Review of the Golden Queen tomato variety and features of its cultivation

Description of the variety

The Golden Queen tomato is an indeterminate variety. The growing season is 95-105 days. The bushes grow tall and are formed into 1-2 stems. The leaves are medium in size, dark green in color. The fruits have a flat-round shape, filling up to the size of a man’s fist. The color of tomatoes is unusual – honey-yellow. Due to their hypoallergenic properties and excellent taste, tomatoes are recommended for dietary and baby food.

Tomato agricultural technology is standard; even an inexperienced gardener can cope with cultivation. This is due to the plant’s unpretentiousness and high resistance to common nightshade diseases.

Features of growing raspberries Golden Queen

Pruning and thinning bushes

The Golden Queen raspberry has many shoots, so it is carefully cut out. Only the largest and strongest shoots are left. Such measures are necessary to prevent thickening of plantings. Otherwise, fungus may form. Fruit-bearing and weak branches are cut out. So that there are 7-8 powerful shoots left.

More on the topic: Red raspberry varieties for Eastern Siberia and the Far East

In the spring, the frozen, unripe parts of the tops are removed. What remains are the stems, which have strong buds. The length of pruning is determined depending on how the plants overwinter and what kind of support they have.


Bush and strip methods are used for planting. Shoots are planted from March to May. And from August to October. Raspberries begin to bloom in June. Ripen in July. Planting bushes should be with a distance between each other of 70-100 cm.

Row spacing is strictly 2.5-3 meters. Raspberry fields are planted in a sunny or semi-shaded area. And they should not give shade to each other. Plants need to be irrigated regularly because they produce a stable harvest.


Trellis is required. If there are high supports, then there will be long stems. This means the harvest will increase. Potential height - 2 meters.

Bending down bushes

This measure is used in places with very cold winter climates. In the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia. The Golden Queen needs a lot of snow so she doesn't freeze.

Distinctive features

The variety is recommended for cultivation in open ground and under film cover. The bush grows rapidly, reaching a meter in length. This requires the installation of a support and a garter. Stepping up to the first brush is also carried out.

Tomatoes are grown using seedlings. The peculiarity of the variety is its ability to set fruit even under unfavorable weather conditions.

The variety was bred by Siberian breeders. The result of their work was a plant with hypoallergenic properties and a delicious taste.

Yellow and tasty tomato in your beds - description of the Golden King tomato variety

This variety will undoubtedly interest all lovers of large yellow tomatoes.

Possessing a number of remarkable properties, it is easy to care for and produces a good harvest.

This is the “Golden King”, this wonderful variety will be discussed.

  • Tomato “Golden King”: variety description
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Fruit characteristics
  • Photo
  • Features of cultivation
  • Diseases and pests
  • Conclusion

Tomato “Golden King”: variety description

This type of tomato was bred in Russia in 2007. It received state registration as a variety in 2009, and since then has gained popularity among lovers of large-fruited yellow tomatoes.

This is a mid-early variety of tomatoes; approximately 100 days pass from planting seedlings to the appearance of the first fruits of varietal maturity.

The bush belongs to the determinant, standard type.

It is recommended by experts for cultivation in film shelters, but it is also possible in open ground.

The “Golden King” tomato variety has quite good yield. With good care and the correct planting scheme, you can get per square meter. meters in greenhouse conditions up to 8-10 kg of excellent fruits. In open ground, productivity does not drop significantly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of this variety, amateurs and professionals note:

  • large fruit;
  • good yield;
  • resistance to major diseases;
  • high taste qualities;
  • wonderful yellow color.

Information: Among the disadvantages, it is noted that the branches of this bush require especially careful care to avoid breaking them.

Fruit characteristics

  • Ripe tomatoes are yellow in color and heart-shaped.
  • They are quite large in size, 400-600 grams, but there are also real giants, 800 grams each.
  • Number of cameras 6-7,
  • dry matter content is 5-6%.

These tomatoes are very good fresh. They also make a very tasty, vitamin-rich juice.

They are not used for preservation because they are too large. Representatives of this tomato variety are also very good in barrel pickling.

Other table tomato varieties presented on our website: Lapwing, Fat Bosun, Goldfish, Domes of Russia, Pride of Siberia, Ogorodnik, Alpha, Bendrik's Cream, Raspberry Miracle, Heavyweight of Siberia, Monomakh's Cap, Zhigalo, Golden Domes, Velmozha, Honey Candy, Koenigsberg, Stresa, Black Russian, Heart of Ashgabat, Cranberry in Sugar, Shady Lady, Pink Bush.

