Tomatoes: characteristics and description of the 25 best varieties with reviews from gardeners | (Photo & Video)

A little history

The tomato is the fruit of a perennial nightshade plant called tomato.

This word and the plant itself came to Russia from France, and to France from Italy, presumably in the 16th century. In Italy, the plants were called pomo d'oro - “golden apple” and they were yellow-sunny in color, because this is how the Mays and Aztecs grew them, believing that “tomatli” were sent to them by the solar goddess of medicine, health and healing - Ishtilton (Ichtilton) .

The Spaniards, who introduced Europe to this golden berry after 1520, introduced it as “pomidel de Peru” - “apple from Peru.” The loving French gave the “apple” its own name, which was used by the Russians for a long time - “une pomme d'amour” - “love apple”.

Both the French and the Spaniards used tomatoes as a remedy for coughs and as a powerful remedy for increasing potency, but frequent consumption of la mela d'oro (“golden apple” - Italian), according to scientists of that time, threatened death.

Such a gift for anyone's heart!

In 1780, new fruits from Italy were served at the table of Catherine the Second, most of which were “golden apples”. The empress liked the new fruit so much that by the greatest decree it was ordered to plant this vegetable for the imperial table and the process of Russification of the Italian “love” berry took on unprecedented proportions.

Oh, the queen didn’t know that tomatoes had long been settled on the outskirts of the Russian Empire as a medicinal vegetable, and Crimeans, Astrakhan, Georgians and other southerners had long mastered the methods of growing French-Italian berries!

By the middle of the 19th century, the area under cultivation of tomatoes developed in Russia was several times larger than the modest beds of all those countries through which the tomato passed to become “in the board” for Russians.

So who is he - Senor Tomato ? By definition, it is a fruit. In the everyday consciousness - a vegetable. According to biological classification - berry. And this fruit and vegetable has long become the king of our greenhouses and gardens!

What varieties of tomatoes does the 21st century offer us?

Let's start with the yellow-orange pomo d'oro, the color "pommel de Peru"!

Honey Saved, Persimmon and Oxheart Orange and Gold. Golden heart

Honey saved

Filled with honey to the brim...

Typically, orange-colored tomatoes are considered more acidic than those with a “skin” of a different color. But these three have an excellent sweet taste! Especially Honey saved!

Bred by such a breeding luminary as V.N. Derenko, Honey Spas, registered in 2004 as a “variety for greenhouses and open ground,” quickly won its place in each region of Russia.

Growing freely in a greenhouse up to 2 m in height (in open ground - up to 170 cm), this nightshade forms on one cluster up to 6 large, round orange or deep yellow, rich berries covered with large green leaves. Berry weight up to 250 g.

Until the “child of the bush” has reached full maturity, a dark green spot remains at the top, near the stalk, which disappears as soon as the pomo d'oro is fully ripe.

Ripe pomo d'oro keeps well in the refrigerator until winter.

Here is a flattering review of Medov:

“I sowed the seeds in mid-March, since I don’t use lighting. The seedlings grew well and strong (spring brought us plenty of sunny days). I planted my tomatoes already in mid-May. I grow a lot of different ones in order to select the best ones for myself.

But the weather in the summer of 2014 was not on the side of gardeners; heavy torrential and prolonged rains were followed by heat. Many died, but Honey saved us, and the first babies on it had already matured by July 20, although it was declared as average, while the well-known Riddle gave nothing at all.

My Honey Spa fruited the longest and lasted until the last and survived the fight against late blight. The last tomatoes were picked clean and healthy, although not very ripe. Honey Spas showed its best side even in not very favorable conditions. Sow this variety and you won’t regret it!”


It even looks sweet!

The Persimmon tomato is not so tall - only 70-90 cm in open ground and 120-140 cm in a greenhouse. Needs a garter. This nightshade has good yields, but is susceptible to frequent diseases.

The shape of the Persimmon berry resembles a persimmon, weighing 350-400 g. Ripe Persimmon is very sweet and fleshy, but overripe ones begin to sour. Excellent for both salads and canning.

Persimmon is the leader in beta carotene content among yellow and orange varieties!

There is no exact definition for ripeness. Judging by the reviews, some believe that ripeness is in a bright, orange-yellow color, others argue that this color is a sign that the Persimmon is already overripe.

To get acquainted with the orange-sunny Persimmon, we suggest watching a short video:


Salad tomato variety

Bull Heart Orange

Indeed, it’s a bull’s heart, only a vegetable one...

Bull's heart Orange is another of the high-yielding and disease-resistant representatives of the “golden Peruvian apples”. For open ground, 5 kg is quite normal. per plant, and for a greenhouse and 12 kg. not the limit!

Oval “hearts” of amazingly balanced sweet and sour taste, large, from 150 to 400 g. There is an Ox heart of red and burgundy color.

It is worth noting that it has serious disadvantages:

  • Completely unsuitable for storage and canning!
  • Weak resistance to late blight.

Bull Heart Golden

A heart “cast” in gold!

Golden bull's heart is up to one and a half meters high with large, fleshy oval “hearts” weighing up to 600 g. The sugar and carotene content in these giants is simply off the charts, just like in the orange “tomatl”. This “love apple” is also good for eating in salads, but can also be processed.

All four yellow-orange vegetables feel good both in unheated greenhouses and under film cover. The planting pattern is 50x70 cm. For the middle zone and Moscow region, it is ideal to leave 1 stem; in a greenhouse you can leave 2-3.

Golden heart

Here's a golden brush

Ox heart is often confused with the Golden Heart variety. And this is not surprising: their shape, color and even taste are almost the same. But there is still a difference!

The leaves of the Golden Heart are small and dark, in contrast to the large, richly colored leaves of the Bull Hearts. And the Golden Heart bush is inferior in sprout size to “Bull Apples” - only up to 70-80 cm.

However, these are the tomatoes that are recommended by the State. Register of Russia for cultivation in garden and summer cottages.

Golden Heart, according to health workers, are ideal tomatoes for baby food.

"Golden heart"

Determinate tomato variety

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Materials from the newspaper "Dachnitsa"

Tomato varieties - selection of varieties: how to find the “right variety”

of tomato varieties provided for publication by the editors of the newspaper "Dachnitsa"
There are only two things that money cannot buy

- love and homemade tomatoes

Tomato 'King of Siberia'

Tomato 'Talisman'

Tomato 'Watermelon'

Tomato 'Rosy cheeks'

Tomato 'Pink Elephant'

Tomato 'Abbot'

Tomato 'Wild Rose'

Tomato 'Irina'

Tomato 'Snowdrop'

A few years ago, I often heard: there is no point in growing tomatoes yourself, since there are quite a lot of them on store shelves almost all year round


I don’t hear such statements today. In recent years, more and more owners of gardens and summer cottages have been striving to get a harvest of everyone’s favorite tomatoes in their beds. Obviously, such a desire is justified if only by the fact that there is no tomato that tastes better than one grown in your own garden or dacha. Not the least argument is the environmental component, since it is often simply unprofitable for vegetable producers to grow an environmentally friendly product for many reasons. There are so many complaints from consumers about the quality of the tomatoes they buy that one can rightly say that “saving drowning people is the job of the drowning people themselves.”

