Tomato Banana Ural summer resident: description of the variety, reviews, photos

Characteristics and description of the vegetable

The “Banana” tomato is a medium-ripening variety - the period from germination to the first harvest is 100-110 days. The bushes are of a non-determinate type, one plant reaches a height of up to 156 cm. The record recorded height of the stem was 176 cm. The bushes need tying and pinching. It is best to form a plant with 2 or 3 stems. Tomatoes are suitable for growing in a greenhouse or open ground.

The fruits are large and resemble bell peppers in appearance; sometimes there are cylindrical tomatoes with a blunt end. One tomato weighs from 80 to 120 g. The pulp is fleshy, moderately juicy, dense, covered with thin skin. The fruits have a pleasant tomato taste and a slightly noticeable aroma. Tomatoes do not deteriorate during transportation and can be stored for a long time without compromising their taste or appearance.

Interesting! Banana tomatoes do not crack even during long-term storage or heat treatment, so they are ideal for canning or pickling. Used raw or dried.

The variety is highly productive - from one square meter you can get 7-8 kg of ripe fruits. One bush produces an average of 20-30 tomatoes. With proper fertilization and watering, you can achieve even better yield results.

Advantages of the Banana Ural Summer Resident tomato

  1. Low price of seeds. On average it costs 10 rubles. Cheaper than other varieties growing in such huge quantities.

  2. Quite hardy. They do not deteriorate when left in a car for two weeks, so they can be transported over long distances.
  3. Tempered, specially designed for cold climates. Cold weather or lack of sun is not an obstacle to growth.
  4. Indeterminate.
  5. Short ripening period.
  6. Good yield, fairly large fruits.
  7. Very pleasant taste.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

They begin to grow seedlings in early March or in the first or second week of April. Seeds for sowing are prepared in advance, taking into account the following:

You may be interested in: Dates for planting tomato seedlings in open ground and greenhouses according to the garden calendar Favorable days for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar sowing calendar Favorable days for picking tomatoes in 2022 after germination: timing of picking tomato seedlings in the table by day

  1. Disinfection. The grains are placed in a gauze bag and dipped for 20-30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. Upon completion of the procedure, the seeds are removed, washed and dried.
  2. Pre-germination. The seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth, gauze or paper napkin, wrapped in a plastic bag and placed on a warm radiator. After 3-5 days, when the grains have cut through, they are ready for planting. Empty, unhatched seeds should be selected and discarded.

Sowing is done in a container with special nutrient soil and drainage, for which eggshells can be used at home. The seeds are poured into holes 1 cm deep, covered with soil and watered with warm water. To prevent diseases caused by blackleg, the soil is treated with professional antifungal drugs.

After the first leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots, and a week before planting in a permanent place, they are taken outside twice a day for 15-20 minutes to harden the plants. Young tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse at 50-70 days. For open ground - at the end of May or beginning of June.

The ground is pre-fertilized and dug up. Plants are placed according to the standard pattern for tomatoes - 30x50cm. Each bush is equipped with a support for tying.

Important! To ensure that the plant receives moderate moisture and the root system does not begin to rot, you need to water the bushes more often during growth and reduce the volume of water after the first ovaries appear.

Features of care

Despite the variety’s resistance to different temperatures and weather conditions, for high yields it is necessary to ensure proper care of the bushes, namely:

  • Loosen the soil every 10-14 days, being careful not to touch the roots of the plant.
  • In cool weather, water tomatoes less often, reducing the volume of water by half.
  • Use soft fabric ropes for tying.

Important! The Banana tomato will actively develop in the soil where mint grows, but the plant may not survive next to white cabbage.

The best heart-shaped tomatoes

The first “heart” tomatoes were Pink and Red Bull's Heart; now the line of varieties has expanded significantly.
Thanks to the work of breeders, you can choose options based on fruit color, taste and other characteristics. Let us describe the heart-shaped tomatoes that have received the most positive reviews from gardeners from different regions. Attention!
Most heart-shaped tomatoes have very fragile bushes and thin stems. Considering that the fruits are usually large, you cannot do without a high-quality garter. Indeterminate bushes should be grown in 2, maximum 3 stems.