Features of cultivation

For outdoor cultivation, southern regions such as the Astrakhan region, Crimea or the North Caucasus are more suitable for this species. In greenhouse shelters it is possible to grow in conditions of the middle zone, the yield does not decrease or decreases slightly.

Among the features of this variety are its large fruit and yellow color, which is unusual for many.

It is also worth noting its resistance to many diseases.

When growing, branches are pruned to form two stems; supports and branch garters are actively used to support the branches.

Harvested tomatoes tolerate storage and transportation well.

List of tomato varieties that are well stored and can be transported: “Maryina Roshcha”, “Large Cream”, Pink Paradise, Eagle’s Beak, Bear’s Paw, “Red Icicle”, “Honey Cream”, “Orange Miracle”, “Lyana”, “ Siberian early ripening", "Heavyweight of Siberia", "Russian domes", "Friend F1", "Sugar cream", "Premium F1", "Orange Miracle", "Blagovest F1", "Tarasenko Yubileiny", Gift of the Volga region, Khokhloma, Etoile , Moskvich, Mazarin, Sweet bunch.

Diseases and pests

Although the “Golden King” is resistant to disease, in rare cases it can be susceptible to a disease such as fomoz.

To get rid of this disease, it is necessary to remove the affected fruits, and the branches should be sprayed with the preparation “Hom”. They also reduce the amount of fertilizers containing nitrogen and reduce watering.

Dry spot is another disease that can affect this tomato variety.

The drugs Antrakol, Consento and Tattu are used against it.

In open ground, this tomato is often attacked by slugs and mole crickets.

Against slugs, use a solution of hot pepper with dry mustard, 1 spoon per square meter. meter, after which the pest will leave. They fight mole crickets by weeding the soil and using the drug “Gnome”.

Greenhouses are often subject to whitefly infestation. The drug “Confidor” will be actively used against it.


Tomatoes of this type are not very difficult to care for. It is enough to follow simple rules regarding temperature and watering conditions, tie and support the branches, then the harvest will please you. Good luck to you.

We invite you to watch a video about yellow varieties of tomatoes, including the “Golden King” tomatoes:

Fruit characteristics, yield

The fruits are set in small clusters of 3-4 tomatoes. Flat-round tomatoes have pronounced ribbing in the stalk area. The skin is a rich honey-yellow color. The pulp is moderately dense, contains a lot of juice and a small amount of seeds. The taste is sweetish with fruity notes.

Reference! Tomatoes contain many useful micro and macroelements. The fruit is recommended for allergy sufferers, children and people on a diet.

The average weight of a tomato grown in a greenhouse reaches 700 g. In garden beds in open ground, fruits weighing 300-400 g are considered record holders. Among the giants, the Golden Queen occupies a leading position. With proper care, 6-10 kg of selected tomatoes are harvested from one bush.

Residents of my greenhouse, or There are never too many varieties of tomatoes. "New settlers"

It's time to tell you, my seven-year-old friends, about this year's new tomatoes, which I highly appreciated.
Many of them will once again become residents of the greenhouse. Sometimes I can’t resist buying seeds of a new variety, despite the fact that the space in the greenhouse has already been allocated. Then they wait their turn to be grown, or I give a few seeds to my faithful friend Nadya. She expertly grows tomatoes; our dachas are across the road. By the time I get around to growing the new product I bought myself, it has already been tested by a friend.

Tomato "Golden Queen"

This happened with the tomato seeds sent to me by Zinochka Fedorova, and with the Golden Queen and Dietary Healthy varieties. First of all, I'll show you the Golden Queen .
The sight alone makes your mouth water! A real queen! Variety from the Siberian Garden. I suddenly realized how many tomatoes I have from this company. The Golden Queen is a mid-season, determinate variety, the height of the bush in the greenhouse is 90-110 cm. Fruit set and yield are good.

Queen's bush in August.

The fruits are very smooth, slightly flattened, sunny yellow with an amber tint. Their weight reaches 700 grams.

A rare case when I weighed the fruit. The tomatoes are fleshy, the flesh is juicy and tender, sweet! I imagined the Queen’s golden fruit... and I really wanted to eat it now! We ate it in salads, and alive, and made golden juice. I spent a long time looking for a sunny-colored tomato, and finally found what I wanted. I can confidently recommend it to everyone! A small drawback of the Golden Queen for me is the cracking of the fruit, but it is not severe, just a little.