I had the opportunity to introduce my experience and technology of growing tomatoes to the readers of Summer Resident. Now I would like to familiarize vegetable growers in more detail with the varieties of tomatoes that I grow, which have proven themselves very well in the conditions of the middle zone and in other regions of the country.

I grow 60 varieties of tomatoes in open ground and in greenhouses. They have been selected over many years and have been tested in cold and rainy summers, heat and all those weather surprises that the climate of the middle zone presents. The selection criteria were:

Ripening period

. The variety must have time to produce its harvest of tomatoes ripened on the bushes in the short northern summer, regardless of what it will be like.


. The harvest should please the gardener.

Taste qualities

A tomato grown in your own garden bed or in a greenhouse simply must be tasty, bring pleasure and pleasure when consumed. It was necessary to find and select varieties for long winter consumption
, which, when prepared at home, are not only tasty, but also capable of looking aesthetically pleasing.

In the middle zone and in more northern regions, it is important
for eating fresh tomatoes
as early as possible and, if possible, to extend it as long as possible, and this also requires an appropriate selection of varieties.

The season for consuming ripened fruits opens (in the first ten days of July) with ultra-early ripening varieties of open ground: Abbot, Alpha, Boni-MM, Labrador, Atom, Apples on the Snow, Ultra-early ripening,
Basically, they all manage to harvest by the end of the first ten days of August, with the exception of the Talisman variety. With enviable regularity, new tomatoes grow on it instead of ripe tomatoes, and the fruiting process continues until frost. The varieties that begin to ripen first in the greenhouse are Em-Champion
They are soon joined by the King of Early
Fruiters and
Early Large Fruiters

Literally 7–10 days after the ultra-early ripening varieties, early open ground varieties begin to ripen: 0-33, I-2, I-3, Red Riding Hood, Irina, Podsnezhnik, Los, Orenburgets, Utro, Sibiryak, Charodey

etc. At the beginning of the third decade of July, almost all varieties of greenhouse tomatoes also begin to turn red. And since their fruiting process is extended and, compared to open-ground tomatoes, they are in more comfortable conditions, greenhouse tomato varieties provide the opportunity to enjoy tasty and, figuratively speaking, fleshy tomatoes until late autumn.

It took many years to select varieties that, in short summer conditions, are not inferior in taste to tomatoes grown in the south of the country. After all, many gardeners in central Russia still have the opinion that in our conditions it is impossible to grow tasty tomatoes. However, this opinion is far from the truth. More than once the residents of Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory who visited me were convinced of this to their surprise. Moreover, at present, gardeners in the southern region have a rather acute problem of acquiring good varieties of tomatoes, as well as other vegetable and melon crops. Keen hobbyists can grow not only tasty, large tomatoes, but also choose a rich range of colors of their favorite vegetables. My family and I really like this variety, since I grow not only the usual red tomatoes, but also yellow, orange, white, pink, raspberry, brown and green (when ripe). Over time, this assortment determined the taste preferences of my household: someone liked the yellow varieties of tomatoes - King of Siberia, Golden Queen

Their fruits are not only large (up to 600 g) and beautiful, but also very tasty, literally melting in your mouth. Early, high-yielding varieties; the tomatoes, pleasing to the eye, look royal. Tomatoes of the Raspberry Giant
have been highly appreciated by vegetable growers. The first fruits grow large, up to 800 g. Fleshy, sugary and beautiful tomatoes will decorate any holiday table.

The group of pink tomato varieties is represented by the following varieties: Pink Elephant

(up to 800 g),
Pink Giant
(up to 800 g),
Miracle of the Earth
(up to 600 g),
Wild Rose
(up to 500-600 g), etc. All of them represent not only high taste, but also an excellent harvest (especially different Wild rose).
Brown, at first glance not very “pretty” tomatoes, are represented by the Paul Robeson tomato variety.
But the external impression will be forgotten after the first tasting.
the Snow White
variety look very exotic in salads and simply in a set .
Not very large (up to 300 g), they have good taste and yield. Pearl Drop
also adds exoticism and festiveness .
Dense, well-stored orange-colored pear-shaped tomatoes weighing 150-200 g with very good taste will delight tomato connoisseurs. But Kiwi
are valued not only for their very good taste (very similar to kiwi) and harvest.
They are in demand, according to many summer residents who do not regularly visit their dacha, as a decoy from uninvited guests, since their attention is attracted primarily by already ripe tomatoes, usually of a more common red color. And the fact that green-fruited tomatoes of the “Kiwi” variety hang ripe, not every profit lover knows about that. Similar to the Kiwi variety is the green-fruited tomato variety Zelenaya sweet

The ideas of many gardeners that only in closed ground in our climatic conditions it is possible to grow and obtain a harvest of large tomatoes with rich, low-seeded pulp are refuted by new large-fruited varieties. Vegetable growers are only delighted by the Watermelon

The tall bush, which requires repeated tying to a strong peg, pleases not only with a high yield, but also with large (up to 800 g) tomatoes with a high sugar content. When such a tomato is broken, the flesh turns silver, and the taste of a tomato that has absorbed the energy of the sun, ripening in open ground, will appeal to the most fastidious tasters. Very similar to the Watermelon tomato, the Chinese Pink
is just as tall, with large fruits and excellent taste, only the green stripes that are barely visible on the Watermelon tomatoes are missing.

Vegetable growers from all regions of Russia are very fond of medium-sized tomatoes of the Rosy Cheeks

. In terms of yield per bush (watermelon and Chinese pink tomatoes can yield up to 12 kg), they are inferior to them. By fruit weight too. But the 300-gram tomatoes, even as if chosen, are very beautiful, very tasty, and aromatic. The pulp literally melting in your mouth creates the feeling of a successfully ending gardening season.

Unlike Rosy Cheeks tomatoes, Volgar

the average weight of which is in the range of 250-300 g. The bush is tall, the variety is very productive, the fruits have excellent taste.

All of the above-mentioned open ground varieties begin to ripen on the bushes a little later, but the bulk of the tomatoes have time to ripen, and I pick the rest at ripeness. All of them are stored for quite a long time, extending the period of consumption of fresh tomatoes until late autumn. , the Red Stone variety is more suitable for long-term storage

Under appropriate conditions, dense, medium-sized tomatoes can be preserved until the New Year.

No matter how we stretch out the period of eating fresh tomatoes, we cannot do without homemade preparations for the long Russian winter. Almost all varieties are used for these purposes, and yet experienced vegetable growers prefer to grow varieties intended for whole-fruit canning. Salad varieties are not the most suitable option for homemade preparations (with the exception of salads, tomato juice, ketchups, etc.). But cherry tomatoes, specially grown for canning, will delight you not only with the beautiful appearance of canned whole-fruit tomatoes, but also with their taste. One of these varieties is the Best

. The variety belongs to the group of so-called clusters, in which the fruits in each cluster ripen almost together and are of the same size. Each cluster of the Best variety contains up to 70-80 tomatoes weighing 20 g. Up to 5-7 clusters on each medium-sized bush, which requires sparse planting, since the variety is spreading and literally covered with fruits. They have thick walls, strong skin and dense pulp. They do not deteriorate on the bush for a long time, they can be removed once a week. Very sweet in preparations and perfectly even in size, they look beautiful in jars.

Duckling is very popular among vegetable growers.

