When to dig up garlic in the Urals in 2022, planted before winter

As in the rest of Russia, in the Urals garlic is planted in the fall before winter, and in mid-summer it is the first to be harvested.

For a beginning summer resident, the issue of choosing the timing of harvesting is especially acute, since vegetables harvested ahead of time are poorly stored.

In addition, the weather in the Urals is changeable, so vegetables that are overripe or picked in wet weather are unlikely to last long.

In this article we will look at how to choose the right time to harvest garlic in the Urals.

Approximate timing of garlic harvesting in the Urals

Several factors influence when to dig up a vegetable planted before winter.

  • Different varieties have different ripening times. On average they range from 85 to 110 days. If the first shoots appeared in the 20s of April, then by the end of July - beginning of August the latest garlic will reach maturity and can be dug up.
  • We take into account the climate of the region - it is dry, continental. If in the north of the Urals summer ends in August, then in the southern part it is still warm. Therefore, the harvesting period in the Orenburg region, for example, shifts one to two weeks later than the time of agricultural work in the Perm Territory or the Sverdlovsk region.
  • Dry or rainy summers also make their own adjustments. In dry weather, the ripening of garlic heads slows down and should be dug up later. In stormy, damp weather, it is better to do this early so that rotting does not begin.

The approximate time frame for harvesting garlic planted before winter in the Urals is the third ten days of July - early August.

The best winter garlic crops

Among the large variety of varieties, it is difficult for an inexperienced gardener to find a suitable option for sowing. When planning to plant a crop, you should familiarize yourself with the most common varieties, which are valued for their high taste characteristics and ease of care.


The winter garlic variety Garkua is characterized by a mid-early ripening period. The harvest ripens in the second half of June. Ripe heads are covered with white-pink scales. The main advantages of the variety are:

  • abundant yield;
  • growing in soil with any composition;
  • resistance to cold weather.

Compact cloves form in the heads of Garkua garlic. Their number usually does not exceed 16 pieces.


Early ripening Alcor garlic produces dense, rounded heads. One head contains up to 5 large cloves. The color of the husk is pinkish-lilac, the feathers are dark green with a pronounced waxy coating. Planting this variety requires a lot of free space on the site. The advantages of the Alcor variety include: disease resistance, frost resistance and ease of care.


The giant variety Lyubasha belongs to the category of early ripening and produces large heads weighing up to 300 g. The height of the plants reaches 120 cm, the leaves are located tightly to each other and have a waxy coating. Each head contains 7 cloves, covered with a pinkish husk with pronounced purple veins. The variety is able to withstand frosts, does not have specific soil requirements and produces crops even in drought conditions. Lyubasha garlic is valued for its high yield and ability for long-term storage.

See also

Technology for growing garlic in open ground and planting dates, care rules for a good harvest


Varieties of summer garlic

Among the varieties of summer garlic there are also favorites. The most popular include:

  1. Victorio. Mid-season non-shooting variety with high yield. The heads have a flat-round shape and a yellow-white husk.
  2. Gulliver. A mid-late variety that produces dense heads that are resistant to common diseases.
  3. Elenovsky. A productive variety with an average ripening period. The heads are dense, round, with white husk.

How to choose the right day for digging garlic in the Urals

I would like to preserve the collected heads of garlic for the whole winter, so with all seriousness it is necessary to choose the time for harvesting.

Prolonged rain, high humidity, frosts are the most unfavorable factors for digging up garlic. But in clear sunny weather it’s time to harvest the garlic.

Like most gardening work, garlic should be dug up before lunch or after sunset, which is too active in July.

ON A NOTE. If you are at your summer cottage only on weekends, then dig up the garlic when it is more convenient for you. Don't wait for a convenient time according to the lunar calendar. The garlic may overgrow, or prolonged rains will begin, and this is much worse.