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Tomato "Alsu"

Another new product from the Siberian Garden for me was the Alsou .
Alsou is a combination of large fruits and a low bush. Medium-early variety, plant height up to 1 meter, kidney-shaped, red fruits, set through 1-2 leaves. This is all good, but this year not all the fruits have set and developed, as can be seen in the picture. I'll watch it in the new season. The tomatoes are tasty, weigh 400-500 grams, but they crack. Productivity is average.

I’ll plant it again and then decide the fate of this variety.

Unknown tomato variety “Ot Tanya”

I had a problem identifying the next tomato.
My friend Tanya gave me the seeds. The fruits of this tomato amazed me in her greenhouse with their mass. I've never grown these before! This is a healthy one! Tanya’s weighed 1.3 kg. We considered this variety Padishah, but in pictures on the Internet Padishah has pink fruits weighing up to 350 grams. Okay, I’ll call him a giant from Tanya. The main thing is that he suited me in many ways. Although it’s low, it’s not prohibitively high. The yield is excellent, the brushes do not break. The fruits are all large, beautiful, deep red, fleshy, sugary inside, few seeds! The ripening period is average. Isn't this a summer resident's dream?!

Do you like him? I really like it! I will definitely grow this tomato, but just one root. It turns out that such giant fruits have nowhere to go in a family of two. Here Zinochka is right. By the time you eat it, you'll burst! One fruit is too much for a salad! Good for juice! I have almost solved the problem of selecting varieties by color. All that remains is to find a variety of orange tomato to exclaim: “This is mine!” I grew Orange and Marmalade, and I don’t remember which ones yet. But something is not quite right.

Tomato "Dietary Healthy"

This season, following my friend, I tried the Dietary Healthy variety from the Siberian Garden.
It says “big guy”, on the package the fruit is large, the dried weight is 300-500 grams. Neither of us had a single really large fruit. Maybe the variety is called healthy because the fruits contain a minimum of acids and are good for dietary nutrition? Perfectly even, as one, amber-colored fruits.

Tomato Dietary healthy is medium-early, determinate, trusses are planted low and often. I was captivated by the yield of the variety.

5 kg per bush - excellent yield! The variety will definitely suit people with gastrointestinal problems. I recommend! The fruits do not irritate the gastric mucosa. To me, these amber balls, dense and insipid, seemed unusual in taste. A little cracked. I ate them and ate them and decided to try some more varieties. I want more tomato-flavored and larger ones. The other day I bought tomato fruit seeds from Myazina “Indian Summer” F1. Its fruits are slightly larger, very orange, and the yield is high. I didn't want a hybrid, but I'll try.

I'll come back to Orange again. It also has ball-like fruits, but the taste is salad, tomato. Productivity is lower. Who and what would advise me from the orange ones?

Now it remains to briefly talk about the new residents of the greenhouse from Zinaida Evgenievna. She shared the seeds with me in the spring of 2018. That year I only tasted Irish liqueur and gave a couple of varieties to a friend. This season I sowed all the seeds from Zinochka myself and bought three more varieties on her advice. Why will I tell you briefly? Yes, it’s clear that it’s better for me not to do this. Those who want detailed information, I send them to Zinaida Fedorova’s magazine. For me she is the queen of tomatoes!

Tomato "Black Heart"

In all respects, I liked the Black Heart variety the most.
Black heart is a wonderful new addition to my greenhouse. It grew tall and seemed mid-season to me. The heart-shaped tomatoes began to set and ripened together. The color and taste are amazing, the yield is excellent! And, what is very important for me, the plants caught cladosporiosis very late and were mildly ill! I will grow them constantly.

Tomato "Tlacolula de Matamoros"

Tlacolula de Matamoros!
I agree with Zina that it sounds cool! Very interesting tomatoes, like toys! Look at this miracle! And the yield is beyond praise! There are some shortcomings in the fruit, for example, voids, but the tomatoes are delicious! I ate 3-4 of them every day! I will definitely plant one plant! I have never grown “ink” tomatoes. Now I have them.

Tomato "Blue Beauty"

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful color was the newcomer Blue Beauty.
This is a sight for sore eyes, not a tomato. I’ll show his shoulders at the beginning of ripening, and see Zinochka for the rest. Oh, what blue-shouldered fruits! Then the bottom of the fruit turns crimson, and the inside of the tomato is pink. This is something! The pulp is tender and sweet, but the taste is balanced and not bland. But this beauty didn’t like something, and there were few fruits. I planted it near the door, since the variety does not like heat, and the summer was cold. In short, I'll try to grow it again.