If the previous variety is intended primarily for preparations, then Utenok can be called a universal variety. Very good as a salad, and also quite light. It is from tomatoes of this variety that excellent and beautiful jam is made. Orange tomatoes with dense flesh and strong skin look delicious in a jar, will decorate the holiday table, and will allow you to enjoy very sweet and tasty tomatoes that have retained the aroma of freshness. I will add that this is the only variety in my tomato collection whose fruits are not susceptible to late blight, although I regularly remove diseased branches. For those who prefer to prepare larger tomatoes, I recommend the Buyan
. Equally dense and also shelf-stable (weighing up to 150 g), red tomatoes retain their fruit shape well when preserved.

Thus, the selected assortment of varieties will allow you not only to enjoy the taste of fresh tomatoes for a relatively long period, but also to create a supply of delicious tomatoes from your garden for the winter.

Nikolay Anatolyevich KHOROSHEV, Kostroma region, Manturovo

Photo by the author

Let's meet pink tomatoes!

Pink Pink, De Barao, Pink Honey, Giant, Sanka and Mazarin. This magnificent six has gained extraordinary popularity in Russia because of its taste, excellent keeping quality and ease of care.

Not only is the acid content in pink tomatoes lower than in red ones, they also delight gardeners with a high content of lycopene (a carotenoid that breaks down fats) . More recently, it was believed that the champions in terms of the content of this pigment, which gives the leaves and fruits a blood-red color, are tomatoes , best of all overripe ones.

However, Pink, Honey, Giant, De Barao, Mazarin, and with them Sanka, Flamingo and Miracle of the Earth, are superior to the usual dark tomatoes in terms of the content of this antioxidant. This means that consuming pink “tomatillos” significantly reduces the risk of developing cataracts, gingivitis, coronary disease and atherosclerosis.

Let's get acquainted!

pink pink

Small, strong, like a cucumber!

There is some “oil oil” here, because “pink” in English is translated as “pink”. This rosy-cheeked youngster (150-190 g) has a dense, aromatic and meaty appearance. In addition, this is one of the earliest salad vegetables to ripen; the period for picking berries is 65-75 days after planting the “short-growing plant”.

But strong pinkies are also good in pickles and marinades , and the paste from them turns out to be a pleasant light shade.

A very important point for the gardener! All types of Pinks are resistant to cracking!

The already well-known Paradise and Unicum were recently joined by a new hybrid (F-1) - Pink Heart.

The new product can be found here:

"Pink Heart Pink Tomato F1"

Early hybrid of tall tomato

Pink honey

So handsome! You won’t get tired of admiring!

This ruddy Honey is characterized not just by sweet and delicate “apples” in consistency, but by the almost complete absence of seeds in them . From one plant, twisted from 2 stems, in a good year you can remove up to 6 kg. strong, pink-cheeked “medics.” The height is up to a meter, and the ripening time is 100-110 days after planting in a greenhouse or open ground.

Honey is a common determinant , that is, new stepsons appear gradually and must be removed, otherwise the period of “giving away” the harvest will drag on indefinitely, and in open ground conditions this is not always justified, because the return should be friendly - take it off, roll it up and forget it!

Before planting, it is worth treating the area with antifungal compounds: late blight is the main scourge for Pink honey!

A little secret. Sometimes the green spot on an apparently ripe “medicine” does not disappear for a long time. There is no harm in this! Slightly underripe “une pomme d'amour” should be removed and left to ripen along with any other red tomatoes.

De Barao

Small but remote

This baby, although it weighs only 50-70 g, is resistant to late blight, unlike delicate seedless Honey . Forming in the same way as Honey in 2 stems, it grows up to 50-60 cm, and the fruits can be harvested after 120 days. The harvest will be 4 kg. from a plant.

De Barao belongs to super-determinate varieties, such as Sanka.

Neither De Barao nor Sanka require the removal of stepsons , because they stop growing after throwing out 4 or 6 brushes.

De Barao requires rare but very abundant watering per 1 sq.m. there should be no more than 3 double-stemmed sprouts - a powerful root system will interfere with the development of a neighboring plant with equally powerful roots.

Planting in open ground no earlier than the first days of May . You can go to the greenhouse a couple of weeks earlier.

According to reviews, De Barao, grown by gardeners for several years now,

“... has never failed, always produces an excellent harvest, and quickly responds to any feeding. Cute tomatoes are very tasty and pickle well. It’s easy to roll up to 40 3-liter jars in a season!”


Good! Oh, and our Sanka is good!

This is another super-determinant, only 50 cm high . and a berry weight of up to 80 g. Sooner it stops stretching upward and rushes to form and fill its friendly fruits, which are distinguished by their amazing “one-dimensionality”.

Sanka has something else to boast about:

  • These juicy balls with thick skin can be not only pink, but also red and black (it all depends on the type of Sanka)
  • Sanka prefers the open ground of the Central region, zoned for Kursk and nearby regions, feels great in the Moscow region
  • All 3 types of Sanka mature in 75-80 days
  • The planting pattern is compacted 35x45, but they do not tolerate weeds nearby.
  • Drought resistant

In rainy weather, you can become a victim of late blight in just a few hours!

More details about cute Sanka here:


Low-growing tomato variety


A very “bearded” sprout!

The name Signora Tomato is directly related to the cardinal and first minister of France, an Italian by birth, Giulio Mazarin. The Italian goatee is exactly the same shape as a pink tomato. Or vice versa? Or do you mean hot southern blood? The “hot blood” of this nightshade is “hot” only in the South!

The Mazarin tomato can be grown in open ground only in the southern regions of the Caucasus and Crimea . In the middle regions and Leningrad region. The Peruvian berry feels good only in heated greenhouses.

This is an F-1 hybrid with a powerful, weakly leafy stem up to 1.5 m high, with 4-5 brushes, on which large (180-200 g) red-pink “beards” flaunt, which darken as they ripen . Productivity – 4-20 kg. from 4 bushes into one stem, which grow without interfering with each other over an area of ​​1 sq.m.

This vegetable is extremely good fresh, as well as for making juices and sauces.

Let's take into account the amazing resistance of the Mazarin tomato to blossom end rot, fusarium and cladosporiosis.

It is worth emphasizing that the main care for the red-pink “love apple” will consist of timely pinching (indeterminate variety), fertilizing with mineral complex fertilizers and abundant watering when the “beards” are forming.


Heavy, huge and beautiful!

This pink “love apple” really “suffers from gigantism”! If the stem is not trimmed in time, then “une pomme d'amour” can grow into a real tree 5-5.5 m tall!

The fruits are not of the same suit: the cluster can contain both 300 g and 2 kg berries. It will take 115-120 days to ripen, and new ones will constantly appear, so excess flowers should be eliminated in time before the ovary appears.

On 1 square it will be good for 2 single-stem plants with a mandatory garter. The fruits are consumed fresh; they are not suitable for storage or preservation.

It is not easy to get hold of Giant seed material - the number of seeds in this fruit is tiny , and it is almost impossible to preserve them at home. It's a shame, though!

No matter which of the pink “tomatoes” finds its home on your site, these pink-cheeked berries will definitely not be able to disappoint you!

You can learn about the Miracle of the Earth collectible tomato from this video:

"Miracle of the Earth"

Collection variety of tomatoes

Tomatoes: in search of ideal varieties

They say that the best is the enemy of the good, but this rule does not seem to apply to gardeners. Here we are, having two dozen proven, wonderful varieties of tomatoes, and every year we try something new. In the last article I shared my impressions of tomatoes with unusual colors, now I’ll tell you about new products in red and yellow colors and remember the best old varieties.