Garlic varieties

Breeders developed special varieties especially for the Urals. They grow well in difficult weather conditions and do not require careful care. The best varieties of garlic:

  • "Scythian".
  • "Gradekovsky".
  • "Bashkirsky 85".
  • "Sofievsky".
  • "Dobrynya".
  • "Bogatyr".
  • "Lyubasha."


Refers to mid-season varieties. It can reproduce by both cloves and air heads. The scales have a lilac hue, which distinguishes it from other varieties. A small onion contains many cloves with dense and piquant flesh.

The Skif variety is able to resist various diseases during the growing season. Resistant to gray rot and bacteriosis. Resistant to pest infestation. We plant "Skif" like any other variety.


Planting of winter garlic "Gradekovsky" is carried out in early spring. The vegetable ripens very quickly. You can harvest the crop 2.5 months after planting. Digged garlic has small bulbs.

The color of the husk is white-lilac. A clean clove also has a lilac tint. The aerial bulbs have a rich dark lilac color. Their shape differs from other varieties as it is slightly oblong.

"Bashkirsky 85"

This variety is also considered early ripening, as it fully ripens 3 months after planting in the garden. The garlic heads themselves are small, with 5 to 6 cloves. The pulp is dense and sharp. Harvested garlic can be stored for a long time.

See also

When should you remove spring garlic from the garden for storage? Read

The color of the harvested garlic cloves is white. In some places the husk is covered with lilac purple stripes. The vegetable resists various pests well. The immune system protects against many diseases.


Refers to mid-season varieties. "Sofievsky" has a round head with oblong teeth. Each bulb contains an average of 8–9 pieces. Growing the savory vegetable should take place in direct sunlight. Garlic is harvested after it is fully ripe.

The yield of the crop is high; from one bed you can harvest from 1 to 1.5 kg of garlic. The amount of garlic collected will be enough for the rest of the fall, winter and spring. It is valued by chefs for its excellent taste. The pulp is dense with pungent notes.

Like most winter varieties, it is white with lilac veins. Planting and harvesting are very easy. The culture is unpretentious in care. It is resistant to many fungal diseases.

It should be remembered that hybrid varieties have an accelerated growing season. Their immune system is better able to resist many diseases.

When to harvest garlic in 2022 according to the lunar calendar in the Urals

The lunar calendar will help you choose the right day for cleaning. It should be taken into account that on a waxing Moon, plant juices rise upward from the root, and on a waning Moon they fall down. Closer to the new moon, useful substances accumulate in the underground part of vegetable crops. Everything valuable that nature has stored is preserved for a long time in garlic bulbs; they remain dense, hard, and practically do not rot.

  • In 2022, the lunar calendar for July gives the following information: waning moon from 1 to 9 and from 25 to 31.
  • In August, the Moon wanes from 1 to 7 and from 23 to 31.

These are the numbers that should be followed to harvest the garlic crop. If for some reason this was not possible, do not worry. You can dig up the vegetable in the days closest to the indicated dates.

IMPORTANT! The lunar calendar is not a mandatory guide to action. It only suggests good and bad days. And they are already adjusted taking into account the plant variety, climate, weather conditions, etc.

Preparation for storage

The harvested crop should not be taken to the cellar immediately after digging. First you need to spread the vegetables under the canopy. The place should be protected from direct sunlight. It is better to choose one where the wind passes through. While the bulbs are being aired, a person can prepare the storage space itself.

If a person follows the growing conditions of the crop and knows when to harvest ripe garlic, the harvest will delight you with its abundance and unusual taste. It's not difficult at all. It is necessary to monitor the weather, choose suitable varieties and often look at the lunar calendar.

Unfavorable days for harvesting garlic in 2022 according to the lunar calendar in the Urals

By the beginning of the full moon, juices and nutrients rush from the root to the top and garlic cloves lose many of their beneficial properties. They soften and become less juicy.

During the new moon, it is advisable not to disturb the vegetable in order to allow it to gather strength to accumulate nutrients. Lunar calendar 2022 indicates numbers

  • July: full moon – 24th, new moon – 10th
  • August: full moon on the 22nd, new moon on the 8th.