Pink varieties

They differ from others in that they have a delicate taste, a pleasant pulp consistency, thin skin, and contain an increased amount of dry matter, sugars, and antioxidants. Gardeners often praise tomatoes such as Yasha Yugoslavian, Sensei, Fatima, Minusinsk pink, Cardio, Kosovo, Japanese, Mikado Sibiriko, African Liana. We will describe the best varieties in more detail:

  1. Ukrainian Miracle of the Earth. Mid-early tomato for open beds and greenhouses. The bush is indeterminate. Immunity to disease is excellent; in rainy weather there is a risk of cracking. Tomatoes from 350 grams to a kilogram, the first ones are the largest, then gradually become smaller. The taste is good, sweet, absolutely no acid, aroma with fruity notes. Productivity is high.
  2. Russian beauty. Approved for cultivation in all regions in open and closed ground, as well as under film covers. It ripens in the middle period, the bush is indeterminate. Productivity up to 9 kg/m². The plant is resistant to fusarium and tobacco mosaic virus. The tomatoes are dense, slightly ribbed, weighing from 160 to 380 grams. The taste is sweet without acid.
  3. Dad. An early ripening, indeterminate variety for cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses. Immunity to disease is excellent. Tomatoes from 150 to 450 grams, slightly ribbed, medium density, fleshy. The taste is excellent, there is no acid. Productivity up to 3 kg/m².

Red varieties

Traditional red tomatoes most often have a sour taste, weak or pronounced. They have less lycopene content than pink ones. To begin with, let's list the varieties and hybrids that 80% of summer residents like: Bulgarian and Belarusian Heart, Cone, Walford's Miracle, Andijan, Inseparable Hearts. Now let's move on to describing the best varieties:

  1. Vater Rein. Mid-season, semi-determinate (up to 1.5 meters) tomato for greenhouses. Tomatoes with an elongated nose weigh from 350 to 700 grams, sometimes up to a kilogram, fleshy, sweet, dense. Productivity is high, immunity to infections and pests is good.
  2. Budenovka. Designed for greenhouses, film shelters, planting in exhaust gas is possible only in the south. The ripening period is mid-early, the bush is indeterminate. The fruits are heavily ribbed, ranging from 150 to 400 grams. The taste is rich, balanced, pleasant. Productivity is about 9.5 kg/m².
  3. Kangaroo heart. Mid-season, indeterminate variety for open ground and greenhouses. The plant is unpretentious, resistant to negative weather factors, diseases, and pests. Productivity up to 14 kg/m². The tomatoes are fleshy, dense, have a dessert, sweetish taste.

On a note!

The Kangaroo Heart tomato is one of the best for making lecho, juices, ketchups, pastes and adjika.

Black varieties

Tomatoes with black, blue, brown, chocolate and purple fruits are considered the healthiest. They have a harmonious sugar-acid index and a very rich taste, but if grown improperly they can be watery and insipid. Among the heart-shaped varieties, Mikado black and Bull's heart black stand out, but the following deserve special attention:

  1. Brad's black heart. Indeterminate, mid-season tomato for greenhouses and open beds. It can be cultivated in Siberia and the Urals. The tomatoes are burgundy-black with a purple tint; the stalk has a greenish spot, from which beautiful strokes extend to the middle of the fruit. Productivity is high (especially in a greenhouse), immunity to disease is increased. Tomatoes 200–500 grams, sweet.
  2. Cherokee purple heart-shaped. Mid-season, productive, indeterminate tomato for open and closed ground. Immunity to diseases is good. The fruits are dense, violet-purple, juicy, fleshy, and have an excellent taste. Average weight 350 grams.
  3. Purple Strawberry. Indeterminate, productive variety, ripening in medium terms, resistant to diseases, prone to cracking. Planting in open beds is possible only in regions with early spring and warm, long summers. The fruits are ribbed, pinkish-purple, sweet, juicy, fleshy, weighing from 250 to 400 grams.

Yellow and orange tomatoes

These varieties attract with their brightness and incredibly delicate taste, often with fruity notes. These tomatoes are considered leaders in sugar content; if acid prevails, it means that the rules of agricultural technology have not been followed. Varieties that deserve attention include Yellow Bun, Orange Berry, Yellow Scallops, and Golden Domes. Other varieties and hybrids occupy leading positions:

  1. Orange German strawberry. An early-ripening, indeterminate tomato with good immunity to major tomato diseases and adverse weather conditions. The taste is very sweet and fruity. The fruits are not dry, fleshy, practically without grains, from 220 to 750 grams. Productivity is consistently high.
  2. Liskin Nose (Orange Heart). Tall, early ripening tomato with a short shelf life. The fruits are fleshy, juicy, 180–450 grams, and very tasty. Productivity is about 6 kg/m², resistance to adverse weather conditions is excellent, and resistance to diseases is average.
  3. Nizami. It ripens in medium terms, the bushes are indeterminate, in the Moscow region it is recommended to grow it in a film or polycarbonate greenhouse; the variety is not suitable for the Urals, Siberia, Leningrad. Tomatoes are dense, fleshy, sweet, from 150 to 430 grams. The pulp has an oily consistency and there are almost no seeds. Productivity up to 10 kg/m², increased immunity to disease.