Tomato "Forest Blue Bumblebee"

The forest blue bumblebee is also handsome, tall and stately, grew up to the ceiling, placed it on a trellis, and finally pinched it.
It began to ripen a little late, but it took a long time to feast on the fruits. Bumblebees in all their glory! The photo shows all stages of ripening: inky, brownish, yellow. The fruits are dense and sweet, with a plum aftertaste. I marinated half of it with blue plums and it turned out beautiful and tasty! And I hamstered them every day! One bush is enough for us, because the variety is very productive. I recommend!

I grew two more tomatoes with inky cocktail fruits - Blueberry and Black Bunch . Zina gave me blueberries and bought a black bunch in Pyatigorsk. The only difference I found was in the height of the plants. Maybe I didn't understand something?

Do you like blueberries? I like it! Mature fruits become burgundy underneath. They are dense, sweet, and just jump into your mouth! The variety is productive, but I was seriously ill with cladosporiosis. I’ll plant one bush, that’s for sure.

Tomato "Brown bunch F1"

The hybrid Brown bunch was purchased in Pyatigorsk on the advice of Zinaida Evgenievna.
This is the only tomato I have with elongated fruits. The color of the fruit is milk chocolate. Brown bunch

The bush is indeterminate, very tall. In order to bear fruit longer, I did not pinch it for a long time, so it stretched far along the trellis.

Here he is, lying down and hanging his fruits. The hybrid is very fruitful! In terms of ripening time, it is medium early, but due to extended fruiting, it matured until frosts, which invaded the greenhouse around September 20. It would continue to bear fruit. The fruits were thick-walled and soft-skinned, sweet without sourness, but not juicy. Next season I will plant one root for food.

I stocked the greenhouse with brown tomatoes, I’ll call them that. I also have Black Panther . Delicious hybrid with chocolate-cherry fruits, but no photo. Its yield is suffering, but I will plant it again. It began to ripen late, the skin is thick, so there are still two tomatoes in the refrigerator. Then I will show them in the comments.

The last newcomer, which I will briefly mention, is the Mongolian dwarf . He's familiar to you, I think. I had a complete blast with him. Following Zinaida’s example, I decided to plant several tomatoes in buckets and pots, so that I could test new items, and not take up space in the greenhouse, and not reward them with late blight in the OG. I chose the Yamal, Sprint and Mongolian dwarf varieties. The buckets turned out to be too small.

I “stuffed” this handsome guy into a small bucket. The tomatoes didn’t like life in buckets; they had to be transplanted with their fruits into a greenhouse or into the ground, which they all didn’t like. They didn’t show me the harvest so as not to mock the tomatoes. So I will grow Dwarf in 2022.

So I finished my story. It was like I was back in summer while I was writing! And soon we’ll start making seedlings again and life will run towards summer! New varieties for you, dear seven-dacha residents, and a rich, tasty, colorful harvest of tomatoes!

Colorful harvest


You can use planting material either purchased or prepared yourself. The store-bought option is preferable, since the grains have already been processed. They only need to be soaked immediately before planting. It is important to prepare the harvested seeds:

  1. sort (select only large specimens without deformation or damage);
  2. test for germination in a saline solution (5 g of table salt per 100 ml of water);
  3. disinfect (in a weak solution of potassium permanganate);
  4. treat with a growth stimulator (Epin, Zircon).

Requirements for growing conditions

Tomatoes are characterized as unpretentious

Gardeners note that the crop responds positively to increased attention and care. Recommendations to be followed:

  • allowed to use organic growth stimulants;
  • Before planting, the seeds are soaked;
  • can be planted after the seedlings reach 47-53 days;
  • grow well after cauliflower and carrots;
  • There should be a distance of half a meter between the bushes.

It is important to monitor watering. Pour 2 liters of water under each bush, water once a week

Excessive watering increases the risk of fruit cracking. Despite their resistance to pests, the bushes are additionally treated with insecticides.


The seed develops well in loose, fertile soil. You can use universal soil or prepare a soil mixture from the following components:

  • garden soil (1 part);
  • peat (2 parts);
  • humus (0.5 parts);
  • coarse sand (0.5 parts);
  • wood ash (1 cup);
  • fertilizer per 10 kg of soil (15 g of potassium ingredient, 10 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate).

Reference! Before mixing with other components, garden or vegetable soil should be calcined in the oven for disinfection. You can also pour boiling water over it.


The prepared soil is moistened and allowed to stand for a couple of hours. Then the surface is slightly loosened, grooves 1 cm deep are formed, seeds are planted at a distance of 3-4 cm. The same interval is observed between the grooves.