The main selection criterion is, of course, high taste. Their assessment is very subjective, and also highly depends on many factors - weather, soil, growing area. For greater objectivity, we held tastings with the whole family and invited friends. And here are the results of our selection:

• Kibits of Ukrainian selection, a compact bush of 0.7 meters, hung with red dense cream, very suitable for preparations.

• Banana Legs (Banana Legs), Sweden - up to 1 m high. A beautiful early-ripening tomato variety with thin lacy leaves. Dense icicle fruits up to 10 cm long, lemon-colored with pearlescent stripes. A very productive variety. Ideal for canning whole fruits and salads.

• Mongolian dwarf (creeping) - height does not exceed 50 cm. A distinctive feature is that the main trunk at a height of approximately 20 cm begins to bend sharply downwards. Stepchildren grow on it, which, in turn, also tend to the ground and spread along it. Since the soil is covered with grass, the sight of red fruits lying on the grass impresses even experienced gardeners - visitors to our garden. The weight of the fruit is up to 200 grams, red in color, fleshy and balanced in taste. This is a variety for the lazy, it does not require pinching or staking, and in terms of productivity it is perhaps not inferior to the Heavyweight of Siberia.

• Flaschentomaten (Flyashentomaten) super-yielding tall variety. It bears well on huge clusters of bright red, narrow, finger-shaped fruits up to 8 cm long, with a sweet taste. He is incredibly beautiful, our granddaughter Dasha is simply fascinated by him. Good for whole-fruit canning and drying. Fruiting lasts until frost, it’s October, and there are plenty of them - clean, even, festive, like New Year’s garlands, hanging from the ceiling, decorating the empty greenhouse.

Unique Kulchitsky with red fruits weighing 80g, reliable and resistant to autumn cold, has become unrivaled Unique to Kulchitsky - early ripening. The plant is 1.5 - 1.8 m high. The clusters are simple, 8 - 12 fruits each and there are a lot of these clusters! The fruits are very beautiful, bright red, round, smooth, of the same size, weighing 80 g, fleshy, sweet. The value of the variety: early ripening, at the same time very extended - from July to September, excellent taste, excellent presentation of the fruit, extremely abundant fruiting. They say there is no limit to perfection. However, such discoveries happen when you believe that the ideal is achievable. Such a find this year was Violetta - a tall variety for greenhouses with large raspberry fruits of a regular, slightly flattened shape. I have never seen anything more delicious! On the cut there is one sparkling pulp, dense, but not hard, the seed chambers are almost indistinguishable - they are so small and contain single seeds. Productivity was also high. It should be noted that this is a variety of amateur selection and there is very little information about it. About old “friends” In the open ground you can’t do without the beloved Labrador , a champion in early ripening, which manages to give away the entire harvest in June-July. Abbot is not inferior to it - it is more powerful, bushes up to 60 cm, fruits up to 100g, they bear fruit abundantly and every year even in the cold summer, managing to escape late blight. Thanks to these short “hard workers,” some of my colleagues, who had sworn off planting green tomatoes “for the compost pit,” began to successfully grow this crop again. Among the low-growing ones, Rosy Cheeks is a salad variety of wonderful taste and beauty. The ideal round shape, bright pink with raspberry blush fruits reach 250g. Of the low-growing open ground tomatoes, they are one of the most delicious; they ripen at the end of July. Volgar is also good, but with a denser skin and bright red fruits weighing up to 200g. The bush is stocky, 70 cm, corresponds to its courageous name and is characterized by high productivity in any weather, and is relatively resistant to late blight. Duckling (orange) is a standard variety; it does not need to be pinched; due to its thick, fleshy walls, it is irreplaceable in preparations. The heavyweight of Siberia is an early ripening variety for open ground, it combines (a rare case!) large fruit and short stature - only 60 cm. The fruits are deep pink, heart-shaped, weighing up to 600g. Rich in flavor, juicy, ideal for salads, this is our main source of tomato juice. The heavyweight amazes with an incredible harvest; fruiting is so abundant that it requires not only garters, but sometimes also fruit stands. Golden Fish red - early, no higher than a meter, oval drop-shaped, the fruits are very tasty up to 90g, good in salads and preparations. He is more resistant to late blight than others; in unfavorable times he was one of the last to get sick. Among the low-growing varieties, this is the best variety in all respects. Our grandmother was proud of him, and we value him very much. In the greenhouse, an old favorite is large-fruited Pink Honey - one of the most delicious salad varieties. Tomatoes are pink-fruited, sugar broken, sweet. The weight of the fruit on the first clusters sometimes reaches 700 grams, it is not very tall - about 1 meter, and grows well in open ground. And again about agricultural technology... I will mention some features of growing tomatoes. We fill the soil well with humus and ash, and add a tablespoon of superphosphate to the hole. There are thus enough nutrients for the entire season. We water once when planting seedlings, then we do without watering. The roots penetrate deep and seek moisture themselves. It also comes with rains, after which the plantings can be fed with an infusion of grass. It may not be possible to do without watering in areas with hot climates and places with sandy soil. Mandatory work is the removal of stepsons; we do not allow more than two trunks on tomatoes. The soil under plantings is always mulched with mown grass in a layer of up to 10 cm, this helps to retain moisture and heat in the soil during daily temperature fluctuations. The main barrier to late blight is preventive measures. It begins with the autumn harvesting of tops and damaged fruits - everything is buried in the ground, in future ridges where we do not plan to plant nightshade crops. Sulfur fumigation is very effective in a greenhouse; we carry it out in October, when the harvest is harvested. Do not forget that the smoke is poisonous; you can enter the greenhouse after 24 hours. In the summer we spray tomatoes with a solution of phytosporin; this product is harmless, unlike copper-containing preparations, and can be used every two weeks. And one more thing: we don’t plant potatoes next to tomatoes, we are convinced that the potatoes get sick first, and then the tomatoes! We collect fruits only when they are ripe; I am sure that the ripening of some fruits does not interfere with the harvesting of others, but tomatoes ripened on the bush are the most delicious, sweet and healthy. ...and about watering: why do useless work? We have not watered tomatoes for more than 20 years, and many gardeners in the country support us in this, the feedback convinces us of this. The fact that our fellow countrymen - residents of the North-West - are among the adherents of the method is not surprising, because the conditions are approximately the same: the climate is not too hot, the soil is sometimes heavy, and there are rains. But the approving reviews from more southern regions are especially impressive; here’s what a resident of Belarus writes about her experience: “... this dry summer I involuntarily remembered your tomatoes on a dry ration. I admit that I didn’t water it on purpose, I just didn’t have enough strength to carry water anymore. The harvest was very good, although the soil was sandy...” I understand that it is morally difficult to deprive your pets of water, so I suggest: try not to water at least part of your plantings. I am sure that you will enjoy saving your energy and time. By the way, to make life easier, besides watering, there are many more actions that you can painlessly refuse. For example, in the pre-sowing preparation of seeds. They are not advised to process them in any way: soaking them in various liquids and solutions - salt, honey, potassium permanganate, aloe, ash, freezing... I have tested some of them and do not want to indiscriminately claim that they are all useless, but it is difficult to classify them as evidence-based. In any case, in recent years I have not carried out any pre-sowing treatment of my seeds at all, I sow them dry or soaked for 2-3 hours in ordinary water, and I am pleased with the result. Refusal to water goes hand in hand with such a wonderful technique as mulching. It conserves moisture and enriches the soil with organic matter, making it soft and crumbly, not to mention suppressing weeds. I mulch with mowed grass, and not in a thick layer and not at once (this provokes mold), but by periodically adding grass. Every year testing new products, I noticed that successful varieties are more often found in areas with a climate similar to ours, while southern plants are more capricious. We select varieties carefully, even meticulously; we reject plants with fruits of mediocre taste, irregular shape - clumsy, with cracks or green “shoulders”. The search for the perfect tomato continues...

