm in the row, and 70 cm are left between the rows. Nitrogen fertilizers and wood ash are added to each hole and spilled with warm water. The tomato seedling is placed in the center of the hole and covered with soil, after which it is watered and mulched.

Caring for tomato bushes

The actual care is quite simple, it just needs to be done in a timely manner:

  1. Water.
  2. Loosen.
  3. Remove weeds.
  4. Apply fertilizers.

Water only with warm water so that the plant does not experience stress after watering. Water twice a week on hot days. The next day after watering, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed. This will facilitate the penetration of oxygen to the root system of the plant.

Features of agricultural technology

Tarpan tomatoes are grown according to traditional cultural rules, with some small peculiarities.


The time for sowing seeds for seedlings is early March, and transplanting into open ground is in the first half of May when the plants reach the age of 55-60 days. The recommended planting density is 4-5 bushes per square meter, but some plant up to 8 bushes. To do this, it is more convenient to use a two-line scheme with a distance between rows of 50 cm and an interval between bushes in a row of 30-40 cm. In cool areas, it is advisable to install arcs and cover the plants with spunbond. In the summer, such shelter may be needed in case of abnormally high temperatures to protect against burns and wilting.

Along the arcs installed along the bed, it is convenient to cover the tomato from the cold and from the heat


To get a decent harvest of tasty and juicy Tarpan tomatoes, the gardener does not have to put in much effort. These tomatoes do not need pruning, bush formation or pinching, and they can do without garters.


These tomatoes are watered regularly, but not too often - once a week at moderate temperatures and 2-3 times a week in extreme heat (above 30-35 °C). Warm water should be used for irrigation. A drip irrigation system will make the procedure easier. It is advisable to mulch the soil with straw, peat, rotted sawdust, sunflower husks and other suitable materials available. The thickness of the mulch layer is 5-7 cm. This technique allows you to increase the intervals between watering and loosening, and also prevents the growth of weeds.

Drip irrigation systems greatly facilitate the process of watering tomatoes


The bulk of nutrients are usually added to the soil when preparing beds. Since the variety bears fruit for a long time, it will need additional feeding. Natural organic infusions are best suited for these purposes.

As a nitrogen fertilizer, concentrated fertilizer is made from mullein, chicken droppings or freshly cut grass. They are loaded into a barrel, filled with water and allowed to ferment for 5-7 days, after which they are strained and the plants are watered with the resulting concentrate, having previously diluted it with water five times (chicken manure infusion - 10 times). 1-2 liters of fertilizer are poured under each bush.

It is easy to make an excellent organic fertilizer from ordinary nettles.

To obtain potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, simply pour 3-4 kg of sifted wood ash with water and leave for 2-3 days, after which the strained solution is poured over the tomatoes, spending 1-2 liters per bush. Nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus fertilizing alternates at intervals of two weeks.

Do not throw away the ash after cooking kebabs on the grill - it can be used to make an excellent potassium-phosphorus fertilizer

Gardeners who do not have time to prepare fertilizers themselves can replace them with urea (ammonium nitrate) at a rate of 20-30 g/m2 and potassium monophosphate at a rate of 10-20 g/m2.


Since the fruits do not ripen at the same time, they should be collected selectively. To ensure greater yield, you can pick tomatoes slightly unripe (they must be ripened) in order to direct the plant’s forces to the growth and ripening of new fruits.

Description and general characteristics of the hybrid

Plant characteristics

Tomato "Energo F1" of a semi-determinant growth type is represented by plants of average height of about 1.5-2 meters, depending on growing conditions. The bushes are semi-spreading, moderately branched and slightly leafy. The foliage is slightly corrugated, glossy, rich dark green in color. Medium-sized flowers are collected in simple and compact inflorescences. The first cluster with flowers on the main stem is placed above 8-9 leaves, on secondary stems above 3-5, and all subsequent ones - after 1-2 leaves.

Description and use of fruits

The fruits have a regular round shape, weighing on average 100-150 g. The color at the beginning of ripening is green with a dark spot at the stalk. When fully ripe, they acquire a uniform, rich red color, and the dark green spot completely disappears. The tomatoes are dense, five-chambered, with smooth, glossy and elastic skin. They have a classic tomato aroma and pleasant taste with a harmonious combination of sugars and acids. The transportability and keeping quality of the fruit are excellent. Thanks to the combination of these qualities, the fruits are universal in purpose. They are eaten fresh, their size and density are ideal for pickling, good for various dishes and winter preparations. Excellent presentation contributes to stable demand in the consumer market.


The yield of the hybrid is very high under any growing conditions. In winter, in greenhouses with 1 m2 it produces from 12 to 22 kg of fruit, in film shelters from 7 to 10 kg per 1 m2. Tomatoes should be removed from the bush as they ripen. Late harvesting negatively affects the growth of the plant and the ripening of other tomatoes.

Interesting! Semi-determinate tomatoes occupy the golden mean between determinate (short-growing) and indeterminate (tall) and combine the best qualities of both. The advantages of semi-determinate tomatoes are early ripening and tall plants. They produce their harvest much earlier than indeterminate tomatoes and the yield indicators are much higher than those of determinate tomatoes.

Advantages of Tarpan

Among the most characteristic positive differences of the variety, the following can be noted:

  • attractive appearance of the fruit and excellent taste of ripened tomatoes;
  • high yield;
  • the ability to resist many common tomato diseases;
  • small bushes can be compactly marked in a greenhouse or on a small area of ​​a personal plot.

Reviews about this variety from those who planted it were only positive; no negative aspects were found.

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