The harvest failed: 9 not very tasty pepper varieties that you should not mess with

Yellow Giant

Pepper variety Yellow Giant

An excellent representative of the Giant variety, it is an excellent addition not only to any salad, but also when preserving cucumbers.

Yellow Giant is an early ripening variety that is ideal for growing in warm climates. Each fruit is fleshy, the walls are thick.

Unlike the red Giant, yellow does not contain beta carotene, but it contains much more vitamin C and pectin, so it is interchangeable.

This pepper is ideal for those who are allergic to beta carotene or all red vegetables.

Good to know: the Yellow Giant's bush is quite spreading, there are a lot of fruits on one bush, so the branches need to be tied up so that they do not break under the weight.

The yellow giant loves direct sunlight, so it is more profitable to plant it in sunny places to shade other plants.

Description of the Winnie the Pooh pepper variety:

Large-fruited peppers: the best varieties and hybrids for greenhouses and open ground

Large-fruited varieties and hybrids of vegetable (bell) peppers are attractive by the size of the fruits, their colorful appearance, color, excellent taste and aroma. This pepper is a real storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements!

Large-fruited sweet peppers are a low-calorie product with a high content of vitamins; the fruits are well stored fresh and can be used for preparing salads and canning.

The relatively short growing season: from 70-120 days (for early-ripening varieties) to 140-150 days (for late-ripening varieties), as well as the size of the fruits of many varieties and hybrids of bell peppers, make it possible to obtain high yields even from 1 sq.m.

Of course, in order to enjoy the aromatic and juicy fruits of pepper, you need to carefully approach the cultivation of its seedlings and provide the growth conditions necessary for the variety or hybrid. Large-fruited peppers also respond very gratefully to timely feeding.

Summer residents will definitely be pleased with the following varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, which are distinguished by large fruits and high taste.

Early ripening pepper Kakadu pepper F1

A high-yielding hybrid, common in Russia, Moldova and Ukraine. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, is well stored and transported.

Produces bright red fruits 25-30 cm long, shaped like an elongated cylinder. The pulp is fleshy and aromatic. The fruits weigh 500 g and have a wall thickness of 5-6 cm. The yield reaches 2.5-3 kg per bush.

Pepper White Gold

The bushes are low, standard, powerful, feel great both in the greenhouse and in the open ground, because... resistant to temperature changes and major diseases. The only caveat is that the plants do not tolerate drought very well.

The fruits are cube-shaped, thick-walled, pearl-yellow, weighing up to 450 g, aromatic, delicately spicy in taste. Productivity – 10-15 kg per 1 sq.m.

Pepper Claudio F1

The hybrid can be cultivated both in a greenhouse and in a greenhouse. The plants are powerful, densely leafy, resistant to viral diseases, and tolerate temperature changes well.

The fruits are in the shape of an elongated cube, bright red, weighing up to 250-270 g, thick-walled, excellent sweet taste and bright aroma, easily transported.

Perets Bogdan

An early ripening variety with fruits of excellent taste and smell, popular among vegetable growers. Pepper is used fresh and canned. Plants with vigorous foliage tolerate infrequent watering quite well. Yellow-orange fruits are conical in shape, with walls up to 8 mm thick. The weight of one fruit reaches approximately 300 g.

Pepper Goodwin F1 (sweet)

A hybrid with fruits of good taste and pleasant aroma. They are prism-shaped in shape, dark green and red in color. The pulp is juicy and aromatic. The fruits reach 10-15 cm in length and weigh 240-340 g. The variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic. The harvest is up to 14 kg per 1 sq.m.

Mid-season pepper Pepper Grenadier F1

High-yielding hybrid, intended for cultivation in greenhouses. The bushes are very tall and require shaping. The fruits are prism-shaped, weighing up to 650 g, thick-walled, sweet, aromatic, shelf-stable, and easily transportable.

Pepper Chocolate Beauty (Chocolate Beauty)

A high-yielding variety, the fruits are ideal for canning. The bushes are low-growing and can be cultivated both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.

The color of the fruit is chocolate-mahogany. The weight of one pepper of the Chocolate Beauty variety reaches 200-300 g; its shape resembles a prism. The pulp is very sweet and juicy, aromatic. The wall thickness of pepper is up to 10 mm.

Avangard pepper (sweet)

A high-quality variety, the fruits are used fresh and for canning. They are prism-shaped, green and red. The pulp is aromatic and juicy, the weight of one fruit is 350-400 g, length – 10-15 cm.

Perets Anastasia

The variety is distinguished by its ability to grow well in low light and low temperatures. The color of the fruit is dark cherry, the shape is cone-shaped. The wall thickness is approximately 6-8 mm. The weight of one pepper is 200-250 g. The yield can reach 6 kg per 1 sq.m.

Pepper Boneta

The plant forms a powerful bush. The fruits have excellent taste and aroma, orange-red or greenish-white color, trapezoidal in shape. They are used both fresh and for processing. The walls are soft and thick, up to 6-7 mm. The pulp is sweet and juicy. The weight of one fruit reaches 260-400 g.

Pepper Atlant

The bushes are tall, high-yielding, resistant to diseases (especially viral ones). The variety is intended for cultivation both in open ground and in film greenhouses. Facultative self-pollinator - can pollinate both independently and with the help of insects.

The fruits are up to 20 cm in length and weighing up to 400 g, thick-walled, bright red, sweet, universal.