Igor Semyonovich Pechurin

Now let's look at the red-cheeked representatives of la mela d'oro.

Red-red F-1, Siberian precocious, King of kings, Babushkino

Let's skip ahead to the classic hybrid.

Red-red F-1

Like a bright light in the garden

This is not just a red tomato, this is a pure scarlet tomato! And despite the fact that this “spark” still does not feel very comfortable among the established types of tomatoes, it is stable enough to recommend it for private greenhouses and plots - it is reproduced from the seeds that its berries contain without changes.

The berry size is average (at least 150 g, but not more than 500).

Number of scarlet balls up to 7 pcs., early ripening. The pulp is very juicy, classic tomato taste with a slight sourness, when broken it is sugary, loose, crystalline. The height of the stem does not exceed one and a half meters.


Everything for your beloved grandchildren!

But this is not a hybrid at all and, contrary to widespread rumors, the F-1 does not have any hybrids! Grandmother's Basket, Grandmother's Happiness, Grandmother's Kiss or Grandmother's Secret are separate varieties of “grandmothers”.

And Grandma’s Secret generally applies to pink tomatoes! True, this does not prevent Secret from growing sunny fruit weighing up to 700 g, but to be honest, the normal weight of the fruit is 350-400 g.

But let's return to the blush-red Babushkino. Their weight is 300-800 g. Outwardly, the skin of the flat-round, smooth, dense “granddaughters” may have a faint pinkish tint, but when scrapped you can see how bright red their flesh is. “Apple” can be stored for a long time, but its puree tastes simply excellent! Salads and marinades are also good. There are usually 12 of these red-cheeked “granddaughters” on the hand.

Grandmother's mid-early plant can be planted not only with seedlings, but also with seeds in open ground, because These sprouts tolerate low temperatures well and are resistant to common tomato diseases. So Babushkino tomatoes can be grown in any region of Russia!

Siberian early ripening

Turns red right before our eyes...

This Peruvian fruit especially pleases residents of the Urals and Siberia . It can be sold under different names: Siberian Tiger, Siberian Giant, Siberian Trump, Siberian Malachite, Siberian Bear and even Siberian Pirouette or Cossack. These are all varieties of an early, productive, low-growing variety of Siberian early ripening bunch tomato.

The name speaks for itself - a pleasant red color with yellow-green “streaks” or an orange-yellow tint, weighing 100-120 g , with a yield of up to 7 kg. from an open bush and up to 9 kg. in the greenhouse.

The bush is not tall, but it must be tied up - due to the abundance of heavy bunches, it can simply break.

Excellent pure tomato taste, ideal for juices and salads . The downside is that it is completely devoid of keeping quality, and when you try to fill it with marinade, it bursts.

But it is absolutely resistant to brown spot and tobacco mottle virus (TMV). It is resistant to other nightshade diseases with a solid “4”.

You can look at this striped-motley “Ural” here:

"Siberian precocious"

Early ripening tomato variety

King of Kings

A royal product - definitely!

This is another giant among tomate, the favorite “tomatl” of Ukraine and Moldova.

Bushes with medium foliage reach 1.80-2 m in height, so it is worth forming them into 2 stems and be sure to tie them up , otherwise round, dense, heavy tomatoes weighing 1 kg (and more!) will easily break the fragile support, and the entire harvest will be destroyed. 5-6 kg. from the bush will end up on the ground.

One can sing songs of praise about the taste qualities of the mid-late King, they are so good fresh, in salad delights, and in tomato pastes and juices. This is when the berry has already turned deep red, and while it is still yellow-green, it is readily used as an ingredient for interesting winter salads and as individual twists.

Nobleman or Budenovka?

How to distinguish and is there a difference?

And so - Nobleman .

Noble berries

The powerful stem grows up to 80 cm in height . Formed from 2 initial ones.

In order for the plant to become as fruitful as possible, only 1 stepson is left at the bottom under the very first flower cluster, the rest are pinched.

Somewhat similar to the Bull's heart - elongated, heart-shaped (sometimes adjacent to rounded, robust ones), weighing up to 500 g , fleshy, sugary at the break, excellent sweet, slightly sour taste of freshly squeezed juice. A whitish spot remains on the cut near the stalk.

Ideal for table consumption . Unfortunately, it cannot be stored for a long time.

Now - Budenovka .

The nobleman, having changed color, becomes... Budenovka!

A powerful bush grows up to 80 cm in height... And so on.

The description is one to one with the Nobleman . So why are they still separated by name? There is a difference - the color of the berry.

Velmozhi has red-burgundy fruits, while Budenovka has bright pink-scarlet fruits.

Both tomatoes have common related roots, hence their identity . The only difference is the color!

From reviews of Velmozhe and Budenovka:

“I grew Budenovka for many years and was very pleased. This year I replaced her with Nobleman. It is more productive, it seems to me, although the varieties are very similar. The fruits grow by leaps and bounds, are very fleshy and sweet. The trouble is that they quickly lose their elasticity, but they don’t go into salads and are not processed – that’s just it!”

Here's the opposite review:

“This year I tried Velmozha. Didn't like it at all! The fruits quickly lose their elasticity, begin to leak, and become soft. Next year I will return to my beloved Budenovka!”

Varieties for open ground

Not every summer resident has a plot size that allows him to install a greenhouse. Therefore, it is necessary to choose varieties of black tomatoes intended for cultivation in open ground. If necessary, in the spring you can cover the plants with film to protect them from low air temperatures.


Mid-season high-yielding variety of universal cultivation. The indeterminate type of bush, which grows up to 150 cm, requires staking to a support.

Burgundy tomatoes with a purple tint, flat-round in shape with obvious ribbing, gain an average weight of about 300 g.

The pulp is juicy, sweet with a slight sourness. The skin is dense and does not crack. Tomatoes store well and withstand long-term transportation. The fruits ripen well outside the bush, acquiring a rich taste and color during storage.

Reviews: gardeners note that they like the size and taste of the tomatoes, as well as the amount of harvest. Among the disadvantages, possible damage to the bushes by late blight is noted, so it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.

Black Prince

An early ripening variety that, even with minimal harvest, produces a rich harvest. The bushes are medium-sized, spreading, and require staking to supports. It is recommended to grow the variety in open ground through seedlings, the seeds of which are sown at the end of February. The first ovary will appear around mid-June. The bushes need to be watered regularly to get a decent harvest.

Burgundy tomatoes gain weight of 150-450 g. The skin is thin and cracks, which is why the variety does not tolerate transportation over long distances. They can be used to prepare sauces, salads and juices.