ATTENTION! On these dates in July and August, it is not advisable to dig vegetables out of the ground.


When all signs indicate that the plant is ready for harvest, it is important not to hesitate or wait for some special moment.

Overexposed in the ground, this crop loses its ability for long-term storage and further planting. It doesn’t matter what type you grow - spring or bolting.

Gently pry the bulbs with a fork until they are on the surface of the soil. It is very important not to damage them, so as not to cause rotting and not to attract harmful insects. When all the garlic heads are on the surface, move them under a shelter and leave them there to dry for at least 5 days. This must be done to prevent the bulbs from rotting during winter storage.

It is best to dig up bulbs in dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning or late evening. An important factor is the absence of scorching heat, which will damage the cloves. At this stage, you cannot trim the roots and leaves, as this will lead to irreversible wilting of the plant. Carefully clean the soil from the bulbs, trying not to break off the roots. After the initial drying has passed, you can lay out the garlic heads on a net or hang them for further storage.

Another option for preparatory care for freshly dug garlic is rinsing it in cool water. In this case, it is necessary to leave the bulbs to dry, so that the water flows into a tray or onto the ground, but does not accumulate under the fruit. When the bulbs are dry, their roots and stems are cut off and left to dry under a canopy for another 7-10 days. The spring species tolerates this treatment especially well.

How to properly harvest garlic planted before winter in the Urals

Before harvesting garlic, you must perform the following steps:

  • watering stops 2 weeks before
  • weeds are pulled out and the soil is loosened 3 days before work
  • arrows break off.

REFERENCE. You don’t have to break out 2-3 arrows with bulbs, and after opening the box, leave the ripe seeds for future planting.

It is best to dig up garlic planted before winter using a pitchfork. Unlike a shovel, they will not damage the garlic bulb.

We stick the fork in at a right angle, lift the lump of earth and carefully pull out the plant with our hands.

There is no need to trim anything. On a clear, warm day, leave the garlic in the garden to dry and disinfect the surface of the heads with sunlight. In wet weather, we will spread our harvest under a canopy, in a dry place with good ventilation.

What are the consequences of untimely cleaning?

A vegetable harvested ahead of schedule has a thin, unripe shell on the cloves. The cloves themselves are soft and not sharp. This garlic has low nutritional and culinary value. It will not be stored well, since the unripened shell will not protect the head from rot.

On a note. Not fully ripened vegetables can be ripened in a dry and warm room. The plants are tied into bunches and hung by their uncut stems for 3-4 weeks, at a temperature of +22 +24 degrees and air humidity of 50-60%. Within a month, the skin on the cloves becomes dry and dense, and the garlic acquires the necessary pungency and aroma.

If you harvest garlic later than necessary, the head often breaks into separate cloves - it becomes overripe. Scattered garlic is difficult to pick out from the soil; they are often affected by rot due to being in damp soil for a long time.

What to pay attention to when harvesting garlic for storage from the garden

Before digging up crops from the garden for long-term storage, it is imperative to check the maturity.

  • To do this, you should carefully remove the earth from the neck and evaluate the appearance. If the bulb is dense, not cracked, and has acquired a white color with a purple tint, then the crop is ready for harvesting.
  • Visually, you can determine ripeness by the coloring of the leaves yellow, the formation of arrows with a capsule, and the softness of the stem.

When digging up garlic planted before winter, you don’t need to throw it in one pile. This damages the cloves and creates the conditions for rotting.

The soil that has stuck to the garlic bulb must be carefully cleaned with your hands and the garlic should be spread out right there in the garden bed under the sun to dry for several days. At night you can cover it with available materials or bring it to the veranda or shed in case of rain.

Determination of ripeness

The surest way to determine the ripeness of garlic is to evaluate its appearance. It's time to dig up plants if:

  • the leaves turned yellow and began to dry out;
  • the arrow on winter garlic is wrapped in a spiral and the bulbs are completely “dressed”;
  • the stem became hard and woody;
  • the head is covered with a dryish peel, the color characteristic of the variety;
  • the teeth in the head have a hard shell, they are tough, their taste is sharp.