Tomato varieties with several shades

Gardeners pay a lot of attention to heart-shaped bicolor tomatoes. The main feature of these tomatoes is their unusual color (several shades, blurry or brightly outlined). Most popular: Love Heart, Canadian Heritage or Canada, Sergeant Pepper, Everett's Rusted Heart. The following varieties and hybrids received the highest ratings:

  1. Orange Russian 117. Mid-season, indeterminate tomato, recommended for greenhouses and open ground. Immunity to diseases is weak. Fruits from 150 to 300 grams, fleshy, juicy. The fruits are light orange with pink streaks and strokes, the nose is painted scarlet. Productivity is about 6 kg/m².
  2. Crushed heart. A tall, mid-season tomato, in warm regions it can be grown without shelter, in the middle zone and in cool regions only in a greenhouse. Tomatoes from 150 to 450 grams, fleshy, sweet. The color is dark pink, the skin is decorated with golden stripes over the entire surface. Productivity is high.
  3. Pineapple Heart. Mid-season, indeterminate variety, resistant to diseases and cracking. The fruits are 280–600 grams, fleshy, spicy-sweet without acid. The color of the skin is uniform, chocolate, the flesh in cross-section is bicolor, the middle is burgundy, and closer to the walls it is orange-light green.

Reviews from those who planted

Tamara, 41 years old: “When I bought the Banana Ural Summer Resident variety, I was worried that the tomatoes would die in our cold climate. And yet the bushes grew and gave a good harvest. The stems are tall, reaching up to 1.5 m. The fruits were surprising in their unusual shape; the neighbors thought they were sweet peppers, since they looked very similar. The taste is pleasant, sweet. As stated, suitable for preservation. My kids liked fresh tomatoes, so I used them in vegetable salads.”

Semyon, 39 years old: “I grew the banana variety for the first time last year, and it has established itself as a hardy plant, resistant to pests and diseases. I planted the bushes in open ground in a suburban area and, as recommended, fertilized the soil with organic mixtures. My wife took care of the seedlings and before sowing, like any other seeds, these were also soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. Up to 35 fruits were collected from one bush. Tomatoes are tasty and go well fresh or canned. Over the winter, we ate all the “Banana” tomatoes that my wife had prepared.”

Tips for caring for tomatoes

  • It is necessary to care for them, despite the tomatoes’ resistance to external conditions. In the beginning, you need to water regularly, approximately every day with a small amount of water. And reduce watering every month. If it's cold outside, it's better to water rarely.
  • Loosen at intervals of a week. When loosening, you should try not to touch the root, as this is a vulnerable spot on the tomato bush.
  • When tying the stems, use a soft cloth or rope that will not harm the plant.
  • Tomatoes produce well with mint, but will not survive with cabbage planted.

Advantages and disadvantages

As a generalization, we can list the main advantages of the variety:

  • Unpretentiousness. "Banana red" can be grown in different climate zones throughout Europe. Ideal for cultivation in northern regions.
  • Immunity. In addition to those listed, tomato is resistant to most diseases.
  • Germination. Most seeds germinate after planting.
  • Resistance to transplantation. If the necessary conditions are met, the plants take root well.
  • Good yield. You can harvest up to 15 kg of tomatoes from 1 sq. m. Moreover, external growing conditions do not affect the yield in any way.
  • Commercial qualities. Tomato fruits have almost the same size and shape. They retain their appearance and taste even during long-term storage.

But you should also pay attention to the disadvantages:

  • The nutritional value. Tomatoes are not juicy and tasty enough and are unsuitable for many dishes.
  • Difficulties in growing. You need to form the bushes yourself and constantly ensure that the plant does not grow.
  • Instability to humidity. In conditions of high humidity, plants become vulnerable to fungi.

Diseases and pests

This tomato is characterized by increased resistance to some diseases that affect other varieties of tomatoes - fusarium or blossom end rot of tomatoes.

Photos of tomatoes susceptible to late blight

However, this variety may be susceptible to late blight. But thanks to the early ripening of the crop, an outbreak of this disease appears after all the fruits from the Dachnik variety have already been harvested.

Tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite on video

If you grew Chelyabinsk meteorite tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits in your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this variety? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Chelyabinsk meteorite tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Collection and storage of tomatoes

There are several rules to consider:

  • To store vegetables for a longer period of time, tear them off along with the stem;
  • pick tomatoes when they are not fully ripe, they will ripen well in the sun;
  • Wooden boxes are suitable for storage;
  • To ensure safe transportation, place the vegetables in separate rows.

Under favorable conditions, vegetables can be stored raw for up to 150 days.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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