Reviews: Gardeners in their reviews note the high percentage of seed germination, good survival rate of seedlings, and a rich harvest of tasty tomatoes.


A versatile salad variety. Determinate type of bush, plants grow in open ground up to 85-110 cm in height, in a greenhouse - a little more. They do not need to be formed and tied to supports. One course gives about 5 kg of vegetables.

Many small round-shaped tomatoes are formed on the bush, the average weight of which reaches 100-120 g. The pulp is juicy, sweet with a slight sourness. Tomatoes have good keeping quality and are resistant to long-distance transportation.

Reviews: gardeners note that they like the rich harvest and excellent taste of tomatoes. Many people have been growing this variety for several years.

Black icicle

Mid-early, the ripened vegetables of which can be tasted 90-110 days after the first shoots appear from the ground. Indeterminate variety, produces a rich harvest in open ground and under film cover even in bad weather. Resistant to nightshade diseases. Up to 9 fruits are formed on each brush. It is recommended to form bushes into 3-4 stems.

Reviews: Gardeners note the excellent ability of the variety to set fruit. Many people enjoy the sweet taste of tomatoes and their versatile uses.

Paul Robson

Mid-season, the fruits of which appear 105-110 days after the sprouts emerge from the ground. Variety, semi-determinate variety for salad purposes. Bushes grow up to 120-150 cm in height. They need to be pinned and tied to supports. Each bunch contains 3-5 tomatoes. Red-brown fruits with a chocolate tint, flat-round shape, gain weight 150-250 g. The pulp is juicy, sweet, tasty, contains a lot of sugar and lycopene.

Black pear

Mid-season, tomatoes ripen 110-115 days after sprouts appear from the ground. Popular varieties of Russian gardeners. Universal cultivation. Indeterminate type of bush.

The bushes are powerful, growing up to 160-180 cm in height. They need to be pinned and tied to supports.

The pear-shaped fruits of universal use gain a weight of 55-80 g. Ripe tomatoes are brown in color. The skin is dense and does not crack, so tomatoes can be transported over long distances.

Reviews: gardeners note the good keeping quality of tasty fruits and average yield.

Black bunch

Early ripening, ripe fruits appear 80 days after sprouts emerge from the ground. A hybrid indeterminate variety whose fruits resemble large black currants collected in clusters. Universal cultivation, so it can be cultivated in open and closed ground. Shows good immunity to nightshade diseases. One bush produces 6 kg of vegetables.

The bushes grow up to 150 cm in height. The leaves are diamond-shaped. Each bunch bears 10 small tomatoes with an average weight of 50-70 g. The dark red flesh is fleshy, juicy, with a plum flavor. Universal in use.

Reviews: summer residents note the delicious taste and beautiful appearance of tomatoes. They are often used to decorate dishes and salads. Few people can preserve these fruits, as they eat them fresh.

When growing black tomatoes in open ground, it is initially recommended to fertilize the soil. Also, do not plant bushes in low-lying areas and clay soil. Tomatoes love the sun, but react negatively to drafts. It is best to plant seedlings in the morning or evening, when the sun's rays are not yet so hot.

Watch the video! Black tomatoes (best varieties of tomatoes)

These varieties will also be of interest:

Rose, Lyubasha, Katya, Gina and Ogorodnik

Sounds like “Three Sisters and Uncle Vanya.” More precisely, four sisters. And Uncle Vanya is a gardener. Let's go!


Ripe Rosette

It turns out there are a lot of tomatoes named Rose. Starting with the female names Rose, Rosalina and Rosanna, we also find Wild Rose, Tea Rose and even Wind Rose. And all these are the names of varieties, which are all resistant to heat or drought, generally tolerate temperature fluctuations calmly, and are willing to put up with poor soil and insufficient awareness of novice tomato growers.

At the same time, they will delight with consistently high yields of pink and pink-red fruits with excellent taste in almost any region of our vast Motherland.

Each region will definitely have its own Rose, tall or small, and not susceptible to tomato diseases. It is very convenient that the “apples” can be collected unripe in the amount of 6 kg. from the bush and wait for them to ripen at home.

Or you can take them to your relatives - they are perfectly transported, both fresh and in jars with marinade . Very resilient Rose!


Our Lyubasha is good!

The F-1 hybrid is also extremely unpretentious, and also ultra-early (70-75 days) and productive . Perfect for open ground if the bush is formed into 3 stems and allowed to grow up to 1 m.

Fruitlets of 100-130 g in a friendly family of 7-8 berries ripen on a simple inflorescence . Once ripe, they acquire a rich, sweet and iridescent red color.

They are not prone to whims - they do not crack and are easily transported due to their thick skin. We add here resistance to disease and drought and give it an “excellent” rating.


Katya in a red sundress

Another F-1, and since no more than 80 days pass from germination to maturity, it also applies to ultra-early.

The formation of fruits is also similar - small red tomatoes are kept in a family of 8-9 pieces, ripen together, each weighs 110-130 g, and the yield is up to 10 kg. in open areas and up to 15 kg. under the film.

Excellent taste, aroma and transportability. Good both for the table and in processed form. Of course - “excellent”!



This “sister” is a complete pleasure for the owner of the plot: it is not susceptible to diseases, does not require molding, does not require pinching or thinning, it grows and bears fruit equally well, both in a greenhouse and under a film or in open ground. Height – 60-65 cm.

Gina's fresh red tomato weighs up to 260-280 g, in total there are from 3 to 6 of them on a brush.

The balanced combination of acid and sugar makes pomo d'oro taste excellent.

The peculiarity is the late cultivation of seedlings (March-April) and immersing them in the ground no earlier than the soil warms up to 18*. The seedlings must be at least 45 days old!


Two “caps” of Parsley the gardener

Apparently, out of respect for the hard work of a villager or dacha resident, they bred a beautiful type of tomatoes for open ground, grateful for the yield for their care, like a dying flame - the Gardener Petrusha. These are salad “apples” with an affectionate name, early ripening (90-100 days), capable of producing up to 10 kg. juicy fruits from a square . And this is without shelter!

Under a film cover and even in an unheated polycarbonate greenhouse, the Gardener will rise to 120-150 cm, and the harvest from 1 sq.m. (3-4 bushes) will be 11-14 kg. Harvesting is from July until frost.

Among the advantages: there is no thickening of the leaf, it responds gratefully to any little feeding, it is indifferent to drought, it is resistant to diseases, it is good both fresh and in pickling marinades. A worthy neighbor for the “sisters” on the site!

In our beds there are also “French” and “Prussians”! No, not French tomatoes and German cockroaches! These are Truffle and Koenigsberg tomatoes.


Here it is, either a “pumpkin” or a “potato mushroom”!

This non-French tomato with the name of mushroom-potato could be:

  • red
  • pink
  • black
  • yellow
  • orange

It can also be Sweet or Japanese.

The truffle is not French or Japanese, it was bred by Russian breeders, it is Russian! And very quickly it fell in love with gardeners for its excellent taste, excellent keeping quality, amazing resistance to tomato diseases, minimal reaction to weather changes, and the ability to grow under or without film. And, of course, the fruits have an unusual elongated shape, weighing 100-130 g each.

This shape and fairly dense skin make it possible to use Truffle tomatoes in salads and winter preparations, especially since 7-8 kg can be harvested from one bush in 105-110 days. The bush is quite tall - 1.5 m, very leafy, so for 1 sq.m. no more than 2 bushes!