After sowing, the container is covered with transparent polyethylene or glass. The planting should be placed in a warm room (average temperature 25°). Every day the film is removed for half an hour for ventilation. As the soil dries, it is moistened using a spray bottle.

After about 4-7 days, shoots appear. From this moment you need to remove the shelter and place the container in a cooler place (the temperature should first be 18-20°, then 14-16°). Young shoots require good lighting. The duration of daylight hours should be 12-16 hours.

When irrigating seedlings, do not allow water to get on the greens.

The first fertilizing is introduced 2-3 weeks after emergence. For these purposes, organic matter or special humic compositions are ideal.

Picking is done after the formation of 2-3 true leaves on the shoots. Each sprout, along with a lump of earth, is transferred into disposable cups. After 2-3 weeks, the picking is repeated, but in a larger container.

How to grow seedlings

Properly prepared seedlings guarantee a rich harvest. Take this stage as carefully as possible. Buy seeds for seedlings in a store or order online .

On the packaging, the manufacturer provides a brief description of the variety and recommendations for cultivation.

Seed preparation

Treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will disinfect their surface and destroy dangerous microorganisms. It is assumed that store-bought material has already been pre-treated with special preparations. However, it is better not to risk it and do it again yourself. For convenience, place the seeds in a fabric bag and immerse them in the solution for 20 minutes.

Next, the seeds need to be germinated. Germination is necessary to check the degree of germination of the material and accelerate its development. If during the germination stage you notice that some seeds have not sprouted, get rid of them immediately.

For germination you will need gauze and polyethylene. Wrap the seeds in slightly damp gauze and place in plastic. Make sure that the gauze does not dry out. At the same time, avoid over-watering.

Important ! For the fastest germination, it is recommended to use growth stimulants. “Kornevin” is recognized as an effective remedy. Soak the seeds in the solution for 6 hours. “Kornevin” will not only protect the crop from diseases, but will also accelerate the growth of young roots.

Container and soil

Any clean and dry container is suitable for seedlings. Peat pots are the most popular among gardeners. They are environmentally friendly and affordable, and also maintain the required level of moisture. Sold in any specialized store. In addition to peat containers, flower pots or wooden boxes, as well as similar containers, are suitable for seedlings.

The soil is either purchased at the store or prepared independently. Ready-made soil has a number of advantages, the main ones:

  • it contains accessible macro- and microelements that plants need;
  • the earth contains the necessary microflora;
  • distinguished by ease;
  • absorbs water well and retains it;
  • has an optimal level of acidity.

Among ready-made soils, the mixtures “Shchedra Zemlya”, “Krepysh”, “Bogatyr”, and “Magic Bed” are especially popular. When purchasing, trust only trusted manufacturers with a good reputation. It would be a good idea to consult with your gardener friends and find out what mixture they use for seedlings.


Prepare the seedlings 50-60 days before planting on the site. Place drainage at the bottom of the container, add soil and water with warm, settled water. When the water is absorbed, make holes 1-2 cm deep. Sow seeds in them and sprinkle soil on top.

The optimal distance between seeds is about 3 cm. If the soil is dry, spray it with a spray bottle. Cover the containers with a lid and place in a warm, lit place.

Growing and care

The temperature should be no lower than 20-23 degrees.
After the first shoots appear, the lid must be removed. The seedlings should stand in a bright place, otherwise arrange additional lighting using lamps. The first watering is 10 days after planting the seeds. Only settled warm water is suitable for irrigation.

As soon as the first leaves appear, feed the seedlings. Liquid bird droppings or the drug “Fitosporin” are suitable for this. This protects the plant from possible diseases and strengthens the immune system.

In the future, it is recommended to feed tomatoes every 10 days.

How to grow tomatoes

The seedlings are transferred to open ground after the threat of night frosts has passed. The seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse after they reach a height of 25-35 cm. By this time, 8-10 true leaves are formed on the shoots, and the root system is well developed. A couple of weeks before planting, the seedlings are taken outside for hardening. The procedure is carried out daily with a gradual increase in time from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Unpretentious bushes

The valuable quality of the variety is the optimal height of the bush. The tomato is not so tall as to be difficult to maintain, and not so short as to be low-yielding. In open ground, the stems grow no higher than a meter, often even a little lower. They are easy to tie to pegs or small trellises.

In the greenhouse, the bushes grow up to one and a half meters. There is some violence against the original genetics of the variety, which is determinant in nature. At a certain moment, having formed several brushes, the stem itself stops growing and grows up - both in closed ground and in the open air. For vegetable growers, this quality is very convenient.