Before harvesting, dig up a couple of plants from different ends of the bed to determine ripeness.

Common mistakes

Let's look at common mistakes associated with garlic harvesting:

  • Untimely harvesting of varieties planted before winter from the garden. An unripe vegetable loses its valuable properties, becomes soft and cannot be stored for a long time. The overripe one cracks, takes root and begins to grow in the ground again.
  • The plant is not dug up carefully. The cloves become damaged, begin to rot, and part of the harvest has to be thrown away.
  • Garlic heads are dried without leaves and roots. During drying for about two weeks, nutrients are transferred from the leaves and stem to the head itself. If you remove the greens, little value will remain in the product ready for storage.
  • The husks are completely cleaned. It turns out that the garlic was peeled and left to survive in unfavorable conditions. The cloves will soften and dry out.
  • The heads are washed and placed in plastic bags. When washing, microorganisms responsible for the health of the vegetable are removed. And the package lacks the necessary humidity and air flow. Garlic spoils quickly.

General signs of cultural maturity

To understand whether it is possible to remove a vegetable from the garden, you need to use the following tips:

  1. The appearance of the plant can indicate the maturity of the garlic head. At the same time, the neck of the false stem becomes soft, and the leaves themselves wither and turn yellow.
  2. Some housewives inspect the husks. To do this, you need to rake the soil around the bulb. If the husk appears dense and untouched, it is time to harvest.
  3. A ripe vegetable may have other signs. The head becomes hard, the husk peels off easily, and the inflorescences crack.

Before harvesting garlic, you need to prepare it for this. 2 weeks before harvesting, watering the beds is completely stopped. The vegetable must get rid of excess moisture in order to avoid the development of fungus when saving. In this way, a person will be able to avoid crop rotting in the ground.

If the garlic feathers begin to turn yellow, they are tied in a knot and the arrows are removed. A simple procedure will help direct nutrients to the root system. At the time of harvesting, the green mass should not grow.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

What specific day should I choose to harvest garlic in 2022 in the Urals?

There is no exact date. Approximate time: end of July or beginning of August. Focus on two indicators: check the maturity of the garlic and do not work on the days of the full moon and new moon. Choose a day with dry, warm weather.

How do you know the ripeness of garlic?

The leaves turn yellow, the upper part of the bulb becomes soft and dries out, and a box with small bulbs on the stem opens. The head itself becomes dense, compressed, white with a purple or reddish tint.

What work should be done before harvesting?

Do not water for 2-3 weeks, loosen and remove weeds 3 days before harvesting.

Should the stems and leaves be placed on the ground, as is done to speed up the ripening of onions?

No need. Plants are different. What is good for onions is completely unnecessary for garlic.

What tools should you use to dig garlic out of the ground?

The best tool is a pitchfork. Will not damage the head or cut it into pieces.

Recommendations from gardeners

If you have to dig garlic in rainy weather, for better drying, place the vegetable under a fan. Some vegetable growers keep the heads in household vegetable dryers at a temperature of +45 degrees.

Installing arches and covering the plantings with film helps protect growing garlic from excess moisture during the rainy season.

To accurately determine the ripeness of winter garlic, leave the arrow on one plant uncut. When the bulbs ripen and the transparent shell bursts, it’s time to harvest.

In areas with short and rainy summers, vegetables are usually grown in high beds (hills). Drainage from branches and straw is laid at the bottom of such a structure, then 30-40 cm of fertile soil is poured. Boards or slate are laid on the sides to prevent the soil from crumbling. The earth warms up well in the sun, excess moisture goes down. Garlic grows in such beds large and clean.

How to decide on cleaning time?

In Siberia, harvesting time falls at the beginning of August. However, there are no universal deadlines. It depends on the type of bulbous crop (winter or summer), care and weather conditions. In some cases, this time even falls at the end of August and beginning of September. The main guideline is the external signs of maturity.