It really needs additional feedings of potassium and phosphorus! A garter is simply necessary, because... All types of Truffle have very brittle branches.

The downside is cracking of ripe tomatoes. But this can be easily eliminated by not frequent but abundant watering. The second way to preserve fruits stretched into a “pumpkin” is to pick them unripe and let them “stay” with others, for example, with Pink honey. And they are not at all suitable for making juices and pastes!

According to business executives:

“We can it and use it to make vegetable salads. Well, a very good variety for the middle zone!”

And here is the video:

"Japanese truffle"

Indeterminate tomato variety


It's not a lemon at all! This is Koenigsberg!

Although the culture bears the name of one of the Eastern provinces of German Prussia (until 1945), this is one of the best works of the breeders Vladimir Nikolaevich Dederko, Olga Postnikova and Alexander Yabrov already known to us.

From the description we can conclude that this plant is a tall hybrid . The stems are 2 m high, thin, branched, require pinching, gartering, feeding...

But the harvest is beyond praise! On one cluster there are 7-10 cylindrical berries, weighing 150-300 g. The taste is delicious, pure tomato, wonderful, both fresh and canned. Harvest - up to 20 kilos per square!

Varietal tomatoes do not have such unrealistic indicators.

However, Koenigsberg is not F-1, it is a real variety of the newest tomatoes!

Planting density - no more than 3 or two stem bushes per 1 sq.m. Giant bushes need a lot of space and sun!

You should not pay attention to some lethargy and “liquidity” of the seedlings; do not rush to feed it, feed it, and feed it again ! This is such a normal “constitution”. General recommendations for growing seedlings are sufficient.

The Koenigsberg variety has several subspecies, each of which has its own, purely personal qualities and characteristics. But all types and subspecies are united by such quality as high yield of large and delicious berries!


Indeterminate tomato variety

For the greenhouse

When grown in greenhouses, tomatoes ripen faster and the yield is larger, especially if the greenhouse is heated. Seedlings can be planted in greenhouses several weeks earlier than in open ground. In such conditions, plants are protected from night frosts and weather changes.

It is better to give preference to greenhouse cultivation, since they have all the conditions for obtaining a rich harvest. Next, we offer the best varieties of black tomatoes for greenhouse cultivation with descriptions and photos.

Black Moor

Semi-determinate variety with medium ripening period. Universal, as it is suitable for open and closed ground. 115-125 days after sprouts appear from the ground, you can try the ripened vegetables. Bushes in a greenhouse grow up to 150 cm, and in open ground - up to 1 m. Bushes need to be pinched. 7-10 fruits are formed on each brush. Tomatoes weigh on average about 50 g. Their skin is dark red, dense, does not crack, and oval in shape. The pulp is sweet. Universal in use.

Reviews: this variety produces a rich harvest and responds well to applied fertilizers. The fruits can ripen outside the bush and do not lose their taste when cooked.

Black Baron

A variety with chocolate-colored tomatoes, easy to care for. 110-115 days after sprouts appear from the ground, you can taste the ripened vegetables. The bushes grow up to 150 cm. From 1 m2 you get up to 7.5 kg of vegetables. Tomatoes are round in shape with slight ribbing. On average they weigh about 250 g. The pulp is sweet, tasty, almost honey-like. Tomatoes are universal in use.

Reviews : the bushes do not require special care, but they produce a rich harvest of delicious tomatoes.

Ashkelon F1

Mid-early, 100-105 days after the first shoots appear from the ground, you can try ripe vegetables. Large-fruited variety with dark-colored tomatoes. The bush is of an indeterminate type, so pinching and plant formation are required. Tomatoes are dark burgundy in color with dense and shiny skin, round in shape. On average, they gain weight up to 240 g. The taste is excellent. Resistant to long-term transportation, while maintaining commercial quality. 20 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 square meter.

Ashdod F1

An early hybrid, which produces ripe vegetables 80-90 days after the seeds sprout from the ground. Tomatoes are dark brown in color, round in shape. They gain weight up to 170 g. The pulp is sweet, with fruity notes, dark cherry color. Up to 18 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 square meter.

Black Crimea

Early ripening, 70-80 days after the seeds sprout from the ground, you can taste the ripened vegetables. A variety with indeterminate bushes that grow up to 1.8 m in height. Designed exclusively for cultivation in a greenhouse. Has high immunity to nightshade diseases.

Initially, tomatoes are green-brown in color, but as they ripen they turn black. The fruits are round in shape with slight ribbing, flattened at the end and base. On average, they gain weight of about 0.5 kg. Universal in use. They have good keeping quality.

Reviews: according to reviews from gardeners, the variety pleases with a rich harvest and interesting taste of the fruit.

De barao black

Medium late, 115-130 days after sprouts appear from the ground, you can try the ripened vegetables. An indeterminate variety, the bushes of which grow up to 3 m high. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it exclusively in high greenhouses. Shows good immunity to nightshade diseases and produces a large harvest. With proper agricultural technology, one plant produces 6-7 kg of vegetables per season.

Dark purple, round-shaped tomatoes gain an average weight of 40-70 g. They have good shelf life and are resistant to long-term transportation. Universal in use.

Reviews: gardeners recommend and say that these tomatoes are ideal for winter harvesting.

Bison black

A universal mid-late variety with a determinate bush type. Plants grow 150-180 cm. The bushes are powerful, so pinching and tying to a support are necessary. Dark purple, flat-rounded tomatoes with slight ribbing gain an average weight of about 300 g.

The pulp is juicy, sweet, with fruity notes. They crack, so they are not suitable for winter preparations.

Reviews: gardeners like this variety for its high yield and excellent taste of the fruit. However, many are unhappy that the fruits crack and cannot be preserved in their entirety.

Black pineapple

An unusual variety with an indeterminate bush type. Plants grow up to 1.4 m in height and require pinching and tying to a support. It is recommended to keep bushes in 2-3 stems.

Purple tomatoes gain an average weight of about 0.5 kg. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. There are few seeds inside. Tomatoes are resistant to long-term transportation, but are not suitable for whole canning due to their large size.

Reviews: according to reviews from gardeners, this variety is distinguished by beautiful tomatoes with a sweet taste.

Black truffle

A mid-early variety, 105-115 days after sprouts appear from the ground, you can taste the ripened vegetables. A variety with an indeterminate bush type. Loved by many thanks to the exotic and unusual shape and color of the fruit. The variety exhibits good immunity to viral and bacterial infections.

The black truffle was bred for outdoor cultivation in the south of the country. In central Russia, it can be grown exclusively in a greenhouse.

The fruits are universal in use. They have dense and juicy pulp, but are not suitable for making juice. each bush produces 5-6 kg of vegetables.

Reviews: gardeners love all varieties of Black truffle, except red.

Black gourmet

The greenhouse variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2015. A mid-early variety with an indeterminate bush type that grows up to 180 cm in height. Up to 10 tomatoes ripen on a bunch. It is recommended to form plants into 1-2 stems, each of which must be tied to a support or trellis.

Round-shaped tomatoes gain a weight of 80-110 g. They are universal in use. The dark pulp is juicy and tasty. There are many chambers with large seeds inside. Tomatoes ripen on the bushes for a long time.