The leaf apparatus is not too large, slightly drooping. The bushes and ovaries are perfectly visible, absorb sunlight optimally, and are well ventilated. All this makes caring for plants easier.


The beds are laid out according to the following pattern: 70x70 cm. The bushes of an adult plant are spreading, so there is no need to thicken the planting. This will complicate care. For rapid adaptation of seedlings and intensive growth, you need to prepare the soil. In addition to disinfection, it will need to be enriched with fertilizer, sand and peat if there is an increased density.

First, water is poured into the prepared holes, after which the seedling is installed. Use gentle movements to bury it, lightly pressing the soil. After irrigation, the beds are lightly loosened and covered with mulch.


Further care follows standard rules of agricultural technology. There are some nuances regarding bush shaping and pinching. The information is presented in the table.

Tomato care measures
Name Regularity Features of the event
Watering 1-2 r. per week, in hot weather daily Irrigation should begin 3-5 days after planting. Next, the mode is set taking into account the degree of soil moisture.
Weeding, loosening Once every 2 weeks or as needed Loosening is done after watering to avoid crust formation. Weeds attract parasites and provoke the development of fungus. It is advisable to combine both procedures to save time.
Stepsoning + Carry out until the first flower brush.
Bush molding + The bush is formed in 1-2 stems.
Garter + It is carried out to the support in several stages as the bush grows.
Top dressing After planting, apply 3 times. 1st time 10 days after planting (a mixture of mullein 0.5 liters and nitrophoska 15 ml per bucket of water);

2nd time after 3 weeks. (mineral fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium);

3rd time after 2 weeks. (potassium-phosphorus composition)

Tomato care Golden Queen

The description of caring for Golden Queen tomatoes is no different from the agricultural technology for growing other varieties. The plant needs watering, fertilizing, garters, formation and timely loosening of the soil. Most often, the bush is formed into one stem, much less often into two.

Basic rules for caring for Golden Queen tomatoes:

  1. The first time tomatoes can be watered 11-13 days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Moistening should be carried out at the root, you need to ensure that water does not get on the stems and leaves of the plant.
  2. The frequency of watering adult plants depends on weather conditions. Typically, tomatoes are moistened every 4-6 days, less often in rainy weather.
  3. The crop should be watered early in the morning or late in the evening, otherwise the sun's rays can cause burns to the delicate foliage or stems.
  4. After each watering, the soil around the tomato bushes needs to be loosened. This improves the supply of moisture and oxygen to the root system of the plant. Loosening also prevents the growth of weeds in the garden bed, allowing tomato roots to receive more nutrients from the soil.
  5. An important part of caring for a Golden Queen is grooming. This is the removal of side shoots, which is carried out manually with gloves or using garden pruners. Tomatoes need to be pruned every 6-8 days.

To increase fruiting, Golden Queen tomatoes require nutrients, which are applied in the form of organic or complex mineral fertilizers.

You can start fertilizing from the moment the first ovaries form. For this purpose, you can use ammonium nitrate, urea, mullein solution or wood ash.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

After planting, the seedling quickly gains growth. If the plant develops poorly, you need to introduce nitrogen fertilizers. It is also important to regulate watering.

During the flowering period of potatoes, garden crops are affected by the Colorado potato beetle. It often takes a liking to tomato bushes, which can lead to the destruction of the planting. To prevent the problem, it is recommended to regularly inspect the beds to identify beetles or larvae. If a large population is found, insecticide treatment should be carried out.

The greatest difficulties arise with stepchildren. They need to be removed almost weekly for the bush to form correctly. You will also need to pay attention to the garter. Otherwise, under the influence of winds or under the weight of filling fruits, the branches will break.

Diseases and pests

The Golden Queen tomato is characterized by strong immunity. Resistance is shown to common diseases of nightshade plants. As a preventive measure against tobacco mosaic, late blight, and fusarium wilt, the following measures are recommended:

  1. disinfect the greenhouse surfaces and soil before planting (use a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate);
  2. spray the beds with late blight products (copper-containing preparations);
  3. regularly ventilate the greenhouse, avoiding drafts;
  4. carry out weeding and loosening of the soil;
  5. spread a layer of mulch on the ground to protect the soil from drying out.