Help It is worth distinguishing between the time of harvesting bolting (winter) and non-shooting (spring) garlic. The first one usually ripens earlier. The main sign that it’s time to remove the shooting garlic is yellowed lower leaves and cracked husks of the inflorescences.

The ripening time of spring garlic is determined by the tops. If most of it lies on the ground, and the husk is easily removed, then it’s time to clean it up.

Harvesting garlic heads


When should garlic be harvested so that it is fully ripe and can be stored for as long as possible? Vegetable harvesting time, as a rule, falls at the end of July and can last until the beginning of August. The first thing to do is to make sure that the vegetable is ripe and ready for harvest. The degree of maturity can be determined by the lower leaves, which begin to bend down to the soil.

Yellowing of the green mass can also serve as a signal for harvesting. Nutrients leave the leaves and move to the head. In this case, there is no need to leave the garlic in the ground. At this stage the maturation process ends.

If the listed signs are not enough for a person to determine maturity, do the following. After the housewife has dug up several bulbs, they are examined. The teeth in the head should be hard to the touch and separate from each other without much effort. Winter garlic in the Urals, if it is ready for harvest, allows the scales to easily move away from the head.

See also

Description of the Podmoskovny garlic variety, its characteristics and yieldRead

Harvesting winter garlic is also done after the seed pod begins to open. It is located at the very end of the arrow. There is no need to wait until the bulbs in the box are completely dry. This way you can skip the deadline for harvesting vegetables.


When to harvest summer garlic and how to determine the degree of ripeness? Harvesting summer garlic in the Urals begins after harvesting winter garlic. There must be at least 2 weeks between dates. According to the lunar calendar, spring garlic should be dug in August and continued until mid-September.

In the Southern Urals, summer garlic is planted in the spring. It has a short growing season - from 3 to 3.5 months. Harvesting spring garlic may vary. Since the key role here is the disembarkation time. If several days have passed between sowings, it’s okay. The collection time can be moved to the same day.

The collection time is influenced by various factors:

  • weather;
  • variety of planting material;
  • cultivation and care - watering and fertilizing vegetables.

You can determine that spring garlic is ripe in the same way as winter garlic. If the leaves turn yellow and the lower ones are completely dry, you can dig the vegetable. The upper feathers become weak and sink towards the ground. If you take a head of garlic in your hand and try to separate a few cloves, they should come off well, and the peel can also be peeled.

In 2022, the lunar calendar will help gardeners grow a good harvest and harvest it after it is fully ripe. If you plant, water and weed vegetables according to the dates indicated in the calendar, the result will please every summer resident. Spring garlic is stored better than winter garlic. The main thing is not to miss the moment of harvesting.

The influence of the moon phases

Just as the Moon influences the tides, it also has a gravitational effect on fluids in plants, soil, and groundwater levels. These effects intensify at different times of the lunar cycle of the month. During half the cycle (between the New and Full phases), the Moon waxes. Then, after the full moon, it begins to fade.

With the waxing moon, the earth exhales. The sap in the plants rises, the strength first goes into the growth of the above-ground parts. Thus, all actions are performed with plants that bear fruit above the ground during the waxing moon. As the Moon decreases, the Earth inhales. The sap mainly goes down to the roots. Thus, the waning Moon is a good time for pruning, propagation, fertilizing, watering, harvesting and controlling parasites and weeds.

Maturation period

The timing of ripening will greatly depend on how high-quality care the farmer can provide and climatic conditions. The ripening period for winter garlic is 100-110 days from the moment the first shoots appear; spring garlic ripens 15-20 days longer.

It is very important to provide good care for plants in the summer. If the summer is too dry, additional watering is needed, otherwise the teeth will be small and shriveled.

Tips for gardeners

It is important to remember that garlic does not tolerate acidic soils at all.

  1. When planting winter varieties, fertilizers should be applied in advance, under the previous crop.
  2. Applying nitrogenous fertilizers during the growing season will help significantly improve the shelf life of garlic in the future.
  3. If the soil is depleted, then at all stages of growth it is recommended to apply fertilizing to activate it; this will also speed up the ripening process and improve the quality of the fruit.