Reviews: gardeners note the high yield and excellent taste of the fruits of this variety.

Black chocolate

Mid-early, 110-120 days after sprouts appear from the ground, you can try ripened vegetables. The greenhouse variety refers to cherry tomatoes. Indeterminate type of bush. Easy to care for and resistant to nightshade diseases. 12 tomatoes are formed on each brush. Ripe fruits are brown with a purple tint. They gain an average weight of about 35 g. The pulp is juicy, sweet with a fruity aftertaste. Although the variety was bred for salad use, it is also suitable for canning. The harvest can be stored for a long time and transported over long distances, do not worry about the presentation of the fruit.

Reviews: gardeners prefer this variety due to its excellent seed germination, tasty fruits, which have good shelf life.


This variety is popular all over the world. Mid-early, 120 days after sprouts appear from the ground, you can try the ripened vegetables. Indeterminate bushes grow to a height of 2 meters or more. They need nurturing and shaping. It is recommended to pinch the top after the stem has stretched to 2 m.

Tomatoes are suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse or under film cover in open ground. From 1 m2 you get approximately 8 kg of vegetables. Chocolate tomatoes with greenish stripes are the same in size, round in shape, gaining an average weight of 80 g. The pulp is tender, dense, sweet with a fruity aftertaste. The fruits are resistant to transportation and have good keeping quality. Dessert purpose, suitable for fresh consumption, as well as preparing sauces and adding to second and first courses.

Indigo Rose

A late variety that grows in a greenhouse up to 150 cm, and in open ground up to 1 m. In central Russia, only cultivation in greenhouse conditions is recommended, otherwise the fruits will not have time to ripen. It is recommended to form plants into 1-2 stems.

Black tomatoes with a blue tint gain weight of 30-70 g. The pulp is sweet pink, there are few seeds inside. The skin is thin and cracks, making the fruits unsuitable for canning.

Reviews: gardeners mention the high immunity of bushes to late blight and the exotic appearance of tomatoes. However, they do not like the weak taste and late ripening of vegetables.


An indeterminate tall greenhouse variety, the first fruits of which ripen 110 days after the sprouts appear from the ground. It is recommended to form the bushes into 1 stem; they also require pinching and pinching the tops. Shows high immunity to cladosporiosis and tobacco mosaic.

Brown tomatoes of a flat-round shape with slight ribbing gain a weight of about 110 g. The pulp is sweet, rich with a strong aroma. From 1 m2 you get 10 kg of vegetables.

Cherry black

Early ripening, you can try ripened vegetables 100-110 days after sprouts appear from the ground. An indeterminate greenhouse variety, the bushes grow to a height of more than 2 m. They must be formed into 2 stems, all shoots must be removed and the tops pinched. After the formation of the 5th inflorescence, all lower leaves are removed 2-3 per week. The shoot is pinched after 8-10 clusters have formed. A square meter of planting yields 3.5 kg of vegetables (according to other sources, 6.5-7 kg).

Brown, round tomatoes gain a weight of 18-20 g. There are 2-3 seed chambers inside. The pulp is juicy and sweet. Universal in use.

Marshmallows in chocolate

A mid-season, indeterminate variety, the bushes of which must be shaped and tied to supports. Shows good immunity to tobacco mosaic. A square meter of planting yields up to 6 kg of vegetables.

Tomatoes are red-brown in color with dark green stripes and gain a weight of 120-150 g. The shape is round, with 4-6 seed chambers inside. The fruit is round and used in salads. The pulp has a greenish tint, juicy and tasty.

Tomatoes with funny names and completely serious “intentions” are also present:

Eagle Beak, Batyanya and Fat Bosun

Let's look at them in order.

Eagle beak

Such a cute “beak”!

This Peruvian apple is mid-ripening, productive and has quite a sprout: it does not have such a limitation, so you will have to pinch it at a level of 1.8-2 m. It will also need a garter. The best bushes are obtained from 2 stems grown in a greenhouse. Care after planting in a permanent place is the most common - watering, pinching, fertilizing.

What do we get in the end? – Heart-shaped fruits of pink or red color, weighing up to 500 g on the lower clusters and slightly smaller on subsequent clusters. There are no small things at all! Each berry is fleshy, sugary, very tasty and juicy. With proper care, you can harvest a harvest of 10 or even 15 kg.

Proper care will include nutritional value and timely moisture to the soil, despite the fact that this vegetable does not tolerate stagnation of water in the roots . However, so does the presence of weeds nearby.

Overall rating – 4 points out of 5.

Tomatl got its funny name because of the shape of its fruits: slightly elongated towards the bottom, they can have a curved nose at the tip, reminiscent of the beak of a bird of prey.

"Eagle Beak"

Large-fruited, mid-season tomato variety

Reviews are generally positive, for example this one:

“I have been growing Eagle’s Beak in the Leningrad region since 2012 in open ground. I don't use manure at all. I believe that in such natural conditions and climate it has no equal, there is no alternative or replacement (unfortunately), no matter how hard I tried to find it. There are no competitors in terms of taste!”


With such a Father, winter is not scary!

It's also "new". Only Batyanya, like a real Siberian man (and he is from Siberia) , is not susceptible to attacks by pests and infections. Outwardly, it resembles a cut of two vegetable plants - the Eagle's Beak tomato and Sevruga (another funny name for a tomato).

Batyanya can be grown everywhere, but the highest yields are still expected in warm areas. However, this vegetable in any region gives a stable harvest in 90-95 days of wonderful large “apples” up to 250-350 g. The berries are burgundy, raspberry, pink, red, yellow or orange - a complete rainbow! And how sweet, how juicy!

In addition, Batyanya is universally used, which only increases its value.

Watch the video below: What is the difference between Batyani and Sevruga - a tomato with such a marine (funny) name:


Large-fruited, high-yielding tomato variety

Fat boatswain

Well, that's right - Bosun! And indeed - Fat!

Another medium-sized “sailor” F-1, settled down in the garden beds . It is good both under a covering film, and under the roof of an unheated greenhouse, and in open ground, because resistant to TMV and other adversities. These breeding Boatswains have one problem - short-term storage.

For all other indicators, there are no questions for Tolstoy: excellent taste of both ripe and green fruits, weighing 150-180 g. Yes, yes! These four-lobed, round and dense berries on a bush with 2 stems can be eaten both at the stage of full ripeness (red, orange-red, yellow and pink), and in the green-striped “immature” state.

Considering the increased fruit production, it is not only tasty, but also unusual when you can eat both green and burgundy tomatoes of the same type from one bush. The fat boatswain is a universal hybrid! No wonder they say about it: “One bush, a bucket of stock!”

Look at Tolstoy Bosun and the Empire variety, maybe the Empire style will suit your heart:

Features of cultivation, planting and care

sowing the seeds of this tomato variety for seedlings 55-60 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of 2 true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. Place 6-8 plants per meter of plot. Planting pattern: 70 x 30 - 40 cm.

Caring for tomatoes after planting consists of timely watering, removing weeds, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer and preventive measures to protect tomatoes from pests and diseases.

We remind you that to obtain the most delicious and aromatic fruits of any variety, tomatoes need loose, humus-rich soil, moderate watering, maximum sun and an optimal number of healthy leaves.

This is a natural variety of tomato. Therefore, we recommend taking seeds from a ripe fruit and using them for planting in subsequent seasons.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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