Plants need to be systematically inspected for pests. The following parasites pose a danger to planting:

  • whitefly;
  • thrips;
  • slugs;
  • aphid;
  • bear

When insects or their metabolic products are detected, it becomes necessary to spray the beds using insecticides. You can get rid of the Colorado potato beetle by collecting larvae and adults manually. If this does not help, they resort to treating the tomatoes with special means.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

The Russian-bred Golden Queen tomato is intended for growing in a greenhouse. In warm regions it is successfully cultivated in open ground. If you choose the option under cover, you need to consider the following recommendations.

  1. The root system of tomatoes can be improved by enriching the soil with oxygen and nitrogen. Nitrogen compounds are applied before the flowering period. Later, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used. You can open access to oxygen by loosening or planting between rows of legumes.
  2. The taste of the fruit improves if basil is planted around the perimeter of the tomato beds. The tomatoes will acquire a brighter aroma and richer taste.
  3. To prevent infection by fungal diseases, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse daily. But at the same time, it is important to avoid drafts, especially until the seedlings get stronger.

When cultivating tomatoes in open ground, it is advisable to install a drip irrigation system. This method is suitable not only for moistening the soil, but also for introducing nutritional compounds and fertilizing. This irrigation option simplifies the care of the beds. In order to prevent parasites, plants that repel pests should be planted between the rows. These are: marigolds, parsley, thyme, sage, etc.

Growing tomatoes

Growing the “Golden Queen” is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • sowing seeds for seedlings;
  • caring for young bushes;
  • transplant to the country house 50–60 days after germination.

Before planting, it is advisable to disinfect the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. Soak for 10–12 hours in a growth stimulator. This increases the germination percentage. The variety is sensitive to the composition of the soil. The ideal mixture is garden soil and last year's humus in a 1:1 ratio. You can also add wood ash or superphosphate (1 tbsp each).

Before sowing, the soil is compacted tightly in a container and watered with warm water. Plant the seeds and sprinkle with 1–2 cm of peat. Cover with film and put in a warm place. After germination, the seedlings are moved to a sunny window. Water through a strainer and loosen. After 2–3 leaves have unfolded, the bushes are pricked and fully fertilized with complex fertilizer.

In the middle or end of May, the seedlings are taken to the dacha. The bushes should grow 6–7 leaves and at least 1 flower cluster. The beds are set up in the place where they used to grow:

  • onion;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • parsley;
  • carrot.

Tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants are not the best predecessors. Plants have common diseases and pests.

Care consists of moderate watering, loosening, weeding, and mulching the soil with peat or straw. Preventive spraying against pests. Regular ventilation of the greenhouse. Before the fruits begin to ripen, 3–4 fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will be required. Then it’s better to limit yourself to organics.

To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to disinfect the soil with potassium permanganate before planting. Spray the bushes with phytosporin. Insecticides work well against insects.

IMPORTANT: Seeds are collected only after fermentation has begun. To do this, the seed tomato is crushed and pressed by hand until a heterogeneous mass is formed. The resulting tomato slurry is poured into a jar and left at room temperature for a day or two. The main signs of fermentation are bubbles and the appearance of a white film on the surface.

Tomatoes are grown both from store-bought and from independently collected seeds. Tomatoes are selected for planting whose appearance corresponds to the standard exterior.

In most regions, tomato is cultivated through seedlings and then planted in a permanent place. In the south, seedless sowing of seeds in a greenhouse is also practiced. In the second case, seedlings are grown under a non-woven fiber cover until summer weather sets in.

Seeds are sold untreated, so the gardener must independently carry out all stages of pre-sowing preparation.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Warming up the seed material on a radiator, stove or in the oven at a temperature of 50-60*C;
  • Rejection of unusable seeds:
      Visual inspection: the seeds must be intact, without signs of damage, cracks, chips, evenly colored;
  • Soak in a strong saline solution for 5 minutes. Seeds that float to the surface are subject to rejection;
  • Etching in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Growth stimulation using the following products: “Zircon”, “Kornevin”;
  • Soak in warm water for several hours immediately before sowing.

Seeds are sown in March-April 1.5-2 months before planting for permanent residence. The main rule is that it is better to sow later than earlier. Firstly, late seedlings germinate faster, and secondly, you should have a couple of weeks in reserve in case of unexpected frosts - plants planted in cold soil may not produce ovaries.

As a substrate for seedlings, prepare a mixture of peat, garden turf and purchased soil in equal quantities. Any container deeper than 7 cm is used as a planting container.

The seeds are buried 2 cm, covered with dry soil and covered with polyethylene. After germination, the film is removed and the seedlings are exposed to intense lighting. The picking is carried out after unfolding the 3rd true sheet.