An important step in ensuring the quality of the crop is cutting off the arrows. The moment of formation of the arrows cannot be missed, otherwise the root crops will be small. They should be removed when they reach a height of 10 cm from the ground level. If you don’t remove the arrows, the root crops will quickly become unusable, and they certainly won’t last through the winter.

How to store garlic harvest

The optimal storage conditions for the crop are as follows:

  1. Cool air temperature is preferable. Winter crops are best stored at +2...+4 degrees Celsius, and spring crops are stored in warmer conditions.
  2. Humidity – from 60 to 80 percent. With such values, the tubers will not dry out, and they are not in danger of premature rotting either.
  3. Good air exchange is very important. Poor ventilation is a common cause of disease and rot.
  4. It is recommended to store garlic in a place protected from light.

There are many storage methods, all of them are quite good and reliable.

In boxes

The stems of well-dried bulbs are cut short and placed in baskets or wooden boxes with holes for ventilation. Cover the top with a thin cloth. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area.

In grids

Bulbs with low-cut stems are placed in nets with small cells and hung in a specially designated place.

In salt

Salt is a good preservative and protects against moisture. Bulbs, placed in containers and sprinkled with salt, remain fresh and healthy for a long time.

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In paraffin

This method requires preliminary preparation. Several pieces of paraffin are placed in a bowl and melted in a water bath until it reaches a liquid consistency. Then each garlic head is dipped into the liquid and held for a few seconds. When paraffin hardens, it envelops it, reliably protecting it from the influence of the external environment.

In flour

In this way, garlic is preserved well and for a long time even in an apartment. 3-liter jars are used as containers. Place a thick layer of flour on the bottom, and then place the garlic bulbs in the jar, sprinkling them with flour until the entire jar is filled. Wood ash can be used instead of flour if available.

In onion skins

When using this method, garlic is stored well even on a cabinet shelf or on the mezzanine. You will need to first save up more onion skins. Garlic heads are placed in a cardboard box or box, generously sprinkled with husks, which have bactericidal properties and maintain moisture balance, which ensures a long shelf life.

In wicker baskets

This method is good because, thanks to the loose weave of the basket walls, the garlic is well ventilated, which means it spoils less. Some people store vegetables this way right in the room, but you need to remember that winter garlic needs coolness for storage. But spring garlic can easily last for several months at a temperature of about 20 °C.

I love this article!

How to store garlic, a proven method

During storage, you should monitor the condition of the garlic so that it does not spoil. Rotten garlic has a characteristic unpleasant odor. Soft, wrinkled or spotted cloves and whole bulbs may also appear. Damaged heads should be selected from the total mass.

How to properly store garlic for the winter the old-fashioned way

  1. Dried heads of garlic are woven with stems into wreaths or braids.
  2. The garlic bundles are then hung in the open, in a cool, dark and dry place and stored until winter.

How to store garlic so as not to dry out in vegetable oil

  1. Peel the garlic cloves, separating any spoiled or damaged ones.
  2. Place the garlic in sterilized jars.
  3. Pour vegetable oil over the garlic and cover with lids.
  4. Place jars of garlic in the refrigerator or cellar.

How to store garlic in salt

  1. Place whole, unpeeled garlic heads in clean jars.
  2. Sprinkle garlic generously with coarse salt.
  3. Close the jars with lids and place in a cool place.

How to store sprouted garlic

Often, high temperature or humidity causes garlic cloves to sprout. Because of this, garlic loses its valuable properties and juiciness. Sprouted garlic will not be stored for a long time, but you can still preserve it for at least a short time.

  1. To do this, the garlic sprouts should be trimmed and the garlic itself should be transferred to a cooler, darker and drier place.
  2. Watch for the appearance of new sprouts and use up such garlic in a timely manner.

Watch the video: When and how to harvest garlic

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