Pepper King Kong

High-yielding, disease-resistant variety. Plants are not afraid of temperature changes and are suitable for growing in open ground and greenhouses. The fruits are dark red, cube-shaped. The weight of one reaches 600 g, the flesh is juicy and tender, with a pleasant taste, the wall thickness is 6-9 mm. Compact standard bushes are characterized by stable yields.

When choosing varieties and hybrids of vegetable peppers, in addition to the color, taste and size of their fruits, you should first of all pay attention to the demanding growing conditions and the length of the growing season of specific plants in order to select exactly those that you can grow without much effort in your summer cottage in middle lane.


Advantages and disadvantages


  • large fruit;
  • high content of nutrients - carotene, pectin, ascorbic acid;
  • large-scale productivity;
  • good preservation;
  • transportability without the risk of loss of attractive appearance and marketability;
  • versatility of fit and use;
  • strong immunity;
  • adaptability to different conditions;
  • tolerance to temperature fluctuations.


  • the need for regular watering and fertilizing.


Seeds are sown at the end of February or March, depending on the region. Before sowing, it is recommended to treat them with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate to strengthen the immune system and eliminate possible infections. After processing, the seeds are rinsed. Sow in loose soil containing a lot of peat, sand for drainage, wood ash and soil from the future bed for peppers. The mixture is poured with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcined on a baking sheet in the oven.

The crops are moistened and germinated at +25-27 degrees.

The seeds of this variety take a very long time to germinate - about 15-20 days. This is a varietal feature.

After germination, provide the pepper with good lighting. They dive with the development of 1-3 true leaves. Harden off before transplanting.

The layout of the garden bed is 40 by 60 cm.

Description of the Japanese giant variety, reviews, photos

Mid-season, productive variety of bell pepper for open ground and film shelters.
Bush 70-80 cm high. Formation of the plant consists of removing side shoots up to the first fork.

Fruit characteristics

Peppers are truncated pyramidal in shape, dense, dark green at the stage of technical ripeness, dark red at the biological stage, weighing up to 400 grams, up to 20 cm long and up to 10 cm in diameter. Wall thickness 8-10 mm. The pulp is aromatic, juicy, tasty, without bitterness. This pepper is universally used - suitable for fresh consumption, canning, making lecho, and home cooking.

Advantages of the variety: large-fruited, fleshy and excellent taste of the fruit.

The productivity of the variety is high.

Pepper King Kong

High-yielding, disease-resistant variety. Plants are not afraid of temperature changes and are suitable for growing in open ground and greenhouses. The fruits are dark red, cube-shaped. The weight of one reaches 600 g, the flesh is juicy and tender, with a pleasant taste, the wall thickness is 6-9 mm. Compact standard bushes are characterized by stable yields.

King Kong

When choosing varieties and hybrids of vegetable peppers, in addition to the color, taste and size of their fruits, you should first of all pay attention to the demanding growing conditions and the length of the growing season of specific plants in order to select exactly those that you can grow without much effort in your summer cottage in middle lane.

Features of cultivation and care

When it is not possible to purchase a greenhouse, you can plant the seeds in small containers so that they have time to germinate before they are transplanted into open ground. This plant is very picky, so it is recommended to sow it in separate peat pots of small diameter. The soil for such purposes is the lightest, loosest and containing the required amount of humus in its composition.

Before planting in the soil, pepper seeds must be processed. To do this, they are placed in water with a temperature no higher than 50 ° C. They must remain there for about 5 hours, that is, until they swell. They are then placed on a damp cloth for 3 days. The room must be at least 20 °C. If pre-planting preparation is carried out correctly, the first shoots can be obtained in one day.

Do you think pepper seeds should be processed?

Not really

After sowing, the soil must be thoroughly watered and covered with plastic film or glass. As soon as the first shoots of pepper seedlings appear, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the following ranges: 25-28 ° C at night, but not lower than 10 ° C. You cannot water the plant too much, as this can cause great harm (cause disease). In no case should you dry out the substrate where the seedlings grow. Water the plant with warm water - within 30 ° C. If you use cold water during irrigation, the plant will become brittle, after which it may die.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

Do not forget about the temperature conditions and the air in the room in which the sprouted seedlings should not be dry. The rooms in which the plants are located must be ventilated, and the plants must be sprayed. Lighting plays an important role in growth; during the month it should be illuminated from 6 am to 8 pm. Before planting seedlings, it is hardened off. What does it mean? The plant gradually gets used to low temperature conditions, wind, rain, and sunlight, exposing it outdoors. The time gradually increases. It should be remembered that maintenance of the installation must be appropriate, and in no case should it be exposed to low temperatures (below 13 ° C and frost).

Japanese varieties of sweet peppers (garden)

Let's talk today about some successful varieties of Japanese sweet peppers .

Pepper OMBRONE F1.

This is a medium-early unpretentious cuboid-elongated hybrid, red in color at biological ripeness, very large and quite thick-walled (up to 8 mm). The weight reaches 300 grams, and its dimensions are 9 cm x 14 cm (individuals 12 cm x 18 cm). The taste of this sweet pepper is excellent. It sets fruit well at low temperatures and, therefore, can be grown not only in greenhouses and under film, but also in open ground.

Pepper SIMETO F1

This is a very early hybrid, red in biological ripeness. Large sweet pepper weighing up to 250 grams, size 10 cm x 14 cm, wall thickness 6–8 mm. The fruits are dense and lie well. If you maintain a high agricultural background, the yield is very high.

Pepper BANDAI F1.

This is a red, biologically ripe, very plastic hybrid of sweet peppers of medium ripening. The fruits are large, cube-shaped, weighing 250–280 grams. Can be grown in film greenhouses and open ground. Excellent yield and high resistance to viruses.

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