The bushes are planted when the soil warms up to 10-12*C and there is no threat of return frosts. The planting holes are first shed with a warm solution of potassium permanganate and fertilized with vermicompost.

Recommended planting pattern:

  1. The interval between plants is 70 cm;
  2. Row spacing – 70 cm;
  3. Maximum planting density – 4 plants per 1 sq.m.

Harvesting and application

When Golden Queen seedlings are planted in May, the fruits reach technical maturity in the second half of July. Tomatoes in a greenhouse ripen a couple of weeks earlier than in open ground. The harvest period is not prolonged due to the friendly formation of ovaries and ripening. Vegetables can be stored for a long time when placed in a cool place.

One of the advantages of the variety is the universal use of fruits. They are suitable for preparing many culinary dishes. Due to their large size, tomatoes are rarely used whole for twists. However, tomatoes are ideal for fresh salads and winter preparations, where the fruit is chopped into slices. The pulp produces a thick and tasty juice; it is also prepared for consumption during the cold season.

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of this variety:

  • Large fruit combined with excellent product and taste qualities;
  • Fast ripening;
  • High yield for a tomato with limited growth;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Transportability;
  • Preservation for a long time.

The main disadvantage of the “Golden King” is that its fruit clusters cannot support the significant weight of the fruit, and therefore require supports. For the same reason, the main stem of the plant also requires additional strengthening.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Golden Queen is well known to summer residents and owners of greenhouse complexes. The variety is popular due to the following advantages:

  • large fruit;
  • excellent taste;
  • early ripening;
  • unpretentiousness to agricultural technology;
  • stable high yield;
  • strong immunity;
  • high content of amino acids, sugar and other nutrients;
  • Possibility to grow in open ground and under cover.

When growing a variety, some disadvantages should be taken into account:

  • the need for pinching, bush shaping;
  • mandatory soil fertilization (intensive growth and formation of large fruits requires constant feeding with nutrients);
  • garter to supports (a tall, spreading plant may break under the weight of the fruit).

Tomato care

4-6 plants per 1 m2 are planted in open ground. Pre-fill the holes with humus. Golden King tomatoes require the formation of 2-3 stems.

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Children's Sweetness, its yieldRead

Particular attention should be paid to tying the garter to the supports; the tassels may break off. Weeding the beds will help avoid attacks by insect pests

After watering, it is recommended to loosen the resulting crust, this will provide oxygen access to the roots.

Weeding the beds will help avoid attacks by insect pests. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the resulting crust, this will provide oxygen access to the roots.

Water the tomatoes with warm water in the evening. Feed 3 times during the season, after transplanting to a permanent place, after 10-14 days, during flowering and during the period of tomato formation.

Using tomatoes in home cooking. Harvest volume

If all agricultural technology requirements are met, 10 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 m2.

Farmer reviews

  • Semyon Ilyich, Krasnodar region

When planting seedlings in a greenhouse, I immediately install supports. The growth of the shoots is intense, so I carry out the first level of garter 3 weeks after planting. The plant responds well to fertilizer. I use both mineral and organic compounds. Late blight destroyed the beds with Volgograd tomatoes and Rufus. The landings with the Golden Queen remained intact.

  • Antonina, Moscow region.

Tomatoes fully live up to their name. The Golden Queen is perfectly cultivated in open ground. I cover the seedlings with film only at night, when there is a threat of late frosts. I really like the presentation and taste of the tomato. This is the second year I have been preparing tomato puree for the winter for my little granddaughter. Nutritionists say that the variety is good for babies. I spoil my adult children on weekends with pizza, which I also prepare using the Golden Queen. It is possible to remove no more than 7 kg of fruit from the bush.

  • Elena, Rostov region.

In general, the Golden Queen variety bears fruit well, but requires regular feeding and pinching. I consider the disadvantage of this variety to be the formation of a large number of stepsons; they have to be removed almost every week. Among the advantages: stable yield, disease resistance, understandable agricultural technology.

Video review of the variety:

Features of the variety's agricultural technology, reviews from amateur tomato growers

Seeds are sown for seedlings in early April. The tomato grows quickly and after 50 days it is ready to be planted in open ground. 3-4 plants are placed per 1 m².

Form a bush with 2-3 stems. As the tomato grows, it is pruned. Long shoots with heavy fruits need gartering. A trellis is installed to vertically support the stems. 2 weeks after planting, young plants begin to twine around the rope. Old leaves located at the bottom of the bush are regularly removed. This way the tomato gets enough light and air.

Feeding under the roots and through the leaves promotes good yield. Mineral mixtures and organic matter are